* /---; n] A Wife's Confessional Ailcle Garrison's New 1‘liase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE (Copyright, 1*S«. > ^-r-;-' Tlfe Excitement Katie Felt Over a Chinese Visitor. “Oh, Silases Graham, could you come by the keetehen vunce?" Katie's voice and her dancing eyes showed excitement, and with a depre cating little nod to Dicky 1 followed my volatile little maid from the library. Secretly, I was much relieved at the opportunity to get away from the discussion of the changes Dicky had proposed In our schedule of living. I wished time to mHIl over the sus picion which had come to me that all was not right with our finances, and I certainly could not consider the question with Dicky in the off ing. "Is there anything the matter, Katie?” I asked, ns I hastened my footsteps to suit her swift ones. "No, notings,” she returned; "only sometings qveer. Dot laundry man he room out here, ask to see you bout vnsh. Now vy he cootn? I nefer see Chink leave laundry before. Vot you tink? He planning carry somebody off to Chinatown, maybe?” "How silly, Katie!” I rejoined, with the private notation that if my little maid did not curb her fertile imag ination in its favorite pastime of ap plying her idolized movie reels to her 'everyday life we 'sometimes should find ourselves In a most ridiculous situation of her blundering. Hut I felt my own curiosity stir ns I en tered tlie kitchen and saw the famil iar stumpy figure of the Chinese '••'iit”;i!iitHmiitiiiitimm!tt'iifti!intiiiiii!!’nmii!m!iimiitiiiiifiiiiiiil>ililtliit'!'!llTII!n:itT1llltl!ITT launday man who had done our flat work ever since we moved to the farm. “Indeed I Like It.” He was standing respectfully near the door, and as I enteied his eyes, with the absolute iH'k of expression to which centuries of repression lias drilled his race, looked at me fixedly and continued their solid gaze as long as he stayed. • "How do," he said laconically as I greeted him. And then, with a quick out thrust of his hands, “You good customer. You like?” He had put Into my hands a most exquisite little round jar, which I knew from my experience of Oriental shops* contained a favorite delicacy of mine—preserved ginger. "Oh. Indeed I like It!” I exclaimed sincerely, and then hesitated for a second. Hid he mean to give It to me or was he trying to make a wile? I know that I should mortolly offend him If the former supposition were correc t and 1 should offer him money for it. Fortunately, he came to my rescue, * from accident or design, I could not tell which. '• Take lt.u lie said, stepping hack. "Its yours.” I knew better than to protest and thanked him profusely. "Sometime maybe you come down see shop?” he said hopefully. "All fix up, these in windows, more things.” Katie's Imagination I .caps. "Indeed, I shall come down very soon," I said enthusiastically, for In Dicky's ridiculous parlance 1 am "completely bugs" about* the ntttrac ttve Oriental trinkets * which the Chinese shops display. “Have you real Chinese tea for sale?” He smiled, with the effect of hav iiimn™tiuitii;!!!aiHBiBiiiffluimi!iin(!iinnSiiiiiii iiiiH;;!ttii!!nmuai!Hi'!i!,mii'!iim,!:'i Ing answered the jerk of a string. "Very nice,” he said with careful enunciation. Then, with a rather ubrupt "goodby,” he turned and plod ded his way out of the kitchen. Katie flew past me to the window as he closed the door. "Vot you tlnk,’’ she queried ex citedly. "Dot Chink, he coom In auto mobile; big vun." "Why shouldn't he, Katie?" I asked. "Oh. you tlnk eferytlng always all right!" she said, tossing her head. "But you know vot I tlnk?" "Tell me," I said smiling. "I tink dls all vun great beeg .bluff,” she said. "Vy should he coom vay out here mit nice ting fur you? He no do dot for odor ’custo mers.” In obedience to a sudden, curious impulse I hurried out of the room. with an admonition to Katie to wait until I returned. In my own room, with the door dosed, I took down the telephone receiver called two women I knew were customers of the laundry, and from them. In off hand fashion, I verified the statement of the laundryman that he had installed tea and curios in his shop. Both of them had re ceived presents of ginger Jars, and 1 went back to Katie triumphantly. "You musn't let your dramatic ideas run away with you, Katie,” I said smilingly. "He has started a shop and he. Is distributing the jars to his customers.” "I no care,” she muttered stub bornly. "Dot makes eet all more bluff. Alvars In movies und plays Chink he do dot—feex tings so efery body have same und vun dey vant von't suspect. I tell you, dot old devil shoost van ted chance to look you ofer ko he could tell somebody else shoost how you look, den dey coom kidnap you. You see!** Fourteenth U. S. Cavalry to Enramp at Griswold Atlantic, la., Oct. 10.—A detach ment of the 14th United States cav alry, en route from Omaha to Ft. I)es Moines, will spend Saturday and Sunday encamped at Griswold. Th< troopers recently traveled westward to participate In the Ak-Sar-Uen fen tlval. An athletic program will Xri held Sunday afternoon. /---V New Thorne Frocks Carry L-O-A-D-S O-F S-T-Y-L-E Baltics* Silhouette* u*e rich )us trou* satin* for their be»t e*pre»*ior. Ol Our Prices Before You Buy F. W. Thorne Co. _ ;|||l|H|j|;,iA I ' „. -I ..lUHNWi.l,;'i ''iiMilir'illlllllllltlHIllillllllllHIlilillllliilllllllllllllllllillllliillillllHIIliimilllimunilllllimill.llllliiiumill.iiiiiliiiaiiiini.iiiiutiiiimuiMfm.i.H.mmiiinn, h .. .. ' The Omaha Bee Market Basket ; ’ ;tsae ... i; *mm4 ■ met® s Free Baskets of Groceries to Omaha Housewives 1 Omaha Bee Market Baskets are awarded each week to the women whose names are printed in the food advertise ments. There is someone’s name in each ad. Follow these ads every Friday and watch for the winners names. If your name appears, simply call at the store and the basket is waiting for you free of charge. Does Your hame Appear in These Advertisements? Read the Saturday Food Bargains on this pajce, read every ad, as your name may appear in one. Contents of the Free Baskets This Week Free baskets of groceries given in each neighborhood—^ read your grocer’s ad for money-saving specials for Satur day shopping. I. w. ROSENBLATT 1 Can K. C. Baking Powder. $ 25 j 10 Bars Pearl White Soap.42 1 lb. Butternut Coffee.50 1 Bo* Iten’a Cracker.15 1 Hein* Catsup . -20 $1.52 ALHAMBRA GROCERY AND MEAT 1 Can K. C. Baking Powder.$ .25 1 lb. Advo Coffee .50 1 Pancake Flour .** 1 Quaker Bread .J® 1 Kellogg Corn Flakes.... -JO 1 Skinner Macaroni . 5 Bars Pearl White Soap.25 $1.50 FLORENCE MERCANTILE CO. 1 1b. Advo Coffee .. $ .50 1 Heinz Beans . 15 1 Jten'a Cracker# .... -15 1 K. C. Baking Powder.25 1 Skinner Macaroni .;.10 1 Quaker Bread . 15 1 P. & G. Soap ..20 $1.50 R. KULAKOFSKY 8c CO. 1 Quaker Oats . . $ .15 6 Pearl White S<*or> ..25 1 lb. M. J. B. Coffee.55 1 Advo Jell . .10 1 Lqpae-Wile# Crackers .15 1 Quaker Bread .10 1 Skinner Macaroni .10 1 Skinner Spaghetti . 10 $1.50 tm —bmIi h¥Tm rrmamamm R. KUiAKOFfKY CO. ^ Ke 0375 24th and Ames Ave. Ke, 0399 Genuine Red River Early Ohio Spuds, 2-bu. sack $1.85 Red Globe Onions, per market basket. | Fancy Tokay Grapes, 6-lb. basket.50<^ Spring Fries, per lb.. ,28<^ i Blue Bell Flour, 4S-lb. sack.’ .$1,80 ; Fancy Cooking Apples, peck, 30c; bushel. .... .$l'<)5 || Winner of This Week’s Market Basket Mri. C. Finleyeon, 2877 Whittemore Ave. Pearl White Soap The Big, New Bar • T --*-, 10 Bars for 36c ■—a——■^——r mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaL d 1812 No. 24th St. Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs., 250 I Cranberries, 2 quarts ...350 . Leaf Lettuce . . .. .50 Mustard Greens . Pancake Flour, 2 pkgs....250 We. 5021 Sugar, 10 lbs.03<* Pearl White Sonp, 10 bars 30c Spring Chickens, lb.30^ Whole or Half Hams, lb. 25C Choice Pot Roast, lb. .. 15c 1 The Omaha Be* Market Basket This Week Awarded to Thomas Bcightol, 2112 Ohio | • Pearl White Soap The Big, New Bar 10 Bars for 39c QiueTTiem \ Tikimr t I GRAHAM CRACKERS! I °WLth cMilk - Jdtn'Bufler I I FLORENCE HERCflBTIlE CO. I 8601 North 30th St. Phone KE 0440 | I SATURDAY SPECIALS | I Creamery Butter, lb.39^ C. & H. Sugar, 10 lbs. .-88£ Danish Pride Cream, large can .9<* Early Ohio Potatoes, pk., 23C No. 3 Canned Sauerkraut 12c* Two cans Campbell Pork and jg Beans .1212C I Iten’s Bulk Crackers, lb., l(jC Kg Jonathan Cooking Apples, i peck .50C fl Bacon, lb.1212’jC 1 I Winner of Tlii» Week'* Market Basket Mr*. A. E. O’Donnell, 8216 North 30th Street. Pearl White Soap The Big, New Bar 10 Bars for 42c | I. W. ROSENBLATT 40th and Cuming St». Phone WAInut 3700 A GROWING STORE Here in your neighborhood is a growing store. This growth ia entirely due to selling the best foods wo gnn buy at the right prices plus prompt and efficient service. Why not come to us with your household and cooking problems. We are here to serve you and our many satisfied customers is your proof that you will like our store. PHONE US AN ORDER NOW. I Two Omahn Bee Market Baskets awarded this week to these ladies: Mrs. T. J. Lcacy, 3836 Webster street. Mrs. N. J. McKitrick. 311 North Eorty-fir. i siivet._ Pearl White Soap The Big, New Bar 10 Bars for 42c S!mMh_ ■ -THESE appetizing squares of perfee* ^ shortbread. The family will like them ^ for their delicious flavor and wholesome -=r~ goodness. ca hF lornadoone TT shortBread BJ f la packages, or by the pound, at grocaa'. [ i NATIONAL /gr* '' BISCUIT COMPANY ISJ_ “Un—d> Bala—^ “YouBet Its BETSY ROSS” Pf thousands of homes meal time is not complete without BETSY ROSS Bread. BETSY’S tasty nutriment provides enjoyable eating. Its rich formula, blended and baked of the finest ma terials makes it both GOOD and good for you. Housewives know that BETSY ROSS Bread is everything that they expect from a loaf of bread, rich nour ishment, wholesome goodness and finest quality. Ask for it today.