5.98 Smart Tunic Costume Blouses Till? On K KTACTCI ©l^Nni? I Women’s 1.98 Costume Slips j ■ ^brf I ■ BB^ ■ I in regular 1 All new fall models fashioned from fine printed crepes, fr«*P* ”** a C\ g \ H B^^B H IB I I H H ^^^b I B ■■■^B and extra finished with hrmstitehinsr and crochet. I | aM and brocaded materials; embroidered; i A \)| I B B I I I U I I J B . B k k B I B^ W B^^ | * • %2f J navy and fall I ^ v/ H B B B ^b I fl B B The Rrandeis Store- Second Floor—South._ Tha Brandcis Store—Second Fluor—South. Jb Jb JHB BiJB. JbBb Jb BIB b ^b B bBi " ' " I Wednesday Is Apparel Day 2 Progress Sale _ _ _ ■■■ 1 . = There Are a Dozen Different Styles to Choose From in This Group oj Girls’ Dresses of Flannel, Serge and Velour Check, at 52 New coat styles and charming straightline models hand embroid ered to match materials. < For misses 7 to 14. Henna Tan Rose Green Nary Values of unusual merit every mother will appre A Millinery Event To Popularize the Progress Sale Velvets Felts Satins Worth Up to 12.50 Trimmings Shapes ^ The trimmings are Modes that will be ultra-distinctive and acceptable to the dis as varied as thf; criminating woman styles. will be found in Applique Flowers, Pokes, Cloches, Ostrich, Ribbons, Off-the-Face, Ornaments, Etc. Brims, Etc. Savings of Importance in the Progress Sale Offering Girls’ Coats Smart coats for the fashionable little girl made on the loose, swagger styles with raglan sleeves. Fur • collars and cleverly stitched pockets lend a decided to these coats at the low price of 9§0 New Blocked . Plaids I Novelty Materials Suedans Girls’ Shop— Second Floor A Fortunate Purchase Makes Possible This Progress ^Sale of Coats and Dresses Women Who Exercise Good Judgment in their Apparel Expenditures Can Safely Gratify their Fall and Winter Requirements at this Unusually Low Price of ■ The Brandeis Store—Second Floor pm .i—i.— mi ■■■■■! i " ■■■■—— Lovely Dresses There are new and beautiful frocks for street, afternoon and business wear in all the newest autumn shades, including black, navy and brown. Materials. Satin Flat Crepe Canton Satin Faille Georgette Laces Poiret Twill Chiffon Satin Crepe Every smart detail of the new season dis tinguishes these dresses. Long and short sleeves, both straightline and basque effects; pleatings, tucks, buttons, laces, fur, beads, em broidery. ■ " — All Sizes for Women and Misses, Including Stouts. Stunning Coats In planning this coat event it was our desire to present styles of distinction at a price that | would be recognized for exceptional lowness. Some are tailored, others fur trimmed and all are beautifully lined. Newest Fabric* Cut or Waffle Chinchilla, Suede Velour. Cut Suede, Polo, Downywools, Neat Plaids, Polaire, Bolivias, Etc. All the new high shades that are so very fash ionable for fall wraps, such as penny, saddle, coffee, deer, Malay, black, navy, etc., in sizes from 14 to 44. ■ ■ I. ■ == The Brandeis Store—Second Floor To Top the Smart TaiUeur— Squirrel Chokers Well Matched Full Skins Made | Up Into Attractive Neckpieces ; mjS / ) For the costume ensemble j|fj \ M§r V I or the coat frock, you will jS.—.-find one of these smart Siber 1 ian squirrel chokers will add a pronounced distinction to their at | tractiveness. Ijjjjj They Are Soft, Fine, Light Skins C Very Modestly Priced at 7.95 i'iji Tli* Brandei* Store—Second Floor pnU^Sale of Sweaters The Favorite Chappie Coat Very Specially Priced at— \ For Motoring In Buff For Hiking JL In Rust I For Sports In Gray For Street Powder Blue Combinations Collars That in Brushed Fit Snugly Beautiful Color Without Being Wool Models. Bundlesome —. Silk Petticoats | and Bloomers Greatly Reduced 949 Jersey Silk Bloomers . Some attached camisoles. Garments double and single elastic knee, in navy, brown, black and gray. . Quality Silk Petticoats . , 1 Offered at Tricosham jersey and tub silks, straight-line and pleat- ()nc Lotc ed flounces; green, henna. navy, black, purple, gray £ „ and cocoa; in regular sizes, up ri let 1 h r > : H < d 1 iesday. || |||