iWlieat Recovers From Its Slump and Climbs Again Strength at Winnipeg and Liverpool, Export Sales and Argentine Frost Are Responsible. By CHARI.KM .1. I.KYDKN. rnlv«ai>ul Service Stuff Correspondent. Chicago, Oct. 14.—Recovering well from Its severe slump of last week th«* wheat market today resumed It* upward trend with vigor. A f-omhination of influences brought about the advance, not the least of which was the sustained strength in the •Winnipeg market after its brisk bulge. Monday when the American exchanges wer»* closed. Strength at Liverpool, heavy export sales abroad and frost com plaints from the Argentine were other stabilizing factors. Wheat closed 3f£?4c higher, corn was *4 ® up, oats were *4 'a 44c advances and rye ruled 4a»<£M%c higher. Fully 6,000.000 bushels wheat was taken by Europe over the holiday, the bulk of which was hard winter and northern spring grades. The seaboard was profuse, w-ith reports to the effect that reselling was over and that Europe had re-entered the market on a big scale. Germany, France, Italy, Scandinavia and the United! Kingdom were the buyers. The frost, reports from the Argentine1 coming on the heels of the prediction by Arthur Cutten that wheat would sell at | $2 by Christmas if the southern hemi-i sphere crop turned out poorly, attracted; unusual attention. In a comparatively light trade corn i held firm The December delivery nar rowed its discount under the May. Good buying developed In this delivery on the dips. There is a growing belief that corn will sell higher during the next few weeks. This belief is based on the theory that remaining supplies of old crop grain will be well wanted, and that the move ment of the new crop will be late. Pri mary receipts of corn wore 962,000 bush els, against 806.000 bushels a year ago. Oats met a better class of commission house buying, reports from the seaboaru that foreign Inquiry was in the market having no little effect. offerings in the rye pit were easily ab sorbed and at higher levels. Export de mand was snappy and re.ports that Ger many was back in the market attracted fresh speculative support. - Provisions were held in check by the weak turn In hogs at the yards. Lard was 10(0-20o lower and ribs unchanged to 6c down. Pit Notes. Sentiment In the trade generallv un derwent a marked change for the better todav. The belief prevailed that prices would continue upward from no on. although possibly with some irregularity. On the bulges, und especially late in the session, there was seling credited to cash Interests but when this pressure was absorbed the market closed on a flurry. Export buying of wheat during the first hour was aggressive Cable advices from Europe had it that harvesting of crops on the continent, es pecially in the western part, had prog ressed sjowlv and that due to heavy rains much of the grain will have to be laid our for several months to come until dry. There have been inferences to the effe t the Europe became over anx ious as a i< uli of the harvest and over bought th . • ; • e.s in North American markets, but tl - trade paid little atten tion to th- ■ - ' ins. The not'd wheat abroad Is appar ently £rr«' i I* >i the strength shown by foreign . \ nge, Liverpool dosed 2 to 2 L nt'n, o -:hcr. Broomhall stated that th«* i n!' -on he has not raised his previous , s,. tat6 of 760.000.000 bush els for for, .I'ti m this country until the clcee of lake navigation. The Canadian visible for the week Increased ovir 8. 000.0Glc higher. Receipta were 40 cars. Rye was quoted unchanged to lc high er and barley 14f2c up. Omaha Cnrlot Hale*. WHEAT. No. 1 dark hard: t car. $1.39 No. 2 dHrk hard: 1-5 car. $1.30; 1 car, $1.40. No. 3 dark hard: 1 car, $1.48. No. 1 hard: 1 car, $1.39; 4 car*. $1.35%; 3 i ar«, $1.35%; 6 cats. $1.35; l car, $11%. 4 cars. $1.34. 1 car, $1.36; 2 earn, $1 34%. Nu. 2 hard* 1 car, $1.38%; 1 car. $1.36%; 2 cars. $1.36; 3 tars. $1.35%; 9 cars. $1 35; 26 cars. $1.34%; 14 car*. $134%; 144-5 cars. $1.34; 8 cars. $1.33%; C cars, $1.33, 4 cars. $1.32%: 1 car. $1.32%; 2 cars. $1.32; 1 car. $1.31. No. 3 hard: I car. $1.34: 1 - nr, $1.34%: 8 cars. $1.33%; 3 cars, $1.33%; 7 cars. $1.33; 1 car. $1.32%; 3 cars. $1.32: 3 rars $1.3*%; 5 cars, $1.31%; 1 car, $1.30; 1 car. $1.29. No. 4 hard: 4 cars. $1.32; 3 car*. $1.33%; 1 car, $1.34; 6 tars. $1.33; 5 cars, $1.32%; 4 cars. $1.31; 1 car. $1.29%. No. 5 hard: 1 car. $1.34; 1 car. $1.33; 2 cars. $1.32%; 2 cars. $130%; 1 car. $1.30. 1 car. $1.31; 1 car. $1.32. Sample hard: 3-5 car, $1.30; 3 cars. $131; 1 car. $1.32; 1 tar. $1.20. No. 2 yellow hard: 1 car. $136. No. 1 spring: 2'cars, $1.42; 4 cars, $1.44; J car. $1.36%; 3 2-3 cars. $160; 1 car. $1.49; 2 rars, $1.48; I car, $1.36; 1 car, $1.11; l car. *1.45; 3-5 car. $1.46. No. 2 spring: 1 car. $1.45%. No. 3 spring: 1 car. $1.46; 2 cars. $1 "9. No. 4 spring: 1 car. $1.46; 1 car. $1.44, 1 « ar. $1.40. No. 1 mixed: 2-5 car. $1 40. No. 2 mixed: l car, $1.32. No 3 mixed: 1 car. $1.32; 1 car, $1.36; 2 t ars. $1.33. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1.31. CORN. No. 2 white: 1 car. $1.08. No. 3 white: 2 cars, $1.07. Sample white: 1 car. 97c. No. 2 yellow: 5 cars, $1.07%; 1 car, $1.08. No. 3 yellow: 3 3-5 cars. $1.07; 1 car, $1.07%. No. 5 yellow: 1 car. $1.05. Sample yellow: 1 car, 98c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.05%; 2 cars, $1.05. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. $1.04. No. 4 mixed: 2 curs, $1.02%. Sample mixed: 1 car. $1.05. OATS. No. 2 white: 1 car, 40c; 3 cars, 4S%c. No. 3 white; 1 car. 48%c; 2 cars, 4S%c; 1 car. 4 8c: 4 car»v 47 %c; 7 cars, 47 %c; 7 tars, 47%c; 1 car. 49c. No. 4 white: 3 cars, 41 %c; 2 cars. 3tc; 2 cars. 46V*c; 2 cars 4b%c. Sample w hite: 1 car, 44c; 4 cars, 44 Vic. RYE. No. 1: 2 cars. $1.19; 3 cars. $1.18%. No. 2: ll cars, $1.19; 2 cars, $1.18%; 1 car, $1.18. No. 3: 1 car. $1.17%. BARLEY. No. 2: 2 cars. 92c. No. 4: 1 2-5 cars. 90c. Sample: 1 car, 90c. Daily Inspection of drain Received. WHEAT. Hard: 4 4 cars No. 1. 77 cars No. 2. 35 cars No. 3. 19 cars No. 4. 7 cars No. 5. 0 cars sample. Mixed; 4 cars No. 1, 4 cars No. 2, 4 cars No. 2. .Spring: 14 cars No. 1, 2 cars No. 3. 1 car No. 4. Durum: 2 cars No. 1, 2 cars No. 2. Total. 221 cars. CORN. Yellow: 4 cars No. 2. 7 cars No. 3. 4 cars No. 4. 2 cars No. 6. White: 2 cars No. 3, 1 car No. 4. 1 car No. 5. Mixed: 5 cars. No. 2. 2 cars, No. 3. 2 cars No. 4. 1 car sample. Total. 31 cars. OATS. White: 6 cars No. 2, 24 cars No. 3. 13 cars No. 4. 2 cars sample. Total, 44 cars. RYE 4 cars No. 1, 7 cars No. 2. Total. 11 cars BARLEY 1 car No. 3. 1 car No. 4, 2 cars sample. Total, 4 cars. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlots.) Receipts: Today. W'k Ago. Y’r Ago. Wheat .478 106 250 (lorn . 50 10 Oats ;. 40 23 147 Rye . 33 3 24 Barley .\.. « 1 14 Shipments: Wheat .857 203 1«1 Corn . 34 34 74 Oats . 69 47 157 Rye . 1 3 Harley . 4 1 7 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushels.) Week Year Receipts— Today. Ago Ago. Wheat .6.444.000 3.756.000 1,382,000 Com . 962.000 850,000 806.000 Oats . 2,288,000 1,815.000 1,082.000 Week Year Shipments—Today,. Ago. Ago. Wheat .5,994.000 3.46s.000 622.000 Corn . 408.000 351,000 345,000 Oats . 832,000 583,000 704,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Week Year Bushels— Today Ago. Ago. Wheat. Flour 858.000 941.000 Corn .» 1.000 . I CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Carlots— Today Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago Wheat . 173 27 9 112 Corn . 164 41 6 268 Oats 210 340 126 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS Carlots— Today Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago Wheat . 836 188 495 Corn . 27 9 4 4 Oats . 76 48 1 44 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Week Year Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat .362 141 273 Corn . 1 48 63 1 25 Oats .118 69 159 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Minneapolis . 510 504 470 Duluth .1.103 1.174 110 Winnipeg . 1 537 1.768 1.948 I* S VISIBLE Bushels: Today W'k Ago Y’r Ago. Wheat 83 671.000 81.897,000 65,840.000 Corn . 7.720.000 7.154.000 1.060.000 Oats ... ..67 178,000 62.715.000 16,032.000 Rye .12,945.000 12.44<000 15.830,000 Barley . . 6.682,000 5.254.000 3,297,000 OMAHA STOCKS. Bushels: Today. Year Ago. Wheat . 4.296.000 3,553.000 Corn . 41 4.000 68.000 Oa»* . 2.080,000 1.363.000 Rye . 198.000 161,000 Barley .. 15,000 83,000 Minneapolis drain. Minneapolis. Oct 14.—Wheat—Cash No 1 northern. $1.43% 'rt 1.45% • No. 1 dark northern spring; choice to fancy. $1 54% ®1 64%; good to choice, $1.48% ©1.63%; ordinary to good, $1 44% ©1 47%; No. 1 hard spring. $1.45% fit 1.64%; No. 1 dark hard Montana on track. $1.41% ©1 57; to strive. $ t. 41 % ® 1 57 % ; December, $1.44%; old May. $149%; new May. $1 49%. Corn—No. 3 yellow. »1 10% Oats—No 3 white, 4G%©47%c. Ra t lev -74 ©89r Rye—No. 2. $1.20%. Flax—No. 1. $2.50% ©2 53%. Chicago Cash Prices, Chicago, Oct. 14 —Wheat No 8 red, $151% ©153%; No. 2 hard. $145%© I. 46%. Corn—No. 2 mixed, II 13©1 14; No. 2 yellow, $1.13% ©1.15. Oats— No. L‘ white. 62® 54c; No. 3 white. 60 «4*©52c. C ye—No. 2, 1129% ©ISO. Ba rley—75096c Seed — Timothy, $4.7606.00; clover. $16.50026 50. Provisions—Lard, $16.65; ribs, $13.12; bellies. $15 12.__ Chicago Knot Market. Butter Receipts. 12.944 tubs; last year. 10.404 tub*; 18 old cars. 14 new cars; extras, 37 %c; standards. 35%c; extr a | firsts. 3 5 % © 3 6 % c ; firsts. 33®34c; 89 score, 33 %c; 88 score, 32%c. Eggs- Receipts, 8.637 case*; lust year. '•618 rase*; 45 old car*. 13 new cara; firsts, 36® 41 c; dirts, 28029c; checks, 26 © 27c; refrigerator extras, 36%, refriger ator firsts, 3l%®35tHi« Kansas City drain. Kansas city, Oct 14 Wheat—No. 2 hard. II 36 0 1 62; No 2 ted, || 48©1 53; December, $1.37% spilt bid, May, $1 42% asked; July, $127 bid Corn—No. 3 while, II 12; No. 2 yellow. II. 12: No. 3 yellow. 11 11 ; No 2 mixed. II 06% 01 07; December. $103%; May, $1.06% bid; July. $1 06 hid. Ilay—Market unchanged. Visible Supply of drain. New York, Oct M The visible supply of American grain shows the following change* in bushels: Wheat increased 1.675.000. Corn increased 667.000. Oata Increased 6,462,000. Rye increased 606.ono. Barley Increased 329.000 At. I xml* drain. At T/Ouls, ‘let |4 -Close—Wheat — De cember. $1.46%; May. $l.60%®1 63% f’orn—December, $1 11. May. $1.13'i© 1.13%. Oata—December. 82c; May. 66 %c. Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis Oct 14 Flour Market 10c higher; family patents. $8.1008.1$ per barrel; shipments, 48,247 barrels. Bran $25.00026.50. Nt. Joseph Livestock. At. Joseph. Oct 14 —Hogs—Receipts. 6,500 head; 13 040c lower, top, $11.10, hulk. $10 40011.00. Catf le—Receipts, 2,500 head; sfeadv; hulk of steej* $6.60011.00; top, $11 7ft; cows and heifer*. $3 26 ©9 60; calve*. $4 00©JO.f»0; stockers and feeders, $4.00 0 7.50. Sheep arid Lambs Receipts, 3,000 head, steady lo Ific lower; la mbs. $1200 013.26; ewes, $5.0000.25 I r '— —* n Omaha Livestock | _/ October 14. Receipts weret Cattle. Hug*. Sheep. Offrial Monday ...32.744 8.754 15.347 Estimate Tuesday. .13,000 6,700 18,000 Two days this wk ...45.744 15.454 33,347 Same days last wk.38,477 11,244 46.207 Same 2 wks. ago. .. .33.866 13,044 52,901 Same 3 wks ago. ...32,806 11,493 69.666 Same days yr. ago..33,397 16,204 47.667 Tattle*—Receipts. 13,000 bead. Tues day's moderate run of cattle Included a larger percentage of corn-fed steers than on Mon.lay and demand for desirable grades was active at fully steady prices, a new top on yearlings of $11.80, being registered. Stldrt fed steers were more or less neglected but desirable grass beef moved at lull Monday’s levels The trade in cows and heifers was without note worthy change but there was rather more activity in stoekers and feeders, the hot grades ruling firm wit It plainer kinds steady' to somewhat easier. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $10.36@11.60, good to choice beeves. $9.50® 10.25; fair to good beeves, $8.75 @9.40: common to fair beeves. $7.50 @8.75; plain short fed steers, $«.00@7.60; choice to prime yearlings, $11.00® 11.85; good to choice yearlings. $10.25 @11.00; fair to good yearlings, $9.25© 10 25; com mon to fair yearlings, $7.75©9.00; trashy w'arnied up yearlings. $6.00© 7.50; good to prime led heifers. $8.00@10.00; plain to good fed heifers. $5.50®8.00; common to good fed cows, $3.50@5.00; good to choice grass beeves, $7.00 @8.00; lair to good grass beeves, $6 00 ©6.85; common U. fair grass beeves. $5.00© 5.75; Mexican steers, $3.25 @ 4.50; choice to prime grass heifers. $3.60®. 6.60; good to chob e grass heifers, $4.50© 6.60; fair to good grass heifers, $3.76®4.60; choice to prime grass cows, $4.35 @6.25; good to choice grass cows, $3.75©4.35; fair to good grass cow s $3 10 @3.75; farmers and cutters. $2.00© 3.00; choice to prime feeders, $7.76© 8.60; good to choice feeders, $6.85@7.60; fair to good $6.90® 7.50; fair to good stoekers. $6.75® *-rs. $6.90 @7.5i); fair lo good stoekers, $6.90 @7.50; fair to god stoekers. $5.75© 6.85; common to fair Stockers. $4.75® 5.75; trashy stoekers. $3.50© 4 76 ; stock heifers. $3.25@4.75; stock cows, $2.35© 3.10; stock calves. $4.60@7.40; veal calves, $3.00© 10.00; bologna bulls, $2.75© 3.50. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Avr. Pr. 4rt. 918 $ 7 50 15. 990 $10 00 58. 754 10 40 32. 907 10 50 22.1209 10 85 33. 928 1 1 00 46.1015 1 1 00 19. 967 1 1 15 71. 931 1 1 40 95 1036 1 1 80 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 86. 81 2 9 50 10. 723 10 00 10. 878 10 50 Hogs—Receipts. 6,700 heud. Further sharp declines elsewhere were again re flected in local prices and movement to both shippers and packers was at levels 15© 25c. mostly 2De lower than Monday. Bulk of all sales was at $10.26 @ 10.75, with top. $10.85. HOGS 32.. 328 40 10 35 71..298 250 10 40 50.. 196 ... 10 50 32. .255 . 59.. 202 ... 10 65 26..272 ... 10 75 35.. 283 ... 10 80 65..283 ... 10 85 Sheep and Lambs—Receipts. I8.0u0 head. Under a rather broad demand from all quarters fat lamb prices ruled steady to if anything, a little stronger in to day's session, while feeder trade was a little slow but around steady. Aged sheep were firm. Quotations on Sheep and T.Hinbs— Lambs, good to choice. ? 13.00@ 13.25; lambs, fair to good. $11.75® 13.00; feed ing lambs. Sll.50@12.00; wethers. $' 000 Hold Pkg. Co. 419 1096 .... Morria Pkg. Co.1213 8 50 ;>49 Swift A Co.1908 1493 lo83 Glassburg. M. 5 . Mayerowich A Vail.... 60 . Midwest Pkg. Co 21 . Omaha Pkg. Co. 71 . John Roth A Sons.... 67 . S. Omaha Pkg. Co.... 17 . Murphy, J. W. 860 .... Lincoln Pkg. Co. 334 . Nagle Pkg. Co. 127 . Sinclair Pkg. Co.114 . Wilson Pkg. Co. 81 . Keefer . 84 .... .... Kenneth-Murray . 227 . Anderson A Hon. 163 .... .... Benton. VS A Hughes. 216 . Bulla, J H. 124 . Cheek. W. H. 184 . Dennis & Francis.... 4i8 . Ellis A Co. 109 . Harvey, John . 233 .... .... Huntzinger A Oliver.. 88 . Inghram. T. .T. 20 .. Kellogg. V G. 301 . Kirkpatrick Bros. 595 . Longman Bros. 60 . Luberger, Henry S.... 488 . Mo.-Kan. C. fv C. Co.. 163 .... .... Neb. Cattle Co. 8 6 . Root. J. B. A Co. 373 . Rosenstock Bros. . 410 . Sargent A* Finnegan... 87 . Smiley Bros. 309 . . Sullivan Bros. 77 . Van Sant. W.B. A Co.. 112 . Wertheimer A Degan.. 980 .... Other buyers . 4021 • ••• 12270 Totals...17.170 IM6 18,191 Chicago Livestock. Chicago. Oct. 14—Cattle—Receipts. S,'. h"«d: better grade fad steers amt \earlings fully steady; others and west ern grassers slow; killing quality gener ally plain; liberal supply grassy and short fed jteers eligible to $7.0009.26: best long yearlings. $12.40; hamlyweight up we-d to $12.00010.90 bid on weighty St****; few loads showing high finish, $ a 75. downward; run Includes about 2.600 western grassers; bulk range steer* early to fillers and feeders dealers. $6,000 6 75; plainer kind downward to $5.6" atul bel w. she stock run principally grassy kind; trade very dull; bulk grass cows. $<.'004 76. heifers. $4.2506 50; few choice fed helfets upward to $1»'0O and above; most bologna bulls, $3.7504 15; few, $4 25 and better, voalers uneven, largely steady; bulk to packers. $10.<>Ufrf 10.50, shippers selecting upward to $11.00 and above. Hog#—Receipts, 23.000 head: uneven; mostly 10 to 20c lower; deniable weighty butchers and smooth packing sows. 1" : 16c off; lightweight dull. 25036c lower, light-light and killing pigs show 2f *■ - reduction: oversupply: top, $11.60; bulk desirable 200 to 350-pound butchers, $11.25 011.60; majority good and • hnlce 160 to 190-pound weight. $l0.40/bil 15; bulk bet ter 140 to 150-pound selection, $9 36© 1010; desirable strong weight slaughter pigs largely $8 5008.75. heavyweight hogs. $11.10011.60; medium. $11.00 011 *0; Ugh' $10.00©11.40; light light, $8 0001"* pricking hogs, smooth. SI n.360 10.76 ; pack ing hogs, rough, $10.00010.35; slaughter pigs. $8.0009 u0. Sheep and Umbs—Receipts. 17.000 head. dull. Few early anles fa* native lamb*, weak; sorting moderate; early sales. $13.25013.40; culls, mostly. $10 0" relatively light and price movement® were mixed. Hi. Paul Livestock. South Bt. Paul, Minn. Oct 14—Cattle —Receipts. 2.600 head; market very slov. all kiling classes opening dull and weak run largely plain quality, unhiding mimv Monday holdovers; hulk grass steers and yearlings, $5.0006.23; fat she stock. $3 00 05.00; bologna bulls slow, $2 7503 25: few heavies up to $3 50. stackers and feeders, un-hanged* better kinds about steady, plainer grades practically unsala ble. Bulk $4.0005 50. Calves—Steady; receipts, 2.400 head; market steady; heat lights. $8 O0. Hogs—Receipt*. 1 1.000 head, market, slow, 10025c lower- packers bidding moat - ly 25c lower; top an sorted lights, $10.65; bulk desirable 160 to 300-pound averages, $10 50; packing grade* mostly $9.7 f. ItlrllAKD SPII.I.ANK. I niterstil Service I’lnuncliil Eilllor. New York. < >■ t. 14.—Any thought that the successful floating of the German loan would give bants for a recovery In the stock market evaporated In the first few hours of today's trading. The loan was a great success. The bonds went t<» a premium of 2% on the first transactions ami closed at a premium of J Hut stocks were wertk from the opening and the weakness increased aa the day progressed. Toward the end it was some thing like n slaughter. Prime issues, such as I’nifed States Steel, 1 >e|u\va *v, Hackit wanna & Western and New York Central, were down from % to 6H points. No group of securities whs immune. Rails were as weak ns Industrials, and depart ment stores and chain store corporations as weak as utiltles and oils By some market observers the break was ascrlb. I to a growing fear that the election will to thrown into congress. To others the political feature is subordinate to the technical. By all the la .vs of the street, they de clare. the market should have rallied at the close of last week. Instead, it de clined further, and It opened this week with ■ smash. This couldn't com# #xcept from heavy liquidation and distribution of stocks. However this may be. the Tndlanapolls ape.M b of Secretary Hughes disturbed tho confidence of not a few Wall street men. They couldn't see anything cheering In It, and with the market shaky they hastened to get out of it There was little market news aside from the loan flotation. The ( lose brought prlees down to about tho lowest level they have been In several months. Transactions aggregated more than 1,boo.non shares. Industrials declined on an average Z% points and rails declined on an average of 1 H points. With lower cables, good weather In the south and poor demand from the mills cotton had nothing in flic way of sup port and prices dragged throughout the day. The grains staged an emphatic come back. Over the holiday there had bren heavy buying for foreign account. Buy ing was so vigorous that wheat In the first hmir was up 3c to 3*4c a bushel. It wax the same story In regard to rye. At the close of the market wheat was up 2%c to 3He for the day. Corn was up He to %e. Oats were up He to He. Rye was up 4 % c to 4 He. Hard, on the contrary, was down 10 to 16 points. s ' -;-s New York Quotations | V_/ New York Stock exchange quotations furnished by .1. S Ha« ho A Co., 224 Omaha National Bank building; Sat. High. Low. Close. Close. Agrl Chemical . 11% 11% Aiax Rubber .... 9 9% *% 9 Allied Chemical .. 72 7f'% 70% 72% Allis-Chalinera ... 57% 55 55 67 % Am Beet Sugar... 38% 38 38 38% Am Br Shoe Fdry. 81 American Can ...130% 11*4% 124'* 129% Am Car A P'dry..l6*i 164 164 166% Am H A L.. Am H A L pfd... 63% 62% »,2% 62 * Am Int Cr rp . 24% 22 % 2 2% 24% Am Linseed Oil. .... 18 1* Am Locomotive... 77% 76 Am Radiator ....117% 116 116 316 Am Ship A Com. 10% 11 Am Smelting .... 74 s* 73% 7. - % <3% Am Smelting pfd.lf,3% 1" % 103% 103 * Am Steel Fdry.... 36% 35% 36 86 Am Sugar . 4 * 41% 41% 4 3% Am Sumatra. Am Tel A Tel ...126% 12',% 126% 126% Ain Tobacco .163% 161% 161% 163 Am W W A E_B'6 105 105 109 Am Woolen . 56% 5o% Jo % 66% Anaconda . . 3f>% n 4 % 34% 35% Assd Dry Goods.. 114% 117% 111% lj[f% Associated Oil ... 27% 27% 27% »• Atchison .104% 1"4 104% A11 Coast Line...131 130 130 132 A Cr A w 1. 14% 13% 13% H% Atlas Tack. ;••• ** A11 Refining. 84% 86 Aust in-Nichols ... 23% 22% 22% 23% Baldwin .120% 116% 116% 119% Balt A Ohio - 60% 58% 5S % 61 Barnsdall A . •• 1J* Beth steel .43% 42% 43 43 % Hn h Magneto. *J % - ‘ J* Hr- oh Man Rv ,. 2 % 23% 23% Brook-Man pfd... • •• Bi "-k Edison Co.. 116% 115 111 1!» Calif Pack . .. .. P0 c-.llf Pet il 19% 19% 20% Cal A Arl* Min . " • • ■.•48 Canadian Pan ....147 116% 146% 147% 1 *4 % Cerro de Pasco .. 41 % 45% 4 . % 46% Chandler . 31 30% 30% 30% C! • ■ A Ohio . 84 81% 81% 83% Chi G W . 6% 6% 6% 8% c A N W . 59 68% 68% 69% C M A St P ... 12*4 1 1 % 11 % 12 C < r W pfd . 20 18% 18% 19% C M A fit P pfd .. 2" 19% 19% 20 C R J A P . .... 31*4 29% 30 31 % C SI P M i O Hy 44% 4 4 Chile Copier .... 31% 31% 81% 31% Chino . . . .. • • 20 ( iuett-Peabody .. .. .. 56 Cluett-Peabody pfd .. .. lft3 - ... Col ■ . . 7 4% 74% 74% 74% Colo A Iron ...... 39% 35 35 39% ; Columbian Carbon 42% 42% 42% 42% Columbia Gas .... 41% 4»»% 40% 41 % Congoleura ..45 44 % 44% 45 Consolidated Cig .. 1*% 1® Cent fan . 6'% 56 86 67 Cont Motors .... 6% 6% I'nrn Prod . 35% 3 3% 33% 35% Co-den .23% 22% 22% 23 Crucible .... 65% 54% 54% 56 Cuba Cane Sugar 12% 12% Cuba Cane Hu pfd 60 .’*% 69% 6" Cuba-Amer Sub.. 34% 30 80 ?• ' % Cu' lime! Fruit. .. 49% 4fc% 49 4* Daniel Boon** ... 11% 11 11% 12 Davidson Chem. . . 4 4 4 2 % 42% < * Dela A Bud.122% 118 118 12 ■ Dome Mining.. . 14% 14 % 14% It Dupont De N> m. I?1 % 12 >% 1- % 1 ■ Eastman Kodak.1«»9 109% Erie !f% 24% 74% 2 . Elec Stor Bat .. 66% 56 56 f>*> , Famous Tlayers . 8 % 79 79 80 Fifth Ave Bus L. i . .. 11 \ Fisk Rubber. • 9 Flelechmari's Teaat 71% y 71 71'* Freeport Tex ... 7% 7% 7% 7 , 1 General Asphalt. 40 39 39 4n Hen Kb t rir*.146% 7 '% 240 3 i Gen Motors.. 6 8 f»♦’ 66% 67 % j Goodrich. 24% 27% 27% Gold Dust . 16 35 35% , % Or North Ore. 29% 29 29 2*t Or North Ry pfd. . . 61 60% 6»% Gulf States steel. '9% 67% 67 Hartmann Trunk 34% 2 4 3 4 Hayes Wheel. 84% 3 3 33 h idson Motors. .. 26% 16. 26% Hotnestake M Co .. 46 H«»u-.ton OH....... 67% 6 6% 66* Hupp Motors. b'rtoi Central. .107% 107% 107% t Illinois Cent pfd. 107% : Inspiration. 24% 24% 24% I 1* Eng Corn Corp 2'%' 27% 27% Infl Harvester... 92% 91% 91% Infl Mer. Marine. Hrt’l M M. rfd... 36’* 24% 34% Infl. Tel. AT. 81% 79 60 Int'I Nickel. 1 v % 17% 17% Infl Paper . 4 4 42 % 4 ■ % 4 f r. v nnble Oil. 12% 12% 1 % Jones Tea. 1 Jordan Motor. 3 4 33 % ;% , K c Southern..., 20% 19% 19% Kelly-Springfield.. 17% I"»% t \ Is rimei fitt .. 45% 44% 4 4 . is f > stone Tire .... I 1 % if. I.ee Rubber .. in I •»hIBh Valley .... 61 F.1% o, l ima Locomotive 69% i % a % loo.-.* Wiles ...... 68 67 •'7 bon‘sville A Naah 4 7 9 6 u<: Ma U Truck . 97% 94 \ 41% May Dept Store . 91% 9.% *• . % Maxwell Motor A 64% 6* M Maxwell Motor B .18% 18% is% Mariam! . 32% 81% 3 .1 V»*x Seaboard.... 23% 21% 21% Miami Copper.. .. 21% 2rt% 21% 21 M iddle States Oil. 1 % l Mo . Kan. A T. ... 14% 14% 14% 1 t 'H-sourl Pa*lflc . 19% 19 19 f. Mo Pi»e pf.1 ..64% f,?% ft"% ft | ontKoineiy W .. 37 34 % 34% 36% Mother Lode. 7% 7 4 7% 7% Nash Motors.142 4 139% 14'» 148 Nat l Biscuit. 74% 70 70 734 Nat'l Enamel. 21 21 Natl Lead...150% 14> 148% 150% \ Y. Air Brake.. 404 39% 40 41 N Y. Central. ...105% 103 4 U»3% 106 N. Y. C. k St. L .107% 107 107 106% | X. Y . N H, A H. 22 4 1*14 21% 22 4 North American.. 31% 30% 31 32 i Northern Pacific.. 624 614 61% 62% N .v W Hy .122% 12i% 1214 122% 1 trpheum . 21% 21% 1'wens Bottle .... 41% 41 41 41% Pacific Oil ...... 47% 46% 46% 46% Packard Motor . 13% 13% 13% 13% Pan-American .. 51 4 48 4 48% 51% Pan-American R . 51 47 4 47% 50 Penn R K . 44% 44 4 4 4 4 44% Peoples 1 Ihm .105 102% 1024 107 P«*re Marquette .. 58 67% 67% 68 Phil Co . 47% 46% 46% 47 Phillips Petrol ,. 30% 29% -9 4 29% Pierce-Arrow .... 8% 8% 8% h% Postum Cereal .. 65 64 % 65 64 % Preawed Steel Car. 44% 44% 44% 44 4 Prod & Refiners.. 23% 22% 23 23% Pullman .127 126 126 126 % Punt a Ale Sugar.. 48% 46% 46% 49 4 Pure Oil . 22% 22 22 22 % Ry Steel Spring. A126 124% 124% 125% Ray Consol . 12% 11% 11% 12% Reading . 69% 67% 57% 69 Replogle . 10% 10% 10% 11 Rep Iron A- Steel.. 4 4% 43% 43% 44% Royal Dutch NY.. 40% 40% 40% 40% St L ASF . 30% 28% 28% 30% St 11 A S W. 39% 38% 38% 40 Schulte Cigar St.. 107 105 105 106% Seat s-Roebuck ...105 101% DU% 105 Shell Union Oil... 17% 17 17 17 Simmons < 'o . 30% 29% 29% 30% Sinclair Oil . 15% 15% 15% 15% Slops Sheffield ... 68% 67% 67% 69 Skellv <»|1 . 18 17% 18 17% Southern Pacific.. 93 91 % 92 92% Southern Railway. 65% 64% 64% 66 Standard Oil Cal.. 66% 65% 06% 55% Standard oil N J. 35% 36 35% 34% Stewart-Warner .. 65% 63% 54 65 % Strotriberg Carb . 63% 62% 62% 64% Submarine Boat.. 8% 8 >4 8% *% Studebaker . 38% r>7% 39 38% Texas Co . 39% 38% 39 38% Tex Gulf Sulphur 78 76 % 76% 7 8 Tex A Pacific _ 34% 32% 32% 34% Timken Roll Bear 35% 36 4 34 4 35 'fob Products .... 64% 62% 62% 64% Toh Prod A . 92% 9t% 91 % 92% Transcont Oil _ 4 3% 4 4 Union Pacific ....138 136 % 136% 137% United Fruit .204% 198% 198% 203% U S Cat lrn Pipe. 110 106% 106% 111% U S Ind Alcohol. 70 67% 67% 69% IT S Rubber . 33% 32 32 33 U S Rubher pfd .. 88% 86 86% 88% U S Steel . 107 104% 104% 107 V S Steel pfd .. 122 74 122% 122% 122% Utah Copper .... 78% 77% 77% 7s % Vanadium . 22% 22 22 22% Vivaudou . 8% 8% 8% 8% Wabash. 14% 15% Wabash A . 42% 41% 41% 43% Western Union ...110% 110 110 ill Westing Air Brake 92% 92% 92% 93 Westing Elec _ 62% 61% 61% 62% While Eagle, Oil . 24% 24% 24% 24% White Motors .... 61% 61 61 61% Woolworth Co _106 102 102 106% Willya-Over . 8 7% 7% 7% Will vs-Over pfd.. 66% 65 65 67 Wilson .. .. . . 6 Wilson pfd . 18 18% Worthing Pump . 39% 36% 37 38% Wrigley Co . 44 43 43 43 Yellow Mfg Co .. 51% 60% 61 51 Yellow' Fab Taxi.. 48% 48% 48% 47% Saturday total sales. 347.80a shares. Today’s 2 p. ni. sales. 742.400 shares. Total sales of stocks Tuesday, 1.043.000 shares. --\ New York Bonds v_ - J New York, Oct. 14.—Heavy ovar-sub scriptlon of the $1 10.000.000 portion of the German loan offered in the United States today and trading In the bonds at h substantial premium on the New York sto-k exchange monopolised interest in today’s bond market. Investment house* swept most of their other business aside in working to distribute the issue and aid in establishing the success of the loan. Active bidding for the German bond* established an Initial price of 94%. or 2% points above the offering figure at the outset of stock exchange trading. Unable to satisfy demands through regu lar subscription*, dealers continued to scramble for the issue throughout the day, with many blocks of from $.*10,000 to $2on.of>0 changing hands. The bonds commanded a premium of more than a point most of the day. closing at 93%. Transactions of more than $4,000.06*0 comvrised apvroxlmately one-fourth the day’* total bond sales. Activity in the new German obliga tions stimulated trading in ths foreign list. Inducing some switching operations. Prices, however, held fairly firm, with the Austrian 7s registering decided im provement. Constructive operations In the domestic list were centered principally In railroad investment liens. Prices generally weie mixed, with a noticeable downward trend In the Industrial group, where sugar, oil. copper and independent steel bonds were under pressure. Offering !s being made of a $12,500 - 000 Detroit Ediaton company Issue of 5 per cent bonds at a price of 97% to yield about 5.18 per cent. V. h. Bonds. Sales in $1,000.) High. Low Close. 263 Liberty 3%» .100 29 100.27 100.27 1 Liberty 1st 4s .102.3 102 3 102 3 $1 Liberty 1st 4%s .102 10 102 4 102 4 194 Liberty 2d 4%s..l01.15 lni.ll 101.14 179 Liberty 3d 4%*..102.2 102. 102 1 218 Liberty 4th U«i 102 1 3 102 9 102 10 184 U S Gov’t 4%a .106 5 106.4 106.6 Foreign. 37 A ,T M Wks 6s 85 34% 84% 10 Argen Govt 7«.102 % 102 102 2* Argen Govt 6s . 0 % 93% 03% 138 A Govt gt(i lo 7e. 91% 94 91 % 31 City of H 6s . 88 87% .88 13 City of ('open 6%s. 96% 9.'% 98% 11 C of liter 1* 7%s. . . 91 90% S0% 28 City of L 6a . 86% 85 % 86% 19 City of M 6s . 88 87% "7% 1 C of R itP .1 8s '47 . 9 4 % 94 % 94 % 44 Csecho Hep 8s..... lot 100% 101 21 Dept of Seine 7«... 93 92% 92% 2 D Rep a f 6%s... 91% 91% 91% 11 D of C 6%s n *29. . 104 % 104% 1o«% .10 Dom "f C '‘a ’62 103 % 103% 103% 12 Dutch K In 6» ’62.. 96 95% 95% li D K Imitea 6%s 63 89% "9% 89% 6 Fratneriea.n 7%a . . 94% 91% 94% 77 French Rep 8s. .. 106% lor, 1o6% 67 French Rep 7%a..lO‘2% 101% 101% 95 Japanese 6%a..... 91% 91% 91% 2 K of Belgium 8a..107% 107% 107% 7 K of Belg 7 %s. ..110% HO 110 24 K of Denmark 6s 100% 100% 100% 3 K of Italy 6 % s [00% 100% 100% 16 4 K of Nether 6., '72 98 % 98% 98% 14 K of Norway 6a '43 98 % 98% 98% 65 K Serbe Cr Slov 8a 88% 88% 88% 6 K of Sweden 6a... 106% 105% 105% 10 Oriental Dev deb, 6s 87% 87 87% 66 Paris Lyons Med 6s 80% 80% 801, 7 Rep „f Bolivia 8s. 95 93% 92% 7 Re of Chile 8s '41.106% lor, 1m,% 21 Rep of Chile 7s. .. 97% 97 97 % 15 R of Colombio 6%a 99 % 99% 95% 14 Rep of Cuba 5 % s. . 96% 96', 96% 13 R ,,f 671 Sal s f 8si02 6/ 102% D'2'% 76 Rep of Finland 6s. 88 87 % 88 I S of R Gr do Sul 8s 98 96 56 15 St of S Pau s f 8s 100% 100% 1 no Vi, 21 Swiss Confed S8 ... 115 114% 114% 37 Swiss Gov 5%s '46 99% 99% 99% 142 t'KnflS 11* I 5 % a ' 2 9.11 0 % 110% 110% 21 I'KofGBA-l 6%a'37.10.r, % 105% 105% 15 II S Ilf Brazil *s. . . 96% 96% 96% 3 USofBr Ce Ry El 7s 83% 83% 83 V, Domesl Ir. 9 Am Ag Cham 7 Vis, 95 9 1 5* 9 1% 13 Am Smelting 6s... 94% 94', 94% 13 Am Smelting 5s...100 99% 99% 38 Am Sugar 6s.102% 102% 102% 13 Am TAT 5 % s.101% 1«1% 101% 1.3 Am TAT 5s.9f% 97 % 97V, 11 Am TAT Is. 92 % 92 % 92 % 37 Am IV W A K 5s.. 99 7* 99% 99% 60 I'll) Cor, 7a '38. . .98 % 97", 9 s % 23 Ana Cnp 6s '53. .. 91% 90% 90% lo Armour Del 5%a..l“l% 10] 1 n 1 % 16 Associated Oil 6s.. 69% "9% 89% 10 ATASF 4s. 91% 91% 91% 5 At I Coast Line 4s. 98% 98 Vi 98% 11 All Refining 6a_103 102 % 102% 20 B A O 6a . 89% si % 8s 8, 16 B A Cl 4 %a.87% 87% 87% 15 B A O gold 4s.101 100% 101 29 Bell Tel Pa 1st 5a. 96% 96 96 8 Beth Steel 6s. 88 87% 87% 7 Bkvn Ed 7a.96% 96% 96% 4 Bkyn-an Tran 6s..100% 100% 100% 61 Calif Pel 6 %e. 79% 79% 79% 10 Can Pacific 4s.117 116% 116% 1 Central Ga 6%a .. 99% 99% 99% 20 Cent Leath 5s . ...100% 1"0% 100% 12 Cent Pac gtd 4a. 87% 87% 87% 61 Chea A O cv 5a. . 97% 97 97 31 Chea A O cv 4%s 95% 95% 96% 4 Chi A Alton 3 % a. 4.1% 43% 45% 62 C B A (3 rf 5a A. 102 101", 102 126 Chi A E III 5s. 71% 70% 70% 37 Chi Gt West 4s .. 68% 57% 57% 60 C M A S P cv 4 %s 63% 53 53 13 C M A S P rf 4 % s 49% 49 49 91 C M A S P 4s 25 68% 67% 67% 8 Chi A N W rf 5a.. 99 99 99 17 Chi Rys 5a . 75 74% 74% 6 C R I A P gen 4s. . 84 S3 84 38 C R I A P rf 4s . . 81 % 81 81 5 C T H A S E 5a. 77% 76% 7,% 8 Chi A IV Ind 4a. . . 77 77 77 13 Chile Cop 6s .105% 105 105 6 C C C A St I. rf 6a.103% 103% 103% 25 CSev Un Tr 5e . . . 99% 99% 99% 10 Col A- So rf 4%a... 88% ss% ss% 6 Col OAEt 5a at...100% 100% 100% 18 Corn Puff 6s.97% 97% 9.% 11 Cons Coal Md 5a.. 86% 87% 88 8 Con I’ow 6a . 89", 89% 89% 12 Cuba Cane d 8a... 99% 981, 98 % 7 Cub Am Sug 8s...l""% D'S 1"8 9 Del A Hud rf 4e. . 89% 89V4 "*% 15 D A R G rf 6a.... 44% 44% 44% 6 D & R G con 4a. 81% 81% '1% 6 Det City Gas 6a..102% 102 1"2 1 Gulf Oil 5a .. 97% 97% 97% 11 Detroit F.di rfg 6a.l07% 107 107% 18 DuPont de Ne 7%fc.l07% 1"7% 107% 12 Dupuesne Lgt a ..105% lore, 1<‘5% 31 East Cuba Su 7%e.]n4% 103% 1"3% 68 Emp Gas AF7%s 97 96% 97 23 Erie pr lien 4". . 70% 7" 70% 11 Erie gen lien 4a.. 62 ", 62% 62% 16 Flak Rubber 8s 105% 104% 104% 1 Gen Elec deb 5a.. 104% 104% 1*4% 5 Goodrich 6%a. .. 99% 99% 59% 20 Goodyear T 8* '31.107 lr"l% 106% 11 Goodyear T Ha '41.118% 118% 118% 16 Or Tr Ry of C 7s . 117% 117 117 9 Gr Tr Kv of C 6a 107% D'TS I"7% 41 Gr North 7, A. .108% 109% 109% j .8 Gr North 5 % a R..101% 100% 101% 3 Hershey Choc 6a. lf|3% 103% 103% 16 Hud A M rfg 5, A.k7 86 % 81 10 Hud A M ad In 5s 65 64 64 28 Humb O A R 5 % s . 100 % loo 100 5 1111 Bell Tel rfg 5a 97", 9.% 97 % | 2 Illinois Cent 5%* lo2% 102% 102% i 4 III CCStLANO rf 5a 96% 96% 96% 45 Illin steel- deb 4%s 95 94 , '>4% 3 Ind Steel 5a .D'1% 101% 101% 17 Inter Rap Tr 7a . 87*, s;% 87% 4 Inter Rap Tr 6a... 66% 66% 66% 51 Int R Tr rf 5a ft 64% 64 6.4% 131 Int A Gt No ad 6.- • % 59% % 36 Int A Gt No 1st 8* 101% I I 191% 13 Int Mer Mar a 1 87% 87% 47% 35 NYNHAH Er 7a 85% 84% 83% 28 NYNHAH 6s '4s.. 76 76 75 12 NY Tela 6s '41.... 107% 107 107 17 NY tV A B 4 % a 6 3% 63% 53', 39 N A W cv 6- 1 22 *. 122 % 122% 13 No Am F.d 6a .96% 96", 96% 3 No Ohio TAI. 6s.. 9"% 9" % 90% 28 No Pac ref 6a.. 107", 1"7% 107", 41 No Pac pr lien 4s 85", 85% 85% 11 No St Foil- 1st 5s. 94 93% 94 9 N \V Bell T. 1 7s l"s% 1111% 1, - 10 O A C 1st 5a.HG 101 101 60 Ore Short Line 4a . 97% 97% 97% 1 10 O-W KRAS 4a. . 92% 92% 92% 1 Otla Steel 7%. . - 7 % s7% 37%! 20 Pac GAK 5s, ,94% 93% 94 4 p«c TAT 5a *7 »:’4 * Pena R H 6l,» ...1101* 110* II"', 4 Penn R R Ken 5s.. 10:1* 10"*, l"'1-, 12 Penn R R jfen 4 * a 9:15* 9.i ", tl Pere Marq 1 (K 5a.. 97‘a 979.', 2 Phil* Co rfti 6»....102% 1"2',a 1"7 • 16 Phil* Co Maa. 94 V 94-S 94», 5 Ph A R»»<1 I’ftl ;,a li""', !""\ 1""'. R Pierce Arrow Rs. . . 85% 85% R»% 6 Port RUP 1st 6s. 95% 91 • 95% 2 Pro ft Ref Rs.1"9% 109% 109% ^5 Public Service 5s .104% 104% 104% 9 Tnt*l Pap ' V 5s \ H6 % % 85 * 4 K •' Ft S ft M U D'S% 1"3% 103 % 16 K C P ft I. 91% 94 % 94% 7 K C Southern 6s... 89% *9 >9% R K C Terminal 4*.. s■> 81% JJ5 L'O Kiitisaa % ft E hs. 99 1*8% 98% 17 Kelly-S Tire 8s. 99 97% 9.% 2 La« lede O of SL 5%s 94% 91% 94% 11 L 8ftM S db 4s 31. 94% 96 96 6 Liggett ft M Tim. .. 99% 99 99 15 1. 4* N unified 4s.. 91 92% 4 Louisville it ft E 6s 91% 91% 91% 10 Magma Popper 7s..114 lit 114 4 Mwere ti Sugar 7%» 99 ,,k% 99 2 Manhattan R con 4h 62 62 62 R Market Sr Ry 7s. 9* % 98% 98% 24 Mar Oil 7%h w w 1"4% 104% 1«4% 13 Midvale Steel cv 5a. 87% 87 s« 4 M K ft T pr In 6*C 1"! % 1“1 % 101 % 12 M KftT n pr In 5sA 86% *5% 80 s 155 M KftT n adj 5sA 61% 60% 60% 40 Mo Pac 1st 6b. 98 97 % 9, % 44 Mo I*ae gen 4s.. *•-’ *1% »»1 t 2 .Mont Pnw 5b A- 98% 98 98 % 6 N E T ft T 1st 5b.. 100% 100% 1«.0% 78 N V (‘"n deb 6s . .106% 106% 106% 36 N’ Y <’en rfgA-Imp 6s 99% 99% 99% 3 NY Chi .% St L 6sA.l«*3% H*:i% 103% 11 NY Ed rfg 6 % s .112% 112% 112% 7 Funta Aleg Sug "s.107 1-6% 106% 15 Rtading gen 4a.. 95 91 % 94% 3 Remington 6s ... 94% 94% 94-4 3 R li Went 4s . 70% 70% 70 % 16 R J A ft L 4 % h 83 82 % 8-% R2 St LIMftS rf 1s. 92% 92% 92% 22 St LIMAS 4s R-O 8.1% 83% 83% 266 St L&SF' p I 4h A . 71% 70% 70% 5R St LftSF adj 6s. 7'*% 7 9 7 9 226 Sf. LftSF inc 6s.. 70% 69% *»9% F, St L S W con 4s. S6 % Ho 85% 11 St P In Dep ns 101 100% 100% 2R Seaboard A L cn 6s 81% Rt 81 52 Seaboard A L ad 6s 63% 62% 62% 18 Seaboard A L rf 4s 55 54% 54% 17 Sinclair Pon 7s .. 87% 87% 87% R Sinclair Con *%s *:< 82% *2% 11 Sinclair Crude 5%s.l00% loo loo% r, Sinclair Pipe 5s . 83% 83% 27 South Par cv 4s.... 97 97 % 97% 19 South Pac rf 4s . 9"% 89% 90 3 South Pac col tr 4s 85 84% 85 25 South Ry gn 6%».106% 106% 1-6% 27 South Ry gn 6s ... 102% 102% 102% 26 South Rv con 5s .100% 100% 100% 120 South Ry gen 4s. 74% 74% 74% 22 S \V Hell T rf 5b 96% 96% 96% 5 Steel Tube 7s .106% 106% 106% 8 Tenn El rf €«_ 98% 97% 97% 19 Third Ave adj 5s... 46 45% 45% 2 Third Ave rfg 4s.. 56% 56 56 13 T Edison 7s.109 108% 109 11 Cn E Lt ft P rfg 5b 98% 98% 98% 6 Un Pac rfg 5s. ..104% 1-1% 104% 3s Un Par 1st 4s ... 92 91 % 92 9 Cn Far cv 4s .. 99% 99% 99% 3 V 8 Rub 7 %s.104% 104 104% 18 U S Rub 5h.84% 83% 83% 66 1* S Stl t f 5s. .104% 104 % 104 16 Utah Pow ft Lt 6s.. 93 92% 93 6 V-C C 7 % s w w... 28 28 28 23 Va C Chem 7s ... 60 59% 59% 20 Virginian Ry 5s .. 96 95% 9.*% 12 Wabash 1st 5s.100% 100% loo% 59 War Sug Ref 7s_ 93 92 93 12 West Elec 6s. 99 98% 99 6 West MM 1st 4s ... 63 % 63% 63% 16 West Pac 5s . 91 90% 90% 6 West Un 6%s ...111% 111% 111% 6 West Else 7s . ..l'»*% lft*% 108% 4 West S 4s . *3 83 83 12 Wick-Spen Stl 7s... 75 . 74 7 4 8 Wlllys-O 1st 6 %s. 99% 99% 99 % in Wil A: Co - f 7 %■. 52 52 52 22 Wil ft ro 1st 6s ... 87% 87% Si% 2 Wil ft Co cv 6s ... 50% 50% M»% 11 Y 8 ft Tube 6s. 96 95 % 98 Total sales of bonds Tuesday. 116,- , 001,000. j| Chicago Stock*. Chicago storks, bid and ask, furnished by J. .S. Bache A- Co., 224 Omaha Na tional bank building, phones Jacks n ’.187-98-89: s Bid Ask Armour A- Co 111 pf*! . . . 79 79% Armour & Co Del pfd . . 8 8 Albert Pick .69 69% Raseiek Alemite .30% Carbide . 59% *»•*>! Edison Co .133% 133% j Continental Motors . 6% »% Cudahy . 64% 65 Daniel Boone . 11 11% Diamond Match .116% 118 Deere pfd . 75 77 Eddy Paper . 36 .... Libby . 5 •% National Leath . 2 3% Quaker Oa?s . 290 ^ 293 Reo Motors . 16 . ' 3 wift ft Co .104% 1*5 Swift International .... 27% 27% Thompson .. 45 46 Wahl . 24% -5 < hlcHgn Butter. Chicago. Oct. 14 —Trade continued j rather quiet with the market tone steady to firm at practically unchanged price* Although, receipts were again f pcores were still light as quality bas ap parently fallen off slightly Under grade.* were difficult to move although not burdensome. Car market qu — t sod steady. More cars were available and 90 score* were sold at a reduc ? on of %c. Lower grades, whi|* un. hanged were in little demand and prices re- ; mained unchanged. Fresh butter: 92 score. "7%c-. ?’ score 36%c: 9 * m ore. 35 %c: *9 score. 35c; 8 8 score, 34c; 87 score. 31%c; 86 score. 21c Centralized carlots: 90 score. 35%c; 89 score, 33 %c; 88 score. 32%c. Kan*u« C 11> Prmltice. Kansas City, Oct. 14 —Produce markets j unchanged 1 I N. Y. Curb Bonds \____s New V - • i« » H I -llowilig ., n« on w ' V-.i \ ' urb • Kiv*i»k all **on 4 traded in; .... I ionics! ic Bonds. Sales. Hi Kb. Low. 11. Allb d 1 • • kcr bs. * - * * l do Sh.. ■ ***■ "b 20 Alum • .lint 7a )" j* % I do .10*% J0| % 10, i 12 \MI r.H" A I. ** ,|CV% 95% 95% 9 '’4 17 An, Ice Co 7s ...102 1"2 10. ft Am P..W ,v l.t bs "« -m M% 1 6 do *> • old.. 9 4% 94 % 9, J J Am Suma Tob "%* 85 *■ \ - * Cop • . i"i % lor, % l " 4 1 \ru. . Vm <"! . %* I". * 1"3% 1" • 4 ft Ass d 81m lid 0*38 ft& 85 8 1 J . aver J • rd fts 77% 77% 1 < % 2 Hea vi-r Prod 7%?- 9*1* % 96% ^ * ' 4 1; , , <' Pap • 103’4 I'*;-: \ P> % 9 , it 1 a 1* 5%»..i"i % 101*4 lui 4 1 Childs c. • -1"-'% 1"-'% inv7£ •• » 3*, Cit <*n Her "I*".. 97% 9*, % 9,'fc , n Di, f - lit 1 . . I'M ’% 1' I N 104 4 1 < o Gas B '• % . l"v * 1"' % 1"* % 7 Con Tex 8s ... ft" 79% 80 5 cu*! 1 j*.i« ' • n ft•;% ft % 4 I ■ .v 1 1 . . . . 1" 5 % 1 03 % 1'’• 6 1 Jet C a 6s .102% 102 102 II I'Unlap T A- R 7.‘ 95% 94 9.,% 4 I- d H K • 19 ' 200% 200 4 1 Kish Body bs. 1928 I<>2 102 102 J Gan It'd «*rt 7s 9ft % 9" % 9V.'» 4 G a i S x • 1 “ - ' •* 1 '* 1" 4 - G»-n A -ph t *' 1 " • % 1"' % 1 » ft G»?nei a ! 1 . • • - . . 100 % 11 % 1 f‘ ' s 25 Grand Trunk t%s..l08 107% 108 2 Gulf Oil a.-. 97% 97% 9.% 5 Hood Fluid*. 7y . 1' I % 1"1% P • 2 J Ini. Mar, I, 5 % 5 . 99% 9ft% 99 fc 2 I Ken Copper 7». .1 * . 1"», H J* 4 L»-h \ , • Hart, 5m . I . 1"‘<\ 3« c X Lsh Yal K H % 99% 99% ft * 1 Li«-'Vdm h* .- 7s 1". 1". *0i 3 Manitoba % . '>'*% 9 9 5 % 9 3% 9 % 41 <1 «V El tJ % *> .101% 101% 101 2 Hr UJI X Y 7- _ 1 % P % Ji % HI Oil N' V 7s *2 x. p15 % 105% !«’. -4 11 H» in X Y 7 ’2 9. P % P ' % P % 1 t 1 » 1 X V 7 - P 7. % 105% m: % 2 St Oil N Y 7s '31.105% 105% 105% 11 H- * u; X Y • v .107% P-7% P*7*4 ** . f Ac % 9ft% 3 Ij Aust IIP€%s.85 ft5 8.* 14 Keu Peru fts .98** 99 99*4 810 Russian b%s ... 14% 14 14 5 Soivay & Co €s . .P l% 101% 101 *-» r. h-.v.ss. ',ivs .P-1 % i"l% 101*4 » 1 New York Poultry. x. v y Poultry—Ir* regular; no freiyht quotationa. cidr-kena—Bv * -.preis ,7@30c; fowls, i > express. ■ -r » Turkeys—By r^s. 3F ©45c. Dressed poultry- Steady; chickens. 23 : f 1 . old roosters. 15022c; rkeyj-. 35 0480. ^■SSSMS—— ■ I l-Cl -—-Lai Hydro-Electric First Mortgage Bond | Yielding Over 6.03°c We recommend for invest ment Duke - Price Power Company, Limited, First Mortgage Gold Bonds, 6**; Series, due July 1, 1949. S">00 and 11,009 denomination*. Price at market [ Send for complete circular. ( The National City Company Om.th*—Fir«t National Bank Bldg Telephone—Jackson SS16 ^ ■ --M