Dawes Joshes
His Own Party
Refer? to Political Sages on
Hi? Train as
Dawes Special Mu Route to Chi
cago, lai Crosse, Wi?., Sept. 1.7.'—The
question of ' v.ho are the political pee
wits among us' was i cing asked to
day by members of the party travel
ing with Charle-, <J. Dawes, repub
lican vice presential nominee, on ltis
Minnesota and Wisconsin speaking
Members of the Dawes personal
party, as well its members of the lo
cal reception committee, were among
those seated on the platform at St.
Cloud, Minn., last night, when the
nominee, near the end of his address,
paid tribute to the work of women
in politics, and said:
"Some fellows in my own party,
claiming to he honest men, advised
me to preaelt a lot of inconsistent
stuff and clap-trap in order to get
votes; make one kind of a speech
one place and another kind another
place, and 'not' say this or that for
fear it will hurt somebody’s feelings.
Tou don’t get advice of that sort from
true men. They want to know the
facts. They want to get the issues
and the want to work for what they
believe is right.
Not Trying to l’iease.
"I am not saying that to please you
or to get votes, because I will lose
just as many votes from these poli
tical pee wits back here (turning to
face those on the platform behind
him) as I will get from you ladies."
Dawes did not smile but the audi
ence roared, and those on the plat
form although at first somewhat
taken back, joined In the laughter.
Told later of the temporary con
sternation he created, not only among
members of the reception committee,
but among his own personal party,
Dawes laughed heartily but indicated
he considered there was "a measure
of truth" in it, even though he had
meant "no stir up, no hard feelings."
, _ Speaks In Rain.
Dawes began his day’s campaign
ing with a rear platform speech at
Lake City, Minn., where several hun
dred persons had gathered despite a
cold rain, and then stopped at
Wabasha and Winona before crossing
the line into the home state of Sen
ator La Follette to make eight
speeches during the day, including
one in Madison, the home of the in
dependent candidate for president. In
ail his speeches he hamered at the
La Follette candidacy.
"We have got to get rid of these
political pee wits and blatherskites
who are trying to make political in
stead of economic settlement of our
troubles," he said at Wabasha. "They
listened to the demagogues in Europe.
They, learned that common sense was
the only remedy.”
An appeal for it full vote at the
November election often Units was
combined by Dawes with his attack in
| the l,a Follette movement.
■Washington, Sept. 27.—John W.
Duvls paid his first visit to demo
cratic national headquarters here,
conferring with Chairman Shaver of
the national committee, and other
party leaders.
Later, he met newspaper corre
spondents at the National Press dub
and was honor guest at a reception
given by a democratic dub.
The democratic presidential candi
date arrived here from West Virginia
where he campaign toured, and will
leave this afternoon for Wilmington,
Del., W'here he is to speak tonight.
Aurora, III., Sept. 27.—The Coolldge
Dawes caravan arrived here from
Joliet today and was escorted through
the city by 50 automobile's from
Aurora and Elgin. After parading
through the business section a meet
ing was held In Lincoln park, Herbert
L. Moore of Plymouth, Vt., boyhood
friend of President Coolidge, making
tlie principal address.
He sketched the early life of the
president and his family. The cara
van left Aurora for Sterling, 111.
Sioux Falls, S. D„ Sept. 27.—The
Ku Klux Klan. which has announced
that it will hold a parade and demon
stration in Sioux Falla this evening,
was requested by Mayor Thomas
McKinnon to refrain from wearing
masks in its procession. The fnayor
asked the klansmen to march without
masks, if they do march, "in the in
terests of law and order.”
Ganna Walska in Berlin,
Berlin, Sept. 27.—For the first time
in her musical career, Ganna Walska
has Invaded a critical musical field
in Germany.
She arrived her® a few days ago
and will give a concert Monday eve
ning. The advent of the Chicago
opera prima donna in Berlin is at
tracting much attention,
H. T. Cutler of the United States
Trust company will leave Monday for
a three-weeks' vacation at Excelsior
Mullen School of Dancing, Cora
Quick, director, will feature business
girls’ classes in aesthetic and ball
room dancing. Registration day,
September 30, 4 to 8 p. m., 202 Lyric
Druji Store Proprietor
ami \V ife Arrested in Raid
Nebraska City, Sept. -8.—The,
police last night made, a. raid on the
Nebraska City pharmacy-and secured
? ■ Mi —M—mi—mm
five gallons of liquor alleged to be
alcohol. Yern K. Long, the proprle
in the store at the time of the raid,
tried to prevent the officers from
taking the liquor and succeeded in
breaking several bottles, it is charged.
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