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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1924)
[ Soy Scouts to Hold Ceremony | of Nani-Ba-Zlm i • L r - Twelve Youths to Be Initiat ed Into Trihe Sunday at Camp Gif ford. < The Omaha council. Boy Scouts of America, announce October 12, as the date of their fall festival at Camp Gifford. , This festival Is known as Nanl-Ba Zhu. Twelve scouts will he ^lnitated Unto the order of the Nanl-Ba Zhu Saturday night, October 11 and on iSunday afternoon these scouts to gether with the old members of the (Nani-Ba-Zhu will unveil the carving on the totum pole,, for the sixth sea ieon. I Nani-Ba-Zhu has grown to be one of. the Interesting features of the camp activities. Last year over 700 people attended the ceremony. Forty to 50 scouts, tn full Italian costume, will take part In a pageant, follow ing a ritual Mrs. Myrtle Mason and Charles Levings. The Chicago',/ Burlington & Quincy train leaves for-(.'amp Gifford at 1:05 Sunday nfternoofi. There Is no re turning train leaving the camp after ,the ceremony. The following scouts are to he Ini tiated into the tribe: Donald Erlon. . . Tribe 42; John Byrne, Tribe 100; Ned * *Aull, Tribe IS;. Ralph Stapenhorst, Tribe 81; Lazar’ Kaplan, Tribe «2; Leslie Scholle, tfeibe 75 Wade Me Haven, Tribe 79: Jack Morrison, Tribe, 39; Herbert Way, Tribe 47; Harry Merrlman,. Tribe 24; \erne Rabatka, Tribe 91; Claude Sinnet, Tribe 32; Walter Dempster, Tribe 81. GOVERNOR GOES TO CONFERENCE i Lincoln, Neb., Rept. 27.—Governor Charles Brvnn, democratic vice pre sidential nominee, left here late today for Chicago, where he will confer with Lincoln Dixon, in charge of the west fern democratic headquarters, and other party organizers. Saturday, on the arrangement of future Itinerar ies for the national candidates and others speaking in the Interest of the democratic party. While in Chicago the governor will take up with coal dealers the question af furnishing this state its October supply, that for September having been exhausted. MISSING MAN’S BODY IS FOUND Stella, Neb., Sept. 27.—Mrs. Will Hugh of Stella, was notified today that the body of her brother, Elmer Liberty, of Rule, Neb., had been found In Arizona, where his suitcase was found last January- Liberty wrote a letter home, December 28, 1923, but except the finding of his suitcase | with his Insurance papers, no trace of '/dm had been found. He was unmarried and his parents reside at Rulo. Thieves Raid Farms While Owners Attend County Fair Hperlnl Dispatch to The Omaha IW. Beatrice, Neb., Kept. 27.—Thieves visited the farm home of John Winkle, south of here, «nd stole a quantity of linen, silk, children’s cloth ing and jewelry. They also raided the farm of K. Abner, a neighbor, and carried off 200 chickens. The rob beries occurred while the two families were attending the county fair here. 4, Tint Gray Hair Safely . Use a Guaranteed Harmless hair tint —Brownatone. Millions of bottles sold with uniformly gratifying results. Quick acting, no delay, no trouble, natural shades assured. Not effected by shampoo. Send 10c for trial bot tle. Indicate color wanted. See how easily you can tint gray, faded, streaked or bleached hair to any shade of golden, blonde, or varying shades ot P*9«'. brown or black. All dealers sell and ~ recommend Brownatone. Two sizes— 50c and $1.50. (5 times as much.) Don't delay—act now—conserve your youth. The Kenton Pharmacal Co., 1511 Cop pin Building, Covington, Ky. GUARANTEED harmless BROWNATONE TINTS GRAY HAIR ANY SHADE po Wash Away Those Wrinkles and Crowsfeet If your face is disfigured with wrinkles, no matter what the cause, you can quickly Jispel every line, even the most obstinate, by using a simple, home made wash lotion. Merely dissolve an ounce of powdered saxo lite in a half pint witch hazel—ingredients found in any drug store. Rathe the fate in this, and presto I—you scarcely believe your own eyes when you look Into your mirror and behold the marvelous transfor mation 1 The remarkable astringent action of the saxolite so tightens the akin, wrinkle* art literally pressed out. Rest of all, this re sult is not purely temporary, for the lo tion also ha* a healthful tonic action, which tends to strengthen and tone up the weakened tissue. It cannot Injure th* most delicate skin. The treatment itself baves no trace -no one guesses the secret of your increasing youthful appearance — Ad ver i laement. PYROS |l*(i j tj I'i i I A highly penetrating and antiseptic treatment (sold hy druggists), guaranteed to free your mouth entire ly of—• Pnorrhea Maybelle Bossie Spends Wedding Anniversary Alone First Time; It’s Friday and Thirteenth Year Mrs. Maybelle McKean Bogsle. sec ond wife of the thrice wed Claude Bessie, erstwhile city clerk, now free under bond on assorted serious charges, celebrated her 13th wedding anniversary Friday—alone. Perhaps she didn't exactly cele brate, for she said she felt lonely, as this tyas the first anniversary In 13 years when Claude had not been with her. On the other hand, even if it was Friday, and even if It was the 13th anniversary, and even If she was alone, she wasn't exactly down hearted, either. “I don't blame my luck on the number 13,” she laughed “My bad luck started long before the 13th an niversary." A cynical person might have in ferred that site considered that the bad luck started exactly 13 years ago Friday, when she and Bessie were married in Mayor IJahlntan's office in the city hall. Bessie, when his wife last heard from him,.was sojourning in Council Bluffs with his third wife. “If you want to call her that,” added Mrs. Bossie in a bittersweet voice. Mrs. Bossie says there will be no divorce and no reconciliation, as fai ns she Is concerned. Nebraskan Returned for $176 Forgery at Dew itt Beatrice, Neb., Sepl. 27.—John Slate, alias C. W. Klmore, was brought back from Mound city. Mo., yesterday by Sheriff Green, Wilber, Neb., on thp charge of passing a for ged check for $176 at the Farmers and Merchants’ bank of DeWitt, Neb., September 6. He was employed on the farm of Kudolph Pohlman until he disappeared, two weeks ago. Omaha Bank Clearings. Bank clearings this week, $40,872, 444.33; last week, $43,717,570.21; last year, $35,476,773.82. fc. . , ■ ■ -- ■ . - ■ ■ ■■ Fire Prevention Week Is Planned Preparations Discussed at An nual Meet of Nebraska Association. Preparations to make Fire Preven tion week in Onrnlia, October 5 to 11, more effective than ever before were discussed at tho annual meeting of the Nebraska State Fire Prevention association at Hotel Fontenelle Fri day afternoon. The association plans an Intensive campaign for the general observance of Fire Prevention week, and will continue' throughout the year to carry on town tire luizard Inspection* and fire prevention meetings ns In the punt. • Officers for the i-omlng year elected Friday ure: i'harles F. HenUtickeen president; E. It. Perfect, vice presi dent, and P. K. Walsli, secretary. The executive committee will con sist of these officers and Otto Deal. Donald W. Lyle, E. 8. Freeman, Leo Allen, C. E. Babcock and W. M Eberle of Omaha, and Fred Walt of Lincoln. Holdrege Plans Paving. Holdrige, Neb., Sept. 2S.—Property owners here have circulated petitions on the city for an extensive paving program for next spring, to cover sev eral miles of street. The petitions will he presented to the city council for official action. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. ■■DBBB ■ j ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. Beautify it with "Diamond Dyes’’ m Just Dip to Tint or Boil to Dye < Garments, Draperies. - Everything! j Perfect homo dyeing nnd tinting is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes. Just dip In cold water to tint soft, delicate shades, or boll to dye rich, permanent colors. Kach 15 cent jxiekage con tains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint lingerie, silks, rib bon*, skirts, waists, dresses, root stockings, sweaters, draperies, cover Inge, hangings, everything new. Buy "Diamond lives"—no othei kind, and tell your druggist whctlmi the material you wish to color is wool or silk, or whether It is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. A Gi *de t<»the Greatest Piano Values Omaha Has Ever Known H 0,5 P E'S oOth YEAR SALE Scores of Music for Every Home at Prices Factories to Fit Every Pocketbook Assisting in This Event I Baby Grands Every home should have a piano, and every woman’s desire is some day to own a Grand Piano. Her desire is easily gratified during our Golden Jubilee. Prices and terms on highest grade instruments are the lowest ever. For example, we are showing a brand new and guar anteed Grand Piano at only Terms, SAVINGS AS GREAT AS $400 $3.00 ON FINE BABY GRANDS Week —--—— -m , PLAYER <t PIANOS Brand new, guaranteed play er pianos, equipped with every modern appliance for rendering perfect expres sion. FREE—15 rolls of music, bench and scarf and FREE delivery. TERMS $3.00 WEEK New prights $ Here is a 1925 model, guaranteed upright piano at a bargain price. Our agreement with the factory does not permit us to publicly an nounce its name. But it comes in either oak, walnut or mahogany, and is a rare value in every way. $10 Down $2 Per Week buy now* 1 -- --ISO Pho ographs i I Consoles, up from ^ dllU E g Other Models as Low as $48 f 1 A FINE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM I m $95 Kdi.on . $2 00 mo. $200, $5 00 mo. 9185 "TflB | W $95 Sugar, oak. . $2.00 mo. 955 $200 Sonora . . $5 00 mo. 9185 I H KM J fl ■ W m | f*f $100 Playarphona, $2 50 mo. 958 $125 Sonora $3 00 mo. 975 5 I I VI R* $300 Victrola .. $5.00 mo. 9135 $125 Victrola. oak. $3 mo. 985 Tf) I I I ■ H $200 Hrun.wick, $5.00 mo S I 35 $110 f mrnon $.1.00 nio. #>.’» M A t* I till $200 Victrola . $9.00 mo. 9 1'15 $125 Cramnna ... (3.00 mo. 9^5 Cl TI’T' * I *» $250 Stagar Con., $5 mo, 91 15 $150 F.di.on . $3 50 mo. 935 Owl 1 II 'M $200 Sonora . . $S 00 mo. $|45 $175 Stradivara $.1 50 mo S!VT» H M Consoles, $58 and Up $175 Mandrl .... $3.50 mo. ^115 JM $210 Stager . . . .f6.00m6. |105 Upright*, $48 and Up jp I Out of-Town rolks A u«.i«,r«, »•*.«.»....*.—»»•**....» | I Out-of-town folks fill in and mail coupon at nnc*. Personal attantion will ^ M $ ■ B Bl ^ Nam# f p pi lie given your letter. Krmnmhur, we prepay freight and guarantae satis- A Av I I ^^1^^ ^ ™ Address P I J faction. SMALL TOWN DEALERS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE. | g fl ■ - 1513 DOUGLAS STREET 7_] f ^$i^vmBimi^P3i^^^B[^t^j^^^3^^^u$5m^53j353m5muv^mggug3gn^i^^^^3^iguugif^^^^^^^ggug^igggmig^gigu3igg^gu^i^gggpgggunigg§mygggt3^g^mggiggi^3ggigigpgigg3ggmig^p5imiugi^im^^