The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 27, 1924, Page 5, Image 5
_I------— I ; ! : I I I 1 i ■ I i 1 1 i — Sale ot Mahogany Clocks $2.19 - $5.75 Value* to $10.00 An eight-day, American movement lock of convenient size for desk use. ’ in attractive styles with the. high quality finish. $2.19 Another attractive clock is in the small size—very convenient for a bed room clock. American movement, in mahogany case. Main Floor ^^x I Trays H Books I $2.50 I 29c W Hammered silver A Fascinating stories ■ trays in Apollo plain B| for children—? e t e r k. 9 and silver plate with tS Rabbit, Little Black P""* K etched designs. These ■ sambo, Foolish Fox, A come in two styles and \ A Little Jack Rabbit A are very attractive for I A stories. I A gifts. 1 A Main Floor 1 Main Floor 1 Women9s Handkerchiefs White and colored linen handkerchiefs with l/8-inch hems and dainty hand-embroidered corners. (M AA Values to 50c, 35<^; 3 for.ylol/U ■ Main Floor Centers and Pillow T ops Stamped Ready to Embroider 50c Centers and pillow tops of ccru art weave are stamped in two attractive designs. Specially priced for Satur day only. Sacond Floor ^___ [JInfants’ J M /n/anto* Flannel Kimonos I a Flannel Gowns 59c 1 69c Kimonos of soft, 1 H . , warm outing flannel. \ ■ Front fastening style Made in tuxedo style \ ■ ?rut'n* Sown8 and trimmed with dain-. \ | Nefly.. ,,n“h*d w‘*h ty shell trimmings. 79c \ ■ embroidered edges. 85c values. \ 1 value8‘ i Third Floor 1 K Third Floor 1 Sale of Umbrellas $3.95and $4.95 The short, stubhy umbrellas— so very smart to carry—are most essential in one’s wardrobe, es pecially when offered at prices so low. Made of fine quality silk In navy, brown, black, red, with ten amber-tipped ribs. The short, thick handles are very attractive. __„ Main Floor B Boys’ Blouses I jf New Lingerie I 89c j I $2.29 "Kaynec” and "Tom I Imported F r o n c h H Sawyer” blouses of I voile gowns, French ffil madras, percale, blue ■ hand-made, Philippine rt| chantbray and tan ma- JS gowns, novelty lace H terials. All perfectly n cloth gowns, crepe He Q made. Sites 4 to 14 V chine chemise and step ■ years. ■ ins. Values to $2.95, Charge purchase made Saturday will appear on October statements payable November 10th. _- — ' — t Welcome Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors While in Omaha wo invite you to take advantage of our many convenience*—women’s rest rooms, men’s barber shop, postoffice. bank, check stand, information desk, mezzanine lunch fountain, seventh floor tea room and bagement cafeteria. ■ ■ —— Continuing Our Great Selling! Event of New Fall Merchandise WL Main Floor V-—-— yy | ) Sale of Coats and Dresses Appealing New Fall Frocks $24.75 of Silk and Flannel An individualized selection of apparel depicting the authentic charm of fall creations. Modes for street wear, afternoon, and business wear—models that will add immeasurable pleasure to the occasions at which they may be worn. There are stripes, plaids, checks and plain colors in the high shades. Materials— Colors— Failles T an Satin Crepe Navy • Flannels Broun, Black Sizes 16 to 44. Beautiful Fur-Trimmed Coats $54.75 Coats of surpassing beauty for so low a price. Coats in authoritative styles fashioned of soft, thick woolens in daring new shades. Luxurious fabrics, such as Furlaine Ormandale Lustrom Cuir dc Laine Velaria Neuzealine A remarkable collection, trimmed with the richest and finest pelts, such as Jap mink, dyed opossum, seal, mole, and muskrat. 3 Groups of Women’s Silk Hose $2.23 $1.29 $1.53 $3.50 to $4.25 Valu.. , , . , . . $2 50 to $3.50 V.lue. Medium weight, lustrous silk nose, Chiffon or heavier weight hose, Mlk . , , ... .. . Sheer ihiffon, medium or heavy weight from top to toe. All first quality. These lull fashioned and made With lisle silk, with lisle garter tops or all silk, are end# of lines and discontinued numbers garter tops and reinforced feet. Ill First, quality. Black and an assortment of in such well-known makes as “Mojud,” , , . . 1 nn \ colors. “Kayscr” and “Propper.” Some with black only. Regular $-.00 values. , . fancy luce clox. In black and a good as- Not *izes and eo]ors ,n ,ach sortment of colors. rim SILKS Choice of the House Sale of I ”” ™ $ 1.00 Women ’$ 5/ioes 5l,*6/o“ Value* to tlSS <ts%7C $1.95 SS:E JSrS', „»» 'ft, 35- lnrh Printed Pongee VI ' M"V, l" 36- lnch Light Colored Pongee W ''each. blAck emerald, tan. eo 3 6-inch Tubular Vesting to rn *w m V„tut>a *nd ""Vy' 12-ineh Pleated Flouncing for *iS'50 to *WJHi 1 alu™ 25 to !l, ,mh ,*‘"lr,hs' Petticoats 18-inch Hat Velvet I 7'he Oxfords I , Not All Color* Ottti H H Black and tan vlcl AU-siik dir’. Union Suits - f . * . Blur h»r • ■ I I I d ■, _ _ Crepe de Chine ... 98c YgJ 1 f A Ufht tan *i»oi t Kin , white, medium weight •a* X • O cotton jin' with French hand / finish, full shoulders or bodice 40-tnch crepe de chine of tops All have tirht knees heavy quality. In IB shader-, su#* 36 to 44. *1,25 and fl.SO suitable for lingerie, blouses or , sine', dresses, bemud F ktoi Sri ond I'lonr *w*•mmMrMwr*1 ■**w^rw*ra«M»*««wg«awii»iw*»B*ga*«es*A ... Iiijlli.i " '■■■■■ -w-~-. ... o -^.r—I. ...— i ■ .. i is—- . f Stone Set Rings ' | Children’s ' I $1.00 I //ose I H Solitaire settings of B O 1 ■ bright stones in oval fl J/ C ■ shapes, set in attractive S ' 5 fl settings of dull or I Lisle and mercerized, 1 jjj green gold. Included B in black, for girls and J ■ are a few studded sil- B black and cordovan for 1 & ver rings set with ■ h boys. 35c and 50c \ B rhinestones in color 1 B values. I ® combinations. I B Ma,n Fleer I B Main Floor I B, I ' Sale of Novelty ?If) Gauntlet Gloves 1 /■/$ $019 ti Pair Novelty suede and glace kid gauntlet gloves, new styles, all first quality, are offered at this oppor tune time—the beginning of the season—at a price exceedingly low. These gloves have all sold regularly at pricings ranging to $5.50. A good line of colors and sizes from which to cl se. Main Floor i Kodak Er largements Up to 5x7 Special for Saturday Enlargements up to 5x7 inches. Limit of one IQ/' jj to a customer. Sp< ial .. “ Films developed without charge when prints ere ordered. I Linen Glass i Toweling ™ 18c In red or blue cheek patterns. Limit of 10 1 yards to a customer. 1 25c value. I __ __ \ Toilet Goods-Special! 50c Palmolive OQ 50c Squibb'* Of* **150 Metal Hot Shampoo ... Toothpaste. O %* C \\ ater QQ_ 35c Vivaudou Import- qo Li=ter- "7O Bottles .... ed Soap, -I P _ fne 72C |5c *>■*■“ and ,.ke IOC ino . Ramsdell /?Q_ . "5c Kail Brushes. Cold Cream.. OUC 25c Listenne 1 Q Renuine 1C<( 5c tube Lady O 1 „ Tooth Paste. bristles . 1 9C Esther Cream 21C $1.25 Chamois for 50e Loumay Monte household or 7Q. 1c lemon OC • , rlo OP auto use.. . I&C Hand Lotion, OOC 35C 25c Lournay Fleur $1.00 Bath Brushes H5c Coty’s L'Oripan Vivante IT. with remov- d Q Con.pact, Q Q _ Talcum .... IOC able handle ■ J'C at . OJ/C Main Floor (Beaded Bags < 4 ' iurkish $1.95 I Totvels i ■ Shell frame beaded m Fnrh /4p bags in pretty floral N UC 1 effecta on dark headed H Large sire, absorb background, made with B gnt towels of a heavy deep fringed and bead- M weight, two-ply, ribbed ed handle. 1 B quality. Main Floor I Vft S+<on4 Floor One-Day Sale of Wardrobe Trunks $24.75 $29.50 The famous "Herkfrt A Meisel” trunks, built for good service and hard wear, of 3-ply veneer wood with 2-ply hard vulcanized fiber. Equipped with every convenience raised top, dust curtain, laundry bag, shoe box, hat box For extensive traveling or short trips these are unexcelled. Main Floor I I