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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1924)
Wheat Continues Up; Late Buying Stimulates Corn Rup*ia Said to Be Inquiring for Grains; Profit Taking Dulls Edge of Oat Market. By CHARLES J. LEYDEN. I'nitpmal Service Staff Correspondent. Chicago. Aug. 29.—Wheat continued Its upward trend today In Impressive fashion. Prominent buying persisted and while holiday profit taking came out liberally on the swells the close was near top lev el a. Foreign crop reports were of bullish nature and together with the strength at Liverpool and advices that Germany had accepted the Dawes plan served to make bulls more eggrewdve. Wheat closed l**c to l%e higher, corn •was %c to l%c down; oats were %c to Sc lower and rye ruled l%c to l%c higher. Apparently trade leaders are developing a growing faith In the strength of the i world situation. The fact that Russia S -was aahl to be inquiring for wheat and rye In North America appeared signifl 1 < ant. In pre-war days Russia used to export about 500.000.u00 bushels wheat and rye yearly. The Winnipeg market was every bit as strong as Chicago. Rye Strong. Export wheat sales at the seaboard v ro £U0,600 to 750.000 bushela; rye sales, 500,000 to 600,000 bushels, and barley, aoo.OOtf to 400.000 bushels. There were 1.000,000 bushels wheat sold out of Chi | chro to exporters and Kansas City con firmed sales of 600,000 bushels via the Gulf. Trade in corn was less active. Realiz ing sales came out on every flurry. Re-, ports of light rains over Nebraska caused the break to the low point, but sufficient buying developed to rally the market late i In the session. The corn crop situation apparently has Improved but little the f past two weeks, despite better weather S conditions. Primary receipts of corn were [ 559.000 bushels, against 760,000 bushela a year ago. «>ats were reactionary most of the nay. j The start was strong, but profit-taking took the edge off the market. The move ! ment is growing considerably, and is af footing jeptiment somewhat. Rve was strong and closed at the top. Heavy export buying through several houses took care of the profit taking. Wheat Trade Bullish. t Provisions were up early, but sold off under week-end profit-taking. Lard un \ changed to 5c lower, and riba were un i changed to 10c lower. The wheat trade has developed no little f bullish sentiment, notwithstanding that i the spring wheat movement is at hand , I There am distinct signs that the winter | ? run of wheat will let up within the next * week or so. and while the Canadian and i ' American spring wheat Is likely to rush ! the market in competition there ts ever;, reason to believe that the breadth of the export trade and the increased activity in the domestic milling situation will off set the bulk of the movement. Reports from Montreal had It that 86 ) tramp steamers have been engaged to [ Hear wheat during September There are l over boats said to be awaiting dis charge at Montreal. Certainly there has I been heavy sales to Europe, and this grain is likely to move out within the i next few weeks. Wheat in the United .States is still the cheapest in the world and foreign buying should bs concentrated here. Argentine Report# reeslmlstle. There was talk from the northwest that rains had hurt th# quality of the spring wheat some, and that th# move i ment might not increase as won as many expected. Minneapolis has been getting larger receipts gradually, but stocks there fop the week decreased 42r»,000 bushels Mills in the northwest have been doing a great business lately. . The progress of the Argentine wheat l crop will be watched closely from now on The reports of late have been pessl- j nnstlc. Rains are needed and damage In | tv.o provinces ha# been confirmed by ; foreign interests. The acreage In the M-urhem hemisphere is slightly larger than a year ago, but unless weather con ditions turn favorable soon deterioration iM likely to be extensive. The trade fig- 1 urea that should any serious damnge oe [ cur to the Argentine crop the world situa tion would assume amazingly atrong ap i pearancea _ _ CHICAGO CASH PRICES. By Dpfllfc* Grain company. Atlantic 661 J. I Art. TO pen. I High, I Low. ClQM. 1 Tea. i1-”* Lift i:B* ! (Till* 1,0 1MM i:f»% L\\ Slay : l.:r. 1.11% 1.14% 1.36% 1.33% -,f- 1:33% j 1.35%l 1.33% Sev. '! .99% .11% .87%) .68% .86% J Dec. I 93% .93%! .92 % .92% .91% I .93% I .92% .92 May I .97 % | .98% j .87% .98% .97 Sap." 1 1 19%' 1.5# I 1.17%' 1.11 1.19% P I 1.20 I I I 1.17% 1.19'. Dec. 1.14%' 1.11% 111% 113 1.13% [ 1.16% 1.12% 1-13% May I 1.15%! 1.15% 1.11%: 1.13 1.14% t 1.16%. 1.13% 1.14% Oats t Sep. I .6044 .60% .49*4 .49*4 -49T6 I I .49** .60 Dec. i .53V4I -84 .62V4, .52* .63* l .54 I J .62% .53% Slay .67% .87% .56%! .56% .57% 4 I .57%! I ( .66% .67% Sal?.4 113.50 113.67 III# 1 6 67 13 67 Pec. jl3.62 113.63 '1362 113.60 1362 New York Cotton Exchange. New York Cotton Exchange quotations furnished by J. S. Bache & Co., 224 Oiv aha . National Bank Bldg., Phone Ja. U37-88-89. | Open. I High, j Low, | Close. jYest’y Oct. 124.68 125.25 (24.60 I25.ll 124.80 Deo. 24/23 124.87 24.11 24.76 24.43 Jan. 24.33 }24.8 4 (24 10 24 72 24.45 Mar. 24.67 [26.15 ,24.35 24.98 24.75 May 21.60 j25.27 124.63 25.1 5 24.9u New York Sugar Quotations. Furnished by J. S. Bache A Co.. 224 Omaha National Bank building, phones Jackson 6187. 5188, 5189. __ j 1 Open. , High. I Low. I Close. jYesfy. •Sep. | 3.76 3.80 2.73 3 50 8 78 * Deo. 3.77 3.80 3.77 3.77 8-77 Mar, I 2.37 3 38 3.36 3.36 8.36 Chicago Prodace. Chicago. Aug 29. — Butter—Higher . creamery extra*. 37c; standards, 36 '»• * ertra firsts. 36% ©36 Vic; firsts. $4 0 36* seconds, 32 033c. Eggs—Lower; receipts, 10,667 case* firsts, 23034c; ordinary firsts, 10031c. New York Poultry. New York. Aug 29.—Live Poultry—lr. regular; fowls by freight, 23026c; by ex press 21027c Dressed poultry, Irregular and unchanged. Dulutli Flax. Duluth. Minn.. Aug 29.—Flax—Clos^ September. $2.33*4 ; October, $2 26%; No x ember, $2.26*; December, $2.22; May, ; $2.28. ____ Chicago Poultry. Chicago, Aug 29.—Poultry—Alive, higher; fowls, 17024*c; springs, 26*c; roosters, 16c. Now York Spot Cotton. New York. Aug 29.—Cotton—Spot: Quiet; middling. 27.16c. Kansu# City Produce. Kansas City, Aug 29.—Produce market unchanged Are you having trouble . - —.... with your skin? If you have eczema, ringworm or sim ilar itching, burning, sleep-destroying skia-eruption, try Resinol Ointment arid Resinol Soap and see how «juickiy the itching Stops and the trouble disappear Retinol Soup and Retinol Ointment tit told b| all drugflit*. I or Mmpl«k,iiic, wnit t > l)ep«. J-K, Retincii* Baltimore* Aid* /unit*ilir i/ial — Resin makes sick skins well r-;-* Omaha Grain V__—-> August 19. Cash wheat sold on the tables today from l%o to 2c higher. The demand was fn/rly good and only a few cara were « arried over unaold. Receipt* were 182 car*. Corn wee not In eo good demand today and sold at unchanged prices to lc lower. Receipts were 82 cars. Oata were in fairly good demand from %c higher to %c lower. Receipts were 4 9 cara. _ Rye sold from lc to 2o higher. Re ceipts of rye were 9 cars. Barley was quoted at about unchanged prices. Carlot Receipts. WHEAT. Ho. 1 hard: I cara. $1.17; 1 ear. $1.85. 6 cara. $1.15. No. 2 hard: S cara. $1.18: 1 car. $1.18:, 2 cars, $1.15; 6 cars. $1.14%; 6 car*. $1.14; 2 cara. $1.13%: 4 cara. $1.13:;, 5 cars. $1.12%. I No. 3 hard: 1 car. $1.18: 1 car. $1.17; 3 cars. $1.13%; 2 cara. $1.13; 3 cara. $1.11%: 2 cars. $1.10%. . No. 4 hard: 1 car. $1.18%; 1 car. $1.12%; 6 cars. $1.12; 2 cars. $1.08; 4 cars. $1.08%; 2 cars. $1.08. No. 6 hard: 1 car. $1.08% 1 car. $1.08. Sample: 3 cars. $1.10; 2 cars. $1.09; 1 car. $1.08%; 1 car. $1.08; 1 car. $1.07. No. 3 yellow hard: 1 car. $1.11. No. 4 yellow hard: 1 car. $1.11%. No. 1 mixed: 1 car. $1.16%. No. 2 mixed: 4 cars. $1.13; 1 car. $1.11. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars. $1.13. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1.14; i car. $1.11: 1 car, $1.13; 1 car. $1.08%. No. 4 northern spring: 1 car. $1.23: 1 car. *1.21. CORN. No. 2 white: 1 car. $1.11. No. 3 white; 1 car. $1.10. No. 5 white: 2 cars, $1.08. Sample: 1 car. $1.04. No. 2 yellow: 2 care. $1.11. No. 3 yellow. 3 care. $1.10. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars. $1.09. No. 6 yellow: 1 car. $1.08. Sample: 1 car. $1.08. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. $1.08%: 1 car. $1.09. No. 6: 1 car. $1.07. Sample: 1 car. $1.06%. OATS. No. 8 white: 4 cars. 46*;c: 1 46%o. No. 4 white: 3 cars. 44%c; 6 cara. 4oc. Sample: 2 cars. 43c: 1 car. 42c. RYE. No. 2: 1 car. 8 5c. No. 4: 1 car. 83c. ■BARLEY. No. 8: 1 car. 76c. Sample: 1 car. 71c. Dally Inspection of Grain Received. WHEAT. Hard winter: No. 1, 6 cars; No. 2, 52 cars; No. 3. 23 cars; No. 4, 27 cars. No. 6. 5 cars; sample, 8 cars; total, l-i C*Mixed: No. 2. 1 car; No. 3,‘l car; I^o. 4, 2 cars; 'total. 4 cars. Spring: No. 4. 2 cars; total. 2 cara. Durum: No. 2, 1 car: No. 3, 1 car, No. 4 1 car: total, 3 cars. CORN. Yellow: No. 2. 9 cars: No. 3, 11 cars: No. 4. 10 cars; No. 6, 7 cars; No. 6. * cars; total, 39 ears. „ ,„ White: No. 2. 1 car; No. 3, 11 cars; No. 4. « cars; No. 6, 2 cars; sample, 2 cars; total. 23 / ars. Mixed: No. 2. 3 cara; No. 3 6 cars; No 4, 1 car; No. 6, 3 cars; No. 6, i cars; total, 14 cars. OATS No. 8. 23 cars; No. 4. 22 cars; sample, 5 cars; total, 61 No. 1, 3 cars; No. 2, 2 cars; total, 6 C*rS' BARLEY. No. >. i car,, sample, 1 car; total, 3 cara. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Week Year Recelpta— Today. Ago. Ago Wheat .162 264 Corn . S2 61 29 Oat. 49 43 46 Rye . 9 6 6 Barley . 6 6 4 Week Year Shlpmente— Today. Ago. Ago Wheat .250 1(.9 11 Com . >1 44 4S Oat, . 1* 29 47 Rye . 6 13 1 Barley . 7 1 CHICAGO RECEIPTS Week Year Carlota— Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat . 678 920 341 Corn .122 123 161 Oats .326 385 168 KAN8A8 CITY RECEIPTS. Wheat . 549 477 166 Corn . 17 29 Oata . 81 23 64 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS Wheat .155 158 116 Corn . 78 7 5 66 Oats . 35 80 49 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Winnipeg . 33 69 145 Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin Corn and wheat region bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 6 a. m. Friday. Stations and v eather. High. Low. Rain. Ashland, cloudy . 96 75 0.00 Auburn, part cloudy... .100 71 0.00 Broken Bow, cloudy ... 91 63 0.00 Columbus, clear . 96 64 0.00 Culbertson, tart cloudy . 90 63 0.00 xFairbury, cloudy . 97 71 0.00 xFairmont. raining . 95 67 0.30 Grand Island, cloudy .... 95 68 0 10 Hartington. cloudy ..... 91 72 0.08 xHajtlngs, part cloudy . 96 69 0.12 Holdrege. clear . 94 67 0.00 Lincoln, cloudy . 97 .6 0.00 xNorth Loup, cloudy ... 95 69 0.00 North Pla.te. part cloudy 90 64 0.00 Oakdale, cloudy . 92 68 0.00 Omaha, cloudy . 92 74 0.00 Red Cloud, cloudy . 96 66 0.23 Tekamah, cloudy . 90 69 0.00 Valentine, part cloudy .. 96 66 0 00 Highest and lowest during 1? hour* end j ing at 8 a. m. 76th meridian time, except I marked thus x. Minneapolis Grain. _ Minneapolis, Minn.. Aug 29—Wheat-— I No. 1 northern, $1270131; No. 1 hard spring. $1310141: No. 1 dark northern 1 xjirlng. choice to fancy, $13501.41; good 1 choice, $13001.34; ordinary to good, i $12901.31; old September. $126; new i September. $1.26: old December, $13'). new December, $1.30; old May, $1.34%, . new May. $1.34% <'om—No. 3 yellow, $1 1501 16%. Oata—No. 3 white, 45%®4&%c. Barley—69 ® 82c. Rye—No. 2. 83%0 84%e. Flax—No. L <2 82®2.36. Chicago Cash Prices. Chicago. Aug. 29.—Wheat—No. I red. $129; No. 2 hard, $1.2601.26. Corn—No. 2 mixed, $1 20; No. 8 yellow, $1 21%® 1 22. oats—No. 2 whits, 49%0SO%c. Rye—Unquoted. Barley—66 © *6c. Seed — Timothy. $1 8007.26; clever. $11.60021.50. Provisions Lard, $13.86; riba, $12.60; bellies. $13.26. Kansas City Cash Grain. Kansas City, Mo. Aug. 29.—Wheat— No. 2. hard. $1.1301.26; No. 2. red, $115 ■ 1.30; September. $116 asked. December, * 1 20% : May. $1.26%. orn—No 3, white, $1.08% ©1 29; No. yellow, $1.12; No 3. yellow. $1 1001.11; ■»’ 2. mixed. $1 0701.10: September. $1.09 ed; December, $1.05 bid; May, $1.06% j Mked. Hay—Unchanged. New York Sugar. New York. Aug 29.—No changes or -ales were reported in the raw sugar market today. Cuban being quoted at 5 «6o duty paid. The issuance of nine September notices cauned a decline of 6 points In that position In raw sugar ruturus. but they were promptly stopped and the decline was regained. Other positions were steady throughout the entire session on covering and trade buying, the market * losing unchanged to two points net high **r. September Hosed 3.80c; December. 3.77c; March. 3 36c, May. 3.43c, all bid. Continued good Inquiry was reported for refinled sugar st unchanged prices of 6.09c to 7.00c for fine granulated. Refined futures ware nominal. York 4'offee Futures. New York. Aug 29.—The market for <io£Iee futures opened today at an advance > f 10 to 17 points on covering after the decline of yesterday, but eased later un d»*r a renewed liquidation inapiied by pri vate report* of beneficial rains in Hao Paulo. December eased off from 1.53c to I6.00o and the market closed at net de clines of 3 to 20 points Bales were esti mated at 34,000 bags. ' losing quotations. September. 1 6 87c; October, 16.82c; December, 15 12c, March, I4 66r ; 1 4 25c; July. 11.16c. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s, 17%c; Santos 4s, 22 0 22 % c. New 1 ork Cotton. New York. Aug 29. - The general cot ton rparket closed steady at net advances of 23 to 22 points. New York Call Money. New York, Aug 29.—Call Money Steady; high, 2 per rent; low. 2 per »-ent; ruling rale. 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2% per rent; last loan 2 per cent ; call loans against acceptances, 1% per cent. Time Loans—Firm;, mixed collateral, 60-fto days, 2% 03 per cent; 4-6 months 202% per cent, prime commercial paper, 3% 03% per cent. Fast Ht. I anils V.lveetock. East. St Louis. III., Aug 29.—Cattle Receipts. 900; few mm Oklahoma grass steers, strung, few fed Texas, steady nt $7.86, holdovers native steers «nd grass heifers not moving, odd head light vewl sis. $11, bulk. $10 60. other rlsaaea, about steady; some. $37604 50; ranners. $226 0 2.50, f»«w bulls, <3 25 Hogs Receipts. 10.000 head; market, slow, unevenly 100 26c higher, closed dull with advance lost, few Hmica tight and medium weight. $10.06 010.10; others mostly $9 90010 00. Into top. $9 90 for light huge, light lights and pigs, steady to 26c higher, good 140 to 160 pound kinds $n0o®9 6fi. 120 to 180 pounds 18.5008.76; packer sows, $8 11*0*. 26; farge part of run atlU due to arrive Hheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head Vtry little doing, steady market for It, miIis available*, tow, $13; cull lambs. $7. sheep, unchanged, light XaL ease, $b. r---' i Omaha Livestock V* August 29. ! Receipts: Cattle. Hogs Sheep Official Monday _ID.911 7.578 31,875 Official Tuesday ..10.385 9.913 22,683 Official Wed. 6.797 11,366 23.270 Official Thursday .. 3.674 10.612 9,976 Estimate Friday ... 1.000 8.700 11,000 Five day* this wk..36,767 48.169 98,S031 Same days last wk..35,78l 60,713 98,579 Same 2 wks. ago...30.116 47,643 65,269 Same 3 wks. ago...34.613 60.028 68.299 Same days yr. ago. . .39,170 69,272 70,685 Receipt* and disposition of livestock at] the Union stock yards. Omaha. Neb., for| 24 hour* ending at 3 p m i August 29. , RECEIPTS—CARLOT. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep C M A St P Ry... 1 2 2 Mo Pac Ry . 6 2 U P R R . 2 32 39 C A N W east . 2 CAN W west . 6 43 .. j C St P M A O. 7 C H & Q east . 2 3 C B & Q west . 9 12 C R 1 A P east ... 8 4 C R I A P west ... 3 6 1 l C R R . 0 -I Total receipt* .... 38 117 42 DI .SPOSITIO N —H E AI» Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Armour A Co . 375 2279 1034 Cudahy Pack Co. 337 1676 1153 Pole! Packing Co. 31 1020 .... Morris Packing Co... 190 982 618 Swift A Co . 321 1355 - Midwest Packing Co.. 8 . John Roth A Sons... 28 . 8 Omaha Pack Co... 15 . Murphy J W . 825 .... Lincoln Packing Co. . . 9 . Kenneth-Murray . 717 .... Harvey John . 8 . Cheek W H. ]o . Harvey, John . 8 .. Ki ebbs A Co . 10 .. Longman Bros .. 2 . . *. ,\fo-k C A C Co. 32 . Root J B A Co. _5 . Rosenstock Bros . 178 . Sargent A Finnegan... 32 . Wertheimer A Degen.. 38 .... •• •• Other buyers . 261 .... 3997 Total (. 1881 8853 6802 Cattle—Receipt*. 1.000 head. Supplies of corn-fed steers and yearlings were light and the market proved fairly active and fully steady. A few head reached $11.00. She stock was dull again today at the weeks decline and stockers and feeders were slow t the week's 25© 50c loss. Choice to prime beeves. $10.00010.86: good to choice beeves. $9.2509.90; fatr to good beeves. $8.500 9 25; common to fair beeves, 17.50 08.50; choice to prime year lings. $9.76010,66; good to choice year lings. $9,000 9.76; fair to good yearlings, $8.2509.00; common to fair yearlings. $7.2508.25; good to prime fed heifers. $8.2509.75: fair to good fed heifers.$7 00 ©8.00; good to prime dry-lot cows, $5.50© 8.00; common to good cows, $3 0006.26; good to choice grass beeves. $7.00 0 8.00; fair to good grass beeves. $6.2507.00; com mon to ."air grass beeves. 15.2606.00; Mexican steers, $3.7504.75; good to choice grass heifers. $4.750 5.76; fair to good grass heifers. $4.0004.75; good to choice grass cows, $4 1004.76; fair/to good grass cows. $3.26©4.00; cutters. $2.6003.25; can ners. $2.0002.50; veal calves, $5.00010.00; heavy and medium calves. $3.0008.00; bologna bulls. S3.2503.75; prime heavy feeders. $7.7508.25; good to choice feed ers. $7.0007.75; fair to good feeders, $6.26 0 7 00; common to fair stockers. $4,500 5.60; good to choice stockers, $6.7507.75; fair to good stockers. $5.75@6.75; com mon to fair stockers, 14.6005 50; trashy stockers. $3.000 4.00; stock heifers, $3.60 05.25; stock cows, $2.5003.60; stock calves. $3.5007.50. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 46.1079 9 10 27 714 9 25 It.. ..Ml 9 4n 21.9*2 9 75 6.1370 10 25 7 1072 10 25 4 . 1237 1 1 00 BEEF STEERS AND HEIFERS 23. 826 8 25 19 927 * 85 23 . 915 9 00 27. 960 9 60 24 . 851 9 90 10 856 10 00 27. 892 10 15 CALVES. 1 . 170 8 50 1 140 10 60 WESTERN CATTLE. NEBRASKA. J. G SNAVELY Av. Pr 5 heifers . 4 40 8 25 4 cows . 916 2 60 12 stockers . 671 o 25 3 heifers . 726 4 50 1 bull . 730 4 00 1 bull . 1070 3 60 NEBRASKA. 14 calves . 282 7 10 1 bull* « . 1320 3 50 18 calves . SOI 7 66 6 calves .178 V 60 Hogs—Receipts. 8.700 head. Prices scored further upturns In -this morning’s session ow4ng to Just fair supplies and continued strength at other markets. Movement to shippers was largely on a 10c higher basis while packer trade was 10 to in some cases 16c higher. Top for the day was $9 60 with bulk of sales noted at $8.6009.50. HOGS. No. Av Sh. Pr No. Av. Bh Pr 38. 268 8 60 30..290 70 8 60 38.. 330 40 8 70 49..S30 8 75 35. .330 40 8 70 49. 830 8 7i 36.. 267 9 00 28..290 910 34.-328 9 15 73. C23 9 2" 62. 244 70 9 25 32..195 9 35 28.. 191 9 40 64..228 .. 9 45 82.. 224 80 9 69 23 .284 .. 9 66 33.. 238 .. 9 60 Sheep and I.ambs—Receipts. 11.000 head. Although the day’s total run was moderate only a fair number carrying killer flesh were included and the mar ket on the few at hand ruled strong to in extremes. 26c higher. Feeders were around steady with aged sheep firm Quotations on Sheep and Lambs: Lamba. good to choice. 812.75013.40; lambs, fair] to good. $11.60012 50; feeding lambs.1 $11 50012 60; wether*. $5 0007 00; cllrped lambs, fed, $11.75012.26; yearlings, rang* $7.00010 00, fat ewea. $4 7505.76; breed ing ewes, yearlings excluded, $6.2508.00; feeding ewe*. $3 6006.00. FAT LAMBS Av Pr SI natives . 77 11 00 FEEDER LAMBS 186 Idaho . 68 13 10 FAT EWER. 25 natives . 104 4 76 CLIPPED LAMBR 500 fed . 80 13 25 Chicago Livestock. Chicago. 111. Aug 29—(United Btatea Department of Agriculture.)—Cattlo-- Re ceipt*. 2.000 head, largely clean-up mar-: keC. fairly active; deslrabio yearlinge and handywelght eteera strong to 15c higher. | spots considerably mort than Wednes day's low time, killing quality rather plain; bulk best steera. $8 6009 21; some meaty Missouri graasers downward to $6 26 ; well conditioned handywelght eteera, $10 00; top early, fairly active Inquiry for desirable helfere and grain-fed weighty rowi; these very ■<arre; cancers scarce, higher; strongweight kind, $2 85 end bet ter; few bulla here; bulk veal calvea. 112 60013 00; few. $13.50; country de mand stockers and feeders widening; out let considerably larger than week ago; sharp decline In fat kinds. Inducing buy ing of half fat steers for shot kind. Hogs—Receipts, 18.000 head; active et desirable grades. Isrgly 10 to 16c higher; light-lights end slaughter pigs mostly steady; big packer* doing little; top. 110.10, good and choice 160 to 340-pound average. !9.f| batter 1ft to 160 pound weights. 18.6009 26; pecking eows, 88 6009 00; desirable atrongwetght slaugh ter pigs, $7 600 10 75 heavyweight. I9 60 ©10 10; rpedlum weight. $96501010; lightweight, $9 00010 10; light weight". $7.6009 x6; parking hog*». smooth. $8 460 9 15; packing hugs rmigh. $8 1008 45; slaughter pigs. $6 500 8 10; bulk of sales, $9 t"t © j o 00; top. $10 10 Sheep and Larn be— Receipts, 11,999 head', active; fat lambs uneven; strong to 25c higher, spots up more, sorting Ugh*; bulk natives. $13 00013 60; culls. $9 "'109 26; westerns. $13 28014 00; tot* $14 00; sheen slow; steady; odd lote fat e»*•* $4 6006 60: no early sale* feeding lambs, best held around $1 3 25. steady. Kansas City Livestock. Kansas City. Mo. Aua 29 —Cattle— Receipts 1.000 head: calves. 200 head; mo** killing classes strong to 18o high er. hardlv enough uffered to test values, mixed yearlings. $9 76: fsw fed steer*. $8 0009 40; medium fed rows ft.600 4 25; canners mostly. $2 26. bull* and v e s I a steady: bulk best veals. $lono#r 10 60; heavy calves weak: country outlet for stockers and feeder* narrow; weak to 16c lower: bulk, $4 7r 04.75. Jfog* Receipt# 4,000 head; -uneven 10© 20c higher; mostly 16c hlghsr than Thursday’s average*, shipper top. $9 66; packer top $9 65; bulk good to choice 180 to .too pound average* $9 4009 fo , bulk of sales. $9 0009 40 parking sow* $8 2508.18; stock pig* dull, mostly. 17 oo 0 7 60. Sheep and I.ambe Receipt*. 1600 head limited offerings killing cl**ses smund steady, odd lots natives. 111.78012.50: small bunches ewes. $4 0006 60. Blow* rity Livestock. Sioux rity, Aug. 29 —rattle—Receipts 700 head; market fairly active, killers strong, atocker* uneven; fat steers and yearlings |7 000 10 76; bulk. I* 1009 6*> fat cows and heifer*. $6 6009 50. canners and rut ter*. $2 0003.00; gras* row* and heifer*. $3 00 0$ 00; veals, fft 00010.80. bull* 83.5004 60; feeders $8.6006.00 a Workers $6 6007 76; stock yearling* and calve* $5 0007 60; feeding row* and hei fer*. $3 00 06 60 lings —Receipts. 9 000 head; market good; hogs. 10c higher; other*. 10r lower; top, $9 66 bulk Of •* lea |HtiO09.46, butchers. $9 3609 45, mixed. $8 4009 26; heavy packers. $8 250* 46, stag*. $4 00© 4 26. good pig* 17.80 08 00 Bheop Receipt*, 700 head; market steady. ft. Joseph Livestock. Bt, Joseph Vfo Aug 29 — Hog* Re ..jpts 4.500 head 10015c hither! ten. $9 10; hulk $9 1601.66 Cat I le Receipts, 8«4 head, ateadv: bulk nf steers $8 0009 26 rows and h*1f#r*. 13 1609 00; calves 14 600 11 00 atorkera Hint feeder*. $4 000* 00 Bheep and Lnrnh# Receipt* 3.000 head market strong; lamba. $12 00013.21; ewea. 14 60® 6 50. Sen lorlt MtlveC. New York Aug 79 Bar Rllven— II\c. Mexican dollars. 63,Ac Km treat rity I* rod lice. K»n»»* city, Aug 29. i’ruduce—-L'n changed Stiff Advance Marks Approval of Dawes Plan Stock Market Becomes Almost Buoyant on Receipt of News From Germany; Bears Seek Cover. Br RICHARD IPII.LANI, I ni varan 1 Service Financial Editor. New York. Aug. 29.—It waa well along in tha afternoon session today when the cable brought announcement of the ap proval by tha reichatag of tha Dawes plan. The atock market haa been doing fairly well up to that time but with the spurt It got from that good news It be came almost buoyant. Bears hastened to cover and bulla bought with confidence. As the market has been pretty well liquidated by the recent decline the re sult was a stiff advance which extended through nearly all the groups. Rails, steels, motors, department store*, chain stores, public utilities, tobaccos, coppers, shipping shares and various others rose easily. In some Instances the gains for the day were large. Oils, as a rule, did fairly well. Pan American was a conspicuous exception. As In the stock market so it waa in the bond market. Bonds of the European nations were In better demand and in some instances showed fair advances. The whole market for European bonds Is expected to Improve as appreciably by reason of the settlement. Stock transactions 706.200 aharea. Industrials were up an average 1 92 points and rails were up slightly more than one-third of a point. The advance In industrials was the largest In about two weeks. Foreign exchange strong and higher with sterling up more than 1%, francs 8% points, and lire 2% points. The cotton market waa slower to a*t on the news from Berlin. The close was from 20 to 32 points up for the day. drains did not move In unison. Wheat and rye had fair advances but corn and oats declined. Liverpool was rather surprising. Re cently the British have been disinclined to follow fully the American market but Friday brought a changa. While due to come 1% pence to meet the exchanges’ closing of the day before. Liverpool open ed from 1% to 2% pence up. and eoon after Chicago started trading waa from 3% to 3% pence up. This would seem to given op portunity to the Chicago bulla but wheat held within narrow margins for the wheat market of the present time la a modest range. Crop information waa con flicting Sir Henry Thornston. president of the Canadian National railways, raised his estimate of the Canadian wheat crop from 275.000.000 bushels to 300.000.000 bushels. Broomhall. on the other hand, was cited as authority for the statement that the Argentine crop deterioration waa feared to be severe. Wheat held to What in these daye Is a comparatively modest range and clos ed from 1% to l%c up. while corn de clined from % to 1 %c. oata declined from % to %c and rye advanced from % to l%c. Lard was steady. Coffee was off I to 10 points. Sugar was from unchanged to I points up. r- ' ' I New York Quotations \ -* New Tork stock exchange quotations furnished by J. 8 Bachs A Co.. 274 Omaha National Bank building: Thurs. High Low. Close Clotc. Ag Cham . 14% 13% 14% 13% Ajax Rubber - 9% 9% 9% 9% Allied Chem . 73% 71 73% 73% Allia-Chalmers ... 64 63% 63% 63% Amer Beet Sug .. 41% 40% 41% 49 Amer Brake Shoe. .. .. 81 Amer Can . 132 128 % 131% 128% Amer Car Fdry ..169% 168% 169% 167 Amer HAL. 10% Amer HAL pfd 62% 62 62 % 61% Amer Int Corp . 28% 26% 21% 27% Amer Linseed . .. 18% Amer Loco . 81 79% 81 79% Amer Radiator ..114% 114 216% 113% Amer Ship A Com. 12% 11% 12% 11% Amer Smalt . 76 72% 74% 73 Amer Smelt pfd. .. 104% 104% Amer Steel Fdra. . .. 36% 36% Amer Sugar . 46% 44% 45% 44% Amer Sumatra 7% 7% 7% 7% Amer TAT .127% 126% 127% 127% Amer Tob .163 162 163 162 Amer WWAE1-111% 116 111% 116 Amer Woolen .... 75% 74 76% 74% Anaconda . 40 17% 40 17% Aaao Dry Goods ..121% 116% 120% 114% Aaso Oil . 21% Atchison . 104 204 At Cat Lina .132% 131% 132% 131 At G A W I . .. 1J% Atlas Tack . »C At Ref Co . 17% 14% 17 17% Austln-Nichol* ... 22% 22 22% 22 Auto Knitter . 2% Baldwin . .122% 120% 123% 120% Baltl A O . 62% 61% 62% 61% Beth Stl . 46 45 % 46 45% Boach Magneto .. 27 Brook-Man Ry ... 24% 24 24% 24% Brook-Man pfd. 68% 64% Calif Park . 87% 81% Calif Pet . 21 % 10% 21% 21% Cal A A Min 61% Can Par .160% 149% 160% 149% Cant Leath . . . 14% 13% 14% 13% Cant Leath pfd... 49 41 49 47 <erro da Pasco... 47% 47 47% 46% Chandler kfotors . 41% 40% 41 40% Chesa A Ohio ... 85% 15% 16% 16% Chi Gt Weet . 6 4 Chi ANT . 41% 41% 0 M A St P ... 16% 16 16% 16% C Ot Weet pfd 16% 16% 14% 15% C M A St P pfd. 24 26 % 26% 26% C R X A P .30% 29% 20% 30% C St P M A O Ry. . 43% ' hlle Copper . .. 14% 13% 14% 13% < *hlno . 10% 20% Cluett-Pea . 69 Cluett-Pea pfd .. .,.102% Coca-Cola . 77% 77% 77% 76% Colo Fuel A Iron *8% 17% .11% 17% Colum Carbon 63% 43 43 43 % Colum Oae . 40 39% 40 39% Congoieum . 47% 44% 47 44 % Consol! Cigars. 11% Conti Can . II 64% 66 64% Conti Motora .. 7 4% Corn Product* ... 18% 19% 13% 33% Coaden . 26 26 26 36% Crucible . 69 66 69 65% Cuba Cane Sugar. 14% 19% 14% 13% Cuba Cane S pfd. 64% 63% 64 62% Cuba-Am Sugar .82% 31% 32% 32 Cuyamal Fruit ... 49 47 4«% 47% Daniel Poone .... 14 13% 13% 13% Davidson Cham .44% 42% 43% 43% Delaware A Hud 123% 122% 121% 134% Dome Mining ... 15% 16% 15% 15% Dupont De Nem .111% 129% 181% 130% Eastman Kodak .110 110% Erie . 28 27 % 28 27 % Electric Storage B 57% 66% 67% 66% Kainoua Players .. 10% 79% 10% "9% Fifth Ave Bus L.. 11% Flak Rubber . 9% 9 9% 9 Flelacbman’e Teat 72 71 71 % 71% Freeport Tex - 5% 8% »% 4% General Aaphalt . 43 42 42% 42% General Electric .273% 147% 272 % 266 Genera 1 Motora .. 15 14% 14% 14% Gold Dust .. 18 Goodrich . 23% 22% 23 % 22% Great Northern O. 29% 29% Great Northern R 66% 66% 44% 65 Golf Stales St ... 76% 73% 76% 73 Hartmann Trunk .... . ... 16 35% Hayes Wheel .... 16 13% 35 3 4 % Hudson Motors .. 29% 26% 29% 29 Homeatake Mining . . 42 Houston OH . 70% 46% 70% 69% llupp Motora . 12% Illinois Central ..110% 110 116% 110% Illinois Central p. ., . .. jig Inspiration . 28% 27 38 % 27 Int Eng Com Corp 26 26 % 24 16 Internal Harv ... 94% 92% 94% 91 Int Merc Mar. 9% 9% Int Merc Mar 41% 38% 41 l*% Int Tel A Tel.... *4% 83% 84% 82 Interna Nickel... 1*% 17% 18% 18 Interna Paper..,. 48% 46% 48% 4n% Invincible Oil... 12% 12% 12% 12% Jones Tea. 20 20 Jordan Motor_ 32% 12 32% 3 2 K C Southern 20% 20% 2o% jn% Kelly-Spring . ... 16% 15% H% 14 % Kennecott . 48 46% 48 44 % K*vatone Tlra. 1% l% I*ee Rubber. 11 1 «*h Igh (‘alley 64% 63% 54% 64". Lima Iicromo. ... .. «o % l*nnaa-Wiles . .. 6| 48 47% * .’> % IjOUi* A Nash.... 99 97 % 99 98 Mack TYudk ...ino% 97% loo % 91* May Dept Stora .. 98 95% 9% 94 Maxwell Motor A. 69% 69 69% 69 Maxwell Motor B. 16% 16 14% 16% Mar land.31% 31% 31% 31% Mexican Sea. 21 20% 20% 21 Miami Copper. 33 23 % Middle State* Oil. 1% 1% 1% 1% Midvale steel. 26% Mo Kan A Tex .. 14 16% 16 15% Missouri Tao- 18% 18% 18% ix% Mo Fa* Pfd _ 62% 61% 61% 61% Montgomery - Ward 34% 34% 34% 34% Mother Lode. 6% 8% 8% 8% Nash Motors. .. 128 National Biscuit 67% 67 67 % 64% Nat Enamel . 21% 21 21% 20% National l*ead ..158 163 166 1 &4 N V Air Brake.. 41 40% 41 41% N T Central ... 108 107 % 107% (07% N T C A St L . Ill 111% N T N M A 11 |4% 33% 24% 24 North Amer. . . 30 28 80 18 North Papift* '4 • % 64% N A W By.116% 124% 111% 124% t trpheum . 16 % Owens Bottl* . 42% 42% Pacific Oil . 44% 44% 44% 46 Packard Motor 11% 11% Pan Amerl .64 M 62 56 Pan American R 61% 60% 61% 64 PtnnayI K H 44% 44% 49% 44% Penplne Gas 1"0% Pare Marquette 40% 60 40 60 Phil Co . 47% 47% 47% 47% Phillips Pet . 31% .12% 11% 33% Pierce Arrow .... 11% 10% 11% 11% 1‘oatiifn Cereal ... 67% 60 67% 64% Pt eased Stl Car 41 46% 44 44 Ptod A Reflneis jx 37% 18 2»% Pullman 11« % 126 % I ?8 % 114 % Punts Ate Sugar.. 68% 62% 68% 62% Pure 011 22% 22% 27% 23% lt> *L1 Sport* ...114 121 % 124 222 $ Ray Cone .U% Reading . 61% Replogla . 11% Ren Iron A Stl... 49% Royal D N Y. 43% St L A S F . 26% St L A S W- 42% Schulte Cigar 8 ..125% Sears-Roe .104% Shell Union Oil ... 16% Simmons Co. Sinclair Oil . 17% Sloss-Sheffleld ... 73% Shelly OH . 1*% South Pac ....... 93% South Ry . 68 % Stand O of Cal.. 66% Stand O of N J.. 34% Sttwart-Warner Stromberg Carb . . Submar Boat . Studebaker . Texas Co . Texas Gulf Sulphur Tex A Pacific - Timken Roller .... Tob Products . Tob Products A.. Transcont Oil .... 1 Union Pac .144% United Fruit. U 8 Cast Irn Pipe. 108% U S Ind Alcohol .. 73% U S Rubber . 35 U S Rubber pfd.. 87 U 8 Steel .108 U S Steel pfd . Utah Copper . 79 77% 79 79 Vanadium . 27% 25% 27% 26 Vivaudou .. 6 5% 6 5% Wabash .16% 15 15% 16% Wabash A . 42% 42% 42% 42% Western Union . 112 112% Westing Air Brake . 92% Westing Elec - 63% 63 63% 63% White Eagle Oil. 23% 23% White oMtors _63% 62 62% 62 Woolworth Co ...113% 112% 113% 112% Wlllys-Overland . 8% 8% 8% 8% Willys-Ovarland pf 69% 68% 69% <8 Wilson . 5% 4% 5% 5% Wilson pfd . 14% 14 14% 14% Worthing Pump .. 29% 29 29 27% Wrlgley Co. 41% 41% Yellow Mfg Co... 63 61 % 53 62 % Yellow Cab Taxi.. 46 45 46 46% Thursday total sales. 674,800 shares. Thursday total bonds, 68,487.000. Today's 2 p. m. sales, 545.400 shares. Kx-Divldends Today. Eastman Kodak .|2 00 Southern Paelflo .1.60 Hayes Wheel. .75 Packard Motor pfd . 1.76 California Packing ... 2.50 Norfolk A Western . 1.75 Hayes Wheel pfd .. 1.87% United Cigars . I.75 New York Bonds V- / New YorK. Aug. 29.- -Germany’s ac ceptance of the Dawes reparations pro gram today Infused fresh strength Into & lagging bond market, bringing about brisk rallies in French. Australian and other European obligations and turning the trend of domestic issues upward. With investment experts reiving on preparations for flotation of tha Ger man loan as embodied in the Dawes plan to govern the course of the market for the next few months, the relchstags ac tion today was considered of prime Im portance. French bonds which had been marking time pending the outcome of the legislative fight in Germany, im mediately responded with gains of 1 to more than 3 points under the leadership of the government’s issues. Belgian. Austrian and Serbian loans also were straightened. Discussion regarding ths offering of the German loan was revived with the con census of banking opinion holding that It would probably be plactd on ths mar ket about October 15. Arrangement# for underwriting the Issue, it waa indicated, would now proceed rapldlv. While activity in foreign bonds over shadowed dealings in other motions of the list, there waa dscldedly firmer tone to railroad liens which were sided to some extent by the completion of pending mergers and the increase In carloadlngs Among the issues conspicuous in the trading were Frisco. Missouri Pacific. Delaware A Hudson and Kansas City Terminal bonds. Wilson A Co . Chile copper and Virginia Carolina Chemical mortgages were strong spots in ths Industrial group. New York. Aug. 29.—Following are to- | day's high, low and closing prices of bonds on ths New York Stock Exchange, and the total sales of each mond: (U. 8 Government Bonds In Dollars and Thirty-seconds of Dollars.) 17. 8. Bonds. High. Low Close 46 Liberty S%s . 100 24 100 22 100 24 '» Liberty 1st 4%s .101.29 101.26 101.27 402 Liberty 2d 4%s...l00|l 100 21 100 JO 2_* 1 Liberty 3d 4%s . 102 1012* 10130 217 Liberty 4th 4%s 101.31 10126 10129 3 U. 8. Gov’t *%• 104 21 104 21 104 26 Foreign. 21 Anton J. M W. 6s 82 11% 12 13 Argentine Qovt. 7s l02% 102% 102% 27 Argentine Govt. Is 93% 93% 92% 48 Austrian Govt. 7s. .96% 94% 95.% 64 Bordeaux 6s . 69% S7% 89 17 Copenhagen !%■ .. 96% »«% 95% 78 Greater Frag 7%s 91 90% 90% 17 Lyons 6s . 99% 17% 89% 79 Marseilles Is ..... 90 87% 89% 20 Rio de Jen. 8s, '47. 94% 94 94 48 Czechoslovak R Is 100% 99% 100% 40 Dept, of Seine 7s.. 95% 93 96 1 Dom. Rep a f 6%s 91% 91% 91% 11 Dom. of Can. 6%VUH% 103% 103% 26 Dom of Can 5s Z3 102% 102% 103% 16 Dutch E. 1. 6s. <2 96% 95% 99 11 D E I 6 %• 53... 90% 90 90% 16 Framerlcen 7%s... 95% 94% 95% 291 French Rep Is...106% 104% 106% 341 French Rep 7%s..l03% 100% 103% 51 Japanese 6%s. . . 92% 92% 92% 126 Japanese 4s . ... 83% 92% 83% 77 K oc Belgium Is. 108 107 % 108 56 K of Oefg 7%s-109 107 % I09 12 K of Denmark 6s.100% 100% lon% 31 K of Nether 6s ’72 100 99% 100 64 K of Norway 6s '41 91 97% 98 68 K Ser Cr Si Is. . 99% 88% 89% 5 K of Sweden 4s...104% 104% 104% 2 Oriental Dev de 4s 18 17% 81 189 narle-Lyons-Med 4s 82% 80% 12% 89 Rep of Bolivia Is 93% 93% 93% 1 R of Chile 9s '41.106% 106% 105%‘ 7 Rep of Chile 7s 96 97% 97% 16 Rep of Cuba 6%s 94% 96% 94% IR of FI h 1 Ms 104 100% 104 6 Rep of Finland 6s 17% 87% |7% .46 St of Queensl 4s.103% 103% 103% 4 S of R O d S Is 97 96 % 97 4 St of S Ps s f 8s 101 100 D-l IIS Swiss Gov »%• ‘44 98 % 98% 98% 4 UKofOHAl »%s 19 110 110 110 23 UKofOBAI 6%s ‘37.104% 104% 104% 79 u S of Braxlt 8» 96% 96% 96% 21 U a of B C Rr E 7a 12% 11% 12% Domestic. 61 Am Agr C 7%s .. 94% 93% 94 9 Amer C s f deb 6s.. 94 96% 96% 21 Amer Smelt 6s_ 94 93% 93% 14 Amer flug 4s .100% 100 100% 39 Am T A T 8%s 101% 101% 101% !4 A T A T col tr le.191% 101% Id % 13 A T A T col tr 4s . 97% 97% 97% 4 Am W W A E 6s.. 93% 91% 91% 34 Ana Fop 7s II_100% 100% 100% 91 Ana C 6s '63. 91% 97% *8 24 Ar A Co ef D 6%e 93 91 % 92 27 At T A S F gen 4s. 18% |8% >8% 8 At T A 8 F a 4s a. 12 81% 12 22 At C Lins 1st 4s.. *a% 11% 81% 24 Haiti A O Is.102% 102% 102% HI Balt! A O cv 4%s 99 98 % 8* 1! Haiti A O gold 4e. . 17 84% 86% : B T of P Is A r 6s ino loo 100 121 Beth Stl con 6s A. •« % 94 96 % .0 Beth Stl &%s . •« 88 18 21 Brier Hill St I 8%s 96% 94% 96% 2 B Edl gen 6s A... 100% 100% 100% 179 B-M T e f fs. 79 78 % 7* 7 Calif Tet €%s ... 99% 99% 99% 34 Fan N deb 6%e ..11«_ 116% 114 10 Fan Pac deb 4e. 80% 80% 80% 28 C A O 6s .. 105 104% 101 10 Cen of Georgia l%s 98% 98 98% j Fen Leather 6s. *9% 99% 99% 43 FI es A Ohio cv 6s . 96% 98% 98% 31 Fhes A Ohio cv 4%s 95% 96% 95% 7 Chi A Alton 3%s 42% 43 42 % 3 F H A G rfg 5s A 100% 100% 100% 121 Fhir A East HI 6s 71 70% 71 38 Fhtrago G W 4s . .. 65% 66% 65% 19 F M A St P cv 4%S 41% 60% 40% 52 F M A M r rg 4%s 51% 63 61 263 F M A St P ds '76 80 % 79% 79% 4 Fhl A N W rfs 5s 97% 97% 97% 1 Fnbago Rvs Rs . . . 77% 77% 77% 14 F It I A P gen 4s 82% 82% 82% 70 C ft I A V rff 4s 80 79% 80 1 Fhl T II A S E Rs. 79% T«% 79% R Chi A West Ind 4s 77 74% 77 11 Chile Fi»«ipar «■ 104% 105% 104% 1 F F F A St I. rg 4 A 103 10.7 103 61 Clave U Temlnsl ImlOO 99 100 8 Colo A So rfg 4%a. 8 4 84 8 8 It Font Pnw 4s 94% 94% 94% 14 Con Coal of Md 6s 84% 87% M% 1 * ('on Power 6a... . 89% 89% 89%a 4 Cub C S db *■ std.ion 99% loo 17 Dels A 1! rfg 4s 89 87 89 1 Denver A R O cn 4s 77% 77% 77% 2 Det Edison rf* 6s .106% 104% 106% R Pet Utd ftys 4 % a. . 92% 91% 92% 2 Dpnt Nsm 7%s 108% 108% los% 9 Duq Light 6s .105 104% 106 30 East Cuba Sg 7%a 104% 106 >04% 37 Einp GA FI 7%s . 96% 94 96 % 10 Erls pr Hen 4s ... 70% 70% 70% 24 Erie gen Hen 4s 62% 62% 62% 10 Fisk Rubber 8s .104% iny% 104% 20 Goodrich 4%s .... f.% 97% 97% 3 Goodyear T 8s 11.106% 106% 105% |o Goodyear T Is 41 .118% 111% 118% 4 Gnd Tnk Ry C 7s 11R% 116% 116% 3 Gnd Tnk Rv C 6a 107 1«7 107 l( Grt North 7a A 108% 108% 108% , 23 «irt North 6%a 8.100*4 10ft l(*o% 1 II e r she y fs 103% 10?% 10«% f 28 Hud A M rf la A 86 88% 86% 9 Hud A M ad la. 66% 66 66% 9 Humble OAR 1%a. 100 99% 99% 17 III Bell Tel rf 8a.. 96% 96% 96% 28 ICCStLANO rf 6a.. 95% 94% 95% 18 111 St d 4%a . 92% 93% 92% 6 Ind St 6a .101% 101 % 101% 40 Int R T 7a . 88% 87% 87% 6 Int R T 6a . 65% 66 65% 8 Int R T rf ia.64% 64% 64% 112 Int A O N ad 6a... 65% 65 65% l Nut A O N lat fa 99% 99% 99% 26 Int M M af 6a. 88% 88 88 % 12 Int Pap cv 6a A.. 86 85% 85% 7 K C Ft SAM 4a.. 80% 80% 80% 87 Kan City P A L 6a 93% 92% 93% 3 Kan City South 6a 88% 88 88% 60 K C Term 4a. *3% 83% 83% 1 Kan O A E 6a- 98 98 98 , 11 Kelly-Soring T 8a 97% 97 97 ! 24 Ur Q of St I. 6 % a 94% 94% 94% 1 L S A M 8 d 4a 31 93% 95% 95% I 2 Liggett &■ Myera 6a 98% 98% 98% 12 L A Naah un 4a.. 91% 91% 91 % | 12 AUgba Cop 7a.118% 118 118% 5 Manntl Sug 7%1... 99 99 99 6 Manhat Ry ron 4a 60% 60% 60% 3 Market St Ry 7a 98% 98% 98% 2 Midvale St cv 6s 88 88 88 63 MKAT pr 11 6a C.101 100% 101 I 5 MKAT n pr II 6s A 84% 84% 84% 67 MKAT n a 6a A.. 63% 63% 63% 16 Mo Pac lat 6a. 97% 97% 97% 39 Mo Pac gen 4a- 61% 60% 61% 9 Mont Power 6a A . 97 % 97% 97% 1 N E T A T lat 6a 91% 91 91 1 N E T A T lat 6a. 100% 100% 100% 15 N Y Cent deb 6a 107% 107% 107% 48 N Y Cent rfAim 6a 98% 98% 98% 6 NY C A St L 6a A. 102% 102% 102% 9 N Y Ed rfg 6 % a. ..112% 112% 112% 60 NYNHAH V 7s ... 84% 84% 84% 22 NYNHAH cv 6a '48. 76 76% 76 10 N Y Rya a 6a c dep 3% 3% 3% 26 N Y T ref 6a '41..106% 105% 106% 7 N Y T gen 4%a.. 96% 96 94 13 N Y W A B 4%a. 62% 62% 62% 17 Nor A Weat cv 6a..125% 125% 126% 14 Nor Am Ed a f 6a.. 96 96% 94 6 Nor O T A L 6a A. 89 89 89 22 Nor Pac ref 6a B.105% 105% 105% 8 Nor Pac new 5a D.. 95 95 95 13 Nor Pac pr lien 4a. 84% 84% 84% 4 Nor S Pow lat 5a A 93 92 % 92% 5 N W Bell T 7a.. 109 108% 109 38 Ora-W RRAN4*. 81% 81% 61% 7 Pac O A E 6a ... 92% 92% 92% 3 Pac T A T 6s '52.. 91% 91% 91% 7 Penna R R «%e..ll0 109% 109% 16 Penna R R gen 5a. 101% 101% 101% 138 Pa R R gen 4%a. 92% 91% 92% 17 Pare M rfg 6a... 96% 94 94% 4 PhiU Co rfg 6a . .101% 101% 101 10 Phila Co 6%a . 94 93% 94 6 Phila A R C A I 6a. 98 98 98 9 Pierce Arrow 8a... 86 85% 86 2 P R L A P 1st 6a B 93% 93% 93% 6 Punta Alegre S 7a 108% 108% 108% 1 Reading gen 4%a.. 92% 92% 92% I Reading gen 4a.... 93% 93% 93% 6 Rem Arms a f 6a.. 92% 92% 92% 1 Rio G Wes rol tr 4a *>8% 68% 68% 6 R I A A Lfc 4%B. . 80% 80% 80% 41 St LIMAS 4a RAG dv 82% 82% 82% 72 StLASF pr In 4a A. 69% 69 69% 79 St L A S F adj 6a. 80% 79% 80% 90 St L A S F Inc Ca.. 73% 72% 73% 12 St L 8 W con 4a . 85% 85 85 % 24 S P A K C S L 4%■ 79 78% 79 5 Ht P U Depot 5» . . . 99 % 99% 99% 41 Sbd A Line con 6a. 81% 80% 81 2 Rbd A Line adj 6a.. 61% 61% 61% 37 Sbd Air Line rfg 4a. 65% 65% 65% 14 Sinclair C OH cl 7a. 92% 92% 92% 10 Sinclair C Oil 6%*. 86% 86% 86% 7 Sin Crude O 5%a..l00% 100% 100% 11 Sinclair P Line 5a.. 84% 84 84 % 39 Ho Pacific cv 4a... 97% 97% 97% 27 Sou Pacific rfg 4a.. 88% 87% 88% 14 So Ry gen 6%a .106% 106% 106% 22 So Ry gen 6a.102% 102 102% 11 So Railway con 6a.100 99% 99% 93 Southern Ry gen 4a 74% 74 74% 2 2 S W Bell Tel rfg 6a 96% 96 96 % 21 Steel Tube 7a.1"6 105% 105% 4 Tenn Elec rfg 6a.. 97% 97% 97% 37 2d Ave. adj. 6a_ 49% 49% 49% I 9 2d Ave. rfg 4a. . 66% 65% 66% 9 Tol. St. L. A W. 4a 81% 81% 81% 1 U. P. rfg. 6a ...103% 103% 103% 30 U. P. lat 4a. 91 % II 91 % 2 U. P. cv. 4a.99% 99% 99% 7 U. S. Rubber 7 4*. 103% 103% 103% 25 U. S. Rubber 8a.... 84% 84 84 8 U. S. Steel a f. 6a.104% 104% *104% 9 Utah Pow A L 5a *9% 89% 89% 12 Vt. Car. Chem 7%a 24 32% 24 59 Va -Car. Chem 7a. 65 63% 65 13 Virginian Ry. 5a . 96% 95 95% 5 Warner Bug. R. 7§.1«2% 102 102 30 Weat. Elec. 6a .... 98 97 % 98 25 Weat. Mary lat 4a 44% 44% 64% 22 Weat. Pacific 5a 90 89% 89% 1 Weat Union €%■ 109% 109% 109% 1 Weath Electric 7*108% 108% 108% 4 Weat Shore 4a. 83 83 83 2 Wbk.-Cpencer S. 7a 71% 71 71% 1 Wlllya-O lat 6%» 98 98 96 17 Wllaon A Co. 7%a. 50 4« 49% 33 Wllaon A Co. 1 6a 86% *5% 86% 20 Wllaon A Co. 6a. . 47% 46% 47% » Young 8 A T fa. 95% 95% 95% Total aalea of bond* today were 19,156. 000. compared with 18.514.000 prtvloua day and 84,106.000 a year ago. N. Y. Curb Bonds -' New York. Aug. 29 —Buelr.tee wee ■mail In volume on the curb, but there were some wide movement* in both di rections. Burroughs Adding Machine, which moved up 6 point* yesterday had a further advance of 2 polnte but later lost this gain Hazeltine shares were unusu ally actlva be:ng in increased supply and declined over 1 point. Public Utilities moved In an Irregular manner, but the leading issues showed gains at times followed by moderate reac tions. There was little movement to the Stand ard Oil issues, fluctuations even In the more active issues being narrow, general ly consisting of trifling losses Vacuum Oil sold ex-dividend. That stock and Humble Oil were firmly held aa they have been during the period of unsettled con ditions In other Standard oil issues. Mis cellaneous issues were quiet with a few showing declines Generally the market waa of a pre-holiday character. New York. Aug 29 —Following la the official hat of transactions on the New York Curb Exchange, giving all bonds traded in. Domestic Bonde. 9 Allied Packer 6s 61 <9 48 40 A G A E 6s .98% 98% 98% 9 A Ice Co Te 103 101 102 JO A Boll Mills Cs 100S 10*% 10*% 12 A Sum Tob 7%s . 80% **% *0% 3 A Thread Co 6e .103% 103% 101% 6 Ana Copper ‘a . ltl% 103% 103% 4 Anglo A Oil 7 % s .103% 1*3 % 103% 1 A S Hdwe <%■ . 87% »?% »7% 2 A G A W I la . 83 89 83 1 C N H #q 7e.Ill 111 111 1 C K 1 A V 6%s .10*% loo% 10"% ft Childs Co 6s 103% 1*3% 10’% ftCltles 8 Ts "C_ 97% *7% 97% 9 Cities A Is * !>•• 96 9 8% 96 2 Con Gas B 8%....101 101 loi l Con Gas B 6%s 10>% 101% 101% 41 Con Textlis 8s _ 77% 78% 78% 1 Cuban Tsl 7%s .104% 104% 104% 1# Deers A Co 7%s .10* If* 1%3 9 Detroit C Gas is 10* luS 109 l Osl Pig OU 7s 108% 108% 108% 94 Oen Pst «s . . .100% 1*0% 100% 9 Grand Trunk 4%s 101% 10|% 1*8% 1 Gulf OU 8a . 94% 91% 91% 1 Hood Hub 7s _102 101% 103 10 Inter Match 4%# .. 97% 97% 97% 7 Kenne Cop 7a _104% 104% 104% 4 I/«h Val Harb 8s .. 99% 99% 99% 11 Lib. McN A L 7s ..100 100 100 1 Manitoba 7e .1«0 loo 100 4 Morris A Co 7s . 99 91% 96% IS Nat Leather 9s ...100% 100% 100% * N O Pub Ser 8s .. 86% 84% 86% 1 Nor S P 4%s ... 9- 97 *7 4 Nor 8 P evt «%s .100% 100 KJ 4 Park A Telford 4a *2% 92 92 % 11 P 8 C of N J 7s 108% 104% 108% 10 Purs Dll 4%s 98% 9f% 98% 1 8 O N Y 7s 1930. 106% 104% 104% 1 8 O N Y 7s 1991..107% 107% 1*7% 1 Sun 011 7s . ..1<>2% 1*2% 1*2% 99 Swift A Co fts >4% 94 94 4 Tidal Osage 7s ..1"4 104 104 9 U K L A P 8 % s 97% 97% 97% Foreign Honda. 1 K Nath’ 6a 71... 96% 94% 98% *0 Russian 4%s ... 17% 14% 14% 8 Rus •% s ctfs N C 17% 17% 17% 9 Solvay A Co 4s 100% 100% 10«% 11 Swim ft %s -101% 101% 101% Chicago Stocks. Furnished by J 8 Rache A Co 114 >maha National Ranh building. Phone »A. 81 17 89-89. Bid Asked Srmour A Co III nfd ....40 • *% trmour Co Dal pfd 84 *0% tlbert Pick . 14% 19 Ftaselck Alemlts . 12 32 % ["arbide . 40% 41 ■Cdlson Com .132 1*2% 'ont'l Motors .. *% 7 % "“udahy ... *4% 4S lanlel Bonn" . 13% l'% "Mamend Match ..116% 117% >eere nfd . 73 76 Cddy Paper . 18 Hid Mbby 6% £% ‘iatl T.eathar . 3% .1% Quaker Oats .198 996 le« • Motors . 16% twlft A Ce .106% 106% Iwift Inti . 16 % 16% rhompeon . 43% 46% Vahl . % S A’rlgley .47% 47% fellow Mfg Co . 11% 62 rellow Ceh . 46% 46% liberty Bonds New York. Aug 99 —Liberty bonde. 1 * liberty. «%a 100 94: first. 4%s, 10197 iscond, 4 % •. 10*19, third, 4%s. 101 99 ourth. 4 %s. 101 19; V. * govsrnment. I % s 1Q4 16 Omaha, Aug. It. BUTTER Creamery—Local jobbing *rl*M t* re tailers: Extras, S9c; extra* in tlba* 31c; standards. I8c; firsts, 17c. Dairy—Buyers ars paying Ter best table butter In rolls or tubs; 27018c for packing stock. For best sweet, sssalt ed buttsr, 31c. BUTTERFAT. For No. 1 cream Omaha buysrs ars paying 26c per lb. at country stations, lie delivsred at Omaha. FRESH MILK. Beginning September 1 pries quotable. 12.10 per cwt. for fresh milk testing I s butterfat, delivered on dairy platform, Omaha. EGGS. For eggs dellvereo Omaha, on loss-off basis, $*.40 08.76 per case. For No. 1 fresh eggs, graded basis, 10032c per dos en; seconds. 24021c; cracks. 21022c. Prices above are for eggs receised in new or No. 1 wliltewood cases; a deduc tion of 26c will be made for second-hand cases. No. 1 eggs must be good average size, 44 lbs. net. No. 2 eggs, seconds, consist of small slightly dirty, stained or washed eggs. Irregular shaped, shrunken or weakened egge. In some quarters a fair prsmlum Is being paid for selected «ggs, which must not be more than 4* hours old, uniform In size and color (meaning ell solid colors— all chalky white or all brown, and of ths same shAde). The shell must bs clean and sound and ths eggs weigh 26 ounces per dozen or over. Producers must necessari ly deliver their own eggs to benefit by this latter classification. Jobbing prlcas to retailers: U. 8. spe cials, 160 37c: U. 8. extras, commonly known as selects 32 0 33c; No. 1 small, 2*029c; checks, 24025c. POULTRY. Prices quotable lor No. 1 stock alive: Broilers, 1H02 lbs. 26028c; 202H lbs.. 23026c; Leghorn broilers. 20023c; hens, 4 lbs, 180L’oc; hens under 4 lbs., 16017c; leghorn hens, 12 014c; roosters, 10012c; ducks, f. f. f. young. 12c; old ducks, f.f.f., 10012c; geese, f.f.f., 10 012c; pigeons. $1.00 per dozen. Under grade poultry paid for at market value. Sick or crippled poultry not want ed and will not be paid for. Jobbing prices of dressed poultry (to retailers): Springs soft, 3503*c; broilers, 36038c: hens, 21025c; roosters, 11019c; ducks 22 025c; geese. 15 020c. FRESH FISH. Jobbing prices quotable as follows: Fancjr white fish, 24c; lake trout. 10c; halibut, 25c; northern bullheads, large, 20022c* catfish, 28092c; Diet of haddock. 27c; black cod sable fish, 18c; red snap per, 27c; flounders. 20c; crapples 25c; black bass. 32c; Spanish mackerel, 1H to 2 lbs.. 25c; yellow pike, 22c; striped bass, 22c- white perch. 14c; pickerel, 15c; chtnook salmon, 30c; silver salmon. 22c; frozen fish, 204c less than prices above; ling cod 12c. CHEESE. American cheese, fancy grade, Jobbing price quotable as follows; 8ingle daisies. 23 He; double daisies, 29c; square prints, 24c; young Americas. 24c; longhorns. 23c. brick. 23c; llmburger, 1-lb style. $3.25 per dozen; Swiss, domestic, 32c; Imported Roquefort $2c; New York whits, 82c. BEEF CUTS. Wholesale price quotable* No. 1 ribs, 25c; No. 2. 23c; No. 3, 14c; No. 1 loins. 36c; No. 2. 12c; No. 2 lie; No. 1, rounds, 20c; No. 2, 19 He; No. 9. 12 He; No. 1 chucks. 15 He; No. 2. 16c- No. I $Hc; No. 1, plates 6 He. No. 2. 9c; No. 9. I He „ FRUITS. ^obblng prices. Drapes—Concords, standard basket. 40c; j Tokay's, crate, $3.00; malagas, crate, 1 $2.25. Apples—Early Harvest, per bushel bas ket, 81.76; California Gravensteins box. $2 2603.60; Wealthy, basket. $1 50! Pears—Western Bartlett, per box. $4 00; Colorado. do, bushel basket, 93.60; ^ Peaches—Elberta, bushel besket, $2.76 Plums—California. per crate. $2,26 0 1 00. Italian prunes. 16-lb. case. $1.30. Bananas—Per lb. 7^c. Lemons—California, extra fancy, per box, $7 00. fancy, per box, $4 00; choice, per box, $5.60; limes. 100 count, carton $2 00. Oranges—Valenclae, extra fancy, per box. $4.0008.00 VBGurf ABLE*. Jobbing prices. Cantaloupe—Crate standards or Jumbo, $4 00; ponies. $3 75 ; flats. $1 40. Cauliflower—Per crate. $2.50. Cucumbers—Home grown fancy. 90c; per market basket; hothouse, besket. $1 00. ^Hjmey Dew Melons—C to 12 !a crate. Celery—Oregon, dox. stalks, 91.3101.7$: Michigan, doz.. 76c. Peppers—Green, market basket. *1*0. Parsley—Per dozen bunches, f 00 76c. Radishes—20c per dozen bunches. ^ Beane—Oreea or wax, market basket. ^Potatoes—Home grown, in sack* lHe Sweet Corn—20 0 25e p*r dozen. Watermelons—Crated. $ melons 30 2He per lb. Tomatoes—Climax basket, about II Iba.. $1 00. Lee are—Head per crate, $4 00; per dozen $1.76; leaf per dozen. 40c Cabbage—2 He per lb.; crates. 2c per lb. Roots—Beets, carrot* and turnips, mar ket basket. 60c. Onions—Spanish, erate. 5$ lbs, 12.50; California, white. In sank* 4c per lb ; home grown red. 2c per lb., home grown, dozen hunches. 26c 8wee* Potatoes—Southern 60-lb. ham per. $3 25. FLOUR Prices quotable, round lots Csss than carload lota, f o. b. Omaha. follow. Tlrst patent. In 91-lb. bags. $6 9007.©0 per bbl : fancy clear. In 4*-!b baga. 91.79 05 84 per bbl.; white or yellow cornmee.. $2.70 per 94® pounds. FEED. Market quotable per ton. carload lots. f. c, b Omaha. Mill Feede—Bran. atandard. $23 00; brown ahorta. $24 500 27.00; gray shorts. $29 50; flour middlings, $30.60, reddog, 197.60034 0C. Hominy Feed—White or yellow. 919 00 Digester Feeding Tankage— 60 per cent protein. 960.00 Linseed Meal — 34 per cent protein, fu ture delivery $50 40. Cottonseed Msal—4S per eent protein. 951.00. Alfalfa Meal—Choice September and October $29 00; No. l, September and Oc tober. $2* 50; No. 2, September and Oc tober. 923 50. Buttons! k- • Condensed, for feeding tn bbl. lota. * 41c per lb.; flake buttermilk. 500 to 1.500 lbs. >e lb. Egg Shells—Dried end ground, 100-Ib. begs, ton lots. 926.00 per ton. HAT. Nominal quotation*, carload lots: Upland Prairie—No. 1. 912 60011 61; No I. $10 00012 09, No 1. 97.90C $00. Midland Prairie—No. 1. $11 00012 00 No 2. I9 0O01O0O; No. 3. 16 0001 00. Lowland Prairie—No. 1. 16 000 9 CO, No 1. $6 0001 00. Pecking Hey—$15007 80. Alfalfa—Choice * I • 0^010 09 No 1. $11 O0ffl7 00. standard. $11.00014 00 Ne 2. $1100012 00. X* J. $9 00011 00. ^ Straw—Oat, $9 0009 00; wheat, $7 000 HIDES. WOOL, TALLOW Prices are quotable as follows, delivered Omaha, dealer* weights and selections Hides—Seasonable No 1. 9 He. No 2 7He green ?H0*V. bul.s. 7Hs. brand •<*. ‘V- *!«« hide*. SHc. calf, 13011V; kip. 1109V glue skint. *c; dry hldea. 11c. dry salted. 9c; dry glue. dea cons. $1.00 each; horse bides $4 0002 00 ponies and glue* $1 5fl each; colta, 26c each; hog skins. 15c each. Wool—Pelts tl 2502 n© #tch depending 'n size and length of wool, lambs. 6Oc0 $1 26 etih. dqj'endlng on stge and length wool; t .ratlines 20030c each. dire. io value, wool. “2040c Tallow and Grease- No. 1 tallow, Tc. I itr ~ ~"7- ~i WHAT SCHOOL OR COLLEGE? The School and College Bureau of The Omaha I Bee will help you in the selection of a school, col lege or university. Information about the best insti tutions of any classification will be furnished upon , your filling out the blank below: — Accountancy —CWa' Boarding School — Advertlaing School —Cirle' School ■—Art School -—Jaumntlam — Banhlng and Finance — Kindergarten Train log I—1 —Law Schaa. — Boye' School —Buelneae Administration — Medicine —Buelneee College (Co-educatloaal) —Military A cadency For Cirla and Women —Muafc —Buaiaeaa College —Normal School —Catholic Schoole lor Bore —Nut are' School —Catholic Schoole tor Cirla —Pharmacy —Collage tor Young Women —Phytical F due at loo School —CoHrgo or Unlverelty —Retail Management — Den(tarry —School ot Commerce —Elocution. Oratory and Dramatic —Sales Manager Art —Corny tome ter School Location yrelarrej ,,,,,,,.....e. Pretoetaat ... Calk alia ................. Noma ... *.e......... . ......... Addreeg... Encloss 2c Stump und Mail to School and College Bureau THE OMAHA BEE Omaha, Nab. ..rifiiMs.——— p” tob«f cricClInga. MO.00 p« tou J basawax. $30-0$ per ton. liMldOR JgOBSy • _ • . * • t.. 29—Bar Sllvar—-IT T.l* ?SS? 5S* thraa montha. I 6-16 per cant. New York lflotola. New York. Aur electrolyte epot and nearby, 13H013H . future,, llHOlUr- . ,. if tie. Tin—Firm; ipot end future,. $1 200 Iron—Steed, end unchaneed futuroa, « 26c. ,, Antimony—Spot, 10 2i«. M. larato Grata Futura*. at. Louis. MO.. >u«. 10 -whool ruluroo —goptambor. ll.MMi Dacamber lU2»% Corn—Saptembor. 11.16%. Dacambo , $1.11%. .... Oate—Saptsmbar, 60Hc Mtnnfapolli Floor. Minneapolis. Minn., Aug. Unchanged to 10c higher Family aataata. 17.3607.40. Bran. 136 0" New York »1Ito». Naw York, Au*. M—Bar Bllrar—$$«*. Maxlean Dollar!—32%c. Chicago Potato—. Chicago. Au* 29 —Potatoo#—Trading very aiow. market weak; receipt*. *6 aara. total U. S. ahipmenta. 4H c.r.. K.r.a. aacked Irlah cobbler., $1.$001.16 Mla aourl aacked Irlah cobbler*. 4U00ei.l6. Minnesota *acked early Ohio*. fOcOtl.OS. hulk, «5c®l 00; Nebraska aacked aarlv Ohio*. 11.00® 1.16; New Jereey aacked Irlah cobbler., $1.76®1 46. New York Prodace. .... New York, Au* 39—Butter—Market firm, tecelpta, 13,341 pounds, creamery, higher than extra*. 39%«40c; ereamery. extraa 192 score), 34 % 4/ 39c; craamary, "rata <94 to 91 ac or. >11\® i 4% c; pack - In* atock. current make. No. I, *7He. Egga—Market Irregular; receipt., 11,111 caeea. Pacific eoaat whltaa, axiraa. un '"cheea#—Market ateady; racalpta. 111,$71 pounds. __ Chicago Boater. Chicago. Aug *9.—The butter market todav continued firm on practically all grades, with trading fair. Suppllea of 93 acore butter were more liberal and btry ers found It easier to buy this grade. Medium and lower acore* firmly held with supplies light In spits of heavier re ceipts. The centralized cars were firm with alow demand on 99 acore. The 49 acora cars were short and wanted but with no ailea reported Freeh butter. 92 score, 17c; $1 acore 3C;*e; 99 score, 37%c: 99 acora, 15c; 66 acore. 34 % -: 47 acore. 33%c; 4* score. 12c. Centralized car lots: 90 score, 3$%c; 69 score, 37c; 44 acore. 34c Boaton Wool. Boston, Aug 29.—A good business I# being transacted In wool Prlcea ar* very strong There is call for about all grades from fine to quarter-blood. Detains wools continue In demand at prlcea ranging from £5c to 68c. depending on shrinkage. Some activity haa developed In the for eign wools and quite a movement la m progress. New York Ge»erml. New York. Aug 28—Flour—Steady; winter straight 16.0606.16; hard winter atralghta. 64.1506 60. ^ Cornmeal—Unsettled; fin# whits and yellow granulated, 62.600 3 60. Rye—Firm; No 2 western. 99He f. o. b. New York and 97 He o. 1. f export. Wheat—Spot firm; Dark Northern apring c 1 f New York lake and rail. 91 56 No 2 hard winter f. o. b lake and rail, I138H; No 1 Manitoba do.* 61-S2H; No. 2 mixed durum do., 61 26 Corn—Spot firmer No S yellow e i. f. trsrk New York laks and rail, 61 61; No. 2 mixed do. 61 36. Oats—Spot firm; No. t whits. 69 H0 66c. Feed—Barely steady; city bran, 160 Jound aacks. S23 00; western bran, 21 50. I.ard—Strong; mlddleweet, 614 46 tq 61 4 55. Hay^—Barely steady; No 1. 630 #0. Hope—Easy; state. 1921, 32 028c; Pa cific roaiat. 1923, 23026c Tallow—Easy, special loosa, 8 He; ex tra*, 8%e. South Omaha Brevities v - ^ BREWER AMB'TLANCE ftKRYlJE. PHONE MA. 1214. Road Conditions. ITurniahed by tha Omaha Auto CYtab ) Roada In all diract'.ona leading aut of Omaha reported to ba la fair ta food condition. BEE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. Swift ft Company Data Stock Tarda Chicaao Dividend No. 155 Dividend <rf TWO DOLLABS 22.00 par Aar* ra tb* capital ptock ef Swift A Compear win be naidea Octabar L1924. taateckbaldanaf racerd. Septambar 10,1*24. aa Aewa ra tkabaekaaf tba Coin pear. C. A. rKACOCK. Baaratarr DR. SCOUTEN DENTIST 311-312 Paxton Block JA ckaon 1085 For Sale l 2,000 Steers Good quality. 3 and 4-year-olds. For Information write or call P. P. MADDOX North Platte. Neb.