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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1924)
Walter Johnson Hurls His Team to Second Straight Victory Over Yanks - (f Veteran Senator Is Injured When He Stops Liner Joe Bush Pitching for New Yorkers Is Unable to Cope With Washington’s Speed. EW TOHK, Auk 29.—The Wash ington club in creased its lead In the American race here today, winning the sec ond game of the series with the New York Yank ees, 6 to 1. The veteran Walter Johnson, after a great exhibition of pitching, had to retire in the eighth lnnlnff; his right hand In stopping a hot liner from Schang's bat. He struck out seven men, trot ting Meusel three times. New York had seven men left on bases in the second, third snd fourth innings. In the fourth inning New York filled the bases with none out, but failed to score. Bush also pitched well, but Wash ington made the best of its six hits. Goslin, yesterday’s batting star, got a home run and two singles today. He scored three runs and drove in a fourth. During the two games Goslin has driven out seven hits for 19 bases. Score: WASHINGTON (A! NEW YORK <A) ah.h po.a.f, ab h.po.a.f. M N'yrf-rf 5 0 1 0 0 Witt ct 5 2 6 0 0 Harris 2b 3 0 2 1 0 Dugan 3b 3 0 2 2 0 Rice rf-cf 3 110 0 Ruth rf 2 12 0 1 Goslin If 4 3 4 0 0 Meusel If 4 12 0 0 Judtfe lb 3 16 1 OPipp lb 2 17 0 0 R!uege 3b 4 0 1 2 0 Schang c 3 14 0 0 Ruel c 3 0 9 0 0 Ward 2b 3 12 10 Peck ss 4 1 3 3 0 John’n ms 1 1 0 0 0 Johnson p 3 0 0 1 0 8cott as 3 0 3 4 0 Marberry p 0 0 0 2 OsHendrlck 1 0 0 0 0 ■-M'N'ljr 2b o o 0 0 o Totals 32 I 27 10 0 Hush p 4 0 0 3 0 Totals 31 I 27 10 1 rBaMed for Scott In eighth. Score by Innings: Washington .020 001 020—5 New York .uno ooo 010—l Summary—Runs: Rice. Goslin (3), Judge, Pipp. Two-base hit: Rice. Three base hit: Judge Home run: Goslin. Siolen base: Harris. Sacrifice hits: Ruel. Marberry. Double plays: Marberry to Peck to Judge; Bluege to Harris to Judge. Deft on bases: New York, 10; Washington, 6. Bases on balls: Off Bush, 2; off Johnson, 4. Struck out: By Bush. 3; by Johnson. 7. Hits: Off Johnson. 6 5n 7 1.3 Innings; off Marberry. 2 In 1 2-3 innings. Hit by pitched ball: By John, son. Ruth: by Bush. Judge Winning pitcher: Johnson. Umpires: Nallin. Mo rlarity and Holme*. Time: 2:10. t Ehmke’s Hurling Defeats Phillies Boston, Aug. 29—Khm'.* pitched *f feotivaly against I’hiUi-lohia today and Boston won its third e.rtUnt ga;n a In ihn scries. 5 to 1. Hits off Bryan. Har ris. coupled with passes gave Boston four runs. Khmke fanned seven batters. Score: PHILADELPHIA (A) BOSTON* (A) ih.h.po.a e ab.h po a e Hale 3b 4 2 0 0 OFlag’ad cf 4 3 0 0 0 T.nmar If 4 2 4 1 OWamby 2b 3 1 2 1 0 Miller rf 4 110 0 Boone rf 3 0 0 0 0 Hauser lb 4 0 0 1 1J H ris lb 21 7 u 1 Mlm’na cf 4 14 0 OVearh If 3 0 3 0 0 Dykt 2b 4 2 2 l 0 Clark 3b 3 13 10 Chap'll ss 4 0 2 2 1 O’Neil c 4 19 10 Bruggv c 2 0 4 0 OGeygan ss 4 13 2 0 xBlah^p 1 0 0 0 UEhlAka p 4 10 2 0 <?ib4on c 0 0 0 0 0 — nKirondt 1 0 0 0 0 To'rls 30 f 2V 7 1 n H’rta p 1 0 1 3 0 * Welch 1 0 0 0 0 Burns p 0 0 0 0 0 xii'marh 1 1 0 o o Meeker p 0000 0 Totals 35 9 24 * ** /Hatted for B. Harris In sixth. /Hatted for Bruggy In <Khth. •/Batted for Burns In eighth. ■/Batted for Gibson In ninth. Score by Innings. Philadelphia .....000 000 01©—1 Boston .004 001 00*—5 Summary—Runs: Helmarh. Flagstesd. Warn by. Bonne. Vearh, Khmke Two-base hits: Dykes, Miller. Wamby. Clarke. Siolen bases- J Harris, Khmke. Sacri fice hits: J. Harris Double plays: B Harris to Hauser; Lamar to Hauser ♦ n Dykes: Hauser (unassisted). Left on bases: Philadelphia. 7: Boston. 7 Bases on balls: Off B. Harris. 4; off Burns. 1. Struck out: Bv B. Harris. 3; by Burns. 1: bv Khmke. 7 Hits: Off B. Harris. I In 5 innings; off Burns. 2 In 2 Innings; oft Meeker. 1 in 1 Inning. Passed ball: Bruggy. Losing pitcher: B. Harris. Urn* fires; Hildebrande and Connolly. Time: 19. At Cleveland—Carl Tremaine, bantam weight. outpointed Bud Taylor. Terrs Haute. 10 rounds: Kid Durand. Montreal flyweight, outpointed Scotty Raeburn, 6 r l,l|nda Have Good Hair And Clean Scalp Cuticura - Soap and Ointment ^ Work Wonders Try Our Now4hTThSittt,<rtc-— ’ ADVERTISEMENT. HELPED HER ID EVERY WAY So Write* Mrs. Trombley of Sharon, Vt., Concerning Lydia E; Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sharon, Vermont.— “I was weak and run-down, had a tired feeling and bearing-down pains. I saw an ad vertisement in the newspaper about Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound and be gan taking it. It has stopped these bearing-down nains and other bad feelings, and has helped me in every way. I have so much faith in the Vegetable Com pound that I keep it on hand all of the time and recommend it whenever I have the opportunity.” — Mrs. Lewis Trombley, Sharon,Vermont. Glad to Help Other* “I had pains in my back and sidps for many months, and my work would have to be left undone at those times. My sister told me what good Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound was doing her, so I tried it, and from the third bottle I was well and everyone , thought I looked better. I am glad to help others regain their health. and {ou may use my testimonial. — Iabel Hartmann, 1824 Greene Ave , Hrooklyn, N. Y. You must believe that a medicine that, haahcljicd other women will help you. WENSMAN LEADS TRAPSHOOTERS Dayton, O., Aug. 29.—Some of the world's best trap shooters contested here today for supremacy In the greatest of all trap events, the Orand American Handicap tournament. Preliminaries were run of yester day with W. D. Wensman of Fre mont, O.. turning In the high score with 99 out of 100 targets. St. Louis Takes Two From Detroit St. Louis. Aug. 29 —St. Lnuja decreased Detroit's lead for third place today by defeating the Tigers both games of a double-header here. Dixie Davis shut out Cobh's men in the first game, 3 to 0. Staler was forced to use three pitchers to take the second game, the Browns bringing In three tallies in the ninth In ning to overcome a 6-4 lead and win, 7-6. Manush drove out three doubles in four times at bat. scoring one run In the sec. ond Score l ira* game: . DETROIT 'A) ST. LOUIS (A) ab.h.po.a.e. ab.h.po.a.e. Burke *b 3 0 4 2 Tobin rf 4 2 2 0 0 Mn’ush It 4 0 2 0 •> McM’an 3b 3 0 0 1 0 Cobb cf 4 110 0 Staler lb 4 13 0 0 Jleil’nn rf -<111 0 Willi'a if 41300 Jones 3b 4 0 2 1 0 McM'us 2b 2 1 3 6 0 O’JVke ss 4 1 3 0 J’bson cf 4 1 0 0 0 Tratt lb 4 2 8 o 0 Severeid c 1 1 9 0 0 Hurler c. 3 12 3 1 Gerber a* 2 0 2 2 0 Wh'hHll p 2 0 1 3 0 Davis p 3 1 0 2 o Totals 32 6 24 13 3 Totals 27 8 27 10 0 Score by innings: Detroit .ftftft ftftft ftft®—0, St. Louie .000 3j Fummarv—Runs: Tobin, McManus,' Severeid. two-base hits: Jacobson. Pratt, j Staler. Stolen base: Severeid. Sacrifice hits; McMillan. Severeid Double plays: Burke to Pratt; Whitehlll to Jones; Pratt. (unassisted); McManus to Gerber to Sis-, ler. Left on bases; Detroit. 8; St. Lout* 6. Bases on balls; Off White hill. 4; off Davis, 3. Struck out: By Whitehlll, 1; by Davis. f>. Umpires. Evans and Owena. Time: 1:48. Second game: DETROIT (A) ST. LOTTS (A) ab.h.po.a.e. ab.h.po.a.e Hanev flh 4 10 10 Tobin rf 4 ft 4 « 0 O’R'rke 2b 6 1 2 2 OM'M'an 3tf 3 ft 1 2 1 Cobb cf 6 0 4 0 U Staler lb 6 3 11 1 •* H’mann rf 5 2 0 ft 0 Wil ms If 6 2 3 ft <> Pratt lb 6 1 19 0 1 M M us 8b 4 0 4 2 0 Rignev sa 4 2 16 OJacson cf 4 1 2 0 0, Manush If 4 3 3 « 0 Severeid c 410??! Woodall . 3 1 3 0 0 Gerber as 2 12 f> ( Leonard p 3 0 ft 3 1 Wingard p 110 0 0 Basalt r c 0 0 3 0 OVan’der p 0 0 0 1 0 -. D'forth p ft 0 ft ft 0 Totals 31 11*26 12 2 xEvans 0 0 2 ? ? /Collins 0 0 0 0 0 /Rob’tson 1 ft 0 0 0 Totals 83 9 27 11 1 xTwo out when winning run scored. /Batted for Wingard In seventh. /.Baited for Vangilder in ninth. /Batted for McMillan In ninth. Score by Innings: Detroit ."00 011 031 6 St. Louis . 200 000 203 -7 Summary -Runs: O'Rourke Cobb, Heilmann, Pratt, Rlgney. Manush. lobln, McMillan. Staler, Jacobson, Severeid. Ger ber, Collins Two-base hits: Staler, Manush (3), Rlgney, Heilmann Three base hits: Heilmann. Sisler. Sscrlfices. Leonard. Wingard. Evans Double play: O’Rourke to Kigney to Pratt. Left on bases: Detroit. 8; St. Louis. 7. Bases on balls; Off Leonard. 6; off Vangilder. 2. Struck out: By Leonard, 3. lilts Off Wingard. 6 in seven Innings; off Dnn forth. 4 in two-thirds Inning: off \angil der, 1 in one and one-third innings: Wii-l pitch: Danfnrth. Winning pitcher: Van gilder. Umpires: Owens and Evans. Time: 1:64. __ Balie Ruth of Bushes. Fort Worth. Tex., Aug. 29.—Clar ence Kraft. shipper de luxe of the Fort Worth Hub, has made his 50th home run of the season and with 21 frames to play, Is helnp urped by the Panther fans to equal Babe Ruth's world record of 59 home runs. Kraft, first-sacker of the Texas rhamplons for six years, has a batting average of .359 thia year. Guarantee Funds and Overlands Play Final Series Game Winner of Contest Today Will Meet Firgt M. E. Chureh Team for Title. But one game will l»e on the boards this afternoon for the followers of amateur baseball. At 3 p. m. at Fontenelle park the Guarantee Fund Llfes, winners of the Commercial league, will tangle with the Over land Tires, title winner* of the In dustrial loop In the third game of the three-game aeries for the right to play the First M. E. Church Mon day afternoon for the Saturday ama teur title. These two teams split a double header a couple of Saturday* ago and last Sunday the Overland Tires trimmed the Guarantees, * to 7, ir, 11 innings but the game was ordered replayed by the grievance committee when the umpire allowed one of the Overland players to score from sec ond base on an overthrow, whereas, the rules on mnny grounds state that but one base is allowed a runner on an overthrow'. These Civo teams are pretty evenly matched, judging from their past meetings and a good game is looked for. Don Huston the blond hatred curve ball artist will he on the mound for the rubbermen while the Insur ance crew will send "Chubby" Sem ernd to the firing line. The lineups: Overland Tire* Tea. Guarantee T"d». Bennlng .V. B V. Braaaman Weaver ..H B. Tolliver Di Giacomo .T.B. J Braaaman Meier .S. S. Redden Steven* .1». F.. Kemmv Baumgardner ...O. i*. I au' Benjamin .H. S'. hitch I.andman .H. **. Chambers S warts .C. Kouac-h Button .V. lie m era d Tryon .P. Paterson GOLFER SHOOTS LOWEST SCORE Sioux Falls, S D., Aug. 29.—. What is believed to be the lowest golf score ever turned In for nine holes on an established course In the state or the northwest, was attained by G. M. Foster, municipal links player, here this week when he reg istered a 29 for the nine-hole Colum bus course, the municipal golf links. Foster s mark was made in tourna ment play and was witnessed by Ills opponent, G. R. Sibson of Sioux Falls, who in spite of a 37, one over bogie, for the round lost six of the nine holes to his precocious ad versary. Besides breaking the course record of V by two strokes, and shooting under par by the same number rf strokes, Foster is believed to have ac commpllshed the feat of breaking 3d for nine houies for the first time in the history of South Dakota golf. The municipal course is not of standard length, being only 2.1*0 yard* in length, hut It is said to eom Bt \'CLA&~'I bHIbK' ■ ««^HI|MWBI^B **, , (><^^^HuB B B Bb B V B I ^SfflffiH /?-> / Starting Saturday — 41_^a For Three Weeks [ It’s Benson’s Most Popular Stage and Dance / Orchestra, presented in Elaborate Costumes f S With Special Dance Muaic Ta An Event to be Welcomed by I Both Dancers and Music Lovers JjSDt Official Labor Day Program • S MONDAY, SEPT. 1 J AUSPICES CENTRAL LABOR BODY j# Phil La Follette Speaking is 2:30 P. M. " , n .'\ GAMES — STUNTS — PRIZES 4 DANCING AFTERNOON AND EVENING A I • pars favorably with municipal links anywhere in this section of South Dakota or the northwest. To shoot his 29, Foster accomplish ed the feat of making six successive three's on the first six holes. Then he took two fours and finished with a birdie three. The previous course record was held by James Ashley of Sioux Falls, who twice negotiated the round in a par 31. Indians and Chisox Battle 10 Frames Cleveland. Aug 29. Myatt's single following a phhs to Speaker and a sacri fice by Sewell, enabled Cleveland tn d*. feat. Chicago In the 10th inning here to. day, 5 to 4 I’hle outpltchrd Robertson, fanning six hitters, but hip support failed in th* fifth Inning and the Whits Fox scored three men. Score: CHICAGO! A) CLEVELAND (A) ab.h po a e ab h.po.s e Arc'ron cf fi o 2 o OJam'son If 4 2 SO 0 Hooper rf 6 2 3 0 OClarke rf 6 0 4 0 0 Collins 2b 6 2 6 2 OSpeaner cf 3 1 0 0 1 Clancy lb 6 19 0 0J. Sew. ps 4 1 > 1 1 Falk if 4 3 3 1 l.Myatt c 6 17 3 0 Kamm 3b 4 1 2 3 oBrower lh 4 lid 2 1 M’hart ba *’011 OSte'aon 2b 43130 Sch a Ik. c 3 0 3 1 0 Yoter 3b 3 1 U 3 1 Rob'son ,» 4 10 2 OUhle p 4 12 3 0 Totals 37 10x28 10-1 Totals 36 11 30 16 4 xun« out when winning run srorsd. Chicago .000 030 100 0—4 Cleveland , ..001 201 00 1—6 Summary—Rune: Hooper. Collins !2), Robertson* Jamieson, Speaker, Brower, Stephenson, Yoter. Two-base hits; Speaker. Brower. Jamieson. Three-base hit: Hooper. Stolen baao: Collins. ;>*«• riflce hits: flchalk, Jamleaon. Sewell. Double plays: Myatt to Sewell; Brower to Sewell to Uhle. Left »»n bases: Chi cago. 7: Cleveland, V Bases on balls: Off (’hie, 3; off Robe fa. 6. Struck oJt: By Uhle. fi; by Robertson. 1. Umpire*: Dineen, Rowland and Ormaby. Time: 2:10. Bellevue Wants Game*. The Bellevue Athletic club would like to schedule » couple of fast Omaha teams to play a double header ngalnst the clubmen on their grounds in Bellevue Sunday. For games with the Bellevue crew cell the man ager of the Athletic club baseball team at Bellevue. Three Birdies W^in Match. Hastings, Neb., Aug. 29.—Shooting three blrdlee and three holes in par in the final round, John Uerllng defeated Harry Russell, 2 up and 1 to play In the Hastings golf tournament, for the seventh consecutive time that he has won the title, i ' ERNEST TORRENCE B and ■ ANNA Q. NILSSON in “The Side Show of Life” - On <ha Staga — t The Strand Kiddies Rem 1 1 Starting Sunday /f R.UDOLPM fl .'Monsieur Beaucafre' I Boston Swats Phillies to Win Philadelphia. Aug. 70—Boston pounded it* way to a victory over Philadelphia here today, a to 4. Seven of Boston's 12 hits were for extra bases, with Tlernay getting a double and a homer Score: BOSTON <N) PHILA. (N) nb h po a.e. ab.h po a e. Thomas rt 4 0 1 ft 0 Mokpn If 4 0 2 A 1 Shay 2b S 1 4 X '* Schultx rf 4 1 A n A Stengel rf R 2 A A ft Willi's cf 3 2 4 1 « Mel'ls 1b 5 1 10 ft ftWh'ne 3b 4 n A 3 A c’gbrm If 4 1 4 A ft Ford 2b 4 1 4 A A Tierney 3b 4 2 2 2 0 Ford as 4 1 2 A A Gibson. c 4 .3 X 1 A Holke lh 4 .3 11 A A Smith 4 1 2 A A Ifcnllne o 4 1 X 1 « Cooney p 4 1 A 2 A OVhger P ! 1 M 0 __— rWflenn 1 ft A ft A Totals 37 1 2 2.H0 Gotjch n ft A A l ft fP’ktnaon l 1 a ft o Tolala SR 11x24 1» 1 Xt'onnev hit hr hatted boll. 2 Bat ted for Oescbger in seventh, i ? Batted for Conch In ninth. Score by innings. Boston ...A2A t*21 Ap—A Philadelphia . . . AOA 00A 2A2—I Summary—Buns; Shay. Steng'-I, Tierney (2). Gibson C’i, Ford, Sand, Holke. Henline. Ttvn-ba*n hltr: Tierney, Htengel (2), Glbaon (2). Mclnnls. Schultz. Parkinson. Three-base hit: Hand. Ho.tte rupa: Tierney, Henline. Double plays. Hand to Ford to Holke; Tierney to Shiiy to Me Inn is. I.eft on baa*s. Boston, A; Philadelphia. *. Bases on halls: Off t'ooney, 7; off Deschgcr, 2 off Couch, 1. Struck out: By Cooney, 7: by oeachg^r. 1; by Com. h. 1. Hits Off Oeachger, 1't ! In seven innings; off Conch, 2 In two In ! ninrs. Jlit by pitched ball: By Ors.-hg'T Hhay. Losing pitcher: Oeschger. Um jplres: Klein and Wilson. Time; 1:||, Slugfest as Cubs Fall Before Cards -—♦ Chicago. Aug ?A—Rt. Lftulp ht the ball for extra baa* s today and defeated ♦he Cubs easily. 12 to R Myers and Blades, who took Hornsby’s place at Mr nnd In the fourth inning, featured with home runs. Hornsby retired because of RICHARD DIX BEBE DANIELS - Unguarded - Women' - Twenty Minute* on a Roof Garden, Featuring BLACKSTONIAN5 WALTER HIERS In “Short Changa" RIAl TO ORGAN I ORCHESTRANEWS | fiiinaniiRWWDmiaiimiDimiiinwantinmmoutinmniciimt. I It ( SEASON OPENS Sunday Matinee | AUGUST 31ST i Box Office Now Open - • A. M. TO » P. M. i I And a Great Supportiug Bill } | JEAT4 ARK NOW RRI.LINU | FOR THE ENTIRE r I3 Ol'ENPKi WEEK. M%I\F. 101R BB A SOT RK4KKVATIOM NOW. iimiioimmimiD<i]inwmaMmiinnioiiimmwau<imeiimH«u: g Vaudeville.—Photoplay* Srheftrl » Dixie 1 “Southland Follies” 8jj Big 6-Act Bill I DOUGLAS MacLFAN H in The Yankee Consul f STARTS 1 HKI TODAY |; RAMON NOVARRO f BARBARA LA MARR $ “THY NAME 1 IS WOMAN” I I Bert Smith Player* I ARFWFU. WEEK “A Reckless Romeo” and photoplays ’ fgi Omaha's Fun Csnter Mat. and Nit# Today LAST TIMES TODAY-2:15-I:I0 Niblo A Spottier in “Step On It*' Tomorrow (Sun.) Mat. and All Week Lena Daley; ‘Mis* Taba*co' M S#a Ml.I.E. I YANA Lift a live Elephant I .Milas' 2S« Batgaln , 2:1S Week Days All Saata Rea#rv#d Get Them in Advanca tA TYT|T11 STAR T S yl'l'lU TODAY ■ MARRY CARRY ia ■ “The Lightning ■^FlnjdeF^rJoN a wrenched back, but before leaving the lint helped hi* batting average with a single in one time at bat. Score: BT. LOUIS <N.) CHICAGO (N.) ab.hpo.e e, ab.h.po a.e. Smith rf 4 111 lAdami as ft 0 2 4 0 Myers 3b 6 3 2 1 •Stats rf 6 2*00 H mhy 2b 1 1 1 0 OCj'lham 2b 4 12 4 1 Blades 2b 2 12 3 4Wels If 5 2 110 Bretc’r rf 0 0 0 0 OKrlber* 3b • 2 4 0 1 B ley lb2b 6 2 0 2 0Grigsby rf 6 2 0 0 4, Hafey If 3 0 0 fi OOFrel c 6 3 b 2 4 Muirr Cflf 4 3 3 0 0 Cot ter lb 4 2 13 0 0 To'cer ss 4 0 4 4 • Blake p 110 10 Gonzales o 3 1 fi 1 0Wheeler p 2 10 2 0 Net Rail 0 0 0 14 OxChurry 4 0 4 4 0 Haines p 0 0 0 2 HI stead p 0 0 0 0 4 Dyer p 3 0 110 Sherdil p 0 0 0 O 0 Totals 41 14 27 II 2 Totals 34 12 27 15 0 xRatfed for Wheeler in sixth. gt. Louis .3i« 130 143—12 Chicago .030 O0O 012— 6 Summary—Buns: Smith. Myers <3>. Hornsby. Blades (2). Bottoniley (2). Muel ler. Toporrer. Gonxalee, Statz. Wris. Frl berff. Grigsby. O'Farrell. Two-base hits: Eottomley. Mueller. Statx. Smith. Three base hit: Bottomley. Home runs; Blades, Myers. Stolon base: Toporrer. Sacri fices: Hafey. Gonzales. Haines Double plays; Gonzales to Hornsbv; Grantham to Adams to Cotter. Left on bases: St Louis 1 ; Chicago, 11. Bases -on ball#; Off Rlake. 3; off Dyer 2. Hits: Off Haines 5 in one and one-third Innings, off Dyer. 8 »n six and two-thirds Innings; off Rlake 8 in four and one-third Innings; off Mllstead. 2 In one inning; off Wheeler. 2 In three and two-thirds Innings off Sherdel, 3 in one Inning. Struck out: By Haines. 1; by Rlake. 1; by Dyer. 4; by Wheeler. 1; by Mllstead. 2. by Sherdel. 1. Winning pitcher: Dyer. Losing pitcher: Blake. Umpires: Hart and Pfirman. Time: 2:07. __ 5 OMAHA BOYS TO FOOTBALL CAMP Thoma* J. A. Bigelow. Jamea Corr, jr., Robert B. Doug la**, George M. Hnlst and W. Glenn Redfield have left Omaha to attend the football camp of the Kemper Military acade my at HolUater. Mo. The camp open* August 28 and will continue for 10 daya. wDazzy’ Vance Fans Eight Men, Record Brooklyn, Aug 29—When Dftxsy Vane# of Brooklyn struck out eight Giant* to day he advanced hia «trtke out record for the season to 202, five more than his record for lft2S. It was hta 11th straight victory this year, making hi* to**! 23 victoria* and four defeats Hi* pltchjne today enabled Brooklyn to defeat New York. 3 to 1. Score: NEW YORK <N) BROOKLYN (N.) ab.h po a e ah b po a e Groh *b 4 t 1 « ftH’rb 2h 3 0 2 0 o Erlach 2h 4 1 2 b ft M'chall «s ♦ 1 2 2 ft Y >ung rf 2 0 2ft 0 Wheat If 4 1 ft 0 ft Mouse 1 If 4 1 « ft filler lb 2 ft » ft J Kellv ll» 4 1 7 ft ft Frown rf 4 l 2 n ft Wilson f t 4 1 4 0 0 stock Sh 4 1 ft 2 0 T'kson m 3 2 3 4ft C-fith rf 4 <• 2 1 0 Snyder c 2 ft fc 1 ft Deberry c 3 ft 9 l 0 x Terry 1 1 ft ft ft V*nce p 1 ft 1 3 ft Barnes P 3 0 ft 1 ft —. .."77 xO’Connell 1 ft ft ft ft Total* 29 « 2* 10 1 Totals 32 S 24 *.l ft x Bat ten for Snydrr In nlr.lh xBatted for Barnes in ninth New York .Oft l 3 ft ft— 1 Brooklyn .ooo ooo c'x—t Summary—Runa: Yours, Mttrnel, Wh-at. Broun. Two-ba»e birr: Wheat (2i. Stolen baeea: Ornh. Youuf. Brown. Stock, sacrifice hln: J*rk»on. With. Doub.e plo-a: Crlfflih to Deberry: Vance to Fournier. Gaft on boaea: New York. ? Btonklyn. 7. Baau on ball*: Off tanre. 4; off Burnet. 4. STu<k out: By Van-e. S: bv Barney 1. Dmplree: Rlfler, Moran and McCormick. Time: 2 Of. Morrison’s, Carey’s Hitting Wins Game Pittsburgh. Aug. 2*. Two twn-bagf«r* in the ninth inn :ng ope by Morrison and another by Carey, gave Pittsburgh^ a vic tory over Clnrinnati here today. r> to 4. The Rede got six hits off Meadows, who was relieved by Morrison after one was ont in the fifth. Morrison did not allosr a enfe hit while he was on the mound. In the first inning Wright hit a home run with two -men on bases, the ball hounding over Roush’s head. The score; CINCINNATI <N > PITTSBURGH <N> ah b po a e ah h pe s o. Crltz 2b 4 2 13 i Moors rf <12 0 4 fiber t lb 7 1 » 1 • Carey cf < 2 i * * Roush rf 4 110 0 Cutler If 4 1 2 » * Walker if 4 o l n oWright ss 4 114 0 Preenter rf 4 l 4 1 OTreyn’r lb 4 1 l 2 0 PlUelll 3b 3 0 1t» 0 M'vllle 2b 41231 Bohn* sa 4 113 •Grimm lb 4 1 1$ 2 • Hargr’ve c 4 0 7 0 I Gooch c 2 0 10 0 Hheehan p 3 0 0 1 OMeed'wa p 2 1 1 1 0 -Mor son p 2 10 0 0 ToUle S3 6x23 » 1 --7; Totals 16 \i *7 12 1 xOne out when winning run scored. Cincinnati .,.e00 220 000- -4 Pittsburgh .210 000 001—4 Summary— Runs: Crltz. Daubert <!)• Walker Carey. Cuyler. Wright. Meadows. Morrison Two-base hits: Rouah, Bone. Carey, Morrison Three-base hit: Mea dows Home run: Wright Stolen bases: Celt*. Moore. Carey. Double plays: Traynor to Grimm to Traynor; Breeeler to Daubert. Left on bases. Cincinnati, 4? Pittsburgh. *. Ba.*ea on balls: Off Shee han. 2. off Meadow*. 1; off Morrisoa. 1^ Struck out: By Hheehan, 4; by Meadewt.1 1 Hits Off Meadows. 6 in 4 1-1 Jn-j nlng«: off Morri.«o*i. none in 4 2*1 Jn-t nine* Hit by pitched ball. By Sheehan.. Cerey. Winning pitrnvr: Mo-rtsoo. Lm-I plre» Quigley. Sweeney end 0*Dmy. Time: 1 3t. 1 OSTEOPATHY A Dependable System of Spinal Treatment Docs not <lc* Pli>ue/SpirtK' __25 f abox-^Sh Golf Earl & Wilson Hose . Insured Shirts 17 — Reasons at Big Bargains /2. 7for,^ray’s %£ * rice m 7-Day $3.00 shirt. .. $1.95 Cala You know the story of Earl ^& Wilson Insured Shirts— Vou fellow, who have been if they don’t give you a full promising yourself a real 1—To aw., all broken ^ wear—we’ll replace pair of golf hose—come in line*. and let us show you the 2—jD maintain our standard snappiest Hose that ever of Bew good, each season, graced the links—and at „ _ . , „ . . J * . . 3—To turn into u»h all snort I real bargains. . t _ .. I | lets of summer goods. i $1.75 Hose now. 4—To start the new prosperity I pa u tits pvr period with a rush. § $3.50 Hose now $1.4 ft F . 4 . . , . I 5—To acquaint the hundreds | $7.50 Hose now $3.75 of n.w Omaha citizens with | ,, , ,, the Pray policy. I AH weights, all styles, all , I i 'Tj 6—To make room for thr ship- I colors and patterns. m.Bt. ,f f.ll merchandise I I already on the way and in f our store. | faj 7—To familiarise you with our I policy of featuring only the I hast of the nationally known 1 It ^ linas af merchandise. | £ We Don’t Sale f p K \r vi * Ladies Pure ** Very Often, But Qil. W iri ^ W A Sllk H°Se ” H hen W e Do Broken line, and disco.. tinued styles, mostly blacks. P j Relieve us. folks, things move! All good quality hose and Former price* are buried worth every cent of their deeper than a defeated candi- ,rir>nal value. — ^ date in a political landslide! Values We have always upheld our _ , MX policy of selling ALL merchan- *0 $2.4* _ . . , dise in season and boy, we’re ,^ocky( ou"r Che”)' koing to do it if it takes a leg! has been greatly reduced in C»et the Wife to check up VOlir price—and don’t forget that needs right now, fellows. You we carry the largest assort- )and the wife, too) know the :::j,„oo»:f.:,r,d’ Mrt- «iu«i*ty .t prays mPrch»n. dise—there s no better sold anywhere. And these values Soft Collars are big enough to attract the busiest man in town! | Iff* Women w h * .• Men! 35 and 50c Values The Values Rre WjTjS Mostly large and small sizes. _ value 0ff#re<j Every one a real bargain, here. tome in this lot, men, all quality collars, b irst here gets the pick at this oev H dpt pm ridiculously low price. "I,w O'71 cl11' This sale closes Saturday Remember that Pray carries night, September 6th. Seven only the best of nationally days of rapid-fire bargain*— known merchandise. get your, now! FRAY’S Sale Only at Our 1509 Farnam Street Store i