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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1924)
Buffaloes Take Both Ends of Double-Header From Howard Gregory’s Witches - ®___. ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■■ - ; ■ " 11 i ' I Lee Allows Only Four Bingles in First Contest Bailey Holds Izzies Runless, Hitless for Six Innings— Herd Scores Early in Initial Game. HK It u f f a I o c x made lia.v while some 6,000 spec tators and the son milled yes terday and won a d o u b I e-h e ader from Howard (JreRory and his Wichita Witches by the scores of 8 to 2 and 7 to 5. It was the Herd's third straight vic tory over tile Jayhawkers and inci dentally Omaha increased its lead over IJenver in the standings as the Hears only played one contest and lost. Yesterday’s twin victory on the part of the Ruffs just goes to show what the Herd can do when it gets the right kind of pitching. .Lee and Buttey, tlie veteran southpaws of the dul» were the ones who turned in the wins and they deserved eaeli vic tory. Lee southpawed the Witches into defeat in tlie initial contest, al lowing the enemy only four hits, two of whirh came in the fifth inning when I\ iciiita scored its only two runs. I!c struck out 10 and wasn't in trouble outside of llie fifth inning. Bailey pitched another one of his good games. I.Ike his teammate, Railoy had a bad Inning in the sixth when "Wichita scored four Tuns and again in the ninth when it scored another. The- Buffalo portsider held the Witches runless and hitless un til the sixth and only allowed them eight hits during the game. Five of the eight hits came in the sixth Inning. Wichita didru't receive such good pitching, especially in the first game when the Buffaloes Jumped on Mc Namara in the firBt inning and scored three runs off a double. Cul lop's 31st homer, Osborn's triple and Bonowitz's single. In the second inning after the Buf faioes had scored two runs, Oregory yanked McNamara and sent out Sel lers who didn't do any better than his mate. The Buffs took picks on Sei lers In the fifth and sixth innings, scoring a run in the fifth and two more in the sixth, WICHITA. \n.R II TH.SH.Sn.BB.PO.A.E. Smith rf ..... 4 I 1 100130ft Brow nr Jb I I 0 o n n o 4 « n Bminlnr If 4 a I 3 n 0 ft 1 u | Payne rf « n 1 3 n 0 n 1 in Berk lb 4 ft 0 (1 I) ft ft * ft ft I'dlcy ** 3 ft ft ft ft ft 3 3 .7 ft 'dllesnie 3b 4 ft ft 0 II ft 1) J I ft McMullen r • ft 0 » ft 0 o 4 11 n MeNamara 11 ft ft 11 (I 11 ft 11 11 d n v Seller* n 3 ft ft ft ft o ft n n ft x Wale* I I) ft ft 0 0 II 0 0 ft Total* 31 3 4 « 0 0 3 24 11 J Bt'W.MOES. I" P.H TB HH..XB.BI1.PO.A.E Thn'ft*nn 2b 5 2 3 3 ft (I ft 2 3 II Rrhlnscn rf 5 2 I I 0 I o ft o 0 rollon 10 4 2 2 3 o 0 1 11 0 ft Osborn If 5 1 2 4 ft II ft I ft 0 a-niovltn ef 4 1 X H ft 0 | 2 ft ft ‘•’Veil ** 5 ft I I ft 11 ft ft 3 ft •VUros 3b 4 II 3 3 ft ft ft * 2 3 Wilder r 3 (I I I 0 ft t 11 I ft p 4 II (I ll II ft II u 2 ft Total* 39 S III 24 ft I 3 2* III 3 -Wale* batted for Seller* in ninth, seo-e by Inning*: Wichita (Kill 020 (KMt 2 lln'falne* 320 ftl2 (Six H Summary—Home ran: Cullop. Three 0-i*.e h:t*: Ovborft. Bnnnwltz. Two-0a*e h't*: Tbomp*on. Payne. Double piny*: ""lie' (•» Browne [■> Berk, Run* « and hU*: Off M» N-imara. ft and K In 1 2-3 in e*n-*: eff Seller*. 3 and S In ft 1-3 in "'"r*. Base* on Oa1!*: Off McNamara. I: off - ell- r*. 2: eCf lee. 3. Struck » lit: B* M_eNem*r". (': by Seller*. 4: h, 10. "'Inning p'teher- i,*e. fa**in* pllefvT: M, Seirarn. Pe-*e,| hell*- Wilder. 1'mnlre-t tleffne* ip-1 Have*. Time: 1:50. I.eft ,.n be*e*( Wichita. S: Omaha. 1ft. Second aaine: W It II IT \ AB.R.H TB.xH.SB.BB.PO. \.E “mltll ef 4 ft II ft I ft (12 0 I Browne 2b 3 ft t 1 1 o « I 3 0 "nnninir If 5 13 3ft (I ft 3 ft 0 "Hint rf 4 I (1 (I ft ft 1 3 1 ft '•"rk lli I » I I ft (I ft s « n 44lev *» 3 ft I 2 ft ft I 4 3 0 "Jl'eaple 3I> 3 (I (I ft ft ft I 2 2 ft I'-lea r I 2 2 3 ft ft II 2 2 ft -orrr-rr p . 3 I 1 I II ft ft 1) I ft xMrMulIrn 1 ft II ft ft (I ft ft II 0 Trial* ...35 5 * II f 9 3 24 It 1 IH'4'F.M OKS A'l.U.Il TB.SII.SB.BB.PO.A.E ■chomp*, n ?b 5 ft 0 ft ft ft ft 1 I ft "ob|n*on rf 4 I I I ft ft ft 3 I) ft t',l*l,»p II, ..4 I ft 0 ft II ft 1ft 3 11 o*bcrn If 4 I 2 3 ft ft ft 3 ft e D-Poslt* of. 4 I 2 2 (I (I ft 1 (I ft -O’Neil »* * I 1 I* (I ft II 2 2 3 Wilcox 3b 3 0 I I I 1 II | I o l.neltbe ft , 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 4 0 0 Motley p» 3 I 2 3 I) II I 2 5 II zKnupiit o n o ll o o ft 0 o o # _ _ _ ___ Tflto'a 3(1 7 10 12 2 I 3 27 I! * xMrMuUrn Imtleil for 4.regnry In ninth. -/Koiipnl ran for O'Neil In foorlb. Her re by Innins*: W'eMta ikki not ftftl— 5 1114* (KKI 00 5 (121— S B"ff’il«ra 010 101 31 x— 7 lilt* 02(1 Ml 32x—10 Monimary—TMn-bo*e bit*: Wale* Don nine. I|,-a(ey, (Shorn. Ihdley. lilt by "Itebed boll: Browne by Bollev: O'Neil bv tiregery (2) : Kohlnann by f.regnrv. struck out: Bv l.resorv I: by Ball, v 4. I mnlr,-*: tiwffnev and Have*. Time ef rame: 1:55. left on bn*e*: Wichita s: Omaha 7. Josies Win Sluglest. Denver. Auk 17—St. Joaeph todny hes»* Denver in a alUKfeat. 17 to 14. I'tuivpr 'mH four pitcher* and St Joacnh three in Iin effort f»» atop pgrh other Score FT. .JOSEPH (Wi DENVER i\V) «b.h o.a e. Ah h o n #. D'nKKln If 5 3 4 n nOormnn lb f. 10 2 1 For'Kan **51411 Beraer ** 31021 Mathea lb 5 .1 7 0 'I Rfglsv *« 2 on j o Hiller rf 4 1 I o OOtn'rdl If 4 1 3 o n Gilbert 3b 4 2 1 3 0 Ruche lb 5 15 0 0 Douthit rf 2 2 1 0 1 11' Brien if ft .1 SI 0 Nufer 2b 5 2 3 4 OFalk rf 5 2 3 0 0 Urooka c, 3 2 4 1 <1 Kniirht 2b 4 4 3 4 0 xFer'Kton 0 n 0 o o Hinkle c 2 0 7 1 1 Mlnetree c 1 0 1 o o zHrown 110 0 0 Haiti p 3 0 0 0 0 \VJinlin* c 2 1 2 1 0 Blrk’ork o 0 0 0 0 0 I'Ikk n 2 2 0 0 0 Dav'ort p 21000 Hall p 210JM --—— Free'an p 0 0 0 0 n Total* 42 17x28 8 2 Vo'hel* p 110 0 0 Total* 44 19 27 13 3 itO’Brlen out hit bv batted ball. xRan for Brooke In elKhth zBatted for Hinkle In fifth Hi ore by InninK' Ht. Joaeph .400 050 170—17 Denver .003 232 030— 14 Summary—Buna; DeMftKKio (2). Cor rlKMO Mathea (3). Miller 12). Gilbert (3). Drtuthlt (3). Nufer. FernnKton Devon port. Golman. Beraer (2). (llrucUrdl, Koehe. O'Brien (2) Falk. Knlaht m. Hinkle. Brown. PIkk Two-bane hlta Mnthle*. Beraer. Kc»ehe. F4rowrt. Nufer. O'JBcJen. Three-ba*e hit*: DeinaKKio. Douthltt f'orilKan. Brook*. Nufer Flome run: KniKht. Htolen ba*e* Brooka. o'Hrlen. Douthltt. Gilbert. Miller. Hajrl flee*: Douthltt. Gorman. Double plava Beirlev to KniKht to Roche Struck out: My PIkk 4 by Hall. 3: bv Hald 2: bv Hhdeenatock i by DtvcnpoH Base* <>n ball a: Off FHkkj. 1: off Davenport. . off Half! 2: off Illrkenatoi k. 1; off Hall 1 «»ff Freeman. 2: off Voorhala. t Phm*<mI ball: Fllnkb. Kuna and hlta: Off lfald. 9 and 10 In 4 1-3 Innlnaa: off Blrkenatoek 0 and 1 In 1 3 InninK off PIkk. 5 and 7 In 4 InnlriK*; none out In fifth; nff Hall 5 and K In 3 Innlnaa: none out In elahth: off Freeman. 3 Mnrt 1 in 2*3 Innlnir Win Pina pitcher: Davenport. Doalna pitcher: Man. Deft on ba*ea: 8t. Joaeph. 4: Den ysr, in Empire*: Donohue and Colllna Time 3:10. With two #*r*ptlona. avary member of the Overland Tlraa. rhamplona of the Induatrlal league, play* with ioma 8un itiy Metropolitan laagua team. I Baseball Itbnljs and Standings WESTERN LEAGUE. Standing*. W. L. Pet. Win Lose Cmnhn .IX 45 .HI!# .622 .613 Denver .72 49 .695 .59* .590 Tulsa .69 52 .670 .574 .566 St. Joseph . 66 52 .659 .563 .555 Oklahoma City ..61 60 .504 .509 .500 Wichita . 56 66 .463 .467 .459 Lincoln . 41 73 .360 .365 .356 Des Moines . 38 79 325 .331 .322 Y«sterdny’s Results. Omaha 8-7; Wichita 2-5. Tulsa 10-11; Des .Voine.s 2-2. Oklahoma City 14-3: Lincoln 5 2. St. Joseph 17: Denver 14. Game* Today. Denver at Omaha. Des Moines at Lincoln. No others scheduled. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standings. W. L Pet. Win Lose New York .69 42 .622 .6“ .616 Pittsburgh .65 44 .596 .600 .591 Chicago . 61 48 .656 .560 660 Brooklyn . 62 51 .549 .653 .544 Cincinnati . 59 57 .509 ...513 .504 St. Louis . 47 64 .423 .429 .420 Philadelphia . 41 68 .376 382 .373 Boston . 40 70 .364 .369 .36U Yesterday’s Result*. Brooklyn, 9-8; Cincinnati, 4-5. Chicago, 2; Philadelphia, 1. Boston. 4; St. Louis, 2. Only games played Games Today. Philadelphia at Ht. Louis. New York at Cincinnati. Boston at Chicago Brooklyn at Pittsburgh. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Standings. W. L. Pet. Win.Xose. New York .6 6 4 9 .674 .678 .669 Detroit .64 60 .501 .565 .557 Washington . 63 52 .548 .552 .543 St. Louis .60 53 .531 .536 .526 Cleveland . 53 61 .405 .470 .401 Chicago . 51 62 .451 .456 .447 Philadelphia . ...50 05 .425 .440 .431 Boston . 49 64 .434 .439 .430 Yesterday’s Result*. New YArk. 2; Chicago. J. Washington, 8; Detroit, l. Only games, played. Hftimes Today. St. Louis nt Boston. Cleveland at Philadelphia. Detroit at Washington. Chicago at New York. AMERICAN association. Kt*» t»f|ing«. W. L. Pet. Win Los-' St. Paul . 70 51 .579 .582 .574 Indianapolis .67 50 .573 .576 .56* Louisville .Of, 53 .556 .559 .650 Columbus .58 63 .479 4*4 .475 Kansas City .55 i.4 .402 .40? .459 Toledo . 56 6 7 .455 .460 4'2 Minneapolis .55 07 .451 .455 .447 Milwaukee . 54 06 .450 .455 .4 10 Yesterday ’« Result*. Kansas Cltv 6-0; Toledo 3-5. > Columbus 7-G: Milwaukee 3-4. St. Paul 5-3: Indianapolis 1-2. Minneapolis 11: Louisville 7. Game.* Today. Kansas City nt Toledo. St. Paul «t Indianapolis. Minneapolis at Louisville. Milwaukee at Columbus. INTERNATIONA L LEAGI E. Rochester 5-2: Baltimore 2-3. Toronto 3-8; Jersey City 4-1. SyraeuKe 3: Reading 0 Buffalo 19-9; Newark 6-4 KOl'TIIKRN ASSOCIATION. Little Rock 1-0: New Orleans 0-4. Chattanooga 3. Memphis 6. Nashville 8; Mobile 6. TEXAS LEAGUE. Dallas 1; Houston 8. Fort Wortli 16; San Antonio 3. Wichita Falls 6. Galveston 9 Shreveport-Beaumont, postponed, rain. THREE-EYE LEAGUE. Danville, 2-5; Bloomington. 6-3. Evansville. 3-2: Peoria, 7-7. Terre Haute. 6-1: Decatur. 2-2. Oilers Grab Pair From Boosters * Des Moines, In., Auk. I".—Tulsa outclassed Des Molnp* In two games today and won them, 10 to 2 and 11 to 2. AVilliani Bayne, recently obtain ed from the St. Louis Browns, pitched his' first (tame for Tulsa in the sec ond contest and was unhittnble until he had a safe lead. When the locals made a miserable showlne In the field In the ninth inning, the crowd start ed a cushion battle that held up the contest for more than 10 mlnut*s. Score: First gnm* TULSA (W) DES MOINES (W) nb.h pa a * ah h po.a e. Stuart If 6 2 3 1 Flask ** 4 116 0 M’D’ld 3b 4 2 0 3 1 Cor’den If 4 2 0 0 0 Davis rf fi 1 2 0 ooTnor rf 4 110 0 Lamb cf 5 3 2 0 It Bod I* if 4 110 0 VV’burn 2b 4 3 0 2 1 Knau’p 2b 4 0 5 3 1 Crosby v 4 2 3 0 ft/Mu’gni 1 b 4 111 1 o I.'velt lb 4 lio o o llH'ton "b 3 0 12 0 Pltpoin ** 5 0 17 o Wheal 4»»200 Volght p 5 3 0 1 0 WI Iron p 3 1 o 2 0 -* Bon 11 0 0 0 0 0 Total* 42 17 27 1 4 2 Total* 34 7 27 13 1 zBatfed fur \Vll*on in ninth Score by Inning*: Tul*a . 302 010 400—10 I)** Moine* . 100 001 000— 2 Summary—Run*: Stuart, McDonald. Davi*. Lamb (3). Waahburn (2). Flip pin, Volght. FlRskamper (2). Home run*: McDonald ar»l Lamb. Two-baae hit*: Corriden. I.a mb, Volght. McDonald, Crosby Left on baa*: Tula* 9; Dea Moines, 11 Struck out: By Wilson, 2; by Volght. 2 Base* on ball* off Wil son. none, «.f f Volght, 6. Earned run*: TuIhp. 9; De* Moine*. 1. Double play*: Hamilton to Knaupp to 8tuveng*n; Waahburn to Flippln to Ia»IlveJt Um pire* p.well and Held Time: 1 42. Sennnd gam* TULSA (W) DES MOINES (W) ab.h.po a e ab.h.poa* Auatfn if 4 0 2 0 OFlask'r ** 3006 3 M D’ld 31% 3 0 4 2 1 Cor’den If 4 1 3 0 0 Davis rf 4 3 2 0 00 c nor rf 4 11oo Lamb cf 4 0 3 0 1 Bodte cf 4 0 3 1 0 LHiv’t lb 5 3 0 I « Kna p 2b 4 14 5 1 W'tmrn 2b 5 0 3 1 URtuv'en lb 4 2 13 1 0 Crosby c 6 3 3 0 0 Ham’n 3b 4 2 2 2 0 Flippln as 4 l 3 4 1 Beall c 3 110 4 Bayne p 4 1 1 0 0 zWheat 1 0 0 0 0 ■ ■ ■ Wetzel p 2 0 0 1 0 Totals 34 11 27 9 I Hou** p 1 0 0 2 0 zllungllpg 1 1 0 0 0 Totals 37 9 27 17 4 znntted for B*all In ninth. r.Batted for House In ninth. Score by Inning* Tulsa .000 110 144—11 D*S Moines. 000 000 n\l— ? Summary—Rhns: Austin Davis (31, T.anib (2). LeHvelt (2). Waahburn (2), Flippln, Flasks ni per. Knaupp Two-base hits; Flippln, Crosby. Dsvl*. Lellvelt, O’Connor Sacrifice McDonald. Stolen »*a** Crosby. Left on bases Tul*s. 7. Dea Moine*. 4 Struck out By Wetzel. 1, by Bayne. 3 Bases on balls: «»fr Wetzel, 3; off House. 2 Hit by pitched hall: ,By Weigel. La nth. Earned run* and hit*. off Wetzel, 2 and K in seven and one-third Inning*; off House. I and 3 in ore and two-third* inning*; oft Bayne, 1 and 9 In nine inning* Losing pitcher Wetzel Double pja\* Knaupp to Htiivepgen. Knaupp to ntuvenger »o Flaakwtnper to Mttivengen, Flippln to Waahhurn to LeJIvelt Umpire* Held and Powell. Time: 1:31 REYNOLDS, YOUNG T0PLAYATLINC0LN Sam Reynold*, city golf clmin- ! plon mid former *t*tc rhumpinn, and lllninc Young, al*o former state rlinniplon, will piny Cyril Walker, national open rlianip and liohhy Cniieknhank, rmmeriip (or the national title in 102.1, In an ex hibition match at the I.lnroin club Wednesday Singleton at Ak Field. Johnny Hlnglcton. veteran jockey uml owner of thr*** thoroughbrodg, arrived |n Omaha yenterduy from Chicago where he hnn hren racing at the Hawthorne meeting, Klnglcton will race hie *hort utrlng nt the Ak 8a r-Ben raced, Kepternbi’e U to Hep tember 27, Inelunlve. Jimmy Houln, guperlntendent of the Ak track, nlao returned from the Hawthorne meeting yenterdny. The Woodmen of Ih* World, runners up In the Metropolitan league, will play at Papllllon thl* afternoon. The Wood men are entered In the southwestern Iowa tournament, which start* Friday. Rumor hsa It that ‘Ik* ’ Mahoney and FreUsg of the Murphy Did Ita will p|*> In the tourney with the Fiat email. EDDIE’S FRIENDS r, . j P . . 1 ss 's ✓ ✓ , / /.■ // * bulling tiie Bee on the Gang. '' £AV, CA M •Y '-(O o”" S " B^BAK iWiS OP- L~ <-/00 SYABYeO it ! TriE^E oADiE-S'M'6HT3' Af2E f^N 'DEA, OP / ;z&t2© /m E/ATE/rAiM memt-ukb » SI6MT-SEDM6 ^ A SoBy^AM fJ |-p-; i .-. ^ / l/OV^EM. S8E __ -TAUKS A0OOT f UOE 8I2EAK IT 7~\ n ,--yl OfE “ftAoS>E PA M&SL^UJ ^ piOM’T S WONVT B8 E\i8M 8A\J£ -fALXIKl' 80(2 = =§ O^E* WAE^ 8ooas-TvAee£S ugeCS BMoogjA (A^fKip z= ~=p $3 Ep=i— l S>fMU A sv\'p pxD UK£ A-r Wo be HEt2 / tAA\P 80(2 A PA"/ AnI USTEM16 SOME of 1A0S.8 SA£ AM'HBI2 , MOSBAMDPor , Ls=w*J _ , M* m H © 1924 av Int l rtAiuac Scwvici. IwcTjffieat Britain rghn reaervad ^ ^ r-:-\ Batting Averages of Players in City Ball Series s/ Batting average of the players par ticipating in the citv series: » HI NDAY SENIOR DIVISION. AB. If Pet. Hannan, West L Improvers . . 1 11 000 Mason. C. LI. &• Q.1 1 1.000 Bans. West L Improvers .5 3 .000 Satrapa, Vinton Merchants . ...5 3 .600 rjrimm. West L Improvers . 4 2 .500 Wftlia, West L improvers .4 2 .50" Welch. Vinton Merchant* ....4 2 . f*o0 Frejtag. Murphys .4 2 .500 Nick. Murphy* ...3 1 .500 Mahoney Murphys .2 1 .500 BedurH. West I. Improvers ....5 2 . 4ftft Donohue. West I. Improvers 3 1 .333 Koehler. Vinton Merchants .3 l .331 Ilanrahan. Vinton Merchant* 3 1 . ;3 Ryan, Murphy* . 3 1 .33.3 Shalberg. Murphy* ... .3 1 333 Paul. Vinton Merchant* 4 1 2'ft Skomol, Vinton Merchant* . 4 1 .250 Jordan C B A Q 4 1. 0 Brnniff. CRAW . 41 .250 Morrison. c B. & Q 4 1 .2 50 Mellck. West I. Improver* ....I 1 .2°o Jordon Vinton Merchant* 5 1 . 2"0 Novitsky. Vinton Merchant* 5 1 200 Note—All othpr player* tak ng part in the aeries have not secured any *afe hit* and are therefore not listed HI NDAY .11 SIOR DIVISION. J. Cavcney. Broun Park* .31 .333 Nepedahl. Flrown Park* .3 1 .333; Nelson. Brown Park* ... 4 1 250 Jamison, William Ht Meich. 4 1 . 25ft Knezecek. William St. March. 4 1 .250j Sonins Defeat Hubs. 4 to 3 ELK HORN YAI.LRY LEAD! E. Standings. W«n. Lost. r> t Ponln* .13 4 764 Hcribncr .13 4 .764 Rub* .* 5 Hooper . 6 6 -506 Arlington . 6 9 -470 We*t Point . 6 10 .378 Nickerson . 4 13 235 Plair . 3 13 .167 Ye*-terda%’» Result*. Honln*. 4; Hubs. 3 Hcrihner. 3. Hooper. 6. Arlington. 6; Rlnfr, 2 Ntrk'r*on, 4. West Point. 1. Fremont, Neb., Aug. 17.- With tho 6t*ore 3 to 1 nguinst them, the Sonins wtagod a batting rally in their half of the ninth, whlyh enabled them t«> score two run*, and another rally in the ttth that netted them the win ning run In a 4 to 3 game with the Hubs of Fremont here today. Brownaon, on the mound for the Sonina, am! Melton, hurling for the Huba, both pitched good ball, allow ing ninq hita apiece. Scribner, by virtue of its 9 to f, victory over Ilooper. remained in a tie with the Sonina for the league leadership. Arlington downed Blair, 5 to 2. while Nickeraon won a 4 to 1 oonteat from YVeat J'oint. INDIANS WIN DOUBLE-HEADER Lincoln, Neh. Aug 17 —Oklahoma City look both cids of a twin bill her* Hun dll). 14 to R and 3 to 2. Joe T**e* two home run* and Mensc * drrui. smash fea lured th« opener Error* behind Ham Lewi* gave the second game to the In dlanr. iMrst game: OKLA. CITY (W ) LINCOLN (W ) ah h po a e ab h po * e Hock cf 8 2 4 6 «• Moore cf 4 0 1 ft n Menze If 6 3 6 0 0 Purdy 3b 5 0 0 3 3 Feliter rf R ft 1 ft 0 O ther If 4 110 0 M< I i*l lb 4 1 11 o o Ski nr rf 4 2 1 o n M-N'lv 2b 4 3 0 4 0 L**’M 2b 404 .3 0 Tate .3b R 3 1 0 0 1 • wri t lb 3 2 12 0 0 Kbadot **51270 Snyder c 3 1 7 3 2 Forest c 5 13 0 » I’bnv* * se 3 1 0 4 n Miy p 4 0 0 1 0 t'onper p 4 112 0 •---*(>rover 1 onoo Total* 43 1 5 27 12 0 -- Total* 34 % 27 15 5 zBatted for Dumber in ninth S. ore by Inning* Oklahoma C ity .602 200 122—1 4 Lincoln .010 .300 100— & 1 Summary—Run*. Hock Mens* (3L K*l ber. McDaniel (3). M< Nally <2». Tm* 1.3). May, Dunther. Cartwright (2), Hnyder. <’h*v*x Dome run* Tuts (2). Mens* Three t»**« hits Chavez. Skinner Two has* hit* McNally Tafc Cartwrlyht i. Cooper. Sacrifice hit* ICmk. McNally Struck out: My May 2; bv Cooper 7 Basra on balls: Off Mav 5, off Cooper 2 Hit by pitched ball: Moore bv May Double piny Mi Nally to Kbadot to McDaniel. Passed ball Snyder Left on base, iiklii honin' City 6. Lincoln 3. Earner runs: Oklahoma City *; Lincoln 1 .stolen base: McDaniel Dmplrc* shannon nnd Obrien Time: 2:07 Second game; OKLA CITY IW) LINCOLN <W) ab h po a e. ab h po a e Hock cf 4 2 2ft n Moore «f I 1 3 1 •> Manse If 3 1 3 0 ft Purdy 3b 3 1111 Felber rf 4 0 10 Od'ther If 1 ft 1 0 ft M'DTet 1b .3 0* 2 OHkl ner rf 3 0 0 0 0 M’N'Iy 2It 4 2 6 3 01/mrl 3b 3 13 7 0 Tate 3b 3 0 0 3 OCrlght 1b 4 trt 1 1 Kbadot **.3 1 2 5 01 'haves ** 3 116 0 Forest. 1 4 0 4 2 0 Lamb o 2 0 3 0 1 Hm la I nn p 4 0 1 0 OsHnydnr C 1 »i I ft ! 1 • 1 • p lift]# Totals • :7 16 0 zRulen 1 ft 0 0 0 zdt u\ < r 1 0 0 0 0 Tnlnl. .1" » oVt i xMntted for Lamb in sixth zHafted for Chaves In ninth sRatfed f'»r Lewi* In ninth. Hours by Inning* Itklslionia City 21ft 000 000—-.' Li 10 oln . . ....100 oftl 000—3 nil 11 Ruin Mot k * t» Mtnii Mnore. Purdy. Two him hit: Laxserl Maiilfice hH tlunther Struck oui Rv Mh la t i'N 4. by Lewis, ? Muse on bntl* itff Halalnn. 5, off Lewi* 4 Double play* McNally to Mi Daniel, McNallv 10 kbadot «o McDaniel Moots to La > zerl Htnjen base* McNally. Klindot. I'bevez Earned run* Oklahoma City. I Lincoln I Left on base* Oklahoma CRy, *, Lincoln. 7. t'mplrr*. U'f1rl*n *nd Shannon, Tim*: 1.67. t 1 Short Ship R ace Circuit Opens Madison. Neb., Aug. 17.—The South Dakota-Nebraska Short Ship Racing circuit of which the Madison county fair at Madison, Neb., is a member, opened this week at Platte, S. D., with the largest and classiest field of harness horses ever assembled at a meeting at that place. The circuit meeting at Madison will he held the second week in Septem ber. following the Nebraska state fair. Purses at Madison will total $1,500 for the six principal events and each race will carry added money. The gallop ers will he given two events daily which will pay $100 each and the added money, a total of more than $600. The entry list for the opener Is made up from four states, Iowa. Ne braska, South Dakota and Minnesota. Each of the six harness events has from six to eight starters presenting well balanced classes and* insuring some interesting races. Among the prominent horsemen who are starting on this circuit this week are John Miller of Elgin, Neb., with Lida V.. Black Kilkenny and Gertrude Gossett. A pacer. Philip Spence, owned by J. W. Igiwlor of Rake Preston. Minn., is touted to I* a circuit money winner for although a green pacer he has already taken a mark of 2:17 14 at Aberdeen. Other stables are those owned by L. P. Keefe of Stanton. Neb., Janus Hall of Sheldon, la., Guy Wagner of Garden City. 8. D., Sophia Van Horn of Presho, S. D. After the first meeting this week at Plntte. the horses will go to Ver million. S. D., August 19 22; from there to Concord. Neb.. August 26-29. then to Hartlngton, September 3 5; | Madison. September 9 12; Albion the third week in September, and will close at Stanton during the last week of that month. TRICOUNTY NET PLAYERS TO MEET Bloomfield, Neb., Aug. 17.- A num her of local tennis player* plan to enter the annual tournament of the Trl county Tennis association which will lie held at Pierce on Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 19 ami 20. The association includes the coun ties of Cedar, Pierce and Knox and present title holders arc: Doubles, Vic Henry of tgiurcl and G. 11. Lid dell of Bloomfield; singles, F B. Lid doll of Bloomfield. B. A. Powers of Pierce is secretary of the association. Play will start nt S a. m,. Aug. 19 MRS. VANDERBILT BUYS NICHOLAS Saratoga. N. Y.. Aug. 16,-Mra. Wil liam K. Vanderbilt. III. today bought Nlrhola*. winner within the fortnight «>f the Ban ford Memorial fltake* *nd the Albany Handicap, for $6n.noa, from Frank J. Farrell. The thorough bred la a 2 year old, sired by Stephen the Great, and Imported as a wean ling by Phillip T. Chinn. __ - 1 1 1 \ | American Association | Columbu.. Aui. JT-rir.t «.m»: |( y ColUltihui . 7 j i * ^'lta tier lea. Handera and Urban. Foil. Mr Menemy and Young . Her o nil game: as* ,» Cidumbua ... Q M,liH?t'eiTea Ketrhum an»l Hartley. Winn and M«Menemy. Toledo. Auf 17—Flrat game R ]« F. Kanaaa City . ;i i 5 1'itrtVteriea: Alman and Hkiff. lllard. M'<‘ullough and Hrhulta. He. «md gam#: K a naira City ... * . Tularin . . V..,, llattarlea l.lndaey, Walker ami Hill Inga, Haldwln anrl tlaatmi. Indianapolla, Aug 17 Flrat game: „ It. it r'< HI I'll III .. * *“ ? Indianupolla ,, * ’ \ HaH'Hea: Kaeth end LMlon, » elty and Krueger , Heeond game: H M 1 Ml Haul . * * J India iihpoH* . , Hatterte* !,*•-’ Markle and I HO rj Smith end Krueger l.uitlavllle, Aug 17 R H K M inneaiMilla Lmtlavlfle « •* * Hat ter lea llarrl* Mtdmondann and Wlrta, Knob. Holley, Tlnrup ami Vlrk The f.immoter fund*. rhamplhna nf the < ’ommet tda I league, and the Oveidand Tlrea, ebamnlnna nf the Inrluattlal league who divided a double header a week ago laal Haturdav. will plav the final game of a three amoe aarien for the Haturdai • hamploBahlp heat Hunday at l.eagua I’gek a Washington, Aug. 17.—Walter John son allowed hut four hits today and Washington won from Detroit, 8 to I. Detroit scored in the ninth when, j with two out, Jones hit a fast grounder to* Peckinpaugh, which bounded over his head for a single, and O’Rourke followed with a double to renter, resulting in the one tally. McNally starred with four hits out of five times at bat. Score: DETROIT (A) WASHINGTON fA> a b h po ■ • ab.h.po.s # Jon©» 3b 4 1“ 2 AM’Xeelf rf 5 4 3 A <• O'R’ks 2b 4 114 0Harris 2b S 2 3 1 A Cobb of 4 a . ft ohn# rf 2 '» 2 A n H mann rf 1 f"»o«iin !f 4 1 3 n a Winso If 3 0 5 1 OJudg* 1>» 4 2 7 n A Pratt lb 3 »*15 o uBlueg© lb 3 ? 1 ° ** Rtgnay a* 3 0 14 onuel <* 4 17 1° B*l©r c 3 A o j Apatigh aa 4 2 1 2 A Walla p A a 0 A AJ naon p 4 2 A 1 A H oway p A A A A A - ■ — t'ola p 2 a a I A Total* 33 14 27 3 0 Manu* h 1 A 0 e A Total* 30 4 24 1 4 a xHatted for Cole in ninth Score by inning* Detroit .AAO AAA PAI — 1 Washington . 230 AAA 03x—• Summary—Rune: Jonea. McNeely, t»oa lin Bluege 12). Peck <2). Jotmeon 12) Two-baae hit* Jnhnaon. peckinpaugh, O’Rourke Three-baa* hit: Goalln Stolen b«ae; Rice Sacrlf «e hit: Blu©g© Double i lay*: Ruel to Judge; O’Rourke to Kigney to Pratt, Wlngo to Pratt I*eft n baae* • Detroit. . Washington. A Baae on ball*. Off Cole. D Struck nu? If. 1 • »h r r> t Hit" Off Well#. 5 in 1 1-3 inning*, off Holloway. 3 in 1-3 In ning- off S in 4 1-3 Inning* Dosing pitcher Well*. Dmplre*: Rowland. C«*n nolly and Owen#. Time: 2:1S. New Stables Will Race at Ak Meet ncscrvitions for timr* than Sno | thormjghhreiiK ha vc horn made for I the coming fall Ak Sir B»n rare meet | Ing that, will start September 9 anti continue until September 27. Ncvrral stables that have never raced here have wired Secretary Char lie Trimble of XU Sar Hen for reser vations. K. I-!. Majors will ship a tarload of runners from llawtlmmc. while K. I’. Omrrn will bring eiglit \ head from Kentucky. It < reeclt has 17 head coining (min Vancouver, It C., while II. T. I’arlmer with 15 head ' and ,V It. Jessup with four runners j will also ship front Vancouver. T. j Cummings will ship a carload ol thoroughbreds front Tanforan, Cal. I II. T. Hunter is also shipping from j Tanforan. It. F. McClain of the Ak Sar Ben stable la at Ak track where he t» conditioning Delante. his pride and Joy for the coming Ak races, ltelante. a son of Seth Keep Moving, won *ix straight handicaps at New Orleans last winter. Numbered among Pel ante's victories was the New Year’s handicap. WILL HOLD NET MEET AT RIVERVIEW* of th*» numerous ^rntrte* j received from the district in the vicln- f Ity of Riverview park, thou* ill 1 charge of the municipal tennis tour nament decided to hold a district tournament at Riverview. Previous plan* did not Include any Arrange ments for holding a tourney nt the south end park More than 20Q entries have already l>een received for the tournaments at the various park**. Entries will close tonight at <1 and play will start Mon day at f> In the different rity park courts. Entries will her ecelvr i by the fol lowing: Rlxcrviaw park. Ed Hanson, rhnns At lantic 912* Rami* park. A! Handler, phone Har nr> 4453 Miller park. \p*. Melvin, Kenwood K'*unt#e park. A| Elnkrl Webster 1*14 Highland park. A Illohn, Market • Hi 7, SINGLE G WINS; BEATS MF.RRYMAN North Randall, t’levelnnd. Aug. 1 •»- J Only four heats of today's flrnnd i’licult summary were raced. Rain, which began falling after the second bent of the 2:15 cine* l lotting, caused a postponement of the card. Single (J, world's champion pacer, won the only heat of the free fot nil pace, de feat ing Merry man by a head by out brushing him In the stretch. The lust half was paced In 58 3 5 seconds It was the* veteran home’s fir*t start on ths circuit title season. Pennock Bests Thurston in 2-1 Hurlers’ Duel Yanks Obtain Winning Mark ers in Sixth Inning on Double, Triple, Field er’s Choice. K\V YORK. Aug. 17. —Herb Penn ock and Hollis Tliurs lon hooked up in a pitching battle here today, which was not settled until the last man was out In the ninth. New York defeated Chicago, I to I. The Yankees got their two runs in the sixth inning on Witt's double, Du gan’s triple and Ruth's fielder's choice. Score: CHICAGO (A) NEW YORK fA) ab.h po a 9 ab.h.po.n.c. M hart ra 3 0 0 3 BWUt ef 4 > 2 0 u Barrart ra 1 n 0 | OTiuaan 3b 4 12 10 Moatil rf 4 0 10 o Rmh rf 4 0 4 0 0 1 olllm 21, 4 I i 7 oMeuael If 30100 lb 4 1 ID I 0 Pipp lb 3 » 3 0 o Folk If 4 110 OS, hr,ns r, 3 2 3 1 0 r.lall rf 4 2 10,, Ward 2b 2 0 0 4 0 Kamm 3b 4 0 0 2 0 Scott aa 3 0 1 o o Nrhalk c 3 12 1 nlVn'ork p 1 0 0 Ao Thura'n p 3 13 11 ._ -- Totala 27 4 27 « 0 Total* 34 7 24 1« 1 Score by lpnlnsa: Cl,I, ago .... * 000 000 010—I Ne - York . 000 002 00*—2 Summary Puoa. Schalk. Witt. Dugan ,Twu-bMr hitr S. hang. Will. Elah. Throe-baa- lilts: K Ik. I,naan, Thuralon •Sacriflcp: Pennock. I.eft on baa-,: New York f». *: Hasp* on bxlls: off Thurnt-n .? Ftrud; #>ut Bv I’en noi k, k. 1’mpltVs; Na 11 in, HiMebmnU Hnd Mori arty Time: 2:06. Ak Knights to Have Grid Team The Ak-Rtr-Bcn Knights, semi-pro football squad, winners of the 1923 state semi-pro championship, are re organizing for (be 1924 season and are booking games for the fall. The Knights have practically the same squad which w n the title last year In uniform, and with the addi tion of Barker end Ablen. former uni versity Stars, to the barkfleld. ami "Cozy" Pierce, former Technical High linesman, the team has been consider ably strensfhcnfd August Powell, end; Frank Powell, end; Bill Francis, guard and tackle; Jim Johnson, tack’e: Dick Singles, halfback; Harry Wirsenbcrg. end and halfback: Johnny Gilmore, halfback: Joe Humphrey. j„hn McOlaughlin. Ralph Spellman. Howard Kane. Pat Cahill, Johnny Monaghan and Wilton Stlbbs hate signed up with the team More Polo Ponies for Ak Team K John Brand*:*-leaves tonight for j Winnipeg. Fan., where he will partiri pate In the Canadian polo tourney j which Mart* Tuesday. The Ak Sar-Ben team of which j Bran del* in a member won the cham pionahip at the Fort Snellinf? tourna ment 1 . «t week. All member* of the! team except Brandel* remained nt 1 Minneapolis and will leave there to j nipht for Winnipeg. Before leaving Omaha Brandet* an nounred that the Ak Sar Ben taem had purchased five new polo poniea for their game* In Canada, the fret | of which "ill l*e played Tuesday. Reside* the Ak Bar-Ben team, the | M nneapolia. st. Paul. Fort gnellinz ) Buff* and Fort Snrllfng F.l?*ck* will | participate. OSCAR FUHR JOINS TEXAS LEAGUE San Antonio, Tex.. Aur. If*.—Oacar j ”l*eft> ‘ Fuhr. Boat on Red Sox pitcher, " M Join the San Antoni** Rear* at Fort Worth Sunday, Preal* dent Ren*on announced tonicht. Clar ence ’Buck*’ Winter*, nltcher for the Bear*, "ill leavr* for Boston Sundnv niKht to join the Fled Sox. Benaon atnted. Fuhr wtm with Omaha In 1021, j when "Fa” Bourke owned the club. Max Hark Released. St i d>uis. Aur. If'.— Max KlacK. j outfielder of the local National league team, who was obtained from Chi cago In May. 1922, hai been released to tbe On kin ml club of the Pacific Const league under an optional agree m«nt. it was announced today. Solon * Obtain Infielder. 1 e's Angeles, Aug 1*5 -Charles (>»r man. infielder, has been released ty tbe Vn non Pacific Coast league ivt«e liall club, it was announced today, to permit Dorman to fill a prlcv* con tract with the Lincoln, Net*., ctuc. | Pacific Coast League | Se« rtmtnto. i*a1 . Aug 1T- Morning gimr H H K bo* Angeles . 2 7 e Ka< »atnento ♦ . S • S T. n tnntng* Ibit'HTo Cramlgll and Jenldn*. Hugh*** and Koehler Afternoon game 11 H K f.n* An«et*a • I • Re era men to - 2 4 1 Retteries Dumovuh, float and Spencer, Hell end She* Salt I .eke City, Aug 1? I‘y*t genie It If K Sen Franrleco . I 11 J Selt Lake IT It l Retteries Shes, Rchorr, Roberts and Telle O'Neill end Pstere. Second game R M F s*n Francisco . * * <* Balt I .Ake . 4 T .1 Retteries' tlriffm \\ illtam* and Vir aav Multeity. Ponder and Peters Oakland. Cil , Aug IT First game R H K Portland . ....... f & 1 i >a k lend fc * 1 r.itmlo Hm hit* end Paly, Raehler and lU’xd Second game R H K Portland .■ ........2 I ei Oak la n«l 1st* Retteries Keefe and Cochrane. Kune end Raker, l.o* Angelas Aug IT. First game R II K Seattle » le a Vernon ..... T • 1 Retterte* Sutherland Plummer, Wll llaiu* Stuelend and Tobin, Courtney and Hannah Second garnet R H K Seattle 1 U 1 Vernon . . . • 1 % 1 Hatteite* l»ell Sutherland .tone* Wit* Ham* and F Halil* m. Thome* LudctpJh and l* Muirhj . I I team waa defeated by the fast Eddyvilie nine Sunday. 3 to 2. In an U-lnnlng af fair played on the Eddyvilla field. BaJtie, H. II.—In a faal game the "Original All Nations’ beat the Baltic team, 6 to 2. Cambridge. Neb.—Under the manage ment of Jake Kraninger, former manage? <>f the Grand Island state league team, the Cambridge town team has won seven straight victories They were at the ex pense of Holbrook, Curtis, Htocgvllle and HI wood. Bloomfield, Neb.—Bloomfield town team will tangle with the "Original All Na tions” at Bloomfield Sunday, August 24. in the feature game, and with the Creigh ton team in a preliminary mixup. Oakland. Neb.—Tha Oakland team de feated Homer in a fast game horc. by a 5 to 3 count. Features of the game were the hitting of West, the fielding of Peters, and the splendid throw to the plate of Larson, which cut off a runner. Batteries: Oakland, Htlmson and Spell man Homer. Kelsey end Jensen. Bloomfield. Neb.—Bloomfield bent BoyaJ in a red hot contest by a 6 to 2 score. The game \vas the feature of the Baule mill picnic celebration Hershey got three safe h!*.s out of four tripe to the platter. Pnrtwinouth. la.—Portsmouth won a pitcher# battle from Harlan. 1 to 0. ! Batteries: Portsmouth. J. Lelsen and Pnrivan; Marian. Ronart and Carl. Hartinglon. Neb.—liartlngton lost to Bloomfield, * to 4. in h contest featured by errors Batteries: Bloomfield, Cutter and Truby, Hartinglon. Baird and lltrsch rr-an Niobrara, Neb.—Crofton polished off the fest Niobrara team. 5 to 3, in an excel ling contest Crofton wored three runs in the ninth inning to tie the score, and won in the 12th when they shoved over two more Batteries: Crofton. McIntyre and Johnson, Niobrara, Nygen and Hath away. Pierce. Nel».—Pierre scored five runs to j Osmond’s £ to win handily. Wimble. Neb.—W inside came out of its skirmish with Allen on the top of a 3 | to 2 score Table Rork. Neb.—Playing errorless ball. ♦he fast Table Ro< k aggregation defeated \ erdon. 4 to 1 Batteries Table Rock. O'Keefe and Wiar, Cordon, Sloan and Hatfield Sinux Falls *. IL—The “Original All Na tions won « 6 to 3 victory from the lo « a! American I^eglon team Bloomfield. Neb—Royal and Bloom field will play on the third day of the Knox county fair here September 11 for a purse of 9125. winner to take all. Wymore. Neb—The tFymere W. W. A. team will leave for the Woodman turn* rnenl this week at Oakland. Neb. Wood men teams from Nebraska will compete for prises Fndicott. Neb.—Results of the Jefferson County icaguo for the past *#m powelL 12 Kadi cot * 1. Hartflne 1 Fa.rbury 11; Diller 11 Reynolds ! Game *-beduled between Steele City and Gladstone post por ed. Genoa. Veb.—ftenoa played good Hall behind Pitcher Tinning to win a •* to 2 victory over the Newman Grove team. Batter #* Gene* Tinning and Christen son. Neuman Grove, Hinmin and John son Shenandoah. la — \uhurn administered the ftrst defeat of the season to the fast Shenardcsh team at the Shenandoah fair by a 4 to 1 inarg n Batterie* Auburn. I*a\is and Dennison, Shenandoah. McKee and Castle W >n*ld«. Neb.—W tn*lde entered the Nor folk her-eoell tournament which opened j Saturda. August 1* First race. Purse 11.406. maiden 2-year old ffllies 5 furlongs Cneuentine ....116 aHelen Carter 116 lb»*«nn* 115 a Win Bock .115 . . .113 Acceleration 115 Promle’g Laura 115 rOots-Ham .lton entry Second racs I*urse llvO© claiming. I year-old* and up. *> fu-ionr Mark I>enunxlo 1-6 Gee . ..113 Brian Kent . 115 Lugs .1-6 rTvantnia .115 a May Buddy 115 Visa Fortune .161 xKirah .116 Harold K .. 12© xCreacent ...1©; Viennese . l©« xG lentil t H» Put A Take 115 iHi’n Max mi 115 Third race: - Purse 91 ©4*6. allowancea •pr-otd* % 4urU>ngs C>r rents 1!' Muldraugh 115 • l*n»a\ 115 Lady Fox ...II© S’ake Me 4. .115 Sophia Marie 116 Rock Heather H'% Fretnell 115 Fourth rare Pur*"* 91 5©©. Olvmpie Th*a*e- Menduap. i-y ear-old* and up. ' ’ * fuc|onp» a The Vu-a-an'n *r* 3’• * F i I! t|r. H ckman . 1©' 31 ** Cr • na !©i j Th* Runt 11* aQuin e Garden lio ' itruna wick . . . 1X7 ** L B*ker entry 1ft*- ra- e Purse J1.6o< claiming 7 * i s n 1? ard T6 \ard/» xlm^oaslhle 1©7 xMary Ellen. O. 162 j S' M« 31 asters 164 xTewcsrn.i 167 i »Kit .165. xLiege .1*7 gGlaoroore 1ft*. x.Itmaon 1©4 ! xPis Mferthj 163 sHumble 1 I Ss\ ’ race Purs* I! ©*•© - amitng. 4 yr-~.r'lf* a r <\ UJV \ mile#: j \ Jack Frost l'l Merr-mac 16 Hoy 1’; Margaret Ware 16 The Foreigner 11' >Kui' a !©* j Roval I>u k lrt‘ Fa Tarrock .11* | Porius 112 ^•r*orrntlce filename claimed. Cloudy, alow S YU YTO(i Y First ra< a Claiming 3-'aar-old» SV* '• •! m Kd «to 111 Hayward tli b Faddist . . .in . Pol Roger In' Volant* ...1ft* Pol* Star * •" ' Bright Steel 11' s* nor 111 Johnny Cpbell 1ft* bHt.ialeo 1*' a Moma Vanna 1"' Finland U Nina lift \The Spa 11 , Markovar ’ft* A trlsnople 1ft' Margaret 1, . 1ft' xFred Taral *»' * . Teton 1 ftg Xi'ant S. x No 1ft' Chink 113 aRlxiera entry ; bR. T Wlltan. Jr. er tr Second rare Steeple I have tna ‘an* 5 \. . .v|da and up about • « Kltaar IS? S'(vkm*r lift Coon Can . . .J3? ? Char l* on 134 tlrayla* j* IS? Chopstnk* Rxihalor'a Kiae 14& Third rare The XV It on Handiest 3*xear-old« an t g|> ? furlong* xFh By lrt* I.aopardrae 1ft* aOhona IftS \nna M'rone 11 1 " Sl.adv Malle lit Belt ft? XPvft Star 1 ?ft a Fix tna 1ft.* a XX R i‘o* entry Fourth r»i <■ The Catekill Handicap ' y *»ar n|da and up ? furlong* M lea ton try 1 •' Met i Finder 11* Brlcs bfUx *1 iii i'lxrknav ... 1 ft*' t»r> Moon 11 a Coaitgan .. 11« S. oop . llftj *»uarant*ns *ft |Vi|r% 11*' Poly- a -p . ..1ft" hRigrt lift x Ranter .11? Delmor Iftft l*R nrm'i* viable entrx Fifth rat a Condition*. 3 yea*" old* and un mils Ujntv King 1«? Prpp 11 a Plough Box 113 T.*neyrk Spic and Span Ml Initiate It? Revolution 111 Muotxp’ns It. a Apprehension II; P nnrllx a Oak Ri*lre rntrx Sixth ra< a Malden 3 tear 'Id*. I X-i fur long. Nan Xloon 115 aMcandor 111 Johnnv C mpb I 11 Margaret s; 1 ll" Volant# 111 dSilxar Fox 111 #The Bat IIS Mur.elln* The Spa 115 John X'krone 11 115 Clean IIS Adr anople bPol Roger 111 rPotkatone IIS *H»on Jack 111 a Arno 11» liold Stlrk ....US Martha Martin 11? • Star l.or# ... Its McCulloch Topnerra IIS »Fred Taral 11 ( Vftlrapo 115 IWapot 11' Senna, hrlb 111 K t kx Cardinal 11 aXVilllam gleglar Jr antrx bRixieta entry; rj S* Cosden antrx . dKanco. a« stable entrx ell P Whitney enir> xApprentlo# allot* an. * claimed Flea* fast Wynne Return;, to City. *‘Chnt ’ Wynne hood f.Kxtl'nll *n«I ! track rjax'h at Creighton university, returned to Omaha Saumtax from California whore he has Iw*en \ isit Inn with Until# Rtk'knr. Noire Iktme who has l>oen hoMinn a mIi.hM Iti pouching Johnnv f.nogan • fielding n< ahortMop * for the C. R A v} team laaf Sundax «i. of spectacular order, Ths *Je shortato,. galloped all oxer between short and se« i oad base and gtsbbed sexeral lura bits Dodgers Pound Out Two Victories Over Cincinnati Rixey, Donohue Knocked From Box—Florida League Recruit Hurls Hitless t Ball Five Innings. ..— INCINNATI, Auc. 17. — B r o o klyn knocked hath Rixey and Dono hue out of the box today and won both gam*-* of the double header, 9 to 4 and 8 to 5. Dibut, Just recalled from the Florida I e a c u e, pitched the last five in ning* of the sec ond came with out allowing a hit. Wheat got a home run to center field inside the grounds off Donohue in the first in ning of the second game. .Score: First far ti BROOKLYN <N<) CINCINNATI (S) ab h po a e ab h po a * High 2b 2 2 4 J rritx 2b 5 3 13 1 Mitch'I ea 3 1 3 6 0 Dabert lb 2 1 1 3 © Wheat If 622 «» u R..u«h cf 4 2 4 '• 0 F rmer lb 4 2 12 0 l W'lker rf 3 0 2 1 " Brown cf 5 3 4 0 0 Brea'er if 4 1 2 1 ' Htock 3b 4 114 V Pinelli 3b 3 O © 4 " SelM rf 4 2 2 0 0 Fowler 10 0 0 6 Deberry c 5 o 1 ft u ll'ne ss-3b 4 113 0 Ehrh'dt p 3 1 0 2 1 H grave c 4 0 4 © 0 - Rixey p 3 0 ® 1 e Totals 3 8 16 27 16 4 May p 0 0 § 6 t zDuocan 1 0 0 0 0 Totaia 35 7 27 13 1 zHatied for May in ninth. Score by innings. Brooklyn .not 101 420—» Cincinnati . .....013 Quo OvO—4 Summary—Runs. 12), MB' hell. Wheat. Fournier (3». Neis. Ehrhar-Jr Crjtz, Daubert. Pinelli, Rixey. Two-bas* hita. Wheat. Brown Thr*-e-bas© hi’? Fournier, Ehrhardt Stolen base Bohne. Sacrifices Daubert, Stock. Ehrhara-. Left on bases; Brooklyn. 6; r*r, nna i « Rases on balla: Off Rixey. 3; off May l; off Ehrhardt, 1. Struck out: By Rtxev. 1: by May, 1; by Ehrhardt. 1 Hits: Off Rixey. 8 In aix and one-third innings. © off May. 7 in two and two-thirds in nings Wild pitch Rixey Los ng pitfher: Rixey. Umpires. Klem and W ilaon Time 1:51. Second game: BROOKLYN (N) CINCINNATI fX) _.. w ... ab h o a.e. ab b o a +. High 2b 3 3 4 3 1. Crltx 2b 6 0 4 2 V Mit'ell si 4 116 1 D’bert lb 5 3 6 2 © M heat f 4 2 3 0 0 Roush cf 4 0 3 n Fou’er lb 2 1 3© 0 0 Walker rf 4 « 3 0 • Brown rf 6 1 3 1 0 Bresaler if 4 1 2 0 1 Stock 3b 4 12 1 ©Pinelli 3b l 0 1 1 0 Griffin rf 4 0 2 0 ©Fowler ss 3 1 1 • 6 Taylor c 3 13 1 ©Bohne ss 4 2 2 2 © Oebome p 4 1 0 0 0 Wingo c 3 2 4 1 0 _ --— Donohue o 1 0 0 © 0 Totaia 33 • 2T 11 2 Benton p 0 0 0 n 9 xShorten 3 1 a 0 9 Dibut p 21119 Totals $7 ll :: l© 1 ©Ba’ted for F-n'on In fourth. ^rrm by inning?. Brooklyn . *©3 jr.a ©n© t Cm^irnatl ©1© 2*9 r©2—6 Suit m ary—Rurr? High Mitchell Wheat *2» Fournier. Grffffn. Taylor. Oeborne 9 owler. Bohne f2). Wingc <2). Two-ba — hit? Daubert. Bohns. Wheat. Three-base hits Wingo. High. Home run Wh*a I Sacrifice Wheat Double rlara. Pine*! to Crltx to Daubert. Mitchell to High to Foamier (2). Left on bases: Brooklyn ‘ Cincinnati. * Bases on balls Off Donohue, 1: of? Benton. 2: off Dibut J: °ff Osborne. 2 Struck out. By Donohue 2. by Dibut. 2: by Osborne. 3 Hits Off Ltanohue. * in * Innings, none oat .0 fourth: off Benton. 1ml inning: cff Dibut. none in 6 inning* Hit by pitched bail By Donohue Fournier Wild pi»cb : Benton Losing pitcher. Donohue. Um pires Klem and Wilson Tim*. 1 46. Cubs ^in 2-1 Hurlers Duel Chicago. Aug. 17.—Chicago bunched its hits in the first Inning today and defeated Philadelphia. 2 to 1, in a pitchers' battle between Blake and Oeschger, the former having the edge over his veteran rival. Denver Grigsby, Cubs' outfielde-. ran into the screen in left field at tempting to catch a long drive, was l*adly shaken up and his face was skinned. Me left the game, but was not seriously hurt. Score: PHI LA D'PH t A fN> CHICAGO Nt *h.h o $ o, ib h.e.t*. SAnd xi 4 0 2 7 © Adams 2b 3 ! 2 ! Harder rf 4 i 4 © 9 Mea'ote rf S 2 1 • * 'A '!'m« cf 4 1 4 © 9 Ho: fce- .* ; © ; 4 « Henline c 3 13 19 Frlhe*-g Sb 2 1 S 2 • Wr ore Th 3 2 • 3 0 Q firs by if 2 © 1 © 9 Mokan If 3 0 0 0 0 V Pft: 3f ! I 1 M Hoiks b s 9 © © © Hartnett c 1 0 0 2 • Ford 2b © 2 2 ©Stats cf 3 11*0 De’hger 0 2 114 • Cotter b 3 17 9 9 ? Mitt hell j © a a © Risk# p 3*099 OhSkne- n 0 © • 1 ** —--— Schultz 1 9 0 9 9 Totals 2* $ 27 I l Totals 11 4 24 3 4 © xHsv.,1 for ib-it'htff 'n rlfh h. -Dr Med for in ninth Sr'r hv innings: Philadelphia ©©0 19© ©0©—1 \ S ’ - mar? Run- ll*nl:ne Adam*. H©etheo#e b'f W right *tor * n ha*e« Heroes Wii:*»rns. Heath rote sacrifices HoSlocher «J3 Double *?vs «> * hser to rv.i to Hoik? Sard »e Heni©' to <>e«ch«*r. Hnrtoett to At* - c'* Left on Ph t* V’phit. 3; 4 !' ‘ t * 'f ■ ■*« V-C' d -i • u k fi'i! B Blake. *: bv >ve**hc-' ^ 2 Hi’s Off (Vschpfit S ip T inning* ecf G»amer. 3 n ! inff'nt Losing Pitcher . »e»rhcpr. Uitio#r»*? • Hart. McCormick an»1 Firman T\r>w 1 27 bravfs bunch HITS TO WIN. 4-2 St 1*ouU», Auc. 17.—The poumN Haines for four hit* in !* * seventh inninc. which, together with nn error by Ownr) and a MiTiiiT fly. brought In four run* «r»*1 Tfcwton took the thint and Until came of the aerie? from the t'ar«‘:nal* toddy, 4 to 2. Sx-''-. BOSTt’V .M «n b p.< » e Wilson ’f 4 © S © P'lfl Jh 4 © 1 t * Stengel rf i 1 3 # trip « lb 4 1 * © TV we! I . f 4 110 © T rn»\ Jb 4 2©:“ O j 1 4 ! ? * 1 «Hh*v*n c 4 l * 7 ** it 7**1© *0 r. rair Sb t • Heritor i> 3 • • .* ’■ 3* i • ne* p ! * • * * -R«*U o #99©* Tots * 32 « 27 0 0iM«e er 1 © © © * |T" or >ff ’ © © * it'xer 1 © * © • Tot a** 7* * 27 14 2 tBctfed fr»r lt*‘ns? in seventh »»»«{?#.♦ for Frc gsu m rvnth tBaited for BeJ' in ninth S- ere b% inklngs I (41 4 • * 31 Stammary Run* Mclem* Pow# l. T'r-oisx ii h*on. R,vTfrtl«» P’ttfmley base hit© ?!©««♦ tlib*.'n Savri fi* e* Ha'nea. Hornsby R Snlth Gon *ale» left on baar? B.'*?on 3: J*t. T fiUt* ? TUa» on balls «>ff Benti*a 4; off n. || \ StTo,'k out R' Benton. 9 bv H»'pm ? Mu* Off Hasne* 9 in •■even off Bril none n two in •'inc* Hit hv pitched ball Hv Benton, Blade* I..>»•«* nitob©r Hs'nea t m plre* Rigler aed Moran Ttw 1 42 Hiirna k;o op* Cooper. 0*ivi“)tt‘ Hinii ttaviha ni I tlswricht. knocke%\ mit Jack c«v ©or, lijeht heavy Bet|?ht of Khiou. 1i . in the th-*t rtHUHl of a tb'hedttled eight rx'un t mam ey ent at Kill.'*? last night The ItfwsN Park MetvIiaHh hiwh the ^ of the juntas Hundax amateur rhamptak-1 •hip in a ihrtntaa tint# from ths Wi|» Lama h> the a. -re of J to f The Wil« “am 3!r*fi outfit .naie.p'ene of the •tun or Omaha league w**-# d*ped to '* ' be th* fa van lea the Br«ea Park© y