The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 12, 1924, PART THREE, Image 30

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    I Men’s 35.00 New Fall 1
1 ^PaBt$ Su'ts
lOfl 2500
^1 tmUSv There are 200 of these suits in '
I Mr cheviots, tweeds, cassimeres and un
■ Mwrl finished worsteds-2-hutton, 3-button
fc and double-breasted models. All the
1 111 season’s latest colorings.
II I fn addition to the regular sizes, there
I >1 are slims, stouts, longs, etc.
Every Suit is ail wool
I The Hroiidel* Slsrt—Fourth Floor.
IFor Monday! Sale of 20c to 50c
Men’s Soft Collars
All the standard styles in
semi and soft collars and
some slightly imperfect dis
continued styles. You can't
duplicate such a value.
Main Floor — Kml |
!95c Boys' Percale
.ood quality of fine 1
count percale in stripes.!
checks and plain tans !
and blue. 6 to 14. 1
Kon rlli Floor—Center.
i.IS Boys’
Corduroy Pants
400 boys’ good qual-!
ity corduroy p a'n t s 1
with double stitched
seams. Made to wear, i
Fourth Fluor.
A 3.98 Juvenile [ High grade all wool suits, of va')#\ AA !
WaaI 1 ried styles, materials and colors. I. f 11U
II ! Sizes 3 to 8. Z.U0
9UIIS t Fourth Floor. t
| 2,000 Men’s 3.00, 4.00, 5.001
Including Excel
lo English Ma
dras, Silk Cords
and .English
1A varied assortment of 2,000 shirts, including Exccllo
English madras shirts, silk cord shirts and English broad
cloth shirts, some with collars to match. All sizes ami all )
sleeve lengths, in values no man will want to miss.
Th* llrnndrl* Slur*—Main Floor—South.
To 75c
Men’s Socks
3.000 pairs of silk and fiber, silk
and lisle, in plain and drop
stitch styles. Mill runs of
higher priced grades.
Main Floor—Soul It
1.85 Fall Styles in
Men’s Caps
Nifty new styles, direct from
New York. Medium, tan and
Kray shades, etc. You can’t
make a mistake in buyinK one
of those caps at this price.
Fourth Floor.
Remarkable Progress Sale Offerings in Men’s
Union Suits
1.75 Men’« Heavy
Union Suits
*30 irood quality heavy.. _
Itendom fleered union . Ca ~ —
suit* and derby ribbed1 UHO
heavy ecru collar un- (* T_||
inn aulta. All alxcx 34 WWW
to 4«. J
3.00 Men’s Sample
Union Suits
*00 aulta, nil anmplex ,
■i nd mill rune of well-. m wp
known inakea — Kerry T 11
Kilt, Monark, Munaln* ' I IIH
end Allen A. Heavy I I alal
tnixturaa and plainool-I ■ aww
ora. 1
§4.00 Men’s
Wool Union
! Suits
I Till* lot or 700 ,
' ' mini < onalats of
•ample* and mill
a . runs In riany dlf-J
jL ferent fabric* and I
X weight* None are I
ft# worth lea* than 1
Ct t.on
6.00 Men’s Silk and
Wool Union
Huit* of *llk and
wool, »ilk and]
Halt-, all wool and
all woratnd. 500 In I
all. You r an t buy f
batter union null* ;
for 10.011.
h 1L= ■ ----^
Women’* 25c
Linen Kerchiefs
150 dozen in white »ndi
solid colors, hemstitch- |
ed. embroidered and
with drawn thread
corners. J
Main Flosr
Women’s 20c
Cotton Kerchiefs
200 dozen kerchiefs In-,
white and colors, j
Alany are embroidered. >.
Mala Floo* j
2.50 Sample
A manufacturer’s samples of
newest styles in bracelets,
pins, brooches, earrings, bat
ornaments and necklaces.
Alain Floor—East.
Children’■ 1.00 and 1.25
and Pants
40 dozen of these garments,
samples, in white nn<l natural
color; excellent w-eight for
school wear. Part wool.
_Third Floor-—(Voter
Monday in Our
Sparerlbs with Sauer
kraut and Mashed Po
Mala Floor
3.50 Traveling
14 and 20-Inch bags,
suitable for man or |
woman; carat ol lined,
nicety finished; out
side of real cowhide, I.
w a 1 r u s embossed; |
buffalo and cobra |
Koortli Floor
1,000 Pairs Better Grade
Women’s Slippers
__ __.
8.50 to 12.50 Values
Business, Dress
Street Wear
Black Satins, Patents, Black and Brown Suede with high
Spanish heel or carban covered box heel.
Black and Brown Kid and Calfskir^ and Russian Tan
Calfskin Oxfords
All merchandise in this sale was made under the direct
supervision and specifications of the Brandcis Store. Sizes j
run from 3 to 9, AAA to D. Very choice values.
Tlie Sltre—Thirl Floor—Rent*
Women’s 3.50
Silk Hose
Knll fashioned hoae.-, ^
An extraordinary pur- • |
chase makes It posel- I
hie to offer this ex- | I
cellent value.
Main Floor—J__
To 1 35 Infants’ Silk and
Wool Vests
tiOd Vests, double •
b i e a * t e d, Ttuebrn
style, with silk scal
loped edges. For In- j
fanta to 3 years.
Third Floor—Fast.
2,000 Pairs Allen A
Silk Hose
In irregulars of 1.00 quali
ties; both in lisle top and silk
to the hem styles; fashioned
leg and seamless fott. Black,
brown, gray and wood shades
_Mol,, ’ Floor—Stortfc. _
To 2.50 Sample Hat
A varied assortment, contain
ing 1,‘J00 bunches. Suitable
for trimming bats and eve
ning gowns.
Main Fl»«r—F«it.
To 98c Wool
Knitted Bootees
1*0 short and long >
h n o f e • s. soft u4 |
warm. Trimmed with -
pink or blue. j
Third Floor—Rul. J
98c Infants’ and
Children’s Caps
210 Capa of various
style*. Hood*, toque*
arid crocking cap*,
mostly whit*, trimmed
With balls, rlbbona and
fluffy tass'la.
Third Floor—Kaat
Women’s 1.65 Full Fashioned
Silk Hose
All First Quality
There are 1,250 pairs of these
silk chiffon and medium weight
hose in black and shoe shades;
all are first quality; with a com
plete range of sizes. Very smart
when worn with the new oxford
Tbp RraadeU ftl.rr—Mala rinor—Narlb.
Pearl White
Laundry Soap
Thin I* your opportu- I
nlty <o buy excellent j
laundry »oap below ,
coat. 10 bar* for
Baarveat—W eel.
Old Dutch
I.ay In a supply of
this nationally-known
cleaning powder.
Men’* and Shoes for out-door workers,- '
_ i rough weather wear, and Roy l QQ
DOyS . Scouts. Strong elkskin uppers I |
and solid oak leather sewed ■
Shoes and nailed sole*. , I
10c Medium Bar j
Ivory Soap
Not the "gueat »tre,"l
but the atandard me- I
dHim bar. Special for j
the Progreaa Sale.
■aaeaaeat—Weet. J
Women'* 1.25 Fleeced
Union Suits
Ankle length, high
nr< k and long eleevee.'
Dutch neck and elbow
alaavaa; low neck and
xleaveleea. 14
lo 44.
To 1.00 10-Inch
Silk ibbon
Popular . hade* for dreaa trim
mingn, millinery, girdle a,
caminole* nnd Imws of nil
IMnIm rioaar—
5c J. & P. Coats
10c Pke. of 25
Sewing Needles
Pkg. 51
69c Leatherette
Shoppnig Bags
50c Dyanshine
Shoe Polish
2.00 Jersey
Dress Forms
5c Coats’ Darning
2.00 Iron Dress
Form Standi
5c Faultless
6 Yards
35c Naiad
Dress Shields
21/2c Yd. Mercer
iaed Ric Rac
3 Yards
Be Star Emtfr
S skein*
29c Hickory
Baby Pants
16c—16-in. Cotton
2,000 yards white tow-'j
eling with- blue bor
ber, very absorbent. I.
I.imlt, 8 yards to a cus- j
Male Floor—loath
15c Auction Bridge
Score Pads
45-shcet score pads,
with up-to-date tables
for bridge and five
hundred. A popular
score card at a low
Mwlw Finer—_
18x18 Heavy
Damask Napkins
1,500 of an extra qual-'
ity with a satin finish. .
Limit 8 to a customer.
Mala Floor—South J
Men'a 29c Linen
100 dozen of these handker
kerchiefs of fine sheer or
heavier Irish linen; neatly
hemstitched. A wonderful
4.50 to 5.00 Novelite
Bed Spreads
These come in sizes for single
three-quarter or full sized
beds; all white or with col
ored stripes. A wonderful
Mala Floor—Writ
r ,i5c
Day at i
Fine, smooth, firm I
cardboard with at- *
tractively patterned
bark. The standard
size, easy to shuffle
Main Floor—Areodr.
3.98 and 5.00 Imported
Beaded Bags
1.89“° 2.89 p
Pouch, Flat,
Drawstring Styles
800 beaded bags in
the newest styles —
silk lined and fitted
with small mirrors
Floral and conven* mb.
tional patterns.
M.l. Floor—Koo*.
No Man Or Woman I
Wanting to Save Can 1
Afford to Miss This I
Sale I
Monday will be a day M
never to be forgotten in the I
retail history of Omaha. fl
Your every want for the B
season ahead can be filled I
at mueh less than you ever B
thought possible; in many B
instanees you ean save ] Bfl
and more of the regular fl
$1 to $2 Table Cloths
Various destan* and colors A manufacturer's aur-,
plus stock Of the famous Sanita* Table Cloths • ■ VlUp
purchased for a very Ion price. These attrartue , 1711 ■
cloths era very practical fo* etretytlay use. because WWW
they ar* io eaally cleaned
Mein Finer—»enth
1 00 to 2.50 Corselettes and
600 Last, "Tvv
Materials are satins, satin
striped fabrics, brocades.
All sizes. 34 to 46. A re
markable value.
J.00 to 1.49 Outing Flannel
There are only 800 of. these
gowns ; in long sleeves, high
neck or slip-over styles;
plain white and striped:
size* 15, 16 and 17.
Thin! Tleor—
Women s 1.00 Kayser
These famoua union ault* mm' in a Rood Rrade of m a
cotton yarna and have the Kayaer qualitma of fit and M M a
wear. They are in bodice top *' d built-up at'lea #1 #1 I
Knee length. Site* 35. 3« and 3S A few in *iie. H'Vh
43 and 44. Wodle* atylea.
The Brandela Stare-Third Floor—4 enter.
Women s 2.00 and 3.00
Gowns andChemise
Porto Rican and Philippine
Elaborately hand embroid
ered and hand aewed on
the finest nainsook.
Porto Rican
Kxquisitely simple as well
as beautifully' embroidered
and drawn work models.
Past el shades.
I Tiie llrandrli Mor#—TMril Fl®«r—
1.75 Infer soli
Nickel silver case, plain,
clear and readable dial,
each watch will give excel
lent service
Mnln Ft««r—
■ - — . . —
Men'i 1.00
Shirt* of hlch conn! percale*
In eicellent pattern* anil ml.
oriii(r*. "Ill wear ami lanmler
*atl«faeti>rll». Sl*e» It to IT.
>Mf*lf«l—%r no
Here's Goal News for All Feminine fl
Coats, D’rl
Values Up rfl
The Braude is ffl
Floor fl
This sale is an outstanding event front jhe '’
woman ran see the garmens and remain una^H
tunitv the sale affords. fl
THE COATS—Beautiful garments made "f'ij®
sport wear; all sizes are fur trimmed and ao
THE DRESSES—In cloth and silk ; heantifu
dinner wear: all sizes for women and misses ■
FUR CHOKERS—Of fine stone marten : b#>u®
suit or frock. ■
Girls 3.00 I
Nash Frocks
1'retty ginghams and"! 1
plain colored linens |
Trimmings of ruffles. ' I
laces, embroidery; j
sties 6 to 16. I
Irrond Kl««r I
To 19c Women s and
Children's Kerchiefs
670 dozen, cotton and"!
law n, hemstitched edges I
and embroidered cor
ner*. White and colors.
Slight Irregulars,
llaarme at—
Cricket Sweaters
Brushed or cel-,
lar and cuff binding*
of contrasting colors,
all Fall colors.
Second Floor—Center
Boys Heavy
Ribbed Hosiery
Trtple weight legs, nar-' _
row ankle* and linen
heel* and toes Sires 7
to lit*. Seconds of 6?c
$1 Gingham ; Plaid and plain gingham, trimmed with ■
Anritn ! ''<'n,n,s,'1'P 00'‘'rs a,ul narrow bands; st- | | p H
*T*™ 1 tractive styles. Small, medium and large f f U H
Frocks si s 1
L Hiuanl—Kilt. .JH
Man's 1 .(JO f 1 I
Well made shirt* with double ititchwd aeAitts , _ _
Work and one or two breast pockets t.tfht and dark A Qa I jfl
Cli*.dj. blue ehambray and gray cheviot. Sire* 14 to 14 I UU S
Willi 19 ■■•rwtil- Arcade. M
Men s 1.76 Well nude oceralls of indtiro blue dentm. . nl
Denim ■ut full smt latte double-alitched seam* Q j a f^B
. I* lira tut tit* good* ('nr to a customer. J m lj
Overalls (_ »«*«*»*■ !_»**»*♦. j