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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1924)
Wheat Moves to New High With Corn Up 5 Cents — V. » t ami Cold Weather in Canada Force^ Sensational Upturn; Oats and Rye Also Advance. Ht CHARLES J. LEYDF.V. I nltenal Service Staff Correspondent. Chicago. Sept. 26.—A sensational up turn at Winnipeg due to wet and cold weather over the Canadian northwest. is the dominating influence in boosting In. al wheat prices to new high levels for the season today. Speculative trade broadened appreciably and shorts h. urried to cover. The Canadian market i! o reached new highs for the vear. Dullish foreign crop reports and Indica tions of a livelier domestic milling in miD’-v were other stabilizing factors. Wheat closed 1% to 3c higher: corn was :>a* to 5%c higher; oats were 1 to 1 he udvanced. and rye ruled 1 % to 2%c j I uj*. Bearish news was at a discount In wheat at the start and Liverpool's failure to rc.-pond to the advance of the north American markets on the previous dav was disregarded. Traders were inclined to press the selling side after the first b|g bulge, figuring that the upturn had been too rapid to be maintained. Some hedging pressure was also felt. The seaboard confirmed export ®al«*s of f.00.000 bushels, wheat, and moderate sales of rve. Liverpool closed 1 to -% pence hirher after a weak opening. Corn also staged a brisk upward spurt Shorts in corn were busv covering their commitments. while a better class of speculative buying was seen than tor some time. The unfavorable weather fore cast combined with the semi-monthly government report to put this grain up. At the last prices dropped sharply from top levels owing to some realizing sales by early buvers. Influential buying through commiasion houses was noted In the oats pit. and prices moved upward with the rest. The hedging sales were taken care of easily. Rve prices during the first, hour aver aged lower because of profit taking sales. Export and scattered speculative buving generally took the offerings and rye ad vanced with other grains later on. Provisions were sharplv higher. Lard was 22% to 35c up. and ribs unchatrged. Pit Notes. Foreign need® of imported wheat for 19.4 are now raised to 800.000.000 bushels. | Last vear Europe was credited with tak ' T40.000.000 bushels, considerable more than the average. Th<* shortage of na tive wheat on t ha continent apparently has been greatly aggravated the last few weeks bv the rainy weather at harvest lime. Yields ip France and other coun tries abroad are being lowered dally. A significant feature in the wheat sit uation which gave the hulls no little cheer today, was the report from Win 4 that the cash article was selling freely at $ • bushel. The No. 1 northern at the close sold there at $U52 % or 6c over the October. In the United Status, baaed on the Chicago prices. No. •J hard can be bought 15c cheaper. There is little wonder therefore that Europe is centering its attention on the domeatio grain. The movement of spring wheat In the northwest is going to Duluth for the most part these days and is moving out rapidly to the east. Apparently the demand ia greater than the supply, and accumula tions of stocks in the northwest hence forth are likely to be lessened. North American clearances of wheat ate gradually increasing. Bradatreet places the shipments this week at 12. ♦514 C00 bushels against 12.227.000 bushels last week, and 6.747.000 bushels laffc year. r^nco July 1 clearances have totaled 94. 5(i3.000 bushels against. 78.173.000 bushels last year for the s*me period. private . i hies from Liverpool state that Europe is buving Plate and Australian wheat ♦ shipment after the turn of the year. The supply situation on the continent without doubt is tight and requirements i Mr- certainly being anticipated. CHICAGO CHICKS. Dv Updike Grain Co. AT. 6312 At ! Open. I High. I Low*. I Close. I Yrs. K-p*' 1.32%! 1.35% 1.32%' 1 S.«J 1.1214 11,., , 1.36 1 1.3914 1 36 I 1.38% 1.36 1.3614 . 1.36%: 1.36 % J.Miy 1.42 , 1.44 % 1.41% 1.44% 1.41% 1.11% ..i 1.44%: 1.41% :v"; 1.10 | 1.10*4! 110 j 1.10141 1.69 I,,.. . 110 I 1.13% 1.10 1.13 I 1.11 I.1.1 1 13*4!.. May 1 14 1.17%l 1.14 1 16% 1 It 111%,. . . I 1 Corn. I I p 1 07 I l.HHi 1.07 1.10% 1.06% i.pc. i tl'?1*! i'.os*‘I Voi” i’o«% 1.62% 1.03%) _| 1.06 >* 1.02% May 1 U4*a 110 i 1,04 % I 1.09 1.04% 1.04% .i. 1.08% 1.04 % Oat* I S i. .47% .48%! .47 *4 48 % .47% Dt- .51% .52 V 51 %1 .52 .51% .51 * .J..*....! .52J; .51% .May 65 .56 %! .55 ! .56% .55% J.ard ’.I I I \ " S.p. 1.1 57 13 *» 13 57 13.77 13 55 ]><■<•. 13 40 13.57 13 40 1 3.57 13 30 1 Rlbl. 1 I .Hpp. [11.90 111,90 11.90 [ll 90 (12.05 - ^ fern and Wheat Region Bulletin. Corn and wheat region bulletin for the 24 houra ending at 8 a. m. Friday. Stations, weather. High. Low. Rain Ashland, clear .76 64 ft on Auburn, clear . 8 4 61 ft!oft Broken Bow, clear .81 57 ft.00 Columbus, clear .82 58 ft no Culbertscn, clear .91 57 ft 00 xFairbury. pt. cloudy.... 86 ’>4 ft.ftO xFnirmont, pt. cloudy...85 .58 ft on Grand Island, pt. cloudy..84 54 ft.00 Hartington, pt. cloudy...80 *s 0,00 xHastinga, clear.85 61 ft on Holdrege, pt cloudy.86 62 0,00 Lincoln, cloudy . 63 65 xoN'rth Loup. pt. cloudy. 84 c < ft oft North Loup, clear .84 RK ft on Oakdale, cloudy .7 8 6 4 Omaha, clear .79 HI ft no O'Neill, pt. cloudy.80 65 ft i/n Red Cloud, pt. cloudy .. .88 66 ft no Tekamah, cloudy . 76 62 ft 00 Valentine, c lear . 7 8 54 ft 00 Highest and lowest for 12 hours ending at 8 a. m. 76th meridian time, except marked thus x. Fast St. I-onis Livestock. Enst St. Louis, II!., Sept. 26 — Cattle— Receipt*. 1,000 head, two leads of Kan sas grass steer®, $6.00; native steers largely holdover no Oklahoma steer® or fat light yearlings her-, light \ea!ers, $10.00; other classes steady; rows, $3 SOtfp 4 25: manners. $2.2&®?2.50, bologna bulls. $3.60 fir 3.75. Hoge—Receipts. 0,000 head. general tone 15c to 25e higher at Thursdays be«r time: very active late; closing price® ;.v to oftc higher among last sales; bulk 16ft to 300 pounds. $ 1 r' 35© 1 0 50 , 130 to ]50 pounds. $9.76# 10 25: no to 120-pound pigs. S9 00#9 75; 100 pounds. $7.50® 1*6; packing sows, $4.$(10!| 75 Sheep and Lambs—Receipt®, 1.000 head run largely confined to through billing', market strong, few good lambs offered. >pp and bulk, $13.00; culls, $7.0ft; «*heep low, steady; mutton ewes, $4ftft®5.00; canner and cull grade, fl 00® 5 CU. Raw Align r New York, Rept. 23.—No changes oc curred In the raw sugar market today. Cuban remaining at 6.03c duty paid. No sale® were reported. Raw sugar future® were Irregular, near months ruling higher on covering and trade buying, influenced by the firmness of the spot market. Later deliveries war. lower under hedge selling. The . lose wait two point® higher to one net lower. !>*• etmber dosed 4 08c; March, 3.83c; Alay, | 3.42c; July, 3.62c. Refined sugar was unchanged to 10 point® higher; Hat quotations now rang ing from 7.15c to 7.50c for fine granu lated ♦'on tinned good inquiry was re port ed. Refined future* were nominal. New York Coffee Future®. New York. Sept. 26. The mu'get for -of fee future® opened unchanged to six mints lower today. After showing net® of about 16 to 16 point®, with De cember selling off to 16.56c under llquida i«,n, prices rallied «>n covering. December advanced to 16.90c. hut. eased • ff again later under selling believed to B partly for Brlzllian account, and dosed . r it, 60c, the market closing iyi - changed to 15 points lower. Hale® were • -d linn ted at 46,000 bag®. Closing quota tion® October, 17.40c; December, 16 60*. Match. 16.90c; May, 15.40c; July, 14 »ft« .Spot coffee, firm; Rio 7a, 18%c; ftantw 4®. 23C to 24c. Clilrnfo Mutter. Chh ago, Sep». 28.—The butter market today continued steady with Hie hulk of interest of top (wore® Dealer® reported < ormideruhle more inquiry with some In on ■ “*! In trading Buyers, however, were . u -ivative and were operating close to r 4*o hi remen ts The centralized car mat kd wan steady, with trading quiet. Fresh butter' 92 score. 36%«-; 91 score. :l%c; 90 score. 23% c; 8 9 arore. ,! 2 % a 68 more, 31%c; 87" score, 3()%c;; 86 score. 30c. Centralized carlot®: 9ft score, 84c; 69 score. 32 %c. 88 *cor*. 30 %c. Oils wild Rosin. Savannah. U*., Hept. 28 Turpentine — Firm: 8 1 %f. ®ule*. 65 harrel®. receipt®. 277 Parrel*; shipment*, 168 barrels; stock, 3 3.47k barrel*. Rosin Firm, um lea. 1.209 c«®ks; rec*|pt® 1,1.4: cask®; shipment*. 647 cask®, stock. ] 07 ft 8 < n®k® Quota: H, $8.12%; D to 1, »S17%; KAt. $6.20; N. $636; WO. $6 26 WW, *. $6.90. _ New York Cotton. New York H®pt. 26.—Th® general rot ton market closed ■Tong at net ad\ance* ef 134 to 133 ----—-——> Omaha Grain v__9 Omaha, Sept. 26. Path wheat eold on the tables today from 1 02c higher The demand was good and most of the rransartlona were made at the full advanre. Receipts were 157 cars. Corn sold at prices ranging from un changed to 4c higher. Receipt! were 69 cars. Osts sold generally If higher. Receipts were 95 cars Rv® sold 102c higher and barley nom inally higher. No. 1 hard: 1 car. $1.30; 2 cars. $1 27; l car. $1 26% . S cars, $1 26. No. 2 hard: 1 car. $1 27; 1 car. 1.26%; 1 car. $1.26; 1 car. $125%; b can. $1.25. 5 cars. *1.24%; 1 car. $1.23. No. 3 hard; 8 cars, Sla24; 1 car. $1.23%. 2 cars. $1 23; 1 car. $1.22; 2 cars. $1.21; 1 err. $1.20. No. 4 hard: 3 cars. $125; 3 cars, $1.24%; 3 cars. $124. 1 car. $1.23%; 1 car. $1.22; 1 car. $121; l car. $1.20. No. 5 hard: 1 car. $1.22. Sample hard: 1 car, $1.22; 1 car, $1.19; 2 cars. $1.18. No. 1 northern spring: 1 car, $1.31. No. 3 northern spring: 1 car. $1 32. No. 4 northern spring: - car. $1,34; 1 car. $1.20. No. 1 mixed; 1 car. $1.35; 1 car, $1.28; l car. $1.20. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.29; 1 car, $1 If. Sample mixed: 1 car. $1.20. CORN. No. 2 white: 1 car, $1.02%; 1 car. $1 02 No. 3 white: 2 cars. $1.01. No. 4 white: 1 car. 9 7c. Sample white: l car. 90r. No. 2 yellowr: 1 car, $1.04%; 2 cars, $ 1.03. No. 3 yellow: 2 ears. $1 03: 4 cars. $1.02. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1 00; l car, 99c; 1 car, 98r. No. 6 yellow: 1 car. 98c. No. 6 yellow: 1 car. 97c. Sample yellcw: 1 car. 94r. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. $1.02: 3 cars. $1.01. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars. $1.01; l car. $1 no. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1.00; 2 cars, 99c. No. 5 mixed: 1 car. 97 %c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. 96c. OATS. No. 2 white: 5 cars, 47c. No. 3 white: 1 car. 46%e: 15 cars. 46c. No 4 white: 2 cars. 46c; 3 cars, 44 %r. Sample white: 3 cars, 42c. RYE. No. 1: 1 car. $102. No. 2: 1 car. $1.02. No. 3: 1 car. $1.02; t car. $1.01%.. BARLEY. No. 2: 1 car. *lc. No. 4; 1 car. 78c; 1 car. 75c. Dally Inspection of Grain Received. WHEAT. Hard No 1, 10 cars; No. 2. 29 cars: N«- 3. 22 cars: No. 4, 26 cars. No. 6, 2 cars; sample. 2 cars. Total. 90 cars Mixed: No. 2. 1 car, No. 3. 1 car. Total. 2 cars. Spring: No. 1. 1 car; No. 4. 1 car. Total. 2 cars. Red spring: No. 4, 1 car. Total 1 car. CORN. Yellow: No 2. 6 cars; No 3 9 cars: No. 4. 1$ cars. No. 5, 7 cars; No. 6, 2 cars; sample, ] car. 4 Total. 3* cars. White: No. 2. 4 cars: No. 3. 6 cars; No 4. 2 cars; No. 6. 1 car; No. 6. 1 car Total. 14 cars Mixed: No. 2. 12 cars; No 3. 5 cars: No. 4. 3 cars; No. 5. 1 car. No. 6. 1 car. Total. 22 cars. OATS No. ?. 6 cars; No 3. 32 cars; No. 4. 6 cars; sample. 2 cars RYE. Total 46 cars. No. 1, 2 cars; No. 2. 8 cars; No 4. 1 car. w Total, 6 cars. BARLEY. No. 4. 1 car: sample, l car. Total. 2 cars Grand total, 223 car*. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS (Carlots. > Week Y*ar Receipts— Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat .157 11 9 4J Corn . 6 9 Oats ..85 4 ? 29 Rye . 5 9 » Barley .. 7 3 Shipments— Wheat . *7 93 33' ‘*om . 3* *',9 3 5 Hats . 24 1 2 56 Rye . 3 2 3 Barley . 6 2 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Carlots-- Todav Wk. Ago Yr Ago Wheat . 120 224 S3 :*orn . 274 237 54 Oats 151 181 84 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS Carlots— Today Wk Ago. Yr Ago Wheat . 259 36* 132 Corn . 16 29 33 Data . 12 22 18 ST. JjOUIS RECEIPTS Carlots — Todav Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat . 178 22! til Corn 63 156 7 3 Hats 45 19 91 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Carlots Today Wk Ago Yr Act* Minneapolis ... 655 298 4** Duluth . 9 37 370 17«* Winnipeg .. stss 229 1 sou Mlnnett|»olis Cash Grain. Minneapolis. Minn . Sept 26 Wheat- — • ’ash No. 1 northern. $1.35% 01 37 %, No. I dark northern spring Choice 'o fancy, II 46% 1.64% ; good to choice. Sl.40%01 45%. ordinary to gouih $1.37% 01.39%: No, 1 hard spring. $1.39% ft1 01.54%: No. 1 dark hard Montana on track $1 32% 0 1 4.7% ft. arrive $1 32% kt 147%%; September. $1 34%; old Decem ber. 11 35%: new December. $1 35%; old Ma v II 42. n** w \T.i s. *1 41 % Corn — No. 3 yellow $1 04% 010$. Oats—No 3 white. 45c. Bariev 71*i*4 Rye—No. 2. $ ! 07% « 1 Flax—No. !. $2.27 % 0 2 28 %. Kanins City Cash Grain. Kansas City. Sept 26.—Wheat- No 2 hard $1.270141; No. 2 »ed. $1 400142: September. $1 27 bid; December. $1 29% asked; May, $1 f>l% split asked Corn—No. 3 white $1.06%. No. 2 yel low. $1 07 %; No. 7 yellow. $1 07. No 2 mixed $1 n i % . September $1 of. hid. De cember. 99%c asked, May, $191% split asked. Hav t’nchanged to $1 hlghe- No 1 prairie. $11.50012 00. Others unchanged Chicago Cash Grain Chicago, Sept 26 —Wheat No 2 hard. $1 35% % 1 77% Corn No 2 mixed $1 09% 01.10%; No. 2 ■ - I low. $1 ‘*9 % 01 11 Oats- No 2 w hite, 60% 0 51t4c; No. 3 white. 4*10 4 8 %e Rye—No. 2. $1 10. Barley- 78 0 90c. seed — Timothy. $4 7506 50; clover. $ 1 5 00025.00 St Louis Grain fit. Louis. Sept. 26 Wheat-Close September. I! '4%. December. $1 37% Corn—September, SI 10. December $1 05%. Corn — September, $1 10. December, $1 06%. Oats—September. 60c. Flonr. Minneapolis. Minn Sept 2* —Flour — Tnrhanged to 10c higher, family patents $7 55 07 7 0 Bran—$24 *00 24 50 New York General. New York Sept 26—Flour—F'rm . spring paten'*. $7 2507.75 aoft winter s'rairhta. $6 4606.85; hard winter straight, $6.6007.10 Rye—Firmer No. 2 »*V«rn, $1 26% f o b. New York, and $1.24% c. 1. f ex port Wheat—fipnt, atrong; No. 1 dark north ern spring, c. I. f New York lake and rail. $1.62%: No 2 hard Winter, f o. b lake end rail $1 51%. No. 2 mixed durum, do. $1.49 No 1 Manitoba. $169%. In bond early in October Corn Spot strong No. ? yellow, r 1 f track New York, lake and rail. $1 34%. No 2 mixed, do, $i .72%. oats - Spot, firm: No 2 w-hlte, 59 %r Lard Strong. middle west, $14.500 14 HO. Tallow—Steadier; special loose, 8c; ex ! r.i * % i Cornmea) Steady: fine white an«l ye! low gianllated. $3.3503.40 Cornmeal — Easier fine white anti yel low granulated. $2.300 2.40. Barley- Firmer; malting, $1.0201.05, c !. f New York Feed Easy: city bran. 100-pound awoke $.71 00. western bran, do $31.60032.00 Hay Sto.idy; No 1 $27 00028.00; No 2. $25 00; No. 3. $21 00022 00. shipping $1* 00019 no Rot’. Cjulef; meie, $29.760 30 00; fam ily $30.00. Rice—Steady; fancy head, 7% 08c Hops—Easy; state. 1924 36046c; 1927 23025c; Fnrific coast. 1924, 22024c. 1923. 200 22c. New York Dry Goode. New' York. Sept. 26.—The American woolen < onion nv today announced ad in woolen men's wmr lines rang--j Ing from f» to 32% « enta a yard to be - come effective at once No change was made in worsted goods price# for the spring A fair volume of business for advance delivery WHS registered In Wool 1 •ns. A higher cotton market checked forward trading In unfinished doth# for a Hme but stimulated small lot buying of finished lines wherever advance# were | not a sk«'d Yarns moved higher. Hut | lap mnrketa showed no change Demand fi»r spring allks centered In printed lines and in some of the satin faced crepes. Itoaton Wool. Boston fiept 26 The wool situation in g»nern| is a litile stronger A fair volume of sales is being made. Wool bouses are fairly active, replenishing de pieiad atocka and buying for future de rnand The noil market is also show ing Increased firmness Fine territory stock is slightly higher today, eelllng at $1 16 to $118 per pound Good clear half-blood stoi k has advanced to $1 OK 'f 4 him go I’roducr Chicago, Hept. 2 H Butler lllghei creamery extras, 3r. %r standards 34* extra firsts. 73% 0 14%. . f|ri»« 71 %0 32 %c; seconds, 3"tf3<r%. firsis 36040c; ordinary firsts, 330.744 Eggs -Higher receipt! 6.425 'sues ftdts, 10049c, 01 dinary fusts, !2%34c. Omaha Livestock v----' Omaha. Sept 2*. Receipt* were: fettle. Hogs. Sheep Official Mnmiav ... 21.933 6.1*9 4.344 Official Tuesday. 10.872 6.504 16.122 official Wednesday 10.627 8.730 26.41 i official ThurKflay... o.n't8 7.871 27,843 Estimate Friday- 90 A 5.non 5.3O0 Five days thrs week. 49.240 33.094 129.022 Same last week. 54.349 38.697 I44.7«i4 Same 2 week* ago.. 48.565 42.1 29 124.315 Same 3 weeks ago.. 32.9*1 64.2*7 100.640 Same year ago. 61.138 40.825 118.373 rat He—Receipts. 900 head. Demand for the few cattle here proved very Indiffer ent and trade on fed steers and yearlings dull, with a weak undertone. Beat here brought $10.60. She stock was scarce and about steady. Outlet for stockers and feeders is very quiet as the week closes ami while best grades are a little higher than a week ago other classes are not selling any better than on last week's close and there are lots of cattle] left in the yards. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves. $10 00010.86; good to choice beeves. $9 2509 86; fair to good beeves. $8 6009.25; common to fair beeves. $8.00 tg.ftO* choice to prime yearlings. $10.10 11.00; good to choice yearling*. $9 50 010.25; fair to good yearlings. $8.7509.50; common to fair yearlings. $7.6008.76; trashy warmed up yearlings, $5.5007.00; good to prime fed heifers. $8.0009.75: fair to good fed heifers. $5.5008.00; good to prime fed cows, $5.5007.50; common to good fed cows, $3.6006.26; good to choice grass beeves, $6.8508.00; fair to good grass beeves. $6 00 06.76; common to fair grass beeves. $6.5005.76; Mexican steers. $3 260 4 50. choice to prime grass heifers, $6.000 6.76; good to choice grass heifers $4.7606.76; fair to good fed heif ers. $3 75 0 4.75: choice to prime grass cows. $4.6005.35; good to choice grass cows. $4 000 4.60; choice to good grass cows, $3.40 04.00; canners and cutters. $2.2503.35; choice to prime feeders. $7 75 08.60; good to choice feeders. $6,900 7.65; fair to good feeders. $6.00 0 6.7 6 ; common to fair feeders. $6.0006.00. good to choice stockers, $7.0007.76: fair to good stockers. $6.26 07.00; common to fair stockora, $5 0006.00; trashy atockera. $3.5004.76; stock heifers. $3.6006.2-; stock cows. $2.5003.40; stock calves. $4.00 07 25; veal c alves, $4.00010.00; bologna bulls, $3.00 0 3.60. BEEF STEERS. No. Av Pr No. Av Pr. 11.1119 $6 76 I*.1095 $. 7a . 1315 9 00 9 1240 9 25 41 . 645 10 35 40.1061 10 50 4 7 . 1209 10 60 CALVES. 2. 175 9 50 1 130 10 00 Western tattle. NEBRA8KA No. VVr. Pr 3 cow’s .1310 15 « owa .10-9 «n 8 heifers . 846 4 50 1 bull . 1400 3 40 15 cows . 1070 3 00 8 feeders . 882 6 25 4 stockers . 602 6 25 Hogs — Receipts. 4.800 head. Demand from all quarters was fairly broad this morning and trade to both shippers and packers started early at prices steady to lOr higher than Thursday Hulk of all sale? was made at $8,500 9.7a, with top $9.90. HOGS No. Av. Sh Pr No Av. Sh. Pr :;9 114 40 $x 50 46. .281 MO $8 55 74 253 690 H 60 33..321 210 8 65 36 .301 8 7o 54..334 8 75 4 9. .293 70 8 80 58.. 326 40 8 85 28 .162 9 00 44 .147 . . . 9 40 35 .172 9 50 27. . 191 9 5a 63.236 40 960 38..164 965 37..304 9 70 47..227 40 9 76 69217 ... 9 SO 63..192 985 Sheep-—Receipts. 5.000 head The limited offerings of fat lambs at hand were ab sorbed in good season at about steady levels, with the same holding true In both feeders and aged sheep. Quotations on sheep and.lambs: Lambs good to choice, $12 50 013:00. lamb*, fair to good. $ 11.600 12.60; feeding lambs, $11 00012.60; wethers. $5.0007 50; clipped a mbs, fed $11.00011 25; yearling*, range. *<'00010.00; fat ewes. $4.2506 00. breed ing ewes, yearling* excluded, $6.600 8.00; feeding ewes. $3.6005 50. Receipts and disposition of livestock at the Union s ock yards. Omaha. Neb, for 24 hours ending at 3 p ni. September 26. RECEIPTS—CAR LOTH Cattle, lings. Sheep. C M A St P Ry. 2 \V« bash R K . 1 • • Mo Pac Ry . 2 1 IT V R R . » 18 18 • * 4k N W east . 1 1 C & N W east . 6 1* .. • ’ St P M A O ... 2 C B A Q east. 4 7 C B A Q west . 7 5 • • r R I A P east . . . . 2 r R I A P w est ... 2 2 1 C U W K R. 1 Total receipts ... 33 60 20 DISPOSITION HEAD Cattle Hog* Sheep Armour A Co . 154 *48 I’udahy Pack Co ... . 47 . 7 22 650 Hold Packing Co .... 6 2 7 4 •» Mom* Packing Co ... *9 4_o 2.'*7 Swift A Co . Sift 577 894 IHa**buig M . 6 Kenneth A Murray ... 4"4 Midwest Pack Ci# 19 . . ... Gould A Keefer . . 1 Omaha Packing Co 1 ... S Omaha Pack Co 12 .... Murphy J VV ...... 900 Lincoln Pack Co .44 .... Den nut A Prune!* 9 7 . Harvey John 49 . I n g h i a in T J . 4 .... . ... Kirkpatrick H<u» .... 3 .... K t ebb* A 4*o. 4 ... .... Longman Hro* . 12 .... .... Luberger Henry S ... 9 . Mo-Kan C A 4! Co.... 2 . Root .1 B A Co. . 8 9 8’argent A Finnegan 7 .... .... Wertheimer a Degerj 17 .... .. . Other bu> era . 49t .... 88.16 Total . 1961 46;i 10«2« 4 Hlrago Livestock. Chicago. Sept '6 rings Receipt* 15 BOO liead . marks? strong u, Dm- higher receipts very light, top, $10 40. bulk <.f better 160 to 2 2 f> - poll It d weight. $10,000 10 3". grassy kind down 'o $9 0u; majnrliy of good and chop e 250 to 35'* pound butcher*. $9 90010.10; desirable 140 to 150 pound average* largely »r $9 5009 85. packing *ow*. $8 500 9 00. rough through out and stripped down to $','.00, better strong weight slaughter pigs mostly hi $8.7509.00, heavy weight ho**. $9 70** 10.25. medium $9 85010 40; light, $8 90 0 10 35; llgh’ light. $x 00010 25: packing hog*, smooth $ ft 75 0 9 • ' 6 . pa< kng hog*, rough, $8.2008.75, alaughtet pigs, $ft 25 i< Cattle Receipts 3 000 head; practically no outlet for weighty fed steers or In between gratis* fat cow* and heifers; lib era 1 supply of the*# offerings, stale kind, shipping demand exceedingly narrow locaj buyera indifferent, some demand for desirable yearlings no choh ►* kind here, beat, early, $10 25. practically no heavy steers sold: < anner* strong, some strong weight at $3.00 and alight!}- above, bulla tending lower; vealers uneven, mor ly steady; spot* lower on medium to good grade offerings packer* faking choice offerings upward to $12 "n small killers upward to $12 50; county demand for stockers and feeder* fairly broad, fresh t ef elpt* of thin steer* •mall, trade fully steady. Sheep—Receipts 14 00<i heal e.irlv •ales fat lamb* fully steady sorting mod era?*, hulk desirable native* $12.6001100; cull* mos»|y at $9 50. choice range lamb*. * 3 on, «he-r *r.d feeding lin-u *r*.td\ fat ew«y. ft 7.8 06 7early se >v choice feeiLng lambs, $13 00 Kenaea City Livestock. Kimax rit- Mo. Fepr 26 —(United S'are* Department of AgMculru-e )—rat Ce—Receipts 1.500 head. calves. 200 h»ad market. mo*t killing c!*«*e* slow around steady; heavy grain fed steer* and weighty gra»«*»r* dull: one load averaging 1,666 pounds. $9 40. few grasser* $6 on-, 6 on. cannsr* and cutters mostly $2 3 26; grss* cows. $ t 40 0 4 ?5. hulls weak to 15c lower; native bolognas $3 .50 0 3 76: thin western* down *o $2 50; top veal*. $10.00; medium* and heavlea. $3 no 00.78; stockers and feeders dull, steady Hogs- Receipts 4,000 head. market I mostly 10016c higher; mixed grades un evenly higher; shipper top $9 90; packer top. $9 85. bulk of sales. $9 3009 86, bulk desirable 180 to 300 pound averages. 19 . < 09 86; packing sow*. $8.5 Off 8.1&. atock pigs steady. $7 25 0 7 7 5 .Sheep— Receipt * 4,000 head. market ! lamb* fully steady , e*rlv too westerns 1 $12 75; few native* $12 70; sheep strong to 15c higher; range ewes $6.00 feeding lamb* steady to strong, earl*, sale*. $11.76 012 35. Sioux City Livestock. Sioux City, Sept 26 Cattle Receipt*. 1.000 head, market slow, stockers end killer* steady, fat steer* and yearling* $3 0001100; bulk $9 00 10 60. fat . owa and helf0i*. $ •0010 26, tanner* and cutters $2.(1C 0 < on grass row* and helf et ■: $3 000-6 00 veals $4 00 0 11 0" . bulls, 9.4.000 7 00 feeders. $6.6007 26. Stocker* $6 000 7 00. f,tock yearlings and calves, $4.0007 00, feeding tow* and helfei*. $3.000 6 25 v Hug# Rectltps 8.000 head mirket steady , top, $9 $0; hulk of sales. $* 600 9 70, lights. $9 2509 70, hut: hers. $9 600 9 H(>, hlxed, $8.6609 b0; heavy packers. $8.3509 00 stags. $8 260 6 76, western pigs $7 000 8 On Sheep K« elpt*. 6 200 head; market ?5 040r higher, lambs, $13 16. ewe*. $6 00. Hi Joseph Lives (nek. H* O.lseph, Mn . Hept 2'. Cattel Re cetpta, 1.000 head; steady to 10. lower; hulk of a leer*. $6 60 0 9 90. cow* and helfeis. $3 2509 00. calve*. $4 000 II 00, •tucker* and feeder*, $4 0007.75 Huge He. elpt* 2.600 hand. 10 to I6r higher , top, $9 90. bulk $9 4009*. Sheep and Lamb* R -elpls, :*.f.00 head; steady- lamb*, $ I 2 OO0 12.86 . ewes |r. Oilp 8.00. I ll* x. Duluth, Minn. Hept C|na»- Flat — September, I ' .12 October. I: •»'y . No vsrnher, $2 29*. December. $2 2o*4. M«> $2 3.7. 4 tihaso Spot Mill kef Mutter Receipts 10.790 tubs- |**t year. 7.778 tubs. 10 old car* II new extras if.t,c standiird*. 34. extra firsts. 98 14 034 H* first* ~.lH0 3:"tt 88 scot .’10 •*.« 8 9 sc ore .12»{c Kill* Receipts 6.426 cases last year 7.7 4 4 cases 26 old -ars D* new fiisls IH04O. ; dirtj 3ft0 29. .*1. *J603T<. refrlaerstm exltMs 4'x0 16c, tefr|*etator fltsts. 33074c Complications in Independent Steel Cheek to Market Rumors of Combination as 1. S. Skims Cream of Busi ness; Nash Up Six Points on Day. I«v RK'HARO srn.i.ANF, Universal Service Financial Kdltor. New York. Sept. 6.—Complications in the steel industry tended to hold the stork market in check today. The inde pendent steels were weak. They are Ioh ing business owing to the Pittsburgh plur decision. In fact, the whole price situation in the steel industry is destroyed. Figures front tlie various corporation* show that United State* Steel has gained in orders and operation of plants while the inde pendents have lost. There is some suggestion that a com bination of various combinations of the independents will result. Some of the rails were very strong, the Frisco Issues particularly »o. The baking shares resumed their climb ing General Making had a swing of 7 points for the day. Motors did nicely. Nash. which is classed now as a zonanza. went to 150, being 6 up for the (lay anti 9 from the low of Thursday. Most of the gas and electric Issues Most of the ga s find electric isnle* w erp higher, Gonsolida led Gas of Baltimore distinguishing itself by a three point gain The leathers showed Improvement. The coppers were flat, the oils heavy and various of the specialties soft. Transactions S72.000 shares Rails, on an average, declined one sixth of a point. IndUKtrials. on an average, declined one-seventh of a point. Money unchanged. Foreign exchange ' steady. Got ton had a big day Bearish news was scant and bullish news ^>undarit. The future* market was buoyant from start to finish and the close, whfcit was at a net gain of from 121 to 122 points, was at about the top for the day. t ’of fee again was erratic in its mar ker movements. Sugar was sluggish, closing from 1 down to 1 up. r % | New York Quotations | %_ ___/ N’ew York Stock exchange quotations furnished hy J V A Co. 224 1 miaha National Bank building: Thur. High. Low. Close. Close. Agrl Chemical . . . . ] _• % 12% Ajax Rubber .... in % 9% 9% n % Allied Chemical .74% 74 74 7 4 Ti All Js-Cha Imers . 62% »;i% 1, ] % bj Am Beet Sugar . ... . ... 41% Am Hr Slot Pd 1 v . |S Amernar. Can 111% 129% 129% L'.0% Am Car A Fdry.". . 167 Am H & L. 11% 11 11% 11 Am H * I, pfd... 66% -63% 65% 6 4 Am int Corp .. 27 26% 26% 26% Am Linseed Oil. 21% 21% 21% 21% Am l.oromotlva 8 0 % uu x•) xn % Am Radiator ...11* 117 Am Ship A Com. 11% 11% Am Smelting 74% 7 % 7.; * 74% Am Smelting pfd. .. !“.■% 103% Am Xte*-| Fdr>.. . 2 7 % 37 American Sugar 47% 47 47 47 Atn Sumatra . ... 7% 7% 7% *% Am Tel & Tel... 127% 1.6% 127% 127% Am Tobacco ..164’, 16.’, % 164% 164% Am \V \V A K.... 126 124% 12a lt'6% Am WOolen . 57% 56% 57 .-7% l Anaconda . 37% 37 .37% .37", A sad Dry Goods. 119% I1X% 119% 117 5, Associated Gil ... 2x % 2h% 28 % Atchison 105% ior.% 10..% 10.1% Ail Coast Line. 1.3 x 136% 137 i:t« A G A W 1 . 1 6 % 1 6 % 1 b \ J 7 Atlas Tack . . . * Atlantic Refining 8x% xx% xx % g*% Austin N’ichols . . . . 2.' % 25% Auto Knitter . . 2% 2% 2% , Baldwin .127% 122% 123% 123% Halt A Ohio.6:;% 63% 63% 63% Harnsdall A . 1 h % Mel h Sice| 43 % 4 2% 4 4 Ho rh Magneto .29% 27 2x% 27% Hkiii vi.inhat Rv 24% . % % . „ Hkiri Man hat pfd. 4*% *. x% Mil; In Willson .120 116% 159 116% Cs! Packing . > 1 % 91 9i % 91 *’hI !%t roleutn . . . 2. % 22 2 2 2 2 Cal A Aria Min.1% • an Pa- ific 148% 14* 14*% 1 lh% Central Leather 14% 14 Central Leith pfd 49% 4*% (I, 4*,% Cerro de I’aMi-o 46% 4 7% 4 % 46 Chandler Motors 3*. % :;•>% 36% ;6 % • lies A Ohio .*:< % hi. 95% s„ % Chi Gt Western 7% 6% 6-, #, % Chi *lf w e-t pfd 2" » 19 19% i* > Chic A N W ....«( t.2% b.’% t. •% C M A S|* .14 11% 13% 13% • M v f* pfd . . .1 % . < , : 1 % C R I A P .4% 34 .*4% 1% £ * J* to A U 44 t hlie Copper 32% 3.% 32% 12% c h 1 n o j 9 % 19 % CI uel t-I'ea body ... ... £7% 5$ • 'luett - Pea bed v pfd l'J4Ti» Cola .. . 7b % 7.7% 76% 7 » .,|o Fuel A Iron.. 4 4 , 42 % 4 3% 4 3 *, Columbian Carbon 41 Columbia <;*„ 43% 42 % 4 2 % 4 .• *4 f.jngoleum 4*% 4 % 4*, % 47% • on.Mil Cigar* Continental Can. i* % „s% ix% . % Contint Motors ... 7 b% 7 r, % Corn Products ... 36% 9?.;,% 2 % .... % • 'oeden ....... 2* »% .* : % 23 % 26 % 56% 57% 55% 55% ' uba Cun* Sugar. 14% 14% 14% 14% Cuba Cana >ug p. *4% 64 M% »,4% Cuba-Am Sugar 32% 31% 32% 32 Cuyamel Fruit 32% £2 62 52% Daniel Boone 13 12’, ]3 13 Davidson Chemical 60% 49% f,u 3*.% Delaware a Hud 129% ll‘x 129% 128% Dome VI nlng 16% 15% I'• % 15% I mipon t De \>m 121 130 % 130 % 131 Kastman Kodak . .... 1"9% • . s:*, !!S 27*. Klee Storage Bat * % 5x 58% 57% Famous Player* . »2% 81% SI % *2 5th A vs. Bus I,me . ..11 Fisk Rubber 9% 9% t % r» % Klelachman's Yeast 71 72 Freeport. Tex. <* % *% .% * % Gen. Asphalt . 41% 41 t 41% 4!% Gen Electric 264 262% 26 3 263% Gen Motors (new) Mi% 60% 60% 6"% Gen. Motors 16% 15% 15% 16 Goodrich 32% 30% 30% 30 Gt Northern Ore. 29 29% Gt No Rv. pfd 66 64% 64% 64% Gulf States Steel 7 1% 72% 71% 73% Hartmann Trunk . 33 32% 13 32 % Have* Wheel .35% 35 35% 34% Hudson Motors 28% 26 % 2*% .'8% Homo,fake M Co. 4*- 46 Houston oil 73% 7.1 73 7.'% Hupp Motors 14% 14% 1(% 14 % III. Central. ,... 110 1"9% HI Central pfd .. . ... llft% Inspiration .. 25% 25% In* Erg C Corp. 30% ?9% 30% ?9% Inter Harvester . 84% nt M*rc Marine .9 % Int Merc M pfd 4 % '9% 40% 4" In * Tel A Tel * % *4 ‘4% «»*■% Inter Nfkel . 1«% 18% !•% 1«% Inte- Paper . 51 % 81 51 51 % Invincible 0,1 l % 1% 13% 1* n ine* Tea . . 17 % Jordan oMtor 11% .10% 31 31 K C South 22 21 % 11 % 21 % Ktlly-Spring :s% 11% 1 • K»nneor tt 4 7% 4T ».» 47% 47% Ko a*one Tire 1 % 1 % Lee Rubber .... 10% 1«% Lehigh Valley M 5«% 60% M I.lma Lorn . *1 60% 60% 6"% Loose Wiles .. 72% 70% 72% 71% Louis A Nash. 99 99 Mark Truck . . .-00% 99% 99% J«m% May Dept Store 97 96% 97 96% Max oMtor A 61% *0% 60% 6 1 Maxwell oMtor H. 1*% ]fi 18% 1.1% Mar land 35% 14% 34% 34% Mm Seaboard •*% 23% % % Miami Copper ... . 21% 22 Middle States 011 1% 1% 1% 1% Mo Kan A T D. % 16 15% 16% Mo Pa< 20% 90% 19% Mo Par pfd *>% b7% 57% 67% Mont Ward . 36% 36% 36% 36% Mother ..... . 9 9 Nash oMtor* , . . . lf.o 160 160 143% Nstional Ills*Hit 7’% 7.1 71% 74 Nat Enamel . 22% 2«% 21% 22s, Nat t,eari .166% 15* I5f 169% New York A 11 44 44% 43% 44 New York r .. . 1«s% lul % 107% 1«*% N Y C A Si 1. ... 1 1 6 115 116 115% N Y S H A II 25% 25% 25% 25% North Arner 35 54 % 34% 34% North Fa* . 66% 65% 65% 65% N A W By . 126 126% 125% 125% orpheum . 22% 22 22 22% Utten* Bottle .. 42% Pacific €>11 ....... 49% 47% 47% 4S % Packard Motor . ..I t 13% Pan American . .. 53% 53 61 63% Pan American B-. 52** 52 % 52% 62% Penn HR . 44% 44% 44% 44% Peoples Gag l«»4% 1*4 1*'4% 104% Pc re Marquette . . 61 6<>% 60% 60% Phi a Co . 60% 50 Phillips Pet .32 s, 31% 32 -S [Pierce Arrow . .... 10 % 10% | Po*tuni Cereal . 64% 63% Pressed Steel Car 46 45% 46 46% Producers A Ref.. 27% 27 27 27 % Pullman ..1*1 l so i it % l 10 PuntR Alegre Sug 53% 61% 53% b1% I ure Oil .23% 22% 22% 2*1 By Steel Spring.12 6% 127 Hay Consolidated. 12% 12 12 12% Reading . 62% 62% 62% 62% Replug ie ..11% 11 % 11 % 11 % Republic I A S . . 47 45 % 45% 47 Royal Dutch N Y. 41% 41% 41% 41% St 1. A San Fran.. 10% 29% 30% 29% St Louis A S W. . . 44% 43% 4 4 43% Schulte Cigar ...107% 106% 106% 106 Sears Roebuck ... 104% 103% shell l.'nion Oil .. 16% 16% 16% 16% Simmons Co .. 27 26 % Sinclair OR . 16% 16% 16% 16% Skelly Oil . ^ . ... lx 17% SI OSs Sheffield . 73% 9 4 South Pacific ... 95% 9i»% 94% »5% Southern Ry .. 70% 69% 7" 69% Stand Oil of Cal.. 57% 57 57 % 57% Stand Oil «.f N .1. 15% 36% 35% 35% Stewart Warner .. 5x% 56% 57% 56 Shromberg Carb . % 66% G7 * 67 Submarine Boat . 9 9 Studebaker . 4 2 4 1 % 41% 41% Texas * "o. 4'»% 4" 4" 40% Tex. Gulf Sulp . . xi % xo% x0% n<)% Texas A Pacific . 38% 37% .17% 37% Timken Roll. Bear. 35 14% 35 31 % Tob. Produets.... 68% 67% 68 68 Tob. Prod. A. 92% 92% 92% 92% Trans, oil . 4% 4% 4% 4% l nion Pacific... 141% 140% 14'*% 140% I nite,| Fruit.212 211% 211% 211% 1' S Ca«t iron P.112% lox% 111% 108% C S. I rid. Alcohol. 71% 71 71% 71% I S. Rubber... . 36% .35% 35% 35 r. s. Rubber, pfd. 88% 88% 88% 88% r. S. steel. 109 108 1* 108 % 108% U s. steel, pfd.122% 122% Utah Copper. 77 % 77 % Vanadium . 25 % 25% Vivaudou . 11 % 11% 11% D'% Wabash . 16% 16% 15 % 15% Wabash A . 43% 43 43 % 41 Western Cnlon.Ill’* 113% Westinhouse A B. 94% Wcstinghouse Rlc. 63% 61% 63% 61% White Ragle Oil . 24% 74% 74% 7 4 White Motor*. . 66 % 66 651 Wc olw ot t h Co in% 11 'v H j % n r~ Willy* Overland.. 8% *% x% x% Willy s O. pfd 69 6X% 69 68% Wilson .. 6 6 Wilson, pfd. . 17% 18 Worthington Pump 46% 41% 4 5% 4t% Wrigley Co. 41% 41% Yellow C. Mfg. Co. . 62% Yellow Cab 3' Co. . . 47 4* % Kx dividends today. New York Central.$1 75 International Tel AT 1.50 Total sales of stocks Thursday, 981,600 shares Sales of stocks up to 2 p. m today. 69i 20o shares. /-N : New York Bonds s-—--* New York, Sept. 26 —Bond prices moved blsbsr ground today under the leader ship if Cnlterl .Staten treasury, Kuropean government and domeati* railroad obliga tion*. sev eral of whi« h scaled new peak* for the year Trading was moderately active. The reported presence of J. P Morgan in London foreshadowing an early conclu sion of the German loan negotiation*, pro vide.I the incentive f*,r further buying of foreign ,s*ue* Belgian 7 V, s reached a ne.v 15*24 high level at 111. with the new 61.* Helling at French and other co.i■ Inental bonds were f.rnt A rise in the Hens of the southern and southwestern • arrlers corresponded to 1 Me advance in the shares of the*.* roads Friar o bonds were unusually active ou report* that dividend* soon would be i#t au^uraon the preferred stork. i’arn litia Gjintlifield and Ohio 6s and four «»f the Seaboard a.r list iMues moved up one to two point* New 1824 high record* were achieved b' several of the hfnver Ac Klo Grande mortgage* L'ofit taking nteMUpted the advance In Brooklyn I'nififi Gas 7* which had <ar rled the*e bonds to the year * top price* Offerings of large blocks cauaed reces sion* of several point* in the*e issue* felling o various otl and copper bond* gave tim nduBtrial ! *t an Irregular ap (**a i an1 * The treasury 4* popularly known as the • Mellon*.'* attained a record high price in selling at 1 <»6 7. Liberty bonds, however, failed to keep pace wi’h this mov emeu r New York investment houses announced a private offering of lOit.Qfm share* of the Lower Austrian d!** mint company of Vicuna Penr*yl vara and Florida east roast Ismu. > offered tiaiii> Were jeadiljr sub *1 ribed. I . H. Bolide. 2.7 Li Unity i‘t* 1 "ft ;• 1 100 29 100 31 19 Libeity ls< 4‘*» 103 19 102 17 102 1 9 49 4 i.iheri. 2d 4*»* 1 •»l 2 3 1 Ul 1 9 10 1 21 2*7 l iberty 3J 4 - - .102.10 1"?7 102 1(4 *1* I.ibert 4 til 4 *» 102 - 4 102 21 H»2 II 3(7 I S Gov 4'.- 106 7 106. lots * foreign Honda. A Jurgen M H *is -: S *2’i *-S 12 A i gent in** Cot 7s 1"2’H 1"2S» 1“? *4 1 \ - ii i in** «;■*'. t ■ *» i 9 . \ > l * Au*t gtd loan 7s 9 7* !4 f.» 96 • i I > Until* in * - * ' 4 H N 4 < « ofrenhagen i*1,.- 9.»*4 9 j 6, 9 •* *4 .4 i ’ t t i Pr.i g u*' 7 » 9 ' ’* 9 ! 9 * \ 12 G’t > 1 on* 6s »* ’ll M'•* h''s 4 g i * v .Marseilles **• *4 S 4* S J6 <>e. h B-P 4. 100 s4 93-% 10AL 12 I »ep• Rain# 7* 94 i, 94*, 94’, 4Bonim i< an *f 6 4, a 9';*, 93 *3 6, 17 Bum i'an .'•**• 29 1"<4 104 14 2 Item Can in 32 lo3*g 103*4 103** 6 putrli » ' f 6* 2 . 9U, 93i, 96«, 74 f»nti h K T . « hi . 9m S9S 9« 24 Framei* an 7S« 4’*l* '-G v, 4>'i 61 F* m h Hep in; 104’, 107 14 Fret, h Rep 7,* 1*3** 1*2 \ l»a«4 2lo Japanese 9 2 !, 9 ? 4 9 7** 11 Japanese 4* 4?r, 6? •2,n 13 K Of Belgium 4* .lfts 107 H 1 * S f*3 K of Relg u n 7**s 111 11"W 111 ** K of f ten mark f.« 1“1 lf,"\ 1 «'»#’% ?! K of Nether 4* 72 97 S, 97 97 S 1! K of No-wav 6, 43 !“S 9*. i, 14 King S C S I* 49 4 *9 *9 >4 6 K fo Sweden 6* 105. 10644 10t»** 1 oriental Bv *lb 6* m , S 6s S 42 Pan* L Me*! 6* . MS * 1 '4 * 1 "a 16 Hep of Bolivia 93'* 9 2 93'* 7 Rep of Chile s* 41 m.»l, 105 1 0 j f Rep of Chile 7s 97 '4 9 7 14 97\ ft R .»f Colombia 61, s 99*, 99’, 99'4 2 #4 M*p of « lbs 96 t, t*» 96 S |1 Kp of Kl Sal ■ f *• 103 U 103*4 103*4 "T.. 15 Rep of Finland 6* **4 it **4 8 S of gueenalatul 4>.I0|% 1" I 103 22 Ste Ol R G d*» S 8* 96% 95 % 9a % 3 Ste of San P a f Is 101% 101 101% 9 Swiss «’unfed 8a . 115 1144 114 4 38 Swiss Gov 5 4s '46 96% «H% 9*% 1 t’KofGRAT 54" 29 1104 1 lu % 1104 103 VKofGBAl 14" 37..1054 !'•&% 1®*4 53 I’ S of Brasil *a.. . 97% 9*4 97% 111 U 8 of B-C R) K It 84 4 S3 M 4 OeniHititv 15 Am Ag ("hem 7 4a. 97 9*4 96 4 .1 Am t hain *f 6a 97 % 97 % 97 « x Am Smelting 6s... 104% 103% 103% Is* \m Smelting Is... 91% 94 4 94% 22 Am Sugar 6a.100 99 4 99% 3*2 Am TAT 5 4a.103 4 10J 103 4 20 Am TAT 5s .1014 1«1 4 l»l4 *o Am TAT 4s . 98 4 97 4 9*. 4 4 Am W W A E 5s. 32 91% 92 111 Ana Cop 7a '38 .100% 994 100 20 Ana Cop 6a '13.... 98 4 97 4 9" 4 11 Armour Co Del 54a 92 914 92 « Associated Oil € loo „ pm*. 2 A TASK gen 4 s . 90% 89% "9% A TASK adj 4s ... 8 3% 83% 83% 9 A tl c Line 1st 4a . 91 4 91 91 25 B A O 6*.103 4 103*4 l"-<:i 57 B A O 44a.89% 89-4 89 4 4 H A O gold 4s . 87% 87% 87-s H Bell Tel Pa 1st 5s. 100% IU04 1004 12 Beth Steel 6s . 9h % 96 9'j. 4 Beth Steel 5 4a.. . 88 4 87% *. \ * Brier Hill St 54s.. 9*4 96% 9* > 13 Bkyn Ed gen 6s.. 101 4 1004 101 67 Bkyn-Man Tr sf 6s 804 *'• % 804 8 Calif Pet 64*.100% 100 4 1004 8 Can No deb 6 4"->117 4 116% 117*• 1 .4 Can Pac deb 4s_ HO % 80 *“% 137 C C A O *s.106% 105 4 1"5 3 On of Georgia #f**i 99% 99% 16 Central Par gtd 4s 88% 884 H8% 54 Chesa. A Ohio 5a . 9h % 98 % 9* % 18 Chesa. A Ohio 4 4«- 8*4 96% 96 4 11 C. B A g. 5s A. 102% 1"|% im% 219 Chiu. A West III. 5s 73% 73% 71% 151 Chi* Gt Wes. t 4a . 58% ■ ■ * '* 19 C, M ASP rv 44a 57% 56% 57 4 35 C. M A s P rg. 4 4a 614 51 51 74 C, M A S P 4a. %'5. 74 4 7 4 74 4 26 C A- N. W rg. 5a. 99 9*4 98% 15 Chicago RyS. L.a.,.. 76 76% 7f>% 3 4 C. R. 1. A P gen. 4a *4 83 % 84 HOC., it. I. A P rg 4a. 82% 82% *2% 23 t'hie. A W Ind. 4s 77% 77 77 7 Chile Copper 6a.... 10* 4 106% 1 "*> 4 10 C 1! c A S L 68 A . 103 4 103 103 19 Cleve In Ion T. 5a 100 % 100% 100% 4 Colo. A So. rfg 4 48 89% *9% 89% 2 Colum G * E. 5s. 100 4 1"“4 1,"»% 39 t .’on m on wealth P ‘a 9" 97% 9H ; Cons Coal ofM 5*. *8% 8*4 *8% 2 Consumers P. 5s... 90 90 90 2 Cuban Am. Hug 8a.108 l*1* 1 6 15 Delaware A Hud 4a 89% *9 4 89% 3, Denver A Rio. G 5s 4* % 45% 4*%a 242 Denver A Rio G 4a *2 8% 814 ]1 Det Edison rfe €» 106% 106% ly. % 3 Det I’n Rvp 4 »-.« . 92 4 92 4 .92 4 7 DuP «le Kem 7 4«. 108 % 10# 108% 3 2 Duqurene Lgt 6a. 105 4 1054 105 4 5 East Cuba Su 7'*.» 106% P»6% 106** 79 Kmo G & Fuel 7 4a 96 4 96 96 4 111 Erie pr lien 4%. . 72 4 71 4 72 4 71 Erie gen lien 4a 64% 64 ‘44 5 Fiak Rubber 8a .105 1044 1’ 11 Gen Elec deb 5a... 1044 lfi4 4 1°4 4 24 Goodrich «'•,* 99% 99 4 *♦'•% ». Goodyear T *31.106% 106 106 4 4 Goodyear T "a *41.1184 117% 11* 23 Gr Tr Rv r.f C 7a. 116% 11*% 11*% 11 Or Tr Rv of C 6*. 1074 107% 107% 9 1 Or North 7a A... 109% 109 4 l'*9 4 13 Gr North 5 4a B. 101% 1014 H'1% 74 Hud A M rfg 5a A 87 4 86% 86% . 5 Hud A M ad in 5s 67% *7% ‘.7% 12 Hunt O A R 54a. 100 4 100 1"0 10 Illi B T rfg 5a 97% 97% 974 13 Illi Cent 5 4* ..102 4 102 102 19 Til rest LAO rfg 5a 96% 9- % 96% 11 Illi St deb 44" 944 944 94% 2 5 Inter R T 7a 89 **% *9 16 Inter R T 6a .. 68 68 *8 33 Int R T rf 5a st. . 65% *.» *•>% 70 Int A Gt No ad 6s '.2% 61% *1% 50 Int A Gt No 1st 6s. 101*4 H'l 1°1 15 Int Mer Mar a f 6a 88% 88 4 *;4 17 Inter P <vt 5* A 8.4 8. 8 7 47 K C Ft S A M 4». 814 81% *1% 58 Kan C P A L 5a.. 94% 944 91% 7 Kan O S 5a . . 89 4 89% *9% 8 Kan G A H 6s. .. 99 98 % 99 1 Kelly -S Tire 8«... 99 4 99 4 99 4 5 Lac G rf St L 5 4a 95 9 1 % 94 % 15 Lig A My era 5a . 99% 9- 4 98 * 2 4 L A N 6s B 2003.103% 103 4 3034 23 L G A Elec 5*.... 92 91 4 91% 11 Manati Sug 200 100 37 Man Rv con 4« ... 62% f - 4 6-4 5 Mkt St' V 7a. 99 9*4 99 30 Mid Htl rv 5a 88% 88% 8*% 2 M K A T p li 6s C 101% 101% P'1% 30 M KA T n pr li 5s A 86 4 86 % 86% H‘2 M KATn adj 3s A 64% 64 4 64% 28 Mo Pac 1st C* . ... 98 4 9*% 9*4 194 Mo Pac gen 4«... 63 62% 62% 10 Mont P 5* A 94% 9i% 9*% 1 N K T A T Is’ 5s 100% 100% 1 - % 114 V y r deb 6- .1014 107% 108 4- N y c rfp .v imp 5a 99% 99% 99% 4 N Y C A St 1, 6s A 103% 103% 103% 14 N V Kdi rfg 64*113 H3 11 169 NYNHAH F 7s . 8 8 M% 85 53 NYNHAllrv 6a l* 77% 76% 77 2 1 N Y T ref . * '41.107% 11 % P‘% 11 V y T gen 4 4" • 97 96% 97 .38 N y W A B 4 4*.. 5 5 54 % 54% 12 N A Edl a f 6a . 97 9* % 97 4 N O T A L 6- A fc9% *9 l9% 6t North Pac r 6a B 1 *>' « 1 ‘■ 7 4 5- *■ % 77 Nor F*ac n*w 5s U 97% 96 4 97 % 4 7 Nor T*ar pr lien 4a 864 86% *6% * North B T Ta .1’% 1'*'% 1“*% 2 Gt e S L rfg 4a . 9“ % 9* 98 26 Ore-W R R a N 4s "3% 83 *3 1 Otla Stl 74s.**4 8*4 8*4 51 Pa- G A E Ip 93% 9 93% 29 Pac T A T la I til 93 . 92% 16 I’a R R 6%* ...110% 11% 110% 11 Pa It Ft gen 5a ...In 4 1 * - Pa It K g*-n 4 4* -• 914 94% 94 4 3 6 pere Mat rfg 5a .. 9# 9 7 % 97% 5 Phi la C.. rfg 6a... 103% 10* 102% s PhiU t»C rfg 6s . 102% 102 1 * - % 1 Phi In Co 5 4* . 9 5 95 9 5 Pi P A It C A 1 5s. 1904 lMO loo i Pierce A trow 9a **.4 *4 4 *♦. * 4 P R LAP 1st 6** B 94% 94% 9(% 9i Punt t Ale .■-• qg 7» 1 * * ' * b " li K. ad ng gen 4 4 a 9% . ' % i 9 Rending gen 4 a .95 95 9r 7 a Her i A.ina s f •: a 944 9 7% Pj i 6 Rep I A S 54* . 914 *14 ?14 15 Rio ilmnilr W 4a. 724 72 77%! R I A A L 4%a. «?4 «’. % 82 4 9* St L 1 M A S 4- 9 5 % 92 % 9 4 4 4 2 St L . I. M A S 4a *4 4 94 4 *4 4 1*4 St L A S. F 4a A. 714 7 1 71% 114 St 1. A S F a 6a. 80% *0% *0% .14 St E A S V ! 6a. 74% 7 4 7 4 %! >• leatlwftl 4* v! B• % ir :* s j’ .v k <■ m i, »« :»s >'* 4 St I nion P Is.109% 1 *»0 % 1 • " % 149 Sea b 8 I cm 6a 83 % *. *7% 2 41 Seah A T. adj. 6s. 64% f.% MS 15, Sea b A L rfg. 4a . 5* 56% 57 4 6 5 Sinclair C. 011 7a 9‘i% *9 **% 7 Sinclair *' Oil *4s *44 «4% *4% 7 Sinrialr c Oil ft%s.lA04 100% 109% 6 Sinclair Pipe L 5s M *3% *4 .ft So Pacific rv 4«.t* 9"% 97% 14 So Pacific rfg 4s *o% *9% <*0-t 60 So R\ gen *4" .1074 1074 So Rv con. 5a !"«% loo*4 100% 1* So Rv gen *« .1*34 103 1^14 . S W ReJ, Tel !.a 9‘% 9k % 9*4 1 s?ee| Tube 7a 196 4 lft*4 1°*4 7 Tenn Tlectri r *s 9* 97 % 9s 2* Third Av« ad1 5s 60% 49% 5 % 1 Th 1 r<l Ave rfg 4a 57 57 457 2 Toledo Edison 7a 108% 199% lfi8% ?tL A W li 83% I 7 I’n ELAP rfg 5» 9*% 9*% »G. 1 P l*t 4* 9 2% 92% 92% 1 V r (V 4a _ 99% 994 >»4 i V S Ruhb-r lots l«s lots It C S K libber bi, .. . US »t ** IT I h «f in_1'itS lot* l#tS 2T 1 lih I* «1. bp .. »I IIS »f 1 Va-Car (’hem 7%s. *1*4 31% 3« % K Va-Car (’hem ?*... <2 *°% f>~ 153 Virginian Ity 5*... 9n% 96 96% *3 \Va lift«h 1st 5s .!•«% !«»•% 1°"% l War Sug Kef 7* ..|0«% D»<»% !•?% 32 Western Elec 5* 9*% •*»% 9*% h Western Mil 1st 4s. 64% *<4% *4% 3* Western I*ac 6* . .. 91% 9«% 91% .7 Western I n 6%> 119% 110% H°% 17 Westing Kle, 7s .101% 1'**% 1“"% 9 West Shore 4s. . . . *4 *3 9 4 32 Wi. k Spen Si 7s 79% 77% 79% l-j WiIlya-Over 1st «%* 9X% 9* 9* ■* b Wilson A Co sf 7%s 53% 52% 52% 11 Wilson At Co 1st 6s *1 *7% R* 10 Wilson & Co rv 6s. 61 50% ol 6 Youngs S Ar T 6s 95% 95% 95% Total sales of bonds today were 114 i | compared iritll 811 806,000 pre vious dav an<l $*.616,000 a year ago. ( hlrago Storks. Chicago storks, bid and ask. furnished b\ I S Bar he A- Co.. 224 Omaha Na tional bank building Phones Jackson 5137-SS-S9 Bid Ask Armour A Co III pfd ... 79 79% Armour A- Co Del pfd ... R9 9't% Albert Pick . 19% 19% Bansick Alemlte . 32% 33 Carbide .. 6b *" % Edison Co .13.1 133% Cont Motors . 6% Cudahy . 6-*% l*anl«l Boone . 12% 1't Diamond Match .116% 11*% i >eere pfd ... 74 Eddy Paper . 1* Libby . 5% »% Natl Leather . 7 , Quaker Oats .2*6 Keo Motors . 16% 1*% Swift A Co .1*4% 1«£ Swift Interna .. 29% Thompiop .45 4*. w Wahl . 31% -2 Foreign Exchanges. New York. Sept. 2»• Foreign Ex» hanges _Market steady. Quotations (in cents). Great Britain—Demand. 446%; cables, 4 47 %; 60-day bills on hanks. 4 44 % France—Demand. 5.26%: cables. 5.27. Italy—Demand. 4 3X% f ables. 4 39 •* Belgium —Demand. 4*5% cables. 4* Germany—Demand (per trillion). -3* Holland- 3R.6*. Norway - 1 4.02. Sweden 26 60 Denmark—17.2 4 S wit Zetland —19.0 4. Spain—13.49. (; recce—1.75. Poland—19 % - Czecho Slovakia- 7 ‘ . Jugo-Slavia—i 4" A uatria—.001 4 % . Rumania—.52. _ Argentina — 36.75. Bra7.11—1 0 55. Tokio—40% . Foreign Excliage Rates. Following a re todays rat»*s of exchange as compared with the par valuation. Furnish'*d by the Peter* National Bank. Par Valuation. Today Austria ..20. Belgium . 195 r’anada ...1 • *'u ^ Cetho-Slovakia .20 Denmark . 2< . England . 4 *6 4 4 < France . 193 Greece . Jugo-Slavla . 2fj Norway . 27 .1406 Sweden .2% JJJ» Switzerland . 19.* .1907 ( l.ieago Egg en.l Butter Futures Furnished t v Georg** E 1 lara, 13-i Woodmen ,,f ’he World build-ng. __ EGGS I Car* Open High < Low. I Close. Ref g. ' ! ! I Oct. I 2 ' .34% .34% .34% .34% Dec 135 16% 36% .36% BITTER. | Cars Open High | Low. | Close. Fr’sh I I Sen. . . ... . -4 De'' 6 3 3 4 1 -j 14% 5 4 % • 4 % New York >ugar. Quotations furn shed by .1 P Barfce A Co 22 4 Omaha Nations! Bank budding. Phone* Jackson 51*7. 51*6, 51*9. Art. ut*»n. H gh i I.*w c ■ • ! V-" f>*. 4 "9 4 11 4 06 4 Ox 4 “7 Ms- 3 3 4 3 34 1 32 3 33 % 14 Mav 3 42 3 42 3 41 3.42 3 43 July 3 .»1 3.52 3.50 3 52 3 53 New Dirk Cotton. Quotations furnished by J S Barb- A Co __ 4 Omaha National Bank building Ph.meg Jack«..n -»lfc7. 51*4. 51*9_ \ rt* ii>ep | H;n i Low * Close_Y - a_ .4 7 *. 2 5 90 '24 7 5 _* 7 5 2 4 4 i ( 9 3 ( * ( 18.00 Jan : : *a 2 5 00 23.88 «« \ ir. _ 4 . < 75.14 .4 14 25 11 23 96 M a > - 4 >« .5 3 7 2 4 3 2 2 5 5 7 2 4 1« 4 Hrsge Potatoes. Chicago fair, market steady: receipts. 6r cars. > otnl Fnited State* shipment*. 9*1; Mm u.joia and North Dakota sacked Red j River Ohio*. 95* fill D»: sacked round ; elite*. 9t*c$fl "**. *aeked >andUndj f#hi..- R0 4j si*. \Vis*onnsin sarked mund rh tf-« 5b?i< $1 fi5 . Colorado sn ke.l i teonles rmeets I: *11 South i • ■ lacked eariv Ohio*. 95c# 81 08. New York Produce. New York S-pt 25—Hu* ter—Receipts, iteadr; * -earner* firsts 54r>3 \ Eggs—Stcadv to f rm: receipts 1*746>. Pa iflc coast white* first* to <*i*ra *-*t* 51 % r,i 61c. refrige'.*tor extra firs’*. .6*. 7-7<v refrigerator first* 3ib36%» — Steady. Receifr*. 127.7*o sounds. ( often Futures Open. New Yfl’k. Pt 2* — Cot* *n f Hu^r opened f:rtn <’>cfober. 2 4 7 5 112* 00c: Pe- j ember. 2$75f|_*9«c. January 23$Xc;j March. 24 11c. Mi) 24 35c Ne v York Sent 26 —Cotton future* dosed steadv (October. 25.7*0 25 90r [*e,ember .4*4*r:5?" January. 24 •> * 25 00* March. 21 .••(» *i 25 l«c. May. 25 37c ; *iimt i otton New York Sept 26 —Cotton—Spot, j Read' middlinv. ! . I N. Y. Curb Bonds '---- * ' 11 •» ? « r ?t *h* '->w 4 > *- h t * \ *U ^ t rad* d In: , Domestic lf«nwl«. Saicn Uit;k*R'^# Ob»*« 1 Allied Packer «b 71 •» 71% * jf 1* 11 Allied P«i k*»r Ms... *S% ■ ?% f?% 7 Am O A Klee 6b... 95% ®5% 7 Am Pr A Lt 0B ... 94% 94% *4 , II Ann* ('upper 6n..1#lS If 3 % If 3 ’* 1 (I A»i*o Him lid W «%» 95 *5 »5 l*i Beth ftteel 7b 192.«.103% 103% 10.1% 4 fan nat K eq 7b. 1111* 111 111% 6 Fhldn Co f.a . ..1**3% 1**3% 1"3% 2 I'tt Her Vi' e Tb *f—. 9**% 91 9"% 21* fit Her Vice 7b "1>”. 9t. % 96% 96’* 13 fon Gaa Halt 6%b 10k% 1oh% lo*% * fon Textile n» .. 79% 76% 79% 2 Cudahy Park 5%a . H7 97 97 11 Detroit «*y Ga» 6b 102% 102% lfl" * J ?, Detroit Edison 6b . 95% 95 95 6 Fed SUfir *>“, 1913 1 *»l 10“ % 100% 5 Flan Hodv 6b 19^7.102% 102% JO-% 1 Fiah Body 6* 1929.102 1“2 102 a tiatr. Robert 7b . 99% 99% '*9% 1 Galena Sig Oil 7« 105% 1“*% 1<»'% 2 4Sen Aaphalt 8b 105% 105% 1f> ■ % 1 Grand Trunk 6%a.lott 10* lux 15 Gulf Oil 5b . 9x 97 % 9" 29 Int Match «%« .100% 1«0% 1<\ 5 Kenne Copper 7b.. 106% 10* » t 2 E«-lugh V Barb f.a. 100% 100% 1»>“ 4 29 Lsh'tfh V R R 5b.. 99% 09% 99% 1 Manitoba 7b lf,o% 1*'“% 1' * 26 Missouri Par :5b... 100 99% l®*1 2 5 Nat T.eather Sb 1**1% 1**1% 1,'1% 9 N O Pub Her 5b 9*'.% *••% *♦ % 5 No State* Pr 6%a. 97% 07*9 ®* % 3f, No Ht Pr evt fi%fl 101% 1“1 % 101 , 10 Ohio J- . > 4 B . . Jf Pf* • 1 Park A- Tilford 6b. 9 E 2 Penn Pr A IA 5a.. V2% 9_% * 1 Ph'l El *» .•*' ir'' 1 * 6 P S c of N .1 7b. .100 10(1 100 7 Pure 011 61 a b • 95% % *"‘a 5 Shatvsheen 7* ....104% 1®4% 1*'4% 1 So Cal Edison 5b. 1*2% 3-’% * 102 St Gas A El 6%b..104% 10.-* lf»4 ,, in St Gil N Y 7k 1925.100% l®#-, !•* Ht OU N Y 7b 1926.10*;% 10 4% P'6% 12 St nil N Y 7b 1927.10*% 105% ] ; a 11 St Oil N Y 7a 1929.10*% D»5% 1f^% 6 Hr nil N* Y 7« 1931.106 ]09 0*. 14 H- Oil NY 6 % b . . 109 107% f % 1 Hun Oil 6b .l°l lfl 5 23 4 7 Hv. jft A Co 5b . 9 5 9 4 i, : J 4 l'n El K A P 5 % b . 9* 9.% a 2 t It of 14 7%« ..107% 10*% ] ,* 2 Vacuum '»M 7c 106% J06% 1J«% 2 biter M.lla 6 % a 104% lf*4% 104 4 15 Cr C Flee 7b .92 91 % 92 3 Klnr Nefh 6° '72. 96% 96% 96% 35 Mexico Oov 5b 9% 9% * * 2 Rep Peru 4b 1OO Iff 9 P.ub 6%b ctfg N C 15 1> ]■* 5 Russian o1-' . • 1* -!}.“» 2*. <ohay A <’Q 6b ...102 lfl % lfi % .. . , 101 % 101 % 1r’1 % 15 S'.vshb f* 100% 1W% 10 « Kcu 1 orfc Mrtih, ^ New York. Sept ^r. —Gnp^r-Dull; **«C trrdvtie. spot and future* 13c. .... Tin— F ■ •. t .mi future- 4 . e. lr * - - >a! • 1 unchanged. T.»ad—Steady; -pot. * 00c /; r —ptf-jid> Fa at St. Lo’Ji*. »P«i *ni { future-. 6 1 7 ,‘5 r Antimony- Spot. 11.25c. New 1»rk Poultry. T«»rk. Sept 26 .—Poultry— I've r'**gula • hieken- by freight. I hv e-.pre-B . :• © 26e ; fowls by expreB*, | 150 32 . turkeys by express 25© 45c. i Dresaed weak ; prices unchanged. I.ondon Money. T.ondnn, S*p’ 26—Silver—Rar. S5 15-H I pence per ounce Money. 2% per rent; I dlacount rates short bills. 3% p*r cent ; three months bills. 3 11-16 per cent. Bar Nilver. New Ye.fic, Sept. 26—Bar Sliver—«* AC I per ounce. | Mexican Dollars—55 % r Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Sept. 26 —Produce—Un changed. I.ondon col Auction. Txjndor. H-pt r- —A moderate selec tion amoitfiting to ►.4.56 bales was offered at the wool auction today. There " w a full attendance and pro-s were steady \>W 1 ork i of fee. New York Sept 26 —C*“ffee—Rio Na 7. U Ur Sanotos No 4 2-3%c: future*, rab; October. 17 40f , Dc^ntlier, 16 v « - C hi« in'll Poultry. Chicago. Se;»t 26 —Poultry—Alive ’ox er, fowl* 17®23c; apring*. 21 %c. roost T. R.. IR.. GIVES PROMISE TO AIDES Washington, -6—Ths-^dore Roosevelt, who was nominated yes terday as the republican nominee f* r governor of New York cailcNd rn President Coolidge and formally prt sen ted his resignation ns assistant secretary of the navy , which was ac cepted !*v the pr* «i<!ent. — A Rochester. N'. V . Sept. IS.—Theo dore Roosevelt, the republican nom inee S‘ i* po^ETn'T of New Yoria state, promised delegates who nominated him that both during the campaign and aft«r the election—the succesful election—I shall use every endeavor to so conduct myeelf that none of you will ever regret the cbo.ce you will have made." N N 0 0 W W COLLEEN MOORE CONWAY TEARLE Omaha's Greatest i Fashion Show HERZBERG’S STYLE REVUE 1 On I IVAN D. MARTIN’S j NEW YORK MODELS Assisted By | Singers, Dancers and Entertainers j i 4 BIG SCENES , 1- !l Newt—Orchestra—Organ . JJ.L.-i- !■ _. „!■■■■ ■." I -—-- -- — fl The Secrets of a Wife Matinees, 35c; Niffhts, 50c . ■ii ■ ."ril im ^^bb v ■■■■m ■mm ■■■ m ■■mmmim^ ^m i , if ill iiH' ♦ Vaudeville—Photoplays ■A I I Record-Breaking Bill Six great acts, headed by I the 12-people syncopated revue— “BEAU BRUMMEL AND LADY FAIR” On the Screen, ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in “Drum* of Jeopardy'* fBEDPSO ! > FREE! I I BABY DOLL I I Dance and Style Revue I | Empress Rustic Garden § TUES. EVE., SEPT. 30 I Call at Store for I | Free Ticket* gr . NEIGHBORHOOD THEATER' GRAND ------ 16th and Rtnney James Kirkwood and Mary Aldrn in "THE EAGLE'S FEATHER'* BOULEVARD - • 33d and Leavenworth ! Mary Carr and Johnnie Walker in "The Spirit of lh» U. S A.** LOTHROP.24th and Lothrop Harry Carey in Hi* Latent "THE LIGHTNING RIDER** -1« ---N i Liberty Dancing Club Meet* Every Saturday Evening in Lyric Building WELCOME STRANGER Music hy Carl Lamp'* Orchestra _/ ; >TF T~y I Starts Today •RECOIL” A Slot v of Monte Car In Wltne Rea«i ty I • Sold to the Hichest IGddei A Musical Comedy Sensation Empress : . Players in the riot of girls and fun, “TWO OLD FOOLS” _ _ r, I A Daring Photoplay, “3 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING” And second story of the mvstery play, “INTO THE NET” .. . i i i i i i . «i ■ y V f / 9 p | A I |||l B I 2iSP—NOW PLAT INC,—«:?<> I ^_ I4 • DavKon's lonistillp Loons f : WM. SEABURY SYLVIA CLARK : I 1 HR l p GHOH> 3 : LOU HOLTZ — Oh-Solo-Mio : - ^ r 1 • I v i I Alexandria mid ONrn . In " I hr t Um n Rftif ' <i i i i i i i i • n • • i i • • i i i i i i i • MM,0W W The Latest Mvstery Flay Q N cot p cult t s' GOOSF FLESH T|jr A SCR! AM ■ ■■t A SHIPPER’ STAIRS PIRFCT t ROM 4 MOS IN CHICAGO Ni*ht. SOc Si 00. Matinrf. S SIS \D/ g s/> f r a Om»h»*» »« Crnirr Mat »rd Nile T.dsv You and Thousand, ol Oil tA ill STEP THIS WAY {,;. ■ and \h»oib the Best '•ht'v ip )'• ' B Hamp, Gntiude Rr\k, f red th allot Hinder and a Choru* *ith a K.u h iXTRA-- 6 European Rockets -6 adics* 25c Bar tain Mat . 2:15 Week Pan » lull. Mat. £ \U Btllf tMobe) Arlmutnm . Utvlden i'rook. All Omaha Says: It's Great | “WELOOME^TRAIIfiErJ „ i