The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 24, 1924, Page 2, Image 2
INJURIES IN FALL RESULT IN DEATH Shelton, Oct. 23.—Injuries sustained In a fall at the Frank Webbon farm ona mile north of Shelton, resulted in the death of John Randdecker. 60, ill the hospital at Grand Island. Jfr. Randecker was driving shee across a bridge when his foot caught in a wire and he stumbled, falling with considerable force. Shortly af terward he complained of pains in his stomach and examination revealed that he was ruptured In two places. Mr. Itandecker had lived in this community for many years. A brother, August Rnnderker, also lives here. Bee Want Ada Produce Results. 1 Now York «—© Minneapolis p, Lincoln HAAS i Omaha § | BROTHERS | | Today—Omaha Women Found the j Years’ Most Marvelous Values In This l SBlffjE | Dresses I Dresses of such beauty, such | quality, such elegance, that it | seems almost impossible that | they can be offered at such I a ridiculous low price. I i I Wonderful I Dresses | VbaV are ( 1 easy worVb \ double are yours for j y ■ ■I I ' I I Fine Satins Canton Crepes Crepe Satins Charmeen Failles Bengaline Jacquard Crepes Beaded Imports Brocade Velvets Cut Chenille Velvet Wools 1 I Gorgeous Beaded Dresses I Fur T nmm ed D resses i Dresses {or Every Occasion All Sizes 14 Vo 42 i I . -• j A series of unusual purchases and a determination to launch I : the greatest Dress Sale in this | store’s history, is the basis of 1 this exceptional sale. S 6_____ An Apology to Those Customers We Were ij Unable to Serve in Thursday's Selling We anticipated great crowds—our sales force was I I materially augmented—but so great were the crowds that hundreds of women could not be served. To those we offer an apology and ask them to come again tomorrow. ^ Haas Brothers—1 The Shop for Women , ,l1iiiiiill.ini)iH.^illil!iitiimiimiiiiiiiiinuiiim[uimiiiiiiiunKninnintiiikiiiaiiin'ifM!!iiitiiiiim!TiminmHnnBiitWiHnii(iii[iiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiHiiHiniiinniiiiiuii;:i!»'i1JP|r Coolidge Still Polls More Than Half of Ballots Davis Almost Overtakes La Follette for Second Place in Literary Digest Straw Vote. Senator Robert La Follette of Wis consin Is losing second place to John W. Davis, but Calvin Coolldge still has 56 per cent of the 2,306,000 votes, which had been polled In the Literary Digest “straw’’ poll up to October 13, the Digest announces. Davis has overtaken La Follette, almost. Latest tabulations show that he has gained ascendancy In Ken tucky. The three candidates now stand: Coolldge, 1,293,378; La Fol lette, 496,006; Davis, 487,782. Since the last tabulation both Cool idge and Davis have increased their percentages, while I*a Follette's per centage has been reduced. California Still Douhftil. California and West Virginia still are doubtful states. Cool idge is lead ing La Follette by 2H to 1 and Davis by 5 to 1 in Illinois. The president maintains the same average In Iowa. He lends Davis more than 2 to 1 and La Follette more than 5 to 1 In In diana; Davis nearly 7 to 1, La Follette almost 2 to 1, In Minnesota, and Davis by 5 to 1, La Follette by 3 to 1 in New York. "If the poll is any indication, Presi dent Coolidge is likely to receive con siderably more than a sufficient num ber of votes in the electoral college to Insure his election to succeed him self," states the Digest. The Digest defends the accuracy of the poll against the attack of the democratic national campaign com mittee, which Is reported to have sent out dispatches assailing the "straw" balloting. Takes Up Criticism. “Democratic editors throughout the country nrgue that it over-estimates the republican strength by anywhere from 10 to 33 1-3 per cent,” says the Digest. "Taking Mr. Coolidge's vote by states and lopping off a third, as a critic suggests, straight down the list a slightly different story Is told. In the return of 2,300,000 votes tabulated to date. “Coolldge would lose California, Nevada and South Dakota to La Fol lette; Maryland, Missouri, Oklahoma and West Virginia, to Mr. Da via. This would reduce his present indicat ed vote In the electoral college by 65, still leaving a total of more than 300, however, with only 266 required for election." “EPIC OF ISRAEL” SERMON SUBJECT "The Epic of Israel” will be the topic of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's ad dress at Temple Israel at 8 Friday night. '‘Creativeness” Is the subject chosen by the rabbi for his Satur day morning address at the temple, which begins at 10:30. PRESIDENT C001,1DDK SAYS: Industry cannot flourish if labor languish. Synod to Meet at Columbus in 1925 Presbyterians Plan Home for Aged Ministers and Widows of Ministers. Special Diupfilch to The Omaha Bee. Hastings, Neb., Oct. 23.—The Pres byterian synod of Nebraska decided to hold Its 1925 annual meeting at Columbus. The Invitation was ex tended by the Federated church of that city, composed of both Presby terians and Congregatlonallsts. Be atrice also sought the next meeting of the synod. Initial steps were taken to establish a home for aged ministers of the de nomination and their wives, and for the widows of ministers. A resolu tion providing for the appointment of a committee to conduct the move ment, presented by the Nebraska City Presbyterians, was adopted. sCL Orchard-Wi lhelm ^ . SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS "SF RUGS- SPECIAL xvi°° 8-^eceUt DWng Patterns dropped ly the mills and bought by us Suite, including 72-inch to great advantage are offered at the follcuing Buffet, Oblong Exten REDUCED PRICES OQ75O 77.50 9x12 extra quality Axminsters... .59.50 24.50 6x9 Axminsters dropped patterns .18.75 • =3 85.00 9x12 Axminsters, big range of patterns, Several 9x12 Tapestry Brussels, seamless 15.00 85.00 Mahogany Din- for 29.85 2.75 18x36 Axminsters ..1.95 ing Table. 54-inch di- 24.50 7-6x9 Seamless Tapestry Brussels (imper- 42.50 9x12 Seamless Wilton Velvets, ameter extending to feet) .14.75 fringed.33.85 8 feet.’ 28.50 9x12 Seamless Tapestry Brussels (imper- 74.50 8-3x10-6 Axminsters (imperfect).-37.50 feet) for.19.50 95 00 9x12 W°o1 WlltonB- fringed.74.50 49^0 82.50 9x12 Wool Axminsters (imperfect) 24.50 f.lne 'Y,'lton* ' ‘ ’ iio ?7,5*! = 29.50 9x12 Wool Axminsters (imper- for ( Anne rv!^ 4 5^27x52 Axminsters. mottled or fig '22'5° 110.00 8-3x10-6 Worsted Wiltons for .. 97.50 SSh *£%£? ?/ate »»/' . . " :. ? ! . . .3.35 So.r.1 8-3x,0.6 Wo„ wsi™, (frin^a, 74.50 Each_ P ry . ts. 27.50 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rug (imper- 160.00 9x12 Imperial Bundhars for... 127.50 feet) ...21.50 And many, many more, including such sizes O(J0 as 27x54, 36x63, 4-6x7-6, 6x9 and up to 11-3x18, / similarly reduced in price. 137.00 Walnut Buffet, second floo* 74 inches long, by Ber key & Gay. 7500 85.00 Walnut Wood Door China Cabinet. 481 22.25 Walnut finished, Three-Piece “Walnut full size Wood Bed. # ^ i™ I 750 Simmons Bed ligyyyi 325.00 5-piece Queen Complete With Link including Vanity Dress- fabric Spring Mattresses to Fit Bed fTable7Desk°'chair This Steel Bed and Spring Combination Built in Our Oun Factory and Bench.’ ’ is the best low-priced set we have shown for many a day. Full size only O ^ ^ j | DU 65.00 Fumed Oak, 8 ft. 1 croo 1750 64-inch Extension J. »J— 1 / == Table, pedestal base. As Pictured 3950 We show the "making*" of every mattress. 24.00 Mahogany Night ‘ Stand »dth drawer. Ladies’ Fitted 69.00 Birch Tahosany dVaV’dl'llg CaSCS Dreaaer, hand deco- SPECIAL With beautifully decorated shell fit J7 ' J tings, silk linings and pockets. 42.00 Birch Mahogany ‘ With fittings « q -a Chest of drawers, hand in lid of I O decorated. caso . . With fittings aapa 2 950 W In collapsible 22^ 255.00 genuine Walnut A Liberal Allowance —8 ^sasssssas■ BEBBaga— Vanity Dresser, Queen mw r\i l r> Anne type with Bench 0/1 I OUT Did ijtOVe Wonderful Values in to match, the pair— t * » « . ■ T Two lorno will be applied as first Junior Metal Lamps Pieces I ^ ^—, payment on a new With gilded standards, fitted with de 382.00 genuine Walnut lightful silk shades that are fringed Bureau, Chair and and skirted and furnished with fancy Rocker,’ massive Italian —* pull cords. Special value— type. Mw-sg ^ /Vre 16750 Vapor ] yzs 94.00 American Wal- ;---■? ■ . ■■■ nut Chifforobe, extra ,arge- 5950 Burns Oil! Cooks With C,as Inexpensive but Delightful 36.00 coiomaTDreflfling c,™n* mth “ Cloth! _ 0' erdrapery Fahncs . wdmd Beautiful artificial silk overdrapery in American walnut. f.mootl?* “n,J*ry' ,trcamJUn* construction fabrics. 36, 45 and 50 inches wide, are 1 OCA throughout. All corners and edges rounded. , . . . ... , : , I NjU offered in plain and figured effects in 1 yj= Double-flue, rustproof oven. Baking is done mulberry, rose, gold, and blue at, per Nineteen only, genuine Bt*ady Btrpam of circulating FRESH yard— American Walnut and 1 in" Birch Dressers finished Finished in durable white poreelnin and black I OC> I SO J£ J in two-tone effect, •nameL Kccp H elcan with “ damp c,oth’ 1 == 1 = £-= while they last— Sanitary cooking top. All corners, joints and tz..- L3^s=s= edges finished clean and curved. No corners 2856 Guaranteed Dresser. °1 “ Terms - ™. W..VO.,, TintoTexWindow Shades 2 COD If you wish to defer payments, you Shndes made from Tinto Tex, the ra.rr^ntTC.r'IC'raS sup«™,.,.Hly UNFILLED cloth. 29.50 Mahogany Con- loth of November nn.l thereafter mounted on Hartshorn rollers are sole Mirror. ' make payments as low as, per month, most satisfactory. 1 Ash #5.00. I 'yDyf Your first payment may be your old stove ’ They cost no more than other very ordinary * ' = DOWNSTAIRS FILLED shade*. HAVE US ESTIMATE. 4 sags I A Narcisse Perfume j * Coupon Worth | 61c Will Appear in This Paper TOMORROW Present this Coupon at our Perfumery Section and you will receive a $1.00 bottle of < NARCISSE PERFUME for 39t I I ClhnmfKnn M fert | „ I ' i Toilet Goods Section I I I I Thto to th« Exact tat of the Bottle and Box too gee. \ ,[ It to out tegulxt H oo (lie. i| Try This Bottle for 39c § J During this Sale Only | | Look For the Coupon FRIDAY f This Introductory Sale Starts Saturday Morning October 25. Coupons accepted Saturday only. Introductory Sal* limited to 5760 Bottles only. (P.S. 1910 S.S.) & KATHLEEN MARY QUINLAN the acknowledged beauty authority of New York Has sent her personal assistant, Miss Patricia Mur ray, from her New York Salon to Omaha, to tell you Hoiv to Keep Young Miss Murray has long been associated with Kath leen Mary Quinlan in her Fifth Avenue Salon, where for sixteen years, the world’s most distinguished and most beautiful women have gone for the inter nationally famous Quinlan Treatments for Keeping Young. Kathleen Mary Quinlan’s appointment book is a veritable who’s who of society, art and the stage, j Her treatments are wholesome, healthful, simple— as sure as nature’s own methods—and easy to fol low at home. You are invited to consult Miss Murray regarding individual diet and exercise to reduce excess fat, and how to make a chin strap at home. If you pre fer a private interview, telephone for an appoint- \ rnent. There is no charge for this advice. ^.lampson-BeUen “The Best Place to Shop, After AW' ADVERTISEMENT. . 6 6 6 is a Prescription prepared for Colds, Fever and Grippe It is the most speedy remedy we know. Preventing Pneumonia AIM ERT1SEMF.NT. GAS IN THE STOMACH IS DANGEROUS ______ Recommend* Daily Use of Magnesia to Overcome Trouble Caused by Fermenting Food and Acid Indigestion. ___ Gas end wind in the stomach, accom panted by that full, bloated feeling after eating, are almost certain evidence of the presence of excessive hydrochloric acid in the stomach, creating so-called ‘acid in digestion ” Acid stomachs are dangerous because too much acid Irritates the delicate of the stomach, often leading to gastritis, accompanied by serious stomach ulcers. Food ferments and sours, crest, ng the d.-» treaalng gas which distends the stomach and hampers the normal functions of the v 1'a 1 Internal organa, often affecting <he heart. It Is the worst of folly to neglect such a a •* r tous condition or to treat with ordinal y digestive aids which have no ncnt-al i i.g effect on the stomach acid* Ins'-ead get from any druggist n few out) of lV»ur ated Magnesia and t«Ke a teasp.-onfu! m a quarter glass of water right after eat Ing This will drive the gas. wind and Moat right out of the body, sweeten the stomach, neutralise the e»ce*a a Id and prevent Its formation, and thete I* no sourness or pain Ht^urated Magnesia powder o * table form--never liquid or milk) Is hgrmlesa to the stoma.' ine\ pensive to take and the beet fe u of magnesia for stomach purposes It is ! used by thousands of people who en-ovj meals with no more fear of indigo I tlon whbn in nib) of wm v TRY OMAHA RKF. WANT ADS. AI»V KRT1SEM F.N T. Says-Now Stiff Joints Must Go! New Discovery Limbers 'Em Up and Even the Creak ing Ceases. Yes: It’s true—the world progresses All you have to do nowadays to limber up that stiff, rusty knee joint is to squeeze a half inch of miracle working substance from a tube. Then rub tt on the offending part for about n quarter of a minute or until it soaks through the skin an.l disappears on Its errand of mercy. Then read ihe evening newspapers and go to bed. The chances are that your misbe having knee joint will lore its creak while you are dreaming shout the high fences you used to leap when you were a youngster. "And In the morning," says one who has tlied the new discovery, you'll feel so happy that you'll want to jump into your sportiest clothes ;nd yyalk briskly down the street just to show the neighbors that you aro not as old as they think you are." Joint Ease they call this wonder working substance, for the reason that yvhen ordinary remedies fall they limtier up the stiff, inflamed rheuma tic joint, or reduce the swelling. Joint Erse succeed*. It s a gv>od name for a good, clean, penetrating prescription that in Just a few mouths has proven to a multi tude of people that tame, sw 'Pen, dis torted joints can speedily have the ktnks taken out of them and work as smoothly as ever. Hut Joint Ease is f1 Joints, whether in knee, ink's, hip. shoulder, spine or finger, and for that purpose its sale is Immense 3o’d at ail drug stores, who ha\e a Mg supply of it, and druggists every where report a big demand tlwsj gets in joint agony gets out—qukk Mail eiders filled, cash oi ■ ' O 1' Hop* Laboratories. Hallow*!!, Mali c