REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Itunineflft Places for Rent. 82 $ WHOLESALE district. 2 sty. and base ment bldg., 29x60. can ba rented \ ery ressonabh. 1113 Harney St. PETERS TRUST COMPANT. "Where Omaha Rente." AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. Farnam ST.. 1807—3,n55 Sf|. ft. Thomas U Hall. 1906 Harney St. AT, 7402. Mouses for Rent. 83 HOUSES AND DUPLEXES. PARTLY MODERN—5-room flat. 2121 NO. 16th St., *25.00. CLQSE-IN—5-room duplex, 211 Paxton Court (near 26th and Douglas), $62.10. FACING FONTENKLLE PARK— 7 rooms, garage, 4332 Ames Ave., $60.00. SOUTHEAST—5-ronm duplex, *15 William St., *55.00. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT—7 room duplex, 1118 So. 32d St., $60.00: 9 - room duplex, 2963 Pa cific St.. *65.00. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT—6-room duplex. 906 No. 4 2d St., $50.00.; 6-room duplex, garage, 416 No. 4l*t Ave.. *70.00. DUNDEE—5-room duplex, ga rage. 4RM Capitol Ave. *80 00. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT—6 room duplex, 3915 Davenport St., $55.00: 8-rooms. double garage. 106 South 3$th St., $100 00; 8 rooms. garage, 616 South 37th St., $100.00. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Renta." AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sta. 13TH AND CENTER” 5 rooma. 1920 S. 13th, *15. 6 rooms also at same address, *18.00 per month. All newly papered, painted and clean. Possession at once. AT, 4066.KK. 1732. NEW RRTCK DUPLEX 48th and Burt. 6 rooms and aunroom. with garage. — JOHN R. McCARVILLE. REALTOR. 1002-3 City Nat.AT. 5025. $2 6.00— 3030Mi S. 18th. Three-room stucco m apt. Gas. electricity, toilet, nice condi tion. Good surroundings, warm. cozy. Water paid. Adult* only. Woodman, JA. 2477._ 120—Warm. comfortable 3-rm. stucco cottages, gas elec., toilet, oak floors, nice condition. Adults only. Water paid. 14th and Ohio. Woodman. JA. 2477. NEAR HANSCOM PARK. 3201 Wright St. Elegant 7-room house, four bedrnrma. fine large yard. *65. to right party. CHARLES SUNDBLAP CO.. Kecline Bldg, JA. 3320. 2867 Binney.. 7-room. $45 4925 N. 30th St.. 3-room apartment. $22.50. R. F. CLARY CO.. REALTORS 508 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT 3678. 1016 8 20TH ST.—5-room house, partly mod., bath, hot water, electric lights; garage, $30; without, $25. 623 PARK AVE.—New 7-room duplex, *70.00, Garage. $5.00. 3838 Hamilton. 7-r. *47.50. Garage, $5.00. HA. 0923, _ NORTH 18TII 2218—All modern. $60. Newly decorated; 3 bedrooms and bath second floor. Key at 2222. 6 ROOM duplex', sleeping porch, Ravage. cathedral district. *70. Oct. 15. WA, 6383. 7 RMS.—Close to Central and Tech High* Fine condition. HA. 7124 or HA. 6904. 9147 CHICAGO ST.—6-room house, all modern, *60 per month. HA. 2667. MY MInne Lusa home for rent; must have good references. Call KE. 5155. THIRTY-THIRD. 525 N.—7 rooma. Ii»\. 2414. Owner, 70$ N. 33d St. _ 1512 SEWARD—Six-room modern house; good condition; 125. Open. __ 2703 WOOLWORTH AVE— modern house for sals or rent. | jLRDOMMtiouHe^^2(H^^DorefiS^R^^^^^J Houses, Furnished. 84 / ( ROOM bunaalow. furnUhad, only »55.0®. 6310 North S3d Av,. PETERS TRUST COMPANT. "■\Vher* Omaha Rent,.’’ AT_ ot44. 17th and Farnam Sta. ————— ——— iTTRACTIVB T-room hom#, In W»»t *m dlatriot. (araia 11» N. Ilth Av,. PETERS TRUST COMPANT, "Wh.r, Omaha Rant,." AT. 0(44. Hth and Farnam Sta. HE A I.’ ESTATE—FOR SALE. Business Property. 91 The Board of Education will sell at ptibllo suction the two-story ! frame atore and residence located on the ' northeast corner of 14th and Cass streets, Monday. October 6, 1924 at 2 p. tn Terms 26 per cent cash on premises, bal snr* to bo paid the following day. Build ing to be removed within 30 days. W. T. Bourke, Sec’y> 603 City Hall, Omaha. Neb. Beal Estate—Investments. 92 West Farnam, Cathedral District, Duplex We consider this one of the best buys In this dlctrlct. Located close to churches, schools, car line; 6 largo, comfortable rooms each aide; oak floors and finish, double garage: Income $1,100 per year. A real buy for home or In vestment. Priced for quick sal*. Call W. E. Schroen. HA 5226. First Trust Co., 401) First Nat. Bk. AT. 072> Farina and Lands lor Sale. 93 HERE Is Your Opportunity If yml want work this fall an*' wlnt.r whlls davaloplns a farm of vnur own you will ha Ini,*-, aated In tji» Milan Farm* In Kaatarn Wa.hlnaton .late. Good •oil, rood cllmata. boat tranaport. , tton. arlandM dalrylnr and divar « aiftad farmlnr. Prl-»n SI* to SIS par arm, Ions; eaay term.. Full particulars. Wm Rlnndar, Aar. Pav. A»»nt. Great Northern Hall way. fit Parton block. Omaha. Neb. Tel. AT. 9M>a A GREAT BARGAIN. J Solid eeftlon flnoet o0rn and alfalfa land, aouthsaat oorn-r Antelope county anil edjolnlnr Martlaon county 8 mtlee youth t»f Tllden 34 from Norfolk. leota of Im provements $110 per acre. * »HKOI> INVESTMENT CO.. KeaUora. JA. 4254. Sunday. HA. 4457. * AT AIJFTlOaV. OOTOHIOK 14. 4 10 arret, table land, near Merna, NtD Mark Carrnher, real estate auctioneer, i rntial city. Nebp A l,M< »ST a gift 320-a. Mont, wheat land. Write for particulars. Boa 114, Autns vllle. Ore.________________ TEAM, wagon, cow chickens, 37 acres. Improve.1. ,785. Bill Arthur, Mountain View. Mo. \i lift II EASTERN Kansaa—Corn and al fi,|fa farms Geo, Eia. Valley Falla. Kan. i itf Mftftti for Sal* 94 ■ >(IUU ACRES KBY8TONB PARK. Nearly level with S-r. bungalow, modern. * Electricity, furnace, fine orchard. Hold to higliest bidder 10 aettla estate. ■ in, WA 0994. Houses—North. 96 i"n »M e! HOME! HOME! \ rhaitco to get a new, large three room bungnlow with acre of ground, close to I it vement and Fontenelle park Tills gives vou plenty of ground for chicken* and breathing space A small payment down win handle, or will consider vacant lot. fall Hallfr**n today on this. WE 3477. $250 Cash Balance same a* rent, for this nearly new 3-room cottage, largo corner lot Now vacant Call Mr Miller, WA. 8636. UNDER 4 onsti notion Two 6 room, all moil hungalowa. 2121 Bancroft.^ J. C. S' limit/. Co , M5H Omaha Nat I.. JA. 1799, evenings WA 1232. HTRIfTI Y MODERN NEW HOME, $600 GOWN BUILT-IN FEATURE*. OAK FLOOR* PAYNE A HON*. JA. 1014 9 rtfOlCI i,f three new homes, /’lose to • nr and school, 4Zd and Grand. Only $4,1(10; 1600 rash Campbell* WA 6704 4*14 N 4DTJI FT —ala-mom part irmdarn • -nil ra»l. (7r»Uh. 801 Hat JA 0200_ 7%~i. SpcSTbuy and Mil toan REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. tlnuM'i—North. 96 No. 6* A. You’ll Be Proud to Own This 5-Room Modern Home on 77-Foot Lot A wonderful 6-room, strictly modern, frame house on a beautiful 77-foot south front lot in Minna Lusa addition. Selected oak floors throughout, oak and enamel finish, extra large living room with fire place and bookcases; 2 lovely, light, cor ner bedrooms with tiled hath between, built-in tub, clothes chute and linen closet; large dining room, very up-to-date kitchen; floored attic, full cement base ment. Heal \alue and reasonable terms. Best construction throughout, in wonder ful condition. A-l. See it quick. D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS. 741 Omaha Nat’l. .TA. 2000 Salesmen: Lovgren. KK. 0304; Box, WE. 6372; Baker. WA. 3393. FOR COLORED. EASY PAYMENTS. 3113 Franklin St. An 8-room part mod ern 2-story brick, suitably arranged for two families. Owner will sell for $300 cash and balance monthly. Here is a bargain for you. Sunday for price call WE. ‘.789. 1424 N. 30fh St. A very nlre 4-room part modern cottage that you can buy for $300 cash and balance monthly. < ’HEIGH, SONS A CO. *0 8 Bee Bldg..1A . 0200. No. 36 A. 7 Rooms, Strictly Modern, Near Omaha University Three large rooms and sunroom down; four roma and bath up. Oak floors throughout: oak and enamel finish; won derfully decorated throughout. Full ce ment basement: $175 Ruud instantaneous water heater. Large porch. Screened and glassed; all windows weather stripped; large lot. beautiful lawn; paving paid. Half block to car line. Price only $7,600; reasonable terms. Call D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS. 742 Omaha Nat'l. JA. 2000. Salesmen: Baker. WA. 3593; Box, WE. 6372; Lovgren. KB. 0304, 5370 No. 28th Ave., if you want a real 6-room bungalow all on one floor, here it Is. All rooms are large with oak floors and best of woodwork and trim. Refrigerator room. full basement. Screened front porch. Storm windows all around. Awnings for west side of house. Garage with cement drive. Yard land scaped; hedge This house Is complete. Priced at |6.15t» with easy terms, fall Fred Kirkland. KK. 12<»2. Holding ton. KE. 3472, nr Langfellner. K E. 2832. CHARLES W. MARTIN A CO., Rea ltnrs. 737 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.AT. 0137. A REAL BARGAIN 6012 FLORENCE BOULEVARD 'I his is a dandy 7-room modern 2-story oak finish house with two sleeping porches. Hot water heat, two lots. Owner will sell furniture. Including piano. Here is your chance to get a real house at the right price. Terms can be arranged. Call WE. 6789. CREIQH, SONS A CO.. 608 Bee Bldg.JA. 0200 BEAUTIFUL 6-room. nicely-furnished, vapor heated, stuccoed bungalow; with 2 largo lots at 3123 Willlt St., second block west of 30tn St. R. H. OLMSTED, 412 Arthur Bldg. JA. 0160. $750 CASH OR WILL TAKE GOOD CAR. 6-rm. bungalow; fireplace, sunroom. new ly decorated; close to car and good school; rear yard fenced. $70 mo. pay ment. Sunday, >IA. 1668. J. T,. Ill ATT CO. AT. 9900. See This Today. 4161 KVANS ST. If- will pay you to look this over today^ Well-built home having six rooms and extra lot, shrubbery, fruit, shade, etc. Close to rarline and Clifton Hill school. Call owner, WA. 6271. 2616 Fowler Ave. Six rooms, strictly modern. Double ga rage. Well-built, paved street. Paving paid Close to Holy Angel church and school. Easy terms. HA. 8044 Sun.; JA. 1014 Mon. E. R. Carae. Hnus«fl—South. •? Overlooking Hanscom Park On S2d Avenue, beautiful modern home with large grounds; owner will consider 6 or 6-room house us part pay if in good neighborhood, on a fair basis. O’Keefe Real Estate Co., 101S Omaha National Bk. Bldg.. JA. 2715. ' 2601 V. STREET7 ONLY $4,500—TERMS. Sevan large rooms, modern, well located close to business and packing industries, newly decorated: general condition very good: outbuildings, including good chick en house Just the place for the man whose work Is in South Omaha. Drive out todav and see it, then call S. D. Tew's W A 1 I’"’ r.- r ri.ART rn reai-tors. 8ft* Omaha. Nat Bank Bldg AT. 167* FIELD CLIP $7,750—$1,500 CASH « rmi. and breakfast nook, enamel fin ish; new decoration*; e**t front; raving paid. Will consider good lot. Sunday, HA. 166«. J. 7j. HIATT CO. AT. 1909. LARGE HOME CHEAT HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT $ rooms, strictlv modern; In flrat-cl*** condition; garage; lot 60x150. only $5,600: terms W FARNAM SMITH dr CO. JA. 0504. Sun. HA 2586 or HA. 22$. BIO rummaga sale Friday and Saturday. Oct. 10 and 11. 2006 Farnam St. Directed by First Presbvterisn church ladle*. Open 8 30 a m. Come early. 4728 P STREET, $2,900 This house Is only on, >»"r old with garage light*, basement. * an be bought on easy t.rm.. Mirmll playment down. I.ICKTT, KC. h:i». FOR BAT.K nr r.nt. S r. nono. only IIH" rssh. Hi* bargain. ISOS Vallay Bt. Now vacant Owner. ^ BP AND new' four rooms, modern. $1,200, terms. Owner will show. 2726 8 26th _ Holism—W-st. 98 open TODAY. MIS PINKNEY STREET A r**l modern 4-room and b*rh bungs low. Th* prettleat you have *een. with built-in feature*. wonderful breakfast nook. Icebox «f>ace. aelert oak floor* throughout, full basement; south front lot. Come out today and «f« a real one. Price $1,150; $450 rash. $40 per month Phone eve. and Sundays. 8. D. I«ew‘*. WAR.14k' CI.AKT CO. REAT.TORF 80$ Omaha Nat. Bank lildg._AT. :;67$. Near Technical High School and Creighton, alto Duchesnt College and central High. $-r. cloae in home, oak downstairs, canvassed walls and oil paint decoration; 3 bedroom*, large heat ed sleeping porch, floored attic, oil burn er furnace, plaster'd garag* Price, re duced. Cull JA. 2716, Sunday, WA. 0238 or KB, 4204.____ $500 CASH Balance as me as rent for a new f> room modern bungalow a* 5J*th and Francis Oak floors through out; complete with fixtures, shades and screens Price la $4 160. Call Mr Miller. WA. $636. WnltK I NEMAN * »fn M 7) Four room* downstair* and two upstair* partially finished: 100 feet of ground cov erad with fruit, ahrubberv, etc . goes with this: close to pavement; aouth front, priced right. Will consider vacant, lota an part payment or other property Hun day and evening* cull Hallf ren. W C 3 17 7 FIELD CDIJ14 HOME Fin* seven-room home facing Field Club on 36th Close to nr and school <>ak down. Priced. $8,660 for uulck gal**. Fun day, WA. 4998. ROII It BOUGH * CO., AT. 6809. __ REACT I Fill. HOME AT A HACKTFKfE. OWNER LE.VVINO THE CITY Six-room all modern stucco home with double gar»ge, 4302 Dodge. WILL bullf to your order on our boctfti ful lots in Edgewond; v*ry e«ay term* Phone AT 2840 2-ROOM cottage. i»art modern, located near Happy Hollow hlvd Large lot and garage $1,650. Eaav terms. JA, 1946 SEE Morrison Lumber and Coal for prj*e| ».n garage*. Tie*t construction at mini mum « oat. WE, 686 l. r*#$ 11 11)N EM ST 7 rooms, all modern, convenient location. Make en offer. JA «*»*•_^ Hi'Al.KII I INI'S K'll.KH who hliy home* L|»* votir proper tv with ua for result* JA. 1431 BUKT C. FOWLER C0 cash halance monthly. Call D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS. 742 Omaha Nat’l. -TA. 2000. Salesmen: Baker. WA. 2593; Box. NN h. t;372: Lovgren. KE. 0304_ WILL BE COMPLETED OCTOBER 25TH. $4,850. ONLY $350 DOWN. 5 rooms modern; best grade oak floors and finish, built-in features, stairway to floored attic, floor drain, coal bin. steel coal chute and basement window sash. Nicely located east front lot. Close to Fontenelle park. Also a 4-room and bath with large break fast nook: same construction and same location. $4,150: only $350 cash Evenings and Sunday call WA. 1232. Week days, JA. 1799. J. r SCHMITZ CO. 858 Omaha Nat,JA 1790 You Can Own This Home F'OR $750 CASH AND $50.00 PER MONTH. Just on* year old. five rooms ou one floor. An attractive bunga low for n couple starting out In life and desirous of saving your money. Overlooks Leaven worth heights--cloa* to street car liae and stores. A. P. Tukey & Son, JA. 4223. _620 First Nat'l Bk. Beautiful Close-in Home 529 S. 31st Ave. Six rooms and sun room. A « harming home surrounded by a wealth or flowers and shrubbery tn the finest close-in district in Omaha. Owner very • nxiou* to Sell. W. Farnam Smith & Co. JA OH*. Hun HA. 1287. HA. ISM. For Sale—Duriflre. 100 $11,600 NEW BRICK COLONIAL. H61S Howard Ht.. beautiful eouih front Evanston colonial brick residence with 2-car garage; nearly finished. Living room 15x14 feet with fireplace, dining room 15x13. breakfast room. large kitchen, 3 sunny bedroom*; oak floor# throughout; oak finish down, cream and gray enamel up: attractively decorated. All snerials paid; close to Happy Hol low Blvd. and Elmwood park. Unusually well constructed throughout. Sur h .a residence st such a price is seldom of f mTeDH INVESTMENT CO . Realtors. JA. 4251. Sunday. HA. 4467 NEAR M8T AND NICHOLAS. Splendid 4-room s*ml-bunga.low on beauti ful south front- lot Nice larr* rooms, downstaira with oak floors and finish. Three bedrooms »nd bath upstairs, enamel finish only $1 '00 rath required. 8HBDD INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors JA. 4254. Sunday. HA. 4*67 For Sale—Florence. 101 NETHAWAY sella to white# only. Ruv a HOME in beautiful FLORENCE. K K 1409 1.0tH for Sale. 10 BUSINESS LOT, 76x99 Two blocks from ICth and Doug bis Sts. • This lot can be bought st h very reasonable price. Let us show you First Trust Co., 400 First Nat. Bank AT. 0721. Going to Build We have a few choice building at»<*e In the Clatrmont District for H non. will also help vou fi nance a home 15§» Farnam. Temple M«fr* vden Cn . AT 90' 9 TWO splend d full 1n*s on Jones 8f Between 66th and 64th (Bungslnnr nr dupl*X sites). $1,690 e».h nr $-9.900 for psfr. Shedd Tnvngtmant Co.. Realtors JA. 4261. Sunday. WA. 31 nUNtlEB BIJU.DINfl fMTFH okoruf * cr>. nr.Ai.TOnn tth Floor rity Nut Hit Bl<1* AT. m< I.ot 60x167. on 3?d Avenue, facing flana com Park, for sale at an attractive price C A Grim m»1 J A. 1416 _ Real Kstatn for Kxrliangr. 101 srm'RBAN corner. If you will trad»* clear land worth ap proximately I'i6.fl()0 and will aaeume $40. 1)00 running ft % years. 6 per cent, you < h n trade for equity In fi stores and 9 flats with $10,000 annual Income O KKEKK HEAT* K8TATK ‘. Realtors. 1015 Omaha Nkt'l Bank Bldg . JA 3715. IOWA STOCK FARM AT BARGAIN 440 mi res. good Improvements Plenty good water. Must be seen to he sppreclat ed $90 per a- re, mortgage $:>0 per a ere Will consider merchandise or western lend George Hall. Weldon, la NEW el g-room homo lossHtd 43d *wd If Ht . win sell for $1 00H. tske 19 4 Ford coupe or touring ear "« down py ment, balanra $26 per month. Call n'.\ 4 'H_ Wanted—-Re*I Estiti. lit SELL or exchange your real e.«fnto »>r Inislnesa. t.i> system get* result*, "hat have you? Write todn>. A. E< khnrdt Realty Co.. Su'ion. Neb_ _ NEW H < Ud iTm^YOI’H I Elf M 8 OHOVE-rl I HR A KD CO ?2? Banker* Reserve llld* AT 1IM For leauBa list your property with FIRST TRUST Co AT 0739 400 First Noil Bank WE HELL HUM EH. LI HT WITH I’H HAMILTON 8 CO.. 901 4 Neville UlO'k HER ue first. Need listing*, an, 'oration 6 to 6 rooms Hhopen A Co.. RstRor* J A 4223. g-ifi K. i'dv I.18T TOUR ACREAGE WITH C). T HAMER 1606 Farnam_ AT. »46»_ LI8T \ our property with us or If »•*• are In the market for acreage. tall Louis f -nilek sales. Ml 0143 M A 1i*2K cm ah w. "VolncT a Son" ^ Real Eatale Rental* Inauranr# >Ysn;’ > ,000 Pledged Soon After Contracts Are Placed; Work Begins Monday. A hard surfaced road to Bellevue and the air mall field is more definite ly assured now than ever. Work on the project starts Monday morning. The honds for the paving project were placed on sale Friday and before 8 that evening $65,000 worth had been sold. The Arthur A. Bobson company of I.lncoln was awarded the contract for the brick surfacing of the road and the Yant Construction company of Omaha received the grading and draining contract. The paving is to cost $31,320.65 and the grading $25, 258.70. With the beginning of the work on the upper road from South Omaha comes the end of the battle which has been waged through elections, through meetings of the board of county com missioners and through the courts for months. The residents of Sarpy county felt at first that It would he unfair to them to be forced to pay all of the taxes necessary to pave the road. The officials of the state agreed that some state aid was due them, but that aid amounted to comparatively little. Then the cry was raised that federal 1 aid should be given. A decision was recently handed down which definitely settled the question. Federal aid might bo given for one road, the low road to Fort Crook, but residents of Sarpy county must pay for the upper road with the aid of state funds only. Work on the road is to be pushed as rapidly as possible and the south end of the Rlverview drive, Omaha's greatest road project, will be com pleted as early next summer as possi ble. , [ SPECIAL MUSIC AT ST. CECILIA Tye's celebrated song. "Missa Euge Bone," will be sung at high mass at St. Cecelia cathedral Sunday at 11 a. m. The motet at the offeratory will be "Salva Nos," for six voices, written by R. Mills Silby, cathedral organist. “Tu Sacerdos," by Dr. Silby, has recently been published by J. Fischer company of New York, and "Frogs of Windham" by the same author was recently published. MILLER PARK MISSION MEET The missionary society of Miller Park Presbyterian church will meet at 2:30 p. m. next Thursday at the home of Mrs. .T. O. Beebe, 3060 Titus avenue. Mrs. Herbert McCoy will be the speaker i --—— I < CHOICE HOMES and Real Estate Investments in all parts of the city are offered in the Real Estate columns today if you are in the market for a home or an investment worth while, don't fail to read the ads today —-————"9 --- - --— Happy Hollow Brick Home 5201 Chicago St i Located on one of the best corners in the dis trict. Convenient to car line and school. Large living room with fire : place and wide opening leading to bright sun room. Very attractive dining room, breakfast room and kitchen, first floor. Four bedrooms and sleeping porch, 2 tiled bath rooms, second floor. Maid’s quarters and bath, third floor. Hot water heating plant with Nocol oil burner. Garage for 3 cars. White enamel finish and oak floors throughout. George and Company Realtors AT-lantic 3024 i -- -. I Special Bargains i $6,300—Fine two-story ; i home, finished in oak, six I rooms, hath and heated sleeping porch; close to i Yates school, Tech High ; I 2 blocks to Harney car. $1,500 cash. Quick pos session. $6,500—Buys a brand new bungalow; fire » place, breakfast room, | sun room, 2 bedrooms, dandy kitchen with built-in cabinets, long \ living room with book eases. 2 lots; double garage. $1,200 cash. $6,500 — Beautiful six room bungalow, finished in oak. built-in book cascsl buffet, etc.; lot 50x150, on the Boule vard ; close to park; $1,000 cash will handle. Osborne Realty Co. 530 Peter* Tru*t Bldg. JA ck»on 2282 -J New 6 Room ; Brick colonial home with south front. Com : pare the merits and price with others be fore deciding. Duplexes I We have them, figur : ing from an investment j | standpoint or other i wise you can't afford not to see us. Sunday call WA 3996, WE 5039. John R. McCarville \ Realtor, ! 1002 City Nut'l At. 5025 A Home That Will Surely Increase In Value 837 S. 24th Street A 2-story frame house of 8 rooms, suitable for one who cares to derive some income from renting out rooms. On account of its close proximity to the city, it is bound to en hance in value. Price $1,250, $750 cash, bal ance $35 per month. H. A. WOLF COMPANY 582 Saundere-Kennedy Bldg. AT Untie 3160 Sunday call H. H. Auerbach, WA Inut 1958 Read This If you are in the market for gome real bargains. Call MA. 0143, as we have places priced from $1,200 up, any size place, any location or any amount of ground at very reasonable terms. We will also trade your place for something smaller or larger, which ever you desire. We also have acreage suitable for poultry farms, truck gardening or seeds lots, large acre tracts for farming. Stop in and look over our listings, or call LOUIS COHN 1323 South 21th St. South Omaha, Neb. MArket 0143 Sundays and Evenings, j. Call MA. 3029 or MA. 0220 LOTS I Are Selling Fast Hansen’s Addition 50th and Lnlte Streets THE PRETTIEST SPOT IN TOWN, OVERLOOK ING COUNTRY CLUB. LARGE LOTS RESTRICTED ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN LOW PRICE EASY TERMS DRIVE OUT TODAY EVERYBODY RAVES OVER THESE LOTS. V CARLBERG Homes in PARKVALE South of Hanscom Park 31ST and FREDERICK 8—New Ones—8 ;; COME DOWN TODAY 2 P. M. Until 6 P. M. [ Some 5 rooms, some 6 rooms, well built, of best materials and day labor. Built for homes, under direct supervi sion of C. G. Carlberg. A comparison will convince you that our prices are right. You can buy on very easy terms. Two blocks to Park West car line and only 18 minutes to town. You Are Invited j To Inspect Them Thoroughly To see them any time dur ing the week, phone JA. 5585 or HA. 4747. C. G. Carlberg REALTOR 310-312 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. JA ckson 0585 Dundee Brick Home 9 rooms, including breakfast room, large sleeping porch and maid’s room 3d floor, genuine oak and birch finish, oak floors throughout, extra lava tory and toilet 1st floor, full basement, brick foundation, stationary tubs, Ruud gas heater, toilet, etc. Lot 75x135 'ft. Price $16,500. Built four year*. Our best value in a brick home in Dundee. See us if interested. 3 Attractive Dundee Home* $12,500 buys your choice of one frame, one stucco or one frame and stucco 7-room mod ern up-to-date homes located on full lot, two east fronts and one south front, all with 2-car garages, all in good con dition and priced right, each having 4 bedrooms. If inter ested in good Dundee homes at this price, see us. We*t Farnam District, $7,500 Good two-story. modern square type hou*f In excellent con dition, genuine oak finish and floor*, high, tightly location, near 8#»h, one hloek to ear. Pric* ju*t reduced $5ftft for quick sale; good term*. Call KE 425#; HA #440. WA #771; KE 2212. Burt C. Fowler Co. REALTORS IA 1426 1120 City Nat*! BW. Bid* New Addition Miller Park Overlook We now have 1# choice lot* on the winding drive of the Dclvedere blvd., just went of 80th atreet. If you would like * home in * pgrk-likr setting, whe/e each lot I* different and you Have a chance to develop individuality In your home build ing. you will like Miller Park Over look. (.'artfully restricted for good home*. All improvement* will be completed soon. Water and ta* tn now. Io»t* average 7ft feet wide Atk for • plat with description and price*. Rome •• low •* 91,100. ea*y l*rmt Our plat* will be ready Mo*, day or Tuesday. MORTON MEADOWS We still h*v« some clinic* lot* In thi* carefully restricted home dis trict. A beautiful lot with new clean surrounding* here for $#00 to $ 1,800. We have sold # lot* since the afreet paving wa* started. Thi* is the la*t of our atreet Improve ment* and it I* nearly completed uti INra mw hovaea, 4497 w atreet, a little brick colonial, and a 7-room white *t*«M at 4414 Wil liam street open today. Harrison & Morton REALTORS 1921 Farnam. Gr. Fleer. J A OS 14 Extraordinary! Both House and Price OPEN TODAY 2 to 6 P. M. Five rooms, bath and break fast nook; located in one of Omaha’s newest and restricted additions; spacious living room; large size dining room; these rooms finished in wal nut on birch; two good size bedrooms with bath between. All fixtures built-in; spacious kitchen and breakfast nook so arranged as to save those ex tra footsteps; oak floors throughout; 48 electric outlets and fixtures undreamed of— also wired for radio; lawn landscaped; stepping stone walks, lattice work, fountain, etc. View this corner at 51st and Grant streets, Hansen’s addition, from 52d street an4 then inspect. Robt. B. Evans Modeler of Model Homes AT 9617 WA 6529 Nineteen Hundred Lot* in ' FLORENCE FIELD and MINNE LUSA Omaha’s largest additions. Their rapid development haa never been equalled in Omaha. Come Out Today and see what we are doing. Lots are selling every day to HOME BUILDERS. Improvement* are now going in in FLOR ENCE FIELD. When com pleted values will go up. Now is the time to buy. $600 to $1,000 Office, 30th and Vane Sts. Salesmen There I Chas. W. Martin & Go, REALTORS | 737 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldf. AT. 0187 |____ Investments 16th St Store Bldg. Two-story brick, steam heat, rental value $160. Price 116,000. ! 24th St. Corner New brick store building, rental underlease $165. Price, i $16,500. Brick Bualnoaa Block I>ar*e comer with pressed brick, 2-story building, rental $235. Price $23,000. ' Another Brick Block Prominent comer North 24th etreet, brick improvements, rental $35CV. Price, $32,000. Busy Transfer Coraer Excellent investment, 24th and Cumin* street*. Pays 9 per cent net now and leases call for increased rental. Price and terms on application. See us about these invest ments. Full information if in terested. Terms can be ar ranged. Hake that 6 per cent money pay you better returns. Glover & Spain, Ja. 2S50.