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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1924)
~rj A Pirate Hat "Fji I ALLEN A Stockings for Children A real Capt. Kidd Pirate Hat. Just the thing for the pirate games kids love to play! Every boy or girl wants one. Come in this week and get one for yours. We are giving them away free with every three pairs of Allen A stockings—for School Day Week only. Allen A Hoie for boys, with triple CA knee, very heavy ribbed, OUC Main Floor—North _j_=-^-^^^^=j_i_^_rS|=|==s== Store Hours Monday, Labor Day, from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M-Mp— t- . -■■■ I f 35c Curad ' Embroidered Sanitary Napkins Ribbon Bandings 28c Yd. 75c to 1.25 Offered for Saturday only. jf" dre8» "nd Made of very fine quality j ' «™bro.dered banding j materials. 1 !i * \. Notions—Main Floor // V Main Floor—North & ' Ball Bearing j " Solid Rubber Coaster Wagons Horse Shoe Game 10.00 1.00 The Janesville, 36-inch box, 1-inch solid rubber tires. L.h iT, The swiftest of all wagons, j flat” wlth Pln» Main Floor—Arcada // M*,n FIoor Arcade The Branchs Store .am Saturday—A Special Selling of 1 Delicious Candies Texas Tommy, Pistachio Nuts, Lb., 49c Lb., 69c A chewy nougat nut enter Fregh, roagted and galted wrapped in full cream vanilla igtachio nutg, Deiicioul! and caramel, rolled in fresh pe- whol„ome> Specially priced, cans. Atlantic City Creams Chocolates, lb., 39c Lb., 40c Soft and creamy. Come in Hand-rolled bittersweet and assorted flavors. Special for Swiss milk chocolate with Saturday. fruit and nut centers. Hi; The Brandeia Store—Main Floor—West Saturday—Many Unusual Month-End Attractions Charge purchases made Saturday will not be payable until October 1st statement. For Baby Special Items Every Mother Will Want Plenty of 98c Creepers and Rompers 89c Chambray and checked gingham in all the pretty new fall shades, in drop seat or creeper style; elastic knees. Sizes 6 months to 3 years. Infants’ Gownfc and Wrappers 69c Made of best quality of outing flannel, finished with crochet edges. Cut full and seams double finished. Drawstring in bottom of gowns. Infants’ Cashmere Hose 33c Slightly irregular hose of the regu lar 60c quality, with mercerized heels and toes. Colors: red, tan, black and white. Sizes 4 to 6Vi. 98c to 1.25 Infants’Shirts 79c Broken lots and numbers we are closing out—Carter and Tiny Tot makes. Wool and cotton and wool and silk mixed. Sizes 3 to 6. Third Floor—East Saturday—A Most Interesting Display of Smart Fall Dresses 1 That Will Delight the Fashionable Miss Who Is Going Away to School 1 Careful Attention to Details Makes < This an Unusually Distinctive Group The New Necklines—the Shorter Skirt—the Tubular Silhouette— | the Touch of the Directoire Mode—the Plain Back—the Clever Diversity of Sleeves—all lend a promising air to these first of Fall Dresses for Women and Misses. Attractive trimmings of Embroid eries, Metal Threading, Buttons, Tucks, Beads, Ribbons, Drawn Work, Lace Facades and Linen Collars. Navy Penny Black Dust Rasida Green Blues Beige Fall Materials— -Charmeen — Canton—New Ben galine—Faille—Flannel— Printed Crepe —Satin Georgette— Striped Charmeen You'll Buy Them—You Can't Help It—For They Combint the Smartest of the Fall Mode in Fabrics, in Colorings, in Style, with the Most Reasonable of Prices Tko Brandeia Stbra—Second Floor I V' Misses' Sizes 14 to 18 wlrFromf 2-Pants Suit That’s Been Cravenette Processed Boys, The Cravenette Process Makes Them Showerproof %2£ 15.00 to 20.00 No boy can avoid rain—but he can avoid getting * wet in a “Cravenette” Processed suit. The “Cravenette” process prevents the absorption of water and PROLONGS the life of the cloth. Fourth Floor—-North Girls, Buy a Smart, Different School Hat From THU Special Group Priced. 2.95 Hat* as pretty as mother’s and sister’s, and as smart and in dividual. Hat* for school and dross wear in all the colors to match the fall outfits. Second Floor—East Tl>. Smart Boy Will Wear a Hat of Tweed 1.65 to 2.45 Newest style effects in tweeds, softings and suitings. These new shapes are attractive and becoming. Fourth Floor—North We Have One Special Lot of Girls' Wool Dresses Velour Velour Check Serge Jersey New Fall Colors 2.95 Made in the new styles with trim collars and cuffs, touches of embroidery and buttons to bring out their smartness. Sizes 8 to 14. Second Floor. ■—. " ■ ■— ■ ~ » I • Clever Needletcorkers Will Appreciate This Stamped Piece Offering 18-Inch, Tan or White Center Pieces Saturday Special — Stamped In ten design* for lazy Daisy, French knot and outline work. A useful gift for a brida or bridge prize. Third Floor—Wait » I Here's a Combination That Will Please Any Woman —A Hip Confiner and Brassiere in One Garment The Lovers-Form Corset This new idea is especially well adapted to achieve the season’s mode of the youthful figure because it slenderizes by flattening into straight^ unbroken lines, and gives the poise attained by perfect corset ing. It is fashioned in fancy brocades, combined with a brassiere of satin silk or jersey. So designed that it may be easily laundered. Priced from 5.00 to 16.50 p I Saturday—More of Those Remarkable Mystery Reducing Girdles They Were Made to Sell at 10.00 I All New Merchandise—A special purchase enables us to offer you this exceptionally loiv price. An excellently made garment of flesh colored para rubber, with silk brocade covered boning front and back, and four garters. s “I* will not rip or tear—It will not “crawl” up—It may bo rV VU easily washed—It gives support—It makes the figure per- Vg#(J / manently smaller. The Brandeis Store—Third Floor—North ■ ■ ■ ■ 1..1" = Miss High School Girl You'll Be the Leader of Fashions if Attired in One of These Fall Frocks Clever Models of Striped Wool Challie Just arrived—all fresh and new, in the smartest of straightline styles with but ton trimings. Sizes 14 to 18 and 38 to 44. Navy—Black—Brown Pre-Shrunk Viyella Flannel Dresses — Charming straightline models with el jipj bow length sleeves made even more at i l|| tractive by trimming of braid. ||| Reseda Green—Rose—Cadet Blue—All Fast Colors. Ills The Brandeis Store—Third Floor—South Hj j—gmm^gggBgEgggQB^gBBBaHBQgBBHaSBBXSBBBSBSSSESSSSaBSSSSSSSE:: ~ 1 Saturday-—You Can Buy Drugs and Toiletries At Exceptional Savings 75c Kubber Household Glovei— Very special, 39C i 12t*c P. A S. Soap Special 8f 25c Ivory Soap Flake*, 1.50 Van Eta—Special, 98C 1.15 Tanlac—Special at 79f 1.50 Kolar Bac—Special, 1.15 50c Java Face Powder, 36C ! Royal Gallon Thermic Jugs— j Very special at 1.69 1.00 Coty’s Face Powder, 79C 65c Kotes—Very special, 47C j 1.00 Piver’s Face Powder, fJ3C 30c Kolynos Dental Cream 2lC 60c Forhan's Tooth Paste—Spe cial at, 42C 25c Lyon’s Tooth Powder, 19C 50c Pebecco—Special at, 35C 50c Pepsodent—Special at 37C 1.00 Pyrocide Tooth Powder— Very special at 79C 1.00 Lysol Disinfectant, 79C 1.00 Squibb* Petrolatum, 7l)f 1.25 Lydia Pinkkam'* Com pound—Very ipecial, ftSt1 Aspirin, 100 tablets, 39c 1.00 Sodiphana—Special, 09c 25c N. R. Juniors—Very spe ;il at 1-4C 1.00 Danderina—Special, 00f 05c Fitch’s Quinine, 47C 75c Fitch's Shampoo, 49C 50c Palm Olive Shampoo, 35f 25c Golden Glint—Special 18C 35c William'* Shaving Cream-— Very special at 25C I 10c Colgate’s or Williams’ Shav ing Soap—Special at 6C 25c Ear and Ulcer Syringa 1 JjC 1.50 Fountain Syringe, 89C 2-qt. Water Bottle, 790 2-qt. Combination, 1.10 10c Palm Olive Soap, bar 7C JO fos^ 69c 1.00 Nujol—Special at 73<* 10c Cram* Oil Soap, bar, 60 10 for 59C 10c Hard Watar Castile Soap— Very apecial, 6 for 29«* Woodbury's Soap, 19C 2.50 Mary Garden Extract— Very special, oz., 1,79 75c Locust Blossom Perfume— Very special, oz., 29C 1.50 La Trefle Perfume—Very special, oz., 79<* 2.00 Djer Kiss Perfume—Very special, oz., 1.29 1.00 Mavis Toilet Water, 50f 1.00 Djer Kiss Vegetal*. 1.19 25c D. £ R. Cream, 19^ 60c Pompeian Massage Cream —Very special at 49C 65 Pond's Cold or Vanishing Cream—Very special at 49<* 50c Glaxo—Very special, 33^ ^ Saturday—Introducing Brandeis “Betty” and “Peggy” Women’s Novelty Slippers Satin and Patent Leather in New Ideas for Autumn Wear Two new early fall anndals in all over black satin and allover patent ^^7 f~ leather, with lt4-inch covered box i ■ ■ heel, 1 \ -inch covered Cuban heel M | I I and 2-inch Spanish heel. All have § • flexible soles. Very Unusual Values at This Loui Trice. Here Is an Opportunity to Buy Regular 12.50 to 16.50 Novelty Slippers In Patent Leather, Black Satin, Black and Brou n Suede. Taken from our regular stork, including many I. Miller models, all f x m* good styles. An unusual opportunity to secure high grade bench made i I W shoes at tha price of ordinary shoes. Not all sixes in every style, | ^ hut all sires In the lot. S • V J v J The Brandeis Store—Third Floor—East jO' \ Saturday—Offering a Value You Will Recognize at a Glance W omen’s Silk Hosiery All Full Fashioned P"/^\ Saturday All First Quality I Only Regulary 1.85 and 1.95 A ' Chiffon and Thread Silk All full fashioned with lisle garter tops and well reinforced heels and soles. White, black, powder blue, preen, red, yellow, moonlipht, faun, airedale, jack rabbit, and ash rose. _ 1.00 Rolled-Top Silk Hose Fine quality silk hose, well reinforced at points of wear, in a larjre assort ment of summer dress shades—red, green, orchid, coper., powder CQ/» blue, nude, sand, black and white. OJrC The Brand#!* Store—Main Floor—North You Will Like These I Dainty Muslin Undies | For their Lovely Quality and Loir Price, Only Princess Slips i yj Q ||| White Nainsook slips, daintily trim- I "fr med in filet and Val. laces, pin tucks and ribbon bows. All are shadow proof, having deep hip hems. Sizes 36 to 44. Cool Voile Gowns An exceptional group of lovely gowns with round, square and V neck, beautifully trimmed with em broidery and hemstitching. Orchid, flesh, honeydew and white. Attractive Teddies Shadow batiste and soft voile fashion these garments, trimmed with val laces and insertions. White, flesh, blue and honeydew. i^izes 86 to 44. Tk* Brand*i* Star*—Third M*or—Caaitar