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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1924)
■ ■ -- -- ——1 ■ ,L- ■—== —— I — ■ ■ ■ ' — - I f ? % 4 ■ | TO RAISE A MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH During the past three weeks we have been holding a sale, the like of which has never We appreciate their patronage, it is the greatest help possible to us, and to our been seen in thq city. We are forced to raise a million in cash, and have sacrificed our city, but we do not hesitate to say that they are benefiting themselves as well, for never prices accordingly. The people responded, and are doing everything in their power to again will they be able to buy staple merchandise at prices so low. As long as the sale save the Burgess-Nash Company for the city of Omaha. continues it will be a good faith sale, a sale where everyone is benefited. Specials Throughout the Store 29c Lonsdale Sheeting 36-inch Lonsdale Sheeting, ex- |7n cellent quality... I ■ w Second Floor —-- 1 50c Killstain I $1.00 Mam Garden Removes Spots Qf* Face and Stains wv Powder Mnln Floor ^ mm '■ "' ———— 29c Linen Napkins All pure linen napkins, in several good designs. 1 Hemmed, ready for use Not less than six to a |U A customer. I V If Second Floor $1.75 Fabric Gloves 20c Collar, Xn 89c Bands 9c „ . Kola Floor Mala Floor _ 20c Stamped Glass Towels •*% f I With Red and Blue Stripes or 4 Ca Red and Blue Cheeks I vw I Second Floor -— 40c Knitting Yam 50eBGLi'JJ,ERsazor Hank 1 OC rC1 35c Second Floor _Mnln Floor_ 50c to 73c Teasel Yarn Teasel yarn and silver wool Ice- AP land yam at this price. £ Sooond Floor 75c Incense 50c Ribbon Watch Burners 19c Bracelets 25c | Main Floor Mato Floor 49c “Pepperel” Pillow Cases 42x36-inch and 45x36-inch cases of fine A quality, no dressing— *.„«* Fh-r feVV ‘ ^ m ■ rnm Frlntod oropo do oktnoo. m n I mm ■ ■ printod pons Moo, colorod ■ ■ M m W | ■ H Jap .Ilka rodlumo, oo» 3111 Aal ton book ootlno, llfht PJ^I I ■■ n motlk ond knlttod ^^0 ^^0 Values to tt.M a lard $1.79 Roasters Children's $1.00 Blue steel A"7^ B>bW* B°0bl7C* I %■ m ■■ Pooka contMnlng m fB roaster. mm fl Mm I phonograph roe- m ■■ j Fonrih Floor Flfik Floor i y—— ■ ■■■ —■ ■——— —1—————— ** ■* $4.50 Javenile Suits Exeeptieaal Valves j $2?8 Well tailored suits of all-wool jersey, tweed and cassimere. Fashioned in Middy, Balkan and Oliver Twist styles. Sizes 3 to 9. Third Floor Sensational Dress Event for Infants—Children Me Gloves and Mitten*— 1 Q. ^V, Mad* of good quality yarn.. J-a/C ssr..?sr...su9 $1M Romper* and .. Creeper* —All slto* Infant*' 71c Snort ZT':.. 69c SST... 59c _ Infants' 88c Hose—Silk mareor- 81.97 Gingham Dihim QCm lzod and ribbed cotton 23c —In assorted ilsoa.aeOV | Dose '• She Flannelette Gorirede*—U 2S* £L""~ 19c glleg .Special.. Cfor Boys , Soys’ Boys' / SuS Coveralls'. 83c l*#** lined, XitVXi” Regularly $158 to i«. Khaki, bine denim and atifla Begnlarty 81.M atripe coverall*; airea 2 to 8, CRIB BLANKETS Cory, warm baby blankets in attractive pink and bine patterns. ! 9Se values.79c $1.75 value*.$1.38 j $1.50 values.98c $1.95 values.$1.49 1 $2.50 value*.$1.98 rOur Entire Stock of Rocking and Swinging $lT.75 ij $1!U0 to $82.e0 Valne* Roller Skates $<flOQ Regularly #2^> ^ ■ Wl# * Skate* constructed for hard usage of heavy steel with ball j$| bearings, leather straps and ^B back*. __ I Waitresses’ Black Soisette Waists 39c 1,000 black soisette waists, which sell regularly at 98c each, have been greatly reduced in price. Suit- QQ/» able for waitresses or housewives. 3 for.t/Ov •} I_ ‘i “Star” Brand and “Poll Parrot” Shoos I SH-gHB i Reduced to Extraordinarily Low Prices For Men --- For Boys $5.25 valuea, round toe, black WaiUDII H.45 value*, calfskin shoes with j( \ioi kid blueher shoe*. ^Q95 ■ WW\JII1CJII nature toea #"198 | All aiaa*. O $5.95 values, Black Satin slippers (PO QC .:: , X SMr*' % '"** strap*. Spanish hrri. »£$£ **" “« l| I* to 12; B to EE., 4: Siiea 12U to IP.*.... 6 j 1 - r- —771 For Women and For Growing i—— ■■■ . ri Extra Soecial Special Girls Girls Extra Special I | *1 nn $1-08 . .. 6 "" £ $1.00 I lUU Two-ton*, hltek | $495 values, fawn, For Children WTnt'Mtfc «mea« "trap slippery $2 50 values, tan calf JS2 .5fiS,JS? tn *m*it *ti«* *niy si*** t to j. leather pi Be lace shoes, 9"|B8 button ah»«* j 1 1 ' trimmed. A *irPS tO 11 A ^ I ' ‘ - SS