The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 28, 1924, Page 4-A, Image 4
4—A ■■■ » ■ ■■■' » Judge Fines 5 Taken in Raid T$lls Roompr He Should Have Moved After First Raid. Repented police raids should serve as a gentle hint to tenants that their rrtotnlng place is perhaps not all it should be. according to Judge Robert Fa trick O. C. Sorenson was in court, charged with being an inmate of a disorderly house. He was arrested In ti police raid on a rooming house at *202 Dougins street, Thursday night. "Vou Were a roomer there when the place was raided a month ago, vCercn’t you?” Inquired the judge. Iirenson raid lie was. "foti'v-e had plenty of time to move odt," said the court. I’ll fine you Sl'i and costs." Three other Inmates of the same house were fined *1 and costs each. Henry Rchter was fined J50 and co is for being the keeper of the bouse, and $100 and costs for Illegal possession of llqtlnr. Ills wife, Grace . Richter, was freed. • UNIDENTIFIED * BODY IS FOUND Glens Falls, N. V., ?ept. 27.—The body of an unidentified woman mur dered and hidden for a week in n clump of woods near the top of Em bankment hill at the end of Fort George park, Lake George, was found today by Webb Champline. The womnn was about 45 or 50 years old. She was cut amt bruised about the hands and head as though she had been in a struggle. There w-ere a number of cuts on the light hand; also upon her head. Taggart to Undergo Serious Operation Bostoh, Mass., Sept. 26.—Thomae .Taggart, former United States sen 1 ator front Indiana, and one of the country's most prominent democratic lender#, will be operated on tomorrow for appendicitis, it was decided by hlw attending physicians lat" today. The patient’s condition continue* favorable the doctors said Bee Wdnt Ads produce results. •_ - Harold Lloyd Has Pup Namesake Here Harold Lloyd’s a 'pup," publicity agents aver. Dill this Hftrold# Lloyd Is a real pup. He belongs to Arthur Joseph, jr„ 16 months old. Harold was so christened hec.iuse of the black ring,-, resembling horn-rimmed spectacles, about liis eyes, lie is approximately 3 months old. The Josephs pioeured Harold from the Nebraska Humane society shelter when the animal was a tree little doggie. Harold, the actor, may be able to "cut up" and jump about a bit, but his namesake has him beaten, ac cording to the Josephs. The aecompn nying picture was taken after half an hour of coaxing, pushing, shoring, holding, rolling, chasing, calling and threatening. Harold felt frolloksome and he would not pose. Finally with the aid of a large knuckle bone held up for his inspection, ttie canine Harold was quieted. Maybe you ran detect a hungry, wistful look in his "spec tacle” eyes. ROAST IN OVEN CAUSES FLURRY Mis. A. W, Onrd. 711 Sixteenth avt ntie, Council Bluffs, put a roast in the oven Friday aftrrrtoon. Then slit went shopping. She forgot her roast, anil stayed ['away longer than she intended. When she returned smoke was pouring forth 1 from the kitchen windows. She called the fire department, which took the roast out of the oven, but didn't eHt It. , Vretrran Politician Undergoes Operation Boston, Muss,, Kept. l’7.- Tom Tag gart, veteran Indiana politician, was operated on for appendicitis in Massa chusetts General hospital today. Ills larger appendix «'as Amoved after a local anaesthetic had been administered. Ur. PanicI Jones' performed the Opera tten. Taggart’s condition was said to be favorable. Ills wife, daughter and son were at the hospital. Julius Orkin 1512 Douglas St. Month-End Clearance of 1. MILLINERY MONDAY 500 New Fall Hats A tremendous height-of-the-season value i' VERY new style. Every new l1' color. Every new material. All personally selected styles for miss and matron. Kelts, panne and Lyons velvet, hatters plush, rfilk and velvet combinations, also felt and velvet. Made to sell from $5.00 to $7.50. Many of these hats have been in the department but a few days MODELS from the wcIT-Alown makers. These models are of unusual distinction and charm, de veloped of the finest fabrics, espe cially emphasizing velvet modes, in every wanted shade. Styles to meet Ihe needs of every woman. Millinery—Third Floor. 1924 50 Years of PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION Municipal - County - State Throughout the Midwest M. L. FUNN PAVING CO. I SIOUX CITY IOWA Baroness Sees Son in Omaha Baroness von Bruning Visits] Son, Victor McKay, on Way to Germany. Unroness von Ilrunlng, h guest ■'* Hotel Fontenelle on Saturday, Is en route from the west to Now York, whence she will sail for Germany. The baroness visited Victor McKay, her son. Who is with the Allan Tukey company. The visitor was Impressed by Omaha as being a city which em bodies all that she understands of Western hospitality and initiative, She indorses the idea that Americans should see America, where there are so many natural allow plares, such as tile Royal Gorge, (he Grand Can yon, the national parks. The baroness, however, has one aversion, and that is giving Inter views. She refuses to be interviewed for publication. ‘Trli just off for New York, and there is nothing to say," she replied when it was suggested that Omaha people might be’ interested in the comments of a baroness. Ton Weeks Illness Fatal to Charles W. Rainey Charles W. Rainey, 68, died yester day at his home, 1415 South Eighth street following an illness of Hi weeks. Resides his wife he Is survived by three daughters. Hath, -Margaret and Elisabeth. Funeral services will he held from the home at 3 Monday afternoon. Adopted Armenian Girl, 5, Orphaned by Turks, in Omaha With New Mother I '■ :-«a—1—.&&&:' ^:>v* J(rs. Maries y'umawat/ \j\' I • wilt be r. years of age on No vember 25. Her father and mother. Armenians, were killed by the Turks at their home in Zeitoun, Turkey. Five years ago Dr. C. Tt. dan nawtiv and wife of Stuart. Neb., went to the Armenian field with the near east relief. The doctor is in Beirrout, Syria, and Mrs. (lannaway is In Omaha with Zadt, whom she has adopted. Mrs. O^nnaway and her little charge will attend a luncheon meet ing ol the near east tellefi Nebraska state committee, next Monday noon at the Y. M. f. A. On Monday nigtrt she will speak at the Young Women's Christian association. Dur ing the week Mrs. Onnnnwav will appear before various luncheon clubs. Willlnrrr .1 Mb a Heroes has been np pointed i' ..'Pal i lit'tor of the in. east relief In Nebraska and Iowa. ib-e Wort Ads Produce Hesults. Bee Want Ads. | MON DA Y SPECIAL, DIAMOND DA Y I r^-.7EWElRY RELEASE--''* || We Are Offering Gorgeous Gems nf Every New Conception j? /QUALITY is that something in merchandise jjj$ or men that endures. In diamonds, quality jj is the most essential requirement. We offer m every guarantee that a responsible house only if can give—but more—we offer for this jewelry y release, diamonds at a price no reputable jeweler could meet, unless for such an occa R sion as this. Come in and compare our values. Jj 8 “-- Tomorrow--Diamonds “ ,v , . S' Diamonds, Corgeous All Diamond and £1 Cem Set Pieces and \ y 1 / j / Platinum Jcwclr\) Exquisite Jetoelry for * / / //y hnt» at Creatly Personal Adornment ' // Lowered Prices c*- -C - g , . g M ' ‘ y\vj ‘ I >///;^-: H 1m , A634 — Han d * B904 1 latmum ln a ,| platinum \i* rjj top bar pin set dinner ring with mjj W1th perfect cut 0 beautiful dia- CI iff diamond. Regular «7^%M6e,rU,*r 3! !| value »32- ialue |326- jg p $23 $195 | {*•■ A633 — Hand- M w B1934 — Platl- made platinum Jj £9 num wedding dinner ring. 11 £ 8 ring ret with el* beautiful dia- £ {■ _ . mondp. Regular H aS perfect diamonds value $225— Si B Regular val. $70, JE I tss _W7S| ftp1 A«12 — Pierced 8 *jr BlOO Platinum platinum dinner M b top bar pin eat ' ,'viU! 33 B Pf beautiful d i a- Sr jL with hrillinnt dia- mends. Regular Jc P mond and 2 sap- value 5350 ft: phires. Regular »*• I, value $85— tf* O vi 1 $59 I250- j i ___- B1598 Iteauti |( j ful dinner ring in H I B2325 — Plali platinum mount- jg 1 f num top bracelet log, green gold fig j ret with beauti .shanks. 11 fine B I ful diamond and diamonds. Kogu fig two sapphires lar value 1176— K Regular val. $70, H{ ! $49 $135 | B#02— Beautiful soli- Q B232 — Platinum top laire, .22k., in fine B bracelet, ret with three white gold. Hevagoo K exceptionally hrllllatu mounting set with two Eg diamonds. Regular sapphires R e g u ’ a r Mj value $85— value $100 $59 $75 | I JOHN HENRICKSONJ jg1, N. E. Comir lHtl» and Capitol >*j $ Woodroujrh Tries v” 0 24 Booze Cases 23 Offenders Given .Tail Sen tences; 22 Get Three Month*. .tall tern,* were Riven to J* out of 24 defendants in bootlegging ease* heard this week before Federal Judge J. W. Woodrough at Norfolk, Neb.. Elmer K. Thomas, federal prohibition director, announced Saturday. The 24 defendants were convicted of liquor sales. The sentence for 22 defendants was three months in jail. Qne defendant was sentenced to 30 day* In jail, and the other was fined $1 and costs as he had already paid a heavy fine in State Mini f"> • same offense. All the defendants were arrested in a aeries of raids near O Neill, Bat' - Creek and Norfolk in August. Other cases growing out of th* asms series of raids will be heard by .Iildee Woodrough at Norfolk In the week of October 6, and other Norfolk eases will be beard In Omaha by agreement the following week. Snow in w \ oming, Cheyenne, Wyo , Sept. 76.—Hunt* was falling over most of Wyoming early today. Rawlins reported a two-inch blanket with a tempers!m of 33 at 7. The storm at Casts i cleared shortly before noon, revealing a heavy snow fall in the higher ele vations. but the temperature wus moderate. Snow began falling her* early today and became so heavy *: 10 that much of it remained on th» gi ound. I" ’ "" " " ” Do It With Oil Decidedly the Best H ay to Heat. It s Easier on V our Walls and Draperies The Tru-flame brings von a dependable, economical heater unconditionally guaranteed by Orchard Wilhelm. The Tru-flame ha? been installed in many of the finest homes in Nebraska, yet the price is within the reach of the family with just a bungalow to heat. The Tru-flame has a forced, but quiet air supply that . insures absolutely clean heat and 9ft rt fuel com bustion. Installation can be made at * • once in new or old furnaces. You can see the Tru-flame in opera tion in our downstairs department. Estimates carefully prepared without obligation. Orchard-Wilhelm SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STS. m v mmwbi mm I Use a Cream Which Fiance perfected—the finest ever known By Edna Wallace Hopper Ki-a nee gave to me manv veers *go. the finest mid cream in efcist* rh< e It helped to make me a famous beauty—the rage of New Y« V. And now, after 4fl years as a *?.»£# Star, it keeps me a bfcauty still. Manx vnung girls enx x my rom pltxlon. And my youthful hl«K>m at rnx rge is the marvel of millions of women Now 1 have arranged to «>;p|My to all Hie very helps which made me what I mtl. \ fruity cream M v Youth t Yearn contains prod inis of With lemon and strawberry vi• i ? be i'* t tViaat * Nit i Itutht lo soften, feed and smooth the skin No woman l know has ever found | tny thing to so foster the fine texture >f the skin. W hatever « ream you | i .<x o used l*efore, niy Youth tVeafll1 ix til a mare you. KU \V»; p Hoppe • T<vrh t'reatn is nm supplied by all dru« piat* and toilet counter*. Pt:re. per jar. It t »me? In two types—the lh i > •vjm Be sure to pet the type ><**« want Both ha\e the same rs#emial constituents Neither grows hair on the fa \U n>y Ka- ill Youth—my famous lluutd rleanwr. Also my White Youth i ll' - the last word tn faolnl .lay \l><* m% llair Youth, whirh brought »n> luxuriant hair 'f» liraut> Honk romf" with each. Now every pirl and woman may'> the benefit* l got The multi plied l*cautv. the perennial youth. The greater boautv helps that scJen* e knew# a e at vour rail. mv Youth *' ram «*how you how mieh they mean to you Kdna Wallace Hopper. . “K l*ake Shore DHvr, «'h» mgii »m ltKTI*HIK\T. llltfKTI'l MIM Young Girl Afraid • To Eat Anything Girl’* Stomach in Bad Shape. Couldn’t Eeat. “1 »(»*'.! * am anyth *’| W«*u»f 1 • iua«n hah trnuhl* • *h tft> »mm»< I* Wm Alan vroubiad far thra# >*ata nth i Httatlpattdn Afm taktr** la#* than »*«* hr-til# Adhnifca MMmsih' i*> »«t •■ ' \ tnn .-at anjthr* and frrl f na talfnadl AuKim* )<• o>ar-i Inlrklinal \ntUrptl« . Th*i* !* mo* nffArad ta ih* pat'* • lUi'iirt |'fr|mration hat in* th* l*»M IM K a. tfrtM r>f Am |*»t#attt»al autu»**pt • And a I'htttl'lAta a: atam . itunwi Th • pta^ara Umm. hAo*n a* Arflartk* *.t* a* f.'Mlwa It tanda to t*liminata «»i itMirnr harm1 Pul garUia a«it idlnn MariU m tha n|**|l ; hal nanal iht»* iinriHai against app*a it'cltt* a»4 otka- «M *»*■** a MMni theti ] ■ tart hna It rlaana m |t«>li| m#|*n and loarar !*•'« **1 and miMM <’# Potgi dim n u h * h imiAitnad th** mirm month* 1(1 I'fiagi in all ■ «■+« thna 'mmMialfi' I 'aiming jnaaattir* •«« th* h*» It • tiuonlahm* vita at ai amount •*{ adl*v*’ 2 *h# nt altar Artiaftk* dtana riam th* tn*| i eating) lattal Hi«lt*f y»*n p*tm t hough V] w aa in mui i Him 1 «a n tl aht aftri i natural im»m#iih»m and nattr# ha* j inn. h M oft ft Paul matin r. Amai* «wt| .»M-h «** |Hila>itiAf > *»u la alight dia ! h m **».**»,.»■*! . •>*# (mi'.to AMmaih ct* »*•* l .• »»»»im« s « h**fl*.h* »nT »j> fu| vi.f V» \l. " VTS hi:-*# ’ *h#f \ fe*■ s, <r.*t** ** h**g\*r # pr » in uhi of «'h# • * - mm Ions #t*mt **n . .#v*«. *» 1*1 rf- • Mv un»W+ n f lour Ph>*h lan R(N»irtl Ihim rh«»li UM \ hi*# fhl*".1 *-(#(j| ■ \g m ♦ •» J.f r*».iun t.» \,ti v. «• nh # ,j«5*-ci* I»r JxniMi , ! (OP-triivlKU mu n*» th* 1^1,1 *’ •'?** \*II * iki l j*r« v. (1 * ih ** %!> I'r l t.kMl, ■* l U»** \.!.lf h» "*» A » f|l*l. Xomc **1U * only t'«* M»r K>.g«c4* U' t' v, !' ■ \«m* *» ihh*M i< » * A .Hen Vi * lh# he -1 n ...» «.Mir# I.*;* Hi' HflUf |*r U i». • i S'.i.nrtt 4«*i «Hi a »» I Ml*t ftlVU'n r’iin*in«ir«l fr*n» ».V , j.» 14. i f IK • 1 » *• »J»«* I K f*«. hM« Aatorth* » «. i a s._f'i s,- * nh*> ha** uv»i only af«| 1 f**4* fc*»«v • < inMl» *f HfviiiiU s%t Hi Mill. |»l*iiaftt kill iN'MI*' |ET* |t «um || • '** it • *