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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1924)
Descendant of Originator ol Kentucky Feud Shot Dead Over Election Wrangle. Bluefleld, W. Va., Oct. 23.—Another violent death haa been recorded In the family history of the notorious Hatfield clan of West Virginia and Kentucky. Recalling the days of the Tug river fued between the Hatfield and the McCoy clans, veteran offi cials of Mingo county today were In vestigating the killing of Alex Hat field, the lateHt of his line to feel the sting of a bullet. Alex, son of the man who started the far-famed feud of years ago, was the victim. During an argument over the coming election, Hatfield Is said to have called Thurman Cham bers a "liar.” Chambers told officials that he struck Hatfield with his fist, whereupon the latter drew a pistol, and In a struggle for possession of the weapon Hatfield was shot. Alex Hatfield, former postmaster of Matewan, W. Va., was the son of Floyd Hatfield, whose suit for a litter of hogs against the McCoys of Ken tucky marked the beginning of a feud in the hills along the Tug river, dur ing which many members of the two families met death. Impresario Dies. Chicago, Oct. 23.—F. Wight New Mann, noted Impresario, who during his Ufe brought all the world's great artists to Chicago, died after a short illness here yesterday. He was 74 yeara old, a native of Germany and cam* to New York originally to be come a banker. He came here In 1884. ADVERTISEMENT. Gives advice to Expectant Mothers “T RAD an awful tim« with ray drat I baby." write* Mrs. Theo. WUJey, 431 A E. Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. "They had to ffiva me chloroform and use instru ments. They thought 1 would die. But be* fore my second baby came 1 used 'Mother's Friend’ and baby was born with only a ftio pains and before a doctor could arrive. I also used *Mother’s Friend* with my third baby. I waa only sick a lift It whils and she also was born before the doctor arrived. I cannot praise 'Mother’s Friend* enough. I tell every one I see who is expecting to become a mother about 'Mother’s Friend.' “ FREE BOOKLET Write Bradfleld Regulator Co., B-A 18, lanta, Ga., for /res booklet (sent in plain ivelope) containing valuable information •y expectant mother should have, ther’s Friend" is sold by all good drug eg. Full directions for using it will be nd with each bottle. Begin now and you ill realize the wisdom of doing so as the «eks roll by! » Chafed, irritated skin quickly relieved pATHE freely with Reeinol u Soap and warm water to thoroughly cleanae the akin. Dry by patting lightly—then apply Resinol Ointment gently with the finger tipe. Thie treatment was prescribed nearly thirty year* ago by a physician and haa been used by physi cians ever since to clear away eczema, rashes, blotches, chaf ing and other forms of skin trouble. There ie nothing bet ter to promptly relieve itching and burning. Resinol Soap Is unsurpassed for tha complexion, bath end hair. An ideal soap for babies. Resinol A *) VERTISEM ENT. Will You Live To Be Eight)? You Are Getting Along In Years, Cod Liver Oil Will Give You Strength and Vitality To Go Further. At no time of life is Cod Liver Oil anore helpful than In old age. Full of vita mines—It Is a body build er—a strength promoter unequnled. But of course you know that nowa 3nys you don't have to take the hor rible nasty tasting, 111 smelling oil Itself. Science has made that unnecessary, tor now you can take McCoy’s Cod l.lver Oil Tablets at any drug store— 50 tablets for 60 cents and, os they are lugar coated, they are as easy to take m candy. Old people who want to overcome their feebleness and gain vigor and more power of endurance are advised to grow younger in spirit with Mr Joy's Cod Liver Oil Tablets for JO lays. Then If you are not satisfied—just ssk your druggist to return your money—for McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Tablets—original and genuine—are rruaranteed. Mall orders titled by h. Coy Laboratories, 622 Fifth Ave., Kew York City. Sherman & McCon nell, Benton Drug, Brandela Stores aella hundred* of bottle* of them. i BRITISH ADMIRAL BURIED AT SEA Portsmouth, England, Oct. 23.— I Without ceremonial of any kind, the ashes of the late Admiral Percy | Scott today were consigned to the deep 20 miles from shore whence they had been conveyed by a British destroyer. ADVERTISEMENT. Try This For SwollenJBIands People who have enlarged glands ought to know that by freely apply ing Emerald Oil dally the gland can be brought to a head and all the germs and poLsonous secretions dis charged and destroyed. Furthermore, the opening will heal surely and speedily and without leav ing an unsightly scar. People who desire this treatment should secure a two-ounce original bottle of Emerald Oil (full strength) and use as directed. It is a very concentrated preparation and a small quantity lasts a long time. It is also used to reduce swol len veins and dissolves goitre. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. PROPOSALS FOR MATERIAL AND FIX TURES FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHTS. Sealed proposals are Invited and will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Omaha tor furnishing material and fix tures with which to install eight street intersections with traffic signal lights, according to apeciflcatlons on file in the Office or the City Clerk, for use In the Police Department. Proposals must be sealed marked “Pro posals for Material and Fixtures for Traffic Signal Lights,” and must be ad dressed lo James P. Hoctor, City Clerk, Omaha. Nebraska, and must be on file In his office on or before Tuesday, No vember 4, 1924, at 10 o’clock A. M., and as evidence of good faith and guarantee, that contract will be entered Into, should award be made thereon, each bid must be accompanied by a certified check In the ■um of $100.00, made payable to the City of Omaha. The Council reeervee the right to ro Jact any and ail? bids. Published In accordance with Resolution No. 6944, Series 1924. October 23, 1924. JAMES F. HOCTOR, 023,24,28City Clefk. NOTICE. To the ownere of lots and pieces of real estate hereinafter described: You and each of you are hereby notified that Pacific Street, from 60th Avenue to 62d Street, within Grading Improvement No. 167, Is ordered graded. by Resolution No. 6961, duly passed on October 21, 1924. You are further notified that unless the record owners representing forty per cent of the taxable frontage abutting upon said part of said street, file pro test ty 1 th the City Clerk on or before November 22, 1924. being thirty clays from the first date of publication, said grading will be done. % Published in accordance with Resolu tion No 6951. Series 1924. Omaha. Nebraska. October 23. 1924. JAMES P. HOCTOR. City Clerk. Q-23-24 28. NOTICE. Pursuant to Section 411 of the Building Code of the City, public notice is hereby given that Mrs. N. Bertagnl has made application to move a one-story frame construction in good condition from Lot 34, Itedlck s Second Addition, to West M Lot 4, Block 3. Schull's First Addition; also that George Crush has made applica tion to mave a one and one-half-story frame construction in good condition from Lot 1, Block 6. Forest Hill Addition, to Lot 1, Block 468. Grandview Addition; also that M. J. Simon has made applica tion to move a frame construction in good condition from Lot 1, Block 1. Boyd's Sub Addition. to Lo* 1. Block f. Jetter's Ad dition. These buildings are asserted to ba In good condition. The City Council has set October 28th, 1924, Council Chamber, City Hall, at 10 o'clock A. M., as the date for publte hearing at which all parties interested will be heard. Such order thereupon and thereafter will be made re specting the removal of this property as In the judgment of the City Council should be made. October 23, 1924. JAMES F. HOCTOR, Q2» City Clerk. NOTICE. Sealed Proposal# are Invited and will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Omaha for grading parte of 29th. 30th, and Grant Streets, as per plans and epeclflcatlona on file in the Office of the City Engineer. The Engineer's ap proximate estimate Is $7,000.00. Proposals must be sealed, marked “Pro posal for Grading Improvement No. 145.“, addressed to James P. Hoctor. City Clerk.1 Omaha, Nebraska, and must be on file In hie office on or before Tuesday. Oc tober 2*th, 1924. The Council reserves the right to reject1 any or all bide. Puhlisne 1 In accordant# with Resolu tion No. 6950. Series 1924. Omaha. Nebraska. October 23. 1924. JAMES P. HOCTOR. 0-28-24-23 City Clerk. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals are Invited end will be received at the office of the City Engl neer at Room 506. City Hall, Omaha, Nebraska, up to two o'clock p m. Mon day. October 27. 1924. for the construe tlon of Sewer District No. 893. being Belvedere Boulevard from 80th Street Northwesterly to 81st Avenue, as provided In Ordinance No. 12292. the quantities approximately being as follows: 467 lln. ft eight-inch pipe sewer. 810 lln f♦ 12-Inch pipe sewer. 447 lln. ft 15-Inch pipe sewer. Propossis are to be made upon printed blanks which will, upon application, be furnished by the City Engineer, and all work must he done In accordance with the plans and specifications for said work on file In his office. Alternate bids to be received as shown on plans. As evidence of good faith, each pro posal shal. be accompanied by a certified check on some Omaha bank payable to the City of Omaha In an amount not less than five per cent of the total of bid and in no case to he less than One Hun. dred Dollars, which amount shall be held by the city as liquidated damages if the successful bidder fails to enter Into con tract with good and sufficient sureties within ten days after award has beer made. Proposals shall be addressed to "City Engineer, Omaha, Nebraska." and marked "Proposals for Hewer Construction." The city reserves the right to reject any and all bide. Omaha October 17th, 1924. HERMAN BEAD. City Engineer. 0-18-20-21-22-23-24-25 COUNTY OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO OHADINO CONTRACTORS Notice la hereby given that Hon. Brvce Crawford. County Judge. Court House. [Omaha. Neb, will receive sealed bids uo to and until 10 00 o'clock A M. on Mon day November 3. 1924. for the grading of 1 1.000 cubic yards more or less on 72nd Street between Dodge and Mania Streets. In accordance with plans and specifica tions on file In the office of the County Surveyor. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or cash In the ium of $1,000.00. ns a guarantee of the accept ance of the contract, if awarded. Rida will be opened by the Hon. Bryce Crawford County Judge. In the Commis sioners’ Chambers. Courht House. Omaha. Nebraska, at the hour of 10.00 o’clock A. M on Monday, November 3. 1924. Hald grading when completed to be paid from the Permanent Road Fund. In accordance with the inheritance tax law. The Board of Countv Commissioners re serve to themselves the right to relect anv or all bids received. By order of the Board of County Com missioners. Douglas Countv. Nebraska. FRANK DEWEY. Countv Clerk. Q. 23-24-25-27-28-29-30 31 N. 1. NOTICE TO BAKERIES. Notice Is hereby given that Frank Dewey. County Clerk. Court House. Omr ha. Nebt nek a. will receive Sealed Bids up to and until 10 o’clock a. m. on Tuee-| day. October 28. 1924. for furnishing bread to he used In the County Hospital and Rlvervlew Home and to terminate Rep-[ tember 1. 1925. Each bid rnuet be accompanied by a certified check or cash In tho surn of | $100 as a guarantee of the aeroplanes cf: the contract, If awarded. Bids will be opened In the Commission ers’ Chambers. Court House, Omaha, Ne braska. at the hour of 10 o'olock s m. on Tuesday. October 28, 1924. The Board of County Commissioner* reserve to themselves the right to reject any or all bids received. By order of the Board of County Com nJeslonsrs, Douglas County. Nebraska. FRANK DEWEY. Q-K> 27-In-_ City Clerk. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all Whom It May Concern. The Commissioner appointed to open a road commencing at the center of flec tion fi. Township 15. Range 13. In Douglas County, Nebraska, running thence wen 1 11-10 mile* to the Military Highwny In Section 2, Township 15, Range 12, being the extension of Am*** Avenue from 5 2d Htreet west to the Military High way, has reported In favor of the location COUNTY OFFICIAL NOTICES. thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the County C’lerk's office on or before noon of the lOtft day of December. A. D., 1924, , or said road will be opened without ref erence thereto. FRANK DEWEY. 0-2 N-8 County Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at the of fice of the County Clerk at Wahoo, Ne braska, October 31, 1824, until 11 o clock A. M , and at that time publicly opened and read for Platte River Bridge Con struction, fills and Incidental work on the Omaha-Wahoo road southeast of the village of Yuian on Section line betwen Sections 26 and 36, Township 16 North, Range 9 East of the 6th p. m. Federal Aid Project No. 236-A. The total length of Improvement Is 1.12 miles. Bride to consist of Thre sections as fol lows: 8 100-foot low riveted trusses, 20-foot roadway 20-ton capacity 3 100-foot low riveted trusses, 20-foot roadway, 20-ton capacity. 1 100-foot low riveted truss, 20-foot roadway, 20-ton capucity. Approximate quantitiee are: loo cubic yards dry excavation. 930 cubic yards wet excavation. 11,600 lineal feet piling (alternate-Wood, Steel and Concrete). 345.3 cubic yards Mass Concrete Class B. 360.2 cubic yards Mass Concrete Class A. 471.5 cubic yards Architectural Con crete, Class A. 116,101 pounds reinforced a eel. 16,332 pounds extra structural steel. 2,572 square yards gravel surfacing. 12 each 100-root low truss superstruc tures complete in place except floor and wearing surface. 185 square yards willow mattress. Alternate bids to be received on 24-60 foot trans. Joint girders, 20-foot roadway, 20-ton capacity, concrete floor and steel piling in three section* aa follows: 16 50 fooi spans. 6 60-foot spana and 2 60-foot spans. 60 cubic yards dry excavation. 568 cubic feet wet excavation. 12.700 lineal feet steel piling. 622.4 cubic yards mass concrete Class A. 408 cubic yards Architectural concrete. Class A. 83,685 pounds reinforced steel. 59,784 pounds extra structural steel. 2.682 square yards gravel surfacing. 24 earh 60-foot trans Joist girder super structure complete in each place except floor and wearing eurface. 185 square yards willow mattress. Approach fills: 37.700 cubic yards earth excavation. 12,830 cubic yards sand embankment. 82,100 cubic yarda station overhaul. 1,040 cubic yards mile hauling clay for surfacing. 6.360 square yards l-lnch gravel sur facing. 4.568 lineal fast woven wire guard rail. Payinenta for work to be made from County Funde, Federal Aid Road Funde and State Aid Bridge Funde. Certified check for five per cent <•%) of the amount of the bid will be required. This work must be started previous to December 1, 1924 and be completed by June 80th, 1926 Plana and specifications for tha work may be seen and Information secured at the office of the County Clerk at Wahoo, Nebraska, at the office of the County Clerk at Omaha, Nebraska, or at the office of the State Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. The State and Counties reserve the right to waive all technicalities and re ject any or all bide. A, 8. DOLEZEL, County Clerk, Saunders County, FRANK DEWEY, County Clerk, „ __ Douglas County, R. L. COCHRAN, State Engineer. 02-9-16-23-30 SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTION. Proclamation and notice to the quali fied electors and legal voters of the School District of Omaha in the County of Douglas In the State of Nebraska of an election to be held in said School Dis trict on Tuesday, the 4th day of Novem ber, 1924, for the purpose of the submis sion to the qualified electors and legal voters of said School District of a proposi tion authorizing the Board of Education of aaid School District to Issue bonds In the sum of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (12.600,000.) for the pur pose of purchasing school sites and the construction and furnishing of school buildings In eald District. SCHOOL BOND ELECTION. I, W. E. Reed, president of the Board of Education of the School District of Omaha In the County of Douglas in the State of Nebraska, do issue this, my proc lamation, and by virtue of the authority vested In me u such president, do here by give public notice to the qualified elec tor* and legal voters of the School Dis trict of Omaha in the County of Douglas in the State of Nebraska that an election will be held in eald School District on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 1924, at which the following proposition to vote bonds of said School District will be submitted, towlt: OFFICIAL BALLOT. Shall the Board of Education of the School District of Omaha In the County of Douglas in the State of Nebraska be authorized to iasue bonds in the sum of Two Million Five Hun dred Thousand Dollars ($2,600.000.00) to be expended In the purchase of school sites and the construction and furnishing of school buildings in said District, said bonds to be In the de nomination of One Thousand Dollars (11,000 00) each, payable thirty years after date, with Interest at the rate of not to exceed five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, both principal and lntereet payable s\ law ful money of the United States of America? YE8 . NO . Said questions shall bs submitted to said electors entirs and the votes thereon shall be "Yes’* or "No," and all ballots having an "X" opposite the word “Yes" shall be considered as authorising said bonds, and all ballots having an "X" op posite the word "No" shall bs considered as against ths authorisation of said bonds. The polla shall be open on the day of oeld election at eight (8) o’clock In the morning and shall continue open until eight (8) o’clock In the evening of the same day. at the respective voting places. The voting places at such elec tion are as follows: FIRST WARD. 1st District. 6802 N. 16th flt. 2d District. 1722 Sherman Avs. 8d District, drug store, 1508 Sherman Ave. 4th District, Lothrop school. 34th and Lothrop Sta. 6th District, firs sng. house, 32d end Ames Ave. 6th District, drug store. 6831 N. 34th 8t. 7th District, Florence Blvd., 1102 N«/ 30th St 8th District, Minns Lusa school. 38th and Idi Sts. 9th District, Miller Park school, east entrance. 27th and Ellison Ave. lt>th District. 2412 Ames Avs. llth District, 4103 N. 24th St. 12th District, Omaha university, 24th and Pratt Sts. 13th District, Colfax garage, 4607 N. 30th St. 14th District, fire eng. house, 80th and firnuidlng Sts. 15th District, Miller Park school, south entrance. 27th and Ellison Avs. 16th District, store. 3821 N 24th 8t. 17th District, 6316 N. 24th St. SECOND WARD. 1st District, Grand garage, 1916 Sher man Ave. 2d District, Garage. 2107 Sherman Ave. 3d District. 1846 Sherman Ave. 4th District, garage, 1521 N. 24th St. fth District. 1829 N. 24th St. 6th District, Lake school, 19th und Lake Sts. 7th District, Maple St. Pharmacy 3119 N 16th St. 8th District, drug etore, 2902 Sherman Ave. 9th District. 3124 N. 24th St. loth District, firs eng. house, 31st and Lake Sts. llth District, 2613 N. 24th St. 12th District, garage. 2417 N. 24th St. 13th District, store. 2913 Lake St. 14th District, Store. 2002 N. 6th St. 15th District, Long school, 26th and Franklin 8ta. 16th District. 8008 N 24th St. THIRD WARD. 1st District, flro eng. house, 16th and Iznrd Sta. 2d District, residence, 2866 Chicago St 2d District. Webster school, 28tn Ave. and Webster flt. 4th District, drug store, 2916 Cuming St. 6th District, garage. 1407 Capitol Ave. eth District, Dili ('hira go flt. 7th District. 1611 Cuming flt. 8th District, fire. eng. house. 914 N. 24th St. 9th District, Kellom school, 28d and I*o ul Sts. 10tli Dlctrlct. 2210 Cuming Ht llth District, Lincoln Apts., 2102 Chi cago St. 12th District, drug store, 424 N. 20th St 13th District, basement Central High school, 20th and Dodge Sts. 14th District, garage. 2626 Dodge St, 16th District, St. John s Hall. 26th and California Sts. FOURTH WARD 1st District, Fire Eng. House, llth end Jackson Sts. 2d District, basement Beverly Apts. 22 t'. Jones Ht. 8<1 District. 1818 Farnam Ft. 4th District. 216 8 20th Sf 6th District. City Hall. 18th and Far mm Sts. 6th District, Courthouse. 17th and liar nev Hta. ^th District. 1708 Jackson St 8th District. Drake Court, Apt. No. 1, Basement. 22d and June* Sts. 9th District, Store. 1923 Leavenworth flt 10th District. Universal Motor Co. 1011 Leavenworth Ht FIFTH WARD. 1st District. Train School. 6th and Hlckorv Sts. 2d District, Csstelsr school. 18th and Martha Sts 3d District. Willard Hal!, 10th and Worthington Hts 4th District, 1704 So. 10th Ht 5th District, Drug Htore, 2832 So 20th St 6th District, Ftre Eng. House, llth and Dorcas Sts 7th District. Bancroft Schuol. 6th and I Bancroft 8ta LEGAL NOTICES. 9th District, Sokol Hall. 1245 So. 13th St. 9th District. Vinton School. 21st and Deer Park Blvd. 10th District, Comenlus School. 16th and William Sts. 11th District. Lincoln School. 11th and Center Sts. 12th District, Bt. Joseph School, 16th and Center Sts. 13th District, Drug Store. 1528 Vinton fit. 14th District. Fire Eng. Houso. 20th and Spring Sts 81XTH WARD. 1st District. German Home, 4206 So 13th St. 2d District, Edward Rosewater scheoi, 13th and Phelps St a. 3d District, garage. 3701 8. 24th 8t. 4th District. 4024 So. 24th St. 6th District, Garfield School. 16th and "H" Bt 6th District, So. Side High school, 28d and "J” 8ts. 7th District. Hawthorne school, 18th and Missouri Ave. 8th District, Jungmann School, 20th and "O" Sts. 9th District, garags. 6134 S. 24th 8t. 10th District, Brown Park School, 19th and “U" Sts. 11th District, Madison fiQhool. 17th and Madison Ave. SEVENTH WARD. 1st district, drug store, 3602 8. 24th Bt. 2d district, South Lincoln school, 27th and F St*. 3d district, garage. 4526 8. 24th Bt. 4th district, city hall. South Side. 6th district, fire engine house, 33d and K Sts. 6th district, 6302 8. 80th St. 7th district. Highland school, 27th and Jefferson Sts. 8th district. West Side school, 82d and U Sts. 9th district, South Franklin school, 40th and 1 Sts. 10th district, Corrigan school, 89th snd X Sts. EIGHTH WARD. 1st district. Mason school. 24th and Pacific Sts. 2d district, Hanscom Park M. E. church, 29th St, and Woolworth Avs., east entrance. 3d district, fire engine house. Ed Creighton and Park Aves. 4th district, store, 3214 S. 30th St. 0th district, drug store. 3024 S. S2d Ave. 6th district, green house, Hanscom park. 32d Ave. and Walnut St. 7th district. Park school, 29th St. and Woolworth Ave. 8th district. 1884 Park Ave. 9th district, Beals school, 48th and Walnut Sts. 10th district, Windsor school, 84th and Martha Sts. 11th district. Field school. 86 th and Hickory Sts. 12th district, garage In rear 8205 Pop pleton Ae. NINTH WARD. 1st district, 2424 Farnam 8t. 2d district. Omaha Hudson-Esaex Co., 2682 Harney St. 3d district, 2406 Leavenworth St. 4th district. 2701 Leavenworth St. Fifth district, firs engine house. 27th St between 8t. Marys Ave. and Leaven worth St. 6th district. Hannan-Van Brunt Co.. 3002 Farnam Bt. 7th district. 719 Park Avs. 8th district, Farnam school. 29th and, Farnam Sts. 9th district, garag4, 8527 Farnam 8t. 10th district, firs engine house, 86th and Jackson Sts. llth district, garags. 807 Park Avs. 12th district, garage, 3328 Leaven worth 8t. 18th dlstrlst, garage. 8701 Leaven worth Bt. 14th district, garags, northwest corner 40th and Farnam Sts. 16th district, drug store, 4967 Dodge St. 16th district. Went Leavenworth hall. 41th and Leavenworth Sts. 17th district, garage in rear 810 S. 63d fit. 18th district. Persian Rug Co.. 3267 Farnam St. 19th district, garage, 3014 Leaven worth St. _ 20th district. Dundee tlumblng Co., 8916 Farnam St. 21st district, Columbia school basement, 88th and Jone* Sts. TENTH WARD. 1st District. Tates School. 82nd Avs. and Davenport St. 2nd District, 911 No. 33rd St. 3rd District. Church, 34th and Seward Sts 4th District, Austin Apts. Basement, 38th and Davenport Sts. 6ih District, Saunders School, 41st and Casa Sts. 6th District, Firs Eng. House, 41st and Hamilton 8ts. 7th District, Telephone Exch. Basement, 46th and Izard fits. 8th District, 4628 Dodge Sts. 9th District. Bakery. 4824 Dodge St. 10th District Fire Eng. House, 50th and Underwood Ave. llth District. Technical High, Burt 8t. Entrance 32nd and Hurt fits 12’h District. 815 No. 40th fit. 13th District, Telephone Co. Garage, 43rd Ave. and Cuming St. 14th District, Garuge In Rear, 6001 Izard Bt. 15th District, Dundee School, 61st snd Davenport fits. 16th District. 3253 California St. ELEVENTH WARD. 1st District, Howard Kennedy School, 30th and Maple Sts. 2nd District, in Rear of 1823 No. 33rd St 3rd District, Franklin School, 35th and Franklin Sts. 4th District. Clifton Hill 8chool, 45tb ami Corby Sts 6th District, 2123 Military Ave. 6th District. 2202 Military Ave 7th District, Grocery. 4727 Military Ave 8th District, Benson Central School. 63rd and Maple Sts. 9th District. Benson High School. 66th and Maple Sts. 10th District, Firs Eng. House, City Hall. Benson. 11th District, Rosehlll School, 56th and Corby 8ts. TWELFTH WARD. 1st District, 6606 No. 30th 8t. 2nd District, Central Park School, 42nd and Grand Avs. 3rd District, Residence, 4724 No. 40th 8t. 4th District, Monmouth Park flehoo . S3rd and Ames Ave. 5th District. Druid Hill School, 31st and Spaulding fits. ^ 6th District. Store. 4470 Bedford Ave 7th District, Florence School, list and Tucker Sts. 8th District, North High School, 37tb and Ames Ave. North Entrance. COUNTRY DISTRICTS. East Omaha. Carona Club, llrd and Auama Avs. Florence. Forgot Inn—Ponca. Union. Anderson Hall. Irvington. Jefferson, 8tore, Bennington. Elkhorn. Woodman Hall. Elk City. Valley. Town Hall. Valley. Waterloo. Walsh Hal!. Waterloo, '•hlcago. Town Hall. Elkhorn. McArdle Woodman Hall. Millard. Town Hall. Millard. Douglas West (West of 60th St.), Homewood Realty Co . Office. Ralston. Douglas East (East of 60th fit.) Church Basement. 5fith and Q fits. Benson, 62nd and Military Ave . Krug Park. Dundee. George Brandels* Garags. Fair acres. The polls of said election will open In th* several polling places at 8 o'clock a. m and will close nt H o'clock p. m on the above date. November 4. 10-' WM P McIIUGH, JR Election Commissioner W. E REED. President Board of Education _■L'1111 ■ —tL1 "1 11 BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES Ito p#r line each day, 1 or 1 day*. 17c par line each day, 3 or I days. 16c per line each day. 7 day*, lie per line each day, 30 daya. Teiepnone AT.Iantlo 1000 THE EVENING BEE THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. ■ ANNOIVrKMBNTl Vault* amt Muniittirnlk - "Automatic Healing" concrete burial vault* recommended by *11 leading undertaker* M’f'd by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co Punri Ai Director*. S HEAFEY A HEAFEY T’ndurtakora and Embalmera Phone HA. 0146. Office 2611 Farnam _(ESTABLISHED SINCE 14*2)_ Brailey & Dorrance. HOFFM AN-CROSHY ambulance. Dodge and 2 4th si Funeral director*. .TA. 3101 JOHN A GENTLEMAN HA 1 464.1411 Farnam St. N P. MWANSDN, 17TH AND CUMING tju'ci Dignified Supervision. LESLIE <). MOORE. 24tl»~and Wirt. WE 0047. C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME 3110 N 24th Ht.KK. 0267 HULHK A KIWPKN. At Y«nir Service. 2222 J4 Cumin* HtJA. 1224 rimflcrlfi. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN. Purch**e a family lot In Omahi'a mo*t beautiful cemetery. Office* at the cemo tery (west of Florence), and 720 Brand#!* theater Card of Tlianha. * WK wlah to thank our many kind friend* ami neighbor*. <>*pe«'lally the different or ganlsatlon* of which w« are member*, for their klndneae and *ympathy shown dur ing the lllnee* and time of death of our beloved wife and mother. Alan for the beautiful floral offering* (Signed) •lame* lta**mu*Nen and family. j iVrAPiiitln. 9 | HOT oil vapor aleam bath* arid maaaagea [Room II, Douflss Block. AT. 1114. ANNOI M KMKNTft Personal*. I THE SALVATION ARMY Industrial home solicit* your old clothing furnltura. mags zlnes. We collect We distribute. Phone JA. 413& and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 2<>9 N 13th St “1 2 3 2 6 7 !» 5511772” liost and Found. 1A LOST. October 19, on or near Lincoln Highway, between Omaha and Gothenburg, one spare tire. Covornlng marked “Pankonln A Son*. Grant. Nebraska." Please notify Dr. W. D. Jensen. Grant, Neb. LOST—Black case between Glenwood and Omaha, containing load. Reward $5. Apply Union Bus Dept. LOST—Red Irish setter, female dog; hna black collar and chain. Liberal reward. Call WA. 0882. LOST—In Rialto theater night of 10-21-24, brown fox choker. Reward. Call AT. 2398 or KE. 3532. GERMAN police dog lost: full bred, wolf gray, female. Reward. WA. 0865. A rT°MORII,FiV . Automobile* for Sale. li 2054 FARNAM NASH UPTOWN STORE Chevrolet Coupe (new). Studebaker Light Six (A-l). Nash Sport (A-l). Chandler Touring (Ilka new). Nash Touring (A-l). Dodge Sedan (bargain). Buick Touring (bargain). Dodge Touring (bargain). Buick Touring (bargain). F. B. Chevrolet (bargain). Stutz Bearcat (A.l). Hupmoblle Touring (bargain). O'en Nights and Sunday*. NASH VRIESEMA AUTO CO., 2054 Farnam. AT. 2916. GOOD USED CARS 1920 Stutz Touring Car. If you want something classy, the price Is.S650 Essex Touring Car, looks and run* fine . 300 1922 Buick Coupe, reflnlshed. 450 1922 Oakland Sport Touring . 450 Durant Touring, areal buy at. 375 1923 Oakland 2-paasenger Coupe. 725 Franklin Touring, car runs good..... 125 Oldsmobile Touring Car. 595 34B Oakland Sedan. 250 OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO., TWENTIETH AND HARNEY STS. NASH-VRrESFMA AUTO CO. USED CAR STORE 2064 FarnamAT. 2916 BUICK touring. 1922 four-cylinder. In ex cellent condition, $400. Omaha Flint Co. Truck* for Sn!e. 12 TWO Ford trucks, several 1-ton Interna tlonals; also several 3-ton Internationals, all In good mechanical condition Term* can be arranged. International Harvester ro AT. 0705. 710 S. 10th St. Auto ArreMorlMi, Parts. !> GUARANTEED new and u.Bd auto pn-t. at a special cut price Nebraska Auto Parts. 1016-18 Barney St JA. 4931. and 3205 Cuming St. AT. 1970. _______ Ford Tirea, $5 and up. Kaplan Auto Parts, 2111 Nicholas, (iarapes for Rent. JO STEAM heated earag*. 311 8 Slit. HA 7124 or HA. 0994 BUILDING. 30xeO; hot tveter heat; .nit able for used car sales. 2554 Douglas. BrSINKSS SERVICE. Milliner j—llrntsmslilni. J5 ACCORDION. Bide, knife, box rleatln*. covered buttons all styles; hemstitching; buttonholes. Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb Telephone JA 1926. NEB PLEATING CO*. Hemstitching! Covered Button*. 1804 Farnam. Second Floor. JA. 667f. Movinfr—Tmcktng—Stump* tf ' BEKINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. J 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Parking, mov- ■ tng, storage, shipping. JA. 4163. G LO B E V A N AND STO R A O K. PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING. STORING Estimate* furnished AT 0230 or JA 4338 GORDON'S FIREPROOF WHSE A VAN, 249 North 11th St. Phone JA. 3082; mov ing. packing, storage, shipping. P.ilntln* and Peperlnt *? Wallpaper, paperhanging, painting. Fred Parks, 4703 S. 24th St, MA.Olfll; AT. 7404. j Patent \ttomey». ?8 J. W MARTIN. 52(1 Peter. Tru.t BldlT. Omaha; also Washington. Doubla service, single fe« Also help sell patenta Printing—Mnteiner,. J!> COMMERCIAL I'R I NT ING. Eddy Printing Co.. 212 South 13th 8t Phone JA. 60SS. Repairing. SI j USED and new sewing machines. Sew ing machines and Vlctrolas repaired Rent machines, $i per week $3 per mo MICK El, MUSIC HOUSE. 16th and Harney. AT. 4111 KMPKOVMKNT 7777 Help Wanted—female. Sf LADIES—LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE Tauirht thoroughly dav or evening, by expert instru'tiona and constant rractlce Positions waiting. Inquire. Moler college. 1Q9 South 15th st. WANTED—Ladles In this locality to em broider linens for us at home during their ‘ leisure moments. Write st once. <aFash lon Embroideries, • 680. Lima. O. ENROLL at the largest comptometei school. 300 Courtne* Bldg JA. 149$ Help Wauled—Malr. 3< W• have an opening for a wide-awake man with soliciting ability. Thla man must hava a pleasing personality, be will ing to put In at least nlna hours per day. | six days par week and must hav# a ear Tha work will bs among the farmer j trade. Thla position should pay a;; ambitious man at least 9250 per mo. We ffuaranteo you 9125. Do net write regarding thla position. Personal ap plication only will ha considered. Apply t to B p ttv, 104 Petera Trust Pldg. Ask for Mr. Shannon. MKM- 1KARN HARDER TH APR Hav or evening. Our training makes you a master barber In short course. Hl« ray Call or write for coin log Moler liar be r college. n>9 South 1' t h._ SOLIC!TORS WANTI I * Hustlers can nmke f7R per work: no sell ing; no sample* Commission paid dally. Re* Mr. MrKInley. Room 809. Fontenelie Hotel. ALL men, women boys, girls. 17 to *f> willing to ncpept government positions 9H7 9260 (traveling nr stationary), write Mr Oament, 18t Rt (.mils. Mo. WANTE!>—Contrmike' at one* W. H. S»even*. Kn|1* C|tv, Neb. SslMiiini nnd Acrnl*. 39 AMKNTS solicitors- To sell Indies’ flnn nsl nnd wool draae* slnvbam dresses tailored blouse* and knickers. Takr orders collect ?0 rer c»nt com We do liver Dink Costume .Shop. 940 Union Ctonr.nt Nil' MN4NTIH. Itiislnrs. Op|»>rtuniCr«. If DAK KRT—Good paying bakery on Lin coln highway. Good reasona for sailing Write V-a?M> Omaha H«o InvMtiiifnl—Sfnrltv-Bond* 43 a anI> ehsonPm .ia fTTo:.*^ Deni estate Surety bonds and kindred Ins HphI Ksf.ntp I oaiR. 44 low RATE on city property, quickly closed; no monthly pa>uicnta. J A. loll W. T. GRAHAM I s r, , FINANriAU | Ileal K*tate loan*. 14 MONEY TO Loan On first and second mortgage*. We buy outright for cash Existing mortgages and land contracts. Prompt Action. H. A. WOLFE CO., •582 Saunders Kennedy Bldg_AT 3160 FARM LOANS. NO COMMISSION. 40-yr. Nebraska farm loans. 5% per cent Interest, without commission; write to Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank. Lin* coin, Nebraska. W K. Barkley. prea't. 5Vi AND fi PER CENT MONEY. Loans on Omaha Improved property at , lowest rates. _ FRANK H. BINDER. . 823 City National. JA. 2581 OMAHA HOMES— EAST NEB. FARMH O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1015 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bldg JA 2715 SECOND mortgages or contracts pur chased by Tukey Company, 620 Flrat Na tlonal Bank. JA. 4223. SIX per cent loana on Omaha residences Cash on hand Prompt service. E. H Lougee. Inc., 638 Keellne Bldg. 6U AND d PER CENT—NO DELAY GARVIN BROS., 646 Omaha Nat l Bldg I WILL buv mortgages and contracts Corkln, 948 Om. Nat’l Bldg.. Omaha, Neb 1100 to $10,000 loaned; prompt service F D, Wead & D, H. Bowman, wead Bldg. CITY’ real estate mortgages and con. tracts bought Larson. 104 N. 16th St Farm Loans on West. Neb. and N E. Colo' farms. Kluke Investment Co., Omaha. Money to Loan. 45 WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY at the lowest rate we have ever made. DON’T PAY HIGH RATES Over 30 years In business assures you of a quick, quiet and confidential deal at the lowest possible cost. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 808 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2266. Southeast corner 15th and Douglas Sts DIAMOND loans at lowest rates; business strict'y confidential. Tho Diamond Loan Co.. 1514 Dodge St. Established 1894 KDtTATlONAL. Local Instruction Classes. 48 DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete course In all commercial branches Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy, salesmanship, civil service. Phone JA. 1565. Complete catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Sts.Omaha, Neb. EIOHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American College. 1912 Farnana TRT CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1462 Dodge St. 1308 Douglas It Call or writ# for Information. Musical—Dramatic. 49 CORNET Instructor, nonnressure svstem Phone WE 1 325 William Brooksteln POPULAR music, taught by orchestra pi anist E. M Kahn MIckel Bldg. AT 4861 Dancing Academics 60 KEL-PINE— 5th and Farnsm. CLASS and ASSEMBLY Mon. and Thura. nlte*. I Private lessors any hour. Rep. DANCES Tues Thur. and Sundays AT. 7860. KEEP Dancing Academy class Monday and Friday. 8 p. m. Elks club. AT 8811 or JA. 6470. ~ ~ IJVKSTO~ Doga, Cats and Pets. 53 FOR SALE—Water Spaniel retriever, well trained, good worker 16 mo. old, Inquire. Jno. W. Wleht, Yutan. Neb. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 54 LIGHT t*»am of horaea, good set of hameaa. also h»avy spring wagon Peony Farm. 82d and Dodge. r*rank Monro#. MFRCHANOISK Business Rqufpmentt. 58 WE BUY. sell safes, make deska. ahow cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & 8upply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. .Hf1■ " Fuel and Fa«d. 61 KINDLING—$5 truck load delivered. Sawdust Baled Shavings. JA 574t». Good Thine* to Kat. 65 VOGEL’S WINTER APPLE SALE NOW ON Also sweet cider, honey, pots toes et» Bring container. Three miles north of Florence, half mile north Ponca school house LARGE sunshine oeke; can't be beat: will cut 25 Pieces AT 1919 FOR SALE—Strictly fresh eggs. 1614 Park Ave HA 6 766 Household Goods. 64 Y’OU are loaing every day that you fail to take advantage of th* furniture bar gains at Stephenson's 1506 Capitol Ave. Private tales and auction. Machinery and Tonis. 67 NEW and second-hand motor*, dynamoa LelJron Electrical Works, $18-20 8. 12th - s Musical Instrument*. 70 PIANO FOR RENT—$4 per month. A HPSPE CO, 1616 Douglas. Wanted to Boy. 7S DESKS DESKS. PERKS New deska, used desks, bought, sold ai.d traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam St. AT. 6144. _ROOMS KOR HVST. Houma U ith Hoard. 74 12s 80. S6TH—Nicely furnished room with board. HA. 6903. NORTH 26th St. 506—Furnished rooms anil board If desired. Walking distance, j Furnished Koomm 75 SINGLE or aulte for gentlemen or couple. St in. ht- Prlv. h HA. 7124 or HA. 6<»>4 EIGHTEENTH ST.. 316 N —Furnlahed front room*, clean, warm and close in. WA. 6511—Ona or two fur. rooma. 114 tor one, >20 for two per mo . or hekp. rooms. MARCY ST.. 3202—Ona or two rooma with kitchen service for couple. HA. 647S. j WA. 2iSI —Plesaant southwest room In Dundee. Hreakfast if dealred. I 3332 MATIN KT St—Newly furnlahed rooms, close o car. HA. 7136. HA. 6103—Nicely furnished room for one or two gentlemen Knout* for Housekeeping. 16 ONE 2-room. well furnished apts to adults 25 >4 Dougina St. TWO LH1HT llOl'SEKKKIMNil. furnl.h.d. >5 week; everything furnished HA. *466. IZARD. 400S— I-room apts. heat. gaa. lights furnished. 120 WA 7436. Looms, Unfurnished ^ NEAT basement room Montlcello Apts. 620 S 31st St. Available at once $10. un furnished fall AT 7716 or HA 6*71. W here lo Ntop m Town. HOTEL SANFORD— 19th and Farnam. Hotel HENSHaw—16th and r-inam. Special Rates to Permanent Guests. REAL I SI VI> —MIK KINT Apartment*—I iirnislietl So HUNTER Inn — Home for the traveling man lo leave hie wife in comfort and fet y. Tel. AT «ShO. ?40s D«dge 83D ST. SwS7 8. — Fuintshed 3-room house Apai iniriitH—| iifuniiitlird. Si Don’t RENT AN APART NT OF FOUR ROOMS UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN I KARO COURT APT No 19 RENT IS NOW ONLY Y $67.60 FLAT RATE THE ENTIRE V EAR APARTMENT JUST REDECORATED THROUGHOUT YOYU ARE SURE TO LIKE IT AND JUST THINK. THE RENTAL IS ONLY $6t.6u PER MONTH EXCELLENT RESIDES TUI, LOCATION AT 617 S $1ST ST. HUE JANITOR. OR FOR APPOINT MENT '“ALL Payne & Sons o., ••OMAHA’S RENTAL M K N. A16 OMAHA NAT’L HANK HLDO. _ ,1A.-. _ Undine Apartment, 2652 Dewey Avenue. Ready to move in nos on»* of three beautiful 5-rootu accommoda tion apartment*. $50 summer am\ $10 winter. Tit AVER TIROS INC. AT till. Ill First Nat l Hk. Midi. REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—I nlurnislied. *1 LOOK AT THESE VALUES. 3 rooms 1240 S 15th SI.I * 00 3 rooms. 225 Cedar St.!'?■£“ 5 rooms. 1201 Pacific St .}1M0 5 rooms. 2018 Grace St. 5 rooms, flat. 2128 N. 16th St.Jy5 jlo 5 rooms. 2834 Parker St.M6 00 6 rooms: garage, all modern. 3404 1 a™ •r St.140.00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Wbera Omaha Rents.” AT. 0844. 17th and Farnam Sts. 188.00 WINTER—870 SUMMER—Six fire rooms in good condition; cloee to school and car. 2903 Jackson St. J. L. HIATT CO. AT 9900. SHIRBEY Ante. 3328 California: ur-to date 6-room apt. with 6-room accom modation. Newlv decorated Janitor»erv Ice, <76. Garage if dealred. HA. 413u. FOR RENT—Six roomi. all modern, brick Mat. located cloae to achool. car line -eaaonable rent, referenda required Te) IA 5670 Af’er d o'clock. WA 1200 APARTMENTS and flats for rent. ! W. .1. PALMER CO. _ AT 8*80 Res) Estate Management Speclsllsts CHOICE four-room flat, steam heat one hlork to car 450.00. Not fixed-oxer bed roomi. HA. 6923. * . .. PETERS TRU8T COMPANY. "WHERE OMAHA RENTS.” AT. 0644.17th and Farnam fits ONE. two three and four-room apta 185 t0DRAKE RENTAL AGENCT. STEAM heat, 4-room apta.. $30 and up close In. O. P. Stebhlne. 1510 Chicago fit THREE large, part modern rooms, near 19th and Vinton. <16.00 mo. WA. 0435 eve DODGE. 2614—Six-room fiat, all modern. walking distance. Call HA. 1659. Ifnuftp* for Rrnt. W HERE la a very fine 6-room house with garage at only $55 per month. Location la excellent, Clalrmont district; near rar line and new Clifton Hill school. See 2*44 N. 47th Ave. or call PAYNE & SONS CO. JA. 1016. FARNAM. 2959—7-room duplex, will decorate to suit. *50 A. P. Tukey & Son, JA. 4223. 620 Firsi Nat. Bk. Big. NEW, strictly modern 7-room bungalow. Oarage. Respectable, quiet block to car. etoree and high achool. <50 Not for sale. Owner next door at 6jit> Blnney St. __ - .. new brick duplex 4Sth and Burt. 6 roomi and gunroom WlJOHNr*£*' MeCARVILLE. REALTOR 1802-8 City Nat,AT. 5028 3211 HARNEY ST—Just a realgoodl room houas In an sxe.ll.nt location, and rent Is only 486 Call PAYNE * EONS CO. JA. 1018. NORTH 18TH 2?1l—All modern, 180 Newly decorated. 8 bedrooma and bath second floor Key at 2?22__ 5 ROOMS. etrletly modern, heatad: garage; adults. WEt 4777. 2*il N 20tb street. 2618 EMMET—New duplex. .Modern, eood location. South front, 850. WL. 8588.__ COZY new bungalow for rent In Florence. 826 monthly, no children KE. 140*. WOOLWORTH Ave.. 2708—*-rnom mod ern house, for sal, or for rent. STRICTLY modern bungalow, #80. 2827 Bristol St. Call WE. 1740 SOUTH 20th St., 2714—4 room modern house for rent____ 5-ROOM house, partly modern. $20.00 2511 S. 12nd St. KE. 0122. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALS. fineness Property_91 Trackage The new Induatrlal subdlvislan at 26tb St. and Ames Ave. offers exceptional ad vantages IB trackage with .treat facllltise at varv low pr'ces. World Realty Co., REALTORS. __ AT- 8441. _World Theater Bloc BUSY TRANSFER CORNER. IDEAL INVESTMENT. 8*. NET. _GLOVER d SPAIN. JA. 2860. Real Estate—Investments. 93 SIX brick flats. close In, $10.000 Will show 17 per cent net on one.half caan required. Will disc aunt for all rash. Big dividend In a aafe Investment. JA. .16,. WILL SACRIFICE FOB CASH. 3. W COR. 26TH AND PUPbE. JA 2181. Farms and Lands for Sale. 93 ■ OPPORTUNITY for homeeeekera Beet well irrigated land In fast growing sec- | ■lor near Oakland and San 1* rant laco. Grape., poultry, dairying alfalfa vege tables. fruit. Twc railroads and good roads Write for Information. East Contra Coata Chamber of Commerce, Brentwood, Cal. Houses lor Sale. 95 $4,400—EASY TERMS ! Fire-room, all . modern bungalow, oak • f loo re and finish, bookcases decorated throughout. Immediate possession. Eve nlnvs eall Mr. Oeh-'s KE. 6 to METCALFE COMPANY Ground Floor, 203 S 19th 6t- AT. 6415. j $5,150 Five rooms on one floor. Attic end full fomented be»m*nt. Oek floor# end oak i iind enamel finleh. on paved etreet. Double ge--age. Clooe to car. Small caah l*ayment, balance monthly. For appoint ment call .Mr. Sloan, Walnut 2813. ~ $4.500—EASY TERMS. Five-room ell modern bungalow, oak floor# end finish, bookcaee*. decorated throughout. Immediate poaaeee'on Eve ME TC A L F E COM PA N Y Ground Floor. 293 8. 19th 8t- AT. 641; House*—North. W NO. 67 Unusual 5 Room * Home With Extra Large Rooms Just the nlac* you have been seeking. In wonderful condition and replete with feature*. A Kellastone bungalow with 6 j very large light rooms. Big. roomy cloa »’ts. exceptional oak floors and woodwork | The fireplace la a beauty, flanked by : bullt-Jn book cases Up to date kitchen. I roomy breakfast nook. Floored attic. Full rement basement. Vitrified block founda tion, 30x36 Note the site Pretty south i 'rent lor Paving all paid All this for ; $7,000 ThU'k of M Term* arranged. Call D. E. Buck & Co., REALTORS. 742 Omaha National JA 2000 ; Salesmen Box. WE *172: Lovgren, KK •>'04: Baker. WA 3613. Buck. KE 2634. NEAR UTH AND LOCUST. Here la a comfortable S-room modern j home, steam heat, oak floors down and onlv a. block from thl# busy corner. Price j 11.600. Small cash payment and balance Ik# rent. 8HEDD INVESTMENT CO. Realtor* JA. 4254. Evenings. WA #116 NEAR OMAHA UNIVERSITT. Modern 6 room house, 4 rooms and bath down, two up Oak floors down, plna up. Full cemented basement A comforta ble home in a good location. Price 16.000 terms. 8HSDD INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 1A 4264 Fventnga. WA. 110* NORTH SIDE HAHUAIN You simply can t go wrong buying th‘ six-room semi-bungalow, garage, larg lot with paving all paid. located JU‘ west of the Unlv. of Onuhi. for ©nl' $4,760—$760 will be sat sfactory an then only $40 a month Now vacant call. OSBORNE REALTY CO. ran Petrrs Trust Bldg JA 126? AN exceptionally nice 6-room bungalow <n# block north of FonteneMe park alt lerge rooms, oak throughout, large attic, "icely de orated, close to car and achoo i'l'® «'#sh balance same as rent. Call Mr. Hamer. KK. 6114 or AT. t$5$. YOU*1.1. find It difficult tn beat thl# hu\ at $4 2hh $~n0 rash down for this 6-roon all modern bungalow. 1 year old goo 1 i location of new home*. W A *64 4 eve. AT. 1412 days. 6T H K'TI.Y MODKRN N K \7 |77mkU $17 I'OWN BUILT-IN FEATURE* OAK n.OORS PAYNE A .60NS, .1A 101« CHOICE of three new homes, cloae t* car and school. 42d and Orand Onl' >4.200. $m rnah Camrbelk WAI1I4 FOl'R new modern bungalows, nice loea tlon. well built, $4.lab and $6,100: term* J. C bchmtta Co. $61 Om, Nat I JA 17»» IIEA1. ESTATE—FOK KAI.E. Holism—North ••• FnR RALE—A new all modern Lrtwm bungalow 44311 1.»» imor« Ave. »4 1»0. 1360 down KK. 4904 ^ II J.' Itf'I’K ^ <*« » *»UV and »>H H»9IW. 4R34 n 40TH 8T—elx-room part modern. 8300 cash Crelgh. 608 Bee JA. 0200. House*—SoutTi. 9* Attractive, Practical If you want an up-to-date bungalow, look at 1007 South 83rd St. Thla la of brick and stucco, six rooms, tiled bath, extra lavatory, oak floor# and finish, flreplsca and bookcases. Lot 92x118, with i-csr Karate. This Is a dandy; see me for price and term*. REALTOR. C. A. Grimmel, Omaha National Bank. JA. 1616. FIELD CLUB D18TRICT. Beautiful 6-rm house, newly decorated; f.O-ft. corner lot. paving paid: one block to car and school Priced right, with easy terms. Evening*, call Mr. Pitkin, HA. 764ft or Mr Rowley, K r* 0206 METCALFE COMPANY, ground Floor, 202 H. lHh 8t. AT. >418. Houses—WMI 98 Close-in Duplex Six dandp r*oms and floored attic e*eh side, full basement, tile vestibule and tll« bath, nearly new. excellent condition, eteat and south front corner lot. 61 feet wide, one block to car, walking distance from retail business center, located between Farnam and California streets Price re duced to 814,760; good terms; something Ca°llCKE. 2212. HA «440. WA. I77», KE. Burt C. Fowler Co., REALTORS Jarkgon 1474 1170 City N*fl Bank Bldg. NEW BRICK COLONIAL. And a good one. located 6612 Howgrd. Fine large living room, dining room and breakfast room. Three comforfable bed room* up. Two-car garage, also of brick. Oak floors throughou’. oak trim down, beautiful enamel up. Thl* house Is really well built. Near Hanpy Hollow Blvd. and Elmwood park. Price 111,500. 8HEDP INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor*. JA. 4254.Evenings. WA. 1104. MAKE I S AN OFFER 610 NO. 41ST AVE. We will submit any reasonable offer db thia brand new. strictly modern 6-room end bath cross-roof bungalow beautl* fully finished melds and out, 60-foot ea*t front lot on paved street, thi* can be pur chased on easy term*, evenings call Mr. Carnaby. KE. 6871 or H. E. Rasp. KE RASP BROS. _ .... >12 Ksellne Bldg._ AT. 0781 LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS SNAP Niv colonial typ* bungalow of flv# rooms and large attic. Finely finished In oak and enamel. Tastily decorated. Price 16 950. Easy terms To insr-ect thl* to 3ay call Mr. Sloan, WA. 2812. 5-Room Bungalow Brand new Built-In feature*. Priced right. Term,. Will eoneider a vacant lot or second mortgage ae part ravment. A. P. Tukey & Son, 669 First Mat*!. Bank._JA. 4>I3. JUST LISTED BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. Five-room, oak-flnlahed bungalow with a lot 4^x129 for only 85.«00 and located right where values are sure increasing Can be handled with 8760 cash *nd 842.50 a month. Call _ OSBORNE REALTY CO. 680 Peters Trust BMg_ JA. THE best 6-room house we hav* seen for a year for 8".000. Elegant oak finish. 27 foot living room, full basement; corner lot: garage; 1 block to North 45th St. ear. f%90 cash; terms. WA 1103; JA 0568. 4422 JONES ST—6 rooms on one floor; g*#. electric lights furnace, etc. Practi cally your own term*. JA. 1014. Car**. SEE Morrison Lumber and Coal for prioe* on garagoa Beet eonatructlon at mini* mum crxt WT. 5 561. WILT, build to your order on our beauti ful lota in Fdgewood; very easy term*. Phone AT 854ft 3-ROOM cottsge. part modern; located near Happy Hollow Blvd. Large jot aM garage 8!.65ft. Easy term* JA 194* 5 ROOMS »nd ,1-eplng porch, brick *n4 frame, 1 l«t No. 45!h St. Owner winti offer. FOWLER FINPS FOLKS who bur hom«*. List your propertv w th us for result*. JA 14?* BUP.T C FOWLER CO.. Realtors. 2611 JONES ST—7 rooms, all modem; convenient location. Make an offer. JA 4*57 __ Home*—lienson. 99 WEST BFNSON BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR *4 600 Five rooms and bath all on on# flow. f!ni«h**d In oak: built-in features; lot 44x144 on the paved street. Part *a*h and 84ft a month. Let us ehow you this splendid bur OSBORNE REALTY CO. 580 Peters Trust B!dg JA. ttft. NEW 6-roora bungalow, near 80th and Military At#.; all oak. dandy basement, attic, fixtures, shades and screen*. $500 raeh, balance same as rent. Call Mr. Miller. WA. I63« For S*lf—Florence. (*1 NETHAWAY id!* to wM«o» only. BUY a HO>!>E in beautiful FLORENCB. Sfi. 14">. I:«r Sale IN Evanston Special Ara you looking for good location for pnut rvaw home? If ao. Investigate lot. <4x11$, on 55th street, about 200 feet north of Farram atreet. east aide; thla la an at tractive location, high and sightly with n beau’lful view over Elmwood park. Happy Hollow golf court# and Fatracrea. Thia la excep’’ good, aee xna for prlca and terms C. A. Grimmel, REALTOR, Omaha National Hank._ JA. Itll I.AROK building lot. well located, choice new dlattict. wonderful view. Ida AL Terms Owner KF 1C15. ’x»t 60x157. on 32d Avenue facing Hah '• com Park for sale at an attarctlv# price. A GHmmcl JA 1 1 ■' Wanfrd—Ke.xl K*tate 1§5 WANT 4 ROOMS ONE FLOOR. OR $ LARGE ONFS WOULD DO. NEAR BEMIS PARK OR NORTH OF AMES A V ENUE. 11A V K C ROOM H OU S E, t ROOMS DOWN S UP OAK FINISH HOT WATER HEAT. EQUITY ABOUT $2.2*0 TO F. \ HAN O, F DAYS. AT. 4*** EVFN1NGS K L 1T32 NEW HOMES—YOUR TERMS. GROVE HIRPARD CO 22? Bankets Reserve DldgAT lttl. For reaulta list your property with FIITST TRUST CO AT «72f 40ft F rst Natl Bank. WE SELL HOVS UST WITH US. HAMILTON A CO.. $ft? - 4 Vevtll* B CkJA. Mfy. SEE us flrat Need i atlnxa. any location. 5 to s rooms Shopen .4 Co., Realtor*. JA 42?* 23* Keeilne Bldg_ _ LIST your property with ua er. It you are In the market for at reage. call little Oohn for qu'ck aales M \ o’. 4 3 MA 3ft2t. OH AS \V YOUNG .« SON Rex! Estate Renta*!*. Insurance, lift? Pity Natl PorkAT M<* o P HUTCH IN SON CO.. Real F*ste tea l<?ft Fsrnatn JA <411 AUCTION The U. S. Post Office I Department will sell at j Public Auction all un- j claimed parcel post packages subject to sale October 24, 1924. on the north side of the post office at 10 a. m. After July 1, 1924, all uninsured automobile ( tires will be held for 30 days only. CHARLES E. BLACK. Poatmaittr.