The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 21, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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fiEooklngs, S. D., Oct. 20.—Thp No
vember program for the 300 organ
lzed rural communities in South Da
kota, just sent out*by the agricultural
extension department of State college,
offers suggestions to the memhera as
to how they may ballot on the kind of
extension work they wish to have pro
moted by their county agent for 1925.
Suggested projects Include dairy
ing, animal disease control, soil Im
provement, control of Insect pests,
crops, horticulture, animal husbandry,
rural engineering and rodent control.
Projects suggested for the women in
clude foods and nutrition, clothing,
home, health and sanitation, and
household management.
More economical rather than In
creased production will be stressed In
the 1925 program, according to the,
extension department. The results ob
tained In the ballot In the various
communities will largely determine
the program to be carried out by the
county agent next year. More than
15.000 farm families sre taking an
active Interest In programs sent out
by extension department each month.]
York, Oct. 20.— Funeral services for
Rose Timka Bimbo, 3-year-old Rlpsy
who died In camp near Waco, were
held Saturday afternoon at St. Joseph
Catholic church and burial made in
After the body was prepared by a
local undertaker the gypsies wrapped
it in a costly scarf of red silk, elab
orately embroidered with Egyptian
emblems in various colors, and a sec
ond wrapping of costly gold lace.
Resides bouquets of artificial flowers
there were placed in the coffin a cake
of soap, bottle of perfume, gold cross,
money and other objects.
The gypsies are traveling in 14
autos to Chicago from California,
where they have recently attended the
coronation of the national gypsy
The cemetery lot and burial ex
penses were paid for with a check
on a Chicago bank in which Chief
Bimbo owns most of the stock.
f^aws do not make reforms, hut re
forms make laws.
Washington. Oct. 20.—The cost of
living In the United States Increased
nine tenths of X per cent from dune
to September of this year, although
for the year period beginning with
September, 1923, the general level tie
creased by the same amount. These
changes, set forth in a statement toilav
by the bureau of labor statistics tit
the Department of Labor, disclosed
a net general increase of 70-8 l>ei
cent from December 1917, to Spp
temlier, '1924
Increases between June and Sep
ternher were topped by 1.8 per eenl
In Mobile, Portland, San Francisec
and I,os Angeles reported 1.1; Den
ver, 0.3, and Seattle, 0.1
We Must Raise One Million Dollars in Cash
Throngs crowd our store ever day taking advantage of this opportunity to purchase mer
chandise marked at unsparing reductions. People realize that all our merchandise has been
marked low in order to raise quickly one million dollar's and again put Burgess-Nash on a
sound financial basis.
Thousands of Dollars’ Worth of Surplus Stock
will be put out for the second week of this great sale, together with new merchandise bought
months ago and which is just arriving. Values for the second week will be as great as those
of the first week—in some cases they will even excel. Prices are emphatically reduced re
gardless of loss, therefore all sales will be for cash only. Charge accounts are temporarily
suspended. . ... .
iff * I *1 I_
p I Main Floor |J
Kid Gloves to $5^ .
$1.95 Jk
Short ruff novelties, strap 9
writs gauntlet, 12-button ■
50c Lemon Liquid p
19c |
Liquid shampoo, simple to j§
use and very cleansing. K
Very specially priced. ;;if
| Second Floor \ |
$3.00 Bedspreads |
Each $1.96 |
Full size crochet weave .jv
spread with Marseilles de- !?.
• sign. Limit of 2 to a cus
j Odd Curtains
Each, 79c |
j Every odd and single \k.
| curtain and panel in our *<#.
stock is included. Values to *
$4.00. Limited quantities. jX|
Third Floor \ |
" " 1 111 jjj
Sweaters to $8.95 g
$2,95 g
Of mohair and brushed jffi
wool in in in larln, chappie, 9f
slipover, (Tide t styles jfij
Sizes 6 to 10; :!l to 44 PE
• r
Boys’ Union Suits v.
to Si. 15 S
^ m
3 s c •<-.
Knit and athletic suM
well made and n. <•'•>’
Sizes 2 to 14 yeai
Fourth Floor ■ ;
r 4
$2.00 ‘Wear Ever’
. Griddle
89c I
Aluminum griddle, 10 SB
• inches iti diameter. No
j grease is needed with these j
griddles. jK
$1.00 Jap Vases ||
69c I
Ornamental Jap vases In pfc
> various attractive colors and tag
| shapes. &g
| Fifth Floor | i
$15.00 Radio
$4.98 I
General Electric crystal
set and head set, very spe- jpi
dally priced. pi
$525.00 Player E
$295.00 1
Willard player, mahogany fc
finish, with bench and 10 IjK
player rolls. w*
| Sixth Floor | |
* nfl
$9.00 Congoleum B
Rug B
$5.95 I
fix!) ruff, floor sample, gp
$18.00 Congoleum B
Rug B
$14.25 E
!)xl2-foot size, floor B
jP snmpl*
’££ FALL and WINTER COATS - H«t.ry ij
I 4 \r 1 I Infants’ Hose of silk lisle and ribbed merino fin
I I V allies ish. White, some with pink and blue OQp
Ij | _ trimming, 4 to 6’,4- 39c value.
! to
|i 2 for 35c Women’* Chiffon Hose, full fashioned. In light
I Short Flannelette and dark fawn, grey and black; sizes 9 QQ.
■ Gertrudes, nicely fin- to io. $1.29 value. Pair. O&l*
9 ished. Regularly 39e.
9 Boys’ and Girls' Hose. Children's White Cot
II » sep ■ Coats of— black ribbed cotton, all ton Hose, sizes 6>, to
I $4,75 Indian sax 17c
a Brytonia 3 pair for...50c 2 Pair {or
IBIankets Bolivia lb,. Misses’ Wool Ribbed Hose, with Women's Ribbed Silk Hose, black jjj
jjS ______ I,, reinforced feet. In light colors. only. Sizes 9 to .J,2- CQp
1 _ _ __ Normanay w Sizes 8>4 to 10. 59c value. 4Q Tuesday, pair. UJC
1 Cl flj Velvatone Women’s Fiber Silk Hose, In black
1 WhWV Ormandale Woman*. Brown Cotton Hose, with and cordovan, with reinforced fee*.
■1 _ reinforced feet, rib or hem tops. Sizes 8*2 *0 9V -'"c 0]r
w Fine quality "Esmond” Indian Fashonia Sizes 8*4 to 10. 29c value. 1 (*. value. Pair . me M.
a blanket* In real Navajo pat- | Pair . liJC s
5 tern*. 66x30-inch size. Each Karami Women’s Chiffon Hose, semi-fash
3 blanket packed In separate Men’* wool Sox, heavy weight, ioned wi:h reinforce*3 ,n *'•
box. Regular $4.75 value. Sizes 16 to 46 gray, all sizes, 50c value GO- ,he new shades. > 0 7 g*
I Each .$3.98 *t . OOC su to 10 Pair ... O/C
Turkish Towels
29c to 39c Values '
Towels In various slz
9 es, plain white or with
I fancy colors.
■■■■■■■ I
Dresser Scarfs
Each 55c
Beautiful •'■arf* In do«- \
pns of different pattern*
nnd deslg-ns. Some with j
filet medallion*, *et In fine
linen centers, other* of fine j
cluny laces. Value* to
12.59. |
Luncheon Cloths
Each $1.00
Regularly $1.49
54x54-ln. cloths of
white floured merceris
ed cloth, neatly hem- ;
stitched. !
| End-of-the-Bolt Pieces of
Wash Fabrics
ll-la. Zephyr dree* Yard cotton chelllea.
gingham, preld.. .trip... J. at vt „ blMch,d
cheeke. gM gM ^ *nd unbleached mu*
16-In. Columbia per- ^B | I / line,
calee. light end da-k ■ ■ ■ Tonellrg of all kind*
patterne. 'll/ 17 end !«-ln. outing
H-ln. Cretonne and f ie i i™ aL flannel, white and col
Curtaln Nets. I to I5myd. lPTl£trlS» ored. ll
—— II ■ I
Stitched |
Comfort Batts
Each 98c
Regularly SI-49
72x''0-in. pure white
rottnn batts. 3-pound
wr-icht, neatly cross
Outing Flannel
Yard 16c
27-in. medium weisht
twill flannel, full
bleached. Ideal for in
fants' wear. 25c value.
/ ;
Pillow Cases
Each 17C
451 56-In. cases of
pure white muslin,
made with 3-in. hem.
I 39c value.
.1 ^
11 AllLinenCrashToweling
u I Stevens bleached and unbleached
1 I all linen crash toweling. ] 8-inch
widths. Regular 29c 1 Q
^ values. A yard..* j
Curtain Net
45-inch figured curtain net of fine
even mesh. Seven beautiful de
signs, in ecru color. Reg- AA
ular $1.25 values, yard..'^*''*
36-inch Challie j
36-inch challie in a vast assort- d
ment of patterns, in oriental, flor- 1
al and Paisley designs. Ideal for f
comfort coverings, \
A yard . /2C }
Hundreds of Pretty, New
“Wayne Maid”
in This JT1 ■ ^7 27
Stock |
Reduction ■
Sale M
A new fall line of these attractive house dresses, in many
*. different styles, and in all the wanted colors,
r We are exclusive Omaha agents for this popular line ol
Kitcherr Aprons
This group includes every
bungalow apron in percale or
gingham, regardless of style
or size, with values to $1.00.
f 1 ■; " ■ ( ;-j
An Unrivalled Offering oi Women s
Strap Slippers and Oxfords
vlr $133
Oxford*, pump* and (trap *lip
| pars, every pair taken from our
retailor stock. There are 30 dif
ferent styles to choose from in
patent leather, black satin, black
and brown kid, and (ray and tan
•uede. Hitch and low heels.
I; Mattressesi!
• •
• •
[ j A 48 pound mattress for full sire beds ”
Made of fine white cotton, covered with
" art ticking In bright floral patterns.
II Well tutted and made with strong rolled ”
<• edges. Limited quantity.
? Stock Reduction Offering )
of Men s V
m Values to [
m $24.7^ \
vjxf\ Big, roomy overcoats, 3 models in the \
newest of patterns. Styles for men and I
'Jryym young men. Box coats, ulsters and ulster- i .
fiNo Alterations During This Sale 1
Mi- Boys’Sweaters )
nuRjH Cricket Collegian sweaters that we have just I
received — sweaters that #% ■» \
Jsell regularly for 50. \ ^ JU K |
In poudre blue, buff and M 1* m
gray. Sizes 8 to 14 J W %# /
years. ■■ %
--—' ' i J S