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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1924)
' EX U.S. INFIRMER III ROBBERY PLOT Thomas Flinn, Slayer of John Salerno, Admits Plan ning Holdup. Less than 36 hours after H. E. Remick, manager of the Union Bus line was held up by a lone bandit and robbed of $52 Wednesday morning at 7, Detectives William Davis and Thomas Farmer arrested two men who, police say, have confessed to parts in the robbery. One of the men, Thomas Flinn, who gave his occupation as law student, and his address as 8810 Grand avenue, was arrested Thurs day afternoon by the two detectives. I-le stolidly refused to admit com plicity In the crime. The other man Is Ray Baker, 18, employed by the Omaha Oasket com pany and living at 2641 Capitol avenue. -.He was arrested shortly be fore 6 Thursday night. Breaks Down Under Grilling. Throughout the afternoon, under the most severe grilling, Flinn had remained sullen and uncommunica tive. At sight of Baker being brought in, however, he broke down and confessed. Baker also confessed later. Flinn admitted planning the rob bery. He told Baker that early In the morning was the best time for ' \ Sister’s Handkerchief. When Detectives Davis and Farmer went to the casket com pany Thursday afternoon to arrest Raker, the latter ran down a fire escape, dropped 20 feet to the ground and made his way home where he was arrested later. Baker told authorities that the handkerchief tied to the key with which he locked the bus line man ager in the wasli room belonged to his sister. v J the "job” because of the money left over night In the office which would not have been banked after closing, time. Baker, in his confession, admitted entering the office and asking Remick for a ticket to Fremont. While Baker was In the building, Flinn was waiting at Sixteenth and Douglas streets. After Baker joined him the money was divided equally. Locked Up Victim. At 7:30 R. E. Flint of Wahoo came in and heard Remick pounding on the door of his prison. Police were noti fied who opened the door. Flinn admitted that the pair had planned to “blow” the safe in this office about a month ago. They learned, In the meantime, that De tectives Kimball and Klllaln had been detailed to “plant" near by with riot guns, and therefore did not carry out their plans. Flinn gained some notoriety In 1922 when, while acting as Informer for the federal prohibition director's of fice, he shot and killed John Salerno, on the night of October 7. The former prohibition “evidence man" was acquitted a few months later by a jury and slipped from the county Jail under cover of darkness, fearing for his life. 3 Flynns in Jail. Deputy County Attorney Irvin Stal master, who prosecuted Flynn when he was charged with the slaying of Salerno, will prosecute him again when Flynn Is given a preliminary hearing in municipal court on the rob bery charge. There are now three Flynns In city jail, Je, Eugene and Tom. The for mer two ar» charged with forgery. RAILROAD STORE KEEPER IS DEAD Edward II. Hansen, 37, lifelong resi dent of Omaha and for many years a store keeper of the Union Pacific railroad company, died Thursday at his home, 5517 Parker street. Besides his wife, he Is survived by one daughter, Betty Jane, two broth ers, H. C. and L. N., both of Omaha, and a father, Ners Hansen. He also Is survived by one sister, Mrs. G. F. Scott of Sheridan, Wyo. Funeral services will be held Sat urday afternoon at 2 from the reel denee. Burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. * • Bandits Raid Bank. Fargo, N. D.. Bandits raided the Farmers State bank of Wolford last night, sent a fusillade of bullets upon the apartment of R. H. Hpklns, In the upper part of a building two doors from the bank, obtained only a small sum and escaped. No one was Injured. Real Estate Transfers. Bryce Campbell and wife to Bar bara Younce, n. e. corner 26th and Boyd StH . 44x90 . 4,760 The Byron Reed Co. to Aren? Jen aen, et al. Cedar Ave., 232 feet e of flOth Ht n. aide, 46x122- 1.860 The Byron Heed C'» to Irene C. Krnge, 23d Ht.. 325 feet n. of Arbor St., e. Hide. 37*4x168 . 4,000 Barker Co. to Robert E, Llndell, B'dipleton Ave . 250 feet e. of 46th St . h eld*. 40*130 . 1.260 Sam Manglamell nnd wife to Frau Herpan nnd wife, 14th St., 120 feet *. of Mortha Ht., w. Bide, 39x176 . 8,250 Mary K Lynam and husband to Him MnnKlamell, et al, 14th St., 120 feet e. of Martha Ht., w. aide. .19x176 . 6.000 M-*rjr»iret A. Dowd to Raymond W. Towle*. Wirt Ht.. 132.82 feet e. of 271h Ft. *. elde. 44x134V* 3.500 \Y n 11 e i >t. Zink and wife to Wil liam H Kohlhaas, et al, a. e. cor ner 65th and Blondo Sta., 123x128.7 . 3.876 Clifford C. Horney to If W. Black well. Ohio Ht . 160 feet w. of 34th Ave. H side, 60x120 . 200 Agriea Kanter to it. C. Berry, St. ■Mary a Ave., 66 feet e. of 26th Ht . n. aide. Irregular . 5,000 Hansen Inveatment Co. to Nella M. Rohlnaon. 61at St . 99 feet n. of B Inn do Ft., o aide. 49 >4 x 186.7. . . 160 Albert Zimmer nnd wife to Frank W Gilbert, Mary Ft., 120 feet w. of 24fh Ht., n. aide, 44x120 . 1,100 France!* lv Chamberlin and hue band to Bertha U. Finger, Grand Ave, 80 feet •. of 41 at Ht., s *ide, 40x126 . 4.760 Andrew P. Johnaton and wife to I»av|d .1 Lynch, Blnney Ht , 124 feet w. of 20th Ht . a aide, 60x124 6.000 Otto Kletrhe nnd wife to Jennie Welakopf. Parker Ft., I6f feet w. of 19th St., » aide. 46xl27»*. 8.600 Earl B. Torrey nnd wife to Nora A. Taylor, 30th Ht.. 43 >4 feet a. «>f K a nan a Ave, w. aide, 43V*x 1*28. 6,100 W Cuppa to Lloyd T>. Wlllla, Podge Ht . 240 feet w of 63d Ave , « aide, irregular . 1,000 bChnrle* V Tnmblyn nnd wife to Charles R Fleming, et al, Pratt Ft , 60 feet w. of 28th Ave , n. aide. 50x126 . 5.800 O Turner Balnea to Timothy O'Connell and wife, 46th Ht., 93 7 feet a. of Pratt Ht., w aide, 47x123 8 . 8,760 Cora May Kvana to Clarence K UriK and wife, Bod** 8f . 890 feet w. of 42d it., a aide. I0x lit A . <r.. *.!## These Youths Adrftit Holdup of Bus Office . 11.111 *1 .... I MW— ?»•> I_. m Kan 6< i THOMAS FLYNN i Neighbors Complain; War rant Issued; Tenant to ' Be Notified. Complaints of neighbors that a dis orderly house was being operated at 3568 Leavenworth street led Detec tive George Summit to investigate Thursday. Out of courtesy to F. D. Wead, 310 South Eighteenth street, who owns the house at that address, the detective told Wead of the conditions existing, before raiding the establish ment. Wead declared that he had rented the house to a woman by the name of Maud Zarheese three weeks ago and would request her to rqove from the place by letter. Wead Is said to be a member of the Committee of 6,000. Summit now holds a search warrant for the place JAIL DELIVERY AT NEBRASKA CITY Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Nebraska City, Neb., Aug. 29.— Harry Kuwltzky, charged with burg lary, and Waldo Caster, held on a forgery charge, escaped from the county jail here last night by sawing the bolts in a cell window. They were the only prisoners in the Jail at the time. Sheriff Ryder and police made a thorough search of this section of the country last night but were un able to get trace of the two men. Kuwltzky Is an ex-convlct and was arrested recently in Omaha on a charge of burglarizing the Lambeth store at Syracuse. Both men had been bound over to the September term of district court. TRAIN HITS AUTO; 2 DEAD, 3 HURT Topeka, Kan., Aug. 29.—Miss Dorothy Smith of Whiling and a son of August Phillips of Wathena, were killed and three companions were rendered unconscious and perhaps fatally Injured, when their automobile and a Rock Island passenger train were in collision Thursday at Holton. 100 CASUALTIES IN TRAIN WRECK Iiondon, Aug. 29—More than 100 persons were killed or Injured in a collision of two passenger trains near Lahore, British India, according to nn agency dispatch quoting incomplete reports received in lahore. BANDITS DISCARD PILFERED CHECKS Newark, N. X, Aug. 29.—Checks totalling 1112,000, seized today from two messengers of the North Ward Natlonel hank by four armed bandits, were recovered within half an hour by Kearny police. The bandits dis carded the bag containing the checks when they were discovered to be of no value. FAMOUS ARTIST DIES IN LONDON London, Aug. 29.—Barraud, the artist who drew the famous adver tising picture "Ills Master’s Voire,” died today. Governor’s Daughter Wed*. By Associated Press. Honolulu, Aug. 29.—Miss Frances Farrington, daughter of Governor and Mra. John it. Farrington, wss married hers yesterday to John R. Whitteinore, Jr., of Manta Barbara, Cal., at Washington Place, official residence of the governor FRANK FOWLER ON Kept Wife’s and Son’s Stock Unissued, He Testi fies. Frank Fowler, on the witness stand In the suit of Nye-Schnelder-Fowler Co., against him and members of his family for $200,000 worth of stock, declared Friday that hs kept much of his and his wife's and son's stock unissued. "This I did for two reasons,” he explained. "I could Issue a certificate for whatever amount I wanted when X needed it for collateral to borrow on and I also saved cost of revenue stamps which would have been neces sary had I issued and cancelled and reissued shares." District Judge Hastings took charge of the examination of Fowler part of the time, rising and directing questions direct to him regarding the intricate financial transactions con tained In the books of the company. Mr. Fowler stated that one of the subsidiaries of the company lost one and one-half times Its capital stock In one year. The hearing of the rest of the case was adjourned until September 15. RftlN PROMISED TO BRING RELIEF Thunderstorms Predicted for Omaha, With Lower Tem peratures Following. With the thermometer reaching 80 degrees at 9 Friday morning, Om ahans were promised a hot day, but It became cloudy, and at 10 a. m., the temperature had dropped to 78. Rain Is the prediction for Omaha and vicinity with a slight drop in tem perature. Forecast Is mostly cloudy tonight and Saturday, probably thunder storms, somewhat cooler tonight. Hu midity at 7 a. m. Friday was 78, com pared to 77 at the same hour on Thursday. Hlghtest temperature recorded In the state wae 100 at Auburn. Light rains were reported at Fairmont, Hastings and Red Cloud. Tempera tures were higher generally through out the state Thursday. HONDURAN OFFICER KILLED BY REBELS Managua, Nicaragua, Aug. 29.—The Honduran general. Camlllo Reims, was killed after being made prisoner by the revolutionists under General Fonseca, according to advices re ceived here. The rebels were said to have occupied the provlncee of Inti buca I>a Pax, Copan, Ocotepeque and Gracias, near the frontier. Government forces are reported to be pursuing the rebels, but are short of arms, as the rebel general, Gre gorio Ferrera, took the governmnt arms when he left Tegucigalpa. President Tosta Is said to be trying to obtain arms from Nicaragua. PRISON GUARD UNDER ARREST Httsburgh, Pa., Aug. 29.—fl&rry Holtgraver, 33, a guard at the west ern Pennsylvania prison, was arrested today when he reported at the prison for duty and 12 saws were found on his person. Holtgraver's arrest, authorities said, has frustrated another plot to liberate a number of prisoners. He is to be questioned In connection with the outbreak last spring, when 1,000 convicts were thrown Into a panic by a series of dynamite explosions In the prison yard and two guards fatally shot. W. C T. U. NAMES 17 DELEGATES The following delegatee were ap pointed hy the W. C. T. U. Wednes day to the Douglas county convention at Elk City Saturday: Mrs. Harriett Nation, Mrs. Charles O. Robinson, Mrs. Alice Weatherby, Mrs. Mabel Uhllg, Mrs. C. H. Gale, Mrs. N E. Lewis, Mrs. C. H. Thomp son, Mrs, Harry Oocumpaugh, Mrs. Margaret Adams, Mrs. Mary Vapor, Mrs. C. Miller, Mrs. Mae Heaver, Mrs. Cora Jetter, Mrs. N. Me Kit rick, Mrs. U Stegner, Mrs. J. F. Fall, Mrs T. M. Prlne. HUSBAND HOLDS ON TO HIS CASH William A. Davis gnve his wife, Mamie, $15 on April 15 and 50 cents on May 21, which, she says In an answer to his divorce petition In district court, she does not think Is sufficient. He earns $50 a month and has a private Income of $90 a month, she declares. After they were married In 1917 he brought his mother, XR, and a son, 15, to live with them. EPIDEMIC DEATH LIST MOUNTING Ity AMfM-ifltefl Press. Tnklo, Aug. 29.—Total deaths from sn epidemic of meningitis now sweep ing Japan reached 1,775 today when 2!l fatalities were listed at Kobe and one at Yokohoma. In the past 24 hours 575 deaths from the disease have been reported, principally from Shikoku state. RUSSIA PLANS MOBILIZATION London, Aug. 29.—The soviet gov ernment lias decided to proclaim gen sral mobilization due to the tense re latlnns between Russia, Roland and Rumnnln, said a Riga dispatch to the Dally Telegraph today based upon reports received tn Riga from Moscow. Bee Want Ads are the beat bUsincit Boosters. I FRATERNAL MEET HEARSGOOLIDGE President Calls Spirit of Brotherhood Fundamental Principle. Washington, Aug. 29.—Fraternal Ism as a “strong reliance of ordered government, according to public law," was eulogized today by Presi dent Coolidge In an address to a delegation representing the National fraternal congress. “The rituals of nearly all fraternal organizations,” Mr. Coolidge said, "are based upon religion. No true fraternity can rest on any other con ception. It is for these reasons that they are supporters of the true alms of society, strong reliances of order ed government, according to public law. able advocates of the cause of righteousness and religion, and ef fective promoters of peace and good will among the nations of the earth.” The president characterized the spirit of brotherhood as the “funda mental principle of our country.” As a result, he said, there Is a "very great deal more of equality In America than Is yet appreciated." He named the elemental virtues neces sary to success as Including Industry, loyalty, faith and fellowship. Faith In Fellow Men. “Not to have faith In our fellow men,” he continued, “Is not to have faith In ourselves. It Is to deny our mutual dependence upon each other and upon a divine power. We live In an ordered universe ruled by law and by the guiding power of provi dence. ,.ot to hold faith appears to me to attempt to fight against the stars In their courses. Such resist ance must end In destructldn. Faith In God Is the beginning of religion." Again urging a better understand ing among individuals, the president declared the development o fhumanity requires fellowship. "The great effort of civilization Is to provide the right to come into fel lowship among all the individuals of the human race,” he said. "It has been and can be somewhat aided by legislation, but in them ain It must be worked out and provided by the people themselves. It Is not so much a rule of law as an attitude of mind.” Avoids Politics. Mr. Coolidge confined his remarks to his selected topic of fraternaUsm, not touching at any time directly on politics snd the campaign. He spoke on the south portico with the dele gates assembled on the White House lawn. Neither did the president refer by name to any particular fraternal or der or secret society. In outlining his views, Mr. Coolidge reminded his audience that “because I believe in these I would not have It thought I believe tn nothing else or suppose that In our social and poli tical relations many other things do not need to be done.” "Before we conclude that the times are altogether out of joint.” he con tinued, “that all our Institutions have proven a failure, that we must have ■an entire new order of things, we i ought to be certain that we have fully availed ourselves of the advantage of the observance of these simple, ele mental, homely virtues. It will be time enough to experiment with pro posed substitutes when these have been exhausted. “It Is not necessary to refer to the desirability or my general belief in the general prevalence of common sense.” BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES Itc per line each day, 1 or 2 day*. I7o per line each day. 4 or 4 daya. Me per line *»a'h day. • day*, ifir per tine d*y. JA d*y* 0LO8JNG HOUR* FOR CLASSIFIED i ADS. Morning Edition .... I pm. Evening Edition .11 f»0 ■ m. ! Surday Edition .n n m. haturday, either char** or ca*h order* ClaMitfled Ada accepted at the following office* • Council Bluffa.18 Scott St Main Offlca.17th and Farn*m Rta. South Omaha. .N W. Cor. 14th and N Bta Telephone ATlantlc 1008. THE EVENING BEE. THB OMAHA MORNING BE*. ■ i ■ ■ CLASSIFICATION. Funeral Notice* . 1 Vault* and Monuments . V Funeral Director* ... . fl Cemeterle* . 4 Florist* . I ( ard of Thanks . • 14><1 a e Notices .. T Coming Events . 8 Personal* . V lost nnd Found . 14 automobiles. Automobile* for Sals . 11 Trucks for Sale .. If Automobile Agendas .. If Motorcycle* nnn ftfcvefeg . 4 Automobile* for Fvchang* . K Auto Accessories. Forts . 9 her vice Htntlon*—Repairing . 1 Auto Livery, t.aragr* . | Wanted—Automobiles . )• Oarages for Rent . 10 BUSIN ESA HER VICE. Undue** Services Offered .. II ItulMIng Contractor* .. 1 ] llcntlng end Plumbing .. I Insurance . 114 Milliner?—Dressmaking .ff Moving—Trucking—Htoraas .. f* !'Minting and Papering ... ‘iitent Attornrvs .. ff Printing Stationery . 9 l'rofr*elonai Hervlcs . 9 Repairing I Renovatlig and Dyeing . 9 | l aundries ....... . .. I Tailoring and Pressing . 4 Wanted—lluslness Service ............ FMP1/OYMFNT. Help Wanted—Female .. M Help Wsnteo— Male .. If I trip Wasted—Mule nnd Female .... if Hale*men and Agenta .ff Situation* Wanted—Female .49 ‘Utuatlons Wanted—Male . 41 FINANCIAL Business Opportunities .. 4t |nv. stini nt—Stock*—Honda .43 Real rotate loans . 44 Money to Lorn . 4f Wanted to Itorrow ... 44 EDUCATIONAL ( orreapondence Courses . 47 i local Instruction tln**ee ..44 Musical—Drumitfle . if Dancing Academic* .. 44 i Private Instruct Ion .. fl | Wanted Instruction .. ft* LIVFSTOCE. Logs Cat* and Feta .. ft! I Hor«e* I nit It Vehicles .. (4 Poultry and Supplies .841 Wanted—Livestock . fti Mr.nriiANmiiR. Articles for Sale .... 8* lliislnc** Fo Moment .. . ftb Building Matrrlnl* .,.fti I Farm and Hairy Products . 40 Fuel nnd feed ...... 41 Ootid Thing* to Pint . if IlomeMtvIc Things .. 48 lou*eho1d fl« ode . 84 wap Column . ff tew dr* mu. W att he* .. 44 Mftiditnrry nw*l Toole . 41 Heed*. P.nnt* and Flower* . ff jArtccfbla i»t the Htorce . 49 Muslenl Instruments, . 7« Radio I uiiliunent . Jl JV earing Apparel . I* Wanted to Hu* .71 IMMIM9 FOE RENT. | Loom* With Hoard . 1« r'Tirnlalicd Room* . 7ft ! Room* for llnuackceplng . 7* [Room*. UnfiirnUli* d . 1] [ Where to Stop In Town .. if U iinuil lint iio and Hoard . 711 REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT 1 tuartment*—Furnished ff \partmrnta— Unfurnlshed .. 91 Huslrtt •• IMiicen for Rent .. 94 II »u*e* fm Mi nt M llpuseM Furnished .It Offices and Desk Room ............. ift i CLASSIFICATION. Ont-ef-Tcwn Property . S« Rubartmn f*r Kent .if Farm Lanita for Bent... M fomiprr place for Rent . if Wanted to B«at . btl „ , HE At KSTATfc— FOB SALE. mil :::::::::::: ll Hooaea for flau .u Hnn see—North . M Houses—South .01 Houses--West ...M j^i.^^WMarboM. :::::::::::|H Wanted—Krai Ketate .103 . „ AUCTIONS. A action Spirit . 1M Krul_E«twte for Aurtloa .101 ANNoijNCKMKNTN Funeral Notices. 1 8HRUM—OvrI P, to, 3018 fhnrlrt 81, died Wednesday morning at 10:20. He Is •urvlved by his wife, Grace; two sons. Roy of Chicago and Paul of Omaha, and two daughters. Mrs. Mi Id rad McNlchois end Mra. Nellie Lardahl of Omaha: hla motn er, three slaters and three brothers. He Ya> * member of Capitol lodge. No. 3. « . r. & Omaha and of the Bricklayers* union. Funeral services In charge of the Maaone and Bricklayers will be held at 2:30 flat, urday from Haynes' funeral home, with Interment In Forest Lawn cemetery. HANSEN—Edward II , B5T7 Parke street. 37 years, passed awav August 2* Deceased la survived by his wife and ono daughter. Betty Jane. Ilia father. «ela Hanaen; two brothers. H. C. and Louis N. Hansen, all of Omaha, and one Sister. Mrs. O. F. Scott of Sheridan. Wyo Funeral services from 6517 Parker street at 2 p. m. on Saturday. August 30. Inter ment Walnut Hill cemetery. JRISKS—William W.. passed away at local hospital Thursday. August 23. aae • f» years. He la survived bv a daughter. Mrs Don Allison: two sisters. Addle Haugh and Mrs. Henrietta Owens. Funeral services from I/ealle O. Moore Funeral Home. Twenty-fourth and Wirt street*. Saturday, August 30. at 3 p. m. Interment West Lawn cemetery. WOLFE—Robert U., age 53 years. He Is survived besides his wife by his mother and three sisters. Funeral Saturday morning from John A. Oentlen an'* mortuary at 8:30 a m. to St. Cecilia cathedral at 8 o'clock. Inter ment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Vaults and Monuments. Z "Automatic Sealing* concrete burial vaults recommanded by nil leading undertakers. M'f'd. by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co. Funeral Directors. 3 HEAFEY A HEAFEY Undertaker* and Embalmera Phone HA 0285. Office 2C11 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882) HULSE A RIBPEN. At Your Service. 2222-24 Cuming Bt, JA. 1228. HOFFMAN-CROSHY ambulance. Dodge and 24th St funeral directors. JA. 1801 JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam St. N. P. SWANSON 17TH AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified Supervision BRAILEY A DOR RANCH. 13 2 3 CUMING ST, JA. 0526 DUFFY A JOHNSTON. 311 8. 33d. new funeral home HA. 0417 LESLIE O. MOORE. 24th and Wirt. Wt 0047. _ C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME 3I2Q N. 24th St.KE. 0257 Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN. Purchase a family Jot in Omaha’* moat beautlfu* cemetery. Office* at the ceme tery. (west of Florence) and 720 Brand*!# theater. Concessions. 8-A MERRY-GO-ROUND for big Nebraska exposition at Columbua, Neb.. September 23 to 26 Inc. Correspond Concessions Com mittee. Columbua. Neb. Personals. 9 WANTED, to hear from tha heirs of Mattie (Cave) Jacob*—lived in McCook. Nab. about 35 years ago. Mattie Cave married a man named Ed. Jacobs, a painter, and it la those helra I urlah to locate, or any information in regard them Anybody knowing them, pleaae write J. W Adamson. Administrator. Fullerton. Nab, THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits vour old clothing, furnjtura. maga zines. »V# collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will calL Call and Inspect our new home. 1110 1112-1114 Dodge street THE MEDIATOR. $2 per yr. Subecribe now AT. 7040, 644 Paxton block. Lost and Found. 10 BLACK MARE FOUND. At 34th and Nebraska, brand on left shoulder. Brand Call KE. 1770. OVERDUE BAO LOST—Black leather, with bathing suit, vicinity Krug park or Military Av* MA 8432 LOST—Whit# gold ring set with two dia monds about H meat alxe; square setting Reward. WA. 4788 LOST—Pair of glasses between 20th and Farnam and 25th and Davenport. JA 1572_ LOST—141 in bills. Wedneadav noon In Brandeia Store. Reward WE 0714 WEDDING RING—Lost, white gold #n travrl Call MA 27 r.j Reward AUTOMOBILES Automobile* for Rale. 11 USED CAR SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY YOU CANT AFFORD TO PASS THESE UP. Durant Touring . 1400 Mulck Coupe . .|4SA Oakland Coupe .$46t Oakland Coupe .$700 Franklin Touring .$125 Oakland Touring ...... $125 Oakland Roadster .$125 Oakland Roadster .....1410 Oakland Sedan . $250 Oakland Sedan .$475 Gardner Touring . $275 Oakland 4. Touring $576 A SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND THE BALANCE MONTHLY WILL BUY ANY CAR IN Ol*R STORE OPEN EVENINGS OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO., AT Harn.y at Mlh St USED CARS THAT JIAVE A LOT OF UNUSED MILEAGE PRICES REDUOBD TO: Ford Coups . • 316 Ford Medan . 118 Nash Four. 565 Nash Four Sedan . $45 Nash Mil Medan . 166® Esfex Coach *24 . »!8 Hup Coup#. 816 st udebwker Light Mix . 416 t'hgimera . til Chevrolet . Ill ALL GUARANTEED IN GOOD CONDI TION. OTEN EVENINOS AND SUNDAYS NASH UPTOWN STORE 2054 FARNAM AT 4282 USED AUTO PART* CO 60 to 86 Per Cent Off Llet. NEB AUTO PARTS CO. AT 1t7n2306 Cuming GOOD USED CARS BUY YOURS At _GUY L M VI IT It MURPHY DID IT Downtown Deed Car Store 1414 Jaekeon AT 4411. nash vrifmfma auto CO. USED CAR STORE « ' "tn._ AT 438$ SPFX'IAI* Ford fenders, ft A act Ford touting top rover Plate. 14 75 Kaplan Auto rarta Co 2111 Nicholas g' - Truck* for Rale. 1? SIBN the Int ei na t innai for used motm trucks from 1 ton to I ton Terms ran ha art tinged Intimations! Hat vaster Cc AT. Q70£ AUTOMOBILJK8. Automobile* for Exchange. 15 WILL trade Roamer coupe for real aetata. Mortgage or contract. Phone AT. 6481. Auto Accessories, Paris. 16 GUARANTEED new and ueed auto parts at a special cut price. Nebraska Auto Parts, 1016*18 Harney St. JA. 4981. and 2206 Cuming St. AT. 1170. HIGH grads guaranteed vulcanising. 3* In. fabrics. 82: 4*ln cords. $3. Hart Tire and Rub. Co.. 718* B. 16th. Service Stations, Repairing. 17 " INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINIBTS Rayfieid carburetor and Eiaemann mag neto service. AT. 2650. P. MELCHOIRS A SON. 417 8. llTH. Auto Uvery, Garage. 18 SEE Morrison Lumber and Coal for prices on garages. Best construction at mini mum coat. WE. 6561. Wanted—Automobiles. 19 CARS WANTED We pay cash for Ford sedans, coupes, tourings, roadsters. Must be in * good condition MIDDLE STATE USED CAR CO.. 2026-28 Farnam St. BUSINESS SERVICE. Beauty Parlors 21A CURLY CUE BEAUTY PARLOR Expert men for hair cutting. FREE SHAMPOO. Marcel or hair bob.AT. 8651 Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching; buttonholes Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1926. NEB PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1804 Farnarn. Second Floor. JA. 6670. Mo Fin^—Truck Ins—Storage 56 BEKINS OMAHA VAN A STRORAOE. 16th and Leavenworth 8ta. Packing, mov lug storage, whipping. JA. 4163, GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING, MOVING, SHIPPING, STORING Estimates furnlahad AT. 0330 or JA. 4338 GORDON S FIREPROOF WHSE. A VAN 243 North 11th St Phona JA. 1013: mov ing. packing, storage, shipping. Painting and Papering. 57 WALLPAPER WHOLESALE. Paperhanging, painting. Fred Parka, 4708 S. 24th St. MA. 0101 AT. 7404. Patent Attorneys. 58 jTw MARTIN, 624 Petare Trust Bldg., Omaha; also Washington. Double service. ■Ingle fee. Also help sell patent*. Printing—Stationery. 58 COMMERCIAL PRINTING, Eddy Printing Co., 213 South lltft St. Phona JA. 4061. Repairing. SI USED and new sewing machines. Sew ing machines and victrolas repaired Rsnt machines. 61 per week; 62 par mo. MICKElf MUSIC HOUSE. 16th and Harney. AT. 4341. employment. Help Wanted—Female. 36 LADIES learn baauty culture. B!g de mand and wages. Will place you when competent. Short course. All new styles snd methods taught by constant practice and expart Instructions Day or aventng. Ingulf Moler College, lo» 8. 16th. WANTED—Lady marker and sorter, one who can act as forelady in absence of proprietor. Steady position and good sal* ary York Laundry. York, Neb. WANTED—Ladies In this locality to em broider linens for us st home during thslr leisure moments. Write at one*. "Fashion Embroideries.’* 680 Lima. O. STENOGRAPHER for small offlcs. up town WESTERN REF St BOND ASSN.. 1039 First Nat'l Bank Bldg HIGH school girl to aseist with house work for room snd board. 4701 N. 31st Ave. KE. 2241 Help Wanted—Male. 37 MEN learn barber trade. Day or evening, will place you in good paying Job after abort course. No dull seasons. Big de mand for barbers the year round Call 5r writs. Moler Barbsr Collage, 106 8 ISth St _ WANTED— An experienced truck driver, mechanically inclined. When answering give at least two references, also tele phone number and addresa. Box 1001. Omaha Bee AI.L man. women, boya. girl*. 17 to Cl. willing to accept government position#, I117-82S0 (traveling or stationary), writ# Mr. Ozment, 116 St Louis. Mo. WANTED—Middle-aged whit# Janitor. Must be able to drive Ford or Dodge truck. Must have good habits. Ref#r sneea. Box 1002, Omaha Be# WANTED—Hoffmann operator, must be first class and able to do steaming of ladle# garments. Apply in person. Max I Walker. 241 ft Ames Ave WANTED—Two clowns for animal show. All winter work. Good chance for new beginner#. Inquire Wortham Shows. Co. Bluffs__ Help W anted—Main and Female. 38 rilE four men and women who went hrouah our clas# last week earned 6136. 176. 146 140 respectively What did you •arn? Call In person, 266 Aqulla Court. Salesmen and Agents. 88 SUCCESSFUL SALESMEN with car to work Nebraska Automotive and Radio lemiera. good proposition Sell yourself in first latter Ofve phone No. Hellene# Bat tery Product# Co . Coyncll Bluff#, la. SALESMEN to take orders for men's high grad# work snd dre## shoes direct rrom factory to w#ar#r Mason Shew Mfg Co., chltfpewa Falls Wj# _ ~ ~ ANTI AI^._~~^~~_' llu*lns*fl Opportunities. 42 WANT to Mil my butcher shop, old #atab llshcd business (30 years), on account of »!• knees Equipped with Raker Ira ms 'hin#. also sausage machinery. Popula Mon, 2.600 Karl Klein. Auburn. Neb. HITE and Black Beauty shop for sal#. HOI N 24th St. For Information call WE 2763 DRUG #tor# for aale Will stand close ■ p©ctlow Address T-3727, Omaha Be#. Invr-Mment—Stocks—Bonds. 43 M A ANDERSON* CO. JA 6107. Peal estate. Hur#ty bond# and kindred In# luvil Fatal* I 0.1114. 44 MONEY TO"LOAN On *lrst snd aeeond mortgages W* buy outright for rash Existing mortgage# and land contracts rrompt Action H A WOLFE CO, Ml Saunders Kennedy Bldg. AT. 1160. ft 8# AND "TPER CENT MONET Loan# on Omaha Improved property at ©west rates FRANK H. BINDER. >13 City National._ JA. 2641 IMA If A HOMES— EAST NEB. FARMS tv KEEFI? REAL ESTATE CO, loll Omaha Nat’J_R«nk Bldg JA 1716 4KCOND mortgage# or contrails pur chased by Tukev Company. 420 First Ns *»n*i Bark JA 42.'l MIX per can: Joans on time he residence* /ash on hand Rrompt service. E It l.ougse, Inc 621 K^ellne R’dg LOW RATE on city property, quickly £l"»ed no monthly payments JA IMS IV T Graham. 1160 t» 610.000 loaned, prompt service F D Weed A P It Bowman. Nv#sd Bldg [ WILL buy mortgagee and contracts Zorkin, 944 0m Nat 1 B.dg . Omaha. Nth. ™ ftM AND l~P E it Vi NT—no" DEL V T *** jm vi* Omahs Wetl f CITY real relate mortcag*# and « on iracta bought Larson 104 N Iftth St Farm Loans on West Neb end N K Colo farm# Kloke Investment Os Omaha Mousy I .nan, 4i Tins comtant is oroaniekd Tn supply your money wants In th# earn# way that bank# eupply th# money warts f t he business community. Any amount loaned up to 6600 and you •an repay It In easy monthly payments >ur eouaI payment plsn repays the loan end all chargee A e have been In business In Omaha over to > car# and ran aaaur# you of a quick confidential and square deal OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. "04 Karbach Block Tel, JA. |M» Southeast Corner 16th snd Douglas its. FINANCIAL. Money to Ixuin. 45 DIAMOND loana at lowest rataa. business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan Co.. 1514 Dodge St Established 1*t4. 1 - _ 11,11 1 . EDUCATION Ai* Local Instruction Classes. 48 DAY SCHOOL NK’.HT SCHOOL Complete courses In all commercial branches. Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy, salesmanship, civil aervlce. Phoaa JA. 1666. Complete catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Sta.Omaha, Neb EIGHT to IS weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American college. ISIS Farnam. TKI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 140S Dodge St. 1*n« Douglas Bt _Call or write for Information. Dancing Academies 50 All branches of DANCING TAUGHT. Ijsfest steps Private lessons any hour. Big classes, Mon. and Thurs. nights. The KEL-PJNE Only exclusive academy In Omaha. Farnam at 26th AT. 7850. KEEP Dancing Academy class Monday and Friday. 8 p. m. Elks club. AT. 3911 or JA. 6470. Private Instruction 51 STUDIO OPENS. Plano lessons given by Mrs. T. Marks, a graduate teacher of the Bush Con servatory of Chicago Phone WE. 1235. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale. 57 BICYCLE for sale good condition. 120. Inquire at Keen Hotel, Room 204. Business Equipments. 58 WE BUY, sell safes, make desks, ehow etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., S W Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. FOR SALE—A few good used rolltop gold en oak desks at bargain prices. Underwood Typewriter Co._ Feel and Feed. Cl BALED shavings, carload or truck. Brad ford-Kennedy Co. JA. 6740. Household Goods. 94 YOU ARE L08I.NO. every day that you rail to take advantage of the furniture bargain* at Stephenson*. lfcOf Capitol Ave, Private galea and auction. FOR REAL furniture and rug value* eee ome Furniture Co., South Side. _Machinery' and'Tools! 97 NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos, LeBron Electrical Works. 318-20 8. 12th. Wanted to Buy. 73 DESKS. DESKS, DESKS. New desks, used desk*, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam Su AT ROOMS FOR RENT" Rooms W ith Board. 74 FARNAM and 42d St., first class room and board, reasonable, private family. Gentlemen preferred. WA. 2623. FIELD club district. Nice airy room In new modern home Garage. HA. 5091. LOVELY room in Dundee home, with or without board WA. 2344. Furnished Rooms 75 SLEEPING room, reasonable, near Omaha University. Home privileges. KE 1722. _ 2 805 EMMET—Two or four southeast rooms furn.shed; garage. WE. 6949. 4260 DOUGLAS ST.—Nicely fumiahtd room suitable for 2. Phone WA. 0059. Rooms for Housekeeping. 76 ONE large sleeping room and kitchenette HKM*- K«»»°n*Lle. 1*11 Spencer. WE. 4019. TWENTY-THIRD ST—? 2:0 So 1 light hskpg. room*, everything furnished. JA. 637 4. ONE or two-room apt*. Modern. ev#ry th!ng furnished. Reasonable. HA. 1977. DOUGLAS 2055—Light hskp. rooms on 1st nr 2d floor Walking distance. HA. 4210. 2000 SARATOGA—Large mod. hakp. rm. kitchen. 825 per mo —— — ■.—■. . ■■ ; Where to Stop m Town. 78 | HOTEL SANFORD—lfth and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW—10th and Farnam. Special r a • »• s to permanent gu«.*ts ^————— REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartment*—Fumlnhed. 80 JA. toil—2 n,w Urg, room, with kltch <!r#**trg rm bath: #r,rrth:*« turn . inrluillr.g phon, tr.i). HA. tllT. I THE URJI5T0N. I.lvlhf room, prirat, bath: kttrh,nctt*. rurnlahaq or onfnrni,h,d 41t N l*th St. HLNTEH INN Hem: for tha trmvilng man and wif. AT «ac» 24th and Dodg, NEWLT dK. mod. alrr »-rra. apt. Ill; 5 23H *t H-at. light water frao • Apartments—l niurniahrd. 81 FIVE rooma. privat, bath. Mtmmrn Apt,., J10I N lfth S'. 12 3-135. 1 room,. ! ' :nr r< -m. dining alcov*. kltchon, dr„»:ng room and bath. No. f Klngsborough. 2131 Dodga it: . IH*$€0. * rotnfortabl, room. In pl,aaant loea **<•»• Na 1 Ovurgla. 1045 8. 2lLh St., 4 rooma with 4 room accommodatlona st*. «.Av* *na c‘1,,ona* 4 rooms, convenient location. No. I Potter. 13d and Farnam Sts, 176. 0 pleasant, light rooma. apt.. No t Web rtsr. $ located at X?th At# and Webeter 4 rooma with l-ro^m accommodations nsw bldg. No 17 'namore Apta. 2703 California Ft.t 175-195 6 rooms In the beautiful Elwood. No I. 49th Ave. and Dodge St.. 8100. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, __ "where Omaha Rents" AT 9644. 17th and Farnam #*e 1 _ ^ /^lWkMniU APARTMENTS 4»th and Capitol Ave.. now available. | choice ?-rn apt. MS summer Ml winter Also unusually attractive « rm apt 87* summer. 855 winter FRED U HFYN CO.. 7711. Evenings call AT. 9119 or HA or <anttor will show THE I'RMSThN. Living room. prlrst, b»th,: f jrnuh.l or unfurnl.h.d 414 N l»th St APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W J PALMER CO. AT 8980 Real rotate Managment Specialist# PETERS TRUST COMPANY "WHERB OMAHA RENTS** AT 9644, l?th and Farnam Sta CARBERRY—40th and Cass streets. 4 rooms, f room accommodation. 870.00. JA ?<0? WK 577 7. 5TRAM HFAT, 5-room apis 10 and op. <*’,'*e *n O P Stcbh -a l*!0 Chicago ft THE Clarlnda. 0 rm* excellent condition Farnam at Rlvd HA Tire .m HA 8994 TfA 1149 or JA. 574? -5-room apartment < »>r! n-w’v 1» vrate.l Bunlnm* I'hrfs for Krnt. 8? FOI* RENT Store build ng 19x90 at 40th and Farnam Will divide Ha 5644 TWO stores 14th St. ami Chicago, low -»nt. U P SiebMns 1010 Chirago llouara ft»r N«'nt 8.1 DUNDEE DISTRICT 1219 NORTH 83D ST Will rent or aell this six-room brick j and stucco English colonial home in 1 leaving city. Foaeegaion September 1. Call! JA 14S4. 4'r . wner WA 7197 « It MOD cottage . Lw* In ..... 8 40*0 S-r. mod. 8750 Ja. kaon . 31 591 7-r mod enrage * N 4 3d . 4S 00 4-r new bri« k Turner Park f 9 90 { 6 r mod 700 N 85th 35 00 PM RENTAL K\ J A 3*19 H 4 2 x For RENT -room Cat near J9th and j Famani. walking distance. 84* a month ' Call JA MM _ • •ROOM house corner 13d and Miami ell modern Wjt Ul*. F»'U HKNT'--5-room modern cottas# at 1 *316 N M — OI6ff« and Ivwh Room, 55 SEVERAL des'rsM# offlree and on* »lc«lv art ana* d suite In rd n e t block 1 tri «t co at. e?ft "V .. I UFA! Ksr\n~F(msuK hmiR mid l^ttide for Sale. 5? W1 Hank ' # county, farms, hlghlv Imi roved II*' lo 117*. FRANK i' BIST 919 PETERS TRUST Hi in'. OMAHA j " NHTKMN Nebraska and Kanea* wheat I I and corn land for sate at»o rench#e j Write Henry Hummel*. Hddieth. Neb, ( RKAL. ESTATE—fOlt MUt, House*—North. N Clifton Hill Bungalow NEW, |RM, ALL MODERN BUNG A. LOW, NEAR CAR LINE AND SCHOOU ONLY $4,500. H3A8Y TERMS, KVB* NINOS CALL MR. ROWLEY. KS tlOjl MR. PITKIN. HA. 7640. OR MR. GKH RI8, KE. 6039. METCALFE COMPANY GROUND FLOOR, 203 S. 19TH «T. AT S4U, » HAVE YOU A VACANT LOTT On® block from beautiful Miller park with ' * public golf course and children’s play ground la an Ideal 6-room home all on one floor. Large living room. Completely modern. Double garage. Paved street. A vacant lot or 2d mortgage will make the first payment. E. R. Cars®, JA. 1014 days. Edgewood One block to car. Five rooms, wall arranged and complete with tile bath, recess tub. breakfast tabls and fireplacs. Tastily decorated. Walnut 2512. WILL TAKE car as down payment on * modern 6-rm. bungalow. 8elect oak floors, built-in kitchen cabinets, large attic, full cement basement, corner lot; near Fontenell*i park. New neighbor hood. $4,460- $300 down or car. LICKTY, KE. 1429. FIVE-ROOM—modern, 2881 Saratoga, in excellent shape; paving paid. Call - AT. 4066 or KE. 1732. and arrange t© , »*-e. then give an offer 6 ROO M. MOD EKN 40th and Grand; paved, will listen to your proposition; trade or sell. 212 Courtney Bldg $600 DOWN. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW; OAK FLOORS; NEAR CAR AND SCHOOL. CALL JA. 1016. D. E. BUCK it CO., buy and sell homes. Houses—South. t7 Owner Leaving the City $1,250 Cash—$60 Monthly The o*ner has been transferred out of the city and desires to sell his beauti ful home, located south of Hanscom park, 6 rooms and bath strictly mod ern, extra large living room, conveni ent dining room and kitchen, large attic, screened porch across entirs front of house, paved street and alley. "A Real Home. ' For further infor mation. call Mr. Carnaby. KE. 197$, or Mr. H E Raa* KE. 4T27, Rasp Bros., 212 Keellne BldgAT. ITU. HANSCOM PARK $5,800-$1,000 Cash will handle this choice fivs-rsem oak-finished bungalow—built-in features, metal window strips—full basement— large attic, large lot with paving paid. Take a look at 1631 South 27th St. Close to Woolworth eve . Park school, etc. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. S3'* l'eters Trust Bldg JA. 2281 8-R. Modern, $4,700 Eight iarge rooms and bath, on car Ub* 3 blocks to school. Handy to Union and Burlington stations Good buy for rail road man. Small down payment. Bal. by month. You can rent enough rooms to mskke your payment* Llckty. K£L 1429 Houses—West. M $2,400 Easy Terms Hers la the place you have been look ing for: 5-room houee, all good sized rooms, 2 block* south of Military Avi , large lot. 60x140, eaet front, chicken house and poultry yard. coaF house and shed. Owner leaving city Priced for quick sale For Information call H. E. Rasp, KE. 4727. or Joe Carnaby* KE 1275 Rasp Bros., Ill Keellne Bldg. AT. 471L CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW ONLY $6,000 Six rooms and bath all on one floor Double garaga lot 50x166. paving all paid Cioee tc Boulevard, where valuee are increasing rapidly. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 610 Peters Truet BldgJackson 2262. GO TO STANDARD PLACE NEW. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. WITH EVERT BUILT-IN FEATURE CLOSE TO CAR. SOUTH FRONT LOT. ONLY 14.760, TERMS EVENINGS CALL MR. PITKIN. HA. 7644; MP. GEHRIS, KE 6029, OR ym ROWLEY. KE 0204. METCALFE COMPANY. GROUND FL.. 104 8. 19TH ST AT. 1414. FIELD CLUB Six rooms and breakfast nook. 17,714. Liks new throughout; newly decorated and painted exterior, east front; paving paid. J. L. HIATT CO.. AT 9999. Beautiful new west side home ready to occupy Strictly modern five rooma and bath Oak floors, built-in cabinet, full cemented basement etc. Only s*00 cash anl 139 10 per month. Call HA. 5465.. FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy home* List your property with us for result*. JA 14lg BURT C. FOWLER CO . Realtors LOOK at 1461 8 61th St Direct frera owner. New, 6 rooma Modern. Large east front lot Campbell. AT 9646 WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lota !a Edsewood; very easy term*. Phone AT 1644. Mil JONES ST.—7 room* all modem, convenient location. Make an offer. JA. 4 667. For Sale—Florence. lit NETHAWAY sells te white* only. Read Caucasian, a Ku Kluxer fee all %E. 1449. lA>ts for Sale. 1ES DUNDEE LOTS READ THIS LIST CAREFULLY ALL STREET IMPROVEMENT* Df 16x111 feet south front.11694 60x126 feet, south front. .fl.16® 6 2x11® feet, aonth* 46x154 feet. Beet front . 92.664 46x126 feet t«t front . |6 0#4 76x126 feet west front. .14 494 All of the above lot# on paved street*, close to school car line, and *n locnttom wbero values are increasing GEORGE & COMPANY, Realtor* AT. 1924. 1.06 ACRES Qme block to paved road etty water in front of lot Close te car and sob. r»l Cheapest acre ta the city Call WA. 2291. 24 LOT*—44.444— 4744 CASH Five acre# ratted facing Omaha Counter Club. J A 70 0 GLOVER * SPAIN ReaHotfr 1 ‘UNDER BUI UMNO SITES GEORGE A CO REALTOR* 9th FI r City Nat Ha PMc AT 1424. . Lot I'alfT. on SJd Avenua facing H a Pe rn Ta* fo eat* at an attmcttve twiedL ' O. A GrfmmeL JA 1416. n ■■■■„■■ ■ ; I Real Fata to lor Kichintm 1*4 FARMS. Gibbons Steel. 414 Tetere Trust. ■„ - , --• W.intcd— Fatal#. 145 IF we can't eeli >our home in 19 dar% we wtll tell vou why W J Palmer Co. AT >96® \v» • NVRp HOVKS FOR SALK. ORUENIG REALTY CO Reeltera Jack*' n 1944_Ft rat Nat Ban*. LIST unit property wit* ui or. if re* * * m the market for a ••rear* call trills* >hr for ulrK ea'ea M\ 4142 VA 2429. CM AS W YOUNG A SON. Rf«’ I * tats R»e ale Ineurano* 14®2 v Natl lUA_ tT Mil Ti:«f H' v vs - YOUR TERM*. GROVE It IBB ARl> CO -?* H*rV* « 1L e >* BMg AT Mlj \Tl SFl 1 HOMl~ LIST WITH UK HAMILTON A CO lii.wk JA 4497. sk u tu f ret Need luMssa any l.vanea to - nvma Shopen A ©*- Reaitaf* _«r 14^ T 14 Kq< in* R• dc ______ LIST TOUR ACREAGE WITH O. T HAMER. 1404 Far item AT --* C D mriYlUNSON CO. -* - Rest Fe'fct* Ire t®*9 F*»i*am JA 4414 WOULD KV i: u.. . . *T~I«V I