The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 28, 1924, Image 11
i Inquest Omitted || in Youth’s Death Sarpy County Sheriff Brands Auto Tragedy “Care less Accident.” No Inquest will be held Into the death of James R. Hansen, 26, 3008 Pinkney street, who was Instantly I killed Saturday evening when his automobile overturned two miles east of Gretna on the D. L. D. highway, I according to Coroner H. A. Collins of Sarpy county. “It was a careless accident,’ ’said the coroner. “The automobile, built as a racing car, was going 50 miles an hour and headlights were dint. It struck the concrete culvert on the highway and knocked the steel rail ing at the top of the abutment 60 feet away. Hansen's death probably occurred Instantly, for his neck and back were broken. The auto turned completely over on Hansen. Michael Pierce, 21, 3010 Pinkney street, who was riding with Hansen, was unconscious when picked up by passing motorists. He regained con sciousness when he reached Gretna and complained of a pain in his chest. L He was put on the train and taken to St. Catherine's hospital, Omaha. | His condition Monday morning was | reported improved. I Hansen’s body was brought to the Johnson & Swanson funeral home on ^ Sunday. lie ivns an employe of the E. P. i Boyer Coal and Humber company l and is survived by his parents, two ^^sleters, Mollie, 14, and Mrs, I. D. ^PSawyfr of Ilosford, Neb.; and a ™ brother, William Hansen of Hosford. COUNCIL DEFERS PARKING ACTION City council committee of the whole Monday morning deferred action on a proposed amended automobile park lng ordinance on account of the ab senca of Police Commissioner Henry W. Dunn, who introduced the meas ure. The ordinance contemplates a 10 mlnute restricted zone In each down town block and also recommends that automobiles be parked at an angle of 35 to 40 degrees nnd that sufficient apace be left between wheels nnd the curb to permit the flow of flushing water and rubbish. girlTscoldedT ENDS OWN LIFE Walllngton, ff. J., Oct. 27.—Valen tine Suder, 14, shot and killed her aelf here today because her father scolded her for remaining outside her home late last night. "I hope he’s found dead under a fence some day like a dog,'* said a - note she left, alluding to the father, a ( tinsmith. Suder said he reproved the girl for her late hours and then whipped her. Manning in Washington. | Joe Manning, officer In charge of | the local narcotic division, is in Wash ineton on official business. r FREE fro; Cor That’s just what your feet will be if you use Cactus. Stops the pain— kills the corn. Ask your corner drug gi«t* /actus Clears ► “Oh! how clear and beautiful your complexion Is today, my dear t’’ THERE IS a certain Joy—a cer tain pride—in knowing you are admired, whether it be from father, brother, husband or sweetheart! And back of that Joy Is the satis faction of knowing all Is well. Men are fascinated by the charms of beauty. Women gaze with envy, secretly Jealous, per haps, wondering—hoping—praying for that attractiveness which is not theirs. Hut why the wondering— the hoping—tho praying for that craved for attractiveness—t hat I clear skin—that beauty. A clear akin—Is the barometer of one’s I (condition. A healthy Bkin radiates beauty. Pure, clean blood meanB a clear skin. S.S.S. is waiting to help you. It will rid your blood of Its impurities und give you that clear complexion. Since 1826 S.S.S. has been ridding people of blood impurities, from pimples, from blackheads, boils, eczema and from rheumatism, too. Because S.S.S. is made from fresh herbs and barks, it may be taken with perfect safety. Try It your self. You will not only look better, but you will feel better, too. I* loM at ah rood drug two sino. Tho Uigtr alia naicaL eWorld* Beat olood Medicine RITES HELD FOR VICTIM OF FIRE Funeral services for Mrs. Eugenie Earle, 82, who was burned to death In her home, 3830 Charles street, on Thursday morning, were held Monday at 2 p. m., at St. Andrew Episcopal church. Rev. D. J. Gallagher, pastor, officiated. Burial was in the family lot at Prospect Hill cemetery. Tallbearers were John Douglas, George Morris, sr., George Morris, jr., H. A. Jackson, Charles Iloeffert and Charles G. Trimble. Coolidge Gains in Wisconsin I — Rail Employe Official Pre dicts President Will Carry La Follette’s State. Coolidge will carry Wisconsin, ac cording to W. H. Steed, district chair man of the United Association of Rail way Employes. "I know this statement will startle some folks," said Steed, "but when the total votes are counted La Fol lette followers will receive a big sur prise. 1 made a tour of Wisconsin and associated with the working classes. They are deserting the La Follette camp. "These men are for La Follette for senator, hut not for president." Steed said La Follette Is strong In Madison, which Is his homo, but in Baraboo, the home of Mrs. La Fol lette, the senator is not so popular." Steed said La Toilette's attack upon protective tariff is driving multitudes of wage-earners from the La Follette movement. La Follette has gone over to the democratic tariff position," said Steed. “A downward tariff program threat ens to destroy the prosperity of the country’ and throw American wage earners Into unemployment.” Steed was accompanied to Omaha by Ben Jacobson of the Labor Re view, a national organized labor weekly. "Labor Is strong for Coolidge,” said Jacobson. CZECHOSLOVAKIA SOKOL SUBJECT Prof. Orln Stepanek of the Univer : slty of Nebraskn, spoke Sunday night] at Sokol hall on the commemoration of Czecho slovakia Independence day Tuesday. The Czecho-Slovakla republic cele brates Its sixth anniversary on Octo ber 28. It Is the most prosperous of the new nations created by the world war and plays a dominant role In the affairs of central Europe and the Balkans ns leader of the little entente, said Prof. Stepanek. Stepanek recently returned from a trip around the world and a year's study In European universities. LUTHERANS PLACE 0. K. ON WARFARE Chicago, II!., Oct. 27.—Christiana may be soldiers. The Lutheran Church of America took this stand today in a resolution defending ‘'just" wars which was adopted after as tormy debate in which the pacifist element of the church was decisively defeated. The action of the church, putting it definitely on record as opposed to the outlawing of war for Christians, was taken at the fourth biennial con ventlon of the United Lutheran hurcCh in America, in session here. AVIATOR KILLED AS PLANE FALLS; By Associated Press. Madison, S. D., Oct. 27.—Less than five minutes after he set out on his initial venture as a seaplane pilot, Leslie Campbell, 22, aviator, was kill ed yesterday when his seaplane fell 500 feet into Lake Madison. Temperature Above Normal. The average temperature for the 27 days of October is six degrees above normal, according to Meteorologist M. V. Robins, who today predicts that mild weather will continue for an other 24 hours. ( Out of the Records v--/ Births and Deaths. Birth*. Earl and Marie Clark, 2602 T street, girl Chin and Ng Tuck. 1917 Casa street, girl. Richard and Lola Pedersen, 2418 Lari* more avenue, boy. John and Gladys Waggoner, Forty* fourth and Hillsdale avenue, boy. Richard Hnd Lulu Wagen. hospital, boy ft. A and Hilda Anderson, 1229% South Sixteenth street, girl. Sam and Carmella Romeo, 4624 Grand avenue, girl. Tom and Bessie Roes. 1410 North Twen ty-sixth afreet, girl. I John and Sadie Lane. 4116 TT street, boy. Henry and Anna Hersoh. 2732 I street, girl. Grant and Addle Burton. 2600 Wirt ntreet. girl. Glen and Grace Whltatone, Bellevue. Neb., girl. Death a. DT. C. A Marshall, 68 years, 4236 Lari* more avenue. Russell H. Morae. 60 years, hospital. Nathan Fein, 72 years. 2219 North Twentieth street. Henry S. Raymond. 73 years. 2854 Pot ter street. Fred Marconnlt, 71 years, 1129 South Thirty-second street. Nela B. Swanson, 52 years. 406 Cen ter street. Building Permits. Temple McFayden. 3818-16 North Twen ty-eighth avenue. 14.000. Temple McFayden. 2817-19 Spaulding, stucco dwelling. 14.000 Temple McFayden, 3138 South Seven teenth. frame dwelling. 13.000 Temple McFayden, 1907 South Fiftieth avenue, frame dwelling. $3,500. W. G. Meyer. 3048 Arcadia avenue, frame dwelling. 14.000 Louis Hiller, 323 South Fifty-second, venper dwelling. 814.000. Louis Hiller. 323 South Fifty-second, brick garage, 81,000. __ Real Estate Transfers. Harry P. Draper and wife to Jamas Novak. 35th Ave., 245 feet n. of Arbor fit . w side. 49x141%.$ 6,600 Robert L. Smith mid wife to David J. Hoban, 16th st *o feet n. of M St., e side. 40*130 . 1.400 Charlea N. Anderson and wife to Michael W. Charrv and wife. Browne fir. 150 feet e. of 27th St., n aide, 60x120 . 1,000 Julia East and husband to Don ald L. Norton, et al. Lurlrnore Ave., 80 feet e. of 48th St., a side. 40x128 ... 3,600 John H. Marnette and wife to Grace Atkinson, e w corner 61st end Krsklne St 100j* 1 . 1 Breta D. Wenstrand nnd husband to John Abraharnson, Nicholas St . 150 feet W. of 40tll St., S. side, 60x160 . 1.400 Ida M. Goodman, et a I, to C. B. A Q. Railroad Co . n. w. corner j 11th and Mason Sts.. 66x182 .... 10,000 Gsrtrude A. Slabaugh and husba*'4 to Tukey Mortgage Co., a. w. cor ner 4nth Ave. and Amea Ave.. 43 H xl27 . 8(0 Charles W. Martin and wife to Albina Larson, s. w. corner 26th Ave. and Vane St., 86x116 . 2.250 Herman C. Drexel and wife to Elizabeth Kuhlman. Pinkney St., I 127 H feet w. of 24th St., a. aide, 40x90 .. . 4.500 Elmer/M. Caraon and wife to Dave B. McGinnis Hnd wife. 37th St., 40 feet n. of Boyd St., w. aide, 40x133 . 4,700 Gus R. Carlson and wife to Michael H. Ralph and wife, Larimore Ave.. 716 feet e. of 27th St., a. side, 42x135 . 5,250 E. N. Carson and wife to Clar ence Bertaclnl. e. w. corner 56th and Bedford Sts., 125H*317.9_ 2.000 Lena Zler and husband to May Theodore. Decatur S* . 60 feet e. of 27th St., s. side, 30x128 . 2.625 Orchard Investment Co to Lydia E. Melvin and husband. Wirt St., 80 feet W. of 60th St., n. side. 40x120 350 Goldie V. Schmidt to Tenea E. Smith. Pratt St., 250 feet w. of 30th St . s. aide. 30x124.6 . 1 John A. Hultgren and wife to Western Mtp. and Finance Co., Sprague St . 44 feet e. of 26th St., n. side, 44x90 . 4,000 Sarah J. Barrirk to Adeline Mar I shall. 17th St., 101 feet s. of Fort St., e. side, irregular . 200 Rayijiond E. Garrison and wife to Edward Drapallk and w*lfe. 43d St., 40 feet s. of Pacific St., w. side. 44x100 5,750 Leonard Lund and wife to John Hanek, et al, 65th St., 100 feet n. of Grant St., e. side. 60x128 ... 4,100 Fred R. Oliver and wife to Helen M. T. Flambek. 60th Ave., loo feet n. of Miami St., e. side, 50x128 . 5,250 Omaha Safe Deposit <'n. to Mar garet T. McCarthy, Fowler Ave., 157 feet w. of Fontenelle Blvd., 45x123 4,000 Edgar A. Baird and wife to Emil G. Kochor. et nl, Farnnm St.. 66 feet e. of 36th St . n. side. 30x140 10,000 Henry A. Christenron and wife to the Byron Reed Co, 21st St.. 39 fee* h. of Martha St., e. side, 74.89.4 . 2 Robert H. Koopr-r to Western Mf g. anil Finance Co., n. w. corner 22d and Ohio St., 67x122 . 1 October 27. BUTTER. Creamery—Local Jobbing prices to re tailers: Extras. 39c; extras In 60-lb. tubs. 38c; standards 38c; firsts, 37c. Daily—Buyers are paying 23c for No. 1 table butter in rolls or tubs; 21022c for packing stock. For No. 1 sweet, unsalted butter. 24c. BUTTERFAT For No. 1 cream Omaha buyers are paying 27c per lb. at country stations; 33o delivered at Omaha. FRESH MILK. Price quotable, 22.35 per cwt. for fresh milk testing 3.5 butterfat, delivered on dairy platform. Omaha. EGGS. For eggs delivered Omaha on loss-off bests, around $9.90 per case. For No. 1 fresh eggs, graded basis, 3S0 4Oe per d«x m: seconds, 27029c; cracks, 23024c. Prices above for eggs received In new nr No. 1 whltewood cases; a deduction of 25c will be made for second-hand cases. No. 1 eggs must be good average size. 44 lbs. net. No. 2 eggs consist oi small, slightly dirty, stained or washed eggs. Irregular shaped, shrunaen or weak-bod ied eggs. In most quarters a premium Is being paid fo; selected eggs which must not bs m* re than 48 hours old, uniform In size and color (meaning all solid colors— all chalky white or all brown, and of the earn* «hade> The shell must be clean and sound and the eggs w*igh 25 ounces per dozen or over. Jobbing prices to retailers: U. 8 spe cials. 45c: U S. extras, commonly known as selects. 44c; storage selects, 36036c. No. 1 small. 35c; small, storage, 32c checks. 25c. POULTRY. Ptlces quotable for No. 1 stock, alive: springs, all sizes, 18c; Leghorns, springs. Uc; hens 4 lbs.. 17c; hens under 4 lbs., 14": Leghorn hens, MJc; roosters, 10 012c: ducks, f. f. f . youniT 1 •; old ducks f. f. f . 12013c* ge"«e. f. f. f . 12013c: turkeys, fat, 9 lbs up, 2(Jc, pigeons, 61.00 per I dozen Under grade poultry paid for at market value. Si k or crippled poultry not want ed and will not be paM for. Jobbing prices of dressed poultry (to retailers): Springs, soft. 25027c; broilers [36c: hens. 21 ft 26c; roosters, 17018c; ducks, 25 028c; geese. 150 20c, CHEESE. American cheese, fancy grade. Jobbing 'price quotable as follows: Singlo daisies, 22Hc: double daisies, 22"; square print*, 24"; longhorns, 23c; brick. 23c; IlmbUrg er. 1-lb. style. 13.25 p"r dozen; Swiss do I mestlc, 28c; imported Roquefort, 62c; New York white. 32c. BEEF CUTS. | No. 1 loin*, rounds and No. 3 chucks. 11c lower; No. 3 loins, 2c lower. Swift A Co.’s sales of fresh beef In Oinah i week ending October 25 averaged 9 72< per pound. Wholesale prices quotable: No. 1 ribs 26c; No. 2. 21c; No. 3. 14c; No. 1 rounds, J9c; No. J, 14<-: No. 3. 9c, No. 1 lo'os, 36c; No. 2, 27r; No. 3. 16c; No. 1 chucks, 12c; No. 2. 10c; No. 3. 6He; No. 1 plates, 8He; No. 2. 8": No. 3. 6c. FRESH FISH. Jobbing price quotable as follows AD V EHTISKM ENT. BAB BREATH i Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It — Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets, the substitute for .calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar coated tablets are taken for bad hreath by all who know them. Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets act gently but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural ac tion clearing the blood and gently purifying the enllre system. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any of the bad nfter effects. All the benefits of nasty sickening griping cathartics are derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping pain or any disagreeable ef fects. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered thf formula nfter seventeen years of practice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint with the at tendant bnd hreath. Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil: you will know them by their olive color Toke one or two every night for week and mde the < "r t. lT.e and 30' SUFFERED FUN FORJEARS Mrs. Jahr Finally Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound ^ Howard Lake, Minn.— “I write to let you know that I have taken several bottles of your medicine in the last three months,and found it to be very good. I had pains and other troubles wo men have and was '• not able to do my work. Seeing your ’Ad.' in the paper, 1 thought of giv ing Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound a trial. I got good results from it and feel able to do my house work now. 1 used to have lota of pains, but after taking the medicine 1 am relieved from pains that I had suf fered from for years. 1 recommend the Vegetable Compound to my friends, and hope thiH letter will lie satisfactory for you to publish.” Mra, Jennie Jaiik, H. R. No. 2, Box bl, Howard Lake, Minn. Free upon Request Lydia E. Pinkham’s Private Text Book unon “Ailments Peculiar to Women'’ will be sent you free, upon request. Write to the Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachu setts. This hook contains valuable information that every woman should have Fancy white fish. 30c; lake trout, 26c; buffalo, 16c; bullheads. 20@22c; catfish, 30032c; catfish, southern, 25c; fillet of haddock. 35c. black cod sable fish, 16c; red sna; per, 27c; flounders, 2uo; crappies, 26c; b»uck bass, 32c; Spanish mackerel. IV* 02 lbs.. 25c; yellow pike, 26c; striped bass. 25c; white perch 16c; pickerel, lsc;' Chinook salmon. 30c; silver salmon, 24e\ i fall salmon, 20c; frozen fish, 2®4c less than prices above. Oysters, $2.7G©4.20 per gallon. FRUITS Quotable jobbing prices for No. 1 stock: Apples—In boxes; extra fan* y Delicious, $4.76: Johathans, $3.25; Gravensteins, $2.0003.00; Bellflowers. $2.00; Crab ap-1 ple«, $1.50 In baskets: Extra r&ney1 winter Pearmain, $1.86; Jonathans, $1 40 02.25; winter Banana. $2.25; Grimes Golden. $2.2502.60; King David. *1.85. Hen Davis, $1.40; Idaho Romans. $2.25. In barrels: Grimes Golden. $6.00; Ne braska Jonathans, $6.60. Pears—Extra fancy. bushel basket. $3.25; box, $4.50; Keifers, baskets, $1.50 02.00. Oranges—Valencias, extra fancy, per box. $6.0008.50. Grapefruit—Florida, $6.60® 6.00. Bananas—Per lb., 10c. Grapes—Concord, standard basket, 40c; Tokays, crate, $2.25 02.60, lied Emperor, $2.60. Lemons—California, extra fancy, $8.00; fancy, $7.60; choice, $7.00; limes, 100 count, carton. $2.00. Quince—California, extra fancy, box, $3.1603.60. Cranberries—50-lb. box, $6.00®6.$0; 100 lb. bbl., $12.00012.50. VEGETABLES Sweet Potatoes—50-lb. hampers, $2.25; Jersey, bbl.. $4.60. Quotable .lobbing prices for No. 1 stock: Onions—Spanish, crate, 60 lbs.. $2.6u California, white in .sacks, 3Vic lb.; red globe In sacks. 2 Vic lb.; yellow, 3 Vic lb. Peppers—Green, market basket. 90c. red. large, market basket. $1.60. Roots—Beets and carrots in sacks, 3c per lb.: turnips and rutabagas. 2 Vic. Cauliflower—-Per crate, $2.60® 3.uo. Cucumber — Hot —house, sxtra fancy, per market banket. $2.50. Honey Dew Melons—6 to 12 in crate $2 00. Cabbage—2Vic per lb.; crates. 2c per ib Tomatoes—Climax. basket, about 14 lbs., $1.0001.26; California, crate, as packed. $2.50. Radishes—Per doz. hunches. 46c. Potatoes—Home grown. In sacks. lV4t Ib. Lettuce*—Head, per crate. $5.5006.00 per doz.. $1.60; hothouse loaf. 60c per doz. Celery—Oiegon, doz. stalks. 90c®$1.76, Michigan doz.. 75c; California, rough. crate, $6 00. Parsley—Per doz. hunches. 60®75c. FLOUR. Prices quotable, round lots (less than carload lots, f. o. b. Omaha), follow First pat-nt In 98-lb. bags. $7.8507.95 per bbl.; fancy clear. In 48-lb. bags. $6 60 0 6.70 per bbt „ whits or yollow cornmeal $2.55 per 100 ibs. FEED. Market quotable per ton. carload lots. ? o. b. Omaha. Mill Feeds—Bran, atsndard. prompt. $24.00; brown shorts. $29.00029.50; gray "port*. $30.500 31.50; flour middlings. $33.00; reddog. $40.000 41.00; mixed cars of flour and feed. 75c®$1.00 mors per ton Linseed Meal—34 per cent protein, fu ture delivery, $52.60; prompt* $49.10. Digester Feeding Tankage—60 per cent protesn. $60.00. Hominy Feed—White or yellow, $36.00. Cottonseed Meal—43 per cent protein $4 9.00. Buttermilk—Condensed for feeding, 10 bbl. lots. 3.45c per lb.; flake buttermilk 500 to 1,000 lbs.. 8c lb. Alfalfa Meal—Choice. October and No vember. $28.50, No. 1 October and No \**m'*er. $27.t>0; No. 2 October and No vember. 12 4.00. Egg Sheila—Dried and ground, 100-lb bigs, ton lots, $25.00 per ton. HAY. Nominal quotations, carload lots: Upland Prairie—No. 1, $12.00 012.80, No. 2. $10.00011.00; No. 3. $7.000 8.00. Midland Prairie—No. 1, $10.60011.60; No. 2. $9.00010.0C; No. 3, $6.0008.00. Lowland Prairie—No. 1, $8.00® 9.00; No. 2. $6.0008.00. Parking Hay—$6 6007 50. Alfalfa—Choice. $19.Ot 020 00; No. 1, $16,000 18.00; standard. $15.00016.00; No. 2, $13.00014.00: No 3. $11 00012.00. Straw—Oat, $T.00@8.00; wheat, $8.00® 7.00. FIELD SEED. Nominal quotations, per 106 lbs, fair average quality: Alfalfa. $12 0o®1 5 00, sweet clover. $6.000 8.00; red clover. $13.08 ©18.Of ; timothy. $5.0U©5.50; Sudan gra^s. 84.0ii©o.00: common millet, fi 0001.26; German millet, $1.5002.00; cane. 76c© $1 00. HIDES. WOOL. TALLOW. Prices are quotable as followa. delivered £ ® Home-made, but Ha* No $ | Equal for Cough* | * Makes ■ fsmflr supply of really • ■ dependshle rough medicine. Ess- 3 »* lly prepared, sod saves about R, S If you have a severe cough or chest cold accompanied with aorenest, throat tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breatfrng, or if your child wakes up during the night with croup and you want quick help, try this reliable old home-made cough remedy. Any drug gist can supply you with 2'/2 ounces of Prnex. Pour this into a pint bottle end fill the bottle with plain granu lated sugar syrup. Or you can use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead ot sugar syrup, if desired. This recipe makes a pint of really remarkable cough remedy. It tastes good, and in spite of its low cost, it can be depended upon to give quick and lasting relief. You can feel this take hold of a cough in a way that means business. It loosens and rinses the phlegm, stops throat tickle and soothes and heals the irritated membranes that line the throat and bronchial tubes with such promptness, ease and cer tainty that it is really astonishing. Piriex is a special and highly con centrated compound of genuine Nor way pine extract, and is probably the best known means of overcoming severe coughs, throat ami chest colds. There are many worthless imita tions of this mixture. To avoid dis appointment, ask for “2ys ounces of Pinex” with full directions and don’t accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Ca, Ft. Wayne, Ind. ADVERTISEMENT. How Skinny Kids Can Grow Robust Weak, undernourished, underweight t oys nnd girls who aro peevish, fret ful nnd sickly need McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tablets. j Cod Liver OH would do Just ns well, j ut what parents would he so cruel ns to give them the horrible nasty tnst ipg, ill smelling stuff, when sugar oonted cod liver oil tablets made by McCoy’s Laboratories of New York arp as easy to tnke ns candy and won't upset their delicate stomachs. There's more vitamlnes of the first class In cod liver oil than In anything gly, sickly children roinmence to liven up nnd take on good healthy flesh after McCoy's Cod Liver oil Tablets have been taken for just a few days. lie sure and nsk HhermaR * Me Connoll, Heaton Drug, Hrnndots Store, or nny good druggist for McCoy's, the original and genuine tied Liver OH Tablet, If you want your dellrnte ehll dren to become strong, robust anil active. Nor gi'ownups they are Just ns wonderful—one woman gained 15 pounds In live weeks, fid tablets grt cents, and If they don't put 5 pounds of good firm (lesh on any thin man or woman in 30 days, get your money back. _.__ flry "«V\V\\4 \lto »«“ • »cbia«a. Vbn •»cto- ,tt.\ ter 4 \;^nVev:.. kev*r°‘ .gcP. \ '"asr^sss®*" *?•»«• *_\ te°-ou: •ro?”£5!^r—\ \ He* ®*##,'*jL^a\ \ Pv°rrh*®i \ ten* °f'v viecaP9® pottgy Soath-\ \K5f «"•* US^z%*rJ&\ X JO-Ve*. 'overcomes y and “f"w a\ \d\recU°o ■ ona Beaoreness and Ute» Xedln* ^ifeasv ’^ilety \stops me JO-Ve* ls_leed 1°. sold \*S? «Se GUnrey rsfpnd.a- »"g. ^ .end fesm ur d^er r^=5r&”a\ \ . h«4*gt tad\g“UO“- iinfol. \ ““''C ite.* *£ £U»*1 WfS^ \S»otJves * o08to.^. \*3ftgS5jft£5j \ into tV'e.6ionstlPRt'°°'t)et,sua8}v®' \ e^«S?CS>&®S \ Only -----— ANNOUNCEMENTS. _ (• uneral No tire* I COGAN—Bernard, 62 year*. reside* *t 4103 H fit. Member of Omaha police de partment 16 yeara. died Sunday at hlsj residence. He Is survived by hi* wife. ! Anna; four daughters. Margaret, Anna. Catherine. Agnes; three sons, Bernard, j Jr.. Edward and John; three brothers. Patrick. George. Joseph, all of Omaha: three sls'ers. Mr*. Julia Foley. De* Moines. Jo. , Mrs John Naugle, Kansas City, Mo ; Miss Nellie Cogan of Omaha. Funeral services from hla residence. Wed nesday at 8:46, to St. Marys church, 9 a. m. Interment fit. Mary* cemetery. Ar rangements in -are of Larkin Brother*. DAEMON—Mrs. Rosens, widow of the late Alexander. fihe is survived by one son, Edward J.: three daughters. Mre. !*?. H. Mart Is. Mra. S. M. Stanchl. Mrs. V. W. Stevens, all of Omaha, 10 grand children and one adopted grandchild, Mrs. H. J Dorsey of Chicago. Funeral Tuesday afternoon from resi dence of Mn S M. Blanch!. 8318 Chari** fit., at 3 o'clock. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. Gentleman * mortuary in charge KENSTROM—Amanda C . aged 68 years, beloved wife of John F. Renstrom. passed away October 26, 1924. Survived besides her husband by two son*. Arthur of Omaha and Elmer of Chicago. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 3d from Salem Lutheran church. 23rd and Vinton. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. HALL—Mrs Florence W., age 61 \eare. died October 26. at her home In the fit. Regie apartment*. Funeral service* will be held Wednesday at 2 p. m. from the home of her mn. Mr. R. Ware Hall. 313 fi. Mat Av*. In quiries may be addressed to the Burket chapel, HA. 0090. MILLER—Mrs. Martha, aye f» a year* died Sundav. She 1* survived by her husband. John; son, John. Jr. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p. m., Brewer's bn pel. Twenty-fourth and K. Dr. R L. Wb/eier officiating. Burial at Fore*t L?wn cemetery. L1VERSHAL—Mr*. Josephine. Deceased !* survived by her husband. John, and one daughter Helen. Body forwarded from the Ileafry A Heafev funeral home Monday p. m. by auto to PUttsmouth fur burial BUFFETT—Meaty Belle, 41 yeara 4 month*. 5 days. Funeral from lat* residence. 1016 South 30th Ave.. Tuesday at 2 30 p. m. In’er ment Forest Lawn cemetery. For Infor rnatlon call F. J. Stack * Co. Vaults and Monument. t "Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vault* recommended by all leading undertaker* Mfd l.v Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co funeral Director#. S HEAFEY A HEAFEY Undertaker* and Kmbalmem Phone HA o?65. Office 1611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882) HFLSE A RIEPBN. At Tour Service. 2222-24 Cuming StJA. Ilf Brailey & Dorrance. IIOFK.M AN-CROSB Y ambulance. Dodge and 24th fit Funeral director*. JA 3901 JOHN A. GENTLEMAN HA. 1664, 341 1 Farnam St. N. P. SWANSON. 177H AND CUMING Quiet Dignified Supervision. LESLIE O. MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WK I 0>G7 _ I C\ c. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME ' 792i» N 24th fit. KB. 0167 j Ometfilf*. 4 VISIT Forest Lawn t ail at the green- j house* at entrance of Yemetery (West of Florence>. Grdera are being received for evergreen blanket*, winter wreath* and cut flowers Office* at the cemetery and 7*0 Hmndels Theater Building. Personals. t THE SALVATION ARMY InduetHal home ■ollettk your old clothing, furniture, mage ztnea. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 209 N. Itth fit HOT oil vapor steam bath* and message* H|1"m 36. Dougl** Block. AT 8694. COSTUMES, theatrical, historical masque costume* t■> rent Llebsn, 1614 Howard. Ixmt and Found. 10 LOST—Saturday afternoon In State street neighborhood, package containing buslne*** paper*, order hooks, etc. W. F. fiadtl. 264b State fit . or 1*09 Capitol Ave. Re ward. DOO—Strayed or stolen from 8331 Wal nut. Light brown and whit* collie b old answer* to name "Gin." Re waidHA 1269 LOST—Small sable neckpiece between Mth and Dodge and 6014 Chicago. Re ward. WA, 0186. LOST Police dog; female, wolf gray. Re 'vutd Philipp flail, 6C28 N 27th Ave KE. 1283. LOST Sunday evening off running-board "f car. black traveling bag. KK. 6181 Reward. KEYS lost on ring in downtown district. Reward Mr, Fnatet AT. 9111. RED Irish setter puppy. Reward. WE. 910 or AT 6668 A1TOMOHIIIS Automobile* for Sal#, 11 NASH VllIKHP MA AUTO CO. USED CAR STORE 2064 Farnam AT. ttIC BUfCK touting. 1923 four-cylinder. In • « ce||r n t rondlttoo >400 OWItha Flint C©> FOR SALE -By owner, Ford 1984 coupe, 7 week* old. Call Harney 2169 AUTOMOBILE*_ Automobiles (or S»l*. 11 USED CAR REMOVAL SALE On November 10 we move to our new lo cation Ht 20th and Harney Bta.. where we will have facilities to give our customer* more conventient anil efficient service. Defore we move the used cara listed be low must be *old. We are going to CLEAN HOUSE and these cara are priced accordingly: HUDSON TOURING. 1921. HUDSON TOURING, 1922. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Model J. FORD SEDAN, Four door. 1923 STUDEBAKER ROADSTER. 1921. RCRTPP8-BOOTH touring. 1922. DORT TOURING. 6-cyl. 1923. STUDEBAKER 7-pas*, touring .llQft COLUMBIA. 5-pasN touring .$126 DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS OMAHA HUDSON-ESSEX CO. 2538 Harney St. Phone AT. 6065. SPECIAL Durant 6-cyl. sedan, looka like new. new car mechanical guarantee See this at ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 1410 Jackaon. _AT. 4411. HAVE two Ford four-door sedans; one old and one new; muat sell one or the other; price right; cash or terma. 1819 Wirt St. BARGAIN 1923 Chevrolet coupe, disc wheels, good paint If you are looking for a good coupe see this one. $450. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, AT. 4411. 1410 Jackson. 100 CARS. Fords end other makes, $50 and up. Ca«h or term* OOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 2112 Harney St. AT. Trucks for Sale. 12 TRUCKS FOR SALE 1« Patriot* and 1 I. H. C. 1*4 ton truck*, with or without tank. Price $200 without tank. STANDARD OIL CO., 504 S. 18th fit. Phone AT. 3900. ♦ ONE 8-ton Douglas, 3 Reo speed wa^on**, equipped with stork bodies. 1 Ford truck, several Internationals from 1 to 3 ton* Terms can he arranged. International V*nrveater Cm. 710 fi. 10th St. AT. 0705 Auto Arcesmirlrs. Part*. 16 GUARANTEED new and used auto parts st a special cut price. Nebraska Auto Parts. 1016-1* Harrey fit. JA. 4981, and ?:0S Cuming fit AT. 1970. SPECIAL—New Ford touring too covers, complete, $1.50. K'tplan Auto Parts. 2111 Nicholas. Oaraee* for Rent. 26 STEAM h»ate.! (rur,**, Jll S. Slut HA* 7124 or HA <934. _BrSINKSS SFKVICB. Beauty Tarlors J1A WANTED—All kind* of beauty work to do in your home or in my home. Call Mr*. Vosburg. AT. 5645. 2123 Cali fornia Millinery—Dressmaking. 15 ACCORDION. aide knife, box pleating, covered buttons alt style*; hemstitching; buttonholes. Write Ideal Hutton and Pleating Co . 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neh. Telephone JA. 1928. NED PLEATING CO. Hemstitching Covered Buttons. 1**4 Farnam. Second Floor. JA. 687© Moving—^Triirkfnr—*tomg* 2f BUKINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. 16th and I*savcnworth Sts. Parking, mov ing, storage, shipping. JA 4163 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING STORING Estimates furnished AT 0230 or JA 433* GORDON S FIREPROOF WHSE~A VAN. 249 North 11th fit Phone JA 3033; tnov ing. packing, storage, shipping. Painting and Pspevim. !* Wallpaper, paperhanging, painting. Fred | Parks 470S fi 24th fit. MA. ©1©1; AT. 7404. Patent Xtiorncja. J. W MARTIN. 524 Peters Trust Bldg, Omaha; also Washington. Double service. single fee Also help sell patents. Printing—Stationer). *p COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Eddy Printing Co., 212 South 13th at Phone JA. 6U58. Repairing. SI USED and new sewing machines. Sew ing machines and Vletrolna repaired Rent machines. $1 per week. $3 per mo. MICK EL MUSIC HOUSE. I5th and Harney. AT. 48(1 FMM^OYMKVr _Help Wanted—Female. 3C BEAUTY culture offers big possibilities. Our system efficient and rapid. Our long experience in teaching enables us to offer this wonderful course at nominal *um. HV «r evening. Inquire, Moier College, !*>» fio. 15th fit. WANTED—Two women to travel to Cali fornia. Salary and expenses Call Mr 1 elffcr. Hotel Fontenelio. for appointment. WANTED Competent housemaid, family «4,:.??.wa*l,lnr 3100 Chicago fit. Phone H A. 5256. ENROLL at the largest comptometer school, 30© Court nc» Bldg. JA. 1491 GIRL wanted for general housework Mrs _A_Jt Roberts. 5005 Nh holes. WA. 0537 Help Wanted—Male. 3; WANTED—Men to learn barberlng dav i °r evening. wonderful demand and wages for Moier trained men Earn while learning All barbed* for men and women taught. Special marcel course. Inquire. Moier Barber College. 109 South Fifteenth. SOLICITORS "wanted. i Hustlers can make $76 pet week; no sell- ! Ing. no samples; commission paid dall\. Sea Mr. McKinley. Room 809. Fontenslle Hotel ALU men. women, hoys, girls', 17 to 65. 'Filling to accept government positions 1117-1260 (traveling or stationary), write Mr Damant. 186 Hi Louis. Mo. STENOGRAPHER assistant to salea mgr. In reliable «»rganl*atton fialary $186 $160 Western Reference and Bond An n , 10S9 First Natl. Bank Bldg Vili-MiH-n mill AcrtiU. 39 CLERKS—Governmental i».**tal and other ; go4i.| pnsltlona. $1.400-$2,J00 yearly. ):* psrlenes unnecessary. Full parttculais frea by writing O W Robhlns, Civil fiervlve Expert, 171 Burrhell Bldg. Wash tngton, I> C. Situations WlBtei—Muir 41 GFKICR manager, experienced in credits. I collection*. accounting, dealree connection j with reliable concern; excellent refer en< >• i Bov V 1216. Omaha Bee _KINANim lluainraa Ohportunltlrg. 42 BEfiT LOCATION In fit Mary Ave" Bull able for any line of bualnean won derful storage facilities. Fully equipped for grocery and market. RENTAL !A, JA 161f, HA IflOa In \ rat ment—Stock*—Honda. 43 M A ANDERHON CO. JA 5hTtT" Real eelate. Surety bonds and kindred Ina Krai r.atatr l oans. $4 rarm Loans on Weet Neb." and N K. Colo farms. Kloke Investment Co. Omaha FINANCIAL Heal K stale l»:in». 44 MONEY TO LOAN On first and second mortgage*. W§ buy outright for caah Existing mortgages and land aontract*. Prompt Action. II. A. WOLFE CO.. 552 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. AT. 1166. b 4 AND 6 PER CENT MONET. Loans on Omaha Improved property at lowest rates. FRANK H. BINDER. *23 City National.JA. 1161. LOW RATE on city property, quickly dosed; no monthly payment*. JA. 1633. W. T. GRAHAM. OMAHA HOMES— FAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1615 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bldg. JA. 1716. SECOND mortgages or contracts pet chased by Tukey Company, 620 First Na> tlonal Bank. J A. 422a, MORTGAGES and contracts bought. AT. I 2629. j SIX per cent loans oti Omaha residences. 1 • 'ash on hand. Prompt service. E. H Lougee. Inc.. 636 Recline Bldg! 5 4 AND 6 PER CENT—NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS- 645 Omaha Nat’l Bldg lion to $10,000 loaned; prompt service, i F. D. Wead A D. H. Bowman. Wead Bldg. | CITY real estate mortgagee and con. tracts bought Larson, 104 N. 15th St. Money to f.oan. 4b IV K WII.1. LOAN YOU MONEY at the lowest rate we have ever made. DON'T PAY HIGH RATER. Over 10 years in business assures you of a quick, quiet and confidential deal gt the lowest possible coat. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 506 Karbaoh Block. Tel. JA. 2265. Southeast corner 16th and Douglas fits DIAMOND leans at lowest rnteg; business strlcfv confidential. The Diamond Ix>an Co.. 1614 Dodge St. Established 1*94 KmTATIONAL liflcsl Instruction rii58f$. 48 DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete course In ill commercisl branches. Shorthand, typewriting. te!*g mphy. salesmanship. civil service. Ptaore .1 A. 1565. ComnDte catalog free. .. BOYLEP COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Sts.Omaha. Neb. CTQHT to 12 weeka prenare you for s fine office position. Cal) AT. 7774 or write American College. 1612 Farnam TRT CITY BARBER COT,LEGE. !4«2 Dodge St. 1106 Douglas gt Call nr write for Information. Musical—Dram* tic. 49 POPULAR music, taught bv orchestra pl an 4t. F M Kahn Mtoke! Bldg. AT 4361 Dancing Affdfinl«a 99 KEL-PTNE—Farnam at 25th. class and assembly Mon. and Thurs Nttea. Private lea-ons any time. AT. 7850. KEEP Dancing Academy class Monday and F|4**v 8 p. m. Elks club. AT 1811 or JA. 5470. MKRCWA vniRP,._ Article* for Hale. 17 POPCORN wa^on for sale Cal! G. F. nMgfr, r. 4 4 Mill St.. Council Bluffa. Is Roxlncmi Fqotpmcnta. M WE BUY. aril s»fee. make desks, show cases. etc. Omnha Fixture A Suoply Co.. 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724 111 Fwl and F*ed. <1 KINDLING—15 truck load delivered. .*■' - ivdu«t. Baled Shaving*. JA. 5740. Good Thing* to Eat. 6! SPRAYED apple*, prices 75c to 12 per bu Pure apnle juice sweet elder, bring containers New honey. 3 miles north, of Florence on brick pavement. Rsd Apple farm. <T*1.> KK. 4313F3. FOR SALE—Strictly freah eggs. 1024 Park Ave HA. 5766. Household Goods. 64 YOU are loeing every day that you fall *o take advantage of the furniture bar gains at Stephenson's. 1506 Capitol Ave. Private sal*-* ard auction. Machinery and Toots. 67 NEW and eecond-hand motor*, dynamo*. LeBron Electrical Work*. 311-20 8 12th. Musical Instruments. 70 PIANO FOR R bTNT—14 per month. A IT 08 PE CO. 1615 Douglas. Wearing .Apparel. 7? SACK I ‘■’in: SALE. Wednesday a. m at 10 o’clock. Ladle’s « c*4*. dresses and millinery. 2266. N. 24th i st. Wanted tn Buy. 70 DESK*5. DESKS. DESKS New desks, used rieek*. bought, sr.ld ai.d traded. J C. Reed. 1207 Farnam St AT. 1 4 6. * ROOMS KORRFVT. Rooms With Board. 74 16 BOARDERS wanted. Best meala In •own. * week, steam heated rooma lOJHH Dougi**. LARGE, warm pleasant rooma for two with board. Hanecom park district. HA cl f-' 124 80. 36T1I—Nicely furn.s.ied room vith board, HA. 6903 Furnimbed Rooms 75 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WALKING distance. 302 X 10th AT. 3202._ WA.«e5516—Ons or two fur. rooma. $14 for one, >2* for two per mo.: or hskp. rooma SINGLE or suite for gentlemen or coupla Stm ht.. Priv. b, HA 7124 or HA. 4»»4 *$0 N. ISP 8T—Lovely ro .ms In private home, 115 per mo. HA. T31S HA. 6301—Nicety furnished room for one r two gentlemen Rooms for Hou«*Ue*pinc. 70 TWO furnished housekeeping rooma, $30; Kountxe Place WE 2S24 605 S 2 7TH ST. —Light hTkir rooma everything furn.; good heat. HA. 2605. STEAM heated room, in private family ■ lose to car line HA 6567. ONLY $3 for this large. pleasant, south ro. m. tn modern home. KF 1732. -620 LAKE St.—I clean front rooma, oh <sr line, modern: $25 rer month. THREE furnished rooms for light house >• ectung Phone KK 6661. Whrrs to Stop Tn Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD—ltth sn.l Farnam. HOTEL HKN8HAW — 16th and Farnam. Spe.i.u Hates to Permanent Guest* \pnrt mentis— Furnished. 00 HUNTER Inn —Home for the traveling m§n to lesve his wife in comfort *nd safety Tel. AT. 6360. *40* !>>dga 3RD. 3*37 8.—t'heerful. mod., furnished, ••mi. apt Heat, light, water free HA. 6323—Beautiful four-room apartment. H“\ including steam heat. A pa rt mettt.a— V nfnrnUWeC 01 Fur RENT—Eight room house all mod ern. hot water heat east front 1312 South 32d street In Hanscom park dis trict. Excellent location to rent rooms, tan be seen an> time. *pply Uniter Dwight apartment next door north, or phone Mr May. AT 11U. THE FLORENTINE—811 Heath 31th 8t. '■r *3 2 South tlth Rt.. apt* $ to 6 rooma The «"blotto, 830 South 15th Ava, apt* of 4 and 6 room* Thee* apta have m 11 hern newly decorated and ate located within ca*y walking distance. Phon# JA. 1412. APARTMENTS and flat* for rant " .faliib* rfc AT mo Rest l state Management Specialist* PKTKH8 TRUST COMPANY. WHERE OMAHA RENTS" AT 1?th and Farnam 8ts ' V'f U two thrsa and four-room apta *35 to $75 DRAKE HFNTAI. AGFNVT. STEAM heat 4-room apta. $30 and ur clo*c in G, T StehMns 161$ Chicago 8t THREE large, part modern rooms neat ' and \ tnion. 116 0 I tno M A 0435 eve for Rent. S3 2MI EMMET—New duplex Modern «***'« location. Fouth front. $5* \x E 6533. 1"14 8. I3TH 8T. —l arge fitx-noOin modern except heat. newly de>x»rated. $j,s ■'* ^ 1 *T11—-Seven room*, all modern. exceptional good cider ft A 6314 NIt’K 6 and 4-mom modern houses ft** onsbi* to small family, WA Itll BKAI. KSTATB—KOR HR NT House* for Rrnt. M NEAR DUNDEE BCHOOI^-Mod,rn all. room home, two block* from school, ona block from car Available November 1st. 8HEDD INVESTMENT CO . Realtors. JA. 4154. 8unday: HA 4457. NEW BRICK DUPLEX^ 41th and Burt. 4 rooms and gunroom, with garage. JOHN R. McCAHVILLE. REALTOR. 1003-t City Nat. AT. 8025. 5 LARGE room*, modern except heat, newly decorated, 123 and 125. Colored. AT. 6420. HA. 7010. STRICTLY modern bungalow, $56 2 527 Bristol 8t. Call WE. 1T44. SMALL cottage, not modern except elee tricity. No children. AT. 2445. Offlrea and ftrak Room. SR • lOOl> office for attorney. Receptloi room and large private office. Light and towel service furnished. Only $25.60 pel month Apply Omaha Loan Co.. 506 Kar bach block. _ ~ KKAI. ESTATE—fOR SAl.g. ^ ftusinrsa Property. 9J — , .. ...- m BUSY TRANSFER CORNER. IDEAL INVESTMENT. •% NET. Faring and I-and* for Rale. M 9 ACRF1S. Modern 8-room house, good out buildings. 1 a- re of grape*. 36 cher ry trees. 28 pear tree*, other fruit Flna location. Must be sold in 10 days. Phone 38 25 - W. Co. Bluffs AT AUCTION. NOV 3. 166 acres, Merrick county, smooth land, all under plow. Mark Carraher. real es tate auctioneer. Central City, Neb. City Acreage for Rale N WONI»ERFIJL fiPPORTl'NITT. For someone who has some spar# time. • few hours every day will bring a hand some extra earning from this 7-r . strictly modern house and 4 lot*. 2 b. to car. al most walking distance at 3469 South 14th. Brick chicken hs.. bearing fruit, choirs rare grape*, apples, cherries, gooseberries and asparagus imported from Europe. Owner compelled to sell OMAHA RENTAL EXCHANGE. 0 Peters Trust .1A 3519; HA. 2668. House* for Hale. 95 This Attractive Home Is a tea! bargain at $7,000. with easy terms. Six large rooms, three bedroom* and bath up. floored attic, extra toilet In basement. 65-foot corner lot, one blot, k to car and school. Name your own terms. Evenings call Kenneth Metcalfe, WA. 0557. Metcalfe Company, Ground Floor, S. nth Si AT 6415. Beautiful Bungalow • 506 caeh down payment takea beautiful new five-room bungalow, with brick veneer foundation, fireplace, tile bath, built-in tub. breakfast nook, floored attic, full cement basement, east front lot Bar train at $6,500. Evenings call Mr. Rowley, KE. 0206. Special Bargain Offer 5-room, all modem bungalow, newly decorated, with built-in features, book cases. etc. Only $4,600. with easy terms. Evenings call Mr. Gektria, KE. §03$. Metcalfe Company, Ground Floor. *09 B. 19th Bt. AT. Ull. Houaw North. 96 Get Rid of Your Old House If you have outgrown that old place, or it len t up-to-date. J can take your ahar or equity in it and apply it aa firat pa; ment on a good, new 6-room home nea Mlller park. Thla home 4* modern and ©n a paved rtreet. HA. 1044 STRICTLY MODERN NEW HOME. $£ f DOWN. BUILT-IN FEATURES, OAK FLOORS. PAYNE A BONE. JA. 1016 CHOICE of three new homea. close to car and school. 4?d and Grand Only >4.909; >500 cnah Campbell. W.4 >704 CALL US—We have new 4 and 5 room* modern, medium priced homes Terms to »ult. J. C Srhmita Co . JA. 1799 FOR SALE—A new all modern 5-room bungalow*. 4*39 Ava . >4.35?. 1150 down KE 49f»>. <514 N 40TH ST.—alt-room part modern. I3Q0 caah. Creigh. 606 Bee JA- 0209 r u\ i*k * rri *uv and *el| h»mM. HoDM9-IVetl 38 REAL VALUES—BUNGALOW SPECIAL 14.260—Dandy five-room kelaatons. close to North Side High, garage, chicken house, east front lot. $7(9 cash. $5.000—Brand new bungalow w;th large lot In the west distrtet. $7$0 cash. $4.400—Neat five-room oak finished bungalow with lot 44*14 4 t?$9 cash. I&.SOO—New five-room and break, fast room, fireplace, special plumb ing. built-in features, a big sacri fice. $1,000 ca*h. $7.250—Dundee special, si* rooms, fireplace, hot water heat, $2 000 cash. OSBORNE REALTY CO, 539 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 3212. IDEAL FIELD CLUB HOME. Thirty-fifth Ave. and P od pie ton. Attrac tive corner lov. Modern f-room residence with four bedroom* Oak floor* *nd f niah down Newly decorated through u- li • vttef hea* a crest bargain for someone with $1,490 cash. SHEDD INVESTMENT CO. Realtors. JA 4264. Sunday. HA. 4457. SEE THIS BUNGALOW. PRICE ONLY $$,$90 4511 Xlarcy tit Splendid fir*-room oak finished bungalow. built-in fea tures, beautiful lot. 50*130. Just a little over one block to car. Tour opportunity. OSBORNE REALTY CO., $30 Peters Trust Bldg JA. 2211. VIVE ROOMS 30TH AND CALIFORNIA' Modern cottage, all clear, on California r!«»ae to best schools in city. Hsxney cw set vice nice lot. Only *S.7$f». AT. 4046.KE 173. SKK Morrison Lumber and Coal for prloa on garage* Beat construction at mil* mum cost WE 5541. WILL build to your order on our beautk ful lota in Ed *e wood; very easy ttrng Ph me AT. 3340. __ 3*RO< >Mcottage, part modern; locate^ near Happy Hallow Blvd. Large lot an* garage fl.4S0. Eway term* JA. 1966 FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy hornet List your oropertv with ns for reeu’?# JA. 1424 BURT C. FOWLER CO., Realtor^ THIS 6-r. bungalow look* email. but aJ interior inspection will reveal large room# 1794 N 49: h St. Want offer. •411 JONES ST—7 rooms, all modern^ convenient location. Make an offar. JA, Houses—Henson. ft "BENSON HOME ' $650 CASH Nearly new *i*-rooms strictly mader* home Living room across front, oak Mi . r* throughout full cemented base ment. Large lot on paved street Trade n your lot or small house Call Peder sen. HA 546 T For Sale—Floreftre. ftf i NKTHAWAY settle to whites only Bay Is HOME in bsautlful FLORENCE K R ’ 4*9. IaAm tor fUl*. IQS Lot 90*197. on lid Avenue, facing Ha* N Park, for aale at an attarctlva prices A Orfmr- el J A lft$ Rcsl K*tatr tar QirlHmi. IM EQUITY in 7 room house all modern, pared at/eat. tloaa to school ar.d buaiuee* YY •; 1 »>>,i ot t; ado M hat ha\e you? Wanfco—KmI KMsIr 108 NEW HOMES—YOVR-T*RMi. 0ROY E HlBBAHD CO 722 Hankers Reserve Bldg AT lift For results Hat your property with FIRST TRUST CO 4T >729490 First Natl Bank WE SKl.l. HOMES, LIST WITH L&. HAMILTON A CO. *** 4 Neville Bloch_JA, fftt SEE u* firat Need Mating* any tecattoi* 6 to < rooma j*hoi»ao a Co.. Keaioca J A ♦?;>, 234 KeeMne Hide LIST your property with ua or if you • re in the market for a.-rear* call I**.a <v»hw for quick aaies MA 91 *3 M A 401* char w yor no a son He*: l «*»te Rental* Insurance. t<9> City Natl BankAT 99*3 o P HUTCHINSON C\X. Re«l Batata Tna iff* Fanea#* a«i i