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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1924)
Foreign Strength Opens Prices of Grain Much Higher % bains oil Maintained at Close; Prominent Selling of V heat Futures on Hard Spots. B« (MVHI.Ks 4. I.KYUKN. I niv«*r»til S#rvlt't> Staff CnrrMpundnit. c.thijgo. Oft. 27.—Surprising strength hi Muet)f>t' Aires and Liverpool today opened priced in the local pit sharply n wrher. pml the close found the gains "II ui^intained. A rush to cover by i"'li-.irnt (hat the market tech nli .illv was set for such a recovery follow ing the drastic slump of the preceding week. In Itucnos Aires, where prices n.r.- np £>c, it was explained that the |M*'iniuui, which the cash article was bringing, forced a readjustment in the jnt. Liverpool was up largely in sym pathy with the southern hemisphere iria rket. 'V hfwt-closed 3<Q>3Hc higher, corn was 1t % «• up. oats wets IHOIHc higher und i >*».. ruled 3 Mi <£t> 3 4* c advanced. On the hard spots locally there was prominent selling of wheat futures and credited by observers to those interests t ha | w-prr the most active sellers last week. Pressure waned on the dips, how e'er. and t he close w as on a flurry. Win nipeg displayed relative firmness com pored with t'hicago. but outside markets in ilii$e country were inclined to drag. Tiie *«jhboard confirmed export sales of 2.500. non bushels wheat and 500,000 bush els rytynine* Saturday. The United King dom und the continent bought. Norway and Finland took the rye. Liverpool closed 3>U#3%d up. Corn moved up easily and was better, hut many reports came in telling of dis appointing husking returns. Corn, like other grains-., has had a bad spill from tht high points of the season, and cover ing by sliorta has given the market no little stimulus of late. Primary receipts were 804.000 bushels, against 800,000 bushels last year. Oats enjoyed a substantial recovery. Commission houses were heavy buyers of this grain at the opening and while the market drooped about midday it rallied briskly at the close. Rjre encountered a better class of buy ing and climbed with other grains. Sea board interests were active on the bull side early, while northwest houses sup ported the May delivery late in the day. Provisions were irregular. Lard closed 85c lower to 15c higher. Ribs, unchanged. Pit Notes. Public Interest in gratns at the mo ment is slow*. This was evident in to day’s wheat trade, there being periods of extreme dullness during the session, •specially on the swells. The coming election may have something to do with this. Meanwhile It is more than diffi cult for bull leaders to maintain price gains even though the foreign takings • re large, because of the continued heavy ru*h of grain from the farms. The visible supply of wheat for the week increased 2,409,000 bushels. It totals 87.767.0/0 bushels, or about 20, 000,000 bushefe more thhn last year at this time. An embargo prevails in the northwest and this may cut down the run somewhat but the movement of wheat generally does not give any sign of falling off from its harvest rate. Under line conditions In the trade are strong, i.ilflT they or© slow in exerting them selves. The character of foreign crop news re main* as bullish as ever. Italy's needs are placed at 1«0.0:0.000 bushels by the latest estimates. The Internationa* in stitute of agriculture at Rome figures that exporting countries will have 826, 000.000 bushels surplus wheat this year with foreign import needs of 808,000,000 bushels, this leaving a theoretical carry ovet of only 18,000.000 bushels. Developments In the wheat situation will probablv be atvaited before the trade takes a definite stand. Although bullish hl heart on the ultimate price trend, few operators '-art about following the up iii!n» at this time. The accumulation or supplies in this country continues, ana until exports increase and the run of fh* grain from the interior dwindles a 11• t»pv situation If likely to be uncovered on tit* hard spots. Europe, according to most reports, is not coining after our giajn at such breakneck speed, and with the Canadian grain moving more rapidly to market the present policy of taking hr Id on the breaks will probably be adh red tb. CHICAGO PRICES. IIV Updike Oraln company, ATIantlo 6213. .\,r. up. n. ' High. | Low. I Cloae. I Bat. D«': | 1.43 ' 1.45 | 1.42%| 1.44% 1.41% 1 45 I.|.1 1.44% 1.41% »'■* ]'%%\ ’i4**!.1:47* J:4?% tt.% Ju' i;li!ii.V.*4.. !.!•*** .h"? MJ« i'i* 1 26%' 1.26%t 1.34 1.15% 1.32% May 1.37 1 1.28% 1.26 137% 1*« 1.28 . 1.27% . .... • Jul. 1 14 1 1.14 1.14 1-14 i-2* u«",',! i.04%! 1.02% 1.01% ».•*% May r.i>6',l 1.06% 1.05% i.06% 1.05 1.01',;. . 1.06 1.06 Vs Jul. 1.06 K* 1.07 V* 1.06% 1.07% . ... 1-05 life* .49 u/ . 49% .49 .49% .46% May r .J*'4 .50 '.I.54% .53 July .51 Vi I .52 V* I .51% -52% -&1 '13.65 13 93 'l 15.65 |15.45 13|»2 May 113 30 U3.46 113.30 Ui.35 113.20 %? 112.40 12.60" '12.60 'iHJO '13.00 4 liicHgo Butter. Chi'*««•. O. t- -*•—The. butter market today traded quiet, with prloea un 4 hanged, and ruled steady to firm on fop grades. The lower scores were no more than steady. Supplies of centralized cars were light. Fresh butter: 92 score. Soc; 91 score, SCc; score. S4Vic; 80 score. 32c; 68 score. 30%t : 87 score. 29c: 86 score. 28c. Centralized carloads: 90 score, 34%c; *9 score. 32c; 88 score. 30c. Boston Wool. noston. Ocf. 27.—Activities on ths wool market seem to be centered more on eulfcable for the manufacture or ^Woolens. Prices In general are unchanged. Good AA pulled wools are held at around $1.60, scoured basis, and several sales have been consummated at n httle higher figure. feopers are held at $1.26^1.30 aiid the last recent sales have been on this basis. _ Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. Oct. 27.—Eggs—lc high er. firsts, 40c: selected. 48c. Butter—Creamery—Unchanged, 57<3 3ac.. packing; lo lower, 21c. Poultry—Unchanged, hens, 20c; roos ters. 12c: springs. 20c: broilers. 23c. Potatoes—Unchanged: Kaw Valley cob* blc-ie and Ohtos. 75c(^ $l.t>0. ADV KRTIHEMENT. Kansas City Doctor Invents New Truss New Discovery Heal* Rupture Without An Operation A now discovery which, experts agree, ha* no equal for curative ef fects , in all rupture cases, is the. In test, accomplishment of the well known Hernia Specialist, Dr. An drews, 150S Koch Bldg., Kansas City, ,\fo. The extraordinary success of lhin new method proves that It holds and heals‘a rupture. It weighs only r few ounces. Has no hard gouging pads, no elastic belt, no leg straps, no steol bands, and is as comfortable i as a light garment. It haa enabled hundreds of persons to throw away 1 trusses and declare their rupture ab solutely healed. Many of these bad aerlouq. double ruptures, from which they liad suffered for years. It Is Dr. Andrews’ ambition to have every rup tured person enjoy the quick relief, comfort and healing power of his dis covery', and he will send it on free trial to any reader of The Omaha Bee who writes him. He wanls one per 0r,ii ip each neighborhood to whom he ran refer. If you wish to be rid of rupture for good, without an op eration. take advantage of the doc tor's free offer. Write him today. The coupon below Is convenient: FREE TBIAI, orKF.R COUPON. Dr. Andrew,, 1IW6 Hoch Bldg., Knnaaa City, Mo. Without aav obllsallon whalavar on my-port, plcima aend me your Free Trial Offer. Hers la my name and address: t ---—s Omaha Grain ' _ -J Omaha, Oct. 17. 1114. Cssh wheat aoM on the tables today | from 2c to 3c higher. There was no j noticeable Improvement tn the demand and the advance was entirely due to the higher futures. Receipts were 193 cars. Corn was in only fair demand at prices ranging l^c higher to lc lower. Re ceipts were 44 cars. Oata sold from He to lc higher. Re ceipts were 64 cars. Rye waa 8 4c to 4c higher. Receipts, 10 cars. Barley sold lc lower. Receipts. 4 cars. Omaha Carlot Sales. WHEAT. No. J dark hard; 1 car. fl.324; 1 ear, $1.32; 1 car. $1.35. No. 1 hard;' 1 car. $1.34. 3 cara. $1.32; 1 car, $1.31; 11 cars. $1.314 No. 2 hard; 1 car, $1.35; 7 cara, $1,314; 29 cars, $1.31: 3 cars. $1,29 4; 3 cars, $1.29; l car. $1.31: 1 car. $1.27; 13 cars, $1.30; 3 cars, $1,304; 8 cars. $1.28. No. 3 hard: 4 cars, $1.31; l car, $1,804; 10 cars, $1.80; Scars, $1,294 ; 1 car, $1.29; 1 car. $1,28 4; 2 cars, $1,27 4; 1 car, $1,264: 1 far. $1.26. No. 4 hard; 5 care. $1.28; 8 cars, $1,294; 2 far*. $1 29; 2 cars, $1.26; 1 car, $1.25; 1 car. $1.24. No. 5 hard: 1 car. $1.2$; S care. $1.28; ! 1 car. $1.23: 1 car. $1,264. Sample hard: 1 car, $1.28; 2 cars, $1.29; 1 car, $1.23. No. 1 durum: 1 car, $1.29. No. 2 durum: 1 cat. $1.33. No. 4 yellow hard: 2-3 car, $1.28. No. 1 spring: 2 cars, $1.60. No. 2 spring: 1 car. $1.32. No. 1 mtxed: 1 car, $1.29: B. H.. $1.29. No. 2 mixed; 1 car. $1,27 4: 1 car, $1,294; 1 car. $1,314. No. 3 mixed: 12-6 cara. $1.29. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars. $1.29; 1 car, $1.27. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. $1.27. CORN. No. 2 white: 3 cars, 98c. No. 3 white: 1 car. 9$4ci 1 car, 96c. No. 4 white; 3 cars. 94c. No. 6 white: 2 cars. 93c. No. 2 yellow: 2-5 car. 98c; 1 car, 99c. No. 3 yellow: 1 car. 96c. No. 4 yellow: 2 cara, 95c. No. 6 yellow: 3 cara. 92c. Sample yellow: 1 car, 86c; 2-1 car. 90c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 96c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. 96c. No. 5 mixed: 1 car. 92c. OATS. No. 2 white: 3 1-3 cars, 46c. No. 3 white: 2 cara. 454cf 1 car, 46c; 6 3-6 cara. 45c. No. 4 white: 2 cars. 444c; 2 can, 44c; 2 cars. 43 4c. Sample white: 2 cars, 42 4c. RYE No. 1 rye: 1 car, $1.13; 2 bulkheads, $1.12. No, 2 rye: 4 cars, $1,114: 4 care. $1.11. No. 3 rya: l 1-3 cars. $1.11. 1 car not rya, wheat mixed, $1.11. BARLEY. No. 1 barley: 1 car. 83c. No. 4 barley: 2 cars. 78c. Daily Inspection of Grain Received. WHEAT. Hard: 18 cars No. 1, 43 cara No. 3. 20 cars No. 3. 9 cars No. 4, 6 care No. 6. 8 cars sample. Mixed: 3 cars No. 1, * care No. 2. 1 car No. 3. 2 cars No. *, 1 car aample. Spring: 1 car No. 1, 1 car No. 3. Durum: 1 car No. 2. Total 114 care. CORN. Yellow: 1 car No. 2, 17 cara No. 8, 9 cara No. 4, 2 cara No. 5, 2 cars No. 6, 1 car sample. White: 1 car No. 2. 1 car No. 3. 1 ear No. 4, 1 car No. 6. 1 car No. 6. Mixed: 2 cars No. 2. 2 cara No. 2, 2 cara No. 4. 1 car No. 6. Total 44 cars. OATS. White: 11 cara No. 2, 14 care No. 8, 9 cars No. 4. 7 care sample. Total 61 cara. RYE. 4 cars No. 1, 2 cars No. 2. 2 cars No. 3. Total. 18 cars. BARLEY. 2 cars No. 2, 1 car No. 4, 1 car sample. Total 4 cara. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlota) Receipt*— Today Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat . 173 249 117 Corn . 44 68 78 Oata . 64 61 72 Rya . 10 t 8 Barley ....i. 6 10 18 Shipments— Wheat . 120 209 117 Corn . 84 29 40 Oata . 21 20 102 Rya . 1 .. 7 Barley . 4 3 4 CHICAGO RECEIPTS Week Tear Carlota— Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat .126 157 16 Corn .161 127 165 Oata .Ill 115 45 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS Wheat .693 682 64 Corn . 23 3 9 7 Oata .......18 It 21 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS Wheat .269 261 163 Corn .107 166 73 Oata .161 69 95 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Minneapolie .839 §76 760 Duluth .1.466 ... 203 Winnipeg .1,690 1.709' 1,903 U. 8. VISIBLE. Bushels: .Today. Week Ago. Year Ago. Wheat ...87.767.000 85.358.000 67.732.000 Corn .... 8.761.000 8.395.000 1.100,000 Oats _64.567,000 62.785.000 20.197,000 Rye .15,502.000 13.683.000 16.601.000 Barley... 6,429.000 5.047.000 8.634,000 OMAHA STOCKS. Bushels: Today. Year Ago. Wheat ..4,330.000 3,614.000 Corn . 416.000 60.000 Oats . 2.048.000 1.935.000 Rye . 322.000 220.000 Barlsy. 25.000 113,000 Minneapolis f ash Grain. Minneapolis. Oct. 27.—Wheat—Cash No. 1 northern. 11.38% 01.40%: No. l dark northern spring, choice to fancy. $149% 01.62%; good to choica, 11.43% 01-48%; ordinary to good, $1.4001.43%; No. I hard spring. $1.41 % ® 1.62 % ; No. 1 dark hard Montana on track. $1 36% 01 65%; to arrive. $1.35% ® 1.55% ; December, $140%; May, $1.4'.%, Corn—Now 3 yellow. $1.02%. Oats—NY. r white, 42 % ® 42 %e. Barley—66 080c. Rye—No. 2. $1.1801.14%. Flax—No. 1. $2.37 0 2.40%. Chicago Cash Grain. Chicago, Oct. 27—Wheat—No. 3. red, II 49; No. 2 hard. $1.41 % 01.43%. Corn—No. 2 mixed. 11.02% 0 1.04 % ; No. 2 yellow. $1.04% 01.06. Oata—No. 2 white, 48048%; No. 3 white. 45% 046%c. Rye—No. 2. $1.210123%. Barley—76091c. Seed—Timothy. $4.750 6.60; clovar, $18.00029.00. Provisions—Lard—$18.16; rlbe, $13.50; bellies. $14.76. Kansas City Cash Grain. Kansas City. Oct. 27.—Wheat— No. 3 hard, 11.3101.46; No. 2 red. $1.4401.60; December. $1.34% split bid; May. $140%c. Corn—No. 3 white. $6c; No. 2 yellow; $1.01; No. 2 mixed. 960 97c; December. f>5%c; May, 99%o split aaked; July, $1-00%. Visible Grain Bupply. New York, Oct. 27.—The visible »up r»ly of American grain shews the follow ing changes In bushel*: Wheat Increased, 2,408.000, com Increased. 366.000; oats In creased. 1.792,000; rye Increased, 1,819,* 000; b&rlsy increased, 882,000. Bt. I/©uls Grain Futures Bt. Louis. Oct. 37.—Wheat—Cl©se: December. $1.42%: May. 8147% Com—December, $1.ftl%; Nfay, ll Oata—December, 49%c, May. 63%c. Minneapolis Flour, _ Minneapolis, Minn, Oct. 87. —Flour Market unchanged to 10c higher; family patents, $7.8507.90. Bran—>25.00025.50._ Kanaa# City livestock. „ Kansas City, Orf. 97—(United Btates Department of Agriculture.!—Cattle— Re ceipts. 39,000 head: calves. 7,oon head; yearlings strong to 10c higher; fed st**er* and greasers alow, around steady; early top yearings averaging around 900 pounds, $11.60; few loads graasera at $5.0006.86; shs stock fairly active, steady to strong; grnaa cows and heifers, $3.50® 5 60 . calves strong to 50c higher; ton veala. $10 00; medium and heavies, $3.00 06.50; stocker* and feeders active, steady; hulk, $6.25® 7.25; stock cows and heifera 16026c higher, $2.7606.00; ton heifers $6 60; calves steady to strong. 36 2507.26 Hogs—Receipts. 10.000 head; shipper market mostly 10016c. lower; top. $9 95; bulk of -ales, $9 3509 90; bulk desirable 180 to 260-pound averages, *9 6609 00; packer market very slow, talking 260 60o lower; packing sows. $8.6009.00; Stock pigs 26c lower, $6.7607.26. Sheep—Receipts. 8,000 head : lambs gen arally steady; fed westerns. $13 90; other westerns and fed offerings, $18 76; na I fives. $13.26; clipper*. $12 00; odd lots | shsep strong. Now York Produce. New York. Oct. 27. —Butter—Firm: re ceipts. 6.702 tubs; creamery, higher than extras. 39% 040c; creamery extras. (92 score), 39c; creamery firsts (88 to 91 score), 38028c; packing stock, current make No. 2, 26c. . . .. Kggs—Firm: receipts. 6.089; fresh gath ered extra first*. 50064c; fresh gathered first*. 44®49c; fresh gathered seconds and poorer. 36043c; nearby hennery whites, closely selected extras, slf|84c. nearby and nearby western whites, firsts to average extra*. 60080c. nearly hennery browns. extra#. 67® 68c; Pacific const whites, extras. 76®80c; Pa cific coast firsts to extra firsts. 60075c; \ refrigerator extra firsts, 40% 0 41c; refrlg erstor firsts. 39040c. Cheese — Irregular; receipt*. 17-.B28 pounds; atate while milk flat*, fresh, fancy to fanev specials, 19®20%c; sfa1*> V’lioie milk flats, average run. 18 %c; State whole milk flats, held. f«"ry fkney spec la Im, 20®J|c; stste whole milk fists, average run, 18%®19c. Turpentine and Kosfn. JlBavannah. (It., Oct 27, Turpentine— Film. 82c; sabs. 421 bhls ; receipts. ?8t hills , shipment*, 664 bbls.; atork. 11.873 Rosin--Firm: as-les, 1.322 casks »e cents, 864 casks; ehlpments, 1,640 caaks; stuck, 69.807 casks Qtloloi ti to M. 6*0; N. $9 60; >V*. CT. $7.2$, W. W., 7|l; X 110$, r 1 ■ " — 4 Omaha Livestock Omaha, Oct. 27. Receipt* were: Cattle. Hogs. Cheep. Monday estimate.... 22,600 8.600 8.500 Same day last week. 24.044 9.104 6.958 Same 2 weeks ago..32,744 8,754 15,347 Same 3 weeks ago..24,356 6,686 20,413 Same jlay year ago.. 17,449 7,535 7,407 Cattle—Receipts. 22.600 head. Monday’* liberal run of cattle Included a very fair percentage of cornfed steers and the general market was not far from steady. A* usual demand was best for the light weight steers and yearlings, best on sale bringing $12.100 12.25. Heavy cattle were alow sale at unchanged figure* and the same held true as to grass beef. Cows and heifers were of liberal supply and steady to 10016c loweiy while stockera and feeder* moved slowly at about last week'* closing levels. Quotations on cattle: Cholcs to prime beeves, $10.25011.85: good to choice beeve*. $9.25010.26; fair to good beeves, $8.5009.25; common to fair beeve*. $7.50 #8.60; plain short fed steer*. $6 0007.60; choice to prime yearltegs. $11.26012.25; good to choice yearlings. $10.25011.26; fair to good yearling*. $9 25010.25; com mon to fair yearling*. $7.7509.00; trashy warmed-up yearlings. $6.0007.50; good to prime fed heifer*. $8.00010.50; tfdaln to good fed .heifers. $5.5008.00; common to good fed cow*, $3.500 5.00; good to choice gras* beeves, $7.000 8.00; fair to good gras* beeves, $6.0006.85; common to fair gras* beeves. $5.0005.76; Mexican eteers, $3.5004.76; choice to prime gras* heifers, $5.7507.00; good to choice grass heifers, $5.0005.76; fair to good grass heifers, $4.0005.00; choice to prime grass cows, $4.8505.60; good to choice gras* cow*, $4.2604.85; fair to good gras* cows. $3.50 vh/9.25; eanners and cutters. $2.2503.40; choice to prime feeders. $7.6008 25; good to choice feeders. $6.4007.25; fair to good feeders, $5.7506.35; common to fair feed ers, $4.00 05,50; good to choice stockers. $6.5007.40; fair to good stockera, $5.60 0 6.50; common to fair stockera, $4.60 #5.50: trashy stocker*. $3.5004.60; stock heifers, $3.5004.75: stock cows, $2,500 3.40; stock calves. $4.6007.25; veal calves, $3.00010.00; bologna bulls. $2.9003.40. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. IK.1151 $ 9 00 20.1126 $ 9 26 25. 750 9 60 18.1130 10 00 20.1063 10 75 17.1208 11 00 31 . 964 1 1 85 69 986 12 25 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 28. 926 10 25 31 990 12 10 HEIFERS. $0.$16 7 50 BULLS. 1 .1090 750 CALVES. 11 . 318 6 00 48 315 $ 10 8. 195 5 50 9. 824 6 00 1. 80 7 00 1. 170 9 60 1 . 120 10 00 Hogs—Receipts, 8,600 head. Large sup plies and lower trends elsewhere wers re flected on local pblces this morning. A few good butchers were picked up by shippers at 26c decline, white the packer market was a dull, weak affair on the early rounds. Bulk of all sales was at $8 8509.50, with extreme top $9.66. Sheep—Receipts. 8,600 Demand for killer stuff was just fair and with supplies rather scant prices ruled around steady with last week’s close. Feeders and aged sheep were also of limited num ber and moved on a largely steady basis. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice. $13.00013.65; lambs, fair to good. $11.76019.00; feeding lambs, I12.00«13 to; wether*, |5.00®7.60; clipped lambs, fed. $12.00012.25; year lings. range. $7.00010.00; fat ewes, $4.60 06.50: breeding ewe*, yearlings excluded. $6.0008.00; feeding ewee, $4.7506.00. Receipt* aj\d disposition of livestock at the Unioi Stobkyards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 p. m.. October 27, 1524: RECEIPTS—CARLOT. Horses and Cat’s H’g* She’n Mill's CMAStPRy... 4 1 2 Wabash R R.. 1 Mo Psc Ry. 1 U P R R .148 22 10 2 •C A N W east . 5 1 C A N W west).230 $8 11 12 CStPMAO . 4 8 1 C B A Q east . 5 1 C B A Q west .330 40 10 C R I A P east. $ C R I A P west .. $1 I C R R . 8 1 Total receipts .7$0 106 2$ 28 DISPOSITION—HEAD Cattle Hope Sheep Armour A Co . 1147 1568 _ Cudaiiy Pack Co . 980 1568 1163 Dold Pack Co . 82 764 .... Morris Pack Co . 1145 796 610 Swift A Co . 1614 783 1169 •Jlaasburg M . 12 . Hoffman Bros . 62 Mayerowlch & Vail .. 26, . Midwest Pack Co .... 2 .... .... Omaha Pack Co . 2 . John Roth A Sons .. 25 .. S Omaha Pack Co ... 16 . Murphy J W . $8$ .... Lincoln Pack Co . 213 . Nagle Pack Co . 63 . Anderson A Son . 216 . Benton VS A Hughs* 161 ... „ .... Bulla J H . 191 .... .... Cheek W H . 125 .... .... Dennis A Francis ... 262 . Ellis A Co . 183 . Harvey John . 211 . Inghram T J . 37 . Kellogg F O . 453 . Kirkpatrick Bros .... 451 ./ Krebbs A Co . 25 .... .... Longman Bros . 72 . Luberger H S . 37 . Mo-Kan C A a Co ... 61 . Root J H & Co . 159 . Kceenstock Bros . 823 . Sargent A Finnegan . 31 . Smiley Bros . 9s . Van Sant W B A Co . 27 . Wertheimer A Degen 216 . Other buyers ......... 1533 .... 1767 Total .11051 6617 4709 Chicago Livestock. Chicago, Oct. 27—(United State* De partment of Agriculture.)—Cattle— Re ceipt*. .77.000 head, market, early trading confined moatly to yearling*, cannera and cutters and bull* generally steady; apot* strong; fed steer*, all weight*, alow, 16© 25c lower; fat cows mostly 25c lower; few 15©25c lower: atocker* and feeders very slow; most bids 25c lower; best yearling*, early. $12.75; numerous lo*4* around $12.00; few loads heavy ■teers'nf value to sell at $10.00 and above; bulk yearlings, $10 50012 00; bulk of fat steer*. $8 500 9 75; veal calve* mostly $9.50010.00, ta packer*. Hog*—Receipt*. 88,000 head; market *low, 10025c lower; weighty butcher* largely 10®i6c off; underweight* dull. 25®50o lower; demand narrow; top. 910.40 one load; bulk good and choice 180 to 360 pound weight. 99 28010.20; majority bet ter 140 to 180-pound kind. 97.6608 75: bulk parking sows. $8.7509.00; desirable atrongwelght slaughter pig* moatly $8.75 0 7 25; average cost of packer and ship per droves of hogs here Saturday. $9.42. weight 245 pounds; average cost last week. $9.64. weight 234 pound*; heavy weight hoga $9.70010 40; medium. $9 50 010.70; light. $7 75010 00; light light. $6 500910; packing hogs, smooth. $8,*5 ©9.10; packing hoga. rough, $1.5008.85; slaughter pig*. $8.2507 25. Sheep—Rerelnt*. 38,000 head; market, fat lamb* 25®50o lower: sorting more severe; bulk natives. $13 2501.1.50; few to city butcher*. $13 76: cull* mostly $10.00 010.60; western*. $19.25012 60; sheep un changed; fat ewes. $4.7506.76; feeding lamb* weak; few early nales. 913.00® 12.76. F>mI At. Loui* IiiTfstork. East St Louis. III., Oct. 37.—Hog*— Receipts. 18.000 head; market unevenly steady to 100,50c lower; load* of 210 pound klnda and up showed decline* of !*5c to 50c lower to packer* than and of last week; light light* and pip* were 50c lower; bulk 140 to 180-pound average*, 98.2609.25; 170 to 190 pound*. 99.40© 9 76; 200 pound* and up $9.25010 00; few Jo«d* good heavy butchers. $10.20010.40; Jiogs with quality and weight bringing a.bouf $10.00. very scarce; bulk of pig*, $7.5008.25; packing sows. $8.500 8.86. Uatfle--Receipts. 11.000 head; native beef Hteer* generally steady, with spots a shade lower on hesvy plain kinds, hulk. $7.0008 75; western steers steady to 15c lower st $6.6007.00; fnf light i yearlings and hetfem steady, one load I mixed at 99 75; beef cows and cannera |10o to 16c lower: tanner* largely $2.36© lr.60; bologna bulla stendv to 26c higher, top bologna* $4.25; bulk. $2.5004 00; bulk fat vealer*. $10 25010.60; Mocker and feeder steer* strong Rheop and Lamb*—Receipt* 2.600 head, lamb* steady to weak; top lamb* to pack ers. $13 60; bulk of sales. $13.00 018.50; moat southwest Missouri lnml»a at $; few bunches beat natives to city butrh#r*. 91.7.76; one small lot. $14.00; cull lambs largely $9.00; bulk mutton ewe*. $4.50© 5.60; few lots of best light ewe*. $6.00. Estimated receipts for Tueedav: Cgt tle. 6.000; hog*. 20,000; sheep, 2,600. Along City Livestock. Siout City, Ta . Oct 27. —Cattle—Re ceipt*. 9.000 head; market slow; killers steady, 25c lower, afockera steady, 15c lower; fat yearling* $8.00012.00 bulk. $10.00011.00; fst cow* and heifers. $5 60 ©1100; rruinera ami cutters. $3.2609.00; crass row* and heifer*. $.7 0008.00; veals. 94.00011.00; bulls, $2,2503 80; feeder $5.0005,60; stock*, $4 0007 00; stock yearling* and calves. $4 0007.00. feeding cow* and heifers. $2.7606.26. Ifr»K»- Receipts. 9.000 head: markst 10 015c lower: top. $9 50; bulk of sales, $8.2509,26; lights. $8.0009 "0; butchers. $9.0009.60; mixed, $8 6009 00; heavy lacker*, $8,4008.86; native pig*. 96.50© 6 60; western pigs, $0.5007,00, killing pigs, 97.00tfr7.60. Sheep and La mbs—R*c*l pt*. 4,000 head; market ateadv. Nil. Joseph LI vest 04 k. Rt. Joseph, Oct 27 I fog*— Rrc*|ptv. 4.000 heart; 10© J6c lower; top, $9 90, bulk. 99.2609.k6, Cattle -Receipts. 13,000 head; gfeady to 15c jower; bulk of at«***r*. $0 26011 26; top $12.00; rows and heifer*. $3.26('< 10.00; irilve*. $3 00010.00; stockera and feeder*, $4 0007.6". Sheep and Lamb* Receipts, 3,000 head, steady; iamb*. $12.60011.85; awes, $6.00 1.1 6 60 Kfw York tot ton. New York Oct 3f—Th< a*uieral .«rtn». market rfossd firm At n*l aUvauc** of 122 to 121 point* Sour Aspect Seen in Stock Market; Even Rails Stale Traders Confused as Surface Indirations Show Lower Trend, but Gossip Pre dicts Stimulation. By RICHARD SPII.I.AN K. Universal Service Financial Editor. New Y'ork, Oct. 27.—There was a sour aspect in today’s stock market. Nothing looked particularly good and a lot of things looked far from good. Even the rails, the reports of which as to Septem ber earnings were first rate, acted as If they had gone stale from overwork. Traders, scouting around to see which way to make a turn, were confused. Sur face indications were that ths market; was inclined to go lower, but gossip was | that there would be stimulation through the United States Steel corporation Tues day. Warnings for ths quarter probably will be somewhere between $32,000,000 and $35,000,000, and the common. It la rumored, will be placed definitely on a 7 per cent basis. This, It Is suggested, would be expressive of absolute confi dence In the election of Coolidge. The metal shares were the strongest of the groups. Toppers were particularly favored. Ths metal now is quoted at 13 ^&>13*4c for delivery late this year and consumers suddenly have become traordinarily eager to get quick delivery. Business was restricted, transactions ag gregating only 606,700 shares. Rails declined an average of H point and the industrials 1-3 of a point. Call money, which opened at 2 per cent, rose to 3 per cent, where It closed. Time money 2% and 3*4. Coffee was on a rampage. Tt rose to 20.25c for the December delivery. This is the highest In years. Sugar continued dull, closing from un changed to 1 point down. Large buying of wheat and rye for ex port. together with pretty well authenti cated reports that ths rains in the Ar gentine had not been sufficient to offset ths effects of ths drouth, lifted ths grain markets out of their dullness end de pression. Liverpool, due to open un changed. opened 1 pence higher and closed 3*4 up. Buenos Aires was still mors bullish, opening 444^6§4c up. The close was with wheat 2\(&Z\ic up. corn lH©>lT4e up, oats up and rye 2Q>2%c up. Lard was from 13e to 45o down. Everything In connection with cotton had a bullish tinge. Weather conditions in the belt were unfavorable. The open ing prices were 29to 50 points up. | New York Quotations ) V....—.. .../ New York Stock exchange quotations, furnished by J. S. Bacne A Co.. 224 Omaha National Bank building Sat. High. Low. Close. Close. Agriculture Chem. 12% Ajax Rubber. Allied Chemical... 72% Allie Chalmere ... 67% Am. Beet Sugar. Am. B. 8. Fdry. American Can....120% 128% 129% % Am. Car A Fdry. Am. Hide A L. Am. H. A L. pfd. 65 Am. Int’l Corp..., 29% Am. Linseed Oil.. .... Am. Locomotive. Am. Radiator. Am. Ship. A Com. 10 Am. Smelting.78 Am. Smelting, pfd. Am. Steel Fdrye.. 87 American Sugar.. 39% Am. Sumatra. Am. Tel A T.127 Am. Tobacco.161 Am. W W A E. Am. Woolen ..... 63% Anaconda . 36% Aae’d Dry Goode. Associated Oil.... 30 Atchison ...106 At. Coast Line. Atlantic G. A W. X. .. Atla* Tack. Atlantic Refining. .. Auetln-NIshols . Auto Knitter. -1% 1% 1% 2 Baldwin .118 % 117% 117% 118% Baltimore AO_61% 60 60 61 % Barnadall A. 18 Bethlehem Steel.. 40% 89% 40% 40% Bosch Mag .. 26% 26 Brook-Man Ry .. 26% 26% 25% 26% Brook-Man prd. 68% 69 Brook-Edison Co..117% 117% 117% 117% Calif Pack . 91 90% 91 90% Calif Pet . 22*4 22% 22% 22% Cal A Aria Min .. ..Mr .. 51% Can Pacific .148* 147% 147% 148% Central Leath .... 15 14% 15 14% gentral Leath pfd 46% 46 46% 46% erro de Paaro .. 46% 45% 46 46 Chandler oMtore .31% 81 81 23 Ches A Ohio .... 82% 81% 82% 83% Chi Grt Western .7% 6% 6% 7% Chi A N W. 60 60% C M A St P .IS 13% 12% 12% Chi G W pfd _21% 21% 21% 22% C M A St P pfd.. 22% 21% 21% 22% C R I A P . 34% 33% 84 33% C St P M A O Ry. 45% Chile Copper .... 32% 23 82 32% Chino .- 29 20% Cluett-Peabody . .. .. 57% Cluett-Peabody pf . * .. 101% Coca-Cola . 76% 76 76% 76% Colo r A Iron ... 40% 89% 40 40% Columbian Carbon 42% 42% 42% 43 Columbia Gaa .... 43% 43% 43% 43% Congoleum . 43 41% 42% 43 Con Cigars. 19% 19% font Can . 87% 86% 67% 67 Cont Motors. 6% 6% 6% 6% Corn Products ... 36% 86% 36% 36% Cosden . 26% 26% 26% 26% Crucible . 66 63% 64% 83% Cuba Cane Sugar . • 11% 11% Cuba Cane Sug pf 66% 66% 66% 66% Cuba-Am Sugar .. 29% 29% 29% 39% Cuyamel Fruit.49% 49 49 69 Daniel Boore .... le% 9% 9% 11% Davidson Chom ..45% 45% 45% 46% Deta A Hudson ... 124 % 124 124 124 % Dome Mining .... . 14% 15 Dupont De Nem.. 327% 127 127 1 28% Kastman Kodak . .110% 110% Brie . 27% 27% 27% 27% Klee Stor aBt ... . 67% 67% Famous Player* .. 12% 12% 62% 83% Fifth Ave B L .1. 11% Flak Rubber. 9% 9% Fletachman’e Yeast 80% 71% <9% 78% frtn Axphalt. 41% 40% 41% 41% G.n Eltctrlo .3MI4 !t?S 3«>* 3S0T. O.n Motor*. 63 67 V* 6 7'. 66 Goodrich . 31 1014 39H 30% Gold I>u»t . 312 Gr North Or. _ 3914 3»Vi S»'i 30 Or North Ry pfd. 60 74 61% Gulf State. Steel . «»S ««<4 *»S «> H.rtmann Trunk. 33*4 33>4 33*. sit Have. Wheel. 334 38*4 Hudaon Motor. .17*4 16 44 :i% 17 <4 Min Co. .... 44 llou.ton Oil . <364 <M4 <3*4 « Hupp oMtor.. 13*. U'4 flllnol. Cent . 108 6* log 14 10s*. 10M/ Illinois C.nt pfd.10*6* 10t*4 Inspiration .. .... ]03\ lrt\ In Enr Com Corp 3554 2314 jn'i J9*j H . »J *514 <3 13*. Int M M. 8% Int M M pfd ... 36% 36% 86% 36% Int Tel A Tel 82% 83 52% 82% Inter Nlchel ..... 19% 19 19% 19% Inter Paper . 4*% 4 3% 44% 43% Inv Oil . 14 13% 13% 13% Jonee Tea . v. . n % Jordan Motor ... 36 24 If 36 K O South . 26% 24% 24% 26% Kelly-Spring. ... 16 Kennerott . 46% 46% 46% 46% Keystone Tlr* . 1% Lee Rubber . 10% Lehigh Valley_*3% 62% 62% 6.1% Lima I*ooo . 60% 60 60% eo Isooae-Wllen . 69 64% Louie A Naah ... 98% 95 94 98 \fnru Truck . 9S% 97% 98 99 May Dept. Store 95% 9.'. 96% 96% Max Motor A ... 68 66% 67% 66 * Max Motor B ... 21% 26% 20% 20% Marland . 96% 74 4, .74% 96 Mexican Seaboard 24 33% 33% 24% Miami Cop . 2i% 21% 21% 22 Middle State* Oil. . ... 1% 1% Mo Kan A T .... 16 15% 16% 16 Mo Par . 2<»% 20% 20% 39% \flsourl r*c rfd... 67% 66% 67 67 % Mont-Ward . 37% 3«% 37% 37% Mother Lode . 7% 7% 7% 7% Nash Motors ..... .... .163 Nstlonal Blacult . 73% 73% Nat Knamel . . . 21 % Nat Lend .163 163 162 154% N Y A Brake ... 42% 42 42 4.7 N Y Cent .107% 106% 107 108 N Y C A St I< .114 N Y N H A H... 26% 24% 24% 36% North Amer . 3.7% 32% 32% 33% Northern Pacific 67% 62% 62% 6.1% N A W Ry .126% 124% 124% 125% • trpheum . 27 22 % 22% 27 Owens Bottle .... 41% 41 41 41% Pacific Oil . 61 60% 50% 50\ Packard Motor .. 12% 12% 12% 12% Tun - Amer Iran .52 80% .1 62% Fan - Am 61 49% 60% 60% I'enn R R . 46% 46% 45% 16% Peoples Gaa . .. 106% D’4% Per* Marquette .. 69 58% 68% 69 Phil Co . ** 48% Phillip* Petrol 3«% 37% 33% 34 Pierre - Arrow Ht* H % 8 Poatum Cereal 69% 68*4 69% 70% Pre*eed Steel Car. . ... 4.7% 44 Pro A Refiners . 27 26 26 % 26% Pullman ..129% 127% 12K 130 Punta Alegra Sug 45 4 4 % 44% 45% Pure Oil.23% 27% 27% 27% Railway flDal Sp. 198% 128% Ray Consolidated 12% 11% 12% 12% Beading . 61% 61% 61% 62* Replogle . . . 11 % 11 % Itepuh Tr A St I 43% 47% Royal Dutch N Y 42% 41% 42% 42% St Louis ASF . 39% 17% 37% 3S% Hr LAS W 41 % to 40 41% Hell tilt# Cl* Store 109% 109% 109% 109% Heart Roebuck 114*%. 108*4 110% i«9 Shell Union 011 ..18% 18'* 18% 16% Hlinmone < 'o . .. 31% 31% 3t % 1 % Sinclair OH 17% 14% If. % 20% Sine* Sheffield .. 68 68 % Hkelly nil . . 20% 30% 20% 20% Southern Pacific 94 07% 93% !»4 Southern Hallway 66% *»« «6 66*.* Man OB Californ *9 ••»% m% *.4% St.B Oil N J .... IM* 3IK 311. I< ltd Stewart - War .. 53% 62% 53% P4 Stromberg Carb .... .. *5 Submarine Boat.. 8% 8 * 8 Studebaker . 31% 38% 38% 39% Texas Co . 41 40% 40% 41 % Tex Gulf Sulphur. 78% 77% 77% 78% Tex & Tarlflc _37% 37 37 38% Timken Roller .. 36% 36 38% 36 Tob Products _ 65% 64% 65% 65% Tob Product* A. 92% 92% Tranacont OH .... 4% 4 4% 4 Union Pacific ...137% 136% 137 138% United Fruit. 205,% 205% U S Cat Irn Pipe.116 113% 115 116% U S lnd Alcohol . 73 72 72 73% U S Rubber - 32% 32% 32% 32% U S Rubber pfd .... . . 86 IT 8 Steel .107% 107% 107% 107% U S Steel pfd. 122% Utah Copper _ 81% 81% 81% 81% Vanadium . .. 23% 23% Vlvaudou . 11 10 10 10% Wabash . 15% 16% 15% 15% Wabash A . 44% 44% 44% 44% Western Union .... .. 111% Weating A Brk. 94 94 Westing Elec .. 62 61 % 62 62 White Kagle Oil.. 26% 25% 26 26% White Motors _ 64% 63% 64 66 Wool worth Co _107% 106% 107% 108 Wlllys-Over . 8% 7% 7% 8% Willya-Over pfd.. 67 66 66 67% Wilson . 6% 6 Wilson pfd . 17% 17% Worthing Pump . 41% 40% 41% 42 Wrigley Co . 43% Yellow Cab Mfg Co 46% 41% 42 50% Yellow Cab Taxi .. 46 40% 43 47% Saturday total sales. 381,100 shares. Today’s 2 p. m. sales. 466,900 shares. | New York Bonds V. ■ I — __ / New York, Oct. 27.—Bond prices turned reactionary today with a tightening of the money situation. While the market for the funds remained virtually un changed. the rise In call money to 2 per cent was reflected in withdrawal of buy ing support by institutions which last week were seeking employment of their surplus funds. Oversubscription of the $20,000,000 Swedish loan, offered today, gauged the market's capacity for absorbing new in vestments. Estimates that allotmente would be cut down to about 20 per cent Indicated that the Issue had been re ceived almost as well as the recent Ger man loan. The Swedish government's present 6s. however, were heavy In reflec tion of the additional financing. Many standard Investments and seml speculetlve railroad liens, accumulated on a rising scale last week, were unloaded today, causing a fractional recession In prices. Among the issues which worked lower were New York Central 6s. St. Paul refunding and convertible 4%s. Rock Island general 4s. Erie general 4s and Great Northern 7s. Selling of sugar company bonds was re sumed today on further reports from Cuba of unsettled conditions in the Indus try while oil. copper end packing com panlee’ ieeuee followed the downward trend of etock prices. United States gov ernment obligations drifted Irregularly lower anti the new German bonds dropped below 94. Public offering will be made tomorrow of $5,000,000 commercial credit company of Baltimore 10-year 6 per cent note* at 99% to yield over 6.06 per cent.'N. United States Bonds. Sales fin $1,000). High. Low. Close. 80 Liberty 3%e ....101,8 108.5 101.6 2 Liberty 2d 4s. ...101.17 101.15 101.16 116 Liberty 1st 4%#.. 102.18 102.14 102.15 424 Liberty 2d 4%e..l01.22 101.18 101.18 379 Liberty 8d 4%a..102.11 102.7 102 9 877 Liberty 4th 4%s..l02.22 102.18 102.18 640 U S Trees 4%e...l08.30 106.26 106 27 Foreign. 25 Anton J M Wke «e. 85% 84% 85% 9 Argentine 7s .102% 102% 102% 31 Argentine 6s . 93% 93% 93% 73 Austrian 7a . 94% 93% 94% 1 Bordeaux 6s . 88 88 88 8 Copenhagen 6%e .. 96% 95% 96% 13 Gr Prague 7%e.,.. 90% 90% 90% 6 Lyons 6e . 88% 88 85% 36 Czech Ss ’62.101 100% 101 44 Dept of Seine 7s... 92% 92 92 10 Dominican ef 6%s. 92% 92% 92% 6 Canada 5%s ’29_103% 103% 103% 56 Canada 5s ’52.1*2% 102% 102% 10 Dutch E I 6s *62... 95% 95% 95% 18 Dutch E I 6%s '63. 89% 89% 89% 10 Framerlcan 7%e .. 94% 94 94 364 German 7s . 94 93% 93% 49 French Is .106% 104% 104% 27 French 7%s .101 100% 100% 59 Japanese 6%a . 91% 91% 91% 21 Japanese 4s . 82 82 82 31 Belgium 7%a .109% 109% 109% 32 Belgium 6%e rcte. . 97% 96% 97 10 Denmark 6s .100% 100% 100% 14 Hungary 7%a . 67% 87% 87% 1 Italy 6%s .100% 100% 100% 24 Netherlands 6s ’72. 99% 09% 99% 68 Netherlands 6e '64.100% 100% 100% 21 Norway 6s ’43 . 96% 98% 98% 33 Serbs Cr 81ov 8s... 88% 88% 88% 63 Sweden 6s .104% 104% 104% 15 Oriental Dev Is-67% 47% 67% 62 Parie-Ly-Med Is... 80% 80% 80% 12 Bolivia 8s . 93 92% 92% 27 Chile 8a '41.107% 107% 107% 9 Chile 7e . 97% 97% 97% 6 Colombia $%■ .... 99% 99% 99% 4 Cuba 6 %■ . 96% 96% 94% 5 El Salvador sf 80..102% 102% 102% 6 Finland 6s . 87% 87 17 6 Queensland 4a -1*1% 1*3% 103% 3 Rio Gr do Sul 8s... 94 96% 95% 2 Ran Paul sf Is. ...10*% 100% 1©*% 19 Swiss Confed 8s....114% 114% 114% 91 Swiss Gov 6%s *44. 99% 99% 99% J} 3 2 VJV »T...10s£ 106ti 105 H 11 V S of B I. . 95 ■* 9«>J 1 TT S of B-C Ry E 7s 82% 12% 82% 25 Am A Them 7%t. 95 95 95* 1 Am C s f deb 6s... 94% 94% 96% 4 Am Smelt 6s ....105% 1*5% 1*5% $7 Am Smelt 5s . 94% 96 96 56 Amsr Sugar 6s ... 99 98% 98% 58 Am TAT 5%s...102% 102% 102% 66 Am T A T col tr 6s 101% l*i 101 62 Am T A T co| tr 4s 97% V7% 97% 3 Am W Wks A E 6s 92% 92% 92% 61 Ana Cop 7s ’38 ... 100 99a. *9% 34 Ana Cop 6s *51 . 98% 97% 9$% 8 Ar A Co of D 5%# 89% 89 89 3 Associated Oil 6s. .1*1% 1*1% 1*1% 4 At T A S F gen 4s 90% 90% 90% 15 At C Line 1st 4s 91% 91% 91% 22 Bal A O rfg 4a '95.100% 100% 1*0% 39 Ba! A O tv 4%s .. 89% 89% 89% 18 Baltl A O gold 4s. 87% 87% 87% 7 B T of Pa 1st A r.101% 101% 101% 242 Beth Stl con 8s A.. 96 95% 96 21 Beth Stl pur m Re 88% 88% M% 12 Bklyn E gen Rs A .101% 101 101% 152 B-Man T s f 6s. . 80% 8*% 80% 1 B R A P 4%s. 87% 87% 87% 6 Cel Pet €%s.1Q0% 106% 100% •6 Can Nor deb 6%s..ll7% 117% 117% 28 r*n Par deb 4* 79% 79% 79% 4* car CliRQ A O 6s..1*5% 104% 1*1% 19 Can of Georgia 6%e 99% 99% 99% 16 Cent I/eather 6e...l*0% 100% 100% 19 rent Par gtd 4s... 87% 87% 87% 43 Che# A O cv 6s 97% 97% 97% 21 Chen A O cv 4%S 95% 95% 93% 3 Chic A Alton *%e 42% 43% 43% 13 C B A Q rfg 5sA.l0l% 101% 101% s r B A Q ge 4s. VO 89% 9" 117 Chlo A Best 111 Be. 73% 72% 73% 3 Chte Gt West 4s ..88% 58% 6«% 32 C M A ftt P cv 4%S RR % 55 55% 86 C M A Rt P rf 4%* Rf % 49% 49% 118 C M A fit P 4s '25. 7n% 70% 7*% 62 Chic A North rfg Is 99% 99% 99% 8 Chle Rail 5s.. ... 75% 76 75% 2 Chle R I A P 4i.. . 13% 88% 53% 46 Chic R I A P rfg 4s 13 81% 81% 3 Chlo Ifn fits Rs B 101% 101% 101% 1 Chlo A West Ind 4s 76% 76% 76% 12 Chile Cop 6s.10R% 105% 106% 42 CCC A St L rf Re D 95% 95% 96% 6 Clev Un Term 6s..100% loo l*o% R Colo A Rou rfg 4%e 9*% 90% $"% 1 Colum O A E Rs 1*0% l*o% 100% 24 Common*** Po 4. 97% 37% 97% 2 Cone C of Mary 6s. 87% 87a* 87% 29 Consum Pnw 5s .30% 90% 90% 1 Cuba C Bu de 8s at 98% 98% 98% 4 Cuban Am Rug 8s.107% 107% 107% 4 Del a A Hud cv 6s 99% 99% 99% 7 D G A F. )at rfg Rs 9*% 9* •*% 4 Pen A R G con 4s 11% 81% 81% R Det Ed! rfg 4e .106% 1*7% 107% Det In Rye 4%s 93 93 93 1* PuP de Nem 7%a. 1*8 1*7% 1*8 * Du Light 4s .1*5% 1*5% 105% 13 Eastern C Rug 7%e.l*8% 1*3% 1*3% 1* Em G A F 7 %s. . , 97 96% 97 62 Erie rvt 4s D 69% 68% 69% 49 Erie gen lien 4a... 48% 43 63 42 Fisk Rubber Is_1*5% 1*5% 1«b% 9 Goodrich 6%e .1*0 100 100 17 Gdyr T 8s *31 1*7% 107 % 1*7% 17 Gdyr T 8s '41.. 118% 118 118% 1 Od T Ry of Can 7s. 114% 116% 114% ? Od T Rv of Can 6s.1*7% 1*7% 1*7% 38 Gt Nor 7s A. .1*9% 108% 1*4% 5 Ot Nor Rs. 9 4 93% 93% 7 H^rshey Choc 6s 1*2% 1*3% 1*3% ' Hud & M.rte 5« A If **% 87% 1* H A Man adj Inc 6s 46% 45 * 6R% 39 Hum OAR RUa . 10<k% 1**% 1**% 34 III Bell T rfg 5$ . 98 97 % 98% 11 111 rent 6%• .1*:% l*:% 1*2% 17 ICCStLA V O rfg 6s 97% 97 9 7 7 III St! deb 4 % s . 95 *4% *<% 1 4 Inter R T 6s ... . 64 64 64 19 I R T rfg Rs at pd 65% *4% 64% 47 T A <Jt Nor sdj 4s 61% 61 61 1*1 A Ot Nor 1st 8s.1*1% 1*1% 1*1% 3 Tnt M M sf 6s. 81% 8.% 87% 37 KCFtSAM <* . *2 % 3t% 8? 5 KC PAL Rs . ... 94% »4 % 94% TR KC Southern 6s ... 89% 89 89 % R KC Terminal 4s . . . 84% 84% M\ 3 Kansxe GAE «e . 98% 93 98. 12 Lac Gaa 8tL 6%S.. 96% 95 9R 2 Take Shore 4s 'll 96% 96% 96% 9 Llg A Myers bs .. 99 98 % 99 .3 L A N unified 4s 92 V 92% 92% ‘i Louisville GAE Rs 91% 91% 91% 115 Magma Copper 7s 114 111 111 7 Manatl Sugar 7%s 98% 99% 94% 2 Manhattan Rv 4a 41% 61% 61% in Midvale Steel cv Rs 48% 88% 68% I MKAT pr lien 6s .101% 101% 1*1% 40 MKAT new lien Rs *6% 86 % 86 % 184 M K • r new adj Rs. 45 64 % * 21 Mo Pacific let 6s . 99% 9* % 98 % 47 Mo Pacific gen 4* 62% 61% 62 % 15 Montana Power 6s 99 **% 98% 4 N E TAT 1st Re .1*1 100% 100 % 16 N O T A M R % * 99 94 % 99 34 NY Central deb 6s 107% 107 107 38 NY Cent rfg Rs. . 99% 99% 99% 31 NYCHtl. u % a .94% 94% 94% 6 NY Kdl tfg 4%s .111% 112% 1U% 5 N Y N II A 1? 7a. . .87% 87% 87% "2 NT NH A H7a (fee). *»6% 96% «4% •it NY Nil AH rv 6* 4 8. 77% 76% 76% A DV EKTI« KMi \ T. ~ Get Rid ot Piles-Now A 1»I of Pyramid Pita Puppotata Mra la jrour Scat frtaad to atop mail, dm In* pain, pat oat tha lira of hurnln* aorranao. ratal prntrnalnna and Kira too grataful um and nnmfort. Thoaaaada taattfy. Mur any Pyramid avartad oparktloaa. Its tala any draff atari far a <te la. 9 N Y Te! ref fte Ml. .mu 106% 106% 15 N Y Tel gen 4%s P«% 96%* 96% 5ft V Y W A B 4 %a• . . 68 64 %9 55 6 Nor A West cv 6s- . 124 124 124 | 8 Nor A West eon 4s. *9% M>% 89 > f> N A Edison s f_6s. 97% 97 97% I 21 Nor Prc ref 6a B 107% 107 107 l Nor Pac Pr lien 4s. X5% *5% 85% 7 Nor fSis Pw 1st So A 98% 93% S3 % 10 N W Bell Tel 7s... 108% 10X% 108% j Ore A Cal 1st 6s 101 % 101 % 101 % 39 Ora- W R R A N 4s. 82% 82% 82% 5 Pacific O A E 5s. 94% 94% 94% 3 Par Tel A T 6s 52. 92% 92% 92% 39 Penn R R 6%t*.110% 1"9% 110 1 Penn R R gen 5s 103 103 103 33 Penn R R gen 4%s. 93% 93% 93% b Pere Mara rfg 6s . 97 % 97% 97% 8 Phil Co rfg 6s.102% H'2% 102% 2 Phils A R C A I 6s. 101% 101 % 101 % 7 Pierre Arrow 8s.... 84 83% 83% 2 Pt RyAL P 1st 6sB 94% 94% 94% 1 Prod A Ref 8s w w.109% 109% 109% 3 Pub Service ba.10|% 104% 104% 12 Punta A lege 8 7s... 105% 105% 106% 23 Ren til ng gen 4%*.. 94% 94 94 10 Reading gen 4s... 82% 82% 82% 2 Remington A 6s .. 94% 94 94 1 Rock I A A L 4 %s S3 8.5 83 2 St L IMAM is. 92% 92% 92% 14 St LI M AS 4s.. 8 4% « 4 84 % 237 8t L A S F 4a A.. 72% 71% 71% 63 8t L A S F 6s... 82% X2% 82% H8 St I. & 8 F 6s .. 71 % 71 71 % 39 St L South 4a _ 86% 86 86% 2 Ht P Un D 6s... . 191 % 101% 101% 8 San An P 8 6s.^.100 99% 99% 39 Sea Air L 6s. 82% 82% 82% 64 Sea A Line 6s . .. 66% 65% 66% 4 Sea Air L 4s . 58 6* 68 23 Sin Con Otl 7h ...90 89 % 89% 16 Sonclalr C O 6%s. 84% 84% 84% 13 Sin Crude O 5%a..l00% 100% 100% 22 Sin Pipe Line 5s.. 84% 84% 84% 28 South Pacific 4s .97% 97% 97% 5 Southern Pac 4s.. 9"% *9% 89% 15 Bo Rati g 6 %s .107 106% 106% 24 So Hall gen 6s...102% 102% 102% 14 So Rail gen 4a .. 74% 74% 74% 34 So Bell T rfg S* 9* *. * '• % 3 Stan G A K 6%f..102% 102 102 1 Steel Tube 7s 106% 106% 105% 9 Tcnn Eire 6a .. J. 98 97% 98 10 Third Ave adj <%. 45% 45 46 9 Third Ave adj 5a... 64% 54% 54% 9 Third Ave rfg 4s... 109% 109% 109% 1 Toledo Edl 7a . 82% 82% 82% 16 To St L A W 4a. 91% 91% 91% 6 l’n Pac rfg 6s ... 86% 86% 86% 9 Un Pac Is" 4s_115% 115% 115% 5 Un Pac cv 4s.104 104 104 37 U S Rubber 7%a ... 8 4% 83% 83% 18 U S Rubber 5s ..104% 104% 104% 7 IT S Stl a f 5a. . 93 92% 93 10 Utah Pow A Lt 5s.. 28 2x 28 5 V-C Chem 7%s w w ?fi% 26% 26% 22 Va-C Chem 7a. 93 92 % 93 13 Va Ry 6s . 96 95 % 96 11 Wabash 1st fis. . . 100% 10"% 100% 26 Warner Rug Ref 7a. 99 98% 99 1 West Elec 6a . 63% 63% 63% 17 West Md 1st 4s... 90% 90 80% 1 West Pac 5s . . 111% 111% 111% 6 West Un 6%s .108% 108% 108% 1 W’eat Shore 4s ... 72% 72% 72% 2 Wlck-8pen Stl 7s .. 99 % 99% 99% 10 W-Over 1st 6%s... 52% 51% 51% 13 WII A Co s f 7%s. 88 88 88 2 WII A Co 1st 6s.. 50% 60% 50% 26 WII A Co 6s. 95% 95% 95% Total Bales of bonds today were $11, 011.000. compared with $6,220,000 previous day and $10,653,000 a year ago. Chicago Stocks. Chicago stocks, bid and ask. furnished by J. R. Mac he A Co., . Omaha Na tional bank building. Phones Jackson 5187, 6188. 6189; Bid Ask Armour A Co III pfd .... 79 79% Armour A Co Del pfd .. 87% 88 Albert Pick . 20 % 20% Basslck Alemite . 31% Carbide . 61 % 61 % Edison Co .LT2 132% Continental Motora . 6% 6% Cudahy . 54 €j Daniel Boone . 9% ?% Diamond Match .116 117 Deere pfd . 79% Eddy Paper . 16 Libby . 5 »>% National Leather . 3 8% Quaker Oats . 29" 29'i Reo Motora . 17% Swift A Co .106% 305% Swift International . 29% 30 ^Thompson . 47 ... Wahl . 23% 24 ^Offered. C hlcago Potatoes. Chicago. Oct. 27 —Potatoes—Early trading alow; market slightly weaker; re ceipts. 232 cars; total United States ship ments Saturday, 1.352 care; Sunday, 25 cars, Minnesota and North Dakota sacked , Red River Ohios. 9<V0$1 00: South Da kota sacked Early Ohios mostly 8509"c; bulk, 76085c; bulk round whites, 75086c, Minnesota sacked round whites. 76086c; few best. 90c, Wisconsin sacked round , whites. 75090c; Idaho sacked Rurals. $1.50; aai ked Russets. California packed. $2.00; Colorado sacked People's Russets, i $1.60._ Chicago Spot Market. Chicago, Oct. 27.—Butter—Receipt*. 6 - 472 tubs, last year, 19,783 tubs: 6 old , cart, 4 new cars: extras. 37c; standards. 14 % c; extra firsts. 34% 036c- firsts. $0% . 0 32c; 89 score, 32c; 88 score. 30c; sec-i onds. 28029c Eggs—Receipt*. 5.616 cases; last year, | 9.148 cases 11 old cars. 10 new cars, firsts. 420 49c. dirts. 34035c; checks. S3 034c: refrigerator extras, 40c; refrigera tor firsts. 38 % ^ 39c. New York Metals. Niw York. Oct. 27.—Copper—Firm; electrolytic, spot and futures. 13%c Tin—Steady; spn\ and futures, 62 itc. Iron- Steady; No. 1 northern $31.00© 22 00; No. 2 northern. $20.00 021.00; No. t southern $1$.00019 00 Lead—-Firm, spot. 8 65 0 9 0". Zinc—Firm. East 8t. Louis epot and1 futures. 6.5«c. Antimony—Spot. 11.76. Kansa* ( ity Hay. Kansas City. Mo . Oct. 27 —Hay—Un changed to $100 lower- No 1 prairie.! $12 600 13 60; No. 1 timothy. $16,000 17.00; choirs alfalfa $21 50022.00, clover, mixed, light. $16 000 16 50. New York Silver. New York. Oct. 27 —Bar Silver—70c; j Mexican dollars 63%c.' I N. Y. Curb Bonds | ___/ New Tori. Ort. 27.—Following Is the official hat of transaction* on York curb exchange, giving all bonds traded In: Domestic Honda. Salas High. Low. Clnte 4 Allied Packer 6s.. 72 JJ JJ 2 Alum 7a 1925.1*13 1**3 193 1 Alum 7» 1933 .107 % 197*4 1»»% 2* A U & E 6a new.. 95% 91% •{» ■j Am Ire Cu 7a....1*1 1JJ 10J I! A P *■ L 6a old 94% 94% 94% 11 Am Roll tile 6e ...100% 100% 100% 4 Ana topper 6a ....1(1% 1J1% Ijj}* 7 A O A W I (a- 54% 64% M% t Bel Tan Paper 6a.. 9. 97 97 1 Beth St 7a 1935.. .103% 101% JJJH .4 Can Nal Hy "l 7a. 110% 110% 110% 2 *' R I * P 6%a. .101 % 101% 101% ■2 Child a Co 6a. ....103% IJJS !22 4 68 l it Ser "a •■*••• ....10(1% 100% 100% 6 Cit Ser 7a “D” . ■ . ■ 97% 97% 97% 1 Con Oas Rail 5%a 1028? 102% 102s{ 3 Cm. tin a Balt 6%a.l09% 109% 109% I Cuban Tel <%a ...106% 108% l*J8w 1 Cudahy Park 6 % a. . 86*. 88% 8*% 5 Deere A Co 7%a..l04% 104 104 8 Det Edison Ca.108 108 108 10 Dun Tire & R 7a.. 96 96% 98 « Fed Sugar 6a ’38. . 9984 39% 99% 4 Fiaher llwly 6a ’77.102% 107 102 % 2 do 6a '28.102 102 10. 1 Owir Rob* 7a. 98 98 98 1 *lal Sig 011 7a.106 106 106 15 *>i Trunk 6%a-108 1«8 103 11 Tiulf Oil 5». 9t>% 98 9s84 1 r. Jnt Matrh «%a....l*U 10084 101 I Ken Copper 7e.1**5% 106% 105% 10 Mo Pacific . 93% 33% 93% I Morris A Co 7%a.. 38% 98 % 38% 15 Nat l Deal her 8a . .101% 101% 101% 6 v o pub Ser 6a... 87% 86% 81 % 1 No Sts Pow 6 % a. . 39% 99% 99% 3 do iv 6 % a.102% 102% 102% 4 Penn P & 1. 6a. . . . 93% 93% 13% I Phil Kiev 6a .107 107 107 6 do 6%« '53.104 101% 1037% 6 Phil Pet 7%a w w.101 104 104 1 Pub Srr K .1 7a .107% 107*4 107% 4 ; Sid Baa A K 6%a.D)2% 102 102 5 Sid Oil N Y 7a '26.105 % 106% 105% 3 do 7a '27.105% 106% 106% 1 do 7a ’2 8.105% 105% 106% 10 do 7a ’29.105% 10S% 105% 6 do 7a ’30.106% 106% 105% 1 do Ta 31.105% 105% 105% 4 do 0%r.107% 107% 1**7% 19 Swift * Co la. 94% 91% 94% 2 Tidal Oatute 7§_ 10484 104% 104% 12 Un 1.1 L 6 P 5%k 99 98 8, 98 8* 8 Vacuum 011 7a.... 106*4 104% 1066, 1 Webster Mills 6%s.l02% 102% 102% Foreign. / ” Ind Bk Finland 7» 94 93% 93 8? 2 K. Netherl'da 6a '77 99% 99% 99% 2 1, A Hvdro P 6%a 85 86 85 I Rep Peru Si. 99% 99% 99% 6 R'lan 6 % a rtfs N C 13% 13% 13% 4 Ruaalan 5*48.. 14 14 14 30 Swlaa 5%l.10184 101% 101% 16 Swiss 5s.100% 10074 10074 New York General. New Tork Ort. 27.—Flour—Firm; inrlnrr patents. 17 5049 8.00; soft winter straights, $6.75^67.25; hard winter itralehta, $7,004(7.60. Rye Flour—Firm; fair to good. $7.00® '50; rhoire to fancy. $7 6049s.00. Cornmeal—Easier; fine white and yel ow granulated $3.25 44 3.35. Rve—Firm; No 2 western. $1.33 f. o. >. New York, and 1 31 c. I. f. export. Barley—Steady; malting, $1.00® 1.02 c. f.. New York. Buckwheat—Easy; fine milling, $2.35; 'anadlan. $2.25 per 100 pounds. Wheat—Spot firmer; No. 1 dark north rn spring c. I. f New York, lake and all, $1.89%: No. 2 hard winter f. o, b.. ake and rail. $1.57%: No. 2 mixed durum to. $1.59: No. 1 Manitoba do.. In bond, il 71%. Corn—Spot firmer: No. 2 yellow e. 1. track. New York, lake and rail, $Ui; <o 2 mixed do.. $1.23. Oat*—Spot firm: No, 2 white, 19*£c. F» ed—Quiet; city bran, 1 no.pound •ark*. $31 SO; western bran $32. t*. Hav—; No 1. $27.On® 28.00; No. ' $25.00#26.00. No. 3. $21.00® 22.00. ihlnpmg. $18, no® If.00. Hop* Steady; elate, 1924. 34®39<*; 523. 18® 18c; Pacific coast. 1824. 17® !2c: 1&23. 154217c. Pork—Steady; megs, $30.00® 31.00; amlly. $32.00® 34.Of* Lard—Easy; mlddla west. $1$.$5® 5 95. Tallow—Firm: special loose. IHc: xtra. 9 ViC. Rice—Firm; fancy head. 7*4®“%c. »w York Coffee Future*. New York. Oct. 27.—Coffee futures »pened at an advance of IS to 28 point* today and aold *5 to 90 points net '.igher on continued buying believed to for European and Brazilian account, 'he advance to 20.22c for December and 9.90c for March was accompanied by eporta of firmer primary market* and hat facilities created by the law in de enee of coffee had been turned over by he federal government of Brazil to the tate of San Paulo. Th- market cloaed 15 to »n points net h. Saifs were KEEP POSTED Important developments contained tn this week's market review regarding the following securities: General Motors Corn Products Mack Truck McIntyre Porcupine Texas Co. National Biscuit Simms Pet. United Bakeries Cosdm A Co. Otis Elevator Booth Fisheries St. L. A San Fran. Writs for free copy. P. G.STAMM & CO. Dealers fa Stocks and Bonds 35 South William St., Now York Sunny golf links for you. Good schools and spring-like days for sonny— Week-end motor trips for the family, on thousands of miles of (i») paved highways. {he joumey£here-a Joy pullman Red Harvey reservations £ fc 'all tbeway and details ■ • ... ——“T——*” ^ W i daily train*—including the * exclusively firet-cla** Califor nia Limited- offer the acme r A of (r.vd^omfort. Pullman. «M a<juit.)>u niiix . il. Moin.a, low* via Cyand Canyon National rhon*. at.rh.i lo.j Park—open all the yssr. . ■* estimated at li.MO bag*. Cloalng flOJU tlona. rieremher !' !lo. May l* 50c; July 19.00c; Rep>»t»b* Spot coffee firm; Rio 7« Jle; •«>»<•• «* !6V4c to SO'ac. _____ Chicago f« and **■«•" V*»"«• , QuntxHone furnlahed h* Clark, 1327 Woodmen of the World build Ink__ EPOS | Caro. I Open. I High. I Low. | Clone (£?f,l| S 'l .40 '( .40 ') .MU' }•* Nov. 17 .405. -4014: .40 .40 Dec. ! 221 I .42 I -43HI -4144 •<|,i BUTTER. I Carl. I Open I High. I low. I Cloe* d5c. 37 .9274 -2314 -SJV* I ll£ Jar. 33 .33 33'e -22 441 » Foreign Exchange Half! Following are today'* rate* of exchange aa compared with the par valuation. Fur nlahed by the retera National banlr Par. Val. Tods? Austria .JO .000015 Belgium . -JOS ,225? Canada .100 *-2255 Checho slovakia .30 .0301 Denmark .1..1735 Fran,* . *3 0525 Jugo-glavla I...20 .014» Norway .27 .14-0 Sweden .tj.‘oaIb Switzerland .*.*** .1910 New York Dry Goods. New York Oct. 27 —With the rise It speculative cotton markets today clot markets grew firmer and a fair amour** of Inquiry developed. Sales were r»f moderate volume In the gray good* di'J «lon Orders of moderate «i*« were re celved in the malls from road salesmen and wholesale houses, while in iora« llr.e» demand seen ted to be expanding^ Tarim wt re firmer. Bilks were steady wit>i spring Unas attracting more attention Burlaps market* were firm, the nign prices apparently* checking forward buy ing Wool goods for the spring were selling be** in women’* lines. .Spot or ders were steady. _______ New York Cotton. Quotations furnished by .1. S. Baer# * Co.. 224 Omaha National bank building Phones Jackson 5167. 6198. 5169 Art. i Open. I High. I lx>«. I Cloee. I get. Dec. 122.49 '23.45 22 40 23 40 122.17 Jan 122 40 123.57 22 60 23 60 .23 26 Mar. 1*2.96 23.90 ;12.«* '23.16 22.65 May 23 20 124.13 23 14 24.04 2. 75 July 122.95 23.72 '22 46 23.72 1. New Tork ftogar. Quotations furnished by J. S. Btfn* * Co. 224 Omaha National bank building. Phones Jackson 6187. 5166. 5169 Art : Open. 1 High. 1 Low. 1 Cloas. I Bat. Dec. I 2 95 3.95 2 93 3 93 FTTF" Mar 1 :;.17 3.18 3.15 3.17 I 2.16 May 3 23 3 24 2.22 2.23 i 2.28 New Tork Poultry. New Tork, Oct. 27—Live Poultry— Steady; no freight quotation*: chickens by eipre*#. 26«27c; fowl* by expreax Drexxed Poultry—Firm: chickens. 238 46c; fowl*. 14832c; old roo*#r* 168 22c; turkey*. 20841c. RUPTURE EXPERTS HERE / New Invention of Great Merit Give* Comfort and Relief to Thousand* Suffering From Rupture. The Callings Rupture Experts S. Dewar and Mrs. M- J- Hudson, will be at the Rome Hotel. Omaha. Neb., Thursday, Friday and Satur day. Oct. 30, 31 and Nov. 1. E'er ruptured person, whether man, wo man or child, should arrange to call on one of the above mentioned date* and get a free demonstration of a new invention for difficult or aggravated - -eases of rupture no matter where lo cated. Thousands of persons who formerly suffered the tortures of old-fashioned steel and spring trusses are now r“ joictng in their freedom from the danger and discomfort of rupture If you who read this notice, are in terested in curing yourself complete ly, then don’t fall to visit the Colling* Experts for the absolutely free demon stration and trial of <h* most remark able System for rupture that has ever been lnvenlted. There Is noth ing like it anywhere, and hoats of men and women are amazed at the ease with which their ruptures are con trolled. Why wear trusaea for the rest of your life? What yUu want Is to be cured of your rupture so you can throw your truss awty. Tou sre given sn opportunity to find out how you can do this by accepting our free trial plan, absolutely without a penny In advance. W’e want a chance to prove to you that the Ceil ings System for rupture is a real, genuine means of relief, from goug Ing. cutting, chafing spring trusses We want you to try this treatment at our expense and send our repre sentaMve* to personally apply it to vour particular rase of rupture. Re member it costs you no money to give this System a trtsl and you should be anxious to know If It hold* out greater possibilities of a cure than what you are now using. The experts who are coming to your city are thoroughly experienced in the Ceilings System and they will be glad to give you the benefit of their experience in the treatment of rupture, without any charge what ever. No matter what you have tried or how many times vou have failed, you can t afford to miss this oppor tunity. Mr. X^ewar will explain about the famous Capt. Colling* System of treating rupture—the System that thousand* report have healed them In their own homes He will show you plainly why this Method of treat Ing rupture has been so remarkably successful. FOR Rl m REP WOMEN. Mrs Hudson. Lady Expert, will per sonally attend all women and chi! dren. She t» especially well qualified and prepared to care for large Nave’, or after operation ruptures or any condition requiring an Abdominal Support. No ruptured woman can afford to suffer the danger and Incon venience of rupture when a means of relief Is brought to your very door. Don’t let the little ones grow up handicapped with rupture. Find out the rollings System of recovery with out operation. It will he well worth any ruptured person's time to see these experts. It Is not often that such an opportunitv comes, and when it does It is foolish to neglect It. call at the Home Hotel any day or evening, Thursday, Frt day or Saturday. Oct SO. SI and No' 1 Hour* 8 to If a. m.. 1 to & p. m . T to 3 evening*, and bring this notlea with you. C*P< W. A. COLLING*, la*.. W ATERTOWN. ». 1.