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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1924)
Speeders \Uio ^ Defy Summons to Go to Jail .Imlfip Patrick Gives Five Mo torists Seven Days and One Three Days. Judge Robert Patrick wasn’t joking when hs Bald speeders Here going to jail. He proved that he meant business Friday morning when he sentenced five motorists to jail for seven days each, and a sixth for three days. The speeders appeared In court under capiases served on them Thurs day after they had ignored "golden rule" summons. Those who go to jail for seven days are: James Wood, 2910 Frank lin street; L. Nelson. 4417 North Thirty-ninth street; Joe Fisher, 190S S street: A. E. Shubert, 102 South Thirty-second street, and O. T. I.lnd strom, 2516 Marcy street. L. M. Hayes, 3910 South Twenty-fourth street, will spend three days In jail. This series of Jail sentences is the stiffest group of sentences for traffic violations heard for months In the Omaha police station, it Is consid ered to Indicate that Judge Patrick has definitely abandoned the former system of fining speeders. I Stoler, 1508 North Nineteenth street, who has Ignored three “golden rule" summons to appear to answer charges of parking violation, was fined Jl and costs for the parking violation and $5 and costs for ignor ing the summons when he appeared in court under a capias Friday morn ing. BANDITS ROB BANK AND GET PAYROLL By InterimtionHl News Service. Chicago, Sept. 26.—Three bandits held up the West City Trust and Savings bank shortly before noon today and escaped with an unde termined amount of money which officials said might run high into the thousands. Almost at the same moment, in an other section of the city, six men In two automobiles crowded the pay master nf a north side glass concern to the curb, robbed him of the com pany's fit),000 payroll, while they held scores of pedestrians within a block at bay with revolvers and escaped. After preliminary checkup West City hank officials said the loot from their institution would total between 88,000 and 810,000. OSTEOPATHS TO MEET IN OMAHA Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Fremont, Neb., Sept. 26.—Dr. Har old A. Fenner of North Platte was elocted president of the Nebraska Os teopathic association at the close of the two-day convention here Thurs day night. Other officers named are: Dr. J. Ray Shuke, University Place, vice president; Dr. M. Mary Jo Don. Lin coln, secretary, and Dr. Lulu L. Cramb, Fairbury, treasurer. Omaha was sdected as the meeting place for 1925. When in need of heip try Omaha Ree Want Ads. NEW CREAM CURES ECZEMA GUARANTEED A wonderful new cream now posi r lively eliminates suffering from eczema, pimples, boils and other local skin troubles. Try Mercirex Cream at our risk. Unless it brings prompt relief, your druggist will refund your money. Mercirex is different from the ordinary greasy, smelly ointments. It vanishes. Leaves no trace—only a faint, pleasant perfume. No matter how serious your trouble—or how long standing—• Mercirex will restore your skin to health. Don’t suffer from an un sightly, itchy skin another day. Ask your druggist for a jar of Mercirex. 75 cents the jar. The L. D. Caulk Co., Milford, Del. ; Beaton Drug Co. I Fifteenth and Farnam Streets. | Drugs at Lowest Cut Prices Saturday I-jEVERYDAY REMEDIES zne i-in. Fowderei Forax.iuc 30c pint Aqua Ammonia ..... .19c 25c 1-lb. Parrafin Wax.15c 35e Glycerine Suppositories.. 22c 81.00 1-pint Pure Cod Liver Oil, 79c 30c Saniflush .23e 25e Zinc Ointment, In tubes. . . .16c 30e Medicated Throat Discs. . . 19c 60c Hinds’ Honey Almond Cream 39c ?5e Frostilla .27c 81.10 S. S. S. 69c $1.25 Absorbene. Jr. $1.10 Alophen Pills (100) 49c 30c Meritol Furniture Polish, G-oz. bottle . 19e 25c Bellans . 21c 30c Broroo Selzer .23c 25c Meritol Carbolic Salve.17c 60c California Syrup of FIr*. 43c 40c Castoria .24c f»0c Meritol Dandruff Remedy..34c 25c Carter’s Little Liver Pills .19c 50c Clayton’s Dor Remedies. . 43c 30c Meritol Aspirin Tabs. 2 dozen in metal box .16c ?5e Citrate of MaRnesin.21c 60c Danderine ..43c 10c Palmolive Soap, cake.7c 30c Meritol Clothes Cleaner. . . . 19c. 15c Diamond Dye .6c. 2 for.15c 35c Fre*zone . 29c 25c Gets It, for Corns .29c 70c Sloan’s Liniment.59c 8 1.00 Grant’s Vita Vim Tablets, 69c 25c Cascarets . 19c 35c Harlem Oil Caps, Gold M. . 29c 83.75 Horlick’s Malted Milk. 82 69 60e Iodex . 49c 40c Iodine, 2 ounces . 25c 85c Jad Salta . 69c. 50e Lavoris ... 39c 25c Ly8ol ..19c 11.50 MaJtine, all kind*.$1.10 60c McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil. . . 49c 25c Mentholatum .17c "5c Mead's Dextro Maltose.... 87c BOc Emulsion Cocoanut Oil, Bea- | ton. for . . .33e 25e Nature’s Remedy.17c tl.10 Nuxated Iron ....,84c tl.00 Nujol . 89c 51.25 Olive Oil. pint.....74c 60c Omega Oil . .49c 15c Peroxide of Hydrogen. 9c ! 50c Phillip’s Milk of Magnesia. 39c | 30c Phenolax Wafer* .22c 11.25 Pinkham'a Veg. Compound, 94c ; 25c Pond’s Extract .19c 60c Resinol Ointment .49c j 60c Sal Hepatica .42c SI.00 Scott's Emulsion.89c 35c Sloan’s Liniment . 29c 35c Steero Cubes.28c 60c Swamp Root .49c 60c Syrup of Pepsin. .48c Toilet Paper, 2 rolls for.15c 15c Carter’s Fountain Pen Ink, blue black .!2c 50c Unguentine. tube.34c 35c Vick’s Salve.29c SI.00 Liquid Lax, a heavy Rus- * j sian mineral nil.S9c j *1.50 Van Ess Scalp Massage. . .98c *1.00 Wine of Cardui.89r 50- Bay Rum. 6 oz. for ..'... 35c 35c Camphor Spirits. 2 ni ... 25c 60c Cascara Aromatic, 4 ofi...39c 25c Glycerine, 3 oz.15c { 75c Witch Hazel. 16 oz.50c‘ j 15e Boracic Acid. 4 oz.10c. 15e Epsom Salts. 2 lbs. for. . 15c 80c Kolynos Tooth Paste .22e 60c Pape’s Diapepsin.42c -FOR MEN 35c Palm Olive Shaving Cream .2-4C Gold Gillette Razors. . . 79C 35c A. D. S. Shaving Cream for. 19C 50c Gem Blades . ■ ■. 37C 50c Durham Duplex Blades for.3GC 40e Ever-Ready Blades for. 34C 35c Ender Blades. . ... 29C $1.00 Gillette Blades...69C $1.00 Auto Strop Blades for. fiOC Auto Strop Razors.... fJ7C CIGARS 10c Royal Prince'?, 2 for 15C Box of 50 .83.50 10c Millionaires, 2 for 15C Box of 50.S3.50 20c Meditation .... IOC Box of 50.S2.25 10c Golden Eagles, 4 for 25C Box of 50 . 83.00 CIGARETTES j Chesterfields, Camels and Lucky Strikes, 2 for 25C Per carton . 81.19 PIPE SMOKES | $1.35 Velvet, 1-lb. can, OHC $1.3$ Prince Albert, 1 lb. for . QSC -FACE POWDERS $1 .00 Piver’s Le Trofle Fare Powder . 09C 50c Lady Mary’s Vivadou [ for. 39C 60c Pond's Face Powder for. 29C 50c Palmolive Face Powder for . 29C $1.50 Goutorbc’s Double Com pact, all shades, in gunmetal and gold cases.H9C $1.00 Goutorbe Rouge in the new shades, gunmetal and gold cases .59C PHOTO DEPT. Films developed free when prints ire ordered. -TOFLET ARTICLES 60c Henna Foam . • • 43* I $1.00 Frank's Lemon Cream for .. 79* 50e % lb. Theatrical Cold Cream . .. •. 27* S $1.00 I,e Trefle Face Powder for . 69* 50c Emulsion of Cocoanut Oil Shampoo for.33* 50c Squibb’s Dental Cream for. 36** 50c Brilliantine .32* | 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste for .39* $1.00 Listerine .. .79* & 75c Stacomb.54* $1.00 Rubbing Alcohol, pint. for. 47* 60c Kotex .49* 60c Forhan’s Tooth Paste at .43* 60c Cuban Wool Sponges for.21* $1.50 Chamois, 17x24 inches, for.98* Hardwater Soap, *4-lb. cake, ! 2 for.15* -ELECTRICAL All Electrical Good. Guaranteed by U>. $2.50 Curlcx Improved Elec tric Curling Iron, detachable for marcel wave, special «t.98* $1.00 Double Socket, Two Way Plugs, special.. 59* $6.00 6-lb. Perfection Electric Flat Iron, special. . $3.19 $1.50 10-ft. Extension Cord with all connections for globe, at only. 79* $6.00 Electric Toaster for . $3.19 -RUBBER GOODS Guaranteed for One Year. $1.50 Homes Best Red Water Bottle or Fountain Syringe for. 98* $2.00 Homes Best. Red Com bination Water Bottle and i Fountain Syringe, $1.29 -CANDY DEPT. $1.00 Delicia Chocolate!, pound box .59* 80c Walnut. Kisses, lb. 50* MAILORDERS Add I 0c on every dollar or frac tion thereof to cover packing and postage. Chicago Scientist Calculates I c? Speed of Light More Accurately Experiments at Mt. Wilson Observatory Show Velocity of Eight Rays to Be 330 Miles a Second More Than Previous Estimates. By A. .1. I-ORENZ, I niternal Serilc© Staff I'itrrrspoiulent. Chicago, Sept. 26.—The velocity of light, which heretofore has been roughly estimated at 186,000 miles a second, has been commuted even mere minutely. The latest disclosures of Prof. A. A. Michelson. head of the Physics department of the University of Chicago, and one of the foremost scienlists in the world, show the velocity of light to be .1.10 miles a second more than heretofore be lleved. As a result of his experiments and research work at Mt. Wilson observatory near Dos Angeles, this summer. Professor Michelson to day announced that he had defi nitely fixed the speed at which a ray of light travels at 186,330 miles a second. At that, Professor Michelson said today, he is not yet satisfied, but will continue his experiments to arrive at even more accurate fig ures. Will Continue Work. "My experiments," said Profes sor Michelson, "are really of a pre liminary nature, as T expect to con tinue them next year in an at tempt to reduce my results to the finest degree of accuracy. "During the summer T conducted my work at Mt. Wilson observa tory. I had very fine mirrors mounted on a revolving octahe dron. The surface of one of these mirrors was addressed toward a FMM—■ mountain 32 miles away. As the mirrored surface of the octahedron revolved the distant mountain was reflected on each revolving mirror. The mirrors revolved at the rate of 500 revolutions a second. "As the mirrors revolved, the im age of the mountain was reflected in a fixed position just as a moving picture film reproduces scenes on a fixed screen. But the mountain did not move and each mirror caught the scene to which it was exposed and reflected it as the pre ceding one had done, thus making a well defined image. Studies Einstein Theory. "As the speed of the revolving mirrors was increased the image of the mountain became blurred, the rays of light from the mountain 32 miles away were not traveling fast enough to register on the mir ror. "I slowed the octahedron to about 5nn revolutions per second again. Then by accurately deter mining the speed of the reflecting mirrors, and knowing the distance from the mountain to the surface of the reflecting lens, I was able to compute the speed with which light rays traveled between them." These experiments. Professor Michelson said, were preliminary requisites to the tests he will soon conduct in the mile-long vacuum tubes on the university campus to prove nr disprove the Einstein the ory of relativity. Russia Extends U. S. Olive Branch Soviet Foreign Minister De clares Compromise Possible. By AhocIkImI Prm. Moscow, Sept. 26.—All the facts Indicate that a compromise between the interests of the United States and the Russian soviet government is to he desired and that it is quite within reach. Foreign Minister Trhltehertn of Russia declared today in a belated reply to the pronounce ment of American policy towards Russia made by Secretary of State Hughes. The Russian foreign secretary, in a carefully prepared 2.500-word in terview with the Rosta Agency, brist ling with argument but marked by polite tint emphatic language, set forth the Russian point of view on Russo-Amerioan relations and, ac cording to the interpretation placed upon his declarations by many per sons here, held out the olive branch to the United States. Compromise Desired. “'From the fact that the soviet government serves the Interests of [he laboring masses and the govern ment of Secretary Hughes serves the interests of American capitalists," M. Tchitcherin said, "It does not follow IhaJi a compromise between the two governments Is not possible. On the -ontrary, all the facts Indicate that mrh a compromise is to he desired and that it is quite within reach.” Concerning Russia's debt to the Cnited States, the Russian foreign minister declared that his govern ment had already offered to negoti ite with Washington respecting this question. He cited the recently con cluded Anglo-Ruaslan treaty as show ing that "It Is quite possible to make Indemnity agreements with other states which will prove profitable to both sides." JAPAN REFUSES TO SIGN ARMS PACT Ry International Mews herftrr. Geneva, Sept. 26—Japan today re fused to sign the arbitration protocol proposed by the league of nations. The arbitration agreement was to be part of the general disarmament scheme fostered by Premier MacDon ald of England and Premier Edouard Herriot of France. France > wished arbitration to be arbitrary. It was drawn along that line. Nearly all nations intimated their willingness to accept the arbitration protocol. The action by Japan came as a surprise, therefore. Three league of nations commis sions were authorized to make prepa rations for a disarmament, conference and to draw up the arbitration proto col. While Japan has refused to sign the protocol. It Is believed she will participate in the disarmament meet ing next year. Whether or not the United States will take part has not yet been revealed. JUMP FROM PLANE BREAKS MAN’S BACK Welch, W. Va„ Sept. 26.—Edward Dagnell, a "stunt" aviator of Knox ville, Tenn., suffered a broken back while making a parachute jump from an airplane Wednesday. After jump ing from the fast-moving plane Dag neli's parachute was caught in the limbs of a tree. He dropped 80 feet to the ground and then rolled down a steep bank. His condition was de scribed at the hospital as critical. Dawes Rips Up ‘Bob s* Candidacy ! • I General Declares La Follette # * Attacks (Constitution in (Court Platform. By Atnorlntod Prew. Minneapolis, Sept. 26.—Charles O. Dawes, republican candidate for vice president conferred with state leaders of his party and rested here today before turning northward on his three-day swing through Minnesota. Leaving here shortly before noon, Mr. Dawes was to make a rear plat form speech at Anoka and he will speak in the St. Cloud armory to night. The day ns planned was the least strenuous of the republican vice presidential nominee's Minnesota tour and it was his purpose to obtain as much rest as possible after yester day’s vigorous campaigning and In preparation for the 11 speeches plan ned tomorrow on the return trip from St. Cloud to Chicago. Addressing his inquisitor here last night as to specific instances of an attack by Mr. La Follette on the constItutlin Mr. Dawes read the La Follette platform declaring in favor constitution Mr. Dawes read the La court decisions and added: "You may not be able to understand that but ’’Cheers from the audience drowned out whatever else Mr. Dawes might have intended to say on that point. He previously had denounced this La Follette platform declaration as "an assult on the constitution" which he said Senator La Follette had made in order to obtain socialist support for his candidacy. Bee Want Ads Are the Best Boosters. “The Joys of Religion’ This Subject Will Be Dtteueaed by ' Rev. Ralph E. Bailey at The First Unitarian Church (The Church of Liberal Chrialianlty) 3114 Harney Street SUNDAY AT 11 A. M. Choir Mu. Mary Monger. Hail Clovis. Mr*. O. w Eldridge. War ren Water*. Organist -Mr*. Elolse West Mc Nichol*. SUNDAY NIGHT SERVICES START AT First Baptist Church Park Ave. and Harney St. Musical program by quartet and chorus 7:45 to 8, when Dr. DeLarme will speak on “Crimes of Those in High Places and Secret of a Great Life.” Rally day program at 11 a. m. Entire building now heated by new boilers just in stalled. BEE \\ \NT ADS BltlNf. RESILTS. #IF YOU EVER EXPECT TO# BUY A BABY GRAND-THEN COME TO HOSPE’S NOW I" Here' you will find the greatest reductions ever known in the History of Omaha; made possible only by the buying power of this organization, coupled with the co-operation of a score of big eastern factories. It is your chance to save as much as $400.00. I A DANDY NEW 5,85 BABY GRAND NOW j I Open Finer Grands Are Just £very As Sharply Reduced Evening Bargains in Players and Uprights--On Our Floor You Will Find Pianos From These Well Known Factories Vo ae, Hardman, Eatey, Kimball, Schulz, j Schumann, Fischer, Chickering, Cable-Nelson, Haines Bros., Armstrong, Weber, Stratford, Hazelton, Lester, Sohmer, Kranicb & Bach. Mr. Hospe says: 1 r J | j M 7) HU S I* ** my earnest wish to make this the most notable 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ musical instrument buying event ever held in the middle Every Make Every Style i ! My fifty years of business relations with many of the I j Closing Out Phonographs at world'* old«*t and l*r|nl factorial anabla ma to pur- j j - - ww • chase merchandise for this JUBILEE at prices that ere j nAlt I Tice astounding every one. This Buying Opportunity is your | < * || \ r« . "Real Opportunity** to have the wonderful educational Kimballs Victors -Mu.ic <* tb. k® A present for every buyar of a piano or phonograph I lkpyo 1 F* yp /jif PlaSri Including handsome Console styles during tbi* *ala. Valuaa up to $25. Coma tomorrow whila JLjlUvl C\ 1 V/l Cvlll X X CX 1X Some exchanged, some odd style., "ur •'”* u »•« c«mPU.. T.H ,our fri.nd.-brin, Arr«noed for This Sale many new .tyles—On Your Own New Cdnsoles, a» ,h*m *lo"» Ma* Been Arranged tor I nis oale | Weekly and Monthly Terms low a* .... $68 A piano for every buyer at a Terms to suit you. Many buyers are - Uprights, new. price you can afford to pay. asking us to hold their piano and phono Out-of-Town Folk. at $48 graph for Chnstma, dehvery._ Fill out Coupon and mall at once-- personal 4 , T »s fi attention will be giv.n you. letter -re- _ _ __ - — _ Out-of-Town Folk.— ntembir we prepay ^ HP VHP ^^V Pleese 1 his oupon town deale. a in ^H ^H ^^F ^^^k ^H ^^H ^H V ^H ^^F ^^^k GKNTI FMFN Please in this H H M H ■ H m m m hat ei n»* i m m^^^ m mm This bears a m ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H Baby Grand* Pfcenogrepka .eputatiun LOW PRICE ^H ^H ^V ^H ^H an X After the One *»u jl mt JL RKJkJK 1 a SQUARE DEALING YOUR Name . i I GUARANTEE" 1 1513 DOUGLAS STREET Add— *♦ I