CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. ^ ’ ORDINANCE NO. 123G5. An Ordinance creating Street Improve ment District No. 2691 in the City of Omaha for the purpose of Improving 26th Street from latrine Avenue to Lake Street by paving Hnd curbing; fix ing and defining the boundaries of said district, and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitrified brick block, artificial stone, macadam, creo ■oted wood block and asphaltic con crete. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section 1. That Street Improvement District No. 2691 be, and is hereby, cre ated in the City of Omaha for the im provement of 26th Street from Patrick Avenue to Lake Street by paving and curbing. Section 2. That Street Improvement District No. i691 shall comprise 26th Street from Patrick Avenue to Lake Street, and shall include: Lots 4. 6, 6. 7, 6 and 9, Block 2; Lots 1. 2, 3, 12, 13. 14 and East 26 feet of Lots 4 and 11, Block 3, Patrick's Ad dltlon. Lots 8. 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 and West 86 feet of Lots 5 and 12, ilock 8; Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 16. 16, 17, 1 , and East 36 feet of Lots 6 and 14. .'lock 9; Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 16. 16, 17, 18 -nd East 86 feet of Lots 5 and 14. Bio a 10; Lots 6, 7. 8. 9. 10, 11 and West 3 feet Lots® »nd 12. Block 11; Lots 7 1, 9 and West 3b feet of Lot 6. Block t; Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5 and East 36 feet c Lot 6, Block 15; Patrick's 2d Addition. The outer boundary ' said district snail be the outer bonndarv f said lots herein **Sectlon I. T * •« City Clerk of the City of r " , i and he is beret,y di rected to ..avertlee for and receive bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitri fied brick block, artlfiical stone macadam, creosoted wood block and asphaltic con crete for the paving and curbing of said district, said bids to De made under and in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by, and on file In the Office of. the City Engineer. Section 4. That this ordinance shall U«ce effect and be In force after fifteen days from and after its passage. Parted: October^. *»=«6aHLM AN. Mayor and Pr« City Cmmcll. (SEAL.) City Clerk. o n __— ESTABLISHING GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 1022. An Ordinance establishing tha ftada cf 28th Street from .1 Street to L Street, and Railroad Avenue from L Street to M Street In the City of Omaha. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section 1. That (trade of *8th 8tr*et from J Street to L Street, and Railroad Avenue from I. Street to M street. In the City of Omaha, la hereby established at the following elevations, the grade belmr Uniterm straight lines between the points specified In the streets avenues or allevs named in the respective aec UOsn.,c.f,0o'n0'?lnKdradeW"o:f 28th Street from J Street to L Street: Elevatlon, ot West East Curb Curb Point seven feet South of the South line of J Street, as Tia Vf*ri .,,,...167.2 157.*, North.curb'of K Street .166.2 165.2 South curb of K .Street ......164 9 154.9 Point 80 feet South of K Street .• ■. ••• • • •• • l:1522 152 ~ Point 110 feet South of K Street .......151,7 I5i.< P°S1,nrte.t146 ’ fMt. . 80U.^ . °l. . *1.1.4 151.4 North curb of L Street ...-160.0 149.5 South curb of L Street -..150.0 149o Grade of Railroad Avenue from L Street South curb'lof L Street . ..... .150.0 149.5 Point on North line of M Street as paved .. 14 5.3 145.5 Section 3. "That this ordinance shall take effect and b« In force after fifteen days from and after Us passage. Passed: October 7, 1824._...... JAMES C. DAHLMAN. Mayor and President of City Council. Attest' JAMES P. HOCTOR. (SEAL) _City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 12853. An Ordinance creating Street Improve ment District No. 2689 In the City of Omaha for the purpose of Improving 87th Street from Paxton Boulevard to Ames Avenue by paving and curbing; fixing and defining the boundaries of said district and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bide upon asphalt. • tons, vitrified brick, vltrirted brlyk block, artificial atone, macadam, creo ,ot»I wood block and asphaltic con Crete. HE IN ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section 1. That Street Improvement district No. 2689 be. and la hereby, cre ated In the City of Omaha for the Im provement of 37th Street from I axtot| Boulevard to Ames Avenue by paving and curbing. Section 2. That Street Improvement district. No. 2689 shall comprise 37th Street from Paxton Boulevard to Ames Avenue, and shall Include: . Lot* 1. 2 and 3. Block lj Lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11 and 12. Block 2; Lancaster Place. Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. f. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 and 24. Block 2. Madison Square. Lots 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, 22. 23. 24. 25 and 26. Packard Place. That part of Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 6. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. IS and 19 not taken for 37th Street, Harlem I Alley vacated In Block 2, Madison Square. _ Vacated 17 feet, strip lying W est of and adjacent to Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. . ^ 8. 9 10. 11, 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 18 and 19. Harlem Lane. , , i West one-half of 36th Avenue Vacated between Boyd Street and Ames Avenue. . The outer boundary of aald district, ihall be the on* / boundary of said lots herein set forth. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Omaha be, and he Is hereby, di rected to ailvertlse for and receive bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitri fied brick b <• k. artificial stone, mac adam. crec.sf ted wood block and asphaltic concrete f'*r the paving and curbing o' said district, t aid bids to be made under • nd in •ccordanco with plans and speci fication* prepared by. and on fils in the Office of. the City Engineer. Section I. rhat this ordinance shall . t*ke *ffect and be In force after fifteen lays from and ater Its passage. Passed: October 7, 1921. JAMES C. DAHLMAN. Mayor and President of City Council. Attest; JAME3 P. HOCTOR. (SEAL* _City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 1 2348. An Ordinance creating Street Improve ment District No. 2684. In the City of Omaha for the purpose of Improving alley between Martha and Dorcas Streets, from 20th Street to 21st Street, by paving; fixing and defining the boundaries of said district, and direct ing the City Clerk to advertise for bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vit rified brick block. artificial stone macadam. • reosoted wood block and asphaltic concrete. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section 1. That Street Improvement District No 2684 be, and is hereby created ip the Cltv of Omaha for the Improvement of alley between Martha l and Dorcas Streets, from 20th Street to 21st Street, by r*avlng Section 2. That Street Improvement District No. 2684 shell comprise alley b. tween Martha and Dorcas Streets, from 20th Street to 21st Street, and shall In elude; Lot. 1, f. 1. 4. 8. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. It. 14. 15, 16. 17 and 18. Block 2. Camp bell's Addition. The outer boundary of ssld district shall he the outer boundary of said lots herein set forth. Section 3. That the City Ork of the Cltv of Omaha be, and ha 1s hereby, di rected to advertise for and receive bids upon asphalt, iftcne, vitrified brick, vitri fied brick block, artificial stone, macadam, creosoted wood block and asnhaltlc con crete for the r-avlng of said district, aald bids to be made under and In accordance with plana and specifications prepared by and on fils In the office of the City En glneer. . „ Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be In force after fifteen days from and after Its paasaga. Passed: October 7. 1924. ... JAMES C. DAHLMAN, Mayor and President of Cltv Council. Atteat: JAMES P. HOCTOR. (SEAL)City Cl»rk ORDINANCE NO 1 2347. An Ordinance cresting Street Improve ment District No. 2628 In the city of Omaha for the purpose of Improving Leavenworth Street from 13th Street, to West line 14th Street by surfacing with aspha't. fixing end defining the boun daries of said district and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bfdj upon asphalt. __ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF OMAHA; Hertlon 1. That Ftreet Improvement DUtrUt Nn 8686 hr. and la hereby, create.) In tha City of Omaha fo tha Im provement of Leavenworth Street from 13th Street to Weat I.ln* Of 14th street hv aurfarlng with aephnlt, on paid part of paid afreet to a depth not exfeedlng three Inchea aa propoae.1 hv Resolution No 8767 adopted .funo 17. 19Z4 ■ 8 eetlon 2. That Street Improvement DUtrlct No. 8686 shall comprise 1 ■•aven worth Street from 13th Street to Meat Line of 14th Street, and shall Include: Lots 8, 6, 7 and 8. Block 195- Lot* 1. 7 3 end 4. Block 200; Original City of 41maha. . _ . . The outer boundary of ssld district shall be the outer boundsry of said lots end parcels herein set forth* . Section 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Omaha be. and 1a hereby, direrted to advertise for and receive bids upon asphalt, for surfacing In said district. s«i<1 b'da to be made under end In accord i'no# with plans and specifications pre pared by and on fllo In the office of. the City Engineer _*._«• Section 4. That this ordinance oh a II take effect and be In force after flft'cu davg from end after Its passage. Passed October 7. 1024 . M JAMF.8 <' PAH DM AN. Maynr anti Praaldant of c Ify Couholl. Atteat! JAM EH V. (SEALJ city Clark, j CITY OFFICIAL, NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO 123 56. An Ordinance creating Street Improve ment District No. 2692 In the City of Omaha for the purpose of improving 64th Street from Blondo Street to Grant Street by changing the established grade thereof to auch grade and ele vations as may be petitioned for and bv working and grading said street to the grade thus petitioned for. and by pt.ving and curbing the same using therefor auch kind or kinds of ma tt rial as may be requested by petition of the owners of a majority of tne feet frontage of taxable property within said district; fixing and defining the boundaries of said district, directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids on grading and for bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitrified brick block, artificial stone, macadam, creo soted wood block and asphaltic con crete: and appointing three members of the City Council as appraisers to .assess and determine the damages, if any. to property mritf* whksh may be caused by change of grac, or the grading of said str««t BE IT ORDUNED BY 'j HE CITY COUN CIL OF THE C'.TY « t OMAHA: Section 1. That Street Improvement District No. 2692 be. and the same Is here by. created In the City of Omaha for the improvement of 64th Streqt, from Blondo Street to Grnnt Street bv changing the established grade thereof, to such grade and elevations ns may be petitioned for, to work and grade to the grade thus petitioned, and to pave and curb. Section 2. That Street Improvement District No. 2692 shall comprise 64th Street from Blondo Street to Grant Street, nnd shall Include: Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, h. 9 I'). 11 and 12. Block 27: Lots 13, 14, IB. 1.,. 17. 1 8. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23 and 24. Block 28. Halcyon Heights. The outer boundary of said district shall be the outer boundary of said lots herein set forth. Section 3. That the City Clerk be. nnd he Is hereby, directed to advertise for nnd receive bids for the grading and working to the grade petitioned for on said street nnd also for bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitrified brick block, artificial stone, macadam, creosoted wood block and asphaltic concrete for the pav ing and curbing, said bids to be made under and in accordance with the plans prepared by, and on file In the office of the Cl tv Engineer Section 4. That Councilmen Koutsky. Hummel nnd Hopkins he. and they are hereby, appointed appraisers to appraise, assess anti determine the damages. If any, to the property owners which may be caused by change of grade or the grading or by the change of erade and the grad ing of said street, taking into considera tion in making such appraisement, the entire improvement contemplated and set forth in this ordinance. Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be In force after fifteen days from and after its passage. Passed: October 7. 1924. JjUIES C. DAHLMAN. Mavor and President of City Council. Attest: JAMES P. HOCTOR. (SEAL)City Clerk, ORDINANCE NO. 12357. An Ordinance creating Street Improve ment District No. 1893 In the City of Omaha for the purpose of improving Corby Street from 38th Street to 43d Street by paving and curbing; fixing and defining the boundaries of said district, and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitrified brick j block, artificial stone, macadam, creo soted wood block and asphaltic con crete. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OP OMAHA: Section 1. That Street Improvement 1striot No. 2693 be, and Is hereby, created, in the City of Omaha for the improve ment of Corby Street from 38th Street to 43d Street by paving and curbing. Section 2. That Street Improvement District No. 2693 shall comprise *Corby Street from 3Sth Street to 43d Street and shall Include: Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9 and 10. Block 13: Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7 and 9, Block 14; Lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 6. 6. 7, 8 and 9, Block 15: Lots in, n, 12. 13, 14, 15. 16. 17 and 19. Block 16; Lots 9, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. Block 17; Lots 11. 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 and 20.1 Block 18; Hitchcocks 1st Addition. Lot* 13. 14. 15, 16, 17, 18. 20, 21, 22. 23 and 24. Block 1: Lots 1. 2. 8. 4 5. 7. 8, 9. 10, 11 and 12. Block 2; Creighton Height* Addition. The outer boundary of *aid dlstrtrt shall be the outer boundary of said lots herein set forth. Section 3 That the City Clerk of the City of Omaha be. and he 1s hereby, di rected to advertise for and receive bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitri fied brick block, artificial stone, mac adam, creosoted wood block and asphaltic concrete for the paving and curbing of said district, said bids to h« made un der and in accordance with plana and specifications prepared by. and on file In the Office of. the City Engineer. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force after fifteen days from and after its passage. Passed: October 7. 1924. JAMES C. DAHLMAN. Mayor and President of City Council. Attest: JAMES P. HOCTOR. (SEAL) _ City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO 12349. An Ordinance creating Street Improve ment District No. 2685 in the City of Omaha for the purpose of improving Miami Street from 40th 8treet to 41st Street bv paving and curbing; fixing and defining the boundaries of said district, and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick. vitrified brick block, artificial stone, macadam, creo soted woojl block and asphaltic con crete. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section 1. That Street Improvement a strict No 2685 he. and Is hereby. w rated in the City of Omaha for the Im provement of Miami Street from 40th Street to 41st Street by paving and curb ing. Section 2. That Street Improvement District No. 2685 shall comprise Miami Street from 40th Street to 41st Street and shall Include: Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 and 8. Block 7; Lots 9, 10* 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 and 16. Block 14: Hitchcock's 1st Addition The outer boundary of said district shall be the outer boundary of said lots herein set forth. Section That the City Clerk of the C!t%' of Omaha he. anil he 1s hereby di rected to advertise for and receive bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitri fied brick block, artificial stops, maca dam. creosoted wood block and asphaltic concrete for the paving and curbing of said district. Raid bids to be made under and in accordance with plans and speci fications prepared bv. and on file In the Office of. the City Engineer. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in forge after fifteen days from and after Its passage. Passed October 7. 1924 JAMES C. DAHLMAN. ! Mayor and President of Cltv Council. Attest: JAMES P. DOCTOR. i S FAD _City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 12352 An Ordinance creating Street Improve ment District No. 2688 in the City of omaha for the purpose of improving It street from 38th Street to 4lst Street by paving and curbing, fixing and de fining the boundaries of said district and directing ihe City Clerk to adver tise for bids upon asphalt, stone, vitri fied brick, vitrified brick block, arti ficial stone, macadam, creosoted wood block and asphalHe concrete. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OK THE CITY OF OMAHA: : rtlon 1. That Street Improvement 1 frict No. 2688 be, and is hereby, cre ed in the City of Omaha for the Im provement of It Street from 38th Street to list Street by paving and curbing Section 2. That Street Improvement District No. 2688 shall comprise II Street from 38th Street to 41st Street, and shall Inc lude: Lots 9, 9. 10. 11, IS, IS. anl 14, Block 1; I ,r> t, 9. 9. 10. 11, 12, 18. »nd 14, Block 2; Lot, 1, 2. 3. 4, ft «nd 9. Block ;i■ i.otK 1, 2. 3 and 4, Block 4; Mount View Addition. l.ot, 3. 4, 5, and 9, Block S; I,ot«*19, 14 15, IS, IT. and 19. Block 4; Lot, 1. 2, 3. 4, 6, ft. 7,9. 9, 10 11 and 12, Block 5; Logon PlaCo: North one-half of alley vacated In Block 3; Logan Place. Thai port of Sub Lot 2 of Tax Lot 1, Sec tIon 8-14-13. lying East of 41et Street and South of ft line 132 Vi feet North of, measured at right angles from and paral lel to the North lino of H Street. Th* outer boundary of said district shall be the outer boundary of said lots herein set forth Section 3. That the City Clerk of the City at Omaha he. and he la hereby, di rected to advertise for and receive tibia upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vltrl fleit brick block, artificial stone, inac dam, creosoted wood block and asphal tic concrete for the paving and • urtoing ■ f said district, said bids to be made un der snd In accordance with plana and specifications prepared by. and on file in the Office of. the City Engineer. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be In force efter fifteen days from and after its passage. Passed: October 7, 1924. JAMES C DAHLMAN, Mayor and President of City Council. Attest: JAMES P. IloCTOR. IH EAL)City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 12.351. An Ordinance creating Street Improve ment District No. 2687 in the city of Omaha for the purpose of Improving alley between 39th and 40th Streets from Arne* Avehtte f<» Fowler Avenue by 'hanging the existing grade or part thereof to am b grade and elevations as may be petitioned for; by paving f i.ld alley and to use therefor such kind or kinds af materials ns may be ru t 1. tha F.aat 18 feet and the Weat 35 feet of I,ot 2. Block 6 54, 2d Addition to Bedford Place Addition. . on the North Side of Stone Avenua of artificial atone Claea *'A" 4 feet wide: I.ot 7. Block 2. Curtla and Stonaa Ad dlllon. _ . On tha Eaat Rida of 16th Rtraet of artificial aton® Claaa "A" 4 feet wide: Lota 9. 10. 11. 14. and 16. Block 12 Wilcox Addition On the Writ Rida of 26th Rtraet of artificial atone Class "A” 4 feet wide: Lota 7 and 8. Block 13. Wilcox Aild!-j l,°On the South Ride of Elm Rtreet of artificial stone Class "A” * feet wide Lot 16. Block 12 Wilcox Addition Or for so much of raid work aa haa not been already constructed. fiurh sidewalk* to h* constructed In sc cordanca with the plana and •peclflc*" tlon and requirement* aa prepared by the City Engineer and adopted and approved bv the Mayor and Cltv Council for the purpose of governing the construction of sidewalk* In said City during the year 1924 and to be constructed under tne supervision of the City Engineer. Each proposal must be accompanied bv a certified check in th® sum of 1100 as a guaranty of good faith and to be forfeif .1 to the Cltv as liquidated damage* In event of failure to enter Into contract, should award be made thereon. Proposals must bo mad* upon prlnte.i blanks provided bv the Cltv Engineer, and no proposal will he considered, i detached from the package In which it was hound, but the entire package must he unbroken and In good order when th® proposal la deposited Prices must he stated In words and figures In the respective columns provid ed In the printed blanks Proposals must be sealed marked _ I ro posala for Sidewalk Construction. end oddresasd to James P. Hoc tor. City CJ*tl<. ornaha. Nebraska, and will b# presented r«» th* Cltv Council unopened at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday. October 21. 1924. at 1ft o’clock a. m. The Council reserves the right to rs Jec-t any and sll bid* Published in accordance with th® pro vision* of ordinal)*® No 1«>942. Omaha. Nebraska. October ® '"*• JAMES P HOCTOR. Cltv Clerk. O. 9 1ft 11. 13. 14. ■ 1 COUNTY OFFICIAL NOTICES NOTICK to I,AN1 > OWNER*. To all Whom It May Concern The Commissioner appointed to open n road commencing at th® center of Sec tion 6. Township 1 o, Range It, In Douglas County. Nebraska, running thence west 1 Jl 16 tulle* tn the Military Highway In Section 2. Townshln 16, Range 11, i>elng thw extension of Am* * Avenue from r.M Street west to the Military High way. has reported In favor of the location thereof, an*! all objections thereto nr claims for damage* must he filed In the County Clerk s office on or befnr* noon of the 10th day of December. A. I> . 1924. or said road will be opened without ref rrenew thereto. FRANK DEWEY. Q-l N-| County Clerk. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 19c per line each day, 1 or 2 day*. 17c per line each clay, J or 4 days. 16c per line each clay, 7 days. 15c per line each day, SO day*. Telephone AT.lantJc 1000. THE EVENING BEE THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. CLASSIFl CATION* Funeral Notices . 1 \ units and Monumente.• 2 Funeral Directors . 8 Cemeteries . 4 Florists . ... • • .. 5 Card of Thanks. 6 Lodge Notices . 7 Coming Events. H Personals . 8 Lost and Found. 10 AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Hale. It Trucks for Hale. . . 12 Automobile Agencies .. 13 Motorcycles and Bicycles. 14 Automobiles for Exchange. 1ft Auto Accessories. Parts... 16 Service Stations, Repairing..... 17 Auto Livery. Garages. 1ft Wanted—Automobiles . 19 Garages for Rent. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE. Business Services Offered. 21 Building Contractor*. . .. 22 Heating and Plumbing. ‘23 Insurance . 24 Millinery—Dressmaking . 25 Moving—Trucking—Storage .. 26 Painting and Papering. 27 Patent Attorneys. 28 Printing Stationery. 20 Professional Service . 30 Repairing . 31 Renovating and Dyeing...32 CuundrloM . 33 Tailoring and Pressing.... Wanted—Bucincss Service. 35 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female. 36 Help Wanted—Male . 37 Help Wanted—Male and Female.38 Salesmen and Agents. SO Situations Wanted—Female. 40 Situations Wanted—Mule. 41 FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities . 42 Investment—Stocks—Bonds .43 Real Estate Loans. 44 Money to I.oan. 45 Wanted to Borrow. 46 EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Courses.. 47 Local Instruction CIu»se*.48 Musical—Dramatic ...• 49 Dancing Academies. 50 Private Instruction. 51 Wanted—Instruction .s.. 52 LIVESTOCK. Dogs. Cats and Pets. 53 Horses. Cattle, Vehicles. 54 Poultry and Hupplies. 5ft Wanted—Livestock . 56 MERCHANDISE. Articles for Hale. 57 Business Equipment . 58 Building Materials . 59 Farm and Dairy Products. 60 Fuel and Feed..-. 61 Good Tiling* to Eat... 62 Home-Made Tilings. 68 Household Good* . 64 Swap Column . 6ft Jewelry and Watches. 66 Machinery and Tool*. 67 Heeds, Plants ami Flowers. 68 Special* at the Htores. 60 Musical Instruments . 76 Radio Equipment .71 Wearing Apparel . 72 Wanted to Buy. 73 ROOM8 FOR RENT. Rooms With Hoard.. 74 vurnished Rooms . 75 Rooms for Housekeeping . 76 Rooms, Unfurnished. 77 Where to Htop in Town. 78 Wanted—Room* and Board. 79 REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—Furnished.... 80 Apartment*—I nftirnished . 8* Business Place* for Rent. 82 Houses for Rent. 83 Houses—F'urnUlied . 84 Offices and Desk Room..*. 8ft Out-of-Town Property... 88 Suburban for Rent. 87 Farm I^inds for Rent. 88 Hummer Place for Bent. 89 Wanted to Rent. ©0 REAL ESTATE—FOR PALE. Business Property. 91 Real Estate—Investments . 92 F'arrns and fluids for Sale. 93 City Acreage for Hale. 94 House* for Hale. 9ft House*— North . 06 Houses—South . 97 House*—West .98 Houses—Benson . 90 F"or Sale— Dundee .100 For Sale—Florence. 161 For Hale—Connell Bluffs.102 I/ots for Hale. 103 Real Estate for Exchange.104 Wanted—Real Estnte...105 AUCTIONS. Auction Hale* . 166 Real FNtute for Auction.107 __t ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notices. GOLDSTEIN— E. • «. 7». pi.Mj away at tha residence of her daughter. 4&tii Capitol Ave.. Friday. October 10. 1824 Mra. Ooldateln la survived br three daughters. Mrs Lena Mandleson of Oma ha. Mrs Rachel Natelson of New York Ci'jf and Miss Betty Goldstein of Los Angeles; two sons Abe Goldstein of Omaha and Louis Ooldateln of Beatrice, • Funeral services from residence of her daughter. 4901 Capitol Ave. Sunday, Oc tober 12. at 10 a m. Interment Golden H111 cemetery Omit flowers. HUGHES—Patrick. 618 North 16th street, passed away October 9. aged 84 years. Deceased Is aurvlved by hla wife. Ellen, and three anna. Mike, t'hrla and William; one daughter. Mrs Nora Hashlmoto, and one Brother. William Hughes, all of Omaha. Funeral eervlcea on Saturday, Oct. 11, at 8:26 a m.. from 2516 South 32d Ava. to Holy Family church at • a. m. Inter ment, St Masv cemetery. NOVAK. Vaslav; aged 47 years; died Monday. October 6. Funeral Friday at 8:30 from the residence. 5113 South Twen ty-third, to Church of Assumption, at 9 o'clock. Burial at St. Mary cemetery Arrangements In cars of Korlako Funeral home. KULIN—Anna, aged 60 years, pasted away October 7. 1924 Funeral Saturday afternoon at 1:1* from the N. P fiwaneone chapel. 17th and Cuming. Interment, West Lawn ceme tery^ Vaults arul Monument*. 2 ‘Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertaken MTd^i^rnsh^ConrreteBurlii^Vau!i^^ Funeral Director*. S HEAFEY A HKAFKT Undertakers and Kmbalmer* Phone HA 02 Office 2611 Farnnm (ESTABLISHED SINCE 18821 HULfiE A UIEPEN. At Tour Service. 2222-24 Cuming FtJA. 1228. Brailey & Dorranee. HUFFRAN-CROBBY »mbulanc*. IX— K« n<1 74th Bt Kunaml director.. J * ItOI JOHN A. GENTLEMAN HA KM_1411 Farnam Rt. n v. awANHON urn and curing Qntae Plgnlfl.d fluoarvlalo I.KSl.IB O. AIOOKK. 24th and Wirt. WE (HM7.__ C. C. HAYNES FUNHRAL HOME. 4420 N 24th St_ KF. >147 Cemeletim. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN Purcheae a family lot In Omaha's most beautiful cemetery. Office* at the ceme tery. (west of Florence) and 720 Hrendeis t heater. Personal!. 9 “Why Suffer With Pain?” Coro Mineral Clay will relieve you. For sprains, bruises, rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis. Inflammation. lnfe«Tlona. skin eruptions, blot* lies sunburn. Insect bites, tender feet, corns and bunlone. Money cheerfully refunded If It does not give IMMEDIATE relief. Hss relieved thou sands of Omaha people. We deliver everywhere. Mineral Clay Products Co. 180'j City Nat l. Itsnk Bldg AT. >66». THE SALVATION ARMY Industrial home solicits your old tlothlng, furniture, nun /.Inca We collect. We distribute Phone JA. 4136 end our wagon will call. Call ind Inspect a ir new home idf N 19th tft HOT oil vapor steam bathe and massages Room 86. Douglas Block. AT 8694- _ I home with widow lady. KW. 0649. Y/oat and Found. 10 POCKET HOOK—Lost. gray. envelope style, containing consideraide money, bank bonk and checks. Liberal leward. WE 1911 Mra Gladys Pettyjohn. LOST—September 7, black horn rimmed * lasses In brown leather case, near 18th t. entrance to lirandela Htorea. Will finder pleas* call WA. 9Q«t._ NATIONAL graduating pin lost in down town district, Wednesday. Inscribed Helena Warner, March. 1920. Reward I i too KYKJ giasaea. yellow, brown, oelletd flume black leathei -use lost between 12th ami 11 Hi Hi. AT. 2337. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Iktst antrt Found. ID I.OST—Male poodle.; a red nnee, yellow ears, epol near Heft hip; answers to ••Babe" KE. 3300. 4024 N. 25th Ava. Reward. WHITE and tan female fox terrior. An swer* to name "Queen." 15 reward. MA 1452. 5028 S. 25th. BOSTON bull lost, brlndle and while; 6 months. Reward. AT. 6530. 622 S. 16til St. BUNCH OF KEYS list. In black leather case. Reward. HA. 3197._ I.OST—Small volt mater In leather case Please call WA. 4090. _ Automobiles for Sal*. I • i THE CARS LISTED BELOW ARE ALL GOOD BUYS. DURANT TOURING CAR .$175 FRANKLIN. TOURING . . . ... 125 MAXWELL CLUB SEDAN . 900 OLDSMOBILE TOURING . 59 > BUICK COUPE . bit GA Ri >NER TOURING ./ MITCHELL 1918 MODEL . 65 OAKLAND 14 11 SEDAN . 2T OAKLAND TOURING CAR. 185 OAKLAND 340 SEDAN . 306 OAKLAND 1923 2-PASS. COUPE... 7 OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 20TH AND HARNEY STS. AT. 23^9 * NASH 2054 FARNAM 1 OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS. 2— Bulck Tourings. !—Studebaker Light Six Touring. 3— Ford 2-D. Sedan. 2—Ford Coupes. 2— Nash Roadsters. 1—Nash Coupe. 3— Nash Tourings. 1—Nash Sport. 1—Chandler Touring. 1—Chevrolet Touring. CASH—TERMS—TRADE. NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO COMPANY, 2054 FARNAM. AT. 2919. 1924 BUICK Sport Roadster, five balloon tires mechanically perfect. This car has i all the desirable extra.* Runs and looks like new. Will consider used Ford In exchange. Mr. Glass. HA. 0866. IT WILL PAY~Y0U j TO SEE US FIRST. SAVE |25 T<> *50 Buy your car from the BROOM AUTO CO. 10 Ford Sedans. Coupee, Tnurtnge. Road-I atera. Many other makes Terms or cash. 2210 Farnam Street. BUICK touring, 1922 four-cylinder In ex cellent condition. 8400, Omaha Filnt Co. NASH-VRIESEMA AUTt7"cO USED CAR STORE t"86 Farnam._ AT 2916 Trucks for Sale. 12 ' TWO Ford trucks, several 1-ton Interna- | tionaJt; also several 3-ton Internationale • all In good mechanical condition. Terms f*n V-r5-nfed* International Harvester Co. AT. 0705. - - 1 — Auto Accessories, Parts. I fa GUARANTEED new and uied auto parts •* * ,p?cU1 cut P**lco. Nebraska Auto JA'lfV101®*1* Hsmey St. JA. 4911, and 2204 Cuming fit, AT 1>7t. SPECIAL on complete touring too cov Ford. 14 76 : Dodge. HO. Kaplan Auto Parra. 2111 Nlcholaa Bt Garages for Kent. 20 STEAM heated garage. 311 8. list. HA. 7124 or HA. 6994. BllSINKSvS HFRVICE. Beauty Parlors 21\ SPECIAL shingle, marcelling, bob curl. $1. Drexel Parlor. Open. 6 a m. to 8 p. m. For appointment, call AT. 3164 EXPERT marcelling, facials, water wave and manicuring For day or evening ap pointment call HA. 3435. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed guaranteed to remain off. French method. No cure— no fee. Hair Spe-ialist. JA 1 f 91 Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttons. HI styles; hemstitching buttonholes Write Ideal Hutton and Pleating C*., 108 Brown Block. Omaha Neb Telephone JA. 1924. NEB PI.EATINO CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1464 Farnam Second Floor JA 1470 Moving—Tnirldng—Storage 7(1 BEKINS OMAHA VAN A RTROR AGE~ 19th »nd I-.kv.n worth Sli. I’acktok. mov Ink. .tor»k». khlppmk JA IHI OI.OBE VAN AND STORAGE. PA CXI NO. MOVINO. SHIPPING, STORING Ektlmut.. AT 0220 nr JA .23! OORDONB FIREPROOF WIISE. A VAN 249 Nnrth 11th St Phon* JA 1912: mov Ink parkin, .torkk., .Mnnlnk Painting and Paprrtnt 77 Wallpap.r. rap.rhanklnk. PklnttSk Fr.rt P«rk». 4704 S. 24th SI. IH UIOI AT, TOO ' Patrnt Attorney*. M J. W MARTIN, TTi F.t.r.~ Trim Bid* Om«hi; klko Ukiihlnkton. Ooubl, aervlt, ■Inglk f„. A tin h.lp ,r II pkt.ntk. Printing—Statmner). S9 COMMKIICIA1 PRINTING. Eddy rrlmln* Co. 212 South 11th Si Phon. JA (Oil Repairing. 31 USED and nrw* tnkchln.k. Saw Ing machines and VIctrnlaa repaired Kent machine*. H pet week, II per mo i M ICK EL MUSIC HuUBK. 11th and Harney *T 4141 •-r: . ~ m KMIIeOYMK^T. Help Wanted—Female. 36 LADIES—Learn beauty culture, day and evening; wonderful demand and wages for Moler operators. Poaltlona waiting every where. or have vour own sh« p Call or write Molar College 109 S Uth WANTED -Experienced pant and overall fore ladle* also Inspectors and Instiut ors on pant* and overall-* Ely fk Walker Drv Goods Co Dei t 77F. St ! ruts Mo I WANTED- Ladles In this locality to #tn broider linens for u* at home during their leisure moments Write at • ■ Fashion Embroideries" 6vn, Lima. Ohm V* 'UNO LADIES— Catholic, for local sales fores, exceptionally pleasant work, experi ence unnecessary. Call »-10 a in.. 6-4 p. in . 317 Loan Bldg. 16th and Dodge. | H«tp \\ :i>iI> il Muir. 37 MEN—Learn barberlng. day or evening.' high paid profession, ensv to learn, autek ] to earn. Travel and see the world or nave your own simp Moler Barber College,! 109 8. Uth._I ALL men, women, boys, girls, 17 to 6l>. willing to accent government position* 1117-1260 (traveling or stationary!, wiite Mr Osment, 146 8t Louts, Mo WANTED*- First-class man barber for ladles' shingling Apply Brandela Beauty Parlor, third floor, west. Ili l|> VVnntfd—MiiIp and I rnmlF. .IK CLICRKR f"i governtrient postal and othei good positions. $1,400 $2,300 yearly, ex perience unnecessa t y . full partleulats fire by writing G W Bobbins, Civil Strvloa Expert, lit Bun hell Bkl| , Washington, i » i Katmnien mid Agi'iil*. 39 BARBER suppD salesman; commission and expenses If you «»<• not a Rood mtxer, tl.»n l answer. Box C 1437, Omaha Bow I VlNAMlAI. niifsr tens Opportunities. 4? FT. COI. ij iNS oil. map mail' d for stamp. Wonderfy', opportunities. Big money. Deane. P.ealtor, Ft. Colllna, Colo. lBkeHtmenl—Storks—Bonds. 4.3 _ ? 4 ~A AN PERSON cd.” JA 6107" Real estate. Surety bonds and kindred Ins mmmmm --- Heal Lsfata Ixcins. 44 MONEY TO LOAN On 'lr»t and second mortgage*. We buy outright for taah Existing mortgage* and land contracts Prompt Action i H. A WOLFE CO \ 0V2 Saunder*-Kennedy Rid* AT *1*0 | FARM LOANS, NO COMMISSION. •10-yr. Nebraska, farm loans, 5% per cent Interest. without commission; write to Lincoln Joln't Stock Land Bank. Lln coln. Nebtaskn. W E. Barkley, pres’t. 6 34 AND* PER CENT MONEY. Loans on 48 Pro. Nat 1 Bldg.. Mina ha. Neb 5H AND « PER CENT—NO DELAY I Cl A R VIN BROS 645 Omaha Nat I Bldg j CITY real estate mortgages and con tracts bought Larson 104 N 15th EP Farm Loans on West. Neb and N K Colo farms Kloke Investment Co., (acma SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences PA ah on hand Prompt service. E H Lqtigce. Inc.. 52* Keeline Bldg. LOW' RATE on city property, quickly r closed, no monthly payments. JA 153* W T. Graham. 5100 to $10,000 loaned, prompt service F D Wea l A- T> If Bowman. W«-art Bldg Money to f.«an. 4i> WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY at the lowest rate w<* have ever made. DON’T PAY HIGH RATES, over 20 years In businer- assures tou of a quick, quiet and confidential deal at the lowest possible cost. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 50« Karbaeh Blk. Tel JA 22*5. ''nuih**ast < orner 1'th and Douglas Sts. DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, business strictly confidential The Dlamand Losn Co.. 1514 Dodge St Established J«t4 BUUCATION AU Local Instruction Classes. 45f DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete ooursea In all commercia1 oranches. Shorthand, typewriting telex rapby, salesmanship, civil service. Phon* JA. 1665. Complete catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE IMh an«4 Harney Sts. om«h». Neb EIGHT to 12 week* propore you for a fine olYlc* position Call AT. 7*74 or write American » ollege 1912 Farram TRi riTY BARBER <'< < LLEGE. 1402 Dodge St 1208 Douglas 8t. Call or write for Information. Musical—Dramatic. 49 POPULAR munic, taught hy orchestra pl an:*!. F M Kahn. Mukel Bldg AT 4361. Dancing Academics 50 KEL-PINB—25th and Farnam. CLASS and ASSEMBLY Mon. and Thur*. nites. Private lesson* any hour DANCES Tuts., Thur and Sundays. AT. 7i>t0. KEEP Dancing Academy class Monday and Frldav. 6 p m Elks club. AT. 1811 or JA. 5474. v ! J*__ Tats and !*cts. 53 ENGLISH greyhound pup* for sale Priced to sell quick Out of fast stock. Old dog*, large f'-v ale. 24 Inch*-;-, male 28 In- he* at sh !• - v. • !l th is “d up and stayer* Th- y g ' all they sent after. Nelson Adams. 207 E. 3d. Atlantic. la. _MKKCJrtANDISE^_ Huninfits Equipments 58 WE BUY. sell safes. nak«* desks, show ease*, etc. Omaha Fixture JL Supply Co.. s. V, Cor il-.i, and Douglas. JA. 2724 f uel and Feed. Cl KINDLING -16 truck load delivered r ’ Shtt i r* J A. 5 7 40 Good Things to Eat. 6? HAND pick* 1 app!*-*. J! 25 per bushel. J. M. Finch Fort Calhoun. Swap Column. €5 FOUR-ROOM bungalow In Omaha, or two lot.i In Benson Acres, for what have you? 4417 Military Ave. Machinery and Tools. 67 "anna BELLE SUM PPE—M A RCEL 6°'*; 3 WFEKS cnURSiJ. $12.v0. AT. 13*5. 2310 POLGLV^ ST NEW and seec.nd-hsrd motor*, dynamos LeBrr.n El*» tries! Works. 518-20 8 13th Musical Instrument*. 76 PI AN' •* F‘ »R RENT—14 ; er month. A H *PK Co ISIS Douglas llou*ehold Good*. 64 YOU ARE l SING P'ftv day thst you fail to take ad. < "4|t of 'he furniture bargalna at 8t * nhenson's. 1661 Caplto Ave Private •*:»•» and auction FOR REAL furniture ana -uc value* se* IB me Furniturs Co. South Side WjhIhI to Boy. *3 TT k- r! -KS I'K'KS New desk*, used decks, bought, aold and tr wed. J r. Reed 1207 Farnam St AT *i4»;.__ WILL pa v . *h f • 'a:r c.Ln n of the Encyclopedia liritant lr*. on India paper. In good condition. Bug A-1618. Omaha Bee. ROOMS FOR KENT. Furnished Room* 75 ATTRACTIVE suite .f two sleeping reoma, steam heated *i t , walking dis tance. after 6 p. m. 213 S. 16th Av#., Apt No. 6. MYRTLK AVE.. 1115 lvirg# room, nswly finished and furn**hed Private bath. For couple or two ladies HA. 6824. 70 4 S ? STH AVK-S e room! private family, waking iLMarce, »t block to car. mutable for 1 «*r 2. AT. 1127. DEWEY 3 :.*t St. Priv home, large fur. strum heated southwest loom. adj. both Heated garage HA. 627? FLORENCE BLDV —Ah i ~ pleasant room, private family. Breakfast if preferred WE. 223 5. NEWLY furnished room in rew home, close to car; gentleman preferred. HA. 464*. _ __ NICK *lean room f J 60 week; near oar. • NICE room, close to car. In private Dundee family, for gentlemen \VA. 37*6 TWENTY S1XTT1 Ave / 6• 4 So ~~Large, nlcs to»m walking distance. HA. 1664 NICELY furnished steeping room*, mod ern home, suitable f<-r two HA 44*5 HAMILTON ANNEX nT'F. ROOM "aI’T JA. 4171 Rooms (or Housekeeping* 76 815 so. firm —Newly derated and furnish 'd nteam hasted, 2 room apt. Also nice clean rnrtYna in the r*»ar apt. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping room*, steam h'-ated *»\' S 18th St AT 044* CAPITOL A\F, J630 Nlrelv furnished I-room apt. Rr%t*. nable. AT. 6686. Rooms, t'nturnUhcri. 77 NEAT 1 ssement loom. Monticello Aut . 62ii S 3 * at St Axe table at once $10 unfurnished. Call AT. 7716. Fred L llrvn Co FOUR large room* first floor. 40th and t'hai lea. \V \ 3666. after 7. Where $o Mop m Toon 7H HOTEL SANKOHI'—llih and l arnam. HOTEL HKNSHAM Dth and larnam special rate* to permanent guests RFAI. IMAir-iOll HI NT Apjirlincnfa—I'urnlalifsl 80 HUNTER Inn Home for the traxellng tnan to leave hi* wife in comfort and Safety Tel AT fftm 240* D-dge nT 1*67 Nicely furnished l-room np>d \ ei n apt Tile bath, shower connection. i Y dec mod airy I-tm apt |4|1 l 8. 23rd 81. Ilea?, liahl. water 11 ea REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apiiiinifnh—Inf urr.ished. 81 1 OUT OF 39 Only on« left In the Alhambra, 49th and Capitol avenue. Dundee No. 303 la an exceptionally attractive apt.. Just newly decorat'd Has large light living room with dining alcove, exceptionally large attractive bedroom, neat light kitchen and bath. Plenty of closets $63 summer. $6* winter. THE FRED U HEYN CO.. Realtors A'l 7715. 314 Omaha Nafl Hk. Bldg. Evenings call HA 35*2. WA. 0912 WA. 7S97 or janitor will show CLOSE IN—Overlooking Central High campus, 4 very well arranged rooms. No. ]2 Flo Lee. 2fuh and Capitol Ave. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0'»44. 17th and Farnam Bts A SNAP—3 rooms, private bath, steam heated, only *30. 220* N. 19th St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rents." AT. ot.44 17th anti Farnatn Sts. APARTMENTS and flata for rent. W a CALMER CO AT. 8980 Estate Managment Specialists ONE. two. three and four-room apt# $36 to $75 DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY j PETERS TRUST COMPANY "WHERB OMAHA RENTS" AT 064 4.17th and Farnam IPs ,!u;'!;s ST 25*1—Lovely 3 & E-room apta *t?%fly modern. AT. 2867 Flora Apat. STEAM HEAT. 4-room apt*.. $30 and up close in. G. P. Jtebbins. 1610 Chicago St Housn for IC*t»t. 83 NEW BRICK DUPLEX. 48th and Burt. 5 rooms and sunroom with parage. JOHN R. McCARVILLE. REALTOR. 1002-3 Cltv (Nat. AT. 6025 DUNDEE—12-room brick home and ga rage. Warm house. Furniture for sale. Reasonable. 4 h 2 4 Davenport. WA 6571. NORTH 18TH. 2218—Ail modern, $60 N wly decorated; 3 bedrooms and bath <»n'd fb;or. Key at 2222. 1026 BINNEY St.—5-room, partly mod ern house, newly decorated and painted. WA. 1 473._ ATTRACTIVE five-room bungalow; ga r. p.- 0334 N. 3M St $50 AT 4742. SIX ROOM* bilck cottage close In. all modern, $35 per month Call HA. 7286 1602 NO. 27TH St.—5-room, all modern house WE. 59 49_ 7-ROOM modern house, 3807 Seward St. $40. WA. 3395. -."15 SIC WARD ST—New 6-room duplex. |«;n HA. 3275. Houses, Furnished. 84 FOUR ROOMS and bath, modern; Rodetsa style 1917 8. 64th St. Farm Lands for Rent. 88 GOOD improved farm, near, for rent cheap for cash. 806 N. 19th. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE~ Business Property. BUSY TRANSFER CORNER. IDEAL INVESTMENT 9% NET. GLOVER A SPAIN, JA. 2650. Farms and Lands for Sale. 93 FOR SALE—Improved farma near Orch ard. Nan from $60 to $150 per acr# AIeo movinar picture business, complete. Write Robinson A Hering, Box 6, Or hard. Neb. Houses for Sale. 95 ~0nl7 $6/750 All modem oak and enamel finish. A real home close tc car and school. First class neighborhood. If >ou want a real home cheap, you coc’t beat thl*. Can arrange easy terms. Call WA. 2812. Houses—North. 9f> LARGE BUNGALOW $5,750 Five room* ar.d ba:h. large floored attic, full cement basement with fruit room and c Aal fin. laundry tubs. Oak floor® ar.d fin sh: built-in bath tub. ironlr.r board, kitchen cabinets, linen closet, hall connecting bedrooms and hath Garage and concrete driveway Shrubbery s^d wn. Located at 6328 N. 33d Ave. I.U’KTY KK 1429. LOOK THIS OVER 4 4 51 Evan® St Six room® and bath and two lo’s at a very reasonable price. Prop erty is n excellent condition. Call owner. WA. 6271. 4422 JONES ST. * rooms, gas. ele *r!c light, lew er. water In the street; one block to Weat Leaven worth car. Only 13 656 Dandy ecuth fr-»nt lot Practically your own terms E. R. Carae. IIS S. lsth St. JA. 1614 days CHOICE NORTH SIDE BUNGALOW* |; Sim _|i 000 CASH. Very neat five-room, oak finished bungalow G reened porch, large aouth front lot with nice hedge. Splendid value. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. f-?3 IVtf' Tru«t R IkJA !!«? 1500 CASH will put you In poeseeslon r>t a large 5-room bungalow on Fonte nel'.e PIvd . 1 block north of park. < loae to oar and school. Call Mr. Hamer. KE. 4125. $250 Cash I..Gance same na rent, for this nearly new 3-room cottage; large orner lot. New vacant Cad Mr. Miller, WA. MIS. UNDER construction Two 5-room, all mod. i.unga. ea 2121 Pancroft. J C x-hmlti Co *56 Omaha Nat l JA. 176% STUGTI.V MODERN NEW HOME. ISO# P« AN Bril.T-lN FEATURES, OAK FI OCRS PAYNE A SONS, JA. lilt. CHOICE of three new home*, close to car and school. 42d and Grand OnlT 14 600 f506 rash Campbell* WA 57f4 4f y 4 N 40TH ST—mix -room part modera »3'Q cawh Creigh. <05 Hen JA. 6100 > w RITK 4 1*0 hov and •#!! fcomea Houses—Smith t* HR AND NEW Bl'NGALOW JUST BEING C(*MPLKTED. Fin# good-elxevl room* and bath, all on one floor living room 1 $ ** ft. Iona, built-in feature* tiled hath, wail tub Triced to sell 15.756. Tart caah. OSBORNE REALTY CO, 630 Tetere Trust PdeJA 2262 1 sj4 S 34TH—6 rm and hreakfaat nook, enamel finish New decoration*. 17.710. [ Easy terma. J. L. Hiatt Co.. AT. 6666. FOR SALE or rent. * r nome. only H5C cash B s bargain I60t Valley St. Now vacant. Owner || |||te« -HMl West Farnam District— $7,500 Good two-#tor> seven room modern square type house in excellent condition, genuine oeh finish and floors tvigh sightly location, neer 3«th. one block to car Trice Juet reduced $50# for quick • ale. Good terma Cal HA 644e. WA. 1771; KK. 2212; KK 4256 Burt C. Fowler Co., RE A IT* S Tsek son 1 426_112# Ojty Nat Bank Bldg l LEAVEN WORTH HEIGHTS I ROOMS. LARGE IX>T. We believe this to be one of the teet buys in this eect on of the city Practically new. all modern; beau tlful shrubs corner let, near car line and priced right Owner might nslder small bungalow n exchange George & Co., RKALTOKS | Atlantic 6624. Open Evenings For Inspection, 7 to 9 Boulevard South "f Menecom Park .'list and Frederick Streets * Driv* down this evoninf 7 P. M. Until 9 P. M. S Beautiful New Homes C. G. Carlherg, Realtor, it: Brand.- s in JA 6M5 150 Nearly n*w Five rooms on one floor. \ltlo end full cemented b*> ment Oak floor* end oak f4n!*h Double garage On paved siree* T Close to *r $*0i> cn*h, h«!»n»* month'.* > Shown by aprcintment. Cell Mi Moan. BA. Silt, IIE.AI. ESTATE—FOR SALE. Houses—'Vest. SH BUY THIS* HOME GET A START A good thre»»-room houK« with a re of ground, lots of improvements, including oxcellont thicken house, garage, fruit trees, etc., located In well oullt-up neigh borhood. Buss service to Benson «chool. Price only 52.600 with $200 egah f<»r this bargain. Call Lewla eve.. WA. 1422 R. F. CLARY CO., REALTOR#. ?4* Omaha Natl lik Bldg. AT. 267* JUST LISTED BEMIS PARK DISTRICT Splendid two story six-room home, finished In oak. Three fine corner bedrooms anti sleeping porch, choice south front lot with trees and shrub bery. Now vacant. Price only $6,500. Reaaonable terms. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 510 Pet**ra Trust Bldg_» A ?2*?. Montclair Bungalow 5 rooms on one floor ahd one finish- • ed room In attic. Double Karaite. - Well worth th» price, $6,260. Easy terms. Ft»r full information calf Ocent Benson, evenings W. 2612. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Pa;:ton Block_Atitnth 2040 FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buv homes. List vour neoperty with is for result^.. JA 1426 m'RT C FOWLER CO.. Rea It ora 2-ROOM cot* age part modern located near Hapnv Hollow blvd Large lot arid enrage $1,650. P.asv term-. JA. 1066. REE Morrison Lumber and roa! for price* or garage*. Ret? construction at mint nrjrn cost Wii r..f,6: WEST EARN AM. 6 rooms; sleeping porch, sunroom and < garag**. JA. JU! 9_ _• WILL builr to vour order on our bectitl ful lots In Edge wood: verv eaay terms r*v>on** »T 15 40_^ r, ROOMS and sleeping porch, brick and frame. 1104 No. 44th St. Owner wants offer. 2611 JONES ST—7 room*, all modern*, convenient location Make an offer. JA» 4 H 67_ •'v; Hou«r*— B*n«nn. w SIX ROOMS Will consider several xond Benson lot., a. first i.symrn' on th;*- nearly new, strictly modern home I.ary. llvlnx motu arrots front three bedrooma; Isrxs lor, on paved street. Call H. 7.. Pedersen. HA. 54fe5. today. For Sale— Klnrrnr*. IS NETHAWAY arils to whltaa only. Buy a HOME in beautiful FLORENCE. Kb~ 1409 Lota Tor Sale- 1W Lot 60x157. on 3?d Avenue, faclnx Hans com Park, fot sale st an attractive price. C A Orimmel JA Kit . Wanted—Real Estate. 105 NEW HOMES—YOUR TERMS OROVE-HIBBARD CO J32 Bankers Reserve Bidx AT. He* For results list your property with FIRST TRUST CO. AT. 072» 400 First Natl. Bank - WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US. HAMILTON * CO-. 303-4 Neville Bln-kJA. Nil. SEE ue fits’ Need llxtlnxs. an> location. 5 to f rooms. Shonen & Co- Realtors. 'A 437B Keeilne Bldg LIST TOUR ACREAGE WITH O. T. HAMER. 1505 Farr.amAT. U5». LIST your property with ne or. If yoa are In the market for acreaxe. call Louie Cohr for quick sales. MA 0143. MA. 302>. CHAS W YOUNG A SON. Real Estate Rental* Inaurance. l>n? Cltv Nat! Bar.kaT 3443 C D HL'l CHIN SON CO_ Real Estate Ins 1**3 Farnatn. JA till WORLD REALTY CO Realtor* A’i 14*3 t ”I Build Your New Home in adjoining edgewood Pacific St. to Woolworth At*. 56th to 60th St. 9 New Homes Started [ Ground Floor, 203 S. 19th ‘ AT Untie 5415 • , * Only Three More Days of the Discount Sale of Residence Lots in TERRACE ; »; - Dodge to Howard SU. » At 68th Avenue I * * " Just Opposite FAIRACRES • • • Broad lot* ideally located on a I beautiful west hill slope in on* | of the most rapidly pro* Inc and j choicest residential district*. • • • Take Advantage [of th* I Discount From Regular Prices j Offered purchaser* of these lot* 1 during the three remaining days | of this orenlng sale— Saturday-Sunday or Monday Salesmen on Ground Saturday and Sunday. * • • For Further Information Call Mr. Vance Telephone JAckaon IMS After Buaines* Hours Call i HA 6080 W A 6*42 or HA 3MJ !