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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1924)
_ SUITE LEGION TO OPEN Oil Commander Courtney Sets Membership Goal at 25,• OOO by Next Fall. Special Dispatch to Ih« Omaha Bm. Kearney, Neb., Sept. 29.—To bring the department of Nebraska up to 25.000 before the 1924 American Legion national convention In Omaha, Is the hope of State Commander C. M. Courtney, as expressed to mem bers of the eKarney post. I am going to pledge the legion that every sincere effort will be made to bring the membership up from Its present strength, 17,000, before the next national convention, and to give every possible support to making the national meeting next year the great est in history of the organization," he stated. The state commander laid down three outstanding issues before the legion this year, most Important of which he considers hospitalization and rehabilitation. . "It is the duty of every post to look after the needs of service men In their respective communities, to see that those afflicted with diseases contracted In the service, are ex amined and listed for rehabilitation. These examinations must take place before January 1, 1925, and the legion must give every possible as sistence to the Veterans’ bureau to clean up and adjust cases pending. "More than 1,300 service men were granted temporary relief through this fund last year. The responsibility of seeing to It that no ex-service man suffers rests with each post in the state. This fund can be drawn upon for medical service, in cases of emergency.” The state commander touched further on the Amerlcanzation pro gram before the legion. He stressed the need of every ipan exercising his right of franchise at the coming elec tion, and furthermore urging others to vote. "We don’t care how they vote, nor for whom they vote. We want them to vote." PROTEST ON TAX PUBLICATION Publication of the delinquent tax list of Pottawattamie county In the Avoca Journal, a weekly, with a cir culation of 2,000, was protested at the luncheon of the Council Bluffs real estate board Monday. A resolution declaring that Council Bluffs property owners are Inconven , lenced by the publication of the lists In a paper of purely local circulation and recommending that an Omaha or Council Bluffs newspaper be awarded the contract for 1925, was presented to the board by Frank Rlker, secre tary. ., In the discussion of the resolution, it was asserted that E. G. <i*owles, county treasurer, who Is a democrat, had given the contract to a demo era tic paper for political reasons. H«, WILD WEST YOUTH HELD UNDER BOND Roswell Mertz. 25, was one of the wild and Foollies lri a wild west-show to be given by Council Bluffs Mystic Workers. He dressed for the part so realistically that police arrested him for carrying concealed weapons. This was the story which he told Judge J. L. Blanchard Monday morn Ing. hut It didn't coincide with hi* statement to arrestfng officers that he had carried the gun for years. At Judge Blanchard's suggestion, the young man retained John L. Tlnley as his attorney. Tlnley waived preliminary hearing and Mertz was hied for the grand Jury under $500 bonds. 38 MOTORISTS TO FACE JUDGE Arrests for parking law violation? make Monday s crimlnaf docket in Council Bluffs municipal court the heaviest,In years. Judge J. L. Blanchard Is faced by 38 cases docketed for Monday after noon. Eighteen of these were arrest ed for violations of the parkings law most of them for parking on Scott street. BLUFFS JEWS HOLD SERVICES Services In celebration of Rosh Hashona. the Jewish New Year, are being held Monday ’and Tuesday at , the Hebrew synagogue, 618 Mynster street. Council Bluffs. Services were held Sunday night and Monday morning, and other serv ices are to be held at 6:30 p. m. Monday and at 8 a. m. Tuesday. Embargo in Arizona. Phoenix, Arlz., Sept. 28.—Arizona has established an embargo directed against shipments of livestock and feed from four counties near Houston, Tex., which today were placed under federal control because of reported outbreaks of foot and mouth disease, Dr. S. E. Douglas, state veterinarian, announced tonight. Mrs. Rogers Visits and New Grat A Universal Service. New York, Sept. 28.—Mrs. Henry Huddleston Rogers this arternoon visited her daughter. Countess Halin von lloogstraeten—the former Mil llcent Rogers, $40,000,000 heiress— and the countess’ day-old son. Mrs. Rogers spent about an hour / with her daughter and new gland son at the May Lipptnrott sani tarium. In response to questions, I she only answered: "You know all ahout It. What more can I nay?” Thi lathy, nix and one halt pound In weight, already shows algns of resemblance to his handsome fath er. hospital attachea say. It la believed he will be named for Colonel Rogers. MtlUcent’a father, but this point haa not baen rW’lfVrt. tfn fnr hh I* known, Couni Hnlin, I Alien Property Custodian Tenders His Resignation Washington, Sept. 29.—Col. Thom as W. Miller, alien property custo dian, today tendered his resignation to President C'oolidge at the White House, to be effective at Mr. Cool ldge's convenience. It was indicated that Miller, how ever, would not leave office until after election. PRISONER TRIES ESCAPE; IS SHOT | Bluffs Officer Wounds Flee ing Man in Leg and Cap tures Him. Fleeing from officers who had arrested him on a charge of intoxica tion, Thomas Tracy, 28, 1530 Avenue C, Council Bluffs, was shot in the right leg Sunday night by Detective Fred Bascom. He is now under police guard at Mercy hospital. Tracy, with Sam Lewis, 26, Thirty seventh street and Eighth avenue was arrested at Tenth street and Broadway by Patrolman Bay Brown. Detectives Bascom and R. P. Bolin were called to take the men to Jail. As Bascom opened the door of the Jail building, he says, Tracy slugged Him with some blunt Instrument and bolted between the detectives. Bas com raced after him as he fled be tween the Jail building and police headquarters. When Tracy did not obey repeated calls to halt Bascom fired three shots. 1 The third shot struck Tracy in the leg, and he was captured at Main 1 and Pine streets. He was treated by Dr. R. S. Moth and removed to Mercy hospitals . COUNCIL TO DECIDE CHICKEN SPACE Los Angeles. Sept. 28 —How much space does a chicken need for proper exercise? This is the question under discis sion at sessions of the Los Angeles city council. , Requested by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to draft an ordinance setting forth the space chickens kept In crates must have to move about, the city counril men have been unable to reach an agreement. BLUFFS MAN IS SENT TO JAIL Lew Hunneffld, 327 Avenue I, Council Bluffs, was sentenced to six months in the county jail when he pleaded guilty before District Judge \V. C. Ratcliff Monday to charges of maintaining a liquor nuisance. The charge was made against Hun neftld following a police raid on Ills borne last June. BLOCK OF HOUSES BURNED IN CUBA By (nivrr*ul Service. Havanna, Sept. 28.—A violent fire today destroyed almost a block of bouses in Santiago de Cuba. The ftre started In a store of Victoria Gar zon avenue and extended quickly to the rest of the block. A . heavy shower a ded the firemen. Damage otherwise would have been more ex tensive. The owrjers'of the store bus been ordered arrested. .Community Baths Are Poptilur in Berlin Berlin, Rept, 28.—After a lapse of several years, Berlin's community baths have opened once more. A regu lar cleanliness craze Is sweeping tin* city. The baths are Jammed beyond capacity and the city Is hurrying to build new ones. Her Daughter idson at Sanitarium believed to be In Vienna, bas not yet received notification of the .ar rival of his son. The elopement of Count Balm and the popular Millleent last January created a furor among her aoclety friends. The count had boon ii guest at the Rltz, where the Rogers family wns living. Her parents frowned on the match. tlhortly after the marriage. Count and Countess Halm went to Europe. Colonel and Mrs. Roger* followed and returned to this country last spring with their daughter. The count remained, ostensibly to participate In the Olympic tennis matches. lie denied, st that lime, rumors of s permanent separation, and pie ill' ted significant!} : "My wife will return to me sa soon a*, she can." Senator Howell Speaks at Ceremonies in West Lawn Cemetery. Two cannon, which now guard the graves of veterans of the Spanish Amerlcan war, were dedicated at West Lawn cemetery. Sunday after noon. Flanking a granite monu ment they stand not only to com memorate the dead of the .Spanish Amerlcan war, but also the success ful completion of a movement start ed 15 years ago by the late Ferry J. Miller, then commander of Leo Forby post No. 1, to secure two guns to guard the graves of his comrades. The guns were eventually secured by Senator R. B. Howell and were sent to Omaha six weeks ago from the government arsenal at Watervlelt, N. Y. Speaking from a platform ap propriately placed near Mr. Miller’s grave; Senator Howell, himself n lieu tenant on the cruiser Prairie during the Spanish-Amerlcan war, paid tribute to those who served in the f ght for Cuba’s freedom and tj’nse who havd remembered America’s Spanish-Amerlcan war veterans. 2011 Hear Howell. More than 200 persons heard him. "These cannon are not monuments to the dead, but stand for the living as a reminder of great deeds done and as an inspiration to those who look upon them." Senator Howell said. Bruce J. Norton, past state com mander of the Spanish-Amerlcan war veterans presided and told of the movement to secure the two cannon which stood, flag draped, beside him. Leo Bozell Speaks, “These cannon will call to mind the efforts that Americans have pflt. forth In the cause of liberty, justice and freedom," said Leo Bozell, com mander of Omaha»post, No. 1, of the American Legion. "As brothers of the Spanish-Amerlcan war veterans we of the American Legion will deem it n duty of honor to care for this plot when you are not here to do It.” Addresses were also made by W. A. Whisenand, commander, and Alfred Aldren, adjutant, of Lee Forby post. No. 1. and Thomas P. O'Brien, state commander nr the Sons of Veterans. Mis. Rose Whisenand, commander of Nebraska department auxiliary of the United Spanish-Amerlcan War Vete rans and Mrs. Nellie Damon, presi dent of Lee Forby auxiliary, made pledges. BLUFFS FOOD SHOW OCTOBER 6 Forty exhibitors will take part in the 10th annual pure food show, Oc tober 6 to 11, in the Council Bluffs I auditorium, it was announced Mon day morning. Workmen began erecting exhibit booths Monday morning In prepara tion for the show. The auditorium will be elaborately deeoratecf. A style show will be one of the principal features of the exhibit. The show will be produced jointly by Council Bluffs clothing stores. The Council Bluffs I{igh school or hestra will play dally at the show. BLUFFS WAITRESS | WANTS HER BOY Seeking to recover custody of hei f-ycar-old son, Mrs. Frances Barker waitress in a Council Bluffs restau rant, appeared in court Saturday ut Tecumseh. Neb., to press a liabeaq corpus action against the boy's great Hint, Mrs. Michael Curtin of Ster ling, with whom he has been living. Judge Itoper has taken the case under advisement. Mrs. Barker gave the boy to his great aunt several months ago, and when she decided that she wanted Ihf hoy back the tint refused to relinquish his cus tody. Ten Fined for Drinking. Ten men who put their faith in bootleggers, paid fines totaling when arraigned In Council Bluffs po lice court Monday on drunkenness charges. One of the 10 was sen tenced to 30 dnys in jail. 1 11 . "!P TZ? CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 12338. ■\n Ordinance granting permleelon anti | authority to Union Pn lflc Railroad rompiny. Its iuei mori and aealgne. to ur>natru«t. maintain and operate in tbo I <*lty of OiTmhH, Dougina Countv. Ne hraaka. a atandard guage croga ove»'| track in Jori''?i Street from a connect Ion with the « \mating track of Union Pacific Railroad Company on the south of Jon** Street at or near the weet line of 10th Htreet. to a connection with the exlating track of anld Union Pacific Railroad Company at a point apnroxlmately 40 f*-et aouth of tha north line of Jonca Htreet and midway between 8th and 10th Street* HE IT OKDAJNED BY THE CITY COlINCIf. OF THE CITY OF OMAHA Section 1. That nermiealon and au thority be. and the aame ara hereby, granted to Union Pacific Railroad Com pany. It" aucreasora ami aaalgna. to con struct, maintain and operate a etandard guage croae-over track In Jon*a Street from a connection with liia existing tra« k of Bald railroad * onipanv on the aou»h ■ Ida of Jonca Street at or near the went line nf 10th Street, to a connection with the existing track of anld railroad com pany at a point approximately forty «40> feet *«mth of the north line of Jonee Street and midway between 8th and 10th Street* Section 2 That the privilege* hereby granted ahall be eublect to all the rondl t ion * of ordinance No. 10.01J of tha City of Omaha. Section 3. That thta ordinance ahall take effect and he In force from and after 1 f» dava from the data of Ita i*nae«go and approval. Panned. September 23. 1824 JAMES C DA HUMAN Mayor and I'reaident of C'ltv Council. Atfeal JAMES P. ID >CToR. (HEAD.) Cltv Clerk ORDINANCE NO I2JS4 An Ordinance declaring public alley be tween 10th Street and Bellevue Boule vard from porcaa 8freet to Martha Hiruef in tha City of Omaha, and open for public travel Wbereaa. It baa been duly declared ne<eaaary by Ordinance No. 118*8 to ap propria t a certain land* and reul oatate for the tine of the City of Omaha for opening alley between 10th Street and Bellevue Boulevard from Porcaa Street to Martha Street! and Whereiia. Three dlalntaraet ed fteoboldr *•( ut the I'Hy Who, after being dulv Hworn to perform the dutlea of their appointment with fidelity and ImpartiaJ Itj, have h aaeaeed the damage* (a the ..Ariel* of tlie property i eepectlvely taken liy aiich appi opr lation , ami Whtteaa, Such Himniainint he* barn dulv reported to the t'lty Council for < noflrmatloti and ha* been duly approved and i unfit me«|. end Wheraaa All other requlrenienta of leu relating to the appropriation (private property for the uee of Ihla t’lty for the purpoea nforeeald have bean complied with. i Therefore, I HE IT OBPAlNfcP BY THE CITY COUN. i ill, OF THE CITY OF OMAHA He. tInn 1 That alley between tOlli Street and Bellevue Boulevard t nny Itorcae Street to Marlhe Street In tbf t'lty of Op, tha be. and the enine m hei^ h> il • i lilted a pit lift* alley and open t» CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. .ne public travel and to be hnprove4 hm may hereafter be ordered or require i S ctlon 2. Thut thia ordinance ahall ke effect and be In force after fifteen lays from anti after Its passage. Passed; September 2J. 1924. JAMES C. DAHLMAN. Mayor and President of City Council. A i test: JAMES P. IIOCTOR. i SEAL > City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 12337. An Ordinance declaring I’lerce Street from 66th Street to 68th Street In the City of Omaha, a public etreet and open for public travel. Whereas. It has been duly declared necessary by Ordinance No. 12126 to ap propriate certain lands and real estate for the use of the City of Omaha for opening Pierce Street from 66th Street to 6Mh Street, and Whereas. Three disinterested freehold ers of the City who. after being duly sworn to perform the duties of their ap pointment with fidelity and impartially have assessed the damages to the owners of the property respectively taken by such appropriation; and Whereas. Such assessment has bc-fcn duly reported to the City Council for con firmation and has been duly approved and confirmed:, and Whereas. All other requirements of law relating to the appropriaMon of private property for the use of the City for tne purpose aforesaid have been complied with, Therefore, BE IT ORDATNBD BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section. 1. Thut Pierce Street from 56th Street to 58th Street in the City of Omaha be, and the name is hereby, de clared a public street and open for pub lic travel and to be Improved as may hereafter be ordered or required. Section 2. Tnat this ordinance ahall take effect and be In force after fif teen days from and after its passage. Passed; September 23, 1924. JAMES C. DAHLMAN, Mayor and President of City Council. Attest t TAMES P HuCTOR, (SEAL.)_Clty Clerk. ’ ORDINANCE NO. 12336 An Ordinance declaring 66th Street from Poppleton Avenur to point 126 feet North of Pine Street in the City of Omaha a public street and open for public travel. Whereas It has been duly declared necessary by Ordinance No. 12124 to ap propriate certain lands and real estate for Hie use of the City of Omaha for open ing 56th Street from Poppleton Avenue to point 126 feet North of Pine Street, and Whereas, Threa disinterested freehold ers of the City who, after being duly sworn to perform the duties of their ap pointment with fidelity and Imparlallty have assessed the damages to the owners of the property respectively taken by such appropriation; and Whereas. Such assessment has been duly reported to the City Council for ■ onflrmation and has been duly approved and confirmed; uml Whereas, All other requirements of law relating to the appropriation of private property for the use of the City for Hie purpose aforesaid have befei com plied with. ^ Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section I. That 66th Street from Pop pleton Avenue to poin* 126 feet North of Pine Street in the City of Omaha be. and the same is hereby, declared a pub lic street and open for public travel and to be Improved as may hereafter be ordered or required. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force after fifteen dav* from and after its passage. Passed: September 23. 1924 JAMES C. DAHLMAN, Mayor and President of City Council. Attest: JAMES P HOCToR. (SEAL ) . City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 12336 An Ordinance declaring Hickory Street from 56th Street to 80th Street in the City of Omaha, a public street and open for public travel. Whereas, It has been duly declared necessary by Ordinance No. 11959 to ap propriate certain lands and r*»a! estate for the use of t lie City of Omaha for opening Hickory Street from 56th Street to 60th Street; and Whereas. Three disinterested freehold ers of the City who, after being duly sworn to perform the duties of their polntment with fidelity and Impartiality have assessed the damages to the owners of the property reaper tlveljr taken by such appropriation; and Whereas. Such assessment has fcser. duly reported to the City Council for confirmation nnd has been duly approved and confirmed; and Whereas. All other requirements of law relating to the appropriation of private property for the use of the City for rho purpose aforesaid hava been complied with. Therefore. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY «'F OMAHA: Section 1 Tha* Hickory Street from 56th Street to 60th Street in t )*« City of Omaha be, end the same Is hereby, declared a public street and open for public travel end to be Improved aa may hereafter be ordered or required. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be In force after fifteen days from and after Its passage. Passed. September 23. 1924. JAMES C*. DAHLMAN. Mayor and President of City Council. Attest. JAMES P HOCTOR. tSEAL.) _City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 12138. An Ordinance declaring Poppleton Avenue from Fifty-sixth Street to Fifty ghfh Street in the City of Omaha a public Street and open for public travel Whereas, It has been duly dp- lared necessary by Ord:nanre No, 12126 to ap-I propria!* certain lan is and real estate for the use of the City of Omaha for opening Poppleton Avenue from Fifty sixth Street to Fifty-eighth Street, and Whereas. Three disinterested freehold ers of the City who. after being duly sworn to perform the duties of their ap pointment with fidelity and Impartiality have Hit*-*sed the damage* to the owrn ; rs f the property respectively taken by such appropriation; and Where,.a Such aseesaiient has been duly reported to ths City Council for cor flrmation and has been duly approved and confirmed; and Where««. All other requirement# cf law relating to the approptiar n of pri vate property for the use nf the City for the purpose aforesaid have been i urn plied with. Therefore. RK. >T ORDAINED BT THE CITY « NCIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section 1. That Poppleton Avenue from h!fty-sixth Street to Fifty-eighth Street iq the City of Om.iha be and ths same is hereby, decdared a public street and open to the public- travel and to be Im prove.! as may hereafter be ordered or required. Section 2. That this ordinaries *hall take effect and be m force after fifteen days from and after Its passage. Passer September 2.1, 1924 J A M F. 8 C DAHLMAN, Mayor and President of City Counc il Attest JAMKS P. HOCToR. * (SEAIA City Clerk. __ NOTICM PROPOSALS FOR SIDEWALK CON 8T RUCTION. Sealed proposals are Invited and will he received by the City Clark of the city of Omaha until Tussdav. October 7. 1924. at lo n’rlnrk a m . for the construction or widening of sidewalks ip Sidewalk pis tr t No 54, described and located as follows, to-wit; "" ‘He West Side of 40fh Street of artificial stone* Class ' A” 4 feef wide Lots J e. 3. 4 and 6. Block 1. Lots 1. 2 *• 4- 6. 6, 7 and 8, Mioc-k 3 Lots 1 2. 3. 4 6 6 7 and 8. Block 5. Thornburg Plact Addition. <>n the West Side of 28th Avenue of artificial stone Class "A" 4 foe; wide The North 1-3 the Middtk Id, and the South 1-3. of Lot 1. Block 2 Catalpa 1 lace Addition. On the West Side of HkMscom boule vard of artificial at»ne Class A ' 6 feet wide: Lot 9 Block 1 T ot 1 Block 8. Lot * and 7 Block 9. Her Addition On the South Side of Sprague Street of artificial stone Class A” 4 feet wide Lots 6 and 7. Block 4 Druid Hill Ad dltlon Ofi rho North Side of Dorcas H^*et of artificial stone C|hs« "A" 4 f»*et wm* Lot 116 < interview Addition On the South Side of Frances Street ©f artificial stone ( lass • A” 4 feet wide Lets 105. 106. 107. and 101, Csntsrvlsw Addition. on (he North Side of •‘.I’* Street of artl flcisl stone Class •A" 4 fest wide Lots 9 and in. Block 186. Original City of South Omaha. On the East Side of 16th Street of artificial atono Class "A" 4 feet wide Lot* 12. 13. 14 «nd 16. Block *.14 Lots • - 10 and til* Tforth of Lot It Block 349. original City . f South Omaha on the South Side of J‘ Street of artificial Stone Class "A" 4 feet wide: The North of Lot 1. lot It Block 347. I »ot a 1 and 14 Block 14* lot 1 and the North H nf Lot 14 Hick H*. Orlg Inal City of South Omaha on »bs West tdr* of 34th Street of artificial stone Claes "A" 4 feet wide* Lota 2. (*. 7. ft and 9 Bto< It 33 4 Dot 2. Block 249. Original City of South Omaha On the North Side of ' K" Stieet of artificial alone Ciena "A" 4 feet wide: The Weat M> feet and th« Fast in feet of the West 60 feet of latf 7 Lot » Block 349. Original I'llv of South <>niah* U»n tho East Side of ,14th Street of artificial atone Class '■A" 4 feet wide Lots in 11. 13 end 13 Block .rtf (.ole J1 12. 13 and 14 lt|o. . *4* Origins! 5 11 V of Soul b C linn ha on the North H I., of Dougl is Street of artificial atono clues \ • ft « ie ' The Not til F7 « feet • : 1 m IF lc 7 Perkins Hub Sub lx>t» 9 end 1<» nf Lot 3. CauHol Addition On til* West Hide *.f 72nd Street of artificial stone Class A 4 f».-t *\ id Lot 7 Ml.ok 158 Or ill nul city of South Omaha 4 »t for ho tnii> h of sai l sulk as has not been already constructed. Such sidewalks to b. constructed In a' rnrdance with the Plans and so*. ifh « Ilona ami »e<nilrernrni* as nreparrd hv the • 11v Engineer and adopted end approved b* the Mayor and Ctlv I'ultii >ii for tire purpose of governing tire must t it* I ton **f sidewalks to said * ID during th. v. ,. F'-i and to tn constituted under tin* • m r - islon of tho < it I Hgtns CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. J^arh proposal must be accompanied bv i certified check In the sum of $100 a* u guaranty of good faith and to be forfait ed to rhe city «a liquidated damages In j event «>f failure to enter Into contract. | should award be made thereon Proposals must be made upon printed 1 blanks provided bv the City Engineer, and no proposal will be conaidered If de tached from the package In which It was | bound, but the entire package must be unbroken and in good older when the proposal Is deposited. Prices must be stated In words ana figures In the respective columns provid ed in the printed blanks Proposals must be sealed. marked "Proposals for Sidewalk Construction. ' and addressed to James P Hoc-tor. City Clerk. Omaha. Neb and will be presented to the Cltv Council unopened at the reg ular meeting to be held on Tuesday. Oc tober 7. 1924. at 10 o’clock a. rn. The Council reserves the right to re fect any and all bids. Published in accordance with the pro visions of Ordinance No. 10942. Omaha. Nebraska. September 25. 19-4. JAMES P. HOCTOR. S-25-24-27-29-30. City Clerk. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 19c per line each day, 1 or 2 day4. 17o per line each day. 3 or 6 days. 16c per line each day. 7 days. <5c per line enph day. 30 days. CLOSINO HOURS FOR CLASSIFIET* ADS. Morning Edition .p m Evening Edition . .•;nn Surday Edition .* p. m. featurdaj Telephone ATlantic 1000. THE EVENING BEE. THE OMAHA MORNING HEW. CLASSIFICATION. Tuneral Notices . J Vaults and Monuments . 3 Funeral Directors . • Cemeteries .«.. ? Florists . ! f urd of Thanks . 5 lodge Notices . J Coming Events .«•••.»••. 5 Personals .. 1 >os t and Found . 101 AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Sale . jj Trucks for Hale . 1; Automobile Agencies .. JJ Motorcycles anil Blcvetee .. J; Automobiles for Exchange .......... *•» Auto Accessories. Parts .. J5 hervlre Stations—Repairing .. J * j Wanted—Automobiles .J* Garages for Kent . ... J BUSINESS 8KRV1CH. Business Services Offered ... f* I Building Contractors .Hi Heating and Plumbing .. J^ j Millinery—Dressmaking .•••••••• *■ 'loving—Trucking—Storage .. JI* Painting and Papering ..*2 Patent Attorneys .... Printing Stationery . *2 Professional Service .2? Repairing . ... • •.. Kennvatlrg and Dyeing ...• • , laundries .. *3 Tailoring and Pressing .••»••• « Wanted—Business ftervlee .. M EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female . IJ; Help 44 anted—Male ... f] llelo lVinlnl— Male and Feranle .... Male*men ao-l Agents . ... eh: Mtuptlnns Wanted — Female .. •'*! situations Wanted—Male ............ 41 j FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities . 4|l Investment—Stock*— Honda .43 j Heal F.-tate loans . Money to I .oat .43 M anted to Borrow . 4®! EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Courses ... 47 1-ocnl Instruction Ulus see .. Musical—Dramatic ...4* Dancing Academies . C1, Private Instruction .. Wanted Instruction . • LIVESTOCK. Dogs Cat • and Pets ..$$ Morses ( ottW A’ehlrle* .i Poultry and Supplies .. . Wanted — Livestock .. MERCHANDISE. Articles for 'ale .. $ Business Fnnlnment ... Building Materials . 6*> Farm and Dairv Products .. "v; . Fuel nod herd .«1 Good Things to Eat . « Home-Made Things ... •isran Colam* P* Imelr* anr. Watches . "JJ Ws<iilnrtt and Tools •* Meeds. P.nnis and Flowers .. •* 4.»eclals at the Stores ............... $'• Musical Instruments . 2" Radio Uqp om*nt . 7J Wearing Apparel .... . 7 Wunfed to But 73 KDDMH FOB BENT. Rooms With Board . d >*uml«tied Hmim* . 73 Rooms for Hop*.-keeping . 7* Rooms. I nf tirnlsht •• ..7* Where to Stop In Town . JJ* $4 an’ed—Ro« nr*s and Board . 79 REAL ESTATE— EDR RENT 4nartment*—Famished . $4 4p«rtments—I nfurnl«hed ........... 31 Business Places for Rent ............ "7 Hanses for Rent . ** Houses—Unrnlshed "4 Offices and Desk Room . 3-4 Out-of-Ti wn Property ... **ubtirhsn for Rent . 37 Firm Lnnd* for Rent . $J '••aimer Place for Rent . |» Want.d to Hint . ®r liF \ • K*»TATh~rOR SALE. Business Property U Real F fate—Investments ... t? **arnis and I.ands for Hale . W f it* Acreage for Sale . 34 Houses for Sale . Houses—North . P4 Houses—“oath . 37 I Moose'*—West . •• ! Houses—Henson . 39 Per **nfe—Dundee . HR* j For Male—Flom«ge . lot For .Male—Conn'll Bluffs . 137 lots for Male 1ft3 Real Estate for F»rh"tin .,104 *4 anted—Real Estate* . 103 AUCTIONS. 4fiction 'ales 10" Real Estate for A net Ins . 107 __A V NOIM KM FVT * v Funrr»l Nntlrr*. II.OlKrt T Mr. I :17a* - 'll A wf« "f I' J Barrett 3.539 Lafayette avenue died Sunday morning at 9. She la survived by her hue! and geven children and 14 grand* hlldten. Funeral service* nil! he held from h-me to the 8t t’e< Ilia cathedral on Tuesday j morning at *»;30 and • respectively She had been a resident of Nebraska 47 years and of « Mnaha 4 5 year* RAINEY—Char lea W I» ed September 2* at h'a hon«, 1425 South Eighth atreat. age 44 year*. Servlrci M ‘cdev at 9 o'clock from the home Inqufrl’** may be addteaaed to th« Burkett rhapel Harney nofa _ CANNON - < !• cries C. aye 42 year*. a» realderce, 22*»ft Spencer St Fuu* ‘1 Tu<*-'i n ft '‘in r- *■ ’ence at * I a. m to Sacred H*art church at 5. Inter- * moot Ho • • i \. Vaultn and Mnmimrnt*. I ] ‘Automatic Sealing con- ret# burial vaults recommendad by *11 leading undertakers )maha Concrete Burial Vault C« ^iiirrni Director*. 3 HFAFET A H FA FEY I'ndertakera apd Embalmaro Phone 11A 02' Off a Sill Farnam t ksta Muslim since imii 111 I S F A IUKPEN. At Tour Sorvlca. 25?: :t Cumins st _JA. l?l« Rrailey & Dorrance. IIUFI-'.M AN l'M< ‘H MY ambulance Hodge and 4th St Funeral directors J * 1941 JOHN A. OKNTLKMAN _H A 1fi< 41411 Farnam Wt. N p SWANS N 17 fit ANT* 4*UMlNli Quiet IMgnlfled Buuervlalo !.» si.ik u. MoollE. 24th and Wirt. WE **04 7 * *• ~ 1IWNI S FUNERAL HOME 49"o N -,4*n M t KF. #257 rrmefetie*. 4 j ~vi8rr forest lawn Pure hssa a family lot in Omaha’s moat | beautify* « idnrtery office* at tha came tery (« cat of Florence) and TSo (trend*.a t banter < ird «•! ftmiiH i ML n nh to extent our ale-era thank* to - ir i *n\ ft ien-1* fur their kind evtmathx during the Ulna * and death of our be ! • *d husband and brother. Jame* p Mi h-damt and f«'r the many beautiful , floral offerings. Me xc l*h especially to thank the Lee Fo»l-y » amp Mr* IIsmI- Nt* holeon. Mi ■ R. «h • Marie Anderaof). Alt* M-tthn Kiftimiaaen. I _ .1 dm F Nic hed •• <i _ TO »-in many friend* and nelghbora who *.« kindly a "uatsil ue donna the nine*** nn-l elitetb of c jf lfvlov -1 wlf- and todher nr> i fur 'In- many lemillfgl literal offering* xx - a I ah |o x pfesa our t»t»**t I'eitu'*- ■ • thank* Mr Chile Petefaen end ! i hlldlen_ : IVrMinrth 9 mi h Vl \ ATI**N Mlmv induatilai home * In It* xourvdd clothing furniture. rnaga 'It.* Mm collect We dlatllhule I'bun* ,1 v (it. and our wagon will call call ami inane- ' out new home fog \ 19th 8* FAfNt'T in i-clleWnrk and • m I t [ XI • * I \ iMiHD. 2*'lt- <• \lar> Act lei 8 ANNOUXCKMICVrx. rersnnals. 8 THK M KPIATOH. It per yr 8ub«cr!b» now. AT. 7040. 844 Paxton block. THAT'S Noth Inf-—XVHlTEf.Y KblLU) Heat Sheila, II a box. 110 H. latli. , I aist and Found. 10 LOST—Mane irrav tweed top coat, be tween l-’teld club and 24th and Farnam. HA, lit). LOST—One pair of trouaere: tag on troua ere; reward. 4807 S. 32d St. Call MA. 1477. LOST—8h*ll-rlmmed glasses downtown Saturday. Finder call AT. 1534. FOUND—Irish Wetter retrieving dog. Call at 2407 Nr St.. MA. 1021. AUTOM OKI KES~ Automnbllea for Hale. II SPECIAL MONTH-END PRICES ON USED CARS 1921 FORD Tour, starter and f>. M...81S5 1924 Overland 4 Tour. like new . 385 1923 Star Tour, guaranteed. 350 1923 Chev Roadster, new paint. 365 We have others $50 ud to $1,000 Terms or trade. Open always. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 1410 Jackson St.AT 4411 WILL sell my 1923 Ford coupe, cheap Priced for quick sale. Call Mr. 8tiner Atlantic 4411 NASH-VRIE8RTMA AUTO CO. U8ED CAR STORE 2054 Farnnrr AT 2*16 BUICK touring. 1922 four-cylinder In ex cejnent^jmmUbhM^J^OO^^Om^ha^Fnn^^o. Trucks for Sale. 12 TWO Ford trucks, several 1-ton Interna tionals; also several 3-ton International*, all In good mechanical condition Terms can be arranged. International Harvester Co. AT. 0705. FORD ton truck, almost new. In ex cellent condition, at a big sa< riflce. Cash or terms 1819 Wirt street Aufo Accpamji-ips. Parts. H> GUARANTEED new and used muto parts at x speclsl cut price Nebraska Auto Parts, 1016-18 Harney St. JA- 4981. and 2205 Cuming 8t. AT 1971 SPECIAL on complete touring top cov er#. Ford. 34 7 5; Dodge. $10. Kaplan Auto Parts. 2111 Nicholas St. 1*1*81 VESS SERVICE. Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating covered button*, all style#, hemstitching buttonholes Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. SOfc Brown Block. Omaha Neb Telephone JA 1128 NEB PLEATING CO.” Hemstitching Covered Button*. IS04 Farrutm Bacond Floo* JA 567*' Moving—Trucking—Storage tf BEK INS OMAHA VAN ~8TRORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sta. Packing root in* agorae** shipping JA 4161 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING MOVING. SHIPPING, ttTORINO Estimates furnished AT 0230 or JA 4J1 *• I GORDON'S FIREPROOF WHSE A VAN 149 North 11th 8t Phone JA 3032: tnov irg nacklT>r *'or«i<> shfnrdnc Mrtill| and Pnpcring. 2‘ Wallpaper wholesale Paperhanging painting Fred Parra 4761 ft 24th St MA 0101 AT 7404 P.itent Attorneys. 28 J. W MARTIN 518 Peter* Tru*t Bldg Omaha: also Washington Double service single fee Also help sell patents Printing—Stationery. 2? I-OMMERCIAI PRINTING Eddy Print'ng 'o . 212 South 13rb St. Ph<fo* JA 6051 Professional Service. 30 MEDICATED steam bath* and massage Hoorn 35. Douglas Flock AT *194 Repairing. 31 L'PED and new sewing machine*. Sew lag machine* and Vlctro'.aa repaired Rent marhiner tl per week. I? per mo M'CKFL MUSIC HOUSE. !5th and Harney %T *36! KMPLO\ WKXT. Help \\ anted—female. 3fi WANTED—Young lady *♦ ud n?* to join our cta*ses now forming In secretarial ^raining, comptometry. bookkeeping, higher accounting. and C F. A. training individual Instruction Call or write for "Ur catalog or telephone AT 7 41' I'WuRAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, '.'nd flour Wead Bldg lfth and Farnam. LADIES Darn beauty u'tur. Day or evening Wonderful demand and wage* for operators Practical experience on live model* Careful Instructions b- ex oerta Call or write Molar College. :p» s isth__ HOl’REKEFPFIt WANTED—Middle aged lady, small m lern house. t*e vour own boss: steady rlace for the right party. Address 2214 S l.'th St Lincoln. Neb WANTED—I-adies In this locality to em broider linens for us a' home during their leisure moment*. Write *t one. Fash ion Embroideries. Mo Lima. > ‘h o ENROLL at the '.arrest comptometer school j ft Courtncv LMg JA* 1433 Help W.iiKd—Male. 31 FIREMEN brakemen. beginner*. ftfO 1250 (which position") Railway. T .131 Omsh* Bee MEN learn tarbeflnr Now one of lie highest raid t»r>-fe»* ,.>n* Short course No or irethoii* Dos or oven I no. Earn while learning Call nr write. Mo let Barber College 1^9 S lSth St _ COLORED aleeninr ‘car and train por ters. waiter* Prepare for service Ex perience un nece*** ? \ Sen I for book of rules Transportation Dept. $?0. St*. C , lx>a Angelo* _ AT.L men. women, boss. girls. 17 to f** wlllioK to accet • government po»i*fon» M17I750 ftra\e! ng or stationary), Mr Otrnent. PI St. Louis. Mo Snlptfiifn nnd Agent* 3f* 11PER DAY for man with Ugh* car who e*n qualify, r.-untry rale* work It* nearby territory N" Investment or ex perience required See Mr. Pearce. 50ft Conant Hotel LOCAL SALESMEN to represent manu facturer’s line of fine leather goods Call Mr. Turner. Km •* *», Hotel Conant. .Situation* Wanted—Female. 4(1 WANTED—Laundry work for two day# by Danish women WA 234? I IN \ N< IAI ttiintne** OpiM t niml ICS 4** Fv>R SALE garage and blackamfth shop located on Main street :n town nf a -ut gnu 8ixe of shop. 2lxtH' 1 Vg story fttooli will lltVOkt 41 bow t $4,0'Hi J , equipped nearly 94.0fto invested in tools end machinery Good bufttneaa and ltrge territory Want to retire Paul Got drr F edt rlote, P D ln\ rat mPiil—Nltxc It*—I ton it*. 43 III’HY TRANSFER CORNER IDEAL INVESTMENT »*> NET. GROVER A HP A IN, JA lilt_ M A ANDEHII-'N OV J A iTftl Real estate Murstv bond* and kindred In* CONTRA*']' f.»i sale per cent dta. Call 11a 4*7 «•> IN talc I 03114. 44 ~s\~'nT? rt*T“i oan On "Ira* and ae« nd m«M|>i*a We buy outright for <a*h Flitting m»rtg**.'* «nd aid contracts Prompt Aelinn 11 A WOLFE rO„ Ml ftaunders Kei.nedv Bids AT lift* ^ AND * PER CENTUM 1 loan* on t’tnaha Improved property s' lowest rale* FRANK II BINDER * A MAHA if < 'Ml K EAftT Nf 14 FARM* OMI'IK R K AI I KVAtK CO. * NatM Mask Bid# 14 fill (gigsa or onnc» . ha*cd by Tukev Company • #‘4 Viral Na • rh a t * » _ .... maha ‘‘ash on hand prompt 'lea K II K • e It dg LOW BATE on eBy property quh*h .»• • ! M<> iiionibly raiments J 4 l *• > W T Graham 41 cm to IdiuiV* loaned pr <•!»»»'! »eiOte l D W. id A D II Bowman \Vf\ad Bldg I FINANTIAU Krai KM at* l/iuia. 44 I WILL huv morn«sn and contract. Co rkin, »<»<)ni Nafl It id i . Ory ha. Wab "’ll* ANl> «* I’ER CtNT-N4J eur GARVIN BROS 64i Omaha TTal’l Hlda City r»a! ratal. n>ortaa*»a and eoa i tracta hough* Larson. 104 N 16th It Farm Loans on Wilt Neb and N R Colo farms. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. Money to l oan. 46 WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY at the lowest rate we have ever mada. DON’T PAY HIGH RATES. Over 30 years In business assurea vou of a quick, quiet and confidential deal at the lowest possible cost. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. f.0« Karha.h Blk. Te! JA. 1265. Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Bte. DIAMOND loans at lowest rates business atrtctlv confidential The Diamond Loan 4 Dodge Establlsbad 1**4 El >t?C AT 1ON A I Local Instruction Classes. 48 DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In all commercla1 branches Shorthand typewriting, teleg raphy. saleamanshlp. civil aervlca. Phon* JA. 1666. Complete catalog frea. BOYl.KS COLLEGE 16th and Harney Sts.Omaha Neb EIGHT to 12 weeka prepare vou for a fine office position Call AT 7774 or write American «ollege 1912 Parnam TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge St 1306 Douglas St Call nr write for informs’^o SPECIAL COACHING in high school branches from 3 30 till 9:30 p. m. Terms very reasonable. Call JA. 1665. Musical—Drama tie. 49 POPULAR music, taught bv orche-tra pi ar 1st K M Kahn Micke! Ridg AT 4361 Dancing Academic* 50 PRINCE OF WALES Fox Trot and other late*' steps taught a* THE K EL-PINE classes Monday and Thuraday nights. Private lessons any hour. Tel. AT 7850 KEEP Dancing Academy class Monday and Friday. 8 pm. Elks club. AT. 3911 nr JA f. 4 70 LIVESTOCK Dors. Cats and Pets. 53 —— -■ -■ . ■ -- -5-.- ■ FOR SALE—Weil marked pure bred fox terrier puppies; prlctd right. R. W. IJtJen. David City. Neb merchandise" _ Fuel and Feed. *1 KINDLING— 15 truck load delivered Sawdust. B >d Shavings JA. 6740 Household Goods. 44 YOU ARE LOSING every day thit yor fail to take of the furniture bargains' at St nhens'-n • U‘9 Caplto Ave Private sale, and auction FOR RFAL furniture anc -ue values* ae# Home Fnrr';i-:e Co. Smith Sde Swap Column. 65 NEW HOOSIKR kitchen’ cabin** will trade for comb.nation range HA 4?Kb Machinery and Tools. 47 NEW and second-hand motor*. dynamos LeBron F’e trica! Works M«-2n S lUh Mimical Instrument*. 76 PIANO—Emerson urrlght, colonial. Con dition af new. 11.3x75 A r.glo-Persian rug. Walnut 1974. PI AN- S FfAR RENT —f 4 per month. A H1 >3PH CQ IMS T>ouglai Wanted to But. 74 DESK v DESKS DESKS New desks, us -1 tleskr- bought, sold god traded. J G. Reed. 1207 Earram St. AT >140. _ROOMS FOR Fif'NT_ Rooms With Hoard, 74 rji‘D«;E ST . ;T01 N —J e*’r& l»rr* nt<-« room*, good t oard ; reasonable. AT. 5247. HA. 3l*>£—Large, pleasant room for two with beard Har-com park district. % NICE room and boar-1 for employed coup!* * r 2 gentlemen. WE 032". Furnished Ronnu. 75 TW’.NTY - FIFTH AVI-;. - 4 S —Nice r-toin r>riv*ie family. walk r.c distance. *s bio k to car. 1 r 2 AT, 1127, CUT TOUR HOTEL BILL. ■ 3 rrr n t ho'el g n’eeirh. near Jack * n. Ku-'j daily SI to 12 Weekly, 19 to $H» A -j MT P.TA BT*: HI A g N\ HIE FURNISHED room for gentlemen; steam h-at. bath Ka'nam car. HA. 7124. HA ■ ?94 LOVELY room in b-and new home with mi* eges R-ae r-vblr- fail HA. 7427. 2i:9 CAPITOL Avo—Furnished room in modern heme; e> ntlemen prrf.-red. H AMILTU.V Aeivx. 2: <» S. 24th—Room Li • : : J A * I 7 * Kottnis for llous^Lf^iitnc. * ’APlTOL AVE. 2417—Redecorated front j room. eingle and vnsuite. Reasonable, J A 312* KF 179*7—3 ninsant b*kv room# Reas onable He. r m l water f'oe. 3.119 Ttirlor I CHICAGO St. -G 22—Large i >om with ori I vaIp bath and k • henefe C*U HA «. 4 I 2709 I'OJXIE—S'ng’e; gj*. eV r c lights h ■ , • 14 - I *« S' v \\ lit rc to Stop tii Town. «► I HOTEL S A V FORp— 19t h and Kirnia ! HOTEL HENSHAW—l«th and Farnam <r*n 11 ra**1' 4o permanent gue*t> KI M. FST \TF--FOW RENT Afnf frortil*—Forniahfd. Ht* UF.AIT.rTl 1 Y fi-Mvshtd 5-room apt for t».. in*1- *. I'- itu.ntli t'enario. No 12. 51*t nnd Capitol W A. £027 HUNTER :NA HOME for the Krtvliti man and w fc AT *9 0 :4th nod Dodr NKWLY dec mod. airy 2-rm apt IU< s 23rd 5? Mm- ; *hf water free i 729 S 1STH ST—Two and thrce-rtK»m j *1 art went*. private bath. I ;72 S. HTM ST - Cho c# S room*, front \p.ii i mrnfH—t'nfurr.Uhrd. *1 DUNDEE • ■ ightful f apartment 'r» the Alhambra new. fireproof, eplend'dly t o ■ .*t•*<l. ha* two exposure* all rooni T-tht am| comfortable l-rtt*. S'**!* I in m « »t i built-in bed: corner dining room *>*rnei I bedr‘Mint with full mi for L or. tit* bath. well arranged kit* hen w‘*h built in fe^* ! iurea Mu h mere than The usual Newt) . epotieee'ugh• lit, J, B«l $79 FUEL 1 IIKYN A CO, Realtors AT 771’> E\e» n«s cal HA •«: W \ '12 WA 79$ 7. or janitor w ill show APARTMENTS and fiata lor rent, j w J PALMER CO AT 9959 W««al Estate Manssmer.f Spa. -laltats ONE, two three and four-room ante $35 to $7 9 DRAKE R $_N TAI AGENCY__ 4104 N 241 11 V vp ni> e rooms, light* lust *nd water furti.«b«'d Ca‘,l K1 *424 \fier * K K P972 _ du'ndff The only four loom -partmen* now ava l able in the Alhambra new. f|repr«"d splamltvlljr l« « ate,! Has three espusur* • ,11 rooms i. f * t 4!»f vhie 1 c. ‘lvlng room with built in be.!, coiner «! e i 'ng room, corner bedroom with full m i dadV. tils hath, well a* ragged K t- hen « i built -In feature* Mu, h more than t h, u*ual clows', spate, Beautifully dscoiatsd floor* nearly waved spotleee thiougb ui $7$ luinuif. $7* winter FR» D 1- HKYN CO Realtor*. AT 774 • Even »K* call M A W A $||| WA 7'9 or lAlllt** Xriil ** w PETERS TRUST tMMI’ANY • WMttC.iK «. M AH A RUSTS AT 95«4___1 7 ih a*A STEAM HEAT « a is I a and • Inae in O r -i,| .»•* DU*' Uh ufl St ll.AKl.U4i rt hherman Ave v tract * 5 ryn*»n apt $H WE 071 WE 4 7 * VldlAMHliA t9»b «nd fiti f i Av, i neo f n v oa hgltding >n a ,« 'vehient l>u«n1»p io*a ‘on ,!list oils left; •!,.... a apt with tivt living tiM'm an,t dining alcove, 1,» s*' bs,! rnmtv clean tight kitchen and (tie.I loth t'lnnt) ,'f sets V. w h if c- *'pt> .e ■ da, orated $«1 sum< $t<p «inter FRED L UKY N *,t. Rsaltots \ r 7T > Ev • ntfis• , all 11 A ' W V till \N a ?*9T, or ianHc will show EfVf l«rn it* * mv• -d «t kea! naw de, orated lit A | At M{ Da c. ’ ! \ \ t l » V PI * * f' V t N, fv . . « |« su*» d 4 . ,i DAT 1* H>' \l. I'STATK—KOH UKNT Apnrtrin>im—I nfiimi«hrd. • < « FIVp: room* and «un room, r* ram car line. HA 7154 or AT. >T3.^ THE Fior**ntln*». 911 S 26th Rl. — Ah** < f 2 3. 4 and 5-room. 1»h»ne JA. 14J2 THE rhiodo. 120 A. 26th Ave —Apta of 4. o and 6-room Phone JA. 3 42.. lluairifftA Plarwi for Rent. ^ FOH KENT—Store building at 4f»t* ir»i Farnarn; rent reasonable. Inquire, DU i dee numbing Co., HA. S544. Houses for V€**nt. 83 114 BOT’TH 41BT STREET—At nair and neighborhood. Only 365 raid and neighborhood. Only l#o month. t ; A. P. Tukey & Son, JA. 4223. €20 First Nat Bk. Bldg NORTH UTH L’-U—Ail modern. 140. Newly decorated; 3 bedroom* and ba’b. second fbior Key »t 2222. * ROOMS for rent, all modern sacept heat, sleeping porch and garage. Call WK 3411. FOR RENT—Beautiful hou*e of 6 room* all modern and garage, MA. 3538. 4139 R St. • 7 KM.*4.—Close to Central and Tech.Hlghe. Fine condition HA 7124 or HA 6994 5-ROOM house; 2-story, all modern, hot air furnace. 2706 B St. Call MA, 1893. FOR RENT—2512 Chicago 8-room mod"* «rn house, garag-. Ir 6. AT. 6146. -623 8. 32 D AVE—Seven-room modern hou«-e. Call HA. .1*143 FIVE ROOM modern bouse, 8 26 S. 20th ■St, Call MA 6t-44 4-ROOM hoj.'.e, 3602 Charles 8t., Call AT fC.Gv Offices and !>rsk Room. 85 SEVERAL desirable office* and Qrts n'cely srrunged suite In Gardner block. 1- IRS T TltL.jT CO aT. «7ft. Farms and l^ands for Saif. 93 CASH 1 «*R TOUR LAND—Sales made jn sixty counties of Nebraska Mark Car •aner. real estate auctioneer. Centra City, Nebraska. Houses for Hftle. 95 *4.600 6-room bungalow, newly decorated, bookcases hail ta ba?h. A real bar gain at 64.600. v. th easy terms. Cal'. Kenneth Metcalfe. WA 6557. MET- ALFE 'TIMPANT _Orf.r.d Ft.- . ■ 3 ifh St AT. 6413 - • R JV nearly modern 160 cask*. L per month, for white or colored. Call HA 6740. * Ho u*fs~- North. 90 3153 Curtis Ave. Southwest corner 31at Ave. and Curt..* may be '•■tight on terms. A fine coion'al Groom bunralow very attractive. See this and call C'arse. JA. 1014. MILLER PARK DISTRICT Five-room ail modern bungalow, clots to car, :n Miller park district; double garage to match oorner lot, ex elleat neighborhood Only $€.000; easy term*. Call Walter Rowley. KK 02^* METCALFE COMPANY. Ground Floor -m2 S 19th St AT. S41S. I .-TRICTLY V DEP.N NEW Hu ME. 3l*ft DOWN BFILT-TN FEATURES, OAK I pr-‘,OKS PAYNE A BON S, JA 161 4 I HGICR of three new .homes, close to I - sr and school. 42d and Grand. Only j 14 K'-L IDO - ash. I’ampbeib WA 6764. i <534 N. 40TH ST—sig-roora part modern. 130b cash. Cre;gh. €03 Bee. JA. 0206. j '* F. % Cf> r»uv and *e1| home* Houses—South. 9# FOR SALE or rent. |-r notre. only tliO cash. B.g bargain. 3103 Valley S’- Now varan? Owner Houses—West 98 I Leavenworth Heights Snap \ Nev. 'on.a] type burrilcw of five roo'r.s and large attic. Finely finished !n • aM ar-i enamel. Tastily decorated. } Price 15 ?5C Env term* To inspect this today call Grant Benson. Walnut 1SS0. Benson & Carmichael (4! Paxton Block. Atlantic 354* Standard Place, $14250 Cash 5 Extra Large Rooms They moved in about a Tex- ago ar.t! ha.- «t>ent - money in getting place r f’t.e rood tion. t has oak flanr* ar f:r ib and at! kinds of built-in features. n r*»ved **reet and is built on the latest j - Pr now nly *>-750. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, AT 5»*f Nscn, KE 114S_Glbeon. KE 577“ BUNGALOW BARGAIN" Fir*-room all modern bangai'**. near car and school. Sn Clifton Hill; hot water heat 5 -foot lot. paring paid garage " tch. real buy at S4 ?S*. w h easy terms. Call Ted Pttktr. HA 7541* METCALFE COMPANY. G- ur.d FI r 7*1 S l»th St AT 5415. mustsellXmake AN OFFER roams. v dern but furnace and •!•* r v' pared street, t.ear Cuming eg* j I s rn Worth 13.0#*. ! 47 4*t« KE. UU. . -.— ... ■ ■■ FIELD CLUB BARGAIN Six large rooms, two-story. newly decorated. CC-foot corner lot- paving paid or.e bWk to car floored attic ext-a to!’■■ * in basement, I! A#. with terms Call LeR.-y Geh* s KE. fc*J# METCALFE COMPANY. Ground K! r 7*3 S l»th S* AT MU. Fowl FR FINDS FOLKS who ba* home* 1 «t vour neooertv w *h ua for results ! T,\ ura BURT C riiWT.FR CO Realtors i 'Vll L bu'U to vour order on our bec^ft VI •% n Kdrewood verv aasv ferw*e j XT *M« • ROOM cottage part mede-rm !oea»ed nea- Ha* - * Mol'- w h!vd Uif» ’•* r«>ip* f! «O' f ip\ term* J A. I fA* l .It NES ST — 7 rooms. all modern. -\er ert loca on Make an offer JA ((«&: _ ,. _ SKV. Morr *on Lumber a-d Cos! for prteea i on rsrsge*. Best Mnstrartloa at tnnil mum c* WE 111! _ F‘ir S >t*—Hiindfr. IS* ______ , . DUNDEE BARGAIN HA! F CASH PRICK M.W* ^:\-r* s m. hung* ** f.rushed in oak. beamed - booh ^ bvf r.i! r. s garage choice romr r let •‘SB N\r H'Al.TY -X' •* Pet» - Trust lVdg JA 7 ? 4f i : RtVMS and sleeping porch brick j frame ,-r >tr :• tien From the extar « b . ho-, e looks small. *he interior '* \ I •■ large rooms, finished tn 4v*k ar«s j white enatre! f)rer*5ece, bookcases ee ; 11*4 N 4#th St_Make me an offer K«if Sa 1^—Florence 101 ' M’THAW AY ae!:» to *» h 'es osb. KLu * H MK in beautiful FLORENCE KL I ’4*4 _ l j * r Vtlf Ml I i v i F BUILDING SITES or rok A t\> Realtors. 4th rt - • ' Nat Bk DM« \t tkf ! o: IfxUT or *d Avenue, facing Bans -in Park ?• sale at an a!tr*rtIx-a ariee | * a Grin*me) JA tt|l - ■ 1 —.- ■■■■■■■ 1 —:i Real I Mite f«.r f-‘\«bancr li4 v tR'iv hfcona Ste*i 4 * F-tera Tryst w taird Rial RMatf iS SfcW Hi'-MK#- YtH R TERMS OR.iVK H IB HA R D tX> I n* • r;-.9c _ AT T%#> uVTrn hT-nTTv m*t witm us MFIIITON A CO ! <54 NevIPe Wok_IA #411. > KF f • Need Itstiaga an* Uv&iM>ti f' -...-ms kb-.'pen a C*>_ It ee Here > 4 1) ST Y , fit Tt’HKAtif WITH tV T HAMER AT MIS, IF «a *n f a* .! vour home in *• Anew ne • m te'l v ou why tv j Palmar tN* j 4T *!»# l.lhT vaur property with u* er. tf ?#• via «n 'he w *i k * * lot acieaca. call lev*1 1 Cehr f. • qvi* V ** MY #?4I hi A >#|* CM 4" W VC, VU k Sv'N ft#a M * e R» • lit l au• a e% a UH i V \a l'49t AT Nil, v* D Hi l\ HIBSON vXV. * I It” Fare ana J# #4 ' * |t) 41 VT vYI lYealvwra 4i 94