Pirates Prove Classiest Team in Heydler Loop Manager McKechnie Rotates Successfully With Five Hurlers—Yde Is Out « a standing Sensation. By THOMAS L. CUMMI8KEY. I ^ I t EW York, Aug. 17. I I The cry In the I v I National League that has been heard so long, who Is going to stop the Giants?’’ has now changed to ‘‘who is going to stop the Pi rates?’’ Outside of New York, there is jubilation. The outside clubs other than the • _ Pirates, appear to have little chance of winning the pennant. And it’s no secret that a victory for the Pirates rather than tlie Giants would be ail to the money with all but New Yorkers. A little over a week ago, the Na tional league didn't have a race. It looked like a walkaway for the Giants %llh a lead of 10 games. Now, inain - through the Pirates gaining four •luick fails on the Giants, the men of | McGraw are only leading by the com paratively inconsiderate total of three games. There’s lots of room for the as sertion that the Pirates have been proving themselves a better team than the Giants. On the run of the season, they have licked the Giants 13 times and fallen but six times be fo:e the National league champions. In their last two series, the Pirates have only lost one game to the Giants. .Manager McKechnie has been ro tating very successfully five hurlers —Cooper, Yde, Kremer, Meadows and Morrison. He has Jeff Pfeffer and young Stone In reserve, using the latter for "undertaking” jobs, which have been rare. .Yde won eight games before being beaten for the first time in the majors by Brooklyn. He Is an outstanding sen sation and is believed by some critics as due to being the greatest southpaw In the business. Cooper and Meadows have never been better in ihelr long careers. Kremer has J - hurled brilliantly all season, while Morrison, expected to be the big star, is now coining around finely. The Pirates, usually a strong hit ting team, are not hatting as of old, being fifth In the league with .282, but they have been picking up smart ly and timely. Smacking has been big factor in their speedy ascent. Defensively, there seems hardly any thing to be desired. And as for speed—they have shown the way to every club in the majors with 124 on recent statistics. Pilfering Is nothing If not important. They’ve worked the double steal to perfec tion, malting the Giants look silly several times in trying to stop It. The Giants have only- stolen 50 satchels—nothing at all compared to the Tlrates. The hitting of Hazen Cuyler, who can wallop them afar or place them niftlly, has been one of the luminous features of the Pirates’ work. An other player who has helped the Pirates greatly is Earl Smith, the catcher, who was a thorn with Mc Graw and not much more popular with the Braves. This rough-and ready son of Ozarks has been catch ing the best game of his career with the Pirates, and was good enough to take the Job away from Walter Schmidt and Johnny Gooch, two of the best. However, it must be said that all the Pirates are pulling together and doing mightily. It would be an In justice, however, not to mention the veterans, Max Carey and "Rabbit” Maranvllle, and young "Pie” Tray nor as other leading lights. The Pirates’ climb has made a big hit with the magnates. The terrific race between the Yankess, Tigers and Senators In the American league, with the Browns spurting now and then, had the fans all hopped up. Mend Is an-clona to match Britton with Morris Schlaifer of Omaha. f-\ Major League Review New York, Aug. 17.—The week’s major league totals of games won and lost, runs, hits, errors, op ponents runs and home runs, In cluding Saturday's games, follow: NATIONAL LEAGUE. W. L. R. H. E. OR HR. New York. 1 6 18 69 6 29 1 Brooklyn ..4 1 26 64 6 20 0 Boston ...,0 3 7 21 € 18 0 Philadelphia 1 3 15 34 3 31 6 Chicago ... 2 1 11 23 2 10 2 Pittsburgh 6 0 31 71 6 18 3 Cincinnati .3 2 21 48 6 17 1 St Louis ..2 3 25 47 3 21 3 AMERICAN LEAGUE. W. L. R. H. E. OR. HR. New York ..3 2 12 36 3 18 0 Washington 3 2 12 42 5 12 0 Bos-on . 4 3 84 60 9 39 1 Philadelphia 4 3 44 81 8 41 2 Detroit _4 2 42 7 4 6 35 0 St. Louis ..4 2 86 61 10 22 0 Chicago _ 0 6 14 46 7 28 0 Cleveland . 2 4 19 63 6 17 1 .... —. ..—. STARTS TOMORROW Mats. 35c Nights 50c Boxes 75c Kids 10c The Love Story of a Mighty Pirate Chieftain Here Is Romance! Here is the sweep of far flung action IK But not of your stuffy palace cor- on pirate seas. HR ridors. Here is the heart pull of grimy, toil- 01 Here Is Action! ing, naked galley slaves. Here is K But not merely the flash of duel- the crash of ship on ship. Here is |B| ing swords. Love. Rafael Sabastms ActlOtl H Greatest Story Ip Wallace Beery Enid Bennett S The B Sea Hawk B is loosed ^Ao soar on M wings of aduen^ Ig] j . ture and romance SI to the heartbeat of B 10,000 throbs and thrills I Harry Greb, Pancho Villa and . “Kid” Sullivan, All Champions, Get Into Action This Week-End Georges Carpentier to Meet Jimmy Slattery in Another Interesting Bout in Buffalo. ITH each running a risk of being re lieved of hie title, three world's pug ilistic champions will meet worthy foes to feature this week’s pro gram of fistic en tertainment In the United States. Harry Greb, mid dleweight king, will try conclu sions with Tiger Flowers, a negro, rated as the champion of the south In his division, at Fremont, O.; “Kid” Sullivan, Junior lightweight title hold er, will box "Pepper” Martin In New York; and Paneho Villa, flyweight champion, will clash with "Kid" Car lin In New Orleans, the home city of the latter, who Is rated there as the coming king of the mites. Another Interesting bout on the list brings Georges Carpentier. fallen boxing Idol of France, Into a ring with Jimmy Slattery in Buffalo—likely the last stand of the orchid man before he returns to his native country to re tire from the hemped enclosure. Of the three champions who are to swing into action, the one who seems to be in most danger of being knock ed from under tils crown, is “Kid” Sullivan. This veteran of many years of campaigning In the squared circle took the crown from Johnny Dundee a short time ago, surprising the en tire boxing world. For years the Ital ian boy from the Gowanus section of Brooklyn was rated a good semi-final ist but never had been prominent as a main event performer. He was too old to Improve, but he entered the ring In perfect condition against the "Scotch wop” and surprised even his own backers by beating Dundee by a safe margin at the end of 15 torrid rounds. So far out of the main event class was Sullivan that his name had never appeared in a record book. He was In the great herd of good scrappers who never attained enough promi nence to attract much attention. But today, late In his prise ring career, the Brooklyn man Is world's cham pion of the junior lightweights. It has been freely predicted by writers who are conversant with Sullivan's boxing ability that he will be defeat ed by the first really good fighter who meets him. If that prediction is true, there is apt to be a new cham pion when he finishes his battle with Martin in Long Island city Monday night. Down In New Orleans tlie flstlc fra ternity is very high on Kid Carlin. This little Italian has been in the game but a short time, but he has whippet] everyone he has met in the south and the natives believe he is ripe to meet Villa, the Filipino flash, who is the greatest champion the fly weight division has ever had. r> vJ CHARLES (CHICK) EVANS, JR. New Clubs. I used to be a great "nurser" of my clubs, but experience during re cent years has shown me the fallacy of harboring any tender and affec tionate ideas regarding clubs. I was thoroughly cured of that, I think, the day when a rusty and useless old putting cleek I had long cherished lost me a chance at a championship at Apawamls. I got a beating that was all on the greens, and I got it because I had some foolish affections for a worn-out club. The makers of golf equipment now Improve the clubs so fast, and Incor porate such thoroughly useful and helpful things In the clubs that I never know now when I shall add a new member to my bag. The golf club Is the instrument with which you play your game. Clubs are the tools of war, so to speak. The better you are equipped the better your game will be, obvious ly. But golfers have a strange habit of developing a real feeling for one ttlub or another. This Is very good so long as the club does all that you expect It to do. But the player will go through physical changes and will, perhaps because of devotion to the out of doors pastime, become stronger In his forearms, shoulders, wrists. Suddenly his favorite driver, we will say, begins to fall down on him. But ha holds onto it because of hla af fection for It. If he understands what has happened it will dawn on him that the time has arrived to buy a new driver and throw the old one Into The creek, affections and all. Its day has passed. Other players have a club or two with which they never feel confident. They carry these to ‘'experiment'' with. They draw them forth now and then with never any sense of security, hoping all the time that the day may come when they really can use such a club efficiently. Any such olubg should go into the discard. I know a player who never can accom plish very much with a spoon, though he carries a spoon because he knows, in a general way, that certain lies require a spoon. The whole trouble with him is that the spoon he has doesn't fit him. He swings a driver well and Is a good shot with a bras sie. Billy Conley floored Young StriMIng for a nine count At Youngitown. C> In Con ley'A next »tArt h« was AnnihllAted Iititton. ee .SsMOB jD W GRIFFITH AMERICA See the Soul-Stirring Historical Romance Only Tim* Shown During 1014 | TWICE DAILY Prices, 50c, 75c, $1. Boxes, $1.50 A i rm ™,s ■ I L 'I k I WEEK | “The Lone I Wolf” H WITH I JACK HOLT | DOROTHY DALTON I OURGANG B In « blowout of Infs! I “TIRE TROUBLE” NOW IJJmvMMIMIMI laying The Western Musical Play “BAR Z RANCH” With Hilly Vi.n Allrn vaanassaHaanannw A Diamond Ring ; for the Prettiest Shingle Bob Wednesday Nite Shingle Bob Contest 1st Prise.Diamond Ring 2d Prize.$20 in Gold 3d Prize.$10 in Gold Prizes will be Awarded on Merits of Bob. KO 0ft For the Most Elderly Lady Present With a Shingle Bob a $10 Cash Prize Will Be Given. The sensational story of a «irK is who found her beauty a men ace inatead of an aaaet POLA NEGRI —in— “LILY OF THE DUST” i On the atage: GETSEY AND SUTTON 9 NEIGHBORHOOD THEATER6 LOTHROP - - - 24th and Lothrop LEATRICE JOY and OWEN MOORE In "The Silent Partner" Comedy BOULEVARD - 33d and Leavenworth FRANK BORZAGES In "The Age of Deeire" GRAND.16th and Blnney LEWIS STONE and MARION NIXON In "The Vagabond Trail" GEM ..... 12SS S. 13th St. ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN In "Broadway Gold" Comedy Newa Vaudeville—Photoplay* NOW PLAYING COVEY SISTERS And Their Revua SIX BIG ACTS ^DAY I RICHARD TALMADGE k In “On Time” | TOMORROW 8 FRED THOMSON I in “The Silent Stranger" 1 ^/7. . Omaha's Fun Center Mat. and Nits Today 10th Conascutlvs Sssaon's Opening Wesfc COLLINS & PILLARD HOLLYWOOD FOLLIES' In ths Big, New Girl Shew Centrists and Into r From « W-sk* at Columbia Theater, New York. This Summer Ladies' 2Sc Bargain Mat., 2:15 Week Days ANNOUNCEMRm Vault* aikI Monument*. 2 “Automatic Pealing'1 concrete burial vaults recommended by nil leading undertakers. MTd bv Omaha Concrets Burial Vault Cn Funrrftl Dlrwtom. 3 HKAPTBY A HEAFKT Undertaker* and FmbaPnars Phona HA 07*6 Office 2411 Farnam i KSTAIILISIIFP 8INCH 19*2) HU 141 BA UI k V K N. At Your Parvles. 1111H Cuming 8t JA. IIS* HOFFMAN-CKOBHT ambulance. Pod*** and 14th St Funsrsl direct ora. JA. t>CH 3 ~ 11 A C1I-VTI.EMAN 2«14 Farnam 8t.: 7T P. SWANS 17Til ANI> CUMING Quiet Plsnlfhd 8u\»srvlaln*»1 ltKAIti. Y aT poHit A NCR 142 1 CUMlNil ST -TA t'!-34. PUFFY' a JOHNSTON. Ill 8. I*d. new funeral horns. HA. 9417 .■•. <\ 11 A TN FiS f'l’N KR A L H < > ME 9* "9 N »4th StKB 9S67 LkSl.tB «> MOOR IB. 24th and Wirt. Wit. *047. CemHaHuB. 4 VISIT Fit REST LAWN Purahaas a family lot In Omaha's moat beautiful cemetery Pfflrea at the came fery ert our new home. 1110 1111-1114 Podge •Meet WILL rate bv day or week, mother'* cate Reasonable, W A 7*11 l^i.t and Kmind. JO LOST- I'In platinum green center getting tall AT 1194 ... . ” ..— ■ _ 1TONI OH ll,li; S Auloiiinhilra far Sale II NAHlLVim^UMA AUTO CM. UMCD CAR STORK 2064 Faruaut, AT. 4292. AUTOMOBILES. ! Automobile* for Sale. 11 SPECIAL, Ford fender* |9 A *ot. Ford touring top cover complete. 14 76. Kaplan Auto Parts Co . 2111 Nicholas. I GOOD USED CARS BUY YOURS AT GUY L. SMITH. MURPHY DID IT. Downtown Uaed Car Store. 1410 Jackaon. AT. 4111. Trucks for Sale. 12 SEE INTERNATIONAL for good need truck*. Douglas 3-ton, all American 3-ton, International 3-ton and several ton In ternational#. Good shap* mechanically. Term* can be arranged. International Harveater Co. AT. 4746. Automobile* for KxrhanRe. 15 WILL trad* Roamer coupe for real estate. Mortgage or contract. Phone AT. 6481. Auto Arcessorl.s, Fart*.16 GUARANTEED n»w and used auto parti at a areola! cut price, Nebraska Auto Parta, 1018-18 Harney St. JA- 4931. and 2208 Cumin. St. AT, 1170. HIGH grade guaranteed vulcarUIng. 3 Ai In. fabrics, 12: 4-In cord*. IS. Hart Tire end Rub Co.. 71884 S. 18th. Service Stations, Repalrine. 17 7. INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS Rayfield carburetor and Elsemann mag neto service. AT. 2500. P. MEI.CHOIR3 ft SON 417 B. 13TH Auto IJvery, Garage. 18 SEE Morrison Lumber and Coal for prlcea on garages. Beat construction st mim mum cost. WE. 6561. BUSINESS SERVICE. Business Services Offered. 21 LANOIL permanent waving. 110.00. Work guaranteed. HA. 4316 or JA. 6177. Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, side, knife, bo* pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching; buttonholes Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Block, Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1926. _ CLOSED. August 17 to 25. Nebraska Pleating Co. Moving—Trucking—Storage 26 BEKINS OMAHA VAN & STRORAGE. 15th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov Ing. storage, shipping JA 4153, GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING, MOVING. SHIPPING. STORING Estimates furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4339. GORDON'S FIREPROOF WHSE. * VAN 249 North llth Bt Phone JA. 1032: mov ing. packlne^storsgashlDning^^^^^^^ Painting and Papering. 27 WALLPAPER WHOLES VLB. Paperhanging, painting. Fred Parka, 4703 5 241 h FT. MA 0101 AT 74Q4 Patent Attorneys. 28 J J. W MARTIN. 628 Peters Trust Bldg , j <'>mah*: aleo Washington. Double service, | single fee Also help sell patents j Printing—Stationery. 29 COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Eddy Printing i. 212 South 1-9th St. Phone JA. 605 Professional Service. 30 OeSTK'.JPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR3. NIEMANN A MERRITT Adjustlve osteopathy, Electro-Therapy op tometry. 431 Woodman Bldg. AT. 2S74. f te pairing. 31 USED and new tewing machines. Sew ing machines and vlctrolas repaired Rent machines, tl per week; 13 per mo. MJCKEL MUSIC HOUSE. 15th an 1 Harney. AT. 4341. EMPLOY MK.NT._ Help Wanted—Female. 36 BE A BEAUTY specialist. It pays big. Mean* independent* Good portion* wa:t-| tng or your own ehop when competent. Day or evnlng. Call or write. Moler Col-1 lege. 101 S. 15th, St EXPERIENCED b >kkeeper. preferably, hank, mortgage loan or insurance expert- j enre Salary open. Excellent oppor tunity. Western Securities Company. 18o3 * Douglas. COMPETENT white girl f r general I housework. References required Tele- I phone WA. 0772, 103 N. 55th St WHITE woman for downstairs work and' cooking No laundry. Good wages. 5-10. Chicago street WA f910. | ENROLL at the largest comptometer school 100 Cou.tnex Hid* JA. 14 9 2 Help Wanted—Muir. 37 Harvest Hands On account of large crop* In Minne- ; aota. North Dektda and Montana harvest hand* rate has been extended 1 until and including August 25 Spe cial rate of t** 50 each for partita of ! five or more from Sioux City to points In Minnesota and North Da kota along the Great N irthern Rail way. Here Is a chance to investigate farm ing opportunities along the Great Northern Hallway. We have no land to sell For detail* about farming and harvest ratee write or see WILLIAM BLONDER. Agr Dev. Agt. Great Northern Ry.. 622 Paxton Block. AT. 9599. BAR BARING para big Our training en ables vou to hava profitable business rr good job in short time Day or evening classes Call or write Moler Barber Col leg*. |H 9 16 th ALI- MEN women bore glr’s. 17 to *5. willing to accept go\ernment position* 1117-1360 I Browning 301 Baird Bid*. — 1 ' ' —' " " — 1 " ltu*lnr*g Opportunities. 42 Ft 'R SALE—Telephone exchange in aoul h wentern Iowa. Five exchange* ■ fattens respectively. fSf' 409 394. 3*' 2J< Bell connections Will sell In part*. Reasonable term*. no trades Address Cltv Telephone Co Sidney la_ FOR SALE OR TRADE 4 h r Cush man electric light plant, for cash register end typewriter Cash 6340. Used seven month-* Frank Teterson. Republican City Neb___ RESTAURANT — Located near If th and Locust; completely furnished; rent rea •onable Call M Wolf Infer, morning*. .t A 4^44 6 ROOM modern, all rooms rented For quirk sale, fV 6 3623 Capitol A\e Investment—Stork*—Honda. 4.1 HAVE 31.675 aell secured Id m rt*e**> I property 124 10 per month at 7 J per : cent Interest for lots at actual value | Evenings and Bunder Ca I WA 1311 M A ~ANDFU*ON Co JA |"iTt“ Rail estate Surety hoods end klndi ed In* ; RmI Kntat* I o.tna 41 MONRY TO I t * AN On *trs» ami *e. .>nd mor(a«|*a We buy outright for cash FsUtln* mortgages and land contract* rrompt Action M A WOLFF CO, M1 8* undi'i s - K < v AT ' * P-V* and~TTer cent money I-oar s on Omaha Improved properly *t loeeet latrn CtlANK M. HINDER. Ill rur National._JA. till XMAIIA MOM FH I 4'- r nVu ~ FATIMA j x kri rr hkai i stats go, 1616 Ciruh'i Nat'l Besik Bid* JA I'll ! —. ■— -iii.gt i .. I SI \ per cent ins'-* on Omaha re*i*1*ncpa C**h on hand 1'rempt i--v|cg h> 11 Luugea, lnoM 646 Keellne Bldg. 1 FINANCIAL. DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, business strictly confidential The Diamond Loan LOW KATE on city property, quickly closed: no monthly payments. JA. 1533 W T. Graham. $100 to $10,000 loaned, prompt- service F. 1>. West! A D H Mowman, Wead Bldg. I WILL buy mortgages and contracta. Corkin, 148 Om. Nat’l Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 6V4 AND 8 PER CENT—NO DELAY OAKVJN PROS.. 845 Omaha Nafl Bldg. CITY real estate mortgages and con tracts bought. Larson. 104 N. llth St. Farm Loans on West. Neb. and N. B. Colo, farm*. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. Money to Loan. 45 THIS COMPANY 18 ORGANIZED To supply your money wants In tha same way that hanks supply the money wants SECOND mortgages or contracta pur chsHed by Tukey Company. $20 First Na tional Dank. JA. 4221. of the business community. Any amount loaned up to $500 and you can repay it in easy monthly payments Our equal payment plan repays tta# loan and all charges. We have been In business In Omaha over 30 y*ars and can assure you of a quick confidential and square deal OMAHA WAN COMPANY. 50$ Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2295. South'**** c ,rner 15th srd Dowries 8te. Cn., 1514 Dodge Bt Established I«t4. EDUCATION AI* Local Instruction Classes. 48 DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In all commercial tranche*. Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy, salesmanship, civil service. Phone JA. 1665. Complete catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney pts. Omaha, Neb. EIGHT to 12 week* prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT 7774 or write American college. 1912 Farnam TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge 8t. 130$ Douglas Bt Call or write for Information. Dancing Arademies 50 DA Nr TNG CLASSES FORMING Keep’*—Cinderella Roof and Elk * Club. Private lessuna now JA. £470. _MTOCIMN-niSB._I Ruaineat Equipment*. 58 j WE BUY, sell safes, make d^sks, show <~ases. etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., W Cor. ll*h and Douglas JA 2724. Fuel and Feed. •) BALED shavings, carload or truck- Brad ford-Kennedy Co. JA. £740. Good Thing* to Eat. 62 APPLES—CRABAPPLES 4 CO 2 Redman AVE XE 3191. Household Goods. 64 YOU ARE LOSING, every day that you fall to take advantage of the furniture bargaina at Stepheuaon'a. 1 £>09 Capitol Ave Private ealee and auction. ONE BED SPRING and mat trees 12 EC call WA 6041. FOR REAL furniture and rug value* aee Home Furniture Co. South Side 7 ROOMS of furniture with two apart* m»r*e r»n,H. ISPT HA » 43. Machinery and Tools. 67 NEW and second-hand motor*, dynamo*. LeBron Electrical Works. 318-20 B 12t? Wanted to Bujr. 73 DESKS, DESKS. DESKS. New desk*, used desks, bought. *o!d and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Firntm St. AT. 41 4 ROOMS TOR RENT. Hotuns W ith Board. 74 NICELY furnished room with board, with shower bath. HA. 1714. BEMIS PARK DISTRICT—South d'oubi# room, east room; private home WA. 7545. Furnished Room* 75 ATTRACTIVE n*wlr furnished room for one or two gentlemen m apartment with young married couple. Breakfast If de sired. Walking distance. Call HA 140S after 6 10 p m. LARGE nicely firsMud room in private fam'ly. geniemen preferred. Garage. HA. 6739. 926 NO. BTH ST —Very nice large room. *25 per month, email room. |15. Breakfast optional. JA 2761. THIRTY-THIRD. 411 S —2 large sleeping rooms. 1 biock from Farnam car. HA. 2947 FINE furn rm. gleam ht. pr!* bath, walking niat . for gentlemen HA. 7124 or HA £994 CHICAGO ST. 3021 — Large front sleep ing room. Nice neighborhood. Cali Ha. 7014 4224 FARNAM ST.—Furnished front room in private family. Ca’l WA. 1747 Romug for Hoosekeepiog. 76i 3 CLEAN rooms In a modern private home: furnished for light housekeeping 1215 N. 23 th St WE 2 596 CAPITOL AVE. 2410—f modern: gas range, kitchen cabinet, s nk. *' couple Burt 2124- Neatly furnished room for houeekeep ng. everything AT 544« 2 ROOMS nicely furnished. 15; 1 sleeping roam, ft Garage if desired. AT 6369. Where to Stop 7n Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW — Kth and Farnam. Special rate* to permanent guests. ^mL ^TATE-FOR REXTr Apartment*—Furnished. 80 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Ten large furnished rooms, all in fine ronditbm. splendid location 16*5 per rao. Immediate po^eesaion Chas. W. Young & Son. WA. 7S65 1901 City Mat’! bK Pidg AT 9MV I A KNTY . HUD'. . \ -^A": active 2 r om. furnished apt. with s reened porch 4T 6792 NEWLY dec mod. airy 2-rm. art. 1*3* 5 23rd 8t Heat, i ght. water free. HI NTER INN HOME f r the trailing ; man and wire AT £960, 24th and Podge < Apart menfA—infurntehed. 81 ALHAMBRA APARTMKNT8 4 9 th and Capitol Ave, A new fireproof building In the heart of Dundee, Omihn i choicest residential dtsrtrL t Several \err attractive tastily decorated apta. of 2. 3 or 4 room* ea>-h available now or very eoon. Ca l the Fred L Hevne Co. A"?. 7716. 314 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg FOUR room Ant comfortably arranged, conveniently located No 6 Troy. *0b9 Harney St Pi rns trust c 'MPant ' Where Omaha Renta " AT ©8 44 ITtIt A Farnam 8te APARTMENTS and fiats for rest. W. J. PALMER CO. AT *9*0 Real Estate Managment Special!*;*. PETERS TRUST COMTANT ■’WHERE OMAHA RENTS’ AT 05 4 » 17th and Farnam Sta THE Thorweld. S-wm art, private porch. *55 |n summer and *46 In winter Reference* required HA MB' FOR ONE OF miKFS 1*00 APARTMENTS Call JAchson 2«f>8 6 room modem brb K fiat. 2921 N. 26th St , >36 00 KF 6*'41_ ' «r • * and rilK Clartnda 6 rme . excellent condition Farnam at Hlvd HA 717 4 or It A 6994 Ttitslnp** Flare* for Rent. 8? TWO stores l#th 8t. and Chicago*, low 'ent tl P Stebbir.a 1*10 Chicago NEW store ini' dtng for tent, all modern, good location for drug store, furniture or lestaurant 261* Q M Ml 9314 House* for Rent 83 i-RYttf tpL f'i N 19th. |*M'' f room am., till V 14th. Ill I*. 1-t oo m art 7419 N Uih. HIG 7 iv,. • ga-ago *jj etM |t5l* Omaha Ren Ki IA 1819. IIA 1* 4 • Ih'.'M MODERN brick | 1 pi — Me Inquire 9999 Popple ton Ave Ha m f ROOM M> ITIIN MOV*:* A«' d » $ and parlor set for »al* VIA 1411 j « RtH>M HopgR modem splend d rondt f ! PINKNEY 2**8 Seven rv-oma, modem ? I geiagc. sheen h> appointment HA lie. j REAL ESTATE—FOR BEVT. ;; Ilouaefi for Rent. ffo 2509 CUMING H»SOOM HOUSE. HA. 6540 Offices and l>«*k Room. 83 SEVERAL desirable office# end eflet - nicely arrang'd eulte In Gardner block. FIRST TRUST COAT. 0724 SPLENDID space with desk and phone. room open JA. 4950. Wanted to Rent. * 80 MIDDLE-AGED widow with some means wishes 6 or 6-room apt. Board the owner for rent of the same. AT. 7*9? KEAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Real Estate—Investment!. 9 SMALL APARTMENT SNAP $16.500—PART CASH Four apartments of four room# and bath **a h rak finish separate porches. h*u water heat, four garages will show bet ter then 12 per cent net on the Jnveit-, went West Farnam district Cal! OSBORNE REALTY CO. 0 Peter. Tru.t Bid! J.ck.qn JZL Farms and Lands for Bale. 83 RANCH for sale in California. 354 acrey 160 acres cultivated; another 100 acre* tillable; balance pasture, timber; locate.i in Eldorado county, where the famous Bartlett pears are grown. If you aru coming to California, end are looking for good Income ranch, investigate this bar gain. Rar.' h stocked end equipped. Price $6,000; $2,500 cash will handle. For full par*ieular* address owner. Anton Medeek. Fairplay, Eldorado County, California. BUY A FARM Where the best wheat grows in the world; cash payments $6 to $10 per acre; balance on crop; payment at 1 per cent, one-third crops each year, price, from $20 to $50 per iq«. Address W J Holman, Hugoton. Kan. CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY Sales made ouickly ell over Nebraska Mark Carraher Real estate auctioneer. Central City Neb_ 1 WE HAVE several Shelby county. Iowa, farms, highlv improved. $150 to $175. FRANK BEST. 310 PETERS TRUST BLDG.. OMAHA Houses for Sale. 83 TWO CLEVER NEW BUNGALOWS? NEW '-ROOM ALL MODERN WITH FIREPLACE AND BUILT-IN FEA TURE? ON PRETTIEST LOTS IN MINNE I.USA DI.STRICT REDUCED TO $6.5*1. EASY TERMS EVE NINGS CALL MR. ROWLEY, KE r 2*6-. MR PITKIN. HA 7540, MR. OEHRIS KE 6039 MET' ALFE COMPANY. GROUND FLOOR. 201 S. 19TH ST AT 6415. SEE T. B, Campbell for new modem homes at right rrU* and essrv terms. 229 KEELINE. AT S04S. BUY from owner, new 6-room, modern bungalow. $4,250. WA 3151 Houses—North. 96 COLORED MAN YOUR OPPORTUNITY Here Is & 7-room, all modern home, close to cariine, achooia. store* and has a nice Mg lot with grape arbor !n rear rh iter, house, garage, acr. er.ed-in porch, nke fixtures, equipped w.to *torm win dows and acreeoa, cement-block t*iem#rt ar.d new furnace. Will take a email pay ment down and balance like rent. Sun day and evenings call Hallgren. WE 3477. LAUREL AVE., 7 RMS. $5,000, Only $1,000 Cash If you have been looking for a home in a f-rte location and one that Is worth the money, don't fail te see this one: 4 roorro* on 1iTBt floor and 2 large bedrooms up: is al! modern and has a garage (Better se*> this at once, as it won’t last.) PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. AT %t%* Na w!or KE H4*Gilbert KE '

a eh Oak floors throughout. Built-m rabinets, full cement basement. Corner k?*. This i* a very good buy at thia price New neighborhood. May taka good light car a* down payment. T.ICKTY.KE 142F L Th balan * !'ke r*n* Ca1l OSBORNE REALTY CO. ti Tru. R.t:-pr> WILL butlc to your ord,r ob oar bnButt* 0-' lots in Fir.wood: vary aaar t.nca Phon* AT S?»r ’■!t .Tovrs HIP CA«H Ft». arr., Att,.! fac.na P'TiiIa Oointrv Club ■ A GLOVER A SPAIN K«a!!o-. .'MTS BUILDING SITES O.’IORGK A V*,' REALTORS *•*■ *" - o ■■ v«: 1 « u >.• At IIM " H**tST. on ltd Awaua fnoinc Han*. . T-n Pork, foi Ml, at an attrartna prtaa ' A Grjnttr..I J A I Bit_ Re«l Fatsta tnr KtchmcY I9« ■’ ' • ■'* " »« peter* Tryt Wanted—Real FM*t* )fg IF «e can t sell >our heme U* I* 4ua we * t! tell rou why. VP J Palmer AT «M»_ wr \Kcn h Mrs ran hai.il * . OltUKNIO RViA TTY CO. Realtors JacVecn ',f** !«»' \*fi Bay*. 1 :sr k,yt promert' wtth us er. if yea are !a th* market Per acreage, call lev a ■ Kr >.'r auUk »a e» M V P141 VIA JTfe HAb W YO’.’NG A St'S Era’ F*tate Ken:ala tnaurarca, K«f t^iiv Van Bank AT N EW Homs - YOU* TEH MB U*OVK Ml BHftKl' CO.. *»* Kraeixr U’»g AT llfl 'VK S'l V HOMl'S LIST WITH I'iT* HAMILTON A era ♦ V’'1 r JA !»KK ua first Nf » luttaatk any Uneat en i t« ' ream a Stkcpea ft tV KeaDcha Kee-tne Bldg iTorn Arhf'koV tv'trn ' . tV T HWIfH t? '? f»>rani AT ft»♦ ' a' U III h UIV^'N v M.. nra’ T a * • !*» 1«*3 Fa»nam Ja S4'S Vml.L‘ R EA LTT CvvTRea;tcrsL AT. * «»f