The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 28, 1924, Page 8-A, Image 8
Union Outfitting Co. 2wr Union Outfitting Co. £* [ Union Outfitting Co. Union Outfitting Co.f' * M I We deliver purchases of 1109 or ©ear within •• • I miles of Omaha by truck to your door whererer I reasonably possible. _ _ ! 5®®! I I 1 ■_ I Prize j Dance j Tuesday • Oct. 7 * Obtain I tickets at J the store. 1 Everybodj I invited. f ! I S [mt I I I I* Rooms Can Be Bought Separately ! /m.M^ 8 1 i j Howard Stoves Cut Fuel Bills ‘ a Third Take advantage of our Charge Account Plan and put up your Howard Heater now, then you can protect tho family’s health, these cool September evenings by taking the chill off the house. Howard Heaters hum any kind of fuel, and the overdraft con struction which throws fresh air over the flames consumes the coni gases usually lost up your chimney In smoke, giving you more heat on a third less fuel. A wide range of models prlce^ as low ns $^O.50 Hiee| Knnge with shaker grilles, perfect linking oven, $47.50 MWWISMWIOHMfM This 4-Room Outfit Is an Extraordinary Value Rooms Can Be Purchased Separately If Besired THIS unusual value-giving offer In an outfit brings to a realization the wishes of newlyweds and homemakers desiring to furnish a boms attractively at little cost. Better homes are possible through the selection of better furniture, and with this idea in view we have assembled this home outfit and marked It at a price that is within the reach of every purse. CONVENIENT, EASY TO PAY TERMS. roor?Prb‘.'d. a «m": VV © VjlV© r 1 ■ ,, __ I $13750 &9C 1 ' . 1 Presents FREE ' - Stamps MONDAY With All l'nrrhaaea * Opening Mirrors, with poly 1 ‘ chrome or black and silver frame Ouaranteed first grade plate tnlr _ -or, size 17x53H- ft** (lilt* I ' " “"j Monday only. 5) I «t/0 , Double Exchange Blanket. I J^TEr. Cotton, wool r finish, full Our Krchange Department is main- size, large as tained for the purpose of enabling , t na you to realize a fair value on your sort mem. - old furniture when exchanged for plaiil colors. new furniture at the Vnlon Out- Prieoil Afnn. Thl* H0,,ker ltitli Bridge Lamp With Set nf Siherware . fitting Company. ‘ l’lirclime* of fii.OU Purchase* of #A0 With 1'nrrhase* of day at nr oier or over tioo or over T\1 Til AAA * Monday only with Monday only with * Monday only with r'nnn A I /» IXIIII M_ Filter Fernerv With rsmnciM. any purchase of fur- purchase of furniture any purchase of fur [llintc J/lL 1 O V/vF t A 7C 1 , r lerT1'r> " ■' 1 rP"” ..... S' unting t.. amounting to teO or nltur* amounting to * * v v 3 /I ,10 galvanized pan; In many fin- lit or ores ■ rer this beautiful SIM or , at*. -- ishez; put your flowers away deliver all lut.-ly bridge lamp, decor- piece set of Wm. A. Our representative will call and A before the frovt gets (I* A O- ''V, ,hJ“ attrnotiva nt.d In harmonious Rogers silverware give you an estimate without them Priced at . M.95 fml-J, ro^fcer. color, will b, given. absolutely free, obligation. ^ ." I • Urines Yon a Specially Piiced for Monday 539.75 Axminster Rugs Size 27x54. An excellent Vl < harged value, priced special for /Jp* —————■___ Monday at.... vOaOO Axminster Rugs—Size An extra large $ 1 .00 | assortment of patterns to (1*1 Q QPI Seamless F r i n g e d Seamless Velvets— A —— ..'...9LV.VO v.iv«.-.. ah. m. s,.Ml ....sajaftssuiaaiffi Seamlees Axminsterg— Size 0x12. A very 2L"«*V Monday— WASHER .. .$3.45 “^^...$33.50 $38.50 $15.95 "Sll Monday Specials Kl.rtrle ron. atiarnnt..d on. '"•r. wonderful hr.tiit* rle m.nta, ay.vial for Monday. $2.95 I’olt ch ron e Torchl.t* tl.40 ilaltanl.vd i*n 11. . me I'l.vtrlc t'urlln* Iron. .. rt3t* Want* lla.k.t. .‘........ 40e I \ I € i I u Monday—Pay Just | $ a DOWN ! j L Select Apparel ! Mt Valued Up to$50 j Just Arrived—Big Shipment New Fall and Winter I Plain and Fur Trimmed I COATS| Specially Priced for ^ ij at $2450 $3450 $4450 j • Every new wanted style is here, tailored in the better a 1 fabrics. Plaids, Suedines, Plushes, etc., tn all the new | autumn shades. a We Specialize in Stylish Stout*. 1 , • Silk or Wool j DRESSES f Attractively Priced Monday I *15 s242 !342 These smart fall frocks are tail- # >red In the better materials of ^ Charmeuse. Canton crepe, ^rc-pe ~ § back satin, etc., every wanted 3 style and desired shade. Sizes 16 I ».o 62. 1 i I ! A I MEN’S SUITS i OVERCOATS ! « | Priced Monday at I >242 >292 Men. you'll ro far to equal these values, all new stylet, # new fabrics, new shades are here, ray Just $4 dew*, a and chftrRe the balance. I BOYS’ e SUITS | Carefully tailored In the new and 1 winter maierlale and •he.'ee Saule I thet will eerie fnr aohonl end drra | Guaranteed wear, w new pair I J free t>utted for school 01 diess. e ^B