The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 28, 1924, Page 3-A, Image 3

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    The Rrandeis Store extends a cordial aa^. ^ar ^a aaa ^^a I^icaninnv and cii /ni r r
welcome IH17 KD A KffiFl O VTOD17 I Picadilly "Munsing" S11 k Chiffon H OSI CI*\ |
To A k-Sar-Ben Visitors JL efl. JW m 1^1 M 1^# |f Ctf I_i ,h your smart Russian calf oxfords. perfectly 2>95 | {
Stout Women
Monday—a Special Offering of \
Handsome Fur-Trimmed
Coats •
3995 to 13500
In All the New
Colors Plus Style
and Materials
A ipecial purchase of
coats designated to show
how the larger woman can
becomingly wear coats
that Fashion favors most.
The same new fabrics, the same new colors, the
; same luxuriant fur trimmings, seen in smaller «izes.
The difference lies in skillful tailoring, which can
accomplish great things.
! A little knowledge proves a most useful thing, when
! the matter at hand is tailoring larger women s coats.
As evidence, we display these coats in the most
popular fabrics of the season. Warm, deep-pile
! woolens, in the popular shades of penny, brown,
* : kit gray and black—lavishly trimmed with fur.
sizes 4014 to 54V4
The Brandeis Store—Second Floor
A .. . k
Monday—Remarkable Underprice Purchase Allows
the Sweater Shop to Present This Sale of New
Brushed Wool Jacquettcs
This Is the Time to The demand for new fall sweater coats has
Buy a New Sweater now been answered at a price considerably
under your expectations.
Many are the
new style inno- _. ,. ,
vations that Mo.t Unu.ual
Fashion presents “ Ule A**ortm.nt
for the new sea
son. The sketch
will in a way
serve to give you We wish it
an indication of were possible
collar,sleeve and to reproduce
lengths required the new color
by fashiona b I e ings and corn
women. binations ....
* | they’re more
fj beautiful than
Every Size for Miss any we have
and Matron seen before.
Kiddies’ Sweaters -
cleverly styled In sllp-on Alsp Shaker Coats
and coat styles In un- the college girl, in navy,
brushed and brushed cardinal, maroon, brown
yarns. Colors that will de- and buff,
light the children. Sizes 86 to u 10>05>
2.98 to 5.00 In sizes 80 to 34, 6.95.
Entirely New Styles—Scores of Smart New Fall Models
Offered at a Price That Will Create Much Interest.
• ^ I I j IJ
Monday—Beautiful .
. New Fall
Millinery j !
I jj
Hat8 for All Occasions
! These hats from New York’s
eminent designers afford such
splendid choice and at such an
unusual saving that you should
select all that you will need for
the fall season. A remarkable
collection of handsome hats for
all kinds of costumes, repre
senting the newest modes for
women, misses and matrons.
• -j
Dressy Styles Plainer Hats
i —include high- crowned —include new draped tur
postillion hats, large, black bans, hats with wing trim
velvet hats, embroidered mings, models with pom
and flower-trimmed shapes pons, quills and other
and many others equally effects; also matrons' hats
smart. and sport models.
Millinery—Second Floor
— i=v • ~ .
I The North Wind Doth Blow and
the Smallest Girl Will Need a
Warm, Snug Coat
1250 to 2975
Smart lines distinguish these little coats of soft
woolen mixtures, velvets, velours, (Juvetynes,
fur trimmed or with pretty collars stitched with
harfnonizing shades of silk. Novelty coats and
sturdy topcoats, all lined with fine quality lin
ings. Sizes 2 to 6.
Girls’ Winter Hats Sweater Sets
2.98 to 5.98 5.98 6.50 8.50
Combinations of velour Knitted and Brushed
and taffeta, duvetyn and ** ool Sets
georgette, polaire and vel- 3-piece sets consisting of
vet. Off-the-face styles sweater, cap and leggings. 4
and pokes. Reindeer, piece sets including mittens,
brown, tan, blue, red, hen- Colors: Blue, white, buff
na and rose. and brown. Sizes 2 to 6.
The Brandeis Store—Third Floor—East
Simplicity Marks Fall Footwear
You will find the Brandeis Shoe Department meeting the popular demand for
moderately priced shoes—yet we have sacrificed nothing in quality and Style. ,
An , Intfretting Trim and Smart is the
! Brandeis “DELORIS”
An excellent walking model in all- A v /~\ f~\
over patent leather or light weight I II II I
black, calfskin, flexible soles, cov- ^ J
ered box heels; also in allover pat- W
ent leather with two straps at
A Distinctive Two-Tie Is This j
Priced Ctt As illustrated, in allover patent
leather and sunset tan Russian
/~% S“ calfskin, with flexible welt
I soles and 1 V^-inch Cuban heels
■ J _ ll I with rubber heels attached.
• V-/ Special, per pair—
Dainty and Luxurious—Yet Modestly
Priced—Are These New
Silk Underthings
Teddies, Gowns, Bloomers
of Heavy Silk Radium or Crepe de Ch ine
3.98 4.98 5.98
They are cut full, neatly fin
ished. and beautifully trim
med in narrow laces, tucked
and plain neta and ribbon
Maize, flesh, orchid, green and blue.
Silk Boudoir Caps Very Special
Allover lace, satin and crepe de chine in those
fancy trimmed styles that are so becoming to 1 DO 1 ^0
the face. All the new colors. A quality that ordi- I ' ■ I
aarlly sella for much more. ■*"
The Brandeis Store— Third Floor—Center
Monday These Attractive 2.25 Value
Doll Boudoir Lamp Frames
Are Reduced
Strong wire frames, 141/fe inches
high, fitted with socket, plug
and wire. Pretty doll heads
surmount the top with gray,
j blonde, auburn, brown or black
An expert instructor will teach you
the dressing of these lamps and
|| the making of all 1(mds of lamp
shades, embroidery work, knitting,
crocheting, bag making, bead
work and all sorts of fancy work
J Hours 9 to 12 and / to 6. Third Floor—WmI
Kayser’s Chiffon Silk Hose
---:- T or
For Women * ^
Full-fashioned, of the finest quality silk chiffon, with lisle tops; well reinforced at all 1
points of wear; som«t have the slipper heels; in the season's most popular shades: <111(1 d,»7Zi
They’re Exceptional Values—They’re Kaysers and That Means Everything
Those Clever Tailored
“Sunbeam” {
• Frocks
■ ■ -- =
Now Come in Checked Suitings
m r; 98
School* Street
Home, Office
Little itraightline and coat dresses with long
sleeves, collar* and cuffs of contrasting color
or white, trimmings of braid and buttons,
I .'onvenient little pockets and deep hems.
I an D’ll/i green, blue and red combinations
Sizes 16 to 44
The Brandei* Store fhird Floor South
Pink QfjmianW^RcducingGbdle Gray
Girdle Makes Ybu Look Thin JF.\ While Getting Thin Girdle
Removes 3 to 10 Inches From Waist to Hips
I I OO The Madame X Reducing Girdle Is made of scientifically treat
ed lira rubber Rased on principles of "unconscious massage" ' z=rr.
~■" that have caused reductions of 5, 10, 20 pounds. Makes you J
look thinner instantly. Fits as snugly, yat flexibly as a kid
glove. The only girdle long enough to reduce the thighs.
Reduce With the Neiv
Madam X Brassiers 5.00
Raclf Closing Reducing Rrassier
"Our Fitting .Service" Is Unsurpassed
The satisfaction of being properly fitted by expert corsetieres
who have had special training assures complete satisfaction.
Made in delightful shade of pink. Sixes 34 to 46.
Corset Dept—Third Floor—North — ..
• ' • ** -Hr^ --?*^~.-4jm~W’ mt t