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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1924)
m — ■' ■ ■ ■ i ■ '' * Northern District of Lutheran Body Is in Convention! 17.5 Pastors, Teachers «ndj Lay Delegates Attend Open* * ing of Synod Near Bancroft. With 175 pastor*, teachers, and lay delegates present the convention of ih# northern Nebraska district of the Missouri synod Lutheran church was opened Wednesday morning in the church of Rev. W. Harms, president of the district, near Bancroft Ne braska. Rev. F. Photenhauer of Chicago, president of the Lutheran synod of Missouri, Ohio, spoke in the opening sermon on the divine calling and pur pose of the church of Christ on earth namely to learn the heavenly truth and to teach it. la the afternoon session Rev. Mr. Photenhauer reported that the Mis souri synod Luthern church is now composed of 28 district synods in the United States, Canada, and South America. Fifteen institutions of learn ing, seminaries and colleges, are maintained by this church body of 1,051,000 members. The value of these Institutions Is $3,200,000. Two thou sand six hundred students attend thess institutions. For building and enlarging of these lnstutfons $4,800. 000. was subscribed by members of this church body during the last year, of which about half is already paid. In presenting his annual report, President Harms of the district spoke of the value of the human soul. W. G. Brommer of Omaha, treasurer of the northern Nebraska district, also presented his report, whereupon bal lot)! *or tlle election of the district president were distributed. 'j!wo papers will be read at this convention, one on “The Christian Home," by Rev. G. W. Wolter of Arlington Nebraska, and "The Christ ian^ PHving,” by Rev. Ed Oelschlac ger of West Point, Neb. STORE, HOUSE ROBBED; 2 HELD 8p(W Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Orleans, Neb., Aug. 29.—The store of James MeGeachln was burglarized Wednesday night and $300 In mer chandise taken. The robbers were caught at Almena, Kan., where they were attempting to sell the goods. Mn(t of the goods were recovered. Richard Hedden, 17, pleaded guilty and.was taken before Judge Dllworth, Hastings, and sentenced to from one to three years In the state reforma tory. Lloyd Sherman, 20, will stand trial. Alma, Neb., Aug. 29.—The house William Jackson, northeast Alma, wag burglarized and $130 in money taken. The parties were captured at Ragan and $109 recovered. Elisha Terry.. Chattanooga, Okl., waived ex amination and was bound over on the charge. -RADIO v ■ - * . (Courstesy of Radio Direst.) (By Associated Press.) WftfAQ, Chicago News (447.6); 4:30, or chestra; 8. theater revue KYW. Chicago (636); 6. concert; 7, musical; 8. talk; 8:06, Youths* Companton. 4VLS. Chicago (346); 6:46, lullaby; 7 13. barn dance. WEBH. Chicago (370); 6:30. music; 8:30, songs, orchestra. 10:30. dance. WBAI, Cincinnati (309); 7, chimes; 7:20, solof- 8. news review; 8:30, music. WTAM, Cleveland (390); 6, concert, baseball; 8. dance. WtLK, Cleveland (283); 4 30. music. baseall. news. WE AO. Columbus (360; 12:30. educa tions! lecture. WBAV, Columbus (423); 11 s. m., pisno, new*. WWJ. Detroit News (617); 6;30. band. W£X, Detroit Free Press (617); 6, con cert. WTAS. Elgin (286); 7:80, bedtime; 8. song; 8 30-12:30, dance. W FA A. Dallas News (476); 8.30-9:30, mall qusrtet; 11-12, orchestra. WOC, Davenport (484); 9. orchestra. PWX. Havana (400) ; «:30. studio. WDAF. Kansas City Star (411); 8 30 4:30, string trio; 6-7, school of the sir WHAS. Courier Journal Louisville Timas (400); 7:30. concert. KHJ. Los Angeles (396); 8. concert; 8:30. children; 10, vocal. Instrumental; 12. dance. KFT Los Angeles (469); 8:45, Instru mental; 10. Instrumental; 11. vocal; 12, •Pop program WDf. Medford (360); 6. Q. A. R, pro gram. WMC. Memphis Commercial Appeal (600); 8:30, program. CXAC, Montreal (425); 6. bedtime; 6:30, concert; 6:30. studio; 8:30, dance. K Go. Oakland (312); 10, artists; 12-3 S. m . orchestra. WO AW, Omaha (526); 6, popular; 6:30, program; 9. program, a CffRO, OttHWA (435); 7. musical WFr. Philadelphia (395); 6. orchestra ■f WTP. Philadelphia (609); 4 06. dance; tajk: 6, orchestra; 8:60, hand; 8. dance. WCAE. Pittsburgh (462); 4:30, con cert; 6:30, bedtime; 7:30. musical. ki>KA. Pittsburgh (326); 7. band. KPO San Francisco (423); 10-2 s. m., Arches'ra WBZ. Springfield (337); 4, concert; 4:30, orchestra, 6:30, bedtime; 6:40, trio; 7. voice. JCfNF, Shenandoah (266); 7:30. con es rt. KSD, St. Louis Pots-Dlspatch (646); 9, orchastra. specialties WRO, Washington ( 469); 6. children; 1:41. Bible talk. 7, piano. 8. talk; 8:30, mu*J,c. Saturday. August SO. 4 P M—Popular half hour. «;80 P M.—Dinner program by Harmo Jh az orchestra. Ralph Fora I. director. 9 v M.—Program bv First Christian chift-h orchestra. Joseph F. Woolery. 1r.. dlrjgtqg- — —Makes Instant Jelly —Saves Sugar and Frolt With M tha augar, onla * to 3 mlnutaa boiling, and HEW PEN JEL. aou ean mako muah morajalta from tha aamafrolt julao oookad tha old wag. No langboll Ing. Savoa thooo froah fruit flavor,I PEN JEl. navar falla; navar anolla. Porfact ra aulla from ana fruit julta. «... * RECIPE FOR BETTER JAM 1 tan poachaa or ploma I cup watar I fog. NEW PKN-JEL J laval cupa augar Craah fruit thoroughla. Plata In daap praaarvtng kattla with tha walar Add lhaPEN JEL and atlr whlla bringing to E^^ kriak boll. Boll ] mlnutaa; add tha augar. HS gt|, vlgorouala until dissolved Bring tggla «• ball) aaunt I to S mlnutaa. Cool and pour Into glatacr. A 15o packago lmabaa i glnaaaa of Jam. i— 'At Any Grocer’s—or write Hougghold Pectin Co.,Topaba. Kana. AT THE • I «TH EATERS | Southland Pollies with cast of 10 star entertainers headlines ths new 6-act bill at the World starting today. Clifford and Marion in "Just a Type” and Gates and Lee In "Stateroom 19" are important added attractions. Three other acts and return of Arthur Hays In a humorous organ novelty "Vacation Blues" complete ths bill. "A Reckless Romeo" With Vi Shaf fer, Billy Van Allen, Rudy Wlntner and Stella Watson In the leading roles Is the musical comedy offering at the Empress beginning today. It ushers In the 24th and final week of ths Bert Smith Players. An entirely new company, the "Empress Play ers” are scheduled with cast of 32, open «n Indefinite engagement here next Saturday. When Dell Chain and Lou Archer, each found himself without a partner while playing the west coast a sea son ago, they decided to combine their various abilities, and now they are known as one of the standard comedy acts of vaudeville. Chain and Archer are coming to the Orpheum theater next week. Their side-split ting travesty on mind-reading has been retouched with topical humor, and is still one of the funniest things of its kind on the stage. George Nlblo, featured comic with Hurtig & Seamon'R "Step On It” which terminates Its engagement of one week at the Gayety theater today Is an all around dancer. The same in cludes his partner, Helen Spencer. That much talked of act, Naomi and the Brazilian Nuts and the entire company give their two final per formances at 2:15 and S:30 today. Next week's offering at the Gayety theater spoke of the Columbia Wheel, will mark the return of Lena Daley, who will in person head the cast of her own show, “Miss Tabasco.” An unusual feature of the attraction will bo the first American appearance of Mile. Tv-ana, the famous strong wo man of Germany in feats of strength ending with the amazing art of lift ing a live elephant. As usual with all of Miss Daley’s offerings, a sprightly, youthful and talented chorus of "lookers" will back the principals In the many tuneful en sembles that sprinkle the entertain ment. The engagement opens with to morrow's matinee at 3:00. OPERATION FATAL FOR IOWA GIRL Loretta Eich, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Etch of Halhur, la., died Thursday in a local hos pital following an operation for goiter. The body will be sent to Halbur for burial. Separate Rites for Pair, Despite Request in Note Same Minister for Principals in Suicide Pact; Buried Nine Miles Apart. Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee, Wymore, Neb., Aug. 29.—Two fu nerals were held at Wymore today. The principals, living together as neighbors, dying together in a aulclde pact, and leaving a request that they be burled aide by side, are mourned for on the same day. Their funerals were preached by the same minister, but they were burled nine miles apart, services being held for Miss Bessie Nemlc, 15, shot to death In a lonely pasture south of Wymore Tuesday night, from the home of her parents at 10 this morn ing, In charge of Rev. E. E. Powell of the Christian church of Wymore, and burial was In the Odell cemetery. Services for Charles Cleary, slayer of the girl and himself, were In charge of the same minister from the Wy more Christian church this afternoon, and burial was at Wymore. The Nemlc family formerly lived at Odell, and the girl was bom there, the family moving to Wymore seven years ago. Rev. Mr. Powell, friend of both families, was leader In the shopcraft strike two years ago and co worker with fathers of both of the dead chil dren. HORSE KILLED AS AUTO HITS WAGON Special Pl*patch to Tin- Omaha Bps. Atlantic, la., Aug. 29— Believing that a team barely discernible In the dark, would turn out and give part of thd road, Henry Cooper, truck driver for the Avoca Fruit and Gro cery company. Avoca, crashed head on Into an empty hayrack Wednes day night when he was returning from Omaha with a truckload of pro duce. The wagon was driverless, the team having broken loose from a yard. One horse was killed and the truck badly damaged. bUVann 100 ~ __ s ■ dmryWbuttir^^^^ I IajkowworSrmOuH^I^ I I yjiSoHSIH CHEESE^ Lb. 23/2C I I ORANGES _i~2 I | POTATOES I TOMATOES^- I ■ PEAS ««a&» K"»-”-g^!L- I ■ corn r J 1 TOMATOES —1 I ISALMON^^^^ I I MAZOLA^gi^00”^.1 ■ svmhsdoWr cakefloum«***28? | l CH|CKENS^K«S-«324^ I I PORK SHOULDER ROAST P...* I I LEAH PORK LOW ROAST, P-*l7/£ I 1 PRIME RIB ROLLED ROAST, pm* 19c I rSrSTEEOmgl^l f YOUHG VEAL ROAST, P“* 'j* 1 b morris 2 I ! XnUO JELUM™ 3 rll^?.l£ ■ |SK|NNERS®3P^2||| I sUNKI^lLOURSl^ig I 1 PEARL. WHITE SOAP,™*;" ,,.. S 1 PURITAN MALtTSi* J 1 tUTkohe* «■„ i l CLUB TOLD ABOUT LONDON VISIT R. A. Van Orsdel related to mem bers of the Continental club at lunch eon Friday at Hotel Fontenelle a few outstanding facts In connection with his recent visit to London to attend a bar association meeting. He attended the trial of a motorist charged with killing a pedestrian and he stated that the case was open ed In the morning and the verdict received at 5 p. m. the same dny. Ha asserted that a similar trial In this country wound require about three days. Van Orsdel noted general Industry throughout Belgium. He stated that the lord mayor of London Is paid $45,000 fa year, serves only one year, and It costs him about $100,000 to hold the. office. THREEOMAHANS GET LICENSES Pearl Boyer and Krnie Brown of Omaha took out a license to be mar ried In Chicago on Friday. Alzella Roab of Toledo and George J. Vann of Omaha also took out a license to wed. Grapes Coming on Market Here Oranges Scarce; Apples In crease in Abundance; Pears Plentiful. By MARKET BASKET. With hot weather In our pitdst, the demand for watermelon and canta loupes Is Increased. Texas and Mis souri watermelons are featured on the markets today, but they are scarce and high. Cantaloupes are a little more plentiful, coming from California and Colorado. The hot weather has also affected the price on lemons which have advanced re cently. Tokay grapes, which are the red malagas, are the popular grapes of the season. As they are Just begin ning to come In they are as yet high, but promise to be cheaper soon. Home-grown Concord black grapes are in abundance for the housewife who Intends to make grape Jell. The latter can be pijrehased In small and large market baskets at a reasonable price. Talaphont AT 7175 Omaha’s Best Food Markets The Home of Quality Products COME ONCE AND YOU WILL COME ALWAYS Extra fancy Rj Canta_ Fancy fresh Leg of gen Colorado dressed uine Spring Bartlett loupes, Spring Pears, box, __ Chickens, Lamb, per $2.98 lb-. 34M>* lb., 28J/2* \ Colorado Ripe Best cuts Small Fancy Tomatoes, f££cy,jeef Lean Fresh Elberta Shoulder Peaches, Per basket, Roast, Hams, lb. bu. $3.25 10* lb. I6V2* 221/2* --- Colorado Cauliflower Sugar Sug. Cured Elberta lb., 15<* Cured Skinned Peaches, Sunkist Bacon Hams, or mar. basket Oranges, Backs, lb. whole, lb. $1.25 do*., 25* 211/2* 211/2* Fancy Tub Butter, 39£ Lean Pig Pork Roast, per Guaranteed Eggs, per ^. dozen .2SV** Fancy Tender Pot Roast, Extra fancy Brick Cheese, per lb.12,/a<‘ per lb.22Vi* Cottage Cheese, lb., ±5* Fanc>’ Youn« Veal Roast 2 lbs.'.25< Per lb- 15c and 12Vs«^ SPECIAL PRICE 100-lb. sack 10 lbs. Mason Jars Cane Cane Pint jars, dozen .... 75<* Su*ar’ Su*ar’ Quart jars, dozen. . -85£ $7.65 72* 'i^-gal. jars, dozen $1.10 Beet Sugar.$7.39 --- SPECIALS ON PROCTOR 10 bar. Crjr.tal White Soap for .42* * GAMBLE SOAPS J0 bart EUetrie Sp.rk . 35^ 1 Medium leer,, «** 1 Ivory Flakes, Extra Standard Juno Pra», per p m r (e... 124*1 doxan. 81.48 6 P. * G. Soaps, Do| Paai |>ar eaB t7H<t 1 pkg. Soap Chips,] doxan .81.05 Iten’s 3-lb. Caddie Graham Crackers for.48<^ ve email Iheywanli Watch them go for these Graham Crackers! Fresh and fine, golden-brown in color. Flavor that pleases their eager voting appetites. Wholesome nourishment that keeps their growing bodies fit. (TEN'S Graham Crackers—of course! Give them all they want—with milk, butter or jam. For that everlasting appetite of healthy childhood—-at noontime, nftfr nohool and brlwoon meals— you 11 find I l KN * (iraham Crackers just the thing. And they re good for children. Always ask your grocer for (TEN'S Graham Cracker* by name. Get the genuine in the half can and be satisfied all ways. j ,v'gTgTyTUV^Vt7Vgf'7T'7TVT Berries are now off the market with the exception of a few blueberries which come from Wisconsin and Min nesota but are expensive.. Some blackberries will be had latter in the season. Pear-Canning lime. The time for canning pears Is on band. First grade Colorado pears can be purchased In bushel baskets at a popular price. Elberta peaches are still on the market but are higher. Few California plums are still avail able but the Italian prunes are plenti ful and cheap. They come packed in suitcase boxes. Italian prunes are probably one of the best fruits on the market today. Oranges are both scarce and high, even as to the small size. Apples are coming In larger and better dally, and can now be included In all mar ket baskets. Vegetables are plentiful and cheap. This Is especially true of potatoes, which are selling as low as 20 cents a peck. Sweet corn Is arriving in fine condition and can be purchased cheap. Country Gentleman corn Is especially attractive. Pearl onions, about the size of in============= grapes, are seen In the various mar kets. They are excellent for cream ing* and pickling. French squashes can be had In both the yellow and white variety. While the markets are urging the public to buy their fruits for can ning early, owing to the brief sea son for this years’ fruit crop, they are at the same time strongly urging those who are users of prepared canned goods to store up on them now. Canned Goods Higher. Prepared canned goods of all vari eties will be considerably higher this winter, from present indications. One market In emphasizing the coming increase In price on canned goods, stated that If they were to buy their fall suppfly of canned goods pur chased several months back today, they would be forced to pay an in crease of 15 per cent. Honeydlp cakes and cookies can now be made much cheaper. Hereto fore, baked edibles containing honey were considered quite a luxury but at the price honey is selling today, all housewives can afford to Include It In their baskets. New comb honey' Is now on the market and Is quoted at half the prire of butter. Nebraska raised honey packed In 10-pound pails can be purchased as low as $ 1.49 a pail. Smoked meats, although much high er this summer, continue to pull the greatest salea. Baked hams, bacon, smoked pork butts, and smoked pic nics, know to some as Californ c hams, are among the meats In popu lar demand. Good Sea Foods. In sea food, bullheads are excellent. They are caught In the cold waters of Wisconsin and can satisfactorily ta .*> the place of catfish, resulting In a saving of 8 cents on the pound. Crop pies are scarce hut promise to t c more abundant by the Middle "£ September. However, few can be hail at 35 cents a pound. Chinook salmon is coming In nicely and Is selling for 35 cents a pound. First grade creamery butter has ad vanced 1 cent on the pound. Egi.e remain about the same, ranging in price from 28 cents to 37 cents, at cording to size and appearance. Bee Want Ads are the best buslnet-s Boosters. I Choice Beef Choice Beef Choice Beef Choice Round Choicest Sir- > Chuck Steak Rib for Boiling, Chuck Roast, Steak, loin Steak, 12 Vs? 5? 11<* 15<* 15c ft: - ..——— r 4 Prime Beef Rolled Rib Roast.15c4 BEEF CUTS Fresh Cut Hamburger.10<* Choice Corned Beef .12 Choice Beef Pot Roast .f)f Choice Short Cut Steak.15^ Fresh Killed Spring Chicken.32<^ PORK CUTS Choice Fresh Spare Ribs.10O Fresh Pig Hearts.5<^ Fresh Pig Livers.. Fresh Made Sausage.15C Choice Boston Butts.18c* Choice Lean Pork Loins.18c* Choice Pork Shoulders.121 2^ Fresh Leaf Lard .14<* Fancy Cream Cheese.. ... 25<* Fancy Brick Cheese.25<^ Fancy Swiss Cheese .35<^ Fancy Pimento Cheese.40C Choice Veal Legs, Vs or whole .... 17<? Choice Veal Loins, kidney in.16c* Choice Veal Chops..16<? Choice Veal Breasts. 10<* Choice Veal Stew .9^ Fancy Veal Roast, 15c and.12 SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Picnic Hams.I21'j& ! Sugar Cured Skinned Hams. 20c Sugar Cured Strip Bacon, Vg or whole, lb.18<* A Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon . 24<^ Sugar Cured Brisket Bacon.1TC Puritan Sliced Boiled Ham .50c Fresh Killed Young Hens.23** GENUINE SPRING LAMB Choicest Hind Quarters. 20c Choicest Fore Quarters.12*2C Liberty Nut Oleo, lb.220 1 Lucky Buy Oleo, 5 lbs.95c* | Evergood Butterine, 2 lbs. 50o N Evergood Butterine, 5 lbs.SI.20 h Fancy Creamery Butter.39C if Evaporated Milk, tall cans.9<* ri Early June Peas, 3 cans for.40c U Fancy Sweet Com, per can ..11<* k! Ideal Malt and Hops.57C i Puritan Malt .60o L Campbell’s Pork and Beans.10c ' I MAIL AND EXPRESS ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY B—^ | CERTO “Surejell” Bottle 29c JELLO Assorted Flavors Pkg. 10c < SARDINES Norway 3 Cans 33c PORK & DEANS c-r£p 35c SALAD DRESSING “Premier" 39c CHOCOLATE ZSrZ. Eaot(13c CHEESE Wisconsin Cream lb. 29c BRAN FLAKES Kellogg’s Pkg. 9c! FRUIT JARS doz. 89c COFFEE ‘Quality’ 3-lb. can $1.35 THE MARKET'S BEST IS SELECTED FOR HANDY SERVICE STORES PEARS—Ripe Colorado Bartlett OQ Table Pears, per doz.«vC WATERMELON—An ice cold melon is most refreshing. Place one on ice for Sunday dinner. Whole or half, Q1 per lb.04C ORANGES—Juicy, sweet, thin skinned Sunkist Fruit, medium size, CP 2 doz.iJvC LEMONS—Juicy, large Sunkist O A California, doz.X41 BLUE PLUMS or “Italian Prunes." First Oregon shipments. Very fine OQ for canning. Crate.«pl.fci*7 SWEET CORN—Present corn is extra fine. Ask for special prices. TOMATOES—Ask for special prices. I BUTTER “Idlewilde” and “Golden Rod" Per Lb. 41c I FLOUR “Blue Bell” gstffsi9!s| MALT - “Puritan” - Can 59c I “WHISTLE” '”£r‘ ’Case $1.39 f _ DUNDEE AND WEST _ _CENTRAL—CUMING TO LEAVENWORTH-H .... .... w 0 .... , . HA 0743—California Groc A Meet* 32.'S Cali farm* Bh’ .820S *T MHA-Ro***. J 27*0 D.vonpmt K wi!5E~wri. .r M I«*uw4c.f C„.v,rvC. ... Wl f*M ¥ -NORTH—CUMING TO AMES AVE_;*?} K HA MS2—Jach.on Mtnot Grtwoty 3424 .l..k<on ^B WF. 1021— Monitor Bro*.1701 Cloth HA 0420—Alhfrt. loul. 3422 Loo.onnorlh ■* WE 1002 Finkrnatotn, A......2002 N. 20th HA 4101 - Moror'a l.oavottrrorth Gro. . 2*10 I oo\yonorth H WF. 2141- Fronomy Gone. * Mont*. 27th and G.*nt SOUTH—LEAVEN WORTH TO SOUTH OMAHA i WF. 2437 Hufhra, D J. 300* N l*th JA 1*07 NloU.n'r Gro.oty *od M».t» 1002 - 2*lh ■ KE O0O0 r.nht.ti, Otto A C«. 3*08 N. 24th St. HA 0*4* No.nt.n Juliu* <347 r*rk S.r ?'' ..... .... „ ha 1100—Graham. J B A Son 2333 S 20tS HE -NORTH AMES AVE. TO FLORENCE-HA 04*3 R..n«n. Wm A Son iTOI i.old H KE 00*0 t oll.. Gro.oty. 4*02 N. 10th JA 33*3 Arm in. Hntry . 2330 S 20th I KE 00*2— Kupplf, J. H . 4702 N »Oth JA 7044—Stnhmor Bro* . 2 70.' S ..'th ■! KF 0310—Myaraon, Mvrr ...4104 Grand An* MA 0.334 Ha. Iih A Fiahar ..... *014 S 20th H KF. 02*0- Kallry. Cha. F. *720 N 24th MA 0400 Unttod F.o> ..ion St«,» . 4017 s ;4.h PS KF >07* Paralman Bioa. *070 N 30th MA 3*7* Sr.m.n. A 24th and U ■