Pure-Bred Sire Trip Stimulates Better Dairying Exhibitors Meet With Grati fying Results; to Award 31 Sires. - By WII.I, M. MAITPIN. Scottsbluff, Neb., Oct. It.—The first week's run of the Burlington's pure bred sires' special ended at this point with the second largest crowd of the trip. Broken Bow still holds the record. Persons who actually went through the train and looked at the exhibits, has numbered more than 1.1*00 for the 12 stops that have been made. J. H. Lamson, general agricultural commissioner of the Burlington, Is In charge of the trip and all arrange ments. Speaking of the trip to date, Mr. Uamson said: “The response has been simply wonderful, and It shows that Nebras ka people are waking up to their op portunities along dairying lines. This demonstration will not only stimu late better breeding in dairy cows, but It will be equally stimulating in all lines of livestock and poultry. "We are trying to Interest people In purebred sires of all kinds. The results are justifying the work and expense.” Boys, Girls Interested. A gratifying thing noticed on this trip is the presence and Interest shown by boys and girls, members of pig and calf clubs organized un der the auspices of the extension de psrtment of the University of Ne braska and promoted by county agents. W. B. Barney, the Holstein expert, with the sperinl, says the interest shown by the boys and girls is the most hopeful sign of all. “We do not expect to convert the elderly men and women to the dairy Idea,” said Mr. Barney. ‘'They are too ‘sot’ In their ways. But if we can plant the dairy idea in the minds of hoys and girls, we will have suc ceeded in doing a great work. An other generation may see Nebraska on# of the leading dairy states.” The commercial clubs are holding big celebrations where the train stops . and stimulating Interest in the pure bred Idea and good dairying by of fering heifers as prizes for the farm ers who come In to listen to the gospel of purebreds. So far, every town but one has given away from one to 10 young heifers of extra good quality. At Alliance the commercial club rtvi away 10, togother with other valuable prize*. Fine Dairying Section. The North Platte valley Is poten tially the greatest dairying section In the atate. The conditions in the valley are Just right tor dairying. It Is a wonderful alfalfa country, also producing fine crops of corn. . The people of ths valley are realiz ing that dairying will be even more profitable than sugar beet raising, and will not decrease the best pro duction. In fact, dairying will in crease the best production by adding more fertilization, reducing the aver age size of the farms and adding materially to the beet tonnage per acre. Beet sugar making is the most In tense Industry imaginable, as »he raw material is made into the fin ished, product within a few miles of the beet fields. Dairying offers the same Intensive process, the finished product being manufactured within a few miles of the dairy farm. To day this great valley is an Immense producer of beef cattle and sheep, but instead of finishing in packing plants near home, the livestock is shipped to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City and even Chicago. There are only two cheese factories in Nebraska, and one is at Seotts bluff. It Is just beginning, but the prospects for success are unusually bright. Beet Sugar Campaigns. The sugar campaigns of the four factories in the North Datte valley are now on in full blast, and business Is rushing in all lines. "\V hen these factories start they run 24 hours every day in the week until the last beet is sliced and the last centrifugal throws of its finished product. These campaigns average about 120 days each. The factories at Bayard, Gett ing and Mitchell are 1,100 ton mills and the one at Seottsbluff Is a 2,200 ton niill. The latter Is the pioneei mill of the valley, and In all prob abilities will be the last 2,200-ton fac tory erected. It has heen found fat cheaper and more efficient to build the smaller factories near the sup ply of raw material. Beef produc tion will always be a sizeable indus try in tha sugar beet sections, be cause beet pulp and molasses com bine to make a wonderful fnttener. The 1024 beet crop of Nebraska will produce in the neighborhood of -150, 000.000 pounds of sugar. This special trip Is confined wholly to Nebraska, although the train will Sunday over at Sterling, Colo. This is necessary in order to get over to the Burlington's "high line" In Ne braska. Grant and Curtis will be the first stops after the rest In Sterling. At each stop “Miss Mystery" is staked out and a prize offered to the man or woman In each town who guesses nearest to her milk produc tion for her 10th year. This cow is now 11 years old, and her best record Waterman Head of Seniors at Central !)) iDevid c’Waterman]j David AVaterman, sort of Mrs. E. H. AVaterman, 1334 North Twenty-eighth street, was yesterday elected president of the June senior class at Central High school. AVaterman Is also presi dent of the Junior Glee club, lieu tenant In the cadet regiment and a member of the speakers' bureau. Other officers elected are: Charles Do*, vice president; Huth Beardsley, secretary; Harold Harris, treasurer; Lawrence Mullins, sergeant-at-arms. Beverley Manning, present associ ate city editor on the AA'cekly Kegis ter, was elected reporter of the senior elan*. The new class sponsors are F. Y. Knapple, assistant athletic di rector, and Mils Hess Iiozelle, French Instructor. was made last year. Instruction at Stops. On a flat car, properly fenced In, is shown a eow of the same breed as the purebred bull to be swapped at that town for a scrub. An expert then proceeds to discourse upon the cow and the bull, pointing out the factors that enter Into a good sit and a good producer. Thpre ir r. demonstrator for each of the foil dairy breeds exploded, Jersey, }b 1 stein, Ayrshire und Guernsey. 1 conclusion the man to whom the,1 purebred sire Is given. Is Introduced and handed the pedigree of his ani mal. At Broken Bow tha purebred sire was awarded to a little calf club that was organized two years ago and which has revolutionized sentiment in its vicinity. In several instances the words “and sons” appeared after the name of the recipient of the purebred sire. Before this special gets back to Omaha on October 24, it will have distributed 31 purebred sires in as many communities, and eliminated from possible service 31 scrub sires. And the«men who generously pro vided the purebred* will g< t In ex change just what the 31 scrubs brim: on the Omnha market as "prlme^jeef or something else. FATHER GRANTED ANOTHER CHANCE Grant Terpening, 13, was extremely unkempt when ho was brought int'* juvenile court Saturday on complaint that lie was being neglected. “Give us another chance,” said his father, Edward, with whom he "batches" at 4ti0fi II street. “Heaven help the boy who hips only a father to depend Oil,*’ said Judge Hay ns he gnvp them the chance. The boy’s mother died several years ago. __ Fourteenth TT. S. Cavalry to Encamp at Griswold Atlantic, In., Oct. 10.—A detach ment of the nth United States cav alry, en route from Omnha to Ft. lies'Moines, will spend Saturday and Sunday encamped at Griswold. The troopers recently traveled westward to participate in the Ak-Sar-Ben fes tival. An athletic program will be held Sunday afternoon. BEE WANT AIIS BRING HESITTS Bee Want Ada Produce Kesulls. ' TRIMMED COMPLETE $45.00 Adult Size H.H. KRAMER Phone Walnut 5314 5918 Military Avt. CHAPEL FREE BEE CLASSIFIED i AD RATES jper line o«« h day. 1 or 2 day*. 17. per Hue each fifty, * or 0 day*. 1 Cr p**r jin* each flay, 7 days. 14- per line each day, 30 <1ayp. _ TeUpnon# AT-lnntlc 1000. THE EVENIN'! HEE. _ THE OMAHA MORN I NO BEE._ CLASSIFICATION. Funeral Not Ice* . I Vault* anil Monuments.. ..• 4 Flineriil Director*. 3 Cemeteries . 4 | Florist* . ( aril of Thunks. 6 | l odge Notices . j (Vmiing Event*. 6 Personal* ..... •. » boat and Found.. 19 \I TOMOBII.E8. Automobile* for Sole. 11 Truck* for Sale. . ]2 Xutomobile Agencies 13 Motorcy c!e* and Bicycle*... Xutotnnhile* fur Etrhniige. !•> Ailto Accessories. Port*. . 19 Service stations. Repairing. *2 Auto Livery. Oarage*. 1" Wanted—\ulomobile* . 19 enrages for Rent . 20 • Bt SIN ESS SERVICE. Business Service* Offered. 21 Building Contractors . 22 [Heating and Plumbing. 23 Millinery—Dressmaking . 25 Waving—Trucking—Murage .. 26 Painting and Papering. 27 **atcnt .Attorneys .... PrlntliHr Stationery. -9 t'rofe**io»mi Service . «” Repairing .. • • 31 Renovating and Dyeing. 3« ; I aundries . 33 Tailoring ai*^ Pressing . 31 Wanted—BuWne** Service . EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female. 36 Help Wanted—Male .. 3* Help Wanted—-Male ami Female. 36 Salesmen and Agent*. 39 Situation* Wanted—Female. . 40 Situation* Wanted—Male. 41 FIN \Nf LAL. Hu*lne** Opportunities . 42 fnve*trnent—Stocks—Bond* . 43 Real I -late Ixians. 44 Money to Loan. 43 Wanted to Borrow..• 49 EDI CATIOVAL. Correspondence Cnur-e*.• 47 Ivocal Instruction C lasses. 46 M fisleal—Dramatic .• 49 t»ancing Academic*. Private Instrtietion . ol Wanted—Instruction . r... n* 0 LIVESTOCK. Hogs, fat* and l*ets . 33 Horse*. Cattle. Vehicle*. •»* Poultry and Supplies. 55 Wanted—Livestock . on M LBCHANDISE. Article* for Mile. 62 Business Ftiuipntent . .*6 Building Material* .,w Farm and Dairy Product*. 90 Fuel anti Feed . 91 (.ood Thing* to Eat. 9. Home-Made Thing*. J** Swap Column 9.» Jewelry anil Watehes. «9 Machinery and Tool* . 97 Spells. Plant* and Flowers. 9K Special* at the Stores. 99 Musical Instruments . 70 Radio Equipment . jJ* Wearing .Apparel . Wanted to Buy. <3 ROOMS FOR RENT. Room* With Board. 74 vurnf*lied Boom* . *5 Room* for Housekeeping. <9 Room*. I'nfurnished. *7 W here to Stop in Town . ^6 Wanted—Room* and Board. <9 HEAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartment*—Furnished.JO Vpartment*—I'nfurnished . »> llusiness Place* for Kent. 62 (louse* for Kent . 63 Houses—FnrnUhed . 61 Office* and Desk Room... 65 Oat-of-Town Property. 69 Suburban for Kent . 67 Farm laind* for Rent . 6K summer Place for Kent. 69 Wanted to Rent.#0 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALK. Rntdnefc* Proprfty. 91 Real Estate—Investment* . 9? I arnis and faind* for Kale. 93 City Acreage for Kale.• 9* House* for Sale . 95 I Raises—North . 99 House*—*»oilfh . 97 Houses—W e*t . 96 Hoii-c*—Brno"" .,!12 For *'nlr—llnndrr .|!? For Sale—Florence . . .. For Hair—t onneil Hluffa. I <>t* for Sale •. Hen! Estate for Raehnnfte.JJJ* Wanted—Heal Fatnte. 1UO AtCnONH. Auction Sales ..JJJ5 Heal Ei.tnteforAartlon_. ^ A^N f!rN<->1——-_, Funeral Notice*. _ I'HICK — Ann.-i K . a*.d 54 X-.r., wlfo of Waller C. rrk-r pnaard "w*y. *' ,tr raal.lencr 2563 Amu av«nu». October 10. Funeral Monday. October 13, at 2:30 p m. at Ihe SnoHleh Rite cathedral. Twentieth and Ttoualae atreeta Knitnrn Star .ervlce. Interment Parent I.awn cemetery. Vaults and Monuments. 2 Automatic Saatlnr concreta burial »»nlt« recommended by nil leadtnr undertaaara M fd bv Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co Funeral Directors. 2 HEAFET ft HEAFET t Undertaker* and Embalmeri Phona HA 0265. Office J611 Farnam _fpISTATH.lSHKD HINCE lt»2> HCt.SE ft RIEPEN. At Tour Servlcn. 2222-24 Cumlna 8t. JA- 1330. Brailey & Dorrance. HOFFM AN-CROSBY ambulance. Do<*• rtnd 2«tb 8t Funeral dlrectora. J». »»oi JOHN A. GENTLEMAN m HA. 1664,3411 Farnam St. N p fUVANBON 17TH AND CUMING _Quiet Dignified Sutiarvlalo I ESI.IK O. MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WK Q047.________ C. O. HAYNES FUNERAL HOMW 3920 N. 241h 8t JtE^S2»T5 Cemetcrtea. d VISIT FOREST LAWN. Purchase a family lot 1n Omihi’i moat j beautifu» cemetery. Offices at the ceme rery. (weit of Florsncs) and 720 Brandala Personals. * “Why Suffer With Pain?" Curo Mineral Ciay will rellevs you. For sprain.**, bruise*, rheumatism. lumbago, neuritis, Inflammation. Infection*. •Kin eruptions. blotches, sunburn. insect bites, tender feet, corn* and bunions. Money ohtK-rfullv iefunded |f It does not flvs IMMEDIATE relief. Hns relieved thou sands of Omaha people. We deliver everywhere. Mineral Clay Products Co. 1402 City Nat l Bank Hid*. AT. >468. THE SALVATION ARMY lnduatrlal hom* rtllctta - our old i loth in*, furnltura. n>»K» zlnefl. We collect Wa dlatrlbute. Phone .1A 4133 And our *a*on will call. Call and lnsi»ect our new home. 209 lltn at HOT oil vapor steam bathe and massages Room 3r». Dougina Block, AT 1594 COUPLE to share nicely furnlehed home with widow lady. KK. f>64t _ ViOst and Found. 10 LOST— September 7, black horn-rimmed glasses in brown leather case, near 16th St. entrance to TVanleis Stores. Will finder please call WA 3009 TIOSTON bull lost, brindle and white; >, months. Reward. AT. 5536. 622 *. 16th St. __ SHRINK PIN loaf Wednesday afternoon, downtown with small diamond setting. Reward. HA 2833 or 1109 South 16th St. LOST—Small volt meter in leather ease. Please rail WA. 4099 LOST Long. blue nocketbook on Al bright car Friday a. ir, WA. 584 2. AN NOINCKSMKNTH_ l»*t und Kound._10 I.OBT — Pock.tbonk (t Auditorium *rrl<,“1' »v#nln*. Buy your c.r from the BDS1M AUTO r*o. It) Ford Sedan. Coupe., TnOrln... R - .ter.. Many other make. Term, or ca»h. 2 219 Farnam Street FORD four-door Milan run l*u than on. year and h«« >»»n pivd < »■. 1473. OMAHA HUDSON ESSEX COJIPANT, 25*2 H.rn.y St. AT 5»r ' ESSEX tourln*. one of tho.e .nappy Jw pend.ble art. Prlc. 1475. OMAHA HUDSON ESSEX EOVr’*>' 25*2 Harney St.AT. 1045. Truck* for Sale,1J TWO Ford truck., aeveral 1-ton Interna tional*. airy several 2-ton Internationals, all In rood mechanical condition. T.rm. can be arranged. Int.rnatlonal Harvester Co. AT. 0795, Auto Accessories. Tarts. lb GUARANTEED new and u..d auto parta at i special cut price. Nchrs.ka Auto Part., 1915-11 Harney St. JA. 4911. and 2205 Cumlny St. AT 1979 SPECIAL on complete tourln. too cov er. Ford 14 75: Dod.e 910. Kaplan Auto Parta. 2111 Nlcholaa St. Garage* for Rent. -0 STEAM n»a'»d carafe. 211 S 21*5. HA. 7124 or HA. 5994. BU8LV15S88ERVICE. Buffiness fcerviret Offered. 21 HAVE your acre^na removed iH hang your atorm window* and •ava money. Klein'a W rdc* Claanlng Co. It 11 Casa St. AT 1419. r..... Made in Omaha Traver Brothers, in introducing a new idea in apartment house construction, chose the FAMOUS I. OVERDRAFT FURNACE 4 \ in order to make sure the perfect heat* ■% ing of the 18 apartments. The owners fully realize the value of dependable ; i furnaces. Hundreds of Overdraft Furnaces are installed in Omaha, giving the best of satisfaction. In Greater Omaha we install our fur naces direct from the factory. Phone ; Ralston 52 for a representative. . • Howard Stove Furnace Company Ralston (Omaha, 77th and Q Sts.) Nebraska On Ralston-Papillion Street Car and Bus Linea V --d I ^.. BRETNOR COURT, 16th and Ohio Streets Designed by CHARLES ROSENBERRY BUILT BY TRAVER BROTHERS, Inc. BUILDERS AND OWNERS Also owners and managers of the Undine Court at 2652 Dewey Avenue and The Morley .Apartment at 528 South 29th street* a __ r---—:—i Lumber 6? Millwork in the Bretnor Court Apartment Furnished by PLATNER BROS. LUMBER CO. 24th and Boyd Streets KE 5811 ^ d r„ (Jfc^ Roofed by National Roofing Company INCORPORATED Roofing Contractors EctablUhad la 187S •27 Patton Block, Omaha JA ckton 0551 k —A LIGHTING FIXTURES Add the Final Touch to a Home | The fixtures in Brctnor Court Apartment furnished l y us are in keeping with the fine tone of this building. We are in a position to furnislL you with anything you desire in lighting fixtures. In addition, we can finish in our shops with any of the NEW POLY t HROME FINISHES ail fixtures that we sell. Modern Electric Co. 29th and Leavenworth Streets HA 12SS h_A Y “=ssss^sssssssBss Dudley Hamilton ! PHONE 5047 WA CHARLES 6806 ST. _ PLUMBING HEATING GAS HEATERS HOT WATER WATER SYSTEMS STEAM WATER SOFTENERS VAPOR j^^Look this plumbing joh ever and let us figure your neat -1 The Building Walls of the Bretnor Court Apartment, at Sixteenth and Ohio Streets, Are Constructed of IDEAL “Star Brand” TWO-HOLE TYPE Steam Cured CONCRETE BLOCKS and veneered with face brick. This type of construction insures per fect insulation against heat, cold and dampness. Let ua figure your concrete block, brick veneer and cement U'Ork! Best quality product and first class n>pr^ manship guaranteed. IDEAL Cement Stone Co. 31st and Spaulding Sts. KE nwood 0456 j I ^ Ooitl'f O Qf r\ _ _ All Paint, Varnish and Enamel Used In Let Us Furnish 1 JL iilH v V arillMl v^Ut ,*■, Bretnor Court Apartment Furnished By Us Your Material ^ 1416 Harney Street , . _4 * ^ "" l'