Decide Upon the Day Each Week You’ll Enjoy Your Rest Facial. THERE’S nothin* more conducive to all-round loveliness than the ( consistent rest facials as they're given by "Mary” In the Mary Ballard Beauty Shop, 97* Aqulla Court, At lantic 9251. Complete relaxation scientific beauty building. Make en appointment for the same day each week. Beauty building facials. Omaha Beauty Shop Has Exclusive Agency for Wrinkle Remover and Reducing Paste Products of Eminent Scientists ROBINA KAMMERER of the Burbon Beauty Shop, second floor. Me Crory building, Sixteenth and Farnam, Atlantic 9721, has the exclusive agency for the two products of noted European scientists. For wrinkles, the Wrinkle Remover which Is truly marvelous In smoothing out the years and the reducing compound, a paste which Is applied externally with amazing results. If they’re not satisfied with their size after using this, said Mlsi Hammerer, patrons may have their money refunded. Interesting! Both products may be ordered and used at home according to Instructions. * . . • • • Imported Velvets in Season's Love liest Colors, in Addition to the Ever-Popular Velvet Choice—Black. THE Silk Shop, 1517 Douglas, has all silk imported velvets in the season's loveliest ne»v shades—also in that ever-popular vel vet choice, black, which it Is of fering at a special price of $3.95. Quite the loveliest selection for the under-frock of the season’s chic crea tion the ensemble costume! A bit o’ fur for color contrast or a bit or two in glea^nlng metallo lengths, viola, there’s nothing quite so lovely. Smaller and Smaller, Every Day In Every Way—Where Will It End, Polly Wonders. EVERT day, In every way—par don—but It's such an under standable thing to say—Polly's getting smaller arid smaller, and It’s all because she is wearing one of the new girdles of dainty decorative rub ber which have Just arrived at the Marie Bentel Corset Shop, second floor, Aqulla Court, “Marie" an nounces splendid values In Peacock hosiery, which are quite as pretty as their name. It's Just Possible You May See These Models in the Show of Style Next Wednesday Night THE QUALITY SHOP, IBIS Farnam, is receiving new and styleful cre ations dally—and ’tie just possible that when their models step forth at the Style Show at the Fontenelle ballroom next Wednesday evening they may wear these: High collared by way of a metal embroidery band with over flare of charmeen, the navy frock, whose long sleeved tunic has p down-the-center decoration of the same embroidery with a braided decor ation of threads embodied In the motif; a warm tan charmeen velvet rib bon trimmed In blue to match tailored buttons on either side down the center front, the lace collar and cuffs tied In tiny velvet ribbons to match and a wide, fringe-ended scarf to be worn round the neck or waist; a navy Kasha cloth, gold braided round short shoulder sleeves with the gold run ning through Its group of ribbon and leather cutout flowers and leaves; a coat dress, the season's tailleur choice, navy charmeen with cocoa flan nel outlining narrow Tux roll collar and big buttonholes, three of them which are sole fastening for the coat; brown coat frock over vivid Penny Crepe under frock, tiny tucks at waistline with tailored braid finish and chic buttonlere of white. If not these—the choice will surely please. JDoats for Girls Are Really Quite Grown Up in Styleful Achievement of Lines and Furring, AT THE Children’s Bhop, main floor, Aqulla Court, there’s a showing of girls’ coats which ■will delight the small person from 1 to 14 years, whose tastes are as dis criminating as her older sisters, and who will readily appreciate the soft, gracious colorings and softly woven fabrics with their furrlngs of delicate texturt. Rust, a lovely shade, has oddly marked surface and a plain Stitched banding of contrasting shade. .J#»t Tliat Touch of Severity That Characterizes the New Season, a Prelate Purple Chooses Veiling of White Monkey Fur Suspended From liroraded Ribbon. DEMURE, severely tailored, eh. very. and extremely chic Is th# little hat of Prelate purple i MeArdle's Hat Shop, 1613 Farnam, ti:e low, square’ crown the starting place for a drape veiling of white monkey fur suspended from vividly embroidered metallic ribbon. A Phipps creation—'tis most individual In styling. Rust Kasha Cloth Lines Smart Wrap of Black, Forming Foundation for Silky Black Fur—Platinum Fox Is Luxurious Touch on Vested Coat of “Dust” Jammuna YKRV good, Mis* McGuire, very, very good, *our buylng judgment when you selected that swank coat of black Jammuna cloth with I lining of Rust Kasha which 1. cut longer than the outside black to give the effect of a smart under frock, fur banded in black fox. ' manner a line of black tailored buttons above the fur on skirt and cuff a of sleeves also the extended Kasha, lavishly fur trimmed it la priced most moderately, *175,00. Platinum gray fox collars a duet Jammuna ™t .revested’- front from neckline to ankles of 1>r*caded gray In f asting shade, that effective new atyllng which make. ** P°"‘bl* (he dinner or dance frock under daytime wrap. Clever, la It not. a fml at $98.50. On* of many at McGuire's Dress Shoppe, mezzanine floor, Paxton Block, Sixteenth and Farnam. « . » Exquisitely Appointed New Beauty Shop Opens Doors This Week. JANE'S BEAUTY SHOP, room 2. 1818 1-2 Harney, Atlantic *8*7, is Omaha’s newest beauty shop just opened by Jan# Feay, who is xvell-known for her skill In creating exquisite frocks and tailored suits. Everything In beauty culture will be done In the new shop, which has ar ranged Its hours from 9 In the morn ing to 9 In the evening tn take caio ,,f business and professional women In charge of "Miss Edna,” popular person in beauty circles, are skilled workers of the cult. Mis# Eckman, l,os Angeles; Mrs. Anderson. Chicago; Zola Darrah, Omaha, and Mis# Ear son, Kansas City. At your service. Madam Omaha. • • • Velvets Bilks and Frfts Maks Lovely Hats When Their Chle Lines are Kenewed In Blocking. THE KRUGER HAT SHOP, *03 Barker Block, Fifteenth and Farnam, will reblock your old hat into unbelievable beauty—"Just like new.” Feathers, furs and- marabou come well within the reach of their skill too, a trial will convince you. -- POLLY SHOPS FREE OF CHARGE FOR READERS OF THE BEK Many wonder Juat what kind of shopping Polly doee— 'Tl* thla kind of shopping— EVERYTHING— And aha ahopa every day for read ers of The Bee who writ# I ' Knowing that the paper offer shop. Ing aervle# FREE to All readers who are In need of 1 KMART WEARABLES GIFTS furnishings. It Is also her "Job" lo anneal atylefnl "makeover" Ideas upon request. Addreee— POLLY THE SHOPPER, j THE BEE. Beauty Shop Assure* Interpretation of New Hairdressing Mode* Demon strated at Style and Beauty Show. THE Wright-David Beauty Shop. Nd. « Baird building, Atlantt* 4 833, has a staff of skilled art ists, whose duty It will be during the coming weeks to Interpret for your beoomlngnees the hair dressing modes introduced In the beauty and style show given at the Hotel Fontenetle on Wednesday evening. “Fall Special” Price on Permanent Waving—Rest Treatment Successful Beauty Building Process ^ THE Ford Beauty Shop. 204 City National Bank building. Atlantic *511, announce, a "Fall Special” prlca of *20 on permanent waving either Ion* or ehort hair. Welcome new. thl.. A. a mo.t •ucce«»ful beauty build in* proce.. may I .uageat their Beat Treatment, which Include, a reat fee a mi alp, neck, arm and hand ma».a*e and manicure, a two hour, procea. which oo.t. *3.75. • • • rialn and Web th* P™P*r Wall Covering a* Background for Pic ture*. IN THE wall paper department a I th* Brandela Store*, «th flodr. on* find* exhibited th* proper paper*. *oft old mellow tone* and color* of th* w*ath*r*d Caen Stone of olden day*, entirely appropriate background* for th* exquialt# *tch Inga In eoldr and th* mezw> tint* ahown at th# publlo library thla waek In obaarvanc* of national picture week. Eatlmatea for one room or for th# entire room# are gladly given hy th* expert attendant* In th* art wall covering department of thla great atore. Conwult them. From7 Bn* Fraternity Brother to An other— En*llah Imported Toy* In Omaha. TOM—OLD CHAP: Not at. alow— not bo alow1—Omaha. Sobol kar’a. that amart "Plain*” ahop in tha Athletle club, you know the old atampln* ground betwean 17th and llth on Do>u*Iaa, ara aallln* «■ tha lataat wool a port hoaa In plalda and atripaa of qulat hue and allp (ivar aweatara In collene colora, both imported from dear old London, the rity aeroaa th* water, where the men aet our atyle*. Nrtt eo, old dear? Youra. BILL. New York Hosiery Styles Modeled at the Beauty and Style Show by Omaha Specialty Hosiery Shop THE KAROEB Hosiery Shop. 30* South Sixteenth street, will hs respopsl ble for tb* e*qul«lt® hoilery creation® modeled *t the Beauty and Htyle Show at the Fontanel le on .JVednesday. New York.^very turn end twist of their silken styling, but Instead of selling for $S a pair hs 'herd sail In Naw York or Chicago they’re offered at the Karges Shop for $3 Silver shade with shadow clocks In delicate mauve, green, blue. Just a suggestion of de sign .nd color, they're most appealing with evening gowns. For sports wear thara will ba the distinct eontragt of colors or that subtle purging of shades which le aomatlmea wlaeat Judgment by the rottumsr. Hair tins plaids on gray tan and brown, thay’r# exquleltely affactlv# tn etlk. fiber. Hale and wool In a price range of from $1 44 to 14.10. Tor afternoon wear there a that striking Van Dyke heeled model In Dog Cabin shade with uniquely woven black pointed heel#. Unuiual gtylea— moderate tn price—guperlor In quality. An Round Beauty Work Done at Prices You Can Well Afford. THE Hopson Shoppe. 313 14 Douk laa block, l«th and Douglas. At lantic 8438, doe* beauty work at prices one well affords, marcel, widely undulating, graceful, face framing. 50 cents; round curl, 3S cents, and a Lanoll permanent wave, $15. Interesting news, this. So intimate with joy was I, That I was fain to snare in part So rich in splendid dreams, The joy that I had known. So friendly with the hills, the sky, . But found in many a quiet heart The trees, the living streams, Dreams fairer than my own! National Association of Hair Dressers and Cosmetologists Gives Exhibition Augmented by Style Show of Creations From Local Stores XX W|th the correct coiffures for each one. What a charm secret revealed. For too often one 1» criticized for her lack IS co-ordination. Twenty hairdressers and models will take part in the event-wlth a formal promenade after the ^ibition with: announ.e^ f th type of tailleur, the fabric of which th. ensemble is fashioned, th. particular and ■trikln* ° ^kltowMcTZuii found SSJUtffS STS ZTlSTSSS orchestra Win plan for dancing after the show—an assurance of a royal good time._______f Omaha Importer Exhibits Rare Art Collection at Library for National Picture Week Observation m nsaEsrasi ss sr 1V1 Mr Darling wlFl be a collection of 18 Simon etching. In color. n and French scenes 18 In color and wo in Mack and - Wt On^ of the smmmmMrnimmimmEs lng». the finest to be had, In frames of finest craftsmanjjhlp^wlll be exhibited from the ISth to the 23d at th. Public library. r>ier> the exhibition. Modishly Silhouetted the Costumes Shown by Exclusive Omaha Shop—Ensemblss Coats, Frocks and Gowns 1 ... " f - a th€ Beauty and Style §bow on T^edneeday, Oct 15. In TO BE SURE. La Bosehln. Hotel Fontsnslls, Eighteenth and Dou*laa win b«' *•***• „ _p^sful,y down the steps. La Boschin to their fingertips the Hotel Fontenell. ball room. Very French will be the ,t^, *1'^°U ^uri^u(lIv fur^aoded. In the accessories ef rare beauty which go fa. .. jrsrszxz ttrs: ,r snr. s—*-—- *— ... Charlotte Braid for the New Coiffure Over Bob—"Gold Tone" Shampoo for Arttotle Effeetiveneee. THE Delft Beauty Shop. i*« City National bank building. Jaekeon 1TII, lntroducee aa a follow up of the beauty and etyle ahow at the Hotel Eontenelle, the Charlotte braid with whlah to achieve the coiffure over the bob, and the "Gold Tone" shampoo, ao effective In bright ening the color of one'* hair. This shampoo may be used at home If ono Is unable to vlelt the chop. Lovely Things Are a Woman’s Inherent Right—Cleanliness of Finery Her Defined Duty SHEER fabric*, Intricately wrought emhrolderlee end lacea. flnaly velvet! and alike are a woman1* Inherent right end It 1* her defined duty to ba dainty and claan at all tlmaa and In all place*. The ran lorlum, 1«th and Jbna*. AT. 4*M. have every known eotentlfio procea. and f;.cllltv for ke*pl«K tn an eaquleit# atate of cleanliness th* Innumerable beau tiful thing* with which milady surround* heraelf. Don't heattate to buy any „f the marveloua creation* ahown at the beauty and atrle ahow thla week. The Pantorlum will keep them bright.'' • • • Patou will keep the elander line, hut wifi put more work and more material Into hia model.. He predict, a little return In the direction of the grand manner.” _ “the College Frock” Chic Lightweight Wool With Soft Linen Collars and Cuffs -Starched Stiff-Bright Button Trimmed—Promise Much Smartness— _Moderately Priced_ MF PRED'B EMPORIUM, *10 Bouth Sixteenth etreet. la ehowing many lovely new dreeaea for fall and winter, none lovelier than tha College Girl Frock, of light weight wool In brown and navy with their ohtc collar, and little cuff, of linen, flnaly woven, atlffly atarched. the ruffe linked by tha brightly tailored huttona which outline the opening and allt porketa. A find among tailored frocke at f 19 SO, « * * • • • ronramltig Hair Dyalng and Raaulta Attain ad. PARTlCtTt.ART.Y lovalr raaulta ara arhlavad In tha Sanl tary Hair lirraalng ahop, 3t>» Paxton Blork, .IA. 4*71. In dya tng tha hair oh mllady'a hand or In tha artlatlr plroaa uaad to maak tha ahort hair rut of tha day. It la a dya known aa "Plan Sub I rj 1 chosen in Penny Brown. Vanetlan. Puachla. Burnt Ruaaet. ror^t Nipped Oak, Shutter Oraan. Omhr* and lnatrouabr lovaly black* In line* that ar# becoming, your hat la to ba found In thla tale, the high director* crown. Spantah Bailor modal, off tha-faca brim, turban, and thoa* Inimitable lark* flare cape line* of the broad brimmed creation* COSTI ME SHOP PRESENTS EXQnSITELY FVK TRtMMEO CO^TS IN SALE. GOLP8TEIN CHAPMAN'S Coatume Shop offers on Ml* at $M. *4? and I6» the aeaaon'a coat creation* trimmed In Vlatka squirrel, fox. b#*\rr, ***1, ctrteul #nd wolf. V#lu##. • • • Cheviot In black and Whit* check 1* used b\ Poeuillet for a rather practical three-piece atilt for autumn. Tha Jacket t* rather lonk and atralght. Beauty Shop Owner Anxious That Patrons Attend Exhibition Meeting and Style Show_ ^ {-|-|Rl'r>lE" of the I,* Bijou Beauty Shop. JO* South Eighteenth Y' it reef, AT 0»*1. I* very anxlotie that her patron* attend th<> bttlon of hairdressing and the atyl* ahow at the Hotel Pontentl’e on Wednesday evening for ah* know* that there they w',1! see co ordinal** In a charmfully halpful way tha choice of draa* and rolffur* \t atch pat tloularly tha dressing of the new transformation* and bobbed wtgs at tha ahow' Pall 1* facial Dm* la tha La BIJau ahop—ask about the ticket plan which effect* a oonaldarabl# earing of mcnaj. Omaha Jewel Shop Arranges New Holiday Shipment of Silver and Seth Thomas Clocks-Special Prices Announced Each Week-End m»' whn hbnb.ckson-ns«tS;,X'n,,li I In* dally Shipments of h°Ug?y a moderate lowness within the reach - «rsr sss-jsr-rsisr - 'STjss: s.rrs£?j=s- -fir- r- - **• Jewelry Release Sale just ended at this store. . , . • • » Special Pleating Skill Needed to Make the Pretty Veateea and Full ' Bar • rel” Sleeve Effects. THERE'S particular pleating akin required to get Juts the right effect In the new pleated insert* of panels square and oblong and those chic lit tle "barrel” sleeves of georgette and chiffon. 'Tis excellent work they do at the Ideal Button and Pleating company, third floor Brown Block. Sixteenth and Douglas. You'll find It exquisitely effective. Their gold and silver embroidery—ei^art decorative touch of the seaaon—is delightfully done. See it. With a Sure Knowledge of Wtat I* Becoming, Till* Artist "'*** the Becoming Ilairdress l pon Be quest. . . MISS SULLIVAN of the Leonore Beauty Shop. 236 Aquila Court, Atlantic 4649, hai* a sure knowledge of what ie becoming, that's why her judgment in coiffure most becoming to yo'ur type Is f 1 much to be desired. At your service mademoiselle, madame in the French gray interior of her dainty shop. Leave your beauty in her hands— r will be worth while. Picture Department Observes National Picture Week in Store and in Library Exhibition Pp* nr EVELYN DAVEY of the Brandeis Picture department, slxt floor, is exhibiting an exquisite selection of etchings,is an print* at the public library- and in her newly decorated stalls an on table. &°SS£ST£tSI appeal by Bruni.ach, and Max Ninon i #1 .1 _,nf.j hlork* by Hal Thorpe who haa been recently knight r.x^ptio^arU.Uc'.nter^ 1. the" frontispiece of “Mansions of Eng Und" by Joseph Nash, of the four groups out;> this is the thinL - ". there is that lovely new mezzotint, "Bedtime, by Blackall, t e . - who makes all of his prints in England Interesting is nature "Loir Luigi" on a picturing of Place de la Bistille. the arris Luigi Loir who because hs etches backwards write his name the sain way A wash drawing of zennla. and marigold, by Margaret Patterson - Jim'ted edition number 43, one of the pictures so effective with grass clot mTt* Everything exhibited by Miss Pavey is for sale—studies chosen illustrate that pictures may be correctly chosen, absolutely appropriate yet inexpensive. * e e Transformation* Scientifically Made— ■•PersonaJity” Wave and Ouster Curls to Cover Bobs. THE F. M. SCHADELL Beauty and Hair Goode Shop, 1522 Douglas. Jackson 2870, present lats and lovely transformations of scientific construction — the hair piece that ha* covered Parlilan beau ty In a glorious manner this season— a discovery. ‘'Personality” 1* the wav* that covers the bobbed head In a remarkable way—cluster curls serv ing in no less charmful manner. You’ll be truly amared at the exten sive line of hair goods which is dis played In this shop—it has had an enviable reputation for year* as be Ing able to fill every hair goods need. • • • Cheruit makes a tube frock of white organdl* and achieves the effect of soft and delicate fullness by godeta of varied length fastened In an odd way. with white etrtton embroidery. Jolly. Bright and Gay the Vivid Big Cutouts for Decorating the Ha! loween Party Rooms—to Start » Merry Comment the Ferociou Black Cals Who Direct One io Hi' Place at Table. Nabstedts studio SHor. fifth floor, Brown Block, Six teenth and Douglas, offers gor geous and golden pumpkin cutouts cats no less gorgeous but glaring black and sinister, great", wise old owls that hint a bit of mysteries about to be unfolded, all an assur ance that the guest will find the dc orations quit# In with the season. Cutout cats of black an apt to have one's nama written ora lly upon their big white ties. dlre< - tlons to on# a place at the tabic Black decorated orange, nuf and candy cups promise vivid color touch for the event. Invitations, tal lies, prizes, everything for the part; here. Plaid Flannels and Coating* assure the Ylvid Color Which Makes * Successful Style Season. HATDEN BROS, have lovely ce Imported plaid flannels, the ob long plalded effects In color - charmingly effective:, red and brow on tan. blue and red on gray, vivid blue and brown on tan—5S lnehc wide, this flannel makes a drees c 24 or 24 yards at *4 50. Coating' richly effective, lustrous In surfacmi the season's newest and loveliest co ors. *6 50 to *5 ?5, a delightful find for the home tailor. Sports coat fa' rlcs are 54 inches wide at *.’ *5 up • • • A Flower Shop Which Serves In Man tier Most Delightful. fTY HE Beaton Flower Shop, F ! teenth and Fa mam. JA. MM -*■ serves the flower-loving pub' in manner most delightful. Fright!? slorlous Is the corner in which Mrs Gardner presides, arranging selectc . posies In dainty corsage, jolly little "hunchings" for the shut in, origin*' greetings for the mother of the new’? arrived eon or daughter, ltnpre>*:\« sprays for funerals—artistic, effftient Real service, moderate prices. • • • Business and Professional Wstaen Vina) a Smart In Details of Cos turning — Recognise Full Well Value of Perfect Cleaning Procesae I T IS t^ie business and professional women who readily recognise the full value of perfectly clean garments and accessorise—for the are the ones who always dies* In a hurry—who expect to find the gloves, blouses, tailored suit* art frock# In exquisite order. Presto i Bros, lid and Farnam. AT. SS4. cleaners and dyers, particularly pleas the busy women of the world • • • Do Your Daily Doarn—Oh. My. Ye To Re Sure—Hut IVou't Forget th< Muscles of Your Hair. JVST as the muscles ,-f your bo-1 nee<1 their dally doren. so d< the muscles of ycur hair Feed the exercise of scientific brushing, oil and tonic treatments, and «h* massage of skilled fingers. This rare oil# gets at the Stacey Beauty Shop. 2P1 Aqutla Court. Jackson «*22 There's a special price this week on curl duster*— graceful masking o the bob for evening wear. "B* «!.Jrtagr - -