The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 13, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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    Westminsters Hold Old
Fashioned Lawn Social.
The members of Circle No. 1 of
Westminster Presbyterian church, of
which Mrs. Charles A. WesterHeld Is
chairman, will sponsor an old-fash
ioned ice cream lawn social Friday
evening the 15th, et the home of Mrs.
11mory AY. Johnson. 10IS South Thir
ty-first Street. Special attractions In
the way of entertainment will he
; .aged hy various members of the
committee snd their friends. The pub
lie is cordially invited.
Miss Mullen Accepts a
Position in Conservatory
Miss Gladys Mullen, local dance
teacher, has gone to Chicago for some
special dance instruction and to at
tend the dance convention beginning
August. 22. Following, she will go
to Cansing, Mich., where she will
teach dancing at the conservatory of
music next year.
Lake Geneva Conference.
Mrs. George H. McConnell, finance
chairman of the Omaha Y. W. C. A.,
who is official delegate to the I.akc
Geneva community conference, now
in aession at College Camp, Wis.,
says in a letter just received by Mrs.
Carrie Ada Campbell, general secre
|| "It Is lovely here and I am very
comfortably located. So much I want
to do and hear that, time seems very
limited. If each dayf gives mo as
much ns this morning (Friday, Au
gust S.) has, I shall yvant to tall:
hours upon my return. Wlsh^.you
were all here, not only for the en
. larged vision of life one gets, but for
the beauty of Hie surroundings.”
Mrs. Hansen Hostess.
Mrs. J. J. Hansen entertained Mon
day at a luncheon at her home In
honor of Mra. Bert Von Knenel of
Bay City. Mich., who la visiting her
sister Mrs. Frank E. Marsh. Oilier,
guests were Mesdurnes Fred J. Bur
beck, S. J. Alexander and Mrs. Wil
liam Nelson.
For Visiting Alpha Phis.
Sirs. Gunnar Masburg and Mrs, U
S. Overperk will entertain in hmior
of Mrs. Thomas Moonlight Murphy
of Kansas City.and Mrs. James B.
Strang of Brooklyn, N. T.. members
of Alpha Flii sorority, on Wednesday
at bridge at the home of Mrs.
Belsy Ross Delegates.
Betsy Ross tent No. 1, Daughters
of Union Veterans, will lie represented
at tho national encampment being
held this wpek at Boston by Misses
Ruth Bhufelt. Maude Barnett, Anna
Bailey and Mrs. Otto Baysdorfer, Jr.,
vice president.
V right-Howland.
Miss Marie Howland and Ernest
Wright, both of Omaha, were married
last week at Butte, Neb. Mr. Wright
is appearing with the Savidgo com-'
pany of musicians this summer.
Mrs. Dahlman in Maine.
Mrs. James C. Dalilman and grand
son. Jack Collett, will spend the
month of August at Wlnterport, Me.
Trinity Chapter Initiation.
Trinity chapter, O. E. S., will have
a. special meeting and initiation
Thursday evening 8 o'clock at Ma
sonic temple.
No vinegar
U can give what
it hasn’t got.
The only use of vinegar is to
impart and develop flavor, and to do
this it must have flavor.
Merc sourness isn’t flavor. A poor
l vinegar on which you save a few
cents, will spoil a salad—and where
is the economy in that?
Heinz Vinegars are made of the
choicest materials in the most care
fill way, then slowly aged and mel
lowed to give them that delightful
flavor and aroma which makes a
salad worth while.
, |
Meeting House Again Proves Itselt a
Factor in Human Destiny
^. • -.
~ S^eneffa £>e<?$e.
Mrs. Hannah Burnham is spend
ing the month in Minneapolis.
Mrs. Margaret A. Cook returned
Sunday from Santa Barbara, Cal.
T'sda club will hold a monthly
meeting at 11 a. m. Wednesday,
August 13 at Camp Brew ester.
Mrs, Bruce Baker of Chicago ts
expected Saturday to be the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loomis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. lake and son,
Howard, of Bedford, la., spent the
week end rs guesta of the Guy Lig
gett#. _
Mr. and Mrs. L. Leroy Arniatrong
and daughter. Patrica, are visiting at
the horns of Georgs B. Clark arid
family. Mrs. Armstrong was former
ly Miss Leota Clark. *
Mr. and Mrs. Morey V. Porter and
Spencer leave Friday for Chicago,
where they will Join the J. J. Halseys
of Indianapolis, who will go to Lake
Geneva, WIs., with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgs Moeller and
Miss Helen Hewitt will leave Batur
day for Lake OkoboJI, where the
Moeller's will remain for two weeks
and Miss Hewitt for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Boyer arrived
home Monday from an eight weeks’
astern trip. Their son stayed with
Ills tint le and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Wood, during their absence.
Mrs. Franklin A. Rartlett of
Bakersfield, Cal., Is here with her
two small daughters, Jayne and
Frances, visiting Mr. sn<J Mrs. R.
B. Robinson. With Mrs. Robinson
they will leave August 20 for a tour
Your Problems |
, j
Peggy: If I were you I would- pro
tided your mother approves—Join s
.lancing ( lass. For every young man
who dances—and most young men do
dance nowadays—likes to have a
partner who dances well. And so
girls who dance well usually are in
vlted to dances.
You see. there are countless practi
cal ways of making yourself a charm
Ing, worth while friend and compnn
I/O not forget the appeal of per
sonal daintiness Good hanltli.
flagrant cleanliness tasteful dress,
with attention to all the tlnv details
lliat make up good grooming--all
these are mors Irresistible to many
persf ns than beauty Itself.
Invite the young people you know
to your horns from Hitts to time—
l>otb young men and girl#- -and try
In every yvay to give them a Jolly
time. As a mntter of politeness, your
guests will make petty rails on you
afterward. When they call be as
sweet nnd entertaining as you ran be.
wi that they will wish to come again
You must go half way, you know- do
your pnrt'—In order to rnnke and hold
It is s mistake to allow yourself
to be supercritical toward lbs girls
and young men yotl know, even
though they ntav not. ns you express
It. appeal to yotl. Why do you ex
pert your friends to be perfect? No
human being Is perfect. Hut look
for their good nunlttlee nnd Interest
yourself In their Interests thelrhoh
hies, enthusiasm, embtllohs, These
will supply plenty of subjects for con
vernation. %
Peggy : The propriety of excliang
lug birthday gifts with a hoy depends
entirely upon the degree of friendship
which exists. If you ate engaged or
have been good friends for a long
time, I think an exchange of simple
gifts Is all tight. Hut don't make
1,1(11 a gift unless you think Its wente
lo make you one You practically'
obliges III ni In glvA you HnmrtlilnK
w hen you niAkr him n prA**nt. At
thift 11uir* nt 'rnr, ifi»ir hull*. If hr
golf a: IMiIhr tHi'klr. If h* mjnv« thnt
-port; 1»n«»kK. Inllliilrd or tMonicram#d
Iihndkfurhlcf'* h utln»r hill f©ldn >» nr
rurd uuw, i*rt» innui of the cholc* -
Death to the cynics!
The meeting house again proves
Itself a factor in human destiny.
The dance hall and rear rows of
movie houses for all their vaunted
lure, can show no such matrimonial
record as comes out of Methodism in
Omaha, this week.
-Four girls, all members, and three
of them officers In the Epworth
Deague union, will be brides between
now and Saturday.
And the husbands are leaguers too!
Miss Bdlt'n Elisabeth Hodges Is
president of the union. Her mar
riage to J. Shaller of Benton, Kan.,
formerly boys' work secretary at the
T. M. C. A. here, will cause her resig
nation on account of residence else
where. Rev. Allen Keith of Pearl
Memorial M. E. church performed
ihe ceremony Tuesday night at the
home of the bride's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Hodges. Following a trip
to Estes Park, Mr. and Mrs. Shaller
will make their home In Benton.
Recording secretary of the union
through Colorado and western points,
en route to their home. Mrs. Robin
son will accompany them as far as
Ogden, Utah.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dlggett and son,
Billy, leave Friday for Wisconsin,
where they will spend a week on •
farm near Devil's like. Thence they
will go to International Falls, in Min
Mrs. Ray M Higgins and sons. Ray,
la Mis* Alta Davis, whose wedding
to Wayne Reevee, membership secre
tary at the Y. M. C. A., takes place
Thursday night at the'home of her
sister, Mrs. Deo Wilson. Miss Davis
made a brilliant record for herself
in South High school, carrying off
declamatory and musical honors.
Miss Fenella Degge Is correspond
ing secretary for the union. Her mar
riage to Rudolph Mueller, who Is
an active member of the league
union, will be solemnized at Benson
M. K. church Saturday night. Miss
Degge la very popular in Benson
society and la well known in Omaha.
She possesses a beautiful soprano
Members of the union, too, are
Miss Katherine Tennant and Fred
Wright, who will be married Thurs
day afternoon at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Tennant, with Rev. Keith officiating.
Miss Tennant and Mr. Wright are
graduates of Central High school.
They will honeymoon In Colorado.
Jr., and Jack, have returned from
Scottsbluff, where they visited Dr.
and Mrs. J. B. Schrock. and from Skh
ney, where they were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul D. Martin.
Mr and Mrs. Mel D'hl, jr., jwho have
been motoring In ths west for two
weeks, have reached Cheyenne and
will return this week. Their daugh
ter. Marjorie, has been with her
grandparents, th* W. F. Milroys, dur
ing Jhelr absence.
Store Hours 9 A. M. to 5 r. M.
A Cool Drink M V w*dB*.d.y I..
iff Burgess-Nash Company
-gJ* . - * EV ERYBODYS STORE” - ”
Beautiful Silks and Wash Materials
At Exceptionally Low Prices
Changeable Silks Wash Radium
,w $1.95 , nrrf $1.69
chiffon tnff.ta and eattn. In "6-lnch, excellent qual
' boautlfnl color combination. jty radhltn for bloUSC-f,
,'ultablc for conic* town., dra- and linKerie. In
pcricn, pillaw top*. b#d*pread* , , , i j .
and lamp .had«. ss-ineb width lipht and dark ahadea.
Charmeuse Alpaca de Sole
"•$1.95 Yard' $3-75
' Si He alpaca finds favor la tho
fashioning of suits and frock*
Soft, lustrous finifth in for early fall Wrt- In cocoa,
nil the wanted colors for
« , 1 ^ ^ • brown, poll can gray, navy, blt»o
both street and evening mnd bUcb R,gu|*r 14.<* xaiur
wear. S9-lnch width.
Second Floor
Spiral Crepe Novelty Pongree
'',orrf$1.95 JW$1.35
32-inch natural color
40-inch silk and wool ponpee with stripes and •
crepe in blark. navy, checks of eontrastinp |
brown, tan. jade, white, !; colors. Washes perfect
maize and Pekin. ly. *1.85 value.
Wash Goods
Value* to 7Sc
j| A group of beautiful fabrics, Including:
Silk Strip* Tisaue Gingham. AA
White Gabardina. A Yard
Madras Shirting*. Tw
Plain Color Ratine. (
| August
| Blanket Sale
i “Old Town” Virgin Wool Blankets
S 66x80-imh blanketa of lovely quality in
= plain colors of blue, rose, gold and lavender,
= with satin binding to match. fcE QC
j = Kach. JbD.yO
= “Beacon” Gray Cotton
| Comfortables Blankets
H In attractive check and Onerous aired blank
5 plaid designs, *oft and with fancy colored
I a
$4.49 IT $1-85
Silk Mull Comforts
E Of fine quality figured silk mull with plain 0
Z inch border that matches the center of the coni
E fort. Suitable for double QE
E beds .
I -
1" ■ 1 ' ^ j (
Wash Goods Tissue Gngham! Percale I
Value* to $1.78 S2-inch check gingham of 38-inch dreaa and apron
French Embroidered art Ratine Voile*. ....... - _ percale in neat light
5()C Silk ..«• C ott.a «“•«•* 19C pattern. A 1 ~
Imported Ratine*. \J Ve Crepe. quality. A yard. j 1 JJ C
French Drop Stitch Printed Voile*.
Voile*. A YARD_
9tc«ul Floor '
. .■■ --: M -== ^lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllltllllllllllltlllllllllltllllinil*'
NOTIONS Reduced in Price |
5e Coat'» Sewing 16c Silk Thread. 100- 3
Thread, 6 spool* yard spools, all col- 3
for ,.e.25C or*.11C 5
Ri.. 10c Many Use Ma- 3
10T.,7ri«n colors chine °il ••• Be 5
Tape, *1! colors. 2#c 0xhid# Machine £
for . Balt*.21C 3
;'„c Ric Rac. all col- 10c Delong and Koh- £
ora. ,1 yards...I»C inoor Snaps, white £
15c Sewing Machine and black. ,..-7C £
Needle* for a 11 50c Dragon Dress- 3
make* machines, makers' Tina, ’i- 3
tube . | lr lb. boxes 38C =
. i ■ S'. ... I. :Matn Floor .. - ..■--- jj
Eldredge I
Sewing Machine |
Greatly Reduced for One Week |
Electric Night £
Table Design
No winding of bobbins 3
—you sew direct from 3
two spools of thread, one s
below and one above. Ful- £
ly guaranteed. Depend- £
$77.50 |
Five-Drawer Oak Machine
F i v e-drawer machine
with golden oak case. £
. Uuaranteed for 10 year*. --
Ha* a full set of steel at “
tachmenta. R e g u I arly 3
$24.75 I
Rug On Our Household Club Plan E
Rebuilt Free $12.00 |
Rebuilt Domestic. S.VOO E
Rebuilt M. & W. $ir>.00 |
Il f Do Hemstitching j I
Secetul FltMt
This Wise Young Woman 1
is planning her whole fall wardrobe. Shs has M
bought the loveliest materials—she couldn't resist %
them—and she would be a bit worried about cutting \ jp
into them if il weren’t for the fact that ahe always #
uses McCall Printed Patterns—the printed namea, i
directions and cutting line make mistakes almost Jj
impossible! W
McCall Fall Needlework—Just Out j ^
Sectami Hw :l,
L .r -- III
Adele Garrison
“My Husband’s Love”
v. —-J
The Astonishing Thing That Hap
pened in Madge's Apartment.
Swift as was the plunge of the
slight boyish figure through our door.
Lillian's movement to meet it was
swifter still. She had risen to her
feet as she heard the stealthy open
ing of the hail door, and it was her
hand that closed the door behind the
entering figure.
•T5et up,” she had whispered In
that moment, "and take this flash
light. Don't turn it on until I tell
I had obeyed her, and the door had
scarcely closed when I heard her low
"The light, Madge!”
Wondering, embarrassed, conscious
of my disordered negligee. I obeyed
her, to look straight into the wonder
ful black eyes of Mollie Fawcett, clad
in plan's attire, a cap crowded close
over her hair. Lillian snatched it
off, even as she spoke, and 1 saw
that the girl's hair had been clipped
into a "boyish bob." enabling her bet
ter to carry out the impersonation.
“Well Make It.”
"Get out of that rig as nuickiy as
you can'." Lillian tersely commanded,
stooping to the girl s shoes. "I II
manage these. Madge, hold the flash
light upon these laces. That's better.
Are they close behind?"
"I'm afraid so." The girl spoke
for the first time, and I noticed that,
though she W'as breathing hard, as if
she had been running, her rich voice
had a composure almost equaling
Lillian's own.
"Well make it, I think," Lillian
said, removing one shoe and begin
ning on the other, the girl meanwhile
working at top speed on the un
familiar buttons of her coat and shirt.
She had just removed there when we
heard sudden noises as of altercation
coming from the rear apartment, and
the voice of Mrs. Marks raised in
one quick, sharp scream as quickly
“Don't take anything more off,"
Lillian whispered, rising with the
masculine shoes in her rt&nd and with
% deft movement thrusting them be
tween the blankets and the mattress
of our bed. "Madge, hand me that
nightdress and open the box."
She slipped my nightdress over the
girls head and I obediently opened
the box and drew out the mysterious
thing for which Lillian had scoured
the city. It was a silky, blue-black
wig of hair with two long braids—a
wonderful thing of its kind. I saw
even in the cursory giatiee which was
mine as Lillian fairly enatched it from
my hands and crammed it down over
the girl's boyish bob.
A Voice at tile Door.
"Lay this coat and shirt fiat be
neath our sheets and then go to bed."
she eald again in a whieper. aa she
took the flashlight from my hand and
led Moliie Fawcett through the door
which she had left open Into the bed
room and bade her gel Into bed with
"Pretend to be asleep and don't
wake too easily." I heard her whisper
as I hastily disposed of the discarded
coat and shirt and climbed into bed
on top of them.
Lillian joined me in another instant,
flashing her light around the floor to
make sure that no tell-tale evidence
of Mollies masquerade had been left.
Then she snapped off the light and
crept into bed beside me not 10 sec
onds before the nolee In the Marks
apartment appeared to burst Into the
hall, and Mrs. Marks' shrill voice
arose in w hat I surmised to hf an
other frantic attempt to signal Lil
"What's the use of disturbin’ those
ladies in tlie front? I'll never bo
able to look them in the face again.
They don't know nothin’ about all
this mess. They think I’m respect
"Stow that guff," a deeper volee re
plied. “That fellow carne into lids
building. I saw him. and he can’t get
out again—I’ve got the entrance
guared, but I'm going to get him
now If I have to search every flat in
the building,''
Lillian put her lips to my ear.
"When they knock here act Just
as you would If awakened from sleep
^ ^Closing 'Em Out
Value. $1 A Frock,
to 29.75 " I If Coitumei
Wednesday * V Jumpers
F. W. Thorne Co.
[ Whitens Skin j
The only harmless
way to bleach the
skin white Is to mix
the Juice of two lem
one with three ounces
of Orchard White,
which any druggist
will supply for a few
cent*. Shake well In
a bottle, and you !
have a whole quar- !
ter-plnt of the most
wonderful skin whltener. softener j
and beauflfler.
Massage this sweetly fragrant lem
on bleach Into the face, neck, arms j
and hands. It cannot Irritate. Fa- 1
mous stage beauties use It to bring
that clear, youthful skin and rosy
white complexion; also as a freckle,
sunburn and tan bleach. You must
mix this remarkable bleach yourself.
It canrft* be Ijought ready to use be
cause It acts best Immediately after
It le prepared.
at thin hour by such a eutntnotjou.
I had but a few second* fur l'i*
l>rc|i.i j at ion uf iny role. Almost Tie
fore she had finished speaking the «
cttine an Imperative knocking, and the
deep voice wo had heard sound**!
raucously through the panel*.
■’Open in the name of the law-'
Ivearney Nebraska Picnic.
The annual picnic of former Kear
ney residents will be held at Ki tig
park Sunday afternooQ, August 3"
In the northwest picnic grounds, bur
information call Sir*. Satip, Webster
The Tri S. Club Meets.
The Trl 8. Study club was enter
tained at luncheon Tuesday by >Ir*.
George Prince. The program Com
mittee outlined the year’s work. •
The duplex suitcase 1* a luxurious
and convenient nffair, as a mirror
opens up from the tray case fltt< d
with toilet articles, and thus pro-^
sides a complete dressing table. Toi
let articles are usually of ivory, -am
ber or ebony.
The beautiful
of the Ozarks
C A charming « ^
place to spend \/i\
your vacation \
this summer. Go \
C Complete reat \
and recreation. 1
Splendid acccrmmo- 1
dations— hotels, chiba, I
cottages, camp*.
C It’s so near home I
—so inexpensive to |
reach and enjoy.
<L For iilBstrated I
booklet and detailed 'I
travel information I
call on or write
Division PtMwxtr Agent I
1404 First Nat’] Bonk Bldg I