Firm Undertone in Whe&t Trade; Corn Advances JSn Heavy Selling in Wheat; Offerings Persistent Rather Than Large; Corn Is Spectacular. b.t 3. ijrrnr*. rnivmal Set vice Staff rorreapondfnt. ChletfO, Sept. 9.—Speculative demand v .is locking in the wheat trade today, but In ypite of this the market ga/» a fairly good account of Itself and ehorls absorbed the offerings of hedger* and enabled prices to make sub stantial rallies from the lowest points of fiie day. The market was under more r> l^ss Jocal pressure, but no heavy sell ing Offerings were persistent rather than large. Wheat closed %c lower t© %c higher. r<»rn was l%c to 1 %c advanced, oats were *■< lower to %c higher, and rye was %c. lower to He higher. As far as price action wni concerned. • *rn made the most spectacular show in*. Buying was stimulated by the un favorable weather and there was evidence I *>i an increased outside interest. Deferred deliveries of oats wero well taken but the September left liquidating wiles An opening bulge In wheat prices was 5n rqspone to strength at Liverpool. The «l intend was not extensive, however, and ihe market reacted as soon as offerings Increased. Houses with foreign eon 11 •••ct Ions bought wheat on the decline. General interest in the market was light, Unseasonably cold weather for a crop flint Is iilreudy so late that a good por tion of it is never expected to mature r-Mnulated considerable buying of corn futures and made a higher market. The first advance attracted realizing sales by n number of longs and caused prices to r* act sharply, but there was good demand on the dip and the market came back easily. Good support win given the oats markst and a firm tone was ib evidence practi cally all through the session. Kya trade was rather quiet. Hedging sales were against advances but there was a good character of buying in De c -inber and that delivery wg» com* )>arativelv firm. Provisions were generally lower. Lard closed 2 He to 6c lower and riba finished 7Ho down. Pit Note*. The movement of wheat from the fsrms « mtinuca heavy and this fact serves to restrict investment buying Thero are a f timber of. people In the trade who are » ‘iting fur an opportunity to get back on the constructive pide of the market ••■if or the receipts at terminals subside. Th* falling off in the winter wheat move • mt in the southwest la already marked, but the volume is atill in excess of that year ago. Spring wheat receipts art tunning heavy. The visible supply of wheat Is of > • < ord proportion)* for this time of the .'•■hr but. there is a larger percentage at fin seaboard and ulf than was the case year ago Statistics ?how that there iss an enormous abruption of wheat and while the heavy movement to market may he depressing for the time being, it May prove to be a bullish factor later In ihc season as there will be l^s grain In the country to come forward. I nseasonably cold weather for s crop that is already so late that a good por lion of It Is never expected to mature, , stimulated considerable buying of com future* and made a higher market today. I The ftr«t advance attracted realizing sale* by s number of longs and caused prices m» re*, t quite sharply, but there was good demand on the dip end the market esme back easily. •die thing that deterred buying of corn was the fact that the government crop ehtimate was 1o come out after the mar ket cloned Sentiment is rather mixed ** many believe that existing ‘conditions have been discounted by the price. Kconomleal feeding and the reduced num 1 *t's of farm animals to be fed were T“'lnted out as against further advance. The crop situation is bad. however, and while so much of the corn is In danger ' of being destroyed by frost there is not , likely to be any extensive selling. Frost was reported today In northern Iowa an.! | northward and it was said that the corn ! In some places turned black. CHICAGO CASH PRICES. _By Updike Grain company, Atlantic 8312. Art._LOpeb. I High. I Low. LClose. | Yes. ! Wht. i • j “| ~l Sep. I 12.3% 1.23% 1.21% 1 22 H 1.22% ^ 1.23%. . 1 22%'. Dec. 1.2S%I 1.28 % 1.27 J 27% 1.27% I. . 1 127% 127% May I 34 „ 1 ,4% 1.33% 1 .34 I 134 TJ 1. .I 1 34% . III I .92 .92 .90% .91 .91% Dec. .95% .9.94 H .96 .94% 1..|.i .96 May , 95% 1 DO .98% j .99% .99% 1 100 .. Corn i III *ep. 119 1.19% 1.18% 1.19% 1.13% . .i.I 1.18% Deo. i 1.1.1% 1.14% 1 13 I 1.14 1.12% I 1-13. 1.13%! 1.12% May 1.14 l 1.14%I 1.16 1.13% ^ . 1.14%.1.16%; 1.13% Oats I ill Sep. .18% .18%' .47% .47% .47% Dec. ; ’.51 % .51% .51% '.Vl'% '‘.*51% .51% .. . . .;. May I .55% .50 j .56%! .55 .55% .56 .'. .I. . Lard 1 I j Sep. 13*o n * 3 13.45 13 45 ! 3.47 Dec. ,13.32 1332 13.32 13.32 ,13.27 It lb* | j | | s»p. 11.73 11.75 11.73 '11.75 11,76 Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. High Low Rain Ashland, clear .75 60 o.OO Auburn. Hear .79 60 0.O0 Broken Bow. cloudy .7* M o.OQ Columbus, clear .*0 4% Q.00 Culbertson, clear ...79 63 0.00 xKairbury. part cloudy ..*3 56 0.00 xFalhmont, cloudy .79 52 o.oo Grand Island part cloudy. 77 63 0.00 Burlington, part cloudy .7 4 47 0.00 xHastings. clear .81 64 0 00 Holdrege clear .8 7 63 0.00 Lincoln, part cloudy ....78 60 0 oO xNorth I.oup. clear .83 63 0 00 North Platte, 'loudy ....7 8 56 0.00 Oakdale, cloudy . 77 47 0.00 Omaha, part cloudy ... 75 49 0.00 O'Neill, part cloudy ....82 50 0.00 Red Cloud. « le.c r . 83 62 0 00 Tekamah. cloudv 7 7 4*. 0 On Valentine part cloudy .78 ;5t> 0.00 Highest and lowest yesterdav during 12 bdurs ending at * a. m 75th meridian time, ex' ept marked thus x. Foreign Lxchnnge Rules. Following Hi,' today's rale* .if exchange a- compared with the par valuation, fur Dished by the Peters Nan* • , 1. Par VaL Today. A ustrla ....*» .. Belgium . .196 o.Mio * ‘ana da .1 0u 1.0025 Czecho slovakia ."302 Denmark . 27 1882 Kng'and . 4 •>4.4 450 France .193 .0530 Gre*ce . 197. .0184 Italy .1 96 .0440 Jugo Slavia .20 "135 Norway .27 .1387 Sweden .27 .2687 Switzerland .136 .1684 New York Cotton. Quotation* furnished by 1 H Baths A C.> t 1 inuliH National Bank building, phone* jH<‘k*on 6187, 6188, 5189. A<■» open. 1 High, I Low. I Close. | Yes. Oct. 123.76 23.78 '23.50 [23 62 23 88 Dee. J23.30 '23 31 123 01 23.00 !2* "8 Jan. 128.1 5 123.17 122 90 23.0.7 21.00 M a r. 133.27 123.40 ,23 14 ,23 30 .2126 M* V 23 05 ,>'T0f. Ha 78 .23 55 7% 47 A Vegetable Relief For Constipation Nature's Remedy (NY Tab lets) a vegetable laxative with a pleasant, near-to nature action. Relieves and prevents biliougnrgg, congtipation and gick bgadachcg. Tones and strengthens the digestion and assimilation. Vtmti far immr 30 mn NT JUNIORS—Little Ms I Tha ismi Nt — In ona-thlrd I iIoim, candr roatai) For I children and sdnlta. I SOU) BY TOUR ORUMIST I/"" - - N Omaha Grain | l — -j otnah*. c«pt. t Cash aolfl an tha ttblu today 1 at unchanged price# to Ho lower. Easier futures and heavier receipts than ex psctsd gave the cash markst a waak undertons and clsarancs was not as sat isfactory as has been recently; 182 cars were rsportsd in. _ t0 Corn was in good demand at H01Vft« higher. Receipts wars 52 cars. Oats sold generally He higher. Re ceipts wars 34 cars Rye sold at about unchangsd prices and barley unchanged to lc higher. Wheat* No lahard: 1 car,; I ears, $1.1S\4; 6 cars, f 1.1ft; 1 car, $1.14. I No. 2 hard: I cars, 91.19; * ears. $114 >4 • $ cars. 11.14; I care, 11.11; 4 cars, No. 3 hard: 1 car. $1.11; ft cars, $1.08. No. 4 hard: 2 cars. $1 12; 1 car, $1.11. No. ft hard: 1 car. $1.11. Sample hard: 1 car, $1.10. No. 1 durum: 1 car, $1.1$. No. 1 northern spring: 1 ear, $1 -.21; 1 tar, f 1 27; 3 care, $1.22. No. 1 mixed wheat: 1 car, $1.11. No. 2 mixed wheat: 2 care, $1.11. No. a wheat: 1 car, $1.11. Corn. No. 2 white corn; 3 cars, $1.11. No. 2 white corn: 2 cars, $1.10. No. 2 yellow corn: 2 cars, <1.12*4. No. 3 yellow corn: 2 cars, $1.12. No. 4 yellow corn: 1 car, $1.1034* 2 cars, $1.10. 6 cars yellow corn: 1 ear, $1.09. No. 5 yellow corn: 3 cars, $1.08. No. 2 mixed corn; 5 cars. ft.lOVi. No. 2 mixed corn 2 cars. $1.10. No. 4 mixed corn: l car, $1.09V4; 1 car, $1.09. No. 3 mixed wheat: 1 ear, $1.11 Oats. No. 2 white oate: 1 car, 46c. No. 3 white oats; 14 cart. 46 !c. No. 4 white oats: l car, 46 He; 1 car. 44Hc; 4 cars, 44V?c. Sample white oats: 1 car, 38c. Barley. No. 2 barley: 3 cars, 7ftHe; 3 cars. 7€c. No. 3 barley: 1 car, 75c. No. 4 barley: 1 car, 74c. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS (Carlote) Week Tear Receipts— Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat .182 362 70 Corn . 62 144 25 Oats . 34 95 65 Rye . 9 14 4 Barley . 3 14 6 Shipment*— Wheat .132 195 19 Corn . 77 52 14 Oats . 42 23 25 Rye . 2 11 Barley . 2 4 1 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS (Bushels) Receipts— Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago Wheat .1.532.000 6.546.000 1.810.000 Corn . 785,000 974.000 829.000 Oats . 2,978.000 4.561,000 1.094,000 Shipments—■ Wheat .2,088.000 1.250.000 1.822.000 Corn . 328.000 396,000 427.000 Oats . 805.000 601.000 1,138,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES Bushels— Today. Yr. Ago W’heat and Flour . 462,000 317,000 CANADIAN VISIBLE Bushels— Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago Wheat ... .11.599.000 14.171.00o 2.650.000 Oats . 8.670.000 9.278,00 2.267.000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS Week Yesr Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat . 984 47* 278 Corn . 34 8 132 295 Oats ..702 268 166 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS Wheat .357 1,263 157 Corn . .... 12 67 1 4 Oats .19 91 48 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS W’heat .166 2*6 *2 Corn .. 69 8 8 45 Oata . 77 202 46 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Minneapolis . 630 1.376 452 Duluth .1,341 106 194 Winnipeg . 20S 26 961 Minneapolis Cash (train. Minneapolis. Sept. 9 —W'heat: Cash— No. 1 northern. $1.24 U © 1.27 H; No 1 hard spring. 11 2SH01.27V4: No 1 dark northern spring choice to fancy. 11 82H 01.37*4; good to choice. S1 28 '4 0 1 31 *» ; ordinary to good. $1.26 V* 0 1 28 H . No. 1 dark hard Montana on track. $1.18*4 0 1.28V4: to arrive. 31.1801.28H Septem ber $1.22*u: old. December, $1.26*4: new. December. $1.26 Vi: May. $1.32 Corn—No. 1 yellow. $1160 116*4. Oata—No. 3 white 4 4'40*4*ic. Harley—67 080c. Rve—No J. 86 >4 0 67c. Flax—No. 1. $2.2602.26. Chicago ( well Drain. Chicago. Sept, t—Wheat—No. I red, $12801.2*4; No 2 hard, $12840124 Corn—No 2 mixed $1 20 4 01.204: No - yellow. »1 21® 1 21 84. Oats—No. 2 white 48 Vi 0414; No. 2 white, 46 % 047%e. Barley—700 87c. Timothy Seed— 86 0o® * Clover Seed—111.60021.60 I#ard—113.60. Ribs—11 2 37. Bellies 118.25. Kon-as City Cash Drain. Kansas City, Mo. Sept 9 —Wheat—No. 2 hard. 111440128. No 2 r*d. $127® 1.29, September. ?1 14 split bid; Decem ber. II 18 4; May. 11.26 4 Corn No 3 white. 81 1001.104; No. 21 yellow. 11144; No. 3 yellow. 11.13>4: No J rnlx^d. $1.10*4 01.11, September, gill; December. $1,06 4 asked. May, $1.07% Hay—I’nchanged to 60<. higher; No. 3 prairie, $11.60, others unchanged. St. lAtila Drain Future*. St Louts. Sapt. 9—Close. Wheat — September, $1 22; December. $1.87. Corn — September. $1 18; December. $1.12% Oats—September. 48<4a 'hlrwgo Stocke. Furnished by J S Bache A Co., 124 Omaha National Rack building. Phones JA. il87-S8-v9 Bid. Ask Armour A- Co III pfd . 80 4 80% Armour A Co.. Del pfd. 89 4 >1 Albert Pick . 18 1x4 Bessiek Alemlte .... . .31% 32 Carbide . 59 4 66 V* Kdlson Com ..133% 134 continental Motora . 6% 7 Cudahy . 64 4 *5 Daniel Boone . 11 11% Diamond Match .116 116 Deere pfd . 73 Kddy Paper . 15 H Libby . 6 64 National Leather . 3 3 >• Ouaker Oats .286 S94 Reo Motor* . 174 18 Swift A Co .I07 107L Swift International . 264 25% Thompson . 45 4 7 Wahl . 2 4 24 > Wrtgley . 414 41% Yellow Mfr Co . f.63 4 Yellow Cab . 45 454 Chicago I.l restock. Chicago. Sept. 9 • tl nlted State* pe pertinent of Agriculture »—Cattle—Re • "Ipts, 11.000 head; generally trade very sow. uneven; few load* gcod to choice handy weight steer* and yearling* about steady with Monday's average market; others weak f<» 26c lower; plain weighty steer* off more In spots; earlv top handy eight S'eers. $1100; heat matured offer ngs. $10.90; numerous toad* yearlings 8 1 0 00© 10.60 • run Include* about 3.600 western grasser*; little done; iddding un evenly lower ; few load* to killers. $6 260 *? 7 . she stork excepting desirable heifer* and gra'n-fed cow*, net moving, bull*, alow*, weak; bulk 14 3.704 86; few weighty sausage bulls. $4.7 « 4 85. vealere largely '»o cent* lower Improved quality eon aldered; practical fop to packers. $12 00. few st $12 50® 12 00 and better to smsll killers ftfockers and feeder* about steady Hogs Receipts, 21.000 head; desirable grade* 6 to 10c higher; elaughtei pigs and light-light, strong to 16c higher; • hipping demand very active, others, slow big packer* Inactive; top. $10 00. hotter 160 to 32.'» pound averages, largely $9 6509 80; bulk good and choice 140 to 160-pound weight $8 7*0 9 26 packing how* most ] v 26.4008 80; bulk desirable weighty slaughter pig- 17.7608 26. heavy weight hoga, 19 1009 90; medium $9 600 10 00, light. $8,900 jo 00; light light. I o0 ;r 9 80; packing sows, emootli, $« 50® • 90 ✓ sows. » * slaughter pig*. $6.7 >nH 26. Hheep and Lamb# Receipts 20,000 head: slow, few early sal#a fat native lambg. steady to strong »* $13 60018 75; sorting light, no action on westerns btd dlnn $14 00 for choice offerings beat held ot *14 16 sheep etaady; odd lot* fat ewes |4 6006 oft; feeding lambs steady, early sales $13 00; two to four year eld breeding ewe* $8 60 New York Produce. NSW York Sapt 9 — Butter Firm re cetpfa. 16.639; creamery hither then extrae. 394029a; creamery extra (92 score). 87% ®38. creamery, seconds (88 to 91 arnrei 86% 0 37 4. V.utr* Irregular receipts 26.761 cat**, nearby hennery whites, clossly as|e> fed. extras 67 0 80c; nearby end nearhv west nrri hennery whites firsts to average j cx’ras, 43® 68c; n<*;irbv hennery browns, extra. 46®51'c Ps'lflc conet white* extra*. ;.24®;.3c; I’s-ifl. roast white, firsts to extra firsts 42062c Cheese Firmer receipt* 93 866 pounds Stale whole milk flat* fresh fancy to fancy specials 204®2lc. stale whole I niluk flatr. fresh average run 194020c state, whole milk flat* held, fanev to fancy special*. i>«ie whole milk flats average tun. 19 4 0 204c bloiix I Iff VJiwtcrck. city. fa Fapt 9 Cattle - R# • Ipfe, 6.000 head; market slow, killers eteadv to 76r lower stackers steady. 26c b.ver fat steer* and 'earing* $7 600 11 N bulk. 89 60010 26. fat rows end tn-lf. •* | . ',0010 f»o > ,-inner* and cutters. 12 000 ,(00. arses .opeand helfi rs. 13 26 Si r‘": vesls 16 00 fr |.| . 0; hull*. II „o® « feeder a $'000 7 60; -tookers. 16.000 •f"‘k % e a r 11 n g a and calves. $<000 - 0'1. feeding rows and heifers $'*760 6.00 II Receipts 7 000 head market 10 i® ’ " higher ton. 19.60; hulk of sales. 11 ii! ** 9 :,i • butchers $9 3609 56 mixed 40 us-.,. heavy packers $106 0 160 steer $6 0906 36; pl«t 16 60® 7 60 besp and Lambs R»/-a|pt« J00 head msrkst a«*adv . 1 hh ago Ponltrv I*. •'8*pt 9 Poultry- $Uv«. un settled fouls 1I®1|/- springs. tlUr, roosters. lie f—" > Omaha Livestock y - / Receipts were: Cattle Hog* Sheep Official Monday... .18,722 6.47S 13.207 Estimate Tuesday., 18,600 8.800 41,000 Two dye this wk...32.1t1 14.973 74.207 Same dye laet irk... 18,164 16.636 45.333 Same dye 2 wka ago. 26.296 17,497 64 058 Same Jye 8 wks ago.23.386 18,238 52,973 Same daya year ago.32.773 19.140 46,102 Cattle—Receipt*. 13.600 head. Trend of fat cattle values wa* lower again Tuesday and outaide of the beat handy weight eteer* the market %\a* quoted weak to 15©25o lower than Monday. Be*t beeve* sold around $10.26 © 10.60. Western range beeves were In limited aupply and quota bly steady and there was little mange as compared with Monday in prices of cow* and heifer* Business In stockera and feeder* continue* active and price* firmly held alt around. Quotations on Cattle—Choice to prime beeves. $10.40011.10; good to choice beeves $9.76 010.40: fair to good beeve*. $9.0009.76, common to fair beeves. $8 26 0*00; choime to prime yearlings. $10.25 011.00; zood to choice yearlings. $9 60 010.25, fair to good yearlings. $8,750 9.60; common to fair yearlings. $7,750 8.75; good to prime fed heifers. $8.50© 9 85- fair to good fed heifer*. $7.0008.60: good to prim# dry lot cow*. $6.00ft 8.00. common to good fed cows, $3,600® 6.75; good to choice grass beeves. $7.2508.26: fair to good grass beeve*. $6.25 07.00; common to fair gras* beeves. $6.2506.00; Mexican steers. $3.760 6.00; good to choice grass heifers. $6.2506.25; fair to good grass heifer*. $4 0005.25: good to choice grass cows. $4.600 6 26; fair to good grass cow*. $8.5004.40; cutter*. $2.8603 50; canners $2.2502.76; veal calve*. $5.00 010.60; heavy and medium calx es. $3.000 8 00; bologna bulls. $8,260 3 75 ; prime heavy feeder*. 87 7508.oO; good to choice feeder*. $7.000 7.75; fair to good feeder*. $6 2507.00; common to fair feeders. $6 2506 26; good to choice Stocker*. $7.0007.90. fair to good Stock ers. $6.00 07.00; common to fair stockers. 84.7666.00 trashy stockers. $3.000. .-6; stock heifer*. $3.7606 60; "took cow*. $2.6005.60, stock calves. $8.50®7.50. BEEF STiSEKb. No Av. Pr So. Av. Pr. 16 . 675 $ » 00 40.1127 $10 20 14 .... 645 9 60 23 94b 9 75 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 21. 864 8 65 14. 81$ * •» 25. 871 10 60 HEIFERS. 18. 407 4 16 CALVES 2. 110 6 00 3 ISO 8 26 1 . 170 10 00 WESTERN CATTLE NEBRASKA. No. Av. Pr 248 itocker* . JJJ •J }•' 36 Mocker* 710 8 •” WYOMING. J H. Davie*. 13 helfere . ™ 7 cows .4 26 TEXAS. Norton at Metcalf. 6* heifers . *94 6 40 32 hettera . 6*1 55 stocker* . 536 142 heifers . ”26 6 50 heifers . 48 ; 4 .6 84 heifer* . 640 6 6a Hog*—Receipt*. 8.600 head. Shipper* purchased their hogs a* about steady price* compared with yesterday. The packer market was slow and weak work^ ing a *hade under jesteiday Bulk of sale* was $6.40©f.50^with toj^t at 19.56. H OG8. No Av. Sh P». NO. A/. Sh Pr. :,Z. . 306 120 $ 8.&0 24.. 23* $ * 60 67 .806 70 8 65 56 . .218 176 28.. 170 ... 9 10 96. .1*3 • 2a 29.. 193 » 40 Sheep and I^ambs—Receipt*. 41.000 head. Trade In the sheap barn* waa in good healthy condition (hi* morning, de mand being active for both killer and feeder atuff. The fat lamb market was strong with possibility of working to a trifle higher price*. Moat of the f»l lamb* aalea war* around $13.15 ©18.7 5. Feeder* are Belling largely at $12.00© 11.00. Quotation* on Sheep and T.amb*— Lambs, good to choice $13.25 O 18. <5 ; Iambi fair to good. II.60012.75; feed ing lambs. $11.600 13.00; wether* $6 00 a,; clipped lamb* fed. $12.0001*. 2. . learllnga range $7 00010 50; fat *wev $4.000 5 60; breeding ewes yearling* ax eluded. $5 6008 60. feeding ewe*. 13 60 06.26. FAT LAMBS. No Ar. Pr 2599 Nevada 8* • Receipt* and disposition of livestock at the Union stockyards. Omaha. Neb . for 14 hour*, ending at 2 p nv. Sept. 1924 RECEIPTS—CARLOT Cettie Hogs Sheer Wabash R R. • Mo. Pac. Ry . 1& 3 •• V. P R R. *1 *5 *3? C. A N. W.. eeat ... 6 $ * C. A Ny. W weet 121 41 12 • \ St. P. M. A 0.19 4 C. B A Q. sea* . 40 J 3 0. B. A W west ...107 26 C. R T A P . eaat . . 12 1 c. R I. A P west . 13 I C. R R. 1 3 C. O. W. R. R. I 3 «• Total Receipt* 49.' 122 1M I) 18 POS IT ION— H E A1 • • nftle Hog* Sheep Armour A Co. . ?*•'. *"5? Cudahy Pack. Co. .2047 1926 4 e>29 Dold Packing Co. 623 Morris Pack. Co. 739 1015 Swift A Co. 24"- 1649 2142 Hoffman Bto* 3 Mayerowlch A Vail 2* Midwest Pack. Co. .. 1- • •• Omaha Pack Co . .. *4 • • .... John Roth A Son* .. ^9 .... S Omaha Pack Co. 34 ... <>. A K. 76 Hi ^ AM . Si 7 .... Lincoln Pack. 6 *■. packer top. $»4i*. hulk of sale*. $9 0009 40. hulk desirable 130 to 360-)h average* $9 2509 66. 146 to 140 1b $2 7ft0 o 1 i»; packing bow* $2 25 ?3 3l. stock pig* strong, moetly $7 0ft® 2ft. Sheep—Receipt*. 14.606 heed market for lambs steady to IBc lower, top west erns $17 4ft. other* $13 36013 60; native* mostly (12 60018.00; odd lot* eh#sp steady, feeding lamb* strong to ?6e high er, top. $12.66 It Joseph I (restock. Rt Joseph Mo , iep» 9 — Hoga--Rs • elpta. 4,aoo head; mark#' steady to 10c hlrhkr; ion, $s SO, bulk, »»!6to«»i' Cattle- Rerelpta, 4 600 heed market steady to 16 lows t.ulk of steers. $7.2ft 8 9 ttfi; tor $16 35. ow * ard heifers 09 60 ft 9 2ft. calves $4 6 6 011 00, atockers and feeder*, $4 56 0 4 00. Hhsap—Receipts. 9,000 head market, steady lamb*. $12 6O0U 46. ewta $4 |6® ft 76__ Stop that Com this new way HERE is instant and immediate re lief from that corn. All the pain gone in a minute, and soon the corn itself gone. Get Blue-jay at your drug gist. A noted scientist discovered it —• different from any other corn remedy. Does away with the danger of paring a com yeurself. Safe, scientific, quick. Use it tonight. W* comfort tomorrow. Blue-jay _a S*SIM« Strong Opening in Stock Market After Maine Vote Small Bear Interest Brings Business Slackening and Easing of Prices; Some Weak Spots. By RICHARD HPIT.T.A VP] Inlvmnl Service Financial Editor. New York. Sept. 9.—It hen been a long time since the etock market an w such a strong opening an that of today. Wall ntreet hoped for and expected a repub llcan victory In Maine, but nothing n«> pronounced as the result showed. What delighted the bulla worried the bears The Initial transactions In some of the leading securities were at advances of from 1 to 4 point*. Everything seemed to be net for ft big day, but apparently the bear Interest waa not large for, after the first hour, there wan a noticeable slackening in buninenn and with It an easing of prices owing to profit taking. Thereafter, the proceeding* were not out of the ordinary. Some weak spot* were developed. American Woolen, which bad opened at an advance, slid off gradually. Coca Cola waa again an object of attack. In antici pation of the cut In Chandler Motor's dividend there wa* heavy selling of the stock. The news about St. Paul waa dis quieting. Ralls showed the greatest strength. Delaware. Lackawanna Ar Western was the moat active In this Hat. In volume of transactions it waa exceeded only by I'nited States Steel and American Can. Chicago, Milwaukee 4 St. Paul waa the weak member of the rail group. Sell. Ing of the common and preferred la baaed on the belief that there will have to be aome financial readjustment of the corporation The common declined 1 point and the preferred 2S The sugars and tobaccos were moder ately strong Ae a group th* oils did not do in well as was expected with the improvement In price of crude. Marland. Phillips and Houston did pretty well. Transactions for th« day aggregated 872.000 shares Rails advanced on an average four fifths of a point end industrials nearly three fourths of a point. Foreign exchange was stronger, ster ling was up 2V*e and francs, 7 Vi points Money rate* unchanged. Coffee prices slumped heavily the de cline ranging from 25 to 60 point* Sugar was irregular, closing from I up to 2 points down. Cotton, after lta day of activity, set tled down to a session of narrow price changes. Trading in grain* was restricted, pea sibly awaiting the government report on condition and indicated crop* The price movement waa not so wide aa it has been previously this season. Corn had the moat active closing, about 1 »*c up. Wheat waa dull and had nar row prb # ranges September closed c off, while December and May were un changed. Oat* ware irregular, ©losing V4e down to %o up. r a | New York Quotations | New Tork Stock eichang# quotation*. furnHhed by J. 8 Bache A Co . 224 Omaha National Bank building Mon High. Low. Cloa*. Close Agr! Chemical . 13 JX Ajax Rubber ... . . . ... 9% 8% Allied Chemical.. 70% 68% 70 69% A111• ‘'halmer* . . 61% 60% 60% £V % Am Beet Sugar. 41 Am Br 8h Fdry.. 82 11% 12 12 American Can ..129 127% 127% 11*6 Am Car A Fdry. , . 165% Am H A L. 10% J0% Am HAL pfd. . 6!% 62 62 41% Am In* Corp .26% 26% 26% 26% Am Linseed Oil.. !• Am Lokomotiv# .. 10% 79% I* 7k'* Am Radiator ..116% 116% 118% 11*. Am Ship A Com. 11% 11 Am Smelting _ 74% 73% 74 72% Am Smehing ufd . . .. 10|% I'M Am Steel Fdry... . .... 16% Am Sugar .48% 47% 47% 4'.% Am Sumatra ... 7% 6% 7 7 Am Tel A TaL . 117% 127% 127% 12.% Am Tobacco ....161% 160 161% 149% Am \V W A E ..112 110 112 106 Am Woolen . 66 62 6:% 63% Anaconda 15% 37% 27% >3. Aged Dry Good* 11»% 117% 117% 114 Associated Oil 29% 2f% 2»% 2'% Atchison .104% 104% 104% 143*. Atl Coast Lina.180% A G A W 1. 14% At lea Tack I Atl Refining 90% 86% 84% »0 Austin-Nichoia .... . .. 21% 2*% Auto Knitter . 2 . Baldwin . ... 122% 12"% 121% 1J‘>% B A O . . . . 62 % 61 % 6 % Cl % Ha made 11 A 1“% 15% l*% 1* * Bethlehem Steel 44% 44% 44% 4* Boerh Mag 26 24% 24% 26% Brook Man fl) 2 6% 25% 26% 2 % Brook Man r.fd. ... 6k Hrook- Kdlar-n f'ft 114 116% 114 115% Calif Pa* king . 67% 6 ‘%1 Petroleum 14% 21% 21% 21% Cal A Ar x Min 61 % 8 2 ‘ n paciflo 14'% 146% 147 147% Central Laather 13% 13% 1«\ 13\ Central Laath pfd. 47 Cerro da Paa-'o 46% 4* % 46% 46 chandler Motor# 8 e *4% 15 ft Cheta A Ohio a Mg 86% 8f% 85% Chi Gt Weet f % 5% Chi A N W 40% 40 40 69% C M A St P . 16 % 14 14 16 ('hi Gt Weet pfd 16% 15% 16% U% C M A St P pfd 25 23 22 24 c R 1 A P 11% 31% II «"% C 8t P M A O Ry 11% 81% 81 20% C St P M A O By 49% 4 7. Chile Copper IX % 12% 3"% ...... . 11 21 Oluett • Peabodv . . 68% ciugtt-Peabodr pfd 104 Coca-Cola 72% 49% 70% 71% Colo F A I 19% 39 % 38% :.*% Columbian Car. 4' Columbia Gas 42 41 % 41% 41% Congnleum 45% 4'% 4 4 45% Consolidated C.... 20% 19% 20% 14% Continental Can *6% 56% 44 16% Conti Motors . 7 4% Corn Product* *2% 82% 12% 82% Coaden 29 27% 27% 27% Crurlbl* 18 % 55% 68% 55% Cuba Cane 8 . 14% 14% Cuba C 8ug pfd 44% 44% 44% 64% Cuba Am Sug 32% 91% 32% 11’, Cuyamel Fruit II 50% 61 10% Daniel Boon# 12% 10% 11% 11% Davidson Ch^m 45% 4 5 45% 45 Dele A Hudson.. 110% 124% 117% 126% Dome Mining ... 15% 16% Dupont D. N.m 18» 11*^ 1ST1* !;T\ F.aatman Kodak .. . 1*9 108 Krla . . 2«% 28 28 :*% Fie*- Storage Bat . 57 Famoue Player* 80 78 % 7%% 77% Fifth Av# H Lin# . in% Flak Rubber * % s % Fleiarhman a T . 72% 71 7. 72 Freeport Te* . 8 7 % Gen Asphalt 41% 4"% 41% 40% General Klee 1k % 2 % ?-■;% 253 % General Motor# . 14% 14% Gold Dual .. 4i% 2'*% 4<> 28% Good rich .. 24 22% 24 2^% Gt Nor Ore .... 50 19% 28% 19% Gt Nor Uy pfd . 65% 4; 45 «4 » Gulf State* Mt! 7 4 7 1 % 72% 71 Hartmann Trunk 16% 94% 84% 85 Have* Wheel 9 5 M 9 3 9 4 Hudson 'Mnn 29% 28 19 28 % Homaatek* Min Co . . .. 47% Houston 011 74‘4 11% 75% 71% Hupp Motor* . 18 12% 111 central .101% ll’t III Central pfd.11" Inspiration .. ... 27% 27 lot Bug Com Corp 27% *4% . t. % Int'l Harvester.... 92% fl 92% 91 Inti A1 Marine.. ... 10 9% Inti M. At pfd... 99% 39% 99% 88% Inti Tel. AT.. . Si Inti Nickel. IS 17% 17% 17% Int’l Paper. 47 46% 46% 46% Invincible Oil _ 13% 13 13 13 Jones Jea. 18% 1H% Jordan Motor..... 30% 80% 80% 30 K. C Southern_ 21% 20% 21 20% Kelly-Springfield. K% 16% Kennecott ...... 47% *7% 47% 47% Keystone Tire. 1 % Lee Rubber . 11 Lehigh Valley 53% 53 58 52% Lima Locomotive 40% 59% 59% 69% Loose-Wiles . ... 86 64% *5% 64 Louisville A N. 99 9* Mack Truck. .. 96% P4% 94% 94 May Dept. Store.. 94% 94% 94% 94% Maxwell Motor A . 69 68 68 67 Maxwell Motor B. 16% 18% 16% 16 Marland . 35% 84% 34% 84% Mex. Seaboard... 22% ?*% 22% 22% Miami Copper. . .. 23 22% Middle States Oil. 1% 1% 1% 1% Midvale Steel. 16% M, K AT. 16 16% 15% 16% Missouri Pacific... 19% 19% j9% 19% Mo. Par. pfd. S3 % 62% 62% 62% Montgomery-Ward 35% 34% 35% 84% Mother Lode. 8% 8% * % * Nash Motors. 126 126 126 124% Nat l Biscuit. 6^ % 66 66% 66 Nat l Enamel. 20*-* 1«% 19% 19 National Lead.... 152 150% 150% 14S% N. Y. Air Brake. 40 N. T. Central. .. 108% 107% ms 106% N. Y . C A St L. .119 117 117 119 N. T. N H. A H. 23% 22% 22% 22% North American.. 29% 29% 29% 29% Northern Pacific.. 66% 66% 6 5% 66 N A W Ry .127% 125% 126% 126% Orpheum . -•»% 20% Pacific Oil . 48% 48% 48% 4S% Packard Motor. 11% 11% Pan-American .... 63% 53% 67% 68% Pan-American B 63% 63% 68% 52% Penn R K . 44% 41% 44% 44% Peoples Obi . Pere Marquette .. 62% 62% 62% 62% j Phil Co. 47% Phillips Petroleum 34% 33% 34 33 % Pierre-Arrow . 10% 10% 1»% 10% Poetum Cereal .. 60% 59 60%' 58% Pressed St Car ... 46% Pro A Refin-rs .. 80 28% 29% 29% Pullman .12*% 127 128 125% Punt a A leg Sug. 54% 53% 52% 53% Purs OH . 24% 23% 23% 2*3% Ry steel Spring .121% 121 121 120 Ray Consolidated. .. 12% 12% Reading .61% 8r!ean* railway Tiie f srd m \ mnent <>f h gt giad# rail Hen* was led by Norfolk Western! convertible *s whi* 11*4 111* ■' ^ 47 Argentine 7s .1*3 142% l*i\ 24 Argentine 6e . 0'*% 4* 2* Austrian 7a .. vb 9«S 9« '• 24 Bordeaux 6s . 4? ** 61'-* 14 Copenhagen Sy 94 S 94’* 94 i 10 Great Prague <**• 9* t* 90 6a 10% 22 Lyons a* . 9% •**% 2 a Marseilles *e . S"\ 4* II ^ I Klo Janeiro teh F Ind 5 4* 52 90 19% gi^ 6 Framer 7 % n . 95'% 9' If 11 French Rep * * | . . i •> n 113 French Hep 7%s ..I*. % 1*1 S 1*. 4 9* Japanese ***« .... 92% 92% 9. « rapanaee 4* . |f|g »:% us v K of Belgium 6* 1*7% 1*7% 1*7 4, 21 K of Belgium 74* 1*'% 1©*’, 104% 45 K of Denmark *■ 1*4% 14*% i' k* fl K of Nether * n Mt, 96 94 % Womanly Health, Beauty and Joyful Spirits Follow the Use of Lyko, the Great General Tonic There to no beauty, no power to please and fascinate, without health Foople tarn away from the weak and •irkty woman to admire the one with the may cheeks and cheerful spirits which only good health can give. Restore your health and you won’t have to worry about vour looks Ghre Lyko. the Great General Tonic, a chance to build up your vitality, supply you with rich, red hlood, and banish your nervousneea The way this wonderful tonic puts now vim and vigor into ailing pe<» pie and gives women the flush of beauty seems almost hits a miracJa. The cheeks become may, hollowiyill out, the eyes sparkle, any foaling of depression vanishes - you are a new wwimii—a woman who win* id ml •ty. On* Ingredient actaon the diges tive ayatem. another ia a relief for constipation, another calma the nerves and la an aid to qniet, restful sleep Whateverpartof Uiebody I*ail ing la marvelously benefited by Lyko. Stop worrying about the way yon feel or th* way you look. There's no need to feel or appear otherwise than as a normal, nealthy, happv, beautiful woman. It's simply a mat ter of getting yourself in natural condition — something which Lyko will qnirkly help you to do. Lyko ia also a great rebuilder for nervous, sickly, run-down men. In fact it is for everybody who feels weak and ailing or whose hod ily fnnetions are not working in a normal way. It has brought am ax ration by being what Nature intended •▼wry woman to be healthy. T.yko helpe erwvy pert of the ryutrm that need* renewed Strength end rltal mg rosnlf* to tboo xandn who had do spairod of rvor bo mg writ anil strong again. t.yko i» sold by all rrliabW druggists. Ask for it today. 5Mwnufnrtmrwr* Lvko Medicine Co. N*w Yaril Kinua O. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. tmtfc *"d IMn» 1*»h am* Narnav. 1#lk «nal raf«a* 14tW an4 PartfiM 44virUMmiat j 3« K of Norwty U ‘it t»H »» »8 132 King S-C 8 8a . . 891, 88* *9% IS K nf Sweden fis_106 Iftf* 40f.% 2 Oriental l>ev deb 6s 88 84 88',4 88% S3 rarla-1. M-dtter ««. 818, *1* 81V, 3 Hep of Bolivia 8a 92% 93% 9»H 10 Rep of Chile 8s '41.106 108 % 105V 1 Rep of Chile 7.... 97«4 97 % 97% 3 R of Colombia 6%e 99% 99% 99 % 49 Rep of Cuba f.%s.. 96% 96% 96': 11 Rep of Finland 6s. 88 87% 87 V 8 S of Rio <> do 8 8s 98% 98% 98 V 19 8 of Sun F s f 8s..100% 100 100 % 1 Swiss Con fed 8s....114% 114% 11 4 1. It Swiss (lov fi%s '46. 98 % 96 98 8 llKofOB&I5%s'28. .109 109 109 40 IKnfC.Bkl 6%s '37.HI4*. )"4% l''4S 22 U S of Brazil 8s... 96% 9t. 9«V 1* XT 8 of B-C Ry K 7s 81% 81% 61% 7 Am Agr Ch 7%a. 94 94 94 6 Amer Ch s f da 8s 96 96 98 33 Am Smelt 6s.103% lo: % 103% 36 Amer Smelt 5a... 93% 93% 93% 27 Amer Sugar 6s....101 100% 107 26 Amer Smelt 6s... 93% *3«, 93% 27 Arner Sugar 6S...101 100% 101 17 Am TAT 6%e . 102% 102% 102% 24 Arn T A T e tr 6s 101% 101% 101% 146 Am T A T c t 4s 97% 97% 97V 1 Am 3V tv A El 6s 91% 91% 91% 23 Anaconda C 7s '38 loo% 100 10(1 43 Anar Cop 6s '53, . 98% 9* 98 41 At * Co of D 6%s 92 91 % 93 12 Assoc Dll t%.101 100% K'0% 38 At T * S Fe g 4s 89% 89'* *»% 1 At T A S F sd 4s s 82% 82% 82% 5 At Coast 1,1 1st 4s 90% 89 1, 90 % 3 Atl Re9 deb 0s.99 % 98% 98% IS Bslt. A Ohio 6s. .102% 102% 102% 12 Balt A O cv 4%a.. 89 98% 88% j Balt A *t gold 4s 37% 87% *7', 6 BTof I' IstArfg 6s-100% 100 100% 17 Beth St con 6a A 96% 98 96 2 H. th Bt 3 %s ... 88 *8 88 1 Brief 14:11 St 6%s.. 98* 96% 96% 8 Hklv F..I gen Is A 99% 99% 99% 130 Rklyn-M T s f 6s 79% 79 79 % 17 Calif Pet 6 % a.100% 99% 100% 2 Can North de 6%e.ll6% 116% 116% 84 Can Par deb 4«.. 80 79 % 79% 21 Carol Clin A- Cl 6« 104% 104*. 104% 2 Central of (la, 6%s 98% 98% 9s% 6 Centra! I.eather 5 s 100 99 % 99% 7 Central Pao gld 4s 87% 87% 8.% 5 Chesa A Ohio cv 6s 9*% 98% 98% 14 Chesa A O cv 4%s. 93% 93% 9..% 10 Chic A- Alton 3 V s. 42% 42 42 % 2.3 Chi A Kant 111 5s.. 71 % 71 71 3 Chic Ot West 4p 3. % ‘4% o4% 43 C 'I A St P cv 4%s 39% 59 69 22 O M A fit P rfK I1'?* 63% 41! *i n2 4 241 r \f ,v Ht P 4* 25 T91* 78% 7*4 9 «*hl A N W rfg 5*. 97% 97% 1 rhip»go Ry* 5s 77% ‘ ' * 2 Phlr R I ft P imn 4* *2% *2 % «2V» 12 Chb R I A r rfg 4s b0*0% *2 * 12 C T H * S E bn. . . 79’* 7* >9 5 Chin A W Jnd 4s... U\ 7«J4 \9% $1 Chile Copper 6s . 1°*’* 1"*% *25** 42 arfts i is r-f ‘a \io2% p'j $ C Vn T 5« . 99*4 99 99 40 Com Pom' 6b . »6% 9$ *4 J*% 6 Cons Coal of Md »* 4s ,fi J* 1$ Con-umerx P hn ‘9*94 *3% :s C Car* fi deb Hn n 99% 99\ 99 \ 2 Cuban Am Sug *s . H'*4 P,k % IIP * 1< ifK ** 1 D*»n A R O rf g 4*4 43*4 4J4 ? Den *v R G ion 4s 78% 7*% ** * 2 Det Edison rf* *s 106 106 pth 2 Demit I’n Rye 44s 91*% 91** 9!N 3 5 Dupon' da N 7*4* 10**4 !<** l'»* :{ puq'l^ins Eight *9 105** 10& 1*>j 31 E Cuba. Sugar 74*.! "7 106 *4 V Empire G A P 74* 95‘t 95*4 $ Erie pr lien 4b 71% 71’4 *1*4 17 Eri** g* n her 4b . . «»% *■* % 0 Fisk Kuhlx'i Hn . . . 1«4 1’ 4 1Ml 7 Gen Elwtri*’ deb 01.1^5 106 105 7 Goodrich *. - * • r,« r‘I % 9. H 85 Good yea- ‘s 1931.106 l<’f% 106 21 (Jim par •» 1941..llh4 ID ID 4 11 Gd Trunk Can 7s .115% 117*% 115** 2 Gd Trunk Car. 6t. .l06 106 10$ 17 Gt Northern "1* A. .10S4* 106*4 1 fJV 4 12 Gt Nor 5%h B 100*4 1"ft% 100% 4 Hershey Choc 4*. lf-4 1*'3 4 103 4 .1! Hud A- Man rf* 6«A >€*4 85% *6% 12 HudftMan adj inr 6a €7 »’*’4 0? 10 Humolm (J Ac R 54s 99 4 99 4 99*4 1H 111 fcj^ll rfg . 9C *4 96 4 ?6 4 16 ICC8I-VNO rf* 5s.. 95** SC 4 9l\ 10 H! Htdeb 4 4*. . \ 9*4 93-h 3 Intrerboro K T 7s. "'** 'v4 k*** 2 Interboro R T 6a $7 €6 4 <>7 12 In- R T rfg In *♦{ 6r S $5** 65 S 34 T Ac G Nor adl hi.. 7*6'4 564 06l* 11 T A G ..or 1st 6a.. 99 4* 99 4 99 \ 15 Int Paper 5»*. ■€ 85% *6 L* KCFtSAM 4- 79\ 79\ 79% 6 KC Pa fi f s. 93 >* 92 4 9 3 4 1 KC Southern Eb . %9U ^9 4 11 KC Trrm’na! 4*. 634 63 *3 4 11 Kansas GaK 6a. 99!* 9*« 9*4 35 Kslly Tire *s 96 4 95*4 9$4 s Gas h'l. 54t 044 04 94 81 Lake Shor* 4b 1 . 96 96% 9: 4 6 Ii!r A- Mvers 6s 9*4 9* 9» 10 1, A N 6s 200S. .1024 102% 1024 IS L A N 4s ... 92 4 92 4 9-4 7 L-.v||> OAK R- 9 4 904 9h*3 17 Magrria Copper 7s.11*4 11* 11*4 .7 Manat! Sugar T*-»b 99 4 *9 4 99 4 23 Mkt S? Rv 7. . 9*4 **>* 9*4 9 Marland Gil ** 1«*3 4 6 Midvale Stm 11% Bl% *« % 14 MSrPASSM 54 • *6 *.*4 86 1 MK.v’I 6s .1004 100% 1 % 7 MKArT new pr 6b . M1, * * S •*4 S *1 MKArT ntr adj la. i S *3 6 10 Mo Par ]Bt €s. 97», 97*4 124 Mo Par xsn 4b 61 4 *0% 61 4 15 Mont Power ta. . . 97 4 *7 4 37 4 22 N R TAT Bt r* .IO04 It 4 10 If. NT Centra! G 1 «*7 4 1074 107 4 82 NT Cent rfg ta .. 99 9*4 98 4 3 NTCAStL ^a .102 102% 1024 3 NT Ed rfK € 4b .112 4 112% 1124 50 N T N H A H F 7a S3 *3 29 N Y N HAH c €s 4* 76 75 4 7* 1* N V Tel rf *b 41 .106% P'4 l'"S 46 N T T*1 gen 4 4b . 96*4 96 9* 6 N T \Y A Boa 4 4« -4 62 4 52 4 77 Nor A W'nat v «■.117411264 12$4 1j Nor Am Ed ef 6a. 9 5 4 95 4 9 5 4 1* Nor Pa* rf fn P l 't4 P -. 4 105 4 60 Nor Par p 1 4b *5 4 *’4 *5 4 23 Nor fits P 1 ~ 5a A 93 4 i*2 4 92 4 12 N Tel 7s I 9 l-*4 l-*4 31 O S I. rf 4» 97 « 97 4 974 35 Or-WashRRAN 4* >*: 4 *24 82 4 2 Otla St 7 4a . . . . 89 89 *9 6 Par GAKI hn 93 9.4 9l 10 Pae T A T !• ’» . »: 914 914 2* Peon R R la.llo% 110 llrt,4 Penn R R gen 5b 1 4 1*24 lfc24 19 Penn R R gn 4 4a 92 92 4 9 • Pere Mara rf li 96% «S >4 4 1 Phil Co rf *b ..102% H 1024 1 Phil Co <4# 94 92% 91 Pht! <% Rd • 'dr T t« **4 9*\ P», 1 Pierce M *» * S IP# 2 P R li^P 1st «• R 914 914 934 1 Pro A Rf lit WW 1094 1^9 4 1094 0 Pub Serv 5a .1044 1044 104 4 1 Reading gen 44* 9: *, 9.% 9 % 6 Read In a gen «• 9 4% 9*4 94'* 4 Rep I A S 54a .914 914 314 * R r; h W ml tr 4« 69 69 69 6 R I A A I, 4 4* ‘<-1% kfi 4 lev 8 • St L I M A s rfg 4a 9! % 91 *, : . 9 fi I i 1M A S 4* RAG dv * ;4 » - ' !* fitLASr 1 In 4aA C| • . 32 fit I. A S F a I i 6s 6A 7 . * ;% a 4 2 fit E A 8 F In. 6b 74 7 *3* 7 4 1 StP A K C fi E 4»,a 7«4 74% 74% 12 fit Paul I* depot 5f.l«0 p> If*."' I '6 Sbd Air [, on 4a '4 • % > \ 29 Sbd AT li ad 1 • 61 f|% 6 4 4 Sbd Air I, rfg 4i 55% 58% 5. -a n Sinclair C < 1 7a *'% 9* 4 92% 10 fiinriair Cde O 54a 100 ion io-' 1 11 fi’nrltJr Pipe I. li *44 «« HV, 1« fi Pa fir rv 4- 97% 97% 9*N 4* fi ParifT rfg 4* 19% **% 19% 7 fir Panlfir ml tr 4b *<4 *4% 84'. 1* fin Ry gpn 4 % a P«4 106% 1$64 17 So Rv gen «■ 1 n % 1A2 % 1«2% 14 fio Rv mn *s l*‘ft c»% 99% IT fin Rv gen 4b -4% 744 ?4N 53 fi \V Bell Te] rfg 5a 96% 96 96% 1 fi’eel Tube 7a 1«’% 1"5% 1«$% 14 Tenn F!ee rft 6* n % 9" 4 9' 19 Th' rd Axe ad] 5s 5$ 49% 4«% 1! Third Ax* rfg 4« 57 56% 56 ' 1 Id -on 7s 1ft5% 10«% 1$«% 2 I’n K I A- !• rf 5g 95% 95% 94% 1 In Pan pfg 5s 1rt4 104 104 j 57 I’n Par* 1st 4s •*% 91% 9‘*%l 1-3 I nion Par rx 4s 49 99 99 j 41 IB Rubbei 7 4 ■ 1 ? ] > 7 I .fi Rut-ber .s* b ' % sjxt ■% 1 11 F S fi'erl a f As I..44 1 4 4 104', i 6 I’lah Paw A 6a 90% 9 % 90 % 1 14 \ a Cg t’h 7 % ■ w n 13% 32 12 17 Vr-Car Ch 7a. 84 «4* JJJ* J6 Virginia Rv fa »6S »*8* »***• 4 Wabash lat la 1004a 1004k 1004a 1 Warner Rug Re 7a. 101 'a 101 *k 1014k 25 West Klee 5a _ 93 »74a *74. 1 Western Rac Os 89Ta S9Ta 40 a 7 West. Cnlon 6 **a. . . 110'.* 1104a 110*4 11 West Klee 7e. 1004a 1004k 190J* 33 West Shore 3s.,.. 834a 88 884a 15 Wlek-8p*n St 7a. .. 714* 708k .08* 3 Willya-Ove lat «‘aa 9* 974* 98 1 Wil A Co a t 7 4* a 10 4* 60 4* 60 4* 16 Wil A Co lat 8a. 874* 87 87 f.'t Wilson A Co <;v 6a 47 4* 47 47 3 Young Sh AT 6a.. 93*, *14* *64* Bonda. 19 460.000. N. Y. Curb Bonds __/ Stw York,' Sept. 9—Foilowin* it the official Hat of tranaactlona on the New York Curb exchange, giving all atocka traded In: Domeine Bead*. Sale# High Low Cloae 7 Allied Tacker 6a .. 7!% 71% 71% 14 Allied Packer Re 85% 15% * * % 3 Aluminum 7a 1933.106% 1*6% 1*6% 65 Am G A F.l 6a ... 95% 96% 96% 1 Ain Ice Co 7a ...102 102 10. 3 Am Pow A Lt fit, . 91% 94% 84% 5 Am Thread Co 6*.. 103% 103% 103% 3 Anglo Am Oil 7%a.l02% 1*2% l‘»2% 3 A Sirn If dvr 6%a . *6% “*% *6% 19 B & Ohio 6a w I.. 98% 96% 96% 71 Beaver Board Rs. % % % 6 lieth St 7a 1935. 1*3 1*2% 1*24* 9 Can Nat Rjr eq 7a. 110% 110% 110% 4 C R I & P 6%s 10! 100% 1*1 10 Clt Ser 7e ■D,,_ 96% 96 9€ % 6 • ’on Oaa Balt 6a.. 104% 3" 4 % 3*4% 38 Cud Pack 6%f ... H7 '■6% *7 2 Deere A Co 7%a .103% 103% 1"3% 2 Det City Gaa 6a..103% 102% 102% 1 r>un Tire A R 7a.. 92% 92% 92% 2 Fed Suk 6a 3 933 101 % 3 01% 101 , 3 1 Fiaher Bdy 6a '26 .1*2% 1*2% 1*2% 3 Fiaher Bdy 6a '26.. 101% 101% 101% 28 Grn«l Trunk 8%a . 308 J«R Hi* 15 Gjlf Oil 5a . 94 97% 97% 14 Inti. Match 6%a .. 9* 97% 97 % 6 R City Tfr-n 5%* 1*2 101% 101*. 15 Kenne Covr 7a 106% 106% 106*. j 1 Lehigh Per Sec ** 100% 100% 100% 10 Lehigh Val Hi) 6a 100% 10* 100 * 4"3 Lehigh Val R R 6a 99% 99% 99% 3 Lib M< N A Lib 7a 1*0 1** HO 1 Manitoba 7* .10* 10* 1*0 1 Mo Pacifflc 5a . ... 99% 99% 99% 1 Morria A Co 7%a 94% 94% 96% 5 Natl Diar Co 7a ... 92% 92% 92 %i 4 Natl Leather Ra ...101 101 3*1 7 Nor St P 6%a _ 96% 96% 96% 35 Nor 8 P cvt 6%a..l02% 101% 102 2 Penn PAL 5« . 92% 92% 92% 6 Pub 8 C of N J 7a. .106 108 1*8 53 P S C of S J 6a w 1 96% 96 9J 1 Pure Oil 6%a _ 95% 95% 9^ % 3 Phawaheen 7s . 102% 3*2% 102% 1 SI oaa Sbef 6a _103 1*1 1*1 >9 Stan G A F 6%a 97% 97% 97% 2 Pt O N Y 7a. 26 .193% 1*2% 1*3% 5 SONY 7a *30 106% 1*6 1*6 2 P (• V Y «%a ..107% 3*7% 1*7%| 7 Swift A Co 6a 94% 94% 94%' 2 Tidal i»*age 7a ..103% 1*3% 1*3%, ' (FLAP 5 % a 97% 97% 97% 7 U O C 6« 25 -1*0% 100% 100% t Cn OH Prod 8a . . 38 S* 3? 6 Vacuum Oil 7* . .106% 3 "6% 1*6% 2 Wei- MIIIf 6%a 1*1% 101% 101% Foreign Bond*. 4 Great ' • E>. 7a 91% 91% 91% 17 King Neth 6a 1972 96 % 9* 96 4 I 46 Ruasian 6%a . 15% 15% 35%! 3 5 Rues 6 % a ctfa N C 11% 15% 15% 11 Swlaa 6a .100% 100% 10* % | _ Omaha Produce y --■■■■■ - -J Omaha. Sept. • BUTTER Creamery- Loral Jobbing price* to re failara Extras. 32c; extras In 60*lb tube. 3?< standards 34c; firsts 37c. Dairy—Buyers are paying 30c for b-at 'able butter In rolls or tuba, 27©2lc for pa- king stock F«-r beat sweat, unaalied butler, 31c. BUTTERFAT For No. 1 cream Omaha buyer* art* paying 27c per It- at country stations Jjc dellveied at Omaha. FRESH MILK. Price quotable, i . 1 r> per cwl for frash milk tes'ing 2.6 outterfat, delivered cr. dairy pa. form Omaha. EGGS For sses delivered Omaha on loaa-off bun, •- 40© 4.75 per case For No. 3 fresh eggs, g-aied nas.s, 3 7 2c per doz en. second. 24©-'5c; cracks. 21 ©22c, Prices abov* are for eggs received lr new or No. 1 w bttewond cases a deduc t nn of 26c wilt oe made for second-hand No 1 eggs must be good average •ize 44 b« r*t Nr 2 **rgs seconds ■ ns *t of srnaii. slightly dirty, or washed sags, irregular shared, shrunken or weakened eggs In some quarter# a fair prenvum !s eing pa d for selected eggs which mus not be more than 44 hours old, uniform In size and color (meaning all solid <-o!or*— all chalky. wh?e or all brown, and of the asms shade* The sheli must fee clean ana sound and th# egg* we gh 26 ounce* per dozen or over Producers muat nareasart | l.v deliver the - *wn eggs to benefit by this la»tsr classification Jobbing prices to retailers U 5 gpe I clala Jfi©2' V. 5 extras commonly a no wo as selects, 37. ©34c; Sc 1 atr.a 22c; checks. 24c. POULTRY. Price* quc's> « f r No 1 atock alive Broiler*. 1S fj 2 He . 26©*€c. eprsng 729 24 Legrorn eprirgs is»920e h^na 4 Iba . lS©2^c, hens under 4 lbs . 16©l€c 1-eghnrn hens 13©14 10©12c; du k r ft f. young 12c; old ducks f f f U'CM 2c. g*ere fff l«©Jle; ygeers, 11.00 per dor Under grade poultry pa d for et mark# valu# SIck or -Tipp • 1 poultry not want ed and will not be paid for Jobbing price* of dressed poultry (to re tollers': Springs soft. |!©3*c; brdas 26 9 24c; her*. 219.6c, rooster* I* ©:4c., aucka, 22 © -6c : gees*. 16 ©20c. FRESH FISH. Jobbing pri «< quotable as follows Paney white f »h 24c; aka treat H halibut. 27c. bullheads I'*© 21c. catfish 24tfJ2c. catfish scutharn :6c, ftiat cf I hand- ck. 27c. black cod aable ftah. II red rip per. 27c, flounders. 27# erajrple* ?.*c; bla^k bass 12r Spanlah rpackerf 14 to 2 iba :br; yellow Uo. a'.rlpe 1 —« 32c. white perch. 14c. pickerel. 1! < » nn*k sa Irnon. J*c silver ea'm*r 2! .^■n fish 2 ©4c >s* than prices above ng ccd lie. Oyate*s ISfr©4 20 pe* gallon. CHEESE ArnsrUac '•hee** fane*- g-ads jobbing pf e qu 'at • as fo lows S ng # daisies 74'*: double daisies 23 4c. square prints, j -44c. young Americas 244c, longhorns .340; brick 24c; limburg-e: J-Jb e'vle. 92 26 per dozen: Pwi** domestic j«r imported Roquefort «2c. New York white 32c. BEEF CUTS Wholesale price quotable Ne 1 rib* 75c. No 2 73c. No i 14c No 1 loti. 36e, No I. 3Xc. No 3 X7c, No 1 round* 2°C. No 2. 164c No 2 10c. No I chucks 16c No 2 144c No J Ac No. 1 plates 14 No 2 ic. No. I ie. FRUITS Qiotable 'ebbing prices for No 1 atcr Apples—Early Harvest per b sshel has fl 67 California Gra renstelna. bo* I? 26© ' 60 Wealth' basket. 11 Bear*—Western Bartie per box |« a a k e t t 3-7 6 I'e (I'c-.ii, all « box |4 fo Bea*'he« Utah ar-1 Colorado Eibertas bushel I a sk et. |7&0©:76 16-'b boxes • 1 4 ft ! 60 Grapes—Concord* *»andxrd basket lie. t #. i 36 a v «« - - I I.emon*—California. extra fancy per b‘ X I r‘° f*bc\, p*r box S* 00, choice J. S. BACHE £? CO. F.stabHshed IMS rNf* York Stork Fvrharg* Member. J £•“«*« *c'y Mweet Potatoes—Southern, 50 lb. tan.* per, 13 09. Rutabagas—In sacks 2He per lb. FLOUR Prices quotable, round lota (lee# th carload lots, f. o b., Omaha) follow First patent. In 98-!b. bags. I*- 0907 f per bb! fancy clear. In 4*-lb. lags \l 0 6 56 par bbl ; white or yellow ornme 12.76 per 100 lb* FEED. Market quotable per ton, carload Jots, f. o b. Omaha linseed Meal — 34 per cert protein, f ture delivery, 146.60. Mill Feeds—Hran standard, 12? brown shorts, 129 590 27.50, gray shor*-, l-’I.OH; flour middlings, 630.0" redd ^ 636 00O .16 50. Egg Hhells—Dried and ground, 100-ir> - bags, ton lots. 125 9u per ton. Digester Feeding Tankage—69 per cea pr-tbln 690 (V>. Hominy Feed—hi’e or yellow. 131** Cottonseed Meal—43 per cent pro!' • 650 oo. Alfalfa Meal—Choice, September a October. 129.60; Nr< 1. promp' 629 ' No. 1 October and .Novtmbtr, 626.60; No 2, prompt. < . 2 90 Buttermilk—Cndensed, for feeding bbl. lots. 3 45c per lb.; flake buttermlla. 500 to 1,000 lbs , 9r lb. HAY Nominal quotations, carload lots Upland Prairie—No. 1, 112.60013 . No 2 610.00012 00, No. 2. 17*■ t? » 0C Midland Prairie—No 3. 611 0 11' No 2, 11.00 0 MuO; No 3. 6* *»« CC Lowland Prairie—No. 3. 0I.OOOS.O9 2, 09. 00 o m 00. Packing Hay 65 7 7 Alfalfa—Ch s I - 2 R 116.0* 0 1 X 90 ; wtand • d. 6 < 4 ■ ’ tj 2, 112.00013.00. No 2. 019.000 12 O'1 Straw—oat, f8.OO0S.0O* wheat. IT i. oo. HIDES WOOL, TALLOW Prices are quotable as follows '*1 ■. * Omaha, dealers weights and selections Hides—Seasonable. No. 1, * c No 7 ’He, green 7H&6Hc bulls 67 *, . brar i rd. 7Hr' glue hides, 5 4c; calf. 13 3 -2 kip. llCIH" glue s'. n«. *< try r Lie; dry salted, 0c; dry glue ike I f>on !<•# and glues 61.5* each its psch; hog sKine 3 5'* each Wool—Pelts. SI 25 0.00 each, depend * »« else and engtl fa • 11 25 each dep*n~.rg or * se sr d '.erg )f wool; shearings 2* 0 39c aat.h; ; DO value; wool, 220 40c. Tallow and Grease-—No 1 tallow 7 B tallow. *4c; No 2 tallow. 6c Agre-1 >. h grease, ; y ellow grsase -rown grease 5c pork cracklings 14 >er ton: beef cracklings 030.00 per tor Dees wax 629.00 per ton. New Turk ‘•near Qm-tatl.rne rumlstied by J S Bache A Omaha National Bark build - a J a !* fi»S Art. i Open. 1 H^rh. ! Low Cioaa Y*s Sep. 4 1* I 22 4 1 1 I 1 s 4 1* Dee. 4 1* 4.15 4 3 4 10 4 C T Mar 2 46 2 4" 2 4 3 ‘42 “ 4< Mfr ' t 43 ,« ;4 * 4 ** 14? ■ f . < hf.a*r» ronltrr. Chicago Sept 9—Pot a too*—Trad - . kd m*'kr’ r» »|pt*. 114 o* w total United Statue ehspmenta 4M ** Minnesota »h- ned early < *hioa. II 15 01 1 few. fi 20: bulk. Ill . NY. n near *a ** round whftee I •' Nebraska a* Irl*h eobbUrs. II b 81 6J Jersey #*»• cobble-e 12 C* Kansas s*«4 M •« parked Frith r^bbiers. II 15 01 It New Tarfc Metals V#w York Pept. 9 —Copper—S»*ad eleetroyltlc spot and future* 11 M 0 11 ** Tin—Fair spot ard futures I’ * 2e Iron—Steadv *rd un^hanred Dead—Steady trot I *Cc «. Zinc—Qu »’ Fast St Louie rrot I lie; futuree r 3 5 f* 4 IT^r Antimony—Spot. 11 *8e. New York Cotton Fu fares New York. S»r* 9—Cotton futures opened firm October 21 "Sr December 21 3*r January. 23 15-*, March. 23 ST Mav 23 ** B -. Li1 Czechoslovak Republic S^c Secured External Sinking Fund Gold Loan of 1922 Berio* "B.~ duo 1911 Principal and intercet parable in New York Price at market yielding about 8^c Circular on request The National Cit> Company Omah* — First National Bank R df