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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1924)
Nineteen Undefeated High School Teams Get Into Action This Afternoon, -3 important Games Scheduled for State Gridirons South High. One of Two Un ' defeated Omaha Teams, i1 to Play Ahraham Lin coln in Bluffs. GAMES TODAY. Local. Creighton Prep against Central at Tech field. S p. m. South high agninut Abraham Lincoln •t Council Bluff*. OUT IN STATE. (Undefeated high school team*) •Nelson at * Fairfield. •' •Cambridge at Mlnden. •Wcwt Point ut •Fremont. •South Sioux City at. Newcastle. •Neligh at Stanton. •Hastings at Kearney. •Blair at Tekamah. •Verdlgre ut Bloomfield. Ponca at • Crawford. •Curtin Aggie* at McCook. ord at •Aimlcy. Alliance at •Sidney. Broken Bow at •"Lexington. Adams at •Wilbur. Rosalie at * Pender. •Undefeated teams. HE Nebraska state high school gridsterg will come in for their share of pigskir glory this after noon when 19 un defeated * team? and a score of do , * feated eleven? r clash in regulai scheduled contests throughout Husk erland. One of the It undefeated teams — South High — plays in Council Bluffs this afternoon against Abra ham Lincoln and, win or lose, the re suit of this contest will not have any ) hearing on the Packers' standing In the race for the Nebraska state high school championship. Lincoln High, probably the strong est of the undefeated teams, plays Beatrice in Lincoln Saturday. Tech, the second undefeated Oma ha team as far as Nebraska games are concerned, is idle this week. Today's schedule of undefeated 1 elevens finds four teams with clean J slates in action against each other. Nelson plays at Fairfield, while West Point plays at Fremont. The West Point-Fremont game is the most important pigskin dash in this section of the state. The victory of F'remont over York, 13 to 7, last week-end stamped the Fremonters as i mighty dangerous opponents. West Point will put up a hard fight against the husky Fremont eleven, but the odds favor Coach Jimmy Johnson’s proteges. Nelson High is favored to win from Fairchild. It’s a cinch one of these two teams will fall out of the race to day. The former is considered one of the best elevents in its part of the state. Fairfield has had a successful season thus far. The backfield of Fairfield is speedy, but the line isn’t strong enough to hold the Nelson players, say reports from out-state. Alexandria, another undefeated team, has an idle week, hut next Fri day meets Nelson at Alexandria. Cambridge, 1920 state champions, lias piled up a big total of scores thus far (his season. Today the former championship high school meets Miiideu at Minden and should win. Neligh, a ieain that has not been defeated in three years, plft.vs at Stanlon. Norfolk heal Stanton last week, while Neligh had little trouble in defeating Albion, 30 to 7. One of the strongest teams a mem ber of the undefeated group has to play today is Kearney. Hastings plays at Kearney. The latter has been an in and out team this year and is liable to hand Hastings a de feat, the first one of the seas^i. Announcing SanFeuc® New Invincible Size Blended with just enough Havana to give: —the same unique rich yet ultra * mild flavor —the same delicious cool taste —the same fragrant satisfying smoke —but now SAN FELICE comes to you bigger and better than ever in a new and . most popular shape. A new large size —Invincible! Once more the reliable house of The ® Deisel-Wemmer Company displays that progressive spirit which has won for it T within the trade the acknowledged lead ership in the field of cigar quality. Rare Treat for Old Friends SAN FELICE has won and Ft held the good will of thousands upon thousands of friends through its won derful flavor. To produce this peculiarly satisfying SAN FELICE flavor, the choicest tobaccos are skillfully blended under a fine imported wrapper with . just enough genuine Havana from Cuba to give the cigar that SAN FELICE taste—rich, yet ultra-mild. If you have never smoked ■< SAN FELICE, try one today. The unsurpassed flavor in •the New Invincible Shape will give you a treat l Just a few cents for a trial smoke — and you will know you’ve found the cigar you’ve been looking for. K&mett Cigar Co., Omaha, Neb. The Brown Fruit Co., Grand Island, Neb. The Haley & Neeley Co., Norfolk, Neb. Sun Felice FOR GENTLEMEN OF GOOD TASTE * | Indoor Sports By Tad. A^WAoe^A (AAkao Jf/S vAT.Sic fie 'ww-? ^Tfc A TM-eK lunu?^ meKe‘ A^ “ mc°op \ fIFrwEV t’cr A TM€ 5*» ***- r? £*« irS" ^ou ^OVN- VOU k (Wp i°ME J A ) 7HC PANIC o A ™\\'r mow - I NE^eiU * ,Y #NE- (SCOT- yxAOC A BU7CK _/ T*+A^ ot> J / AfrA/N TOM«m \ r':i--r ss.Uoih®- ) rsTrA-u.. i«:“,:n »"»« PUC NIG'H'T* ' "•"' ^^=^3 Q1924 by Imt l Feature SwvicfTTNC.i Great ti ■ ■ Richte RmAvEP*~ > ' » - ? ^ New Orlean*—Tommy Gibbon*. St. Pan! light heavyweight, began training for hin 15-round bout with Ted Jamieson, Wll Vaukee. October 1 ♦. TECH SECONDS TRIM NORTH HIGH Tech high’s second team won its second straight game Thursday eve ning w'hen they outclassed North high’s first team and scored two touchdown* for a 14 to 0 win In a game played on North's field. The line plunging of DiGlorgio and the defensive work of Bazaar featured for the winners. BOARD REVOKES ‘RUSTY’ EVANS’ BAN Specie] Dispatch te The Omaha Bee. Norfolk, Neb., Oct. 28.—Local fight fans breathed a sigh of relief Thurs day morning when a letter was re ceived from Earle (Rusty) Evans of York, former lightweight champion of Nebraska, who Is scheduled to go 10 rounds with Bat Strayer here on the night of November 11, stating that the state boxing commission had lifted hts suspension, taking effect November 8 end the bout In Norfolk would be a sure go. A good fur felt hat has a lively, resilient “feel”— run your hand over your new Lanpher and you’ll get the idea. The low price gives a pleasant reaction, too. LANPHER HATS you reflect Nebraskas Prosperity? The eyes of the world are on Ne braska. We’re in the “heart’’ of the most prosperous section of the world today. Reflect Nebraska’s prosperity in thought, in action and in dress. And don’t forget that a fresh, clean Earl k Wilson (E & W) Shirt every mqrning is a mighty good way to show' it. A full year’s wear assured! Pray’s Shirt Insurance takes care of that ! $? and Better Two Stores 1908 F»rn«n Rickard Selects Six Featherweights Eligible for Championship Tourney d EW TORK- Oct. 28 I Xl —Tex R i c k a rd, boxing promoter. JT^k ha* suggested to the state boxing commission the names of six f e a t h e rweights and five light weights, who, In hi* opinion, would he eligible to par tlclpats in tour naments to pro duce a feather weight champion to succeed the title vacated by Johnny Dundee and* lightweight challenger for Champion Benny Leonard. The featherweights Include Kid Roy of Canada and Lew Paluso, Salt Lake 'City. The lightweights are: Jack Bern stein of Yonkers; Kid Terris of New York; Luis Vlcintint, Sid Barbarian of Detroit and Sammy Mandell of IV»rkford, III. Abe Goldstein's bantamweight and Kid Sullivan’s junior lightweight titles, both of which have been de fended recently, remain In the mar ket, but they have few formidable rivals In sight. Walker, the 147-pound king, is under suspension in New York, but plans an active campaign elsewhere. He will go out of his class when he boxes Jock Malone, St. Paul middle weight, at Newark, October 29. Harry Greb's middleweight title may be risked before the season is over, but there is no prospect of any title activity in the heavyweight di vision where Champion Jack Demp sey has become strictly an outdoor performer. Several of his challengers, however, Including Luis Firpo, Jack Renault and Tom Gibbons, may bat tie for recognition during the winter. Creighton Bluejays Open Up With Trick Plays Behind Locked Gates - ■ ■ ■ Far away from prying eye*, the Creighton university eleven opened up Its assortment of tricks against the freshmen last night In the next to the last scrlmmar# before the big game this Saturday with the Haskell Indiana of Lawrence, Ken. Coach Wynne, at liberty to allow his" proteges to open up with the famous Notre Dame plays, sent his Blue warriors crashing against the fighting frosh In a eerlea of deceptive pla ya. All the Blue jay men are In a fine fettle for the opening game. None of the slat's are on the Injured list, and Indication* seem to point toward a lull battle .strength team opposing the Kedsltln*. Another dose of scrimmage to night, with a tapering off workout following Friday. .Students of the school plan to stage a big rally Friday night on the Hilltop, Boxes and kindling of all sorts have been appropriated for the occasion, and a great pile of timber is already on hand for the fire. As Saturday Is homecoming day for Creighton university, a record crowd Is expected to cram into the Western league park for the Mg game. Reserved seats are on sale at the I regular ticket station*. CREIGHTON PREPS TO RUN SIGNALS Coach Drenmin pushed his Creigh-, ton Prepsters to the limit Tuesday! night in the final scrimmage before the Central game Friday on the Technical high field. ,The junior Hluejays had the big athletic field all to themselves, as their big brothers from the univer sity were practicing in secret, and the Blue and Whiter* took advan tage of having the Mg field by shotting lip the host that they have this season. And this word Is from Coach Brennan himself. The Hilltopperg were tackling harder, running signals with more precision and playing a muchly improved game last night. Ponohoa, husky tackle, will he out of the Central game, as will "Bud '' Miller. The squad will go through a light signal workout tonight Culler Defeats Rot*. New York. Oct All tl. Cut l*r toniRht Increased hi* lead In de fense of hi* nation*! Junior IS 2 balk lln# billiard title to 60ft to over Ary Bn*, champion of Holland after the eecond block of their 1.200 point match. Cutler * high run wn* 121.! wna al*o hiRh for the match Bo*' l>e*t wn« 80. Tonight * block went 21 Inninpi. Footliall Player Injured. r>« Witt, N>b . <’ let L'l' In 1‘fii young high school student of IV Witt. sustained h broken right arm when he was thrown and crushed by other player* falling on top of him n a football gnme here. Oakland ( nl., Oct. tS —Prliinr* ■ f St Paul *nd Prank1* IVnnv of fund fought four rounds to * draw !n the nntn bout of « card hem I Leather Coats and Vests Sheep-lined Coat* and Vests 23 Models in Stock SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICES Scott Oninhn Tent and Awning Co. ISth and Howard & Opp os it* Auditorium -1 I In III regc ill Gothenburg. Nebraska City ui Mavelock. tggie High at \shland. Cathedral against Temple at Lincoln. Bethany at I nlvendt.v I'lwe. \\ tihun at David City. Peru Prep at I alls City. Nelson at Kill C loud. Winner. H. D.. at Klnsworth. Sargenlt at \readin. Ble spring* at Wan net*. Ilarneaton at l.iberty. Dakota tits at W iiineha. Ogallali at Southerland. We*t Point at Fremont. Broken Bow at Islington. Superior at Aurora. South Sioux < Itv at Newcastle. Norfolk at Columbus Nebraska Deaf at Plattsmouth. Fxeter at Seward Seminary. \ ork at Geneva. Neligh at Stanton. Baneroft ut Wajthlll. Hasting* ut Kearney. C rete at Friend. Blair at TekamaJi. Tor Ulnae It at Fairbury. C.rand Island at ( entral City. I larks at Silver t reek. Berdirre at Bloomfield. Flmwood ut Weening Water. C rrighton at Tilde. I'oneu ut C raw ford. C he* ter at Guide Kork. Polk ut I lyases. C urtiee Aggies at McCook. Ord at Anslev. Ixlgar at Harvard. i imbriHge at Mlnden. Gibbon at Ixiup City. Sutton at Clay C enter. Auburn at Pawnee City. Bridgeport at Alliance (Re-serve*). North Platte at Srottabluff. C huppyll at Kimball. Rosalie at Bender. Beaver City at Morcatur. Kan. Mason C Ity at Ravenna. Arapahoe at Coxad. laurel at Allen. Shubert at Version. Kepiibliran C itv at AJma. Alliance at Sidney. Beakleman at Imperial. Ilaigter at Palisade. Neligh Reserves at Tllden (Reserve*). Broken Bow at Lexington. Adams at Wilber. Sheridan at Crawford. Portland. Ore . Oct. 23.—Joe Benjamin. Sacramento lightweight. lost to Harry Simone of Cleveland, on a foul In the seven* h round of their acheduled 10 round bout here. Wilmington. Cal , Oet. 23—Dandy Dil lon. Minneapolis fe&tberwe:* ht fought a draw with Benny Dotson of Portland. In *h* main svent at the Wilmington ath letic club. Cleveland. O., Oct. 23.—Charley O’Con hm rtf (r• '* r1»r!sion c • r Johnny Dundee. New York after a 12-roun<i bout her> The d*-* eion waa unpopular with the crowd. At Caaper. 13 to.—B*nnle Hhssnon. : .rn e <i clsione-l Don Long. Colorado Slangs. Col . 12 fast rounds. Drake Bulldogs Drill on Passes Des Mil'nw, Ta . Oct. IS.—Develop ment of an effective defense against the high!', touted 1> ng end short for ward parsing game of the Oklahoma Sooner? received the serloua consid eration of Coach Ossie Solem and the Drake university squad this week. Solem concentrated his efforts on in -tllurg into the Bulldog? the fact that If they are to turn hack the Sooners at the Drake stadium Saturday they must break up the gassing game which has carried the Oklahoma eleven through several Impressive victories this season. Drake follower? regard the coming ime Saturday as a erttfafl! on# and if the Sooner? are defeated the Bull d"g? should have a better chance ef copping the Missouri Valley confer ence honor? There I? no tendency to minimize the strength of the Okla homa team. Anv eleven, Drake fob lowers hr eve, that can defeat Ne braska If to 7. a? the Oklahoma team did, will command respect on any gridiron. HANDBAIL MEET .STARTS AT “Y. M.” The Y. AT. C A. 1$ sponsoring a new form of tournament In Omaha, a mixed doubles handball champion ship. The ••mixed** come* from there being a class A. and a class B player teamed together. The tourney opens today with the following matches: McCarthy »cd Kollatrem play Gluck ami T.^alie. and Root play Deway ami Scbro tier c ani P it ton play Hoffman ar«l Fr “timin. 3' -e ml J*pakcy piay Worth ani K a h m . Hi' hie ami Falk plar koholm an I aican. " ler am F Gerellek rlay Kleberg ami Kalman H»'> ■'! ar»1 Strffh’^-w p'av Knipprath ar-1 Jeffry Hs'hnrn# and Hobart play Harper an J 3Y.> k« Briiegmann anti Spencer play Brown ami Moisey Fr i i und Maple play 3Ve'ral anJ Alachuler. BANTAM CHAMP OFFERED BIG SUM N’ew York, Ort. TS—Abe Goldstein, j bantamweight champion of the world,! will be guaranteed 125,000 If he con 1 sents to meet Frankie Oenaro, | American flyweight champion, for the] title, Frank Costello, a barker of I Gensm. has announced, Tex Rickard has consented to pro mote the bout If Goldstein accepts. The bantamweight king will be of feted S7 12 per rent of the gate by Rickard and Costello will be responsi ble for ths amount necessary to make Goldstein's share 125,000. Gopher Coacli Plano 1 iin* Plays for Iowa Minneapolis, Minn , Oct. 22 —That Coach Rill Spaulding planned to tis*> lino reserves finely In the approach* luff town contest "as clearly Indi cated tn th© final hard prgrrtlce of flie Minnesota team today before the departure on the first leg of their Journey to Iowa Cl tv tomorrow night Charlie Johnson Leaves Omaha Country Club w Will Leave for Land of Mega phone in About Two eekg -—To Drive Over land. HARLIE JOHN ston, ranking veteran of t h -• golf professional of Omaha, will not return to Omaha next year, tt became known today. Johnston Is getting ready for his annua] fall pilgrimage into the land of mega phones and Klieg lights, tn other words: Hollywood. That's where Johnston has passed his winters the last three years, acting as Instructor in an indoor golf course conducted by a Hollywood sporting goods store. Charley will leave for Hollywood in about two weeks. He intends to drive overland in his coupe. . Charley himself is rather iwncnm H on the subject, hut reports ™ have it that the lure of the Cali fornia sunshine may keep Johnston on the Pacific coast the year round hereafter and that at all events he will not return to the Omaha Coun try club next spring. Johnston was golf professional a: ths Happy Hollow club for 10 years Thres years ago he moved over to the Country club. Johnston Is regarded as an expert on courses and has laid out a number of golf courses in the state. WALKER AGREES TO MEET SHADE New York. Oct 23— Mickey Walker today agreed to defend his world's welterweight title In a long awaited bout with Dave Shade, the fight to take place In this city before January. It la understood that Walker has been assured that his suspension In this state will be lifted upon his for mal acceptance of Shade's challenge. /T))ACJD - Kesuilts EMPIRE CITY. I First race Mile and a sixteen*!* Roea Yet* < Harvey) .:. . 3 4 -1 t>-6 12 [Humorette (Hooper) .. 4-1 Broomfield (Mariselll).«-.*• Time: 1:47 3-6. Stonewall. Blue H Anne. Scare Crow and Lou^erne r io : I Second race S'x furlong*: Hayward (Marine!)!) f-X even 2 ? George de Mar (Coltliatti)..16 4-5 Master Billy (Harvey) .3-5 ^ Time: 1.014-6 Flying AL Trantformer ™ Hoot Mor. Hot Dog and Duaky Bella a to ran. Third race >Hle and 70 yard* Rigel 1M. Fator).1-1 f-i 7-5 The Poet (Harvey) ..7-6 1-2 Modo (Tburber) .. .« Time l:4S4-6 Forest Flower. Ros*»i»** II . Sleepy Head and Athelatan al*o rsi Fourth race: Mile and 70 vardt Rlnkev. Harvey).even out out Lockerbie (Marin*]'.).eu* u* Thimble (Alien) . ut Time: 1.45 Three started. Fifth rsce 4 furlong* Dry Moon 4>icAtee) 0-10 2-4 o Joe Matron* III (Thurber) . .2-6 ou Bright Steel (Marlnelii> ..“* Tim*. 1:0?. Cork Elb, Ciav.chord and M Crimmon alto ran. Sixth race. 6^ furlong* Watt* (J. Callahan> ... 11-26 2-5 on* Sliver Fox < L Fator * 6 Campfire Tale* (Marineflt) . ... 2 Tlm^ I 1*6 Law]e«t Rar ck. Xg * Moon. Polar Star. Gala Night and SV mer Tima also ran. CHURCHILL DOWNS. First rsce: Six furlorgt: Jupiter (Sturts) ..12 If 0 1? « '* John Q Kelly (Griffin) . 2 50 2.?" Rubien (Merglen . ? 2© Time: 1:14 2-5. Ted * Plum. I. erre. Variable* Bey. R E. Clark. King of th«* Spa. Piedmont. Six Pence. Sea ( ur Roidgold and Ruby also ran Second race: Six furlongs Sir Peter (Heupel) ........11.1© * O-i J f Down Town (Francisco) .125 * ; Broadway Jones (Blind) .4 4* Time: 1:14 Sun Hathor, Marnoui Rocky. Spandor. El Moro, Peter De and Booster also ran. Third race: One mile: Ann e Lyle (Stutta) . 05 20 f« 5* 9 t© Johnny J»well (Harvey) .T TO r ?■ Snow Maiden (Griffin) .2.6© Tlrr.e; 1:41 2-5 Black Orackle. Lex n* ton Maid, Devil Girl. Climax. Florenr# " Udy Jane. Bugler. Our Option. Dei ear and London Smoke also ran Fourth race l mile ?- ' t»r (Griff n) . JIT» IIP : * ( M rs Carina (Stutta) .....5 5© s I Sunspero (Harvey) . $ ©a Time, i t: 4-5. Audacious, i»h Ca hill Surf Rider. Minus. Sunavr. rric* maker Broomster and Captain Haney also ran Fifth race 1 mile: T.a veen (Griffin) .14 1© « 1© 4 v> Valley Light iHar>ey».* ©© f. r.o K ns Tut (Wallace) .5 lo Time. 1:?? Alleden John Hager. Y. *■* Fox IT. Starbeck and Fabian also ran. Sixth race Seven furlorgt: Leo O. Cotrer, 1©$ (Fronk). „ .12 9© I S© 4 5© Swope. 1 ©< (Turner). .4 2(t 6 ■ K!e«*a. 1©5 (Hcagland).. 7 7*) Time 1:26 2 5. Shark. Fairy Master. Sunaard. Menifee. Plue Riige. Cupbearer also ran. Seventh race: 1 1.1© miles: Pretty Politician. 165 (Griffin).. .1X 6© 4P 6 2© Midwestern, (Oortnley)... .4 1© S'' Who Knows Me 107 (Hoagland) » ! Tim- 1 40 :-5. Fret well, Delectnbb N’ogales. Defiant. Llewellyn, Deri :s. N>w Gold. Eacapader also ran. LAI RKI.. F «f race K'\f ar.d one half futlor c Fdmburah t Ambrose).. * ft® f no 3 Bry or! ear (U tars)... .3 ?<t a AudoIrc fP Walls’ 3 ;• T me 10745 R*.t#ns Vista Mlt* Rr * *v«'r» C . • View Cle« West over. Calembour, Headline R c Ship Dor othy Gilpin Redoux and Wiser also ran Second rac- Steeplechase Two m ies '-enadlar (R\e*) 4 7® j if 5 m ■’lm CVffroth • Pierce) . ... ft ?o 44*) Connihert tMerclar) .4 3® Time- 4:^0 4-5 Chuckle. H-'uyhnhntn. Praft and Abyd.-s alao ran. Third race S;\ furlong;* Silk Tassel tPerv-e) ’ft® f<* f*' Carlton tMsfbeu) .1130 ft*-' Learhererood 1 Parke) ft no Time 1 1? 4 k HfKInr Dream Make: flatted Ruler %otv h Rocn and Kr < - Random also ran Fourth fx.-e- S-'a Am# an FU» (F >\ j.s» 4 ’ft ? 70 :e Frttmoeo iMssben) 7 4ft • : Volant# t Ambrr#*) 7 \a Tim# l 17 7 , Son•>». s.. - f0-, 1. Ratt'.s and Fore- aster also ran F-f«h race Mr- and 7n varda Blind Play t S -huttlr yer' • 70 3*0 • to Ronsnart# (RandelD .5 pft 3 70 Jov Smoke <!. U«r|). 3 f 1 Ttm# 143* 5 Ha-bars Hush and Bon nle Omar also ran Sixth ra«*s, rn Is and a aia*#enth The Reaper iM»il'#n) .17.30 7 40 44 0 Dearalr <Park#) 3 |0 3 40 North Wales (Ambrose) a 40 Tin.# 1 4; I f Cote d’Or. Par t,<M> Dumbfounder Pan Zouave Poaecs ^am Smith Search eht lit Scrb:»n Our Blrthdax and Tt.-a. #v alao ran Seventh ra- e. mile and .n nchth. Print's Hamlet 1 Pierre) \$ 7 s® 4 (,> Fd Pend' t o tl.t.'bfold) ...1*7-1 ».> % S. ■' p { Vaiben) Tim# 1 M The R Call Piiv. 4'loud. Humboldt and Guelph also to. ^ I’RKMDKNT <'Oni.!IM<Iv «i\vs l nh imn i- entitled to hi- rich! -ml the rrnunl- of hi- -ervlce he the> ever »o Urge or er*r to true II.