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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1924)
s, ; Think of It—Exactly 1000 Lbs. of Freshly Mode, Hand-Dipped Chocolates Saturday Lb. 39c M 1,000 boxes of delicious chocolates, all kinds and flavors, 1-pound boxes. iji An extra special for this Saturday only.' The Brandeii Store—Main Floor—West ii 1 ■ -- ■ 1 f Childrens ^ Munsing Hose 25c Fine ribbed cotton hose of medium weight, with rein forced heels and toes. Black and cordovan. Sizes 5*4 to 10. ^ Main Floor—North ^ ^ Boys' ^ Munsinp Hose | 50c Hose with medium or heavy rib, triple knees and rein forced heels and toes. Black and brown. Sizes 6 to 11^. ^ Main Floor—North. t 2.75 to 3.75 flow’ Wool Munaing Suits 1.98 All-wool suit* in closed seat styles, ankle length and long sleeves. Cream shades only. Sizes 6 to 18. ^ Third Floor—Center / Oc Fashion Sill,j ^ I Hair Nets „ — i 4 *” 25 c With elastic or tied ends. All colors. Very special for Saturday. ^ Main Floor—South ^ The Brandeis Store I —: - — -- ■ - i" ,t ' ai , i j -— — U-Ul——JZZZl ■ - -■ — ■■ - i —■. .. - ■ ———— ■—' ■ ... _ . - Saturday—Special Selling 1 Hair Goods 25.00 Double Side Part Pompador $18.98 Just what is needed to cover thin or faded hair. Made of natural wavy hair. 15.00 Coronet Braid, Curia, 98c to 3.98 8,g9 Specially priced for Saturday. Easily adjusted on bobbed 6.00 20-inch Switch, hair and gives the pretty hairdress so much desired for dress occasions. Special for Natural wavy. Three eepar Saturday. at* »trand*. Brandeia Beauty Parlor— Third Floor—West Saturday—A Special Display of • New Fall Modes in Women’s Frocks r i; Of Crepe Satin, Novelty Crepe, Faille, Canton Crepe, Fine Twills The preferred straightline effects relying for variation on Wide Tiers, Narrow Panels, Vestees, long slen der Scarfs, nipped-in waist lines, new long sleeves, gay embroideries, colorful insets and leather belts. The Paris Favored Browns and Na\'y Blue With Smart Touches of Cay Colorings The Brandei* Store—Second Floor -- r Saturday—One of the Greatest Glove Sales We Have Ever Offered 1,500 Pairs Women’s Modish Flare-Cuff Gloves^and Gauntlets Finest Quality Lambskin in Black-Broivn-Beaver-Gray Our foreign representative was able to make several purchases Rpoular I of gloves in large numbers, making it possible for us to sell them | at this absurdly low price. The style, trimming, colors and 4.00 1 color combinations are designed to please those of fastidious « » » tastes. Sale starts at 9 a. m. Values We state, without qualification, that this sale offers the greatest values we ever remember having placed, before you. The Brandeit Stores—Main Floor—North Women's Coats That in Slender Line and Rich Fabric Reveal Autumn Mode* Fur collars, cuffs or bands of beaver, squirrel, mink dyed muskrat and mink-dyed marmot add a luxurious touch of these newest models. Smart single or dou ble breasted styles, all silk lined. Pennj; Brown Flinoki Brown Shutter Green and Other hew Colort The Brandeis Store—Second Floor Saturday Offers Many Specials in School Apparel for Boys and Girls 1 'ji ' || A Great Selling Event for Saturday 200 Smart Girls’ Coats * - . - _ - S5 =J—:' XS _-j:.zr. ~rs~ —-?~r — , ■ ■ ..i ■■ i Polaires 4 /A Plain and pid: ]()()() ^ Mixtures A. V-X Trimmed Every One Fully Lined \ ! C / ik Unusual All Newest Values Fall and For Girls Winter 16 to 14 Years Styles Second Floor Girls’ 3-Piece ^ — Girls’ Jacket Suits ^ S' 5 Fall Frocks Made of tweed. Pleated skirt, short ■ Fashioned of serge and trimmed with jacket with smart collar, and colored . . / *'n n. -embroidery ami applique. . . ». * i if i J Mraighthne monels that are becom blouse. Decidedly new and very prac- j„g to young girlg- Kor lrhoo, or tical for school wear. Sizes 7 to 14. dress wear. Sizes 7 to 14. r-= —v. Just Think! A Carload of Dolls M& V2 Price 4,800 dolls, the largest single shipment of dolls ever received in Omaha. Anticipate Your Christmas Needs Mamma Dolls With 2.00 Imported Dressed Hair, 1.25 Dolls, 98c T, 1 ■ j .u . „ „ a u..» With beautiful curls, pretty The kind that open and shut drpgses> ghopg gnd st^jng/ their eyes. Go to sleep. 22-Inch Mamma Dolls, Special, 1.39 Life Size Mamma Dolls, Special, 1.98 4.00 Kid Body Dolls, Special, 1.98 Jointed bodies, beautiful hair, shoes and stockings. Saturday--Boys’ 2-Pant All Wool SUITS I The Two- ^ -7 " Of All Pants Kind I ^ 1 / 3 Wool for Double '==z Material Service Sizes 6 to 16 Made of all-wool materials. Coats ars mohair lined with canvas basted in front (to prevent rolling and hold the shape), super sleeve lining, padded lapels, felled collar with double stitched edges. Knickers are full lined and tape seamed, have faced pockets (the deep kind boys like), full swing hips, plenty of stoop and squat room, but a shapely ■ wai«t that holds them in place. | Tom Sawyer Flannel Blouses 1.48 to 1.89 Cut full and neatly tailored with reinforced seams and pockets. Colors: Gray, tan, brown, gTeen and navy. Sires 6 to 16. Boys’ Cordurov Pants 1.15 Made of extra strong fahrics; pockets, crotch and bottom vents bar tacked; seams reinforced with tape; hip pockets, bottoms and button-holes —waistband double stitched. Sites 6 to 18. The Brandeia Store—Fourth Floor—North r S !' Sale of Madge Svam Velvet Hats i' ^ Styles Just as Smart as Older Sisters Off-the-face and poke shapes made of fine Lyons velvet. All pood colors fa vored for autumn wear. Very Special for Saturday Brandois—Saeond Floor ^ Buster Brown Shoes Give Real W eark A Wide Variety of Styles for Girls and Boys Buster Brown Shoes are made over the famous Buster Brown Foot-Shaping Last, of 100 per cent leather, and are tanned durable. Mothers and fathers the country' over have found they give perfect satisfaction. Dress Shoes Shops And oxfords for dross wear, in black and brown calfskin. Sizes 2 '» to 6, 4.50. 5.00 Boys’ Shops — fourth Floor warn Lace Shoes Made on foot-shaping last with broad top, giving the growing feet plenty of room. Mahogany or tan calf or gimme tub Welt soles. Sizes X t„ 11. |,00 Sizes IIS to 2 .4.50 Boys’ Shoes—Fourth Floor Patent Leather Shoes Lace shoes of till patent leather with white kid trimming, white eyelets and Inrings. A clever new style for the smnller children. Sizes x .:i.oo Sizes X'z to 11. :t.50 Growing Girls’ Oxfords Brown rnlfskin oxfords with welt soles anil rubber heels. Sizes 2'y to 7. . . 1.50 Bu»ter Brown Misses' mahogany calfskin creased vamp oxfords. Sizes 114 to 2.4.00 Sizes 2', to 7.5.00 Elksk in Shoe* Sturdy shoes for school wear, with extra serviceable soles nnd leather heels. Sizes R'4 to 11.1.00 Sizes 114 to 2.4.50 Dixie Tie# The hifirh school miss wants a pair of these two-tie oxfords, for they are all the race. They come in patent leather, gunmctnl nnd sun set tan cnlf. Sizes 2>, to R - 5.00 Girls Shoe* Third Moor Children s Two-Tone Shoes High lace shoes made on the Bus ter Brown foot-shaping last, which permits the grow ing feet to develop normally. In two shades of tan or with patent leather vamps and gray kid tops. 8'» to 11. 1.00 11 to 2. -l.ftO 7 he same style shoe also in all gunmetal, mahogany or tan calf. Special! Hoys' Calfsk in Shoes | Black or brown. Very special. Sues 1 to ft *» 2.0ft r