The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 12, 1924, PART TWO, Page 9-B, Image 21

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    Stock Market
Goes Aimlessly
in 2-Hour Session
Prices as Near Dead Center as
Likely to Be; German
Loan Is Taken
T’nivt sitl Service linn mini Kditnr.
N'i York. Oct. 11.—Today’s stock mar
L- i so narrow ns to warrant little
Btfenton There was no sign of reac
t.i'n from tht* break of the. day before
i • ft»'r the first half hour was there
ai" ••vlderi e of further weakness. That
0 < opsi.l' i a h|e short interest has been
lift'd is evident. It showed no sign
' 1 -ivent'ss, however, and the mar
L dr..ted aimlessly through the two
ho’.f session.
W knees of the grains and cotton was
11urlng for the bulls. Details of
1 t: .inn loan terms were about os
*• ;i e< led.
were as near a dead center as
f,".v are likely to be In a stock'market
d.i v.
Transactions aggregated 413.600 shares.
I - » N declined ..n an average of 1-100
<>• point, and Industrials 1-20 of a
point /
-i-rn exchange slightly lower.
Money rates unchanged.
,phcre was nothing of news of !m
. pm fence In connection with the cotton
*• ork-t p'cept the perennial matter of
tlie weather.
'I'he close was 32 to 45 points down.
i‘ was another poor day for the
gi t ns Liverpool, due to come 3 pence
d vn. was ". down nt the lime of Chi
< • opening. With the shadow of the
1 !■< .mi report still hanging over the
t. ark' t. it was difficult to stir up any
bullish enthusiasm. Foreign buying has
■ u curtailed greatly and no appre
ciable increase may be expected until
1h' speculative bull element is pretty
well liquidated.
At no time in today’s session was there
any rral ajiow of strength, but rather a
s ties of mild swings with a gradual and
st dv narrowing of prices.'
Wheat closed from l»u®2%c down, corn
closed from down, oats closed
from l*N»©l%c down, rye closed
3%c down. •
Lard was from 13c up to 6c down.
• A
| New York Quotations |
New York Stock Exchange quotations
furnished by J. S. Bachtt A Co., 224
Omaha National Bank building.
High. Low, Close. Close.
A^rl chem . 11%
Ajax Rubber. 9 9
Allied chem . 72% 71% 72% 72%
Allis dial . 57% 57 57 % 67%
A hut Beet Sug.38% 39
Amer B S F . 81
Amer Can .129% 128% 129% 129%
Amer C & F .166% 164
Am-r Hide A L. 9%
Amer J1 A L pfd.. .. 62% 62%
Amer Inter C. 25% 23% 24% 25%
Amer inn Oil .'. . 19
Amer Loco .. .... 78 78
Amer Radiator.116 117
Arm r S A Com. 11 11%
Amer Smelt . 73% 73 73% 73V
Amer Smelt pfd..103% 1"4
Amer Sll F . 36 36
Amer Sugar . 43% 43 43% 44
Amer Sum . . 7
Ac er Tel A T_126% 126% 126% 126%
Amer Tob .163 162 % 163 163%
Amer W W A E.,109% 109 109 108
Amer Woolen ... 66% 56% 66% 66%
Anaconda . 35% 35% 35% 35%
Associated D Gda.115% 115%
Associated Oil . 28 28
A'.hisor, .104% 104% 104% 104%
AH C Line.132
A11 Gulf A \V I.. 14% 14% 14% 14%
Atlas Tack .
A'lantlc Ref . ..■ • 96
Austin -Nit hols ... 23% 22% 23% 23%
Auto Knitter..
Baldwin .199% 118% 119% 119%
Haiti A Ohio ... 61% 60% 61 60%
Barnsd&U “A" . 1 * %
Beth St 1 .43% 43 43 % 43%
Bosch Magneto .. 25% 24% 24% j-5 •
Bnmk-Man Ry ... 23% 23% 23% 23%
Bi-ok-Mun Ry pfd . . .. .. 6*
Brook-Edison Co .115 114% 115 11^>
Calif Packing . .. •• ••
Calif Petroleum .... .. 20% 21
Cal A Atiz Mining . . • • _
Cun Pacific .147.% 147% lb1* 147%
Central Leather ... .. 13% 13%
Central Leather pf 41%
Cerro ile Pasco .. 43% 45% 45% 4*%;
Chandler Motors.. 30% 30% 30% 30%
(’hes AO... 83% 83 83% 83%
d,l A Gt West. .. 6%
Chi A N W ...... 69 Vi 51 59% 59%
C M A St P. 12 11 %
Chi G West pf. .. 19% 19% 19% 19%
C M A St P pfd.. 20 1 9 20 19%
C It I A P . 31% 31 31% 31%
C St P M & O Ry. 44
Chile Copper . 32% 31% 31% 32
Chino . •• 2ft 19%
Cluett-Peabody .... .• 56 55
ciuett-Peabody pf .. 103
c. i-Cola . 75% 74% 74% 74%
i lo F A- Iron ... 39% 28 39 % 39%
Columbian Carbon. 42% 42% 42% 43
C lumbia Gas.... 4*2 41% 41% 42
Cimtjoleum . 45% *5 45 45%
• '<>n Cigars .
font C«n . 57% 57 57 67%
Cent Motors. 6 % 6%
c.rn Products ... 35% 35% 35% 35%
c .sden . 23 22% 23 22%
Crucible . 56 65 56 55%
< r C. np Sug ... 12% 12%
• i rmp Sg pf 60% r.o 6 0 «o%
1 »;• i. el I to one ... 12% 12 12 12
] ’i . bison Chem. .. 4 4 43 % 43% 44%
1 ■ ..• ■• A- Hud. .122% 121 % 121 % 122
Mining .* ■ ■ • ■ 1 4 % 14%
1* 1*.- Nem.127% 127 1 27 % 127
I. . in Kodak.1"9% 109%
. 26 25% 25% 26
I. Stor nBt.... 66% 66% 66% 6b %
i iiiou** Players.. 81 80% 80% 80%
Fifth Ave B L... 11% 11% 11% 11%
Fi-k Rubber. 9 8% 9 9
Fie. clmian s 4’eaet 71% 71% 71% 71%
Fr- port Tex. 7%
Gen Asphalt. 40% 40 40 40
Gen Electric. 246% 243 % 245% 241%
Co n Motors. 57% 67%
Gold Dost. .... 3 7 %
Goodrich . .. 29 28%
Or North Ore. 29%
Gr North Ry pfd.. 61% 60% 60% 61%
Gulf States Steel. 70 69 % 69% 70%
Hartmann Trunk . 34%
Hay* a Wheel. 34% So
Hudson Motors... 26% 26% 26% 26%
Homestake Min Co. 4 6%
Houston Oil. 6H 67% 67% 66
Hupp Motors. 13% 14
Illinois Central. 307% 108%
Illinois Cent pfd.108
Inspiration. 24%
Int Eng corn Corp 28% 27% 28 28%
Int Harvester . 92% 92%
Inf. Merc Marine. 8%
Int M M pfd. 36% 35% 36% 36
lrtt Tel A Tel. 82% 81 82% 83%
Int Nickel . 18% 18 18% 18%
Int Paper . 44 44 %
Invincible OH . 12% 12%
.lones Tea. 16%
•Iordan Motor _ 3.1% 33% 33% 33%
K c Southern. 20% SO %
Kelly-Spring . 17% 17% 17% 17%
K•• nnei ott . 45% 45 45 % 45%
Keystone Tiro ... 2 t% 2 1%
I. Rubber .. 10
Lehigh Valley ... 6ft % 69% 60% 60%
Lima L .. 59% 69 %
L'nise - Wiles . .... H8 68
Louis A Nashville. .. 98% 97%
M.'«'k Truck .. . 98Vi 97% 97% 47%
.May Pept Store. 94 94 %
Maxwell Motor A. •« 69 60 59%
Maxwell Motor B. 18% 18% 1H% 19
MarJand . 32 31 % 31% 32%
M* x Seaboard . . 22% 22% 22% 22%
Miami Copper .. . . 21%
Middle States Oil. 1 % 1 %
M K A T . 14% 14%
Mo Pacific . 19% ]9% 19% 20
M' Pacific pfd... f,5 64 54 % 65
M n»-Ws rd . 36% 36% 36% 36%
Mm her ?g)de . 7% 7%
h Motors .143 14 3
Nat Biscuit .73% 72% 73% 72%
N;c Enamel .... 21 20% it 21
on a I Lead .150% 161 %
N Y Air Brake. 41 41
N Y Central . .106% 105% 106 10«
> Y C St L. 107 1 04 % 106% 107
NY NH A If .22% 21% 22% 22%
Nm * h \ m*rlcan. . 32 .71% 12 31%'
No hern Pacific 62% 62% «2% 2 6%
N A W Rv .122% 122% 122% 12?%
«>r •hcuni . 21% 21% 21% 21%
1 ••■‘•■ns Bottle . .». .... 41% 41%
Po fie Oil . .... 46% 46% 46% 46%
Pi«k»ird Motor . 13% 13%
Pin Atnericsn .51% 51% M% 61% - Am B 61% 50% 51 51
Penn R It . 44% 44%
l’.*«|plca GH» .. .... J07
!*• **e Marquette .58 68%
Phil Cm . 47 47 %
Phillips P-Ool . . 30 29% ?9% 30
P t • e A rrow . 8 % 9
Pm-torn • Vi ni .. 64% 64 64 % 64
P’ ■ <d Steel C ir .. . ...» 44% 44%
Pro .V Refiners - - ?4% 33 23 % 23%
Pull man . . 126% 126% 126% 127
l’mil At ■ 4!' "4 48% 49%_49 %
TIM n, Neb., Oct. 11.—Mack Denny.
*i f irmer living five miles northwest
of he n, was found dead In a hay
mow here today. His death was be
lli vod to have been caused by a blow
on the head Denny received In an
rd n.iilon with a hired man, Henry
I Ini. irons*. and was struck on the
h d with the butt of a (tun some
tiro-- nu". It Was snld. •
N p.v York Cut ton.
>tv Vet k. Oi-t II --Colton Spot Msr
oillel, inI• irlIInK. a4 «f.v. *'ll,l,OM'
t le.e.l week: October 14 Jie. Bs
r-ioh.r. ■ a s: I re.-*mbsr. **.**««••
Jinuicr :4M#2J40c; Match, JHI#
14.71c. Msy, 21 »<lc.
Pur# Oil . 22% 22% 22% 22%
Railway Stl Spy .125% 125% 125% 125%
Hay Consolidate! 12'* 12*4 12% 12
Reading . 59% 68 % al 59%
Replogle . 11 11%
Rep Ir A St l . 44% 45%
Royal Dutch NY . 4a % 40%
St !. A S F . 80% .10*4 30% 30%
St L & S W .... 10% 19% 40 40 %
Schulte Cigar St. 106% Yf*r. % 10h% 106%
Schts - Roebuck.106 105
Shell Union Oil .. 17% 17 17 17
Simmons Co . .1" '* 29 74 30% 30%
Sinclair OH . 15% 15% 15% 15%
I Slow - Sheffield . 69 % 69 69 6* %
! Skelly Oil . 17% 17% 17% 17%
Soutnem Pacific 92*,3 91% 92% 92
Southern Railway 66 65 % 66 65%
Stan Oil Cal . 60 65% 55% 36
Sian Oil N .T _ .14% 3 1% 34% 34%
Stewart - Warn . 55% 64% 55% 55%
Stromberg Carb.... 64% 64*4
Submarine Boat. 8%
Studebaker . 38% 38% 39 3m %|
Texas Co. 39 % 3m % 38% 39*4
Texas OulfS ulphur 78 78
Texas * Pacific. . 14% 14% 34% 34%
Tinmen U. Rearing 35 * * 36 35 35%
i Tobacco Products. 64% 61% 64% 64%
i Tob. Products A. 92%
Trans. Oil. 4 3% 4 4
Union Pacific.137% 136% 137% 13774
United Fruit. 206 203 201 % 205**
U. S. C. I. Pipe... 111 % 110% 111 % 111 %
i U. S. Ind Alcohol. 69% 69 69% 69
U. S Rubber. 31% 32% 13 33%
U S. Rubber, pfd. s*% 88% .88% 8,8%
IT. R. Steel. 107 106% 107 107
lit. S. Steel, pfd.122% 122%
Utah Copper. 78% 78% 78% > 79
Vanadium. 22%
Vivaudbu . *8% 8% 8% 8%
Wabash . 15% 14% 15 74 V
Wabash A. 43% 42% 43*,* 4374
Western Union.11]
West. Air Brake. •*
WestinghoUse K.. 62% 62 62 % 62%
White Fugle Oil.. 24% 24 24 % 24
White Motors. 62 61% 61% 61%
Wol worth Co.107% 105% 106% 108
Will vs Overland. 7% 8
Willy8 O. pf«l. 67% 65% 67% 6;%
Wilson . 6 5%
Wilson, pfd. . 18% 17%
Worthington F. 39% 38 38% * .
Wrigley Co. 43 43 74
Yellow C. Mfg. Co. 51 51
Yello C. Taxi Co. 4 < %
Sales of Blocks Friday. 842,000 shares.
Rales of stocks today up to 11 a. m..
y 219,000 shares. %
1 ■■ i ■ - ' ■■ ■■
New York Bonds
V ----f
New York, Oct. 11.—Following "re to
day's high, low and closing prices of
bnqds on the New York Stock exchange
and the total sales of each bond: (United
States government bonds In dollars ami
thirty-seconds of dollars.)
I'nited Mutes Bonds.
Males (In $1,000). High. I.ow. Close
27 Liberty 3%s -100.28 1"() 27 100.28
11 Liberty 1st 4%*.. 102.8 102.7 102.8
31 l.ibeMv 2d 4Ls.101.15 101.14 101.14
323 Liberty 3d 4%s. .102.2 102.1 112.2
169 Liberty 4th 4V4S..102.12 102 10 102.12
105 U S Govt 4%h. . .106.6 106.5 106.5
5 Anton J M Wks 6s. 84% 84% 84%
11 Argentine 7s .102% 1021 * 102%
6 Argentine 6s . 93% 93% 93%
76 Austrian 7s . 93% 93% 93%
61 Bordeaux 6s . 8X 87% 88
1 Copenhagen f»%a .. 95% 95% 95%
8 <lr Prague 7%s.... 91 91 91
3.' Lyons 6s . 88 87% 8«%
27 .Marseilles 6S . 88 87 % 88
: Rio lie Jan 8s '47.. 94 % 94% 94%
*. Czechoslovak 8s . ..loo% 100% 100%
6. Cent of Seine 7s... 92% 92% 92%
•1 < tnnda 5%s '29.... I'M % 104% 104%
H Canada 5s '62 . 103% 103% 103%
7 -Dutch E I 6s ’62. . 95% 96%. 9o%
11 Hutch H I 5%« ’53. 90 89 % 89%
9 Framerifnn 7%s ..94% 9 4 94%
52 French Ken 8s ...106% 106% 106%
127 French Rep 7%s .102 l'il% 102
1 11.Japanese 6%h . 91% 91 91%
3 4 Japanese 4s . 81% 81% ‘'I?*
'll King of H 8s ...107% 107% 107%
22 King of Rel 7%S..I10 110 100
11 King of Den 6s....100% 10ti% 100%
2 3 King of N 6s ’72.. 98% 1*8 9*%
9 King of N 6s 43.. 98% 98% 98%
9: King S C S 8s.. 88% 88% 88%
2 King of S 6s .105% 105% 105%
3 Ren of Chile 6» *41.106 106 206
27 Hep of Chile 7s... 97‘4 96% 96%
t Hep of Col 6%a... 99% 99% 99%
.36 Rep of Cuba 5%s.. 96% 96% 96%
7 R-*p of Fin 6s. 87% 87*4 *7 %
2 s of S P s f s looi, lore, 100%
19 Swiss Con 8*.I14%/I1t% 114%
4:. S Gov 5 % s ’ 46 . . 99 % 9^ % 99 %
6 CKO BAG 5 % s *29..110% 110% 110%
.31 I’KOBftl 5 % s 37.. 105 % 105% 105%
1 V S of Rra/.il 83.. 96% 96 % 96%
28 U S of B-C Rv E 78 SC% b.i% 83%
« Am Apr Chm J'-,* *S*i »S *5'i
3 Am Chain af J 'i«. S';1* 9fil4 £''*4
11 A.u Smelt «*• . 90* »4V.
11 Ain Smelt Sn .1('*H ino'i 100*4
I *; Am Stienr 6. .lnl'S 1 o- 13 192**
19 Am TAT 5' -. . . 101 lot', 101',
] Am T.f-T cnl ir 5s. 97'* 97’* #7'9
19 Am T&T rnl 1s.. 92\ 9; 92*.
21 Am AS AS' ftl-'.l 6s. 99’, *»H *9\
3« Ana fit' ~,.i 31 ... 9s 97*, ».*,
26 Ana Cup 5h D:i. .. . 9o\ 90'., 9"-A,
21 Armour J lei 5h ,.I«IS l"!1-. 1»1 '•
1:! ,Sn i *iI 0a . H91* KIM, "9 A,
I A T .v S K ml 1". »l». »l\ 9154
: At i'sf I, LAN 4» 9(i*% 9'S 9,1,
21 At Kef .1 5h .10A 102S J1’*
I Kill O 0. ."91* 69'* S9>.{,
7 K il' .v O rv 11**. Si S 97', 97K
9 Halt * O gold 4». 1011* 101 1"1'*
3.1 H I Tvl Pa OH _ 99 96 96
10,In K<l ic*-n 7h II 96*4 96 14 9614
21 Will Stan Tr e*....l«n loo ion
H r.,1 Pet CS4B . 79% ‘79% 79%
•; Pan Nor <1 6%h . 1<*0% lno«, ioo»,
16 Can I'm 'I 1H .117 116% 117
1 Cent l.ealh 5..10"% Jafl'4
1 Pint I', i aid 4 H . 676, H7\ 67 \
21 I'hen * O cv 5h . . . . 97 1, 97 97
J4 ''heH & O cv 4',H. 9'.% ?:% 96%
I r A Alton 3%fl- 44 44 44
I Chl A K III 5s ... 72 72 72
II Chl Gt West 4s ... 5* 57% 57%
17 C M A S P c 4 %•*. - 53% 63% 53%
15 C M A a P rf 4 %« 49% 49 49%
60 C M A S P 4s 25.. 68% 66% fi*
28 Chl A N W rf 5s. . 93% 99 99%
4 Chl Rvs 5s *. 75 74 % 74%
32 C K I & P rfg 4s 81% .81% St %
1 Chl A W Ind 4s... 77 77 77
2 Chile Cop 6s 1«6 1"6 Inf,
I't <’lev I n Ti :-s .. 99% 99> 99%
1 Col A So rf 4 %s. . 89 89 v9
1 Col G&K1 5s st.... 100% 100% lutt%
15 c.,m Pow On .. ..97% 97% 97%
2 Cons Coal Mil 5s.. 88 88 88
3 Con power 5s .... 89% 89% 89%
3 Cuba Cane d 8s stp 99% 99% 99%
1 Cuban Amtr 8« ..108 108 1 o$
I Del A Hud rf 4s *9% 89% 89 %
d li 4 R O rf 5s ... 44H 44% 44%
9 Get Edl rfg 6s. 107 107 307
3 Dupont 7 % s . 107% H>7% 107%
30 Dunuesne Light 6s.lo5% 105% 105%
6 E Cuba Sug 7% a... 104% 104% 104%
38 Empire OAK 6%s.. 97% 96% 97
13 Erie pr lb n 4s .... 7u% 70 70
21 Erie gin lien 4s... 62% 62% 62%
1 Fisk Rubber 8s .. 105% 105% 105%
3 3 Goodrich 6%* ....99% 99% 99%
3 Goodyear 8s 31. ...lot; % lofi % 10€%,
4 Goodyear 8s '41 ...118% 118% 118%
11 Grand Trunk 7s...117 117 117 i
2 Grand Trunk 6s ..107% 107% 107%
31 Gt No 7s.109% 109% 109%
2 Gt No 5%s.101% 101% 101%
6 Herahey choc Os... 103% 103% 103%
13 H A M rfg 5a. 87% 87 87
65 H A M adj Inc 5a. . 65% 64% 65
2 Humble OR 5 % s .100% 100% 100%
4 HI Rel Tel rfg 5s.. 97% 97% 97%
1 III Central fi%* 102% 102% 102%
8 PI cenf r sn, f,*.. 97% 97 97
1 111 Sf deb 4%». 94% 94% 94%
6 Int R T fis. r.r,% f,fi% 66%
26 Int R T rfs 5s. ... *4% 64% fi4%
33 I A O N adj 6s.... 60% fin 60
33 I A G N 1st 6s.101% 101 301%
3 Int M *M sf fis. 87% 87% «7%
1 Inter Pap evt 5s A $6% 86% 86%
10 K City J’ A L r.s 94% 94% 94%
2 Kansas Gas A E 6s 99 98% 99
10 K-S Tire Hs . 99% 99 99
4 Llg A .\feyers 5s. 99% 99% 99%
5 L A N unified 4s . 93% 92% 9.V,
8 L G A tier &*..., 91% 91% 91%
15 Mag Cop 7s. .#..114 313% 113%
II Manatl Sug 7%s 99 98 % 59
1 Man Rv con 4s... 62 62 62
6 Mar O 7 %S w w 104% l'»4% 104%
14 M K A T pr 1 fi* C 101 % lot % 101 %
4 M K A T n p 1 5l A 85% 85% 85%
14 M K 4* T. n art 5a A 61% 61 «1%
6 Mo Pac 1st 6s. . 98 98 98
43 Mo Par gi n 4s .. 62% 61% 61%
6 Mont Pow 5s A... 98% - 98 98 %
7 N 5 T A T 1st fis. . 100% loo% loo%
6 N Y C deb 6s. 106% |06% 106%
37 N Y C rfg A Imp 5s 79% 79% 79%
6 N Y Ed I rfg 6 % a. 112 % 112% 112%
2 N Y Tel 6s 1941 J0?% 1«i7 % 107%
12 N Y Tel 4 %s _ 96% 96% 96%
J N Y West A B 4 %s 4 3 53 5 3
5 Nor A Wes 6s. 1 23 1 23 1 23
4 North Am Krtl fis . 97% 97 97
2 No Ohio T A L fis 90% 90% 90%
9 No PnMf 6* B..... 107 % 107% 107%
1 No Pacific 4s . . . 85% 85% *5%
? No St P l«t. 5s A 93% 93% 93%
2 No Bell Tel 7s . 108% 108% P*K %
1 Oregon A Cal 6s .101% 1"1% 101%
8 Ore Wash P R 4s. H.!% 82% *2%
4 Par fins A K| 5a.. 9: % 92% 93%
fi Par T A T 5a . . . 93 92% 93
19 Penn R H fi%s ...110% 110% 110%
6 Penn R R 5* .103% 103% 1«*3 %
12 P-nn R R 4 %a_ 94 9 3 % 94
13 Pare Mm 5s. 97% 97% 97%
7 Phlla Co fis .*.102% 102 102%
1 Phlla Co fi%* .. .9 1% 94% 9 4%
2 Pierre Arrow 8s . . 86% 85% *5%
.3 M P A K C H L 4 % s 78% 78% 78
2* PuMh A leg Sug 7s 107% 107% 107%
fi Rending gen 4%s 93% 93% 93%
5 Remington sf 6s .94 9 1 94
27 Rep TAHteil 5 %S.. 93 92 % 93
K Rio Grande W 4s.. 7»>% 70% 70%
#fi R r A * L 4%S... 82% 82% 82%
68 St LIMAS rf 4s ... 92% 92% 92%
7 Ht LIMAS 4s R G 8 3% 83% 83%
13 HI L A 8 F p 1 4* A 71 % 71 71 %
32 St L A S F ad fia 79% 79% 7PM,
32 St L A H F art fis. 79% 79 % 79%
15 St L H W ron 4a . Mi % Nfi 86*
t StPAKCSL 4 % a .. 78% 78% 78%
6 St P Tin Dp 6a lot 100% 10.
6 Seaboard A L rn fia 81% 81% «|%
9 Seaboard A I. ad r.s 63% fi.1% «3%
5 Seaboard A I. rf 4a 56% 66% Rfi%
63 Slorlrtlr Con 7a .. 88% 87% 87%
2 Sinclair Con 6% a.. 82% 82% 82%
10 Sinclair Crude ft%a.lA0% 100% loot,
10 Sinclair Pipe Rs .. 8 3% 83% 83%
68 South Par rv 4s... 97% 97% 97%
15 South Par rf 4«. 90% 90% 90%
3 Mouth Pao rof tr 4a 85 84 % 85
10 South Ry gn fi%s lof.% 10«% 106%
14 South Ry gen fis... 102% 102% 102%
18 Mouth Ry gen 4a 74% 74% 74%
30 S W Hell Tel rf 5a 96% Pf % 9r,%
3 Tenn Kler rf fia... 98% flo 98
12 Third Ave art| 5s.. 4? 46% 46%
8 Third Ave rfg 4a . 55 if 55% 65%
II I'n KLAP rfg 5s 98% 98% 9k %
fi V r CV 4s 99% 99% 99%
fit s Rubber 7%a ..I0|% 104 ]0|
3 IT S R tibber f.a . .. 83% 83% 83%
4 IT S Si ee| ef 6s 104% 104% |0|%
2 Utah PAL fia . . 92% 92% 93%
12 Vl-Cil Chein 7%s. 2$ 2« 21
10 V»-Car Ch*m 7«... «0 «iV «0
7 Virginian Ry 6s... 96 95% 96
37 Warner Sub R* f 7s 94% 93 93%
4 9 Western El 5s. 99 99 99
1 Western MU 1st 4s. 63% 63% 63%
6 Western Puc 5s ... 91 90% 91
2 Western l'n 6%*.. 111% 1111* 111%
5 Westing El 7s.10X% 108% 108%
3 Wick-Sp St 7s. 75 75 75
2 Overland 1st 6%s. 99% 99% 99%
7 Wilson & Co 7%s . 52% 52% 52%,
1 Wilson .t Co 1st 6s. 87% 87% 87V
3 YounKH S tk T 6s.. 96 95% 96
Weekly total stocks. 3,394,100 shares;
weekly bonds. $56,504,000.
f ' A
Omaha Grain
Omaha, Oct. 11.
Cash wheat sold on the table* today
from 5ft*5 1 *c lower. Futures were very
weak, and as is usual on a decllninB
market there was very little demand and
tlie cash situation was extremely dull.
Receipts were 194 cars.
Corn followed the action of the wheat
market and sold from 23c lower, with
a poor demand at the lower values.
Oats sold from 3% 4$ 3c lower, with only
s moderate demand. Receipts were 42
Rye was quoted 1%®2c lower and bar
ley nominally lower.
Omnlm Cntlot Sales.
No. 1 dark hard: 1 car, 11.36.
No. 2 dark tiard: 1 car. $1.35.
No 1 hard: 2 cars, $1.32%; 1 car, $1.33;
6 .cars. $1.32; 1 car, $1.31%; 1 car,
$1.30%; 2 cars. $1.82%.
No. 2, hard: 5 cars. $1.32; 2 cars. $1.29;
5 cars. 51.30%; 2 cars, $1.31; 1 car.
$1.31 %.
No. 3 hard: 2 eftrs. $1.30%; 2 cars,
11.30# 4 cars. $1.31; 1 car, $1.28 ; 2 cars,
$1.29; 2 cars. $1.29%; 1 car. $1.29%.
No. 4 hard: 3 cars. $1.30; 1 car. $1.27;
2 cars. $1.29.
No. 5 hard: 3 cars. $1.28; 1 car, $1.29;
1 car. $1.29.
Snmyle hard: 1 car, $1.27; 1 car, $1.38.
No. 2 mixed: 1 cor. $1.31,
No. 3 white: 1 car. $1 06%.
No. 5 white: 1 car, $1.03.
No. 2 yellow: 3 cats, $1.07.
No. 3 yellow: 3 curs, $1.06%.
No. 4 yellow: 1 cor. $1.04.
No. 2 mixed: 3 cars, $1.04; l car. $1.05.
No. 4 mixed: 1-3 cur, $1.01.
Sample mixed: 2-5 car, 95c.
No. 2 white: 2 cars. 48 %c.
No. 3 white: 4 cars. 47 %c; 4 cars.
47 %c; 3 cars. 47c.
No. 4 white: 1 car, 46c; 2 cars, 46%c;
1 car, 46 %c.
No. 1 rye: 1 car. $1.18%; 1 car, $1.17%c.
No. 2 rye: 1 car. $1.18%.
Sample barley: 1 car, 88n.
Pally Inspection of Grain Received.
Hard: 90 cars No. 1, 99 cars No. 2, 27
cars No. 3.
14 cars No. 4, 5 cars No. 6, 3 cars
Mixed: 4 cars No. 1, 3 cars No. 2, 2
cars No. 3.
.Spring: 6 cars No. 1. 2 cars No. 2. 1 car
No. 3, 1 car No. 4.
Hard spring: 1 car No. 1.
Total 25 cars.
Yellnyr: 3 cars No. 2. 8 cars No. 3, 7
cars No. 4, 2 cars No. 5.
White: 2 cars No. 2, 2 cars No. 3, 1
car No. 4.
Mixed: 7 cars No. 2, 1 car No. 3, 1
car No. 4, 1 car No. 6.
Total 35 cars
White: 8 cars No. 2. 26 cars No. 3, 14
cars No. 4, 3 cars sample.
Total 51 cars.
3 cars No. 1, 5 cars No. 2, 1 car Np. 2.
1 * ar No. 4.
Total 10 cura.
1 car No. 4.
Total 1 car.
Week Year
Receipts— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat .194 150 7 2
1'orn . 2 4 4 2 2\
<>at» 42 4k 4n
Rye . 6 ji li.
Barley . 2 .. 3
Wheat .178 133 «,f
<'orn . ! 9 35 3;i
Oats . 33 28 69
Rye . 2 3
Harley . 4 4
( Bushels •
Receipts— Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago
Wheat .3.543.000 2.634.000 2*305.non
Corn . 583.000 >37.000 1.027.000
Osf s . 752.000 1.642.000 1.995.000
Shipments— ,
Wheat ..3.446.000 2 61 4.000 1.072.000
Corn . 434.000 269.000 342.000
Oh ta . 576.000 966.000 1.270.00o
Bushels— Today Year Ago.
Wheat and flour. 4*0.000 804.000
Oats . 50.000 .
Carlots: Toda\ W'k Ago Y’r Ago
Wheat . .40 1 67 43
Corn . 163 276 13..
Oats .2 47 121 126
Wheat . 242 JM 5?!
Corn . 4 12 26 i
Oata . 3'> IK li
Wheat .1 K I 134 137
Corn . 36 67 **
Oata . 3 2 50 125
Minneapolis . 701 509 287
Duluth .642 706 128
Wtnnlpeg . 813 1744 1S*8
Minneapolis Cash Crain.
Minneapolis, Minn,, Oct. 11 —Wheat—
Cash No. 1 northern, f 1.39% 0 1.41 % ; No
I dark northern spring, choice to fancy.
11*0% 01 60% ; good to choice. 81-44%0
149%, ordinary to good I149%0143%;
No. 1 Ward spring. 81.41% 01.80% . No. i
dark hard Montana on track. 81.38% 0
154%. to arrive, 8188%; on track,
81-38% 0 1.54%; to arrive, 31.18% 01.84% i
old December, 81-41%* new December,
81.40% ; old May, |1 46%; new Mav,
II 4*. %
Corn- No. 3 yellow, fl 10%.
Oata—No. 3 white, 4*, %0 46%q.
Rye No. 2. *117% 01.18%.
Flax—No. 1. $3.390 2.41.
Kansas City ChsH drain.
Kansas City. Mo.. Oct. 11 —Wheat—
No 2 hard. 3133%0147%; No 2 red.
81.170 1.50; December. 81 34 % 0 1.34 % split
bid May. fl 39; July. 81.25 asked
Corn -No. 3 white, fl.lO; No 2 yellow.
11.12; No. 3 yellow. 81.11 ; No 2 mixed.
81-07%; December, fl 03% split bid- May.
81-06 split bid; July, fl.06% bid.
Chicago Cash Prices.
Chicago. Oct 11 —Wheat —No. 2 red.
81 54; No n hard. II 44%
Corn—No. 2 mixed, fl 12% 01 13; No. 3
yellow. 81.13% 01 14.
Cats—No 2 white, 52%033,.ic; No. 3
white. 50 052c
Rye—No 2. 81 28.
4 Barley- Mfx 96c
Seed — Timothy. 84 750 6 60; clover
816 69 0 26 50
Provisions—Lard, 815 70; ribs, 813 12,
bellies, 115.12
Minneapolis Flour,
Minneapolis. Oct. li — Flour— 150 20c
lower: family patents. fK.O50K.lO.
New fork Ifry (inode.
New York, Oct. 10.—Cotton gqnda were
quiet today with prices faiily steady In
th»* gray goods division. Yarns w*re r
"hade easier with little doing locally
Wool goods markets continued to show
considerable strength, new order® of the
spring goods showing up better on fancies
and novelties New silks attracted much
attention. Raw silk held steady. Bur
lap market held firm In local markets.
Fair inquiries reported on tlrs fabrics.
New York. n» t li.—'With Jhe raw I
anti refined sugar spot market} dosed. |
little Interest was displayed today In row
sugar future*. The undertone was steady
on covering for over the holiday and
final price* unchanged to .thro*
?»lnta net higher—December, 7t lie;
lar.h. 3.22c; May. 8 11c; July, 340.
New York. Ort 11 Huger—Futures •
Market closed quiet; approximate sales.
4 non tons; Dec ember, 3 88c; January, ,
3 46o; March. 3 22c. May, 3 31c.
Boston Bool.
Boston. Maas. Oct. in—Woo! prices
continue to strengthen In several lines.
Some hnge. e are holding chol> • delaine j
wools at around 6 4c, buf no sales have
been consummated on this basis The
better clast of foreign wools are slightly
higher for the small smount of stock on j
the msrket. Domestic wools In j
continue to sell as well below similar
Omaha Livestock
Omaha. Oct. 11.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Official Monday ...24.356 6.6x5 20,413
Official Tuesday ...It.121 4,559 25,794
Official Wednesday. x,507 6.415 17,293
official Thursday.... 3.903 6.322 12,500
Official Friday. 1.733 6.073 3.017
Estimate Saturday.. 400 5.800 .....
Six day this week ... 53.020 34.864 79.017
Same last, week.50,683 37.17 2 88.974
Same 2 weeks ago..49.928 36,460 129.411
Sam* 3 weeks ago.. 54.639 42,005 144.847
Same days vear ago. . 47,585.44,968 122,630
Cattle—Receipts. 400 head. No cattle
of any consequence were on Bale today,
trade on all classes was nominally steady.
For the week good fed yearlings and
handy steers 25© 40c higher, with a lop
of $11.65, the-highest since May. Medium
grades are about steady and heavies weak
to 25c lower. Range beeves are steady
tf> 25c lower and cows and heifers 25 0
4Me lower. Good feeders have sold strong
to a little higher, while plaIner* grades
are slow and barely steady with the low
close a week ago.
Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime
beeves. $10.36011.60: good to choice
beeves. $9.50010.25; fair to good beeves,
$8.7509.40; common to fair beeves. $7.75©
8.75; plain short-fed steers. $6.0007.50;
choice to prime yearlings. $ l 0.75 011.75;
good to choice yearlings. $11.00010.75; fair
to good yearlings. $9.25010.00; common
to fair yearlings. $7.7609.00; trashy
warmed up yearling*. $6.00 07.60; good to
prime fed heifers. $8.00010.00; plain to
good fed heifers. $5.60 08.00; common to
good fed cows, 83.6O05.OQ: good to choice
grass beeves. $7.00 08.00? fair to good
grass beeves. $6.0006 85; common to fair
grass beeves, $41.0005.75; Mexican “steers,
$3.2504.50; choice to prime grass heifers,
$5.7506.50; good to choice grass heifers.
$4.7505.75; f-ir to good grass heifers.
$3.7 5 0 4.75; choice to prime grass cows,
$4 60 0 5.25; good to choice grass cows,
$3.8504.50: fair to good grass cows. $3.25
03.85; canners and cutters. $2.0003.25*
choice to prime feeders. $7.7508.60; good
to choice feeders. $6.8607.40: fair to good
feeders $5.8606.85; common to fair feed
ers. $4.76 05.75; good to choice Stockers.
$6.9007.50. fair to good Stockers. S6.7..0
6.85; common to fair stork era, $4.7 a 0
5.75; trashy stockers. $3 60© 4.76: stock
noifers, $3.5O06.QO: stock rows. $2,500
$3 25; stock cal vs, $1.00© *.25; veal
calves, $4.00010.00: bologna bulls. $-.7©
0 3.50. . „
Hors—Receipts. 3.800 head. Shippers
were again urgent buyers of Wie b* st
butcher hogs and prices on these classes
were up fully 10 0 20c. while the packer
market was a slow affair at around steady
levels. Hulk of ail sales was at $10.50
011.15. with ton $11.25. Trad* Is a0©
75c higher than last Saturday.
No. Av. 8h. I’r No. Av. Sh. Pr.
52.. 157 ■ 110 "0 51. 40 4 4‘* $10 60
4rt 104 70 10 70 37. .264 70 10 ‘
25 >91 ... 10 80 64..311 240 10 8a
61!!5l5 ... 10 90 64 268 ... 10 95
30.. 215 ... 11 00 49..233 ... JO
26.. 210 11 15 57..232 ... 11 2n
Sheep—No receipts A rather Indiffer
ent demand throughout the week -KSHi*
ft\ in declines In fat lambs of .50.»0t
despite decreased supplies. Feeders ore
a round 25- higher, while aged sheep
shown strong to a quarter Up. .
Quotations on sh*-n and lambs. Damns
good to choice. $13.00013.25; lambs fair
to good. $11.75© 13.00: feeding lambs
«11 50 013.00; wethers. $5,000* .50; clipped
lambs fed.•111.25011.40: yearlings, range.
$7 00010,00; fat eyes. $4 2o©7.25 : breeo
InK ewfl,. yoar11n«s ”xrlnded. $o.50©8.00,
f.'.tllnff pwm, $1.00©”’50.
r.tcm l» nnd rtixpnxitinn nf llveitock «*
th» 1’nlon XI... kynrili. Omaha Srh . for
:i hr.ui a »n<linu nt 3 v in. October 11.
Horse# &
faltlp. lfi;» Mulex.
r. r. r. n. J ” 1
(’ a N AV.. west . 1 30 1
r Ft. l>. M. A O. . 6 . . • •
r R *v Q.. west . 2 11 1
r K. I A IV. west . 1 ••••
i. r R. R. __ 1 -
Total r* fipt■ . . If *• 6
Armour .8- Do.....».•• •I®?!
Cudahy Pa* king Co. '®*
Dold Packing Cn . ■
Morris Packing Co. ..*?** j
Swift St Co. . s ‘ •' j
Murphy J W.***
Kenneth A Murray .1 M |
Total .^..«324j
Clllcngo Livestock.
Chicago. <> ' 1! -Hoi,' — Receipt*.
3 000 herd, mostly steady: f*-w sales
stinne. demand narrow; practical top.
$ 11.K5; one-half load 2"*»-poun«l butchers.
$1.9(T; hulk, v iod and < hoi* e 100 to 22
pound averager $11 57 ft 11.90; *»ulk pack
ing flow*. $10.60010.90; strong weight
slaughter piv* largely, $9,004*9
estimated holdover, B.Ot'O; heavyweight
hl*s. $11.30011.66; med Mini. $1140®
11 *•:.; It ;r *, $10 4*'0 11 li -ht 2glil.
$9.50011.20; pa» king hogs, smooth. $10;5S
11.00; packing hogs, rough. $10.25010.65,
slaughter pis*, la 75® 0.76
Tattle—-Receipts, 50»i head; compared
week ago. f**d > eariing* nnd go*»ti to
choice handy weight steers and light fed
heifer*. 250 50c higher; yearlings showing
most upturn, heavies recovering sharp!} *.
strong t«- j c higher, gras » i *tendv to
25c lower; « xtreme top yearling*. $11 to,
highest of year: mixed yearling# upwatd
to $12.25: best handy weight. $12
weighty bulioi ks. $11.25: fe'* above
$10 70; fan< y Montana g i J*“r*. $9 3
fat cow* and lower grade* heifer* very
alow and uneven; weak to -5c lower; ran
nera and cutters. 10015c off; bulls steady
to strong^atock* ra and feeder*. -’.7c down,
v irk’« bulk prices follow Ki d steers
$'•75 011.00; gross steer*. $». 7n ft 7 2’ fat
cows. $4.00 0 5.75 heifer* *4 M. a 7.7.7.
canner* nnd cutter*. $2 600-15, vetl
calves $1 0.50 ft 11
Sheep and I.amb*— Receipt* 600 head;
today* market steady; fat native* most*
ly. $13 45; for wc.-k around. T\5'J3 dire '
nnd 202 double-.1- « ks western* compared
with week ago: Kit Iamb*, 26050c high
er; mix I mu m advance on natives; fat
sheep. 25c highet . belter grade feeding
In mb* steady around 2f<* or more higher,
loilk ‘for week Knt range lambs. $13 50
013.$5; top, $1100 natives. $13 25 013 75; |
top. $14.00, f l pi-'d lambs. $11 2 -o'
11 S3, top $i. 0o i imebark westerns,
$13.00013 60; fat ewes. $,. 00497.00 ; top.
$7.25; desirable feeding Iambs $12.50®
13 00 extreme top 413 35; feeding ewr» s.
$5.00® 5.75; full mouth breeding ewos,
Kansas C ity 1. Restock.
Kansas Tltv. Mo. Oct. 11 —(Tolled
8iat*‘* Iiepartmenf of Agriculture.) -Tat
tle— Keieipi* 1.200 head; calves. 250 head
Market compared w-lth week ago Wandv
weight fed steers and yearlings l&fi ?5c
higher; weighty steer* strong; top year
ling* $7.7 0; hand v weight steers. $11
heavies. $10,75; grosser* *te*dy to strong
she Mock and veals steadv ; heavy and
medum weight calves 25050c lower;
bulls 15®25r lower; stockera snd feed
er steers steady *0 at tong cow*, heif
ers and calves steadv. Bulk price* fol
low: Fed steer* and yearling* f« 60 <t
10 2.7 ; wintered Kansans. $7 25® 4 *»0:
straight g?8«*er*. $700,1-700, but'her
butcher cow* nnd heifer'* $" 25 5,' 5 75
canner* nnd cutters. $2.00*7 5.06: veals.,
14 00 In trt 00; stock er* and feeder *teer«
$4 75®7.oo cow* and heifer*. S2 75 ®4 50
calve*. $7 00® 7 00,
Hog*—Recinti, 2 ro* head: market
uneven. 13®30c. mostlv ?5« higher than
Friday's average; *hippet top 411.70: one
load packer top 911 40 hulk of sales,
*10.96011 50; bulk de*irahl« 1*0 to 1*0
pound. $11 25® 11 5 5; picking sows. $1000
4i Pi 50; stork nig* sfcadv $7 5A.HT fl*‘
Sheep- Receipt* 5no hea<l Market for
week I.amb* steady; top $13 rinsing
top $13 60; bulk ranee offerings, $1.3 2’>
tr 13.60; top natives. $13 06; sheep around
25c lower; top ewes. $6 40; hulk of ae !<•
$5 ROfffi 2f. feeding lambs mostlv 25*
higher, ton, 11." bulk western*. $17'"
0 12 26; grod mouthed range breeding
Important developments contained In
thi* week’s market review regarding
the following securities*
.Stewart-Warner American Smelters
Crucible Steel Nash Motors f
Stromberg Carhur. No. American Co.
Maxwell Motors Jordan Motors
St. l.nuis-San Fran. Stand. Plate Glass
Vacuum Oil General Motor*
Writ* for Free Copy
P. G. Stamm & CO.
| Dealers In Stocks and Bonda
35 So. William St. Naw YorL
Established 18*>2
f New York Stork Ftrhang#
MfmUri !]hir,*° !’”£"* of I""!'
New l ork Cotton Kxrhange
land other leading RithsniaC.
Now York; 42 Broadway Chicago! 108 S. LaSalle S».
Branches and correspondents loratrd In principal cities.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain,
Cotton, Foreign Exchange
HoiiKht and Sold for Cash or
Carried on Conservative Marprin
224 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha
Telephone JA ckson S1A7-M
The Ifarhe Review** sent on applfeation—Correspondenee Invited!.
. "" " P 1
eweg, $7 50©* 26; short mouthed offer
ings. $5.0006.50.
Sioux City Cattle.
Sioux City. Ia., Oct. 11.—Cattle—Re
ceipts, 700 head; market, compared with
a week ago: Fut yearlings. 25c higher;
bulk. $10.00011.00* heavy steers, steady;
fut cows anil heifers, strong; fanner* and
cutters, steady; grans cows and heifers,
25 0 35c lower; vcala. steady; bulla and
feeders, steady; stockers, weak. 25c low
er; stock yearlings and calves weak. 25f
lower; feeding cows and heifers, weak.
Hogs—Receipts. 4.000 he«d; market
steady. 10c higher; top, $11.10; bulk of
sales, f 10.60© 11.00; lights. $10.76011.10;
butchers, $10.86© 11.00; mixed. $10.50©
10.85- heavy packers, $10.250 10.75; stags,
Sheep—Receipts, 10.000 head; market,
compared with a week ago: Lambs, 25©
50n lower; ewes, steady; top, $6 25. lamb
top, $13.35.
At. Joseph Livestock.
St Joseph. Mo, Oct. It.—Hogs-Re
ceipts. 2,500 head; market 15©25c higher;
top. $11.CO: bulk. $10.90#ll.f,o.
' *ifM lc— Receipts, 300 head; market nom
inal; bulk of steers for week, $0.50011.25,
top, $11.75; cows and heifers, $3 2509.50;
calves. $1.00011.00; stockers and feeders,
$4 00 07.50
Sheep—Receipts. 500 head; market nom
inal; lambs, $12.000 13 50; ewes, $6,000
Hy Updike drain company. ATIantlc 6312.
\rt. I Open. I High. I Low. | Close. . Yea.
Wht i j i i j
Dec. j 1 41 1 45 %1 1.42 I 1.42%! 1.45%
1 1 .!. 1.42% 1.45%
May I 1.49% 1.50%l 1.47 1.47 % 150
1 4K%!. .' 1.47% | 149 %
•July 1 31 1.32%! 1.30%l 1.30%) 1.32
„ j 1-30%|. .I 1.30% 1.32%
Rye < j I j
Dec. 1.28 % j 1.29%1 1.26%! 1.27 ! 1.30%
j 1.29 I.I.j.I.
Way 1 30%' 1.31%! 1.27%! 1.27%| 1.31%
I 1 31% |.I.I 1.27 % I 1.31%
Dec. ' 1 11 % ! 1.12% 1.10%! l.ll%! l n%
w I 1 10%|.!...,..! 1.11%! 1.11% I
May 1.13 1.14% 1 12%, 1.13% 1.14%
, ' 1 13%l.I.1 1.13%] 1.14%
July 1 1 13% j 1.14% I 1.13% 1 14 I 114%
114 !.!.. .
Oats i | I I |
Dec. ' .54%! .54% .52%! .53% i .55
I -64 I . . . . .i .53% | 54%
May .58% 58% .57 .57 %: .59
' .68%'.!.j .57% .59%
July .56%! .65%' .54%! .54%' .56%
Lard ! i ! ! !
Dec 14 67 14 72 1 4.67 1 4.70 ‘14.62
May 13.92 13.97 '13.87 113.90 13.95
Ribs i i ! | I
< >« r, l ? ,?o i 2.30 112.30 I1J.30 12.30
New York I'roduce.
New York. Oct. 11 —Flutter—Market
firm; receipts. 9.652 tuba
llgge—Market steady; receipts. 11,008
cases; nearby hennery whites, closely se
lected extras. 71073c ; nearby and nearby
western henner* whites, firsts to average
extras, 64 © 70c. nearby hennery browns,
extras. 56065c; Pacific coast whites,* ex
tras. 67©69c; Pacific coast whites, firsts
to extra firsts. 54 066c.
Cheese—Market steady; receipts, 155,761
Chicago Spot Murket.
Chicago, Oct. 11. — flutter—Receipts. 11,
075 tubs: last year. 10.933 tubs; 10 old
' ars. 9 new cars; extras. 37 %c; standards,
35 %c; extra firsts. 35%086%c; firsts,
33©34c; 88 score. 32%c; 89 score. 33%c.
K^gs Receipts. 9,646 rase*; last year,
7.241 cars. 34 <tJd cars. 7 new cars, firsts,
364r41c; dirts. 28029c; checks. 26 0 37c;
t efrigerators extras, 36c; refrigerator
firsts, 35 0 35%c.
At. f^iuis Cash (irsln.
St Loul*. Oct 11.—Close— Wheat. De
cember, $142% 01.42%; May. $1.47%.
Corn — December, $1 10%; May. $1.12%.
Oats—December, 51 %c; May, 65c.
New York 4 tearing IVon«e.
New York, Oct. 11.—The actual condl
l °n of clearing house banks and trust
<»mpanf<* for the week show an excess
' n reserve of $6,646,300, This is a de
crease In reserve of $35,623,410. compared
with last week.
Butter. *
Chicago. Oct 11—Rutter—Higher;
'•reamerv extras. T7%r; standards 38%c;
• tra firsts. 35%®36%c; firsts. 33034c;
• conds, 31 0 31 %c.
Kggs—Unchanged; receipts, 6.646 cases.
New York Poultry.
New Yo <»ct 11 —Poultry Alive
■ ■’** ket fp in - kens. bv4 express. 290
fowls. !■ xpreas. 23034c. Dressed:
-farket steady and unchanged.
Cotton Futures.
New York. Oct H —Cotton futures
crier ! easy. October. 24 40c; Deem her
January, 23.50c: March. 23.8 5*
May, 24.10c.
London Money,
London. Oct. 11—Bar silver. 35%d per
ounce: money 2% per *ent. discount
rates short bills 3 9-1603% per cent
5-111 onth bills. 3 11-1603% t,er cent.
Chicago, Oct M Poultry—Live hlgh
er. fowls l.©?4%. spring*. 2«r; roost
ers. 16c. turkeys. 25
., „ New York Rubber.
m'7 ., ?■ °r!- R»bb*r—*m,k«4
*! 1*1 **1 sheet* spot. 29%c.
•» —- ~ -
| N. Y. Curb Bonds
New Jersey zinc from 159% **166.
Mining stocks were generally heavy,
some of them sustaining material losses
during the week.
Domestic Bonds
27 Allied Packer 8s.. 87 85% 85%
1 Alumi 7s ’25.10J % 10.*! % 103%
1 Am O Hr E 6s n.. 9 5% 95% 9.'.%
20 Am Ice Co 7s.1<»2 102 102
4 Am P Hr Lt 6s ... 94% 94% 94%
2 Am J* A Lt 6s old.. 94% 94% 94%
2 Am It Mills 6s-100% 100% 100%
3 Am S Tub 7%s... 84% *4% 84%
1 Am Thread Co 6s..103% 103% 103%
5 Ana Cop 6m .103% 103% 103%
1 Anglo Am Oil 7%rf.J01% 101% 101%
1 Ammo H H «%b... «4 8 4 M
18 Alt O A W 1 6m... 55 53% 53%
i Childs Co 6s .103 103 103
6 i *11 tow tferv 7s “D". . 97 96% 96%
5 Con Gas Halt o%*.102% 102% 104 %
9 Con Gas Halt 6%s.l08% DP % 108%
3 Pet Edison 6s.108 107 % 107%
1 Pun Tire A R 7s.. 94% 94% 94%
2 Fed Sug 6s ’33.100% 100% 100%
% Gair Robert 7s... 99 99 99
11 Gen Pet 6s .100% 100% 100%
33 Gulf Oil 5a . 98 97% 97%
4 Inter M 6%e . 99% 99 99
17 Ken Cop 7s .106% 106% 106%
4 Lehigh V R R 6a... 99% 99V* 99%
2 Lib McN A Lib 2a. 100% 100 100
1 Manitoba 7» . 99% 99% 99%
6 N States Pnw 6%s. 97% 97% 97%
3 4 Nor Sta P cvt 6%a. 102% 102% 1»2%
17 Penn Pnw A T.t 5s. 93 92 % 93
15 P 8 C N J 6s w i. . 9 4 9 4 94
26 Stand G A E 0%s.lO2 102 102
1 St Oil N Y 7s 'SI.. 106 106 106
5 Swift A Co 6s .... 94% 94% 94%
5 1.7n Elect L A P 6% 98% 98% 98%
1 ITn Eva of H 7%s.l07% 107% 107%
Foreign Bond*.
1 Ind Bk of Fin 7s.. 94% 94% 9t%
6 Kng Neth 6k ‘72... 98 % 98% 98%
9 Rep Peru 8a. 99% 99 99%
3 Russian 6%a 14% 14% 14%
2 Russian 6%s . 1 ; % 13% 13*4
13 Swiss 5s .100% 100% 100%
• Cents a nhare.
Chicago Stock*.
Quotations furnished by .T. S. Barb® A
Co., 224 Omaha National Bank building.
Phones Jackson 5187, 5188, 5189.
Bid. Ask#*!
Armour A Co.. 111., pfd. 79 19%
Armour A Co.. Del., pfd. 88 88 %
Albert Pick . 19% 19%
Basalt If AI emite . 31 31%
Carbide . r.9% 59%
Ed I so n Co.133'.* 1 ! ;i %
Continental Motora . 66% 66%
Cudahy . 65 65 %
Daniel Boone . ]!% 11%
Diamond Match ..116% 118
Deere, pfd. . 76 77 |
Eddy Paper . 16
Libby . 5 5%
National Leather . 3 3%
Quaker Oats .290 293
Ren Motora . 16 16%
Swift A Co.104% 194%
Swift International . 27% 28
Thompson . 45 4r
Wahl . 35 35%
Foreign Exchange Kates.
Following ar«* today’s rate* of exchange
as compared with the par \aluation. Fur
nished by the Peters National bank:
Par Val. Today.
Austria .20 .000016
Belgium . 195 "is'i
Canada ......100 109
Czecho slovakia .20 » 92
Denmark .27 .1770
England .4.*6 4 49
France . 193 .9524
Greece .195 .0178
Italy .195 .0459
Jugo-Silvia .20 .0150
Norway .27 .0445
Sweden .27 .2670
Switzerland .195 .1930
Chicago and Rutter Futures.
Furnished by George F. Clark, 1327
Woodmen of the World building
I Carg. | Open. I High. | Low. | Close.
JpfiTT i" " I i
Oct. | 6 | .36%’ .35%, .35%! .15%
Dec ( 232 f 39 % .39% .3*% 3*%
I Cars. I Opin. 1 High. | Low, j CloseT
Fifth I I i I |
Oct. 1 | .35%; .35% .25% 35%
Dec. f 17 J .35%; .35% .35% .35%
Jan, 4 35%! .35% 36% 36%
New York Cotton.
Quotation# furnished by .1 s. Bache A
,Cr> , 224 Omaha National Bank building
Phones Jackson 5187. 61*8. 619*.
i Open. High, f Low | Close. | Yes.
Oct. 124.49 2 4 40 124.20 2 4.20 24.M
Dec. '23.63 23 55 23.21 .‘3.2* *23 68
Jan. 21.50 23.59 ,23 35 23 26 23.71
Mar. 23.86 22.90 23 6* 23.6* 24.02
May 24 01 24,10 j33.70 23.7<» 24 22
New York Sugar.
Quotations furnished by J S. Bache A
Co. 324 Omaha National Bank building
Phones Jackson SIS?, 6188, F1»9
' Open. T High. | Low . Close Yes
Pec. 3.** 3 «l 1 1.87 1.8* .
Mar. I 12 3 26 3 21 3 22 .
May 3.31 til 3 31 131 .
Bar Silver.
New York. (> .tr Silver—71 %c.
, Mexican Dollar#—i>4%c
r-- a
Omaha Produce
Omaha, Oct. 11.
Creamery—Local lobbing Drlcea to re
tAilera: Extra*. 38c; extra* In bO-lb. tub*,
S7c; standard*. 27c. first*. 36c.
Dairy—lluvera ar® Paving 26c for No 1
table butter in roll* or tuba; 23 9 24c for
[ packing stock. For No. 1 aweet. unsaltcd
! butter. 27c.
For No. 1 cream (joints buver* are
paying 27c per lb. at country station*;
33c delivered at nmaha.
Price quotable. S3.10 per cwt. for freab
milk testing 3.5 butterfat. delivered on
dairy platform. Omaha
For egg* delivered Omaha, on losa-off
basis. |9.60®9.00 per ea*e. For No. 1
fre-h graded basis 34 0 35c per doz
t*n : seconds. 25® 26c: cracks. 22® 23c.
Price* above for »gg* received in new
or No. 1 whltewood cases; a deduction
of 2f*c will be made for second-hand raaca.
No. 1 egg* must be good average al/.e 44
lbs net. No. 2 errs consist of small
slightly dlrtv. stained or washed ears.
Irregular shaped, shrunken or weak-bod
led egg*.
In some quarter* a premium la being,
paid for selected egg*, whlon mum not |
be more than 48 hour* old uniform in;
size and color (meaning all aolld color*—
ali chalkv white or all brown and of the
same shade* The ahei) must be clean
and sound and the egga weigh 25 ounce*
per dozen or over
Jobbing prices to retailers: U 8 spe
cials. 42c; V. S. extras, commonly known
as selects, 40c; storage selects. -5c; No. 1
small, 31; checks. 25c
American cheese frney efade. lobbing
pr‘ce quotable ns follows: Single daisies.
24r; double daisies 23%c; square printB.
25c; young American. 25c; longhorns,
2PC'C; brick. 27c; Jlmburger t-lb. style,
$3.25 per dozen: Swiss domestic. 38c:
imported Roquefort. 62c: New York
white. 32c.
Jobbing nri'’**- cuotauie as follows
Fancy white fish. 30c; Jake trout. 28c:
halibut. 30c: bullheads 209 22c: catfish
30o/3 2c: catfish, southern. 25c; fillet of
haddock. 25c: black cod -able fish. 16c:
»ed snapper. 27c: flounders. 20c; crannies.
25^- I dark lass. 32c. Spanish mackerel.
11x02 lbs.. 25c; yellow plqe. 26c; striped
bass. 24c; white perch, 15c; pickerel. 18< ;
i ll nook salmon. 30c‘ silver salmon. 23'
fall salmon. 19: frozen fish. 2® 4c less
than price* above. Oysters,$2.70® 4.20
per gallon.
Pries* quotable for No I atock alive
Broiler* and spring*. l#©20c: leghorn*
broilers nnd springs 16c; hen*. 4 lbs..
19921c; h«*ns tinder 4 lbs.. 12019c;
Leghorn hens 13®I4c; rooster*. 10012c:
ducks, f f f voung 16c; old dueks f f
f 12013c geese, f f f. I2®13c: tur
kevg fit. 9 lb*, ud. 20c: pigeon*. $1 00
per dozen.
Under grade poultry paid for a market
value Sick or crippled poultry not want
ed and w’ill not be paid for.
.Tohhine r.rlee* of dre*«»d poultry (to
retailers: Springs soft. 26 0 27c; broilers.
35c: hens 220 27c rn otter*. 17®llc
du'ks. 25c: gec«p »5®?0'*
Wholesale price* quotable* No 1 riba
2.’c • No 2 21c No 3. 14c:-No 1 round*.
20c: No 2. 14c: No 3. 9c: So. 1
loins 35c; No 2. 27r : No. 3. 17c: No ^ 1
chucks. 13 Vic: No. 2. 10c; No 3. 7*^c; No.
1 plates, me: V ,n: No. 3, fc.
Quotable jobbing prices for No. 1 Stork.
App!<*’—Jonathan-, per bushel basket.
12 5003.25; California Oraven«t*fn*. box.
12 260 3.50; Bellflower, box. $2.00; Pe
l'cioutf. box $1 75; Grime* Golden. Faney,
box. $2.50
P*»rs—Washington Bartlett-. per box
*4 ' Colorado Ketfr-rs. ba.’^ets, $2 00. j
Michigan Ke'fers. basket. $2 00
P-a lie*—E’.berta. bu-he! basket. $3 50.
Grapes—Concord*. standard basket. 45c;
Tokays crate. $7 °5.
Lemon- — California^ extra fancy, per
box. ST 00: fancy, per box. $6 00; choice,
per box. $5 50; limes. 100 count; carton.
$2 00
Orange- — Valencia*, extra fancy, per
box *' roft 7 60.
Prunes—Halter. 16-lh ea“«s. $1 !{)91 ?f
Grapefruit — Tale of Pines, crate, $6 50.
Banana*—Per lb., fc.
Cranberries- Parrel. 100 lbs.. 112 00
box t0 lbs ff 00.
Quince—California, box, extra fancy
$3 25.
Quotable lobbing price* for No 1 atork
Pepper*—Green market bs-ket. 00c;
red Ixrge. market basket $1 .'0
Roots—Beet* and carrots in sacks. Sc
per lb : turn p* and rutabagas. 21*0
Cantaloupe—Rockv Ford «*r*te. stand
ard- 42 75 flau, $1 25: pink meat. S1.40.
Cauliflower—Per crate $3 00.
Cucumber—Hot - hr ■•**. extra faner,
per market ba*' •*. $7 50.
Honev Dew Melons—‘ *o 12 In crate
12 56. Ca-aba*. era*# $2 50
Olerv—Oregon, do* S'a! -s 90c ®$1 75'
Michigan do*.. 75c; California, rough,
rr-’te ICO©
Pepper#—Green, market basket. fAc
Cabbage—2 Ho per lb.; crate*. 2c per
Tomatoes—CUmax, basket. about IS
lbs $1 00®1.25.
Par-ley—Pr dozen bunches. S^tSTSc.
Rad,-he*-—Per doz*n bunches. 45c.
Poatoc*—Home grown. In sacks. IHf
Sweet Potatoes—?« Jb. hamper*. $7 50
Jersey bbl . $4 f0.
Or '-ns—Spanish, crate. 50 lb*. I? 50.
California, wblta. In aacka, IU par lb.I
red slnba In eacka, llic per In.
Lettuce— Head, per crate $6.f»: per
dozen, Sl.eO; bothouaa leaf. OOe per dnxen.
Prlcca quotabla. round lota (leaa than
<arload lota. t. o. b. Omaha), follow:
Flret patent In 88-lb. bags, 17.80 08.08
per iibl: fancy clear. In 48-lb. baate, 84-85
*04.75 per bbl.; wblta or yallow cornmeal.
13.75 per ICO Iba.
Market quotable per ton, carload Iota,
f. n b. Omaha:
Mill Feed! — Bran, etandard. prompt,
1542'.: brown sborta. $$$ 50028 00; gray
eh.irte 811 00; flour ntlddlloxa. 13100;
rcddog 139 SO04II.H; mixed cara of flour
and feed. 76c01 00 morl per ton.
l.lnaeed Maal—34 per cant protein, fu
ture dellverjC 151.10
IMgeater Feeding Tannage—€0 per cent
protein. 180 00
Ilomlny Feed—White or yellow, |I4 50.
Fotionaeed Meal—41 per cent protein.
Alfalfa Meal—Choice. October and No
vember. 824.50; No. 1 October and No
vember. 127.00; No. 1 October and No
vember, 824.00.
Buttermilk—Condenaed. for feeding, 10
hbl lot a, 3.46c per lb.; flake buttermilk.
600 to 1,000 Iba.. 8c lb
Egg Bhella—Dried and ground. 10«-lb.
baga. ton lota, 826.00 per ton.
Nominal quotatlona, per 100 Ibe,. fair
average quality: Alfalfa, $12.00015 00;
sweet clot »r. 14.0008.00; red clover.
$13.00016.00; timothy, $5.000 5.60; Sudan
erase, 34 0005 00; common millet. $1.00
01.25; German millet, $1.5002.00; cane.
75c0 1.00.
Nominal quotations, carload lota:
T.’nland Prairie—No. 1. $11.5001$ 50;
No. 2. 110.00012.00; No. 3. $7.0008.00.
Midland Prairie—No. 1, $11.00012.00;
No 2 89.00010.00: No 1. 84.000 4 00.
Lowland Ptalrle—No. 1. 81.0008.00: No.
2 84 00 0 8 00.
Packing Hay—55 6007 50.
Alfalfa—Choice. 818.000 20.00: No. 1.
816 000 18.00; atandard. $14.00015.00: No.
2 812 1 !i013 00: No. 3. $10.00012.00.
Prices are quotable a* follows, delivered
Omaha, dealers’ weight* and selection*:
Hides—Seasonable, No. 1. 9*4c; No. z.
DUc; green. S©7c; bull*, 8c; branded. 8c;
glue bide*, 6c; calf. lflOllHc; klft
9Vic; glue skins, 6c*. dry hide*, l<c;
dry salted. 9c; dry glue. 8Vie; deacons,
$1 on each; horse hides, $4.50©8 50 each:
ponies and glues. 68.00 each; colt*. 2vC
oHfh: hog skins. 15c each. .
Tallow and Grease—No. 1 tallow. &Hc.
R tallow. 54c No. 2 tallow. 6c; A grease.
6*Ac; B grease. 5He; yellow grease. 5c;
brown greas** 4*4c; pork
140 on per ton; beer crackling*. $30 00 per
ton: beeswax. 20c per lb.
Wool—Pelts. $ i 25 ©2.26 each, ^pending
on size and length of wool; lambs, 60ctf
I 50 each, depending on slz# and length
of wool; shearing*. 2° ©30c each; clip*,
no value: wool, 32c©42c.
New York General.
New York. Oct 10—Rye—Easv; No 1.
we*-ern. $1 42V» f o. b. New York, and
II 4ft *4 c. 1 f. export
Wneat—Spot, easy: No. 1 dark northern
spring c I f. New York, lake and rail.
$175*4: No 2 hard winter, f. o. b. laka
and rail. 61.61: No. 2 mixed durum, do.
$1.8214; No. 1 Manitoba, do. In bond.
Corn—Spot, *a*v: No. 2 yellow, c. 1. f.,
New York lake and rail. 61.34: No. 2
mixed, do. $1.32
Oars—Spot, easy: No. 2 white. 61c.
Pork—Firm: family, $30.00032.00.
Lard—Strong: mlddlewest. 11* 25018.86.
Tallow—Firmer- special loose.
nominal: extra. M4 © MS. ,
Flour—Irregular: spring patent*. $7 ff©
8.10: soft winter straights. $7 0007.50;
hard winter straights. 67 45©7.75
F**ed—Steady; city bran. l9ft-poand
as^ks. $31.60: western bran. do . $3160.
Rye Flour—Firm: fair to rood, $7,503
7.7* ■ rhoi< • to fancy $7-75© *.26.
Cornmeal—Steady: f*ne whita and yel
low granulated. 13.45© 3.50.
Barley—Steadv- ir.aiting 61 14*4 9
1.16*4 c 1 f New Tork.
Hav—Quiet; No 1. S27 0O028OD: Na 2,
$75 No 3. $21 00022 00; shipping.
$1* 00 4616 00.
Hons—Ka*v: State 1924 3 5 © 4 *c: 1923.
17 19c: Pacific roast 1922. 1«©1TC.
Rice—Steady: fancy head, 7fc ©7%e*
Chicago Potatoes.
Chlraco, Oct. 11.—Pota* o*«—Tradlr g
improved slightly: mark*’ teady on
Ohlos. weak on white: re'* - *5 cars:
total U. F shipment* 1.043; Minnesota
and North Dakr>ia sacked R*d river Ohio*.
r* • - ^5r $ ’ 05: Minnesota and
eac&d round white*. 7s-r-«r,r; f#tv. |Se;
Mlnneaota sacked ‘•arly Ohio* *5c; vc*i*
cons n sacked round wh:!M few,
4cr: Minn -ota sacked Oh sac, Wis
consin hulk reend whites. ' *Se: few
best. »Ac; Idiho sacked rural*, 61.69.
New York Metals.
New York Oct 1 *—Copper—Pull •lec
tr'lytic, spot a ■’d nearby. 12r*gl3c;
futures. Hr.
L*ad—Steady: *t>ot. • 0*c.
Zinc—Fteadv F.a*t Ft. I-oui* epot and
fu~ • • *-■*• __
112.5b buy* guarantee option on 1© 00®
bu«hel* of wheat or corn. No further
risk. A movement of 5e from option
price give* you an opportunity to taka
3 500: 4c. 3400: 3c. 3300. etc WRITE
Investor* Daily Gu He. S. W. Branch
D*pt. S-2. 1016 Baltimore Art., K. C.# Mo.
Your Orders for Grain or
Provisions for Future Delivery
To All Principal Markets
• %
| ■■■■■ .... ,=
Long Dittftnco, 120 |
l „
fpdike Grain Corpc ration
Experienced Efficient Reliable