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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1924)
Boy and Girl in Suicide Pact of Childhood Love and Wooded Plot Near Tragic Bridge Where Bodies Found * in* i i . __ I-', il . „ -- Here arc p.i :ur" • i f (lie pi in Ipalr and arena if Ur:- double ir.;„ iiv mused l>y troubled love ef two ihild sweethearts near Wj more, Neb., Wednesday. No. 1—Charles Clenry. IS. whoso body was found with that of Bessie Nemie, lj, a bullet hole in each tem ple, near Wymore Wednesday morn Insr. No. ?—Bessie Nemie, left, taken in playful pose with n ehtini behind an automobile near her home. FIFTH EXPLOSION VICTIM IS DEAD IJh< Moines. T %.. Aug. 29 Th" fifth victim of yesterday's ammonia explosion which wrecked a grocery store here, died this afternoon. Th" ———— ■ ' r"^r.7» Try This ‘R&nuMc / nairr t*r) in Your Own Home The fresh, clear complexion and feeling of good health cannot ho obtained by the use of artificial stimulants. , Authorities say High Fre quency current is the near est approach to artficial life force. The Renulife High ? Frequency Generator can | be used in your own home; it operates from any light socket. Daily treatments of Renulife help to increase appetite; aid the di gestive system, induce normal sleep. Easy monthly pay ments on your light bills. I —Fill out thia coupon— | I NFRRASKA POWER COMPANY, r*. -*h» N-b. ICroGcatani Pltair five me a home demonetra tion of tha Raaulifa Violet Ray Gan ... ator, without coat to me. Nama . Add re a* . Sand na money—Ju»t »i*n and mall tbla coupon. Ntbmjkd ffl Povor €. Xo. r>—The npnt in til" timber in Bawling* pasture, south of AVymore. where the two bod(e*, clasp'wl in each other's arms, were found. The cross (X) marks the spot. No. 4—Indian creek bridge, near where the bodies were found nt a lonelv spot on llook road just south of Wymore. It was also under this bridge Forres; Schwentker mid Betty Parks were drowned in Feb ruary, 1922. ..— . I ■. No. ."- The M. M. Nemle hom*. where JJccsie Xrmlr lived in Wymote. No. S—The home in XVymort where Charles Cleary lived. The young couple had been keeping company about n year. A note ad dressed to the boy's father was found which said: "Ooodby, Pad: bury us In the same grave. I love her very much.— Charlie.” latent death was that of Hetty Atkinson. 5 years old. The other victims also were young girls. Physicians said several others suf fsrlng from chemical pneumonia, caused by the ammonia fumes, might die during the afternoon. NO WARRANT FOR LILLIAN CONDON Lillian Condon, daughter of Dr. A. P. Condon, who was arrested on Tues day night on charge of speeding, failed to appear in police court the next day and Judge Patrick issued a warrant that she be brought to rnurt. Prosecutor Brungardt reported In police court on Friday that no war rant had t een Issued, beeauae of fail ure of arresting officers to sign a coinplaint for the charge. Bee Wnnt Ads are the t>est business Booaiers. 40 OMAHANS TO VASA MEETING About 4ft members of Omaha lodge No. .1.10, Order of Vasa, will attend the district convention of Jow.a Ne braska, No. 17. Vasa. Order of Amer ica, at Sioux city, la., Saturday. The woman’* drill team of the Omaha lodge will participate. Kmery Stone ami Oscar Johnson were elected dele gates. Francis E. Slsborg. district master of Iowa Nebraska. |s heading the delegation from Omaha. Insurance Official Dies. New York. Aug. JO.-—Henry Evan*, chairman of the board of the Conti nental Insurance company and of other companies, died today at his home here. He was 64 years old. Mr. Evans also was chairman of the Fi delity Phoenix and the American J-’Ire Insurance companies and of the Farmers’ Insurance compuny of lown. <■' \ First Fall Hats The latest mode* in VELVETS, ^ Specially VELVET AND SATIN COMBINA- Arranged Value TIONS and beautiful colored felta. Vt'ctll at Lacey dress hats! Every hat an m Large black hats! advance VL L 1 C ^:::Lh.7Lu, ™--' 3S7J BUY ON PAYMENTS V7 - BEDDEO 1415-1417 Douglas St. Final Chance , to Help Babes Infant# Must Have Pure Milk Though Fund Closes. Vckntiw iedsed .ll.Til.lR W F O r 00 Alice Howe, llurtlliKton, Neh I .INI A. Forman . .1.00 Widow’s Mile . 1.00 Raymond Rushtmi . .Vila Mrs. W. A. Georgs, Broken Bow. N eh. . I .INI Mrs. J. F. Frame. Itarkr. 8. II. 3.IMI Junior Bihle I,'lass, Haskell Creek .Sunday Selionl . 1.00 Total .#1.343.19 Money’s rolling In faster, now that the closing of the Free Milk and Ice fund lias been announced. Shows that many have been plan ning to give but have put it off. And there Is still mui'h work for willing dollars to do. The milkmen are still on the Job and the hungry babies must still be fed. Besides, there will be many more hot days before the relief of fall arrives. Every cent goes to the babies. Not a cent for anyone connected with the fund. Your dollar is 100 per cent ef fective in this fund. "Free Milk and Ire fund, care of The Omaha Bee" is the way *to ad dress contributions. And please ac cept thanks. Bee Want Ads are the best business Boosters. Burgess Bedtime Stories V-/ By TIIOKNTON Vi. IHKt.KSS. A, tongue that wage too freely may t'hknowlngly give tmuh away -—Jimmy Skunk. Peter Kinds .liininy Skunk at Work. Jimmy Skunk may move slowly. He may appear never to hurry. But there is nothing slow about Jimmy * wits. He picks 'up hints here ami there, hints which may he useful to him later, and no one suspects that he is doing anything of the kind. When Peter Babbit told him that he had seen Mrs. Blacksnake come out from under a big, flat stone on a certain sunny bank In the Old Pas ture and he guessed that she was making her home there, Jimmy Skunk didn't appear particularly in terested. He was Interested enough to ask a question or two, but they were such questions ss anyone might have asked. When Peter and Jimmy parted Peter went on his way without once suspecting that he had told anything of special Interest to Jimmy Skunk. He had told Jimmy where that flat stone was, and he knew that Jimmy was headed that way. He thought that Jimmy was simply curious to see the place where Mrs. Blacksnake lived. A lit tie later Peter returned along the same path. As he drew near the sunny hank he wondered If he would see Mrs. iilaollsnake again. As he I came In eight of that sunny hank he stopped short. Jimmy Skunk was there. Jimmy was over by the big, flat stone and he seemed to lie very busy about something. "He's digging!" exclaimed Peter un der his breath. "He is digging around that hlg, flat stone under which Mrs. Hlacksnake lives. At least, l sup pose she lives there. Now I wonder what Jimmy is doing that for. It must be that he saw a fat beetle rV I "My, my! Jimmy must want that beetle badly to go to all that work," thought Peter. under that big, flat Rtone and is try ing to dig it out. That stone is too big for him to pull over and so he is digging under it. I didn't suppose Jimmy would do that much work Just for a fat beetle." Peter sat down to watch. Jimmy Skunk hadn’t seen him. Jimmy was too much occupied to be looking around, lie is such an independent fellow that he seldom cares who sees him. Just now he was too much in terested in what he was doing to even glance around. With his little black paws he was digging away the earth from under the edge of that big. tlat atone. He seemed to be very eager. Now and then he would try to reach under that tlat stone. Then he would go to digging again. "My, my! Jimmy must want that beetle badly to go to all that work," thought I’eter, "If it was the time of year when food was scarce I wouldn't think anything about It, but Jimmy ran find plenty to eat without working like that. I wonder what Mrs. Blacksnake would do If she should come home and find Jimmy at work there?" Peter looked all about eagerly for some sign of Mrs. Blacksnake. He saw nothing of her for the very good reason that she wasn't there. Jimmy Skunk was digging faster now. He was hurrying as much as Jimmy ever hurries. Peter could see that he was quite exciter!. Peter grew more and more curious. Two or three times he opened his mouth to ask Jimmy what he was working so hard for. But each time decided to wait. Copyright, 1924. The next story: "The Secret of tlie I Big, Klat Stone " CABINET TALKS CHINA REVOLT By International Vrw« Kmlff. Washington, Aug. 29.—The Chinese Hit nation in addition to a host of oth er matters was disrussed by the cab inet today, the president meeting with his official family a few hour* after his return to the capital. Pending further and more detail'd reports of the civil war threatens -- Shanghai, no specific action upon tin part of the government wa* consid ered necessary. The warning served upon the Pekin government by foreign diplomatic corps has the cotnrflete support of the I nited States, officials said.# Only 1 Day More j A REAL SALE j Our First Annual Sale Closes Saturday (Store Open Saturday Night) Big Reductions, Remarkable Opportunities Beds, Mattresses, Day ^ Beds. Living Room Suites, Blankets Small deposit on future delivery | j~hcjBcd^hop 1916Farnam ^ Store Hours Saturday 9 A. M. to 6 I*. M. <■■■■■■■■■■ Buy Your Victor and Dvvm ^ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Charge purchases made Brunswick Records jCI CChR| A CU I AlinA Saturday will be entered j Here Jl^r 1 f • °n September atatement*, Phonograph Dept.—Fifth Floor 'EVERYBODY^ STORE* payable October 10th. r -\ Saturday the Last Day of Our Great August Sales of Blankets Furs Furniture , BUY NOW AND 5/4 VE ■ m ■ ———————— ■ - — —. . . i -I,- —✓ _ A Special Purchase of &Flannel Frocks Latest /he j n r* For the Styles \ I £L / S School and Colors *r * * • ■ ** Girls Smartly practical are these good-looking flannel dresses in sizes for the junior girl. They wear beautifully—always look trim and attractive. Fashioned of fine quality flan nel in novelty checks and stripes. In straight-line styles with long sleeves, round or "V” necks, and collars and cuffs of linen or self material. Novelty cut pockets, narrow braid and band trim mings add to their desirability. In new colors and combinations. Sizes 13, 15 and 17. Third Fl©e*r ! r -- Junior Blouses $1.98 to $3.00 Youth h.s ft way of monopolizing fashion* from the realms of the grown up. The latest addition to their list are the clever wash blouses of English broadcloth and batiste—so boyish and trig. Made with Teter Tan collars and j in middy style. Sites 6 to 14 year*. ^ Third Floor Small Boys9 School Suits $1.39 to $6.50 — \ Wash suits for the small school boy that answer the demand of style as well as service. Regulation suits in flapper styles, Oliver Twist and Balkan styles. We offer a wide variety of styles at a good range of prices. “Kay nee ’ ’ Shirts and Blouses $1.59 Boys’ Kaynec shirts and blouses are made with a higher grade of tailoring than is usually found in men’s shirts. Made of materials that are guaranteed absolutely fast in color. Values to $2.50. Third Floor Stlks for the Fall Costume Valuea (O [-A v , to $.1.45 ipZ.Dy Yard Included at this special price are silks in the favored shades for fall, both light and dark colors. 40-inch Flat Crepe Satin Canton It loom hint Radium ^ Nreond Floor ^ I Modes That Are Smart in New Fall Dresses Priced a* $ 1 050 Low as X Twill Bloom C'harmeen Patou Crepe Lustrella Reviera Bar Patio Crepe Satin Brocade Chiffon Velvet Loreline Rayoline Bengaline Faille Satin Face Crepe Crepe Elizabeth New fall frocks that embody the fall style features— many innovations in the silhouette, charming new details in trimming, subtle changes in sleeve treatments, different positions in hemlines, new autumnal colorings—offer a wide and varied choice in these new models. Luxurious trimmings of beaver, muskrat or mink enrich many of these models. Third Floor r \ Sale of Women’s Low Shoes Thirty Sizes Different .4.4.4 to D Styles 3 to 9 Styles Materials Strap Pumps Oxfords A W Patent Satin Suede Golf Oxfords Sport Oxfords Vici Kid White Kid Sandals White Calf I Values to $10.00 H ith Spanish, French, Cuban and Military Heels -0^- ¥, , * Main Floor -■ ■ — ✓ > V. End-of-the-Season Clearance Candy Specials Women’s Silk Hose as All-Silk Chiffon Hose. $3.50 value. «•> OQ ■> Regular Weight Silk Hose, values to $2.75_81^63 pound' P' *’ 49c ('hiffon Hose. $1.95 value., Fancy Silk Hose, $3.50 to $4.25 values.82 33 pound’ ’ 39c SIho^sJT'v^-50 VHlUe.S2.88 0,»m Pa,tv W.fcVs.' 9C <•«'»'« S«k Hose, $2.50 to S4.25 value*. S1.6S S r "’- 29c M*ln fW Main FWr ———————___ _ Special Purchase and Sale of School Bags and Brief Cases $100 . •lust in time—because school starts Tuesday we have received a special purchase of school bags. Black Karatol bags, light in weight. IS inches long, made with double strap and lock, and block bottom. A handy bag for your school books, also suit able for carrying bathing suits and for many other purposes. Brief Cases 18-inch brief cases of heavy black karatot, made with lock. May also be used as a music case. Mata Maer v-- ---