I^^^JZANNE TAKES TO SIDELINEfL^MHe^ Lenglen, world’s champion woman tennis player, has been indisposed lately, but she seems fairly comfortable here as she referees a match between Vincent Richards and M. Borotra held in London. P. & A. photo. STRUGGLING AGAINST NATURE. Continual rains have made it impossible for Cal Townsend to use his teams in working hi- farm near Halcoe, Mo., just over the Iowa line, bo he has been compelled to recruit ev» ry member of his family for work in the fields in order to briny forth a crop. Even the little yirls take a hand Photo by Dewell. CIN DERELLA SCARF. A con trast in black and white, this stunning scarf is quite as at tractive as its pret ty owner. AND IT’5 SUM MER SPORT, TOO. Up on the hitfh stretches of Rainier National Park, W a s h i njrton, the park’s visitors are enjoying a rather unusual summer sport amid ice and snow. P. & A. photo. V /yTl yf LEGION SCOUT TROOP. Boy Scout Troop No. 84 attends all functions of the South Omaha post of the American Legion. First row, left to right: Earnest Clark. George Kai ser, John Buresh, Joseph Mlnarek. William Stefan, James Chaplin, Leonard Haney, Louis Tnrsikes. Second row, left to right: Red Tar bo, district commissioner; Henry Sterba, Matt Fransiscus, John Walls. Frank Mikovic, Frank Mertz, James Kluson. Third row, left to right: Myron Conner, John Ballon, Ray Harger, Gerald Snyder, Edward Sterba, Mark Larkin, committeeman; Leo Nolen, scoutmaster. Fourth row, left to right: Ralph Conners, as sistant scoutmaster; Charles Sterba, assistant scoutmaster; E. H. McCarthy, committeeman; Dr N. J. Everitt, committeeman SWEDEN'S FILM, FAVORITE. Mile. Rene Bjorling is regarded hs Sweden's most famous motion picture «tar The Swedish public, apparently, is quite cap able of selecting a favorite. P. & A. photo. 1 - I I Beach, the author, seems to I I take the “shooting” rather I .1 calmly as one of his many - I dogs takes a paw at the Jj movie crank on the grounds J of Mr Beach's estate at f' Ardsley-on-the-Hudson. P. & A. photo. v MOTHER LOVE. All the evidence of deep maternal affection and fil m ial devotion are here in one of the moat remarkable animal pictures ever taken, snapp'd at the Orant Park *oo in Atlanta, On P A V — photo.