School Pupils Need 10 Hours of Sleep, Claim Health Supervisor Tells Con tinental Club Hygiene Work Gets Results Among - : Students. "Every grade school pupil should have at least 10 hours each day In bed to develop efficiency.” said Charlotte Townsend, supervisor of health In public schools, speaking Friday noon to the Continental club in Hotel Fontenelle. She explained that her department is enlisting Juvenile leaders In every Mock In the city to promote the "ear ly to bed and early to rise” idea. lUss Townsend stated that In 1919 a sm vey of Omaha grade school chil dren showed that 65 per cent had lost one or more of their permanent mo lars, while in 1924 that percentage had been reduced to 29 per cent. “In our health program," she add ed;'“which Includes personal hygiene, foot!, rest, recreation, posture and cheerfulness we are stressing the thought of cheerfulness, which Is a state of mind and may become a hab it. Cheerfulness Is an important fea ture of health. We are endeavoring to promote good cheer In the homes and }t Is our aim to get this Idea over with 1,200 teachers in the schools." She related that while riding in an elector a few days ago the colored operator whispered to her: "Miss Townsend, I have brushel my teeth ever since X left Long school.” “I would say that he left L'>