CONFERENCE GETS — Text of Note Reported to Aid Outlook for Early Settlement.. By DAVID M. CHURCH. International News Service Staff Cor respondent. London, Aug. 6.—Germany’s rsply to the reparations proposals of the allied powers was handed to the al lied council of 14 at Downing street at noon today. This reply, it Is un derstood, Is not contentious and gives able assistance towards a genera] allled-German agreement upon the reparations Issues. Chancellor Marx, Foreign Minister Strescmann and members of the Ger man delegation worked until 8 this morning completing the German re ply to the allied proposals. Germany’s delegates made such speed digesting the allies' agreement that it was expected they would be ready to take part In their second plenai^ session of the conference this evening. The rapidity with which the con ference will wind up its work will depend upon whether the Germans Insist upon Ruhr evacuation and free dom of German railways before sign ing an allled-German agreement. It is anticipated the conference will sit almost continuously until It ends. It Is hoped that the conference can end Frldny or Saturday and that the Dawes plan can be put Into execution before the end of October. As had been anticipated, the Ger mans raised the question of Ruhr evacuation. The reply, It was said, opens the way for an allied state ment upon the definite dates for the economic evacuation of the Ruhr; withdrawal of French and Belgian troops from the Ruhr; return of Ger man railways taken over by the French and Belgians and amnesty for the Germans arrested during the period of occupation. The Germans suggested that pay ments In kind not be extended beyond the dates fixed by the Versailles treaty. In addition to the reply there was a covering letter explaining Ger many’s attitude on certain points. Questions raised by the Germans regarding the Ruhr are considered by the allies as being outside the scope of the conference. They prob ably will be discussed among ths al lied premiers and among the Ger mans, French and Belgians. From the nature of the two Ger man documents. It was apparent the Germans were making feelers. The official German reply contains 18 typewritten pages. ’ -■ --' ^ Out of the Records. |, Births and Deaths. 0 Births. Max and Valeria Darfacsewakl, hospi tal. boy. Paul and Lillian Jordan, hoapltaJ, girl Boyd and Minnie Laihle, hospital, girl. Joseph and Daisy O’Hanlon, hospital, girl. Herbert and Gertruda Schrader, hospi tal, boy. Olaf and Mary Brewlck. hoapttal, girl. Joseph and Carrie Mitchell, hospital, girl. Lloyd and Estella Peck, hospital, girl. James and Rosa Kllngeman. hospital, girl Benjamin and Ruth Sylvester, hospital, boy. Spencer and Estella Edwards, 2504 beward street, girl. John and Sophie Kripsl, $001 South Twentieth street, gi*". Henry and O'lvo Harson. hospital, gir’ William and Evelyn Dilk«. hospital, girl Frank and Dorothy Lawson, hocioUl. William and Nell Trisha, hospital, girl Albert and I.elah Knat-nu. hospital, toy Edward and Esther i^raagen, hospital, boy. Harry and Mary «Jhamp1cn, hospital girl. Edwin and Emma Heller, hospital, girl Earl and May Thomas, hospital, pin. r*i.arlea and Helen H'J It hospital, xir' Presley and Florence Bristow, hospital. &athan and Sarah Woodbury, 4910 North Twenty-fifth, boy. John and Anna Juhaa. 1256 South Four Htttl street, boy. Flovd and Agnes Watowlch, 2772 Arbor . •treet. girl. Deaths. Frank Henry Ballsy, 60, hospital. Emma Ethel Keeney, 33, hospital. Laura A. Smith, 42. hospital. George M. Southmayd, 61. hospital. Building Permits. Hugh O'Neill, 3321 Manderson street. . frame dwelling, $2,000. Mark Walker. 3656 California stre* t. | brick \eneer two-family dwelling. $14,00' i Mark Walker, 3666 California street, brick veneer garage, $1,000. J. C Schmitz. 4272 Blnney street, frame dwelling. 13,600._ Real Estate Transfers. Qeorse W. Frle.z and wife to Frank Kodara and wife, Q St., 10 ft. W of (2d St.. 8 Sid,. ^ *0x122 .. I *50 frank Urzendowskl and wife to Ttaomae Bednarz and wife, ESd at.. 70 ft. 8 of J St., E Ride. *0x120 . *.700 Dtllla F. Baum, et al.. to Charles W. Hull. Dewey Ave.. 1(0 ft.. E of 26th St., N Side, 100X 107.1* . *.000 The Byron Reed Co., to Floretta ” ADVERTISEMENT. AFTER BABY WAS BORN Back Weak and Painful. Mrs. Miller Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Rotas, Tex. —" I am writing to let you know how I have been benefited by taking your medicine. After my second babv was born my back was weak ami hurt me continually, so I thought I’d try Lydia E. Pink hum’s Vegetable Compound as I had read so much about where it had helped so many I had Ii«an botbared with my back for over a year, and it would hurt me until I could not do my work, which is keep ing bouse for three and cooking and wualring dished. I tell all my friends if they nave any kind of female trou bles to five Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound a trial. You may use thia testimonial if it will help any one.”—Mrs. C. R. Mii.i.Eh, it.F.D. T No. 1, Box 76, Rotan, T exas. In a recent country - wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia h. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound over 121,000 re plies were received, arid 08 out of •wry 100 reported they were bene fited by ita nee. For Mle by druggists •verjwberw * I MIL TAX CASE RESUMED RERE Hearing on Objections to State Levy Before Fed eral Referee. Hearing of the suit brought by the Chicago & Northwestern and the Chi cago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis & Omaha railroads In 1922 to enjoin the state tax commission from collecting taxes against the roads, alleged to be excessive, was resumed Wednesday before B. H. Dunham, referee. The Northwestern maintained that the valuation of $40,350,715 placed on its property by the state board of equalization In 1921 Is at least $10, 000,000 In excess of the actual value. This company operates more than 1,000 miles In the state. The Chicago. Milwaukee. Minneapo lis & Omaha attorneys declare the valuation of $8,600,000 on Its prop erty Is $5,000,000 In excess. They operate 303 miles. It Is pointed out In the suit that the farm lands of the state, which made up 90 per cent*of the taxable property in 1921, were only taxed 47 per cent of their actual value. The case was first tried In federal court In 1922 before Federal Judges Woodrough. Munger and Lewis. It was decided then, with Judge Wood rough dissenting, that the case was not under the jurisdiction of the fed eral court. The supreme court of the United States recently ruled that It did come under the federal court's Jurisdiction. Mother of Five Dies, Mrs. Elvira Boland, 44, 985 South Fiftieth street, died Wednesday morn ing: at a local hospital. She is sur vived by her husband, C. L. Boland, and five daughters. B Yates. Pin* St.. 276 ft. W of 66th St.. S Side, 123.28x305.2.. 150 Theodore W. Metcalf* and wife to Alfred L. Shelton and wife, S W Cor. 42d Ave. and Maple St., 80x120 . 660 Theodore W. Metcalfe and wife to Walter T. Gravea. Jr., and wife, Pacific St.. 42 ft. E of 4Gth Ave., S Hide, 42x129.4 6,500 Theodore W. Metcalfe and wife to Anna L. Hopengardener. Maple St.. 80 ft. W of 42d Ave., S Sid*. 40x120. 650 Arcadia Land Co. to William R. Young, et al.. Arcadia Ave . 246 ft. E of 3 let Ave., N Side, 40x120 9 1.550 Mamie A Sullivan to Margaret Ar rlena, Saratoga St., 200 ft. W of 24th St., S Side. 40x116 8_ 1,500 George & Co. to Stephen A. Skradskl, N E Cor. 33d and Drexel Sts., 41.3x134 1 Fred C. BurJIngim to Sanford Rlng ler. N E Cor. 48th and Lafayette Ave., Irregular . 350 M. L. Endres. sheriff, to E. A. Benson, N W Cor. 42d and Maaon Sts., 45x108 . 780 M. L. Endres. sheriff, to Minnie Ruwe, N W Cor. 42d and Maaon Sts.. 45x108 710 Abe Lewis and wife to Dan Her manson. Q «6t . 126 ft. W of 26th 8f.. S 81de 25x90 . 600 Cornelius Holleatelle and wife to C. Holleatelle and wife, N W Cor. 66th and Binney t., 60x 128 .;. 3.259 W Scott Holden and wife to Alonso F. Durke*. et a! . Florence Blvd., 984 ft. N of Redick Ave.. Ir regular . 11,600 Edgar A. Baird and wife to John Beshllaa, N E Cor. 36th and Farnam it., 66x140 . 27,060 Anna Morrlaon to Minnie Loeach. Hickory St, 95 ft. E of 12th St , 8 Side. 37x77Vb . 4,000 Barker Co. to Edla M. Gustafson, S W Cor. Myrtle Ave. and Ore gon Trail, irregular . 1,000 Edla M. Gustafson and husband to Glen E. Gustafson, 8 W Cor. Myrtla Ave., and Oregon Trail, irregular . 1.000 William H. Smalla, et el., to Krsklne M. Barnes and wife, 60?h Ave.. 165 ft S of Farnam St.. E Sid*. 60x136 . 13.300 Edward C. Melsner and wife to Ed uard Glsln. 53d St.. 250 ft. 8 of Pratt St.. W Hide. 60x133. 1.400 Queen Victoria Jones and husband to Sallle Sloaburg, Binney St., 48 Vi ft. E of 27th St., S Side. 47x90 3,500 Bertha Drexel to Margaret B Drexel, et al., Decatur St., 226 ft. W of 42d St . S Side, 60x 160 .. 1 Slate Savings and Loan Associa tion to Walter A lilumel. 60th Ave 198 ft X of Blondo St.. W Hide. 49*4x136 . l.UO A D * EKTISEMENT. Free to Asthma and Hay Fever Sufferers Free Trial of Method That Anyone Can Uso Without Discomfort or Loss of Time. Wo have a method for tho control of Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your « aae Is of long standing or recant develop ment. whether It Is present as Chronic \sthma or Hay Fever, vou should send for a free Trial of our method. No matter In what climate you live, no matter what your aga or occupation. If you are troubled with Asthma or Hay Fever, our msthod should relievo you promptly. We especially want to send It to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forme of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumee. ‘‘patent smokes * etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our expense that our method (a designed to end all difficult breathing, all whsezlng. and all those terrible paroxysms. This free offer la too Important to nag* lect a single day. Write now and begin the method at once Send no money Simply mall coupon balow. Do It Today —you even do not pay postage. FREE TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room 178-B, Niagara and Hudson Sts- buffalo. N.Y. Send free trial of your method to: All Over Face. Itched and Burned. Cuticura Heals. ■ I was troubled with pimple* for many years They were scat tered all over my face and were larga and red. The pimples itched and burned and often caused loss of sleep. My face waa disfigured and the eruptions often caused em barrassment. “ I tried many remedies without success. I sent for a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after using found relief so pur chased mote, and after using three cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment I waa healed." (Signed) Misa Catherine Haughney, 4140 Storer Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for dally toilet purposes. a.mplM »r„ t>j Hall A44r... "Cvtlfot. labor .torVM,Dipt- H. M»I4«I> «», Mu. " gol4 «»-nr »h«r«, gagpMa. Olnlmmt» snSSOe !■)-«»«<. Trr our n.w Shaving 8lirW. LICOAI, NOTICKh. Reeled proposals ara Invited from mn tractor* for the erection «>f a cottage for farm hoys to bs erm-n>fl forthwith at tho Institution for Feeble .Minded Children. Qltnwood. Iowa. Plana may b# had by depositing 110.00. Hide dua this offlca 10:30 a. m, August Sind. For further information apply n. F Etebbe. Rtata ▲lohltaoU gt*i.ahuuas. Em Molusa. Awv»a. LEGAL NOTICES. Bv order of the Board of Control of State Institutions, A. M. MoColI, Uhalnnan. A4-9-S. cm: OFFICIAL NO riCES. NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR .SIDEWALK CON STRUCTION. Sealed proposals are invited and will ho received by the City Clerk of ilia City of Omaha, until Tuesday. August 12, 1924. at 10 o'clock A. M. for the construction or widening of sidewalks In sidewalk District No. 48. described and located as follows, to-*.vit: un the west side of Koi'ly-second street Of artificial stone Class “A" 4 feet wide: I.ots 1 and 18, Block 4, Lots 1 and 18. Block 1. Institute Place Addition. Lota t, 2, 3, 20, 21 and 2-, Parry's Revision of First Addition KKlnsritute Place Addi tion. Tax Lot 11. Section 8-13-13: Jails 178, 177. 181, 184. 186. 188. 189. 192, 1911. 201, 202, 2U4, 206. 206, 207. 206, 318. 319. 320 and 321 Fontenelie Park Addition. On the cast Bids of Forty-third street of artifii lal stone Class "A" 4 feet wide: Lots 170. 182. 183. 193. 209, 210, 211, 212, 218, 214, 213. 308. 309, 310, 311 and 312, Fontenelie Park Addition, On the west side of Forty-third street of artificial stone Class "A" 4 feel wide: Lots 144. 146, 148. 153. 156, 157, 160, the North 6 feet and the South 35 feet of Lot 217, Lote 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 201. 302. 306 and 307, Fontenelie Park Addi tion. On the east side of Forty-fourth street of artificial stone Class "A" 4 feet wide: Lots 138, 160, 151, 154. 166. 168. 159, 182, 163 and 223, Fontenelie Park Addi tion. On the west side of Forty-fourth street of artificial stone Class "A'' 4 feet wide: Lots 113. 116, 117. 120, 121. 124. 129. 230. 231, 232, 233, 254, 236, 236, 287, 268, 290 and 291, the South !* of Lot 292. Fontenelie Park Addition. On the easi side of Forty-fourth avenue of artificial stone Class "A" 4 feet wide Lots lot 114, 116. 118 end 118. Fonte nelie Park Addition. Lots 9 and 10, Block 3, Institute Place Addition. On the west side of f orty-fourth Rve rue of artificial stone Class "A” 4 feel wide. Lots 3. 4. 6, 7. 10. 11. 15. 16. 30. 64, 73. 76. 98, 101! and 104, Fontenelie Park Addition. On the east side of *nrty-flfth street of artificial atone Class •'A'* 4 feet wide: Lot 76, the South 1 6 feet, and the North 38.4 f*et of Lot 77. Lota 78. 79, SO, 81. 87. 88. *9, 90, 280, 261, 262. 263, 264. 265, 266. 267 and 268. Fontenelie Park Addition. On the south aide of Sprague street of artificial stone Claes ‘‘A" 4 feet wide: Lots 26H, 269. 272. 273. 276, 277. 281. 284 and 265, Fontenelie Park Addition. On the north side of Sprague street of artificial stone Clahs "A" 4 feet wide: I.ots 364. 355, 366, 357 and 368, Fonte nelie Park Addition. On the north sine of Ruggles street of artificial stone Claf's "A" 4 feet wide: Lots 262, 270, 271. 274. 275. 278, 279. 282, 283, 286 und 287, Fontenelie Park Addition. Un the north side of Spauldlpg street of artificial stone Class "A" 4 Let wide: Lots 242 and 243, Fontenelie Park Ad dition. On the south side of Spaulding street of artificial stone Class "A" 4 feet wide: Lots 131. 133 and 133, Fotitencile Park Addition. un the north side of Pratt street of artificial stone Class "4." 4 feet wide: Lots 106, 107, 108, 111, 163. 164. 185. 170, 171. 172, 173. 174, 175 and 176. Fonte nelie Park Addition. On the south side of Pratt street of artificial stone Class "A" 4 feet wide: Lot 60. Fontenelie Park Addition. Un the north side of Spencer street of artificial stone Class "A'* 4 feet wide: Lota 27 and 28, Block 1, Brevort Place Addition. On the north side of Sprague street of artificial stone Class "A" 4 feet wide: The South 45 feet of T.ot 6, Block 22, Lots 5 and 6. Block 21, Boyds Addition. On the south side of Sprague street of artificial stone Class ‘A’’ 4 feet wide: Lots .8, 9. 10, 11, 12. 1.3. 14. 15, 16 and 17. Bloric 4. Druid Hill Addition. On the west side of Thirty-first street of artificial stone Class ‘'A” 4 feet wide, to repair: Lot 1, Block "G," Prospect Place Ad dition. Such eldewalks to be constructed In accordance with the plans and specifica tions and requirements as prepared by the City Engineer and adopted and approved by the Mayor and CUy Council f- r the purpose of governing the construction of sidewalks In said city during the year 1924. and to be constructed under the supervision of the City Engineer. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of $100 as a guaranty of good faith and to be for feited to the city as liquidated damages In event of failure to enter Into contract, should award be made thereon. Proposals must be made upon printed blanks provided by the City Engineer, and no proposal will be considered, if detached from the package in which It was bound, but the entire package must be unbroken and In good order when the proposal Is deposited. Prices must be stated In words and figures In the respective columns pro vided In the printed blanks Proposals must be sealed, marked' "Proposals for Sidewalk Construction." and addressed to James P. Hoctor, City Clerk, Omaha. Nebr., and will be pre sented to the City Council unopened at the regular meeting to be held on Tues day. August 12, 1924. at 10 o'clock A M. The Council reserves the right to re Ject any and all bids. Published In accordance with the pro visions of Ordinance No 10$42. Omaha, Nebraska. August l. 1924 JAMES P. JTiCT'jR. City Clerk. A. l-f-4-5-6. COUNTY OFFICIAL NOTICES NOTICE TO GRADING CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that Frank Dewey. County Clerk, Courthouw. Omah.« Nebraska, will receive Sealed Bids up to and until 10 o’clock r. m. on Thurs day. August 14 1924. for the grading of 3.500 cubic yards, more or less, on Hoad No. 10. North of the Lincoln Highway: all In accordance with specifications on | file In the office of the Countv Surveyor. Courthouee. and under his supervleion. I Each bidder must submit with hie bid a certified check or cash In the sum I of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) as a guarantee of the acceptance of a con tract if awarded Bids will be opened by the Board of County Commissioners In their Chamber, at the hour and date above set forth The Board of County Commissioners reserves to Itself the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Countv Com mlssloners In and for the County of Douglas. Nebraska. FRANK DEWKT, County Clerk. ■T-31. A -11. Inc. Proceedings had and taken by Ul* Board of County Commissioners of Doug las County, Nebraska, for the month of July, 1924. July 2. 192 4. The following appropriations were made: Mothers’ Pension Fund: Pension claims .$ 6$6 97 Road Drag Fund: Dragging and Planing work... $96.20 Highway Construction Fund: Having Project No. 187 .1S.29S *0 General Fund: Claims Courthouse. County Hos pital and Rlvervlew Home... 6.357.12 •I illv M. 1021. The following appropriations were made: Mahers' Pension Fund: Pension claims ... 305 60 Road Drag Fund: Grading and Planing work . . . . 2.774 65 Gc*n<-ra1 Fund Claims Courthouee. Countv Hos pital and Rlvervlew Home. 3 935 38 Highway Construction Fund: Paving estimate. 8. Jefferson . $.260 00 July II. 1024. The following appropt latlone were made: General Fund: Clalma Courthouee. County Hoe plfal and Rlvervlew Home... 3.636.32 Mothers’ Pension Fund: Pension claims ... 70 76 Bridge fund; Construction of bridge, etc.. 12.037 01 Highway Construction Fund: Paving Project 20-C; and Proj ect 137 . - 56.314 20 Road Drug Fund Planing, dragging etc . 2 3*7 33 July 14. 10*4 Tha following appropriations were made: General Fund; Regular Pay Roll County Em ployes .... . ... 17.097,12 July lft. 10*4. The following upproprla11< ne were made: General Fund1 Claims Courthouse. County Hos nltal and Rlvrrview Homo . , 5.302.06 i Mothers' Pension Fund: Pension claims . $5® 0° Road Drag Fund; * Planing. haulKg and grading work. 1,139 fte Awarding contract for r instruction of a garage at 42d and I’a* iflo atreete. July 22. 1021 Tha following appropriation* were mad -: Rond Drag Fund: Planing and miscellaneous .. 1.211.12 General Fund • Clalma Courthouse. County Una- ...... pltal and Rlvervlew Home... $26110 Mothers' Pension Fund: Pension claims .1.013 *6 Hi»-hwav Construction Fund Testing and irisp* etltig and paving .. 11 .*0(1 00 July 00, 10’1 Tha following appropriations were mad*: General Fund Regular Pay Roll County Fro* pli.veM 17.381 49 General Fund Clalma i mil l house. County Hns plfnl and Rlvervlew Horne... 6 17*99 Highway Construction Fund Paving )‘in.ject 1R7; 20 C. W Me A i dle . .27 $96 62 R > *d Drag Find Planing and Dragging work .. *04 6. Mothers’ I'ansinti Fund Pension claims .... ........ 62600 iftesptctfull v fhibrnltted. FRANK DEM FT A-l County Clerk. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 19c per line each day’, 1 or 2 days. 17c.per lino each day, 3 or H day*. I 16c per line each day, 7 days. 5c per line each day, 30 day*. _I AN NOl NCKMENTS. ! Fun oral Notice*. J MY HR—Walter. .22 year*. August , B, Mlllrtrd, Neb., survived by hla parents,; brother* an*1 slaters In Germany, and six aunts, Mrs. Hans GIo* of 2214 S. f.Bth St.: Mrs. Chris Plrbert. Plalnvlew, Neb.; Mrs. Herman Nieman of Under wood. In.: Mrs Emma Hall. Mrs. Gretta Wafflemeyer. Mra. William Keller. Funeral hervlee Friday. August 8. 2 p. m. at Hoffman-Crosby funeral home. Inter ment West Lawn. »_ A HLHTROM—Andrew A., ago 7'- years, passed away August 6, 1924. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. J. Parrott of Omaha and Mrs. C. G. liloniquist of Kansas City. Mo. . , _ Funeral services will be held Thursday! morning at 10:30 from N. P. Swanson’s • -Itanel, 17th and Cuming Sis. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. CLARK—Willie, residence 2602 Y, aged 20. died Tuesday afternoon. Deceased is survived by his parents. 2 brothers, Carl and Ival; 4 sisters, Goldie, Gladys, Irene lid Vi „ Funeral Wednesday. 2 p m . from Heafey ft Hen fey's South Side chapel, Rev. K. K. Hmhoff officiating. Interment Bailey cemetery. JLNMPSON— M rs. Gertrude, age 30 years. Idled at roaldenre, 2702 Cuming, survived [by her husband. I.eo, and 3 children. Funeral Thursday, 9 a. in., from Heafey I ft Ilea fey'a chapel. Interment Elk City, by auto. THOMPSON—Virgil, age 1 year. 9 months, died Tuesday p. m. at residence, 2214 North 21sf St. Remains at Heafey & Heafey’s chapel. Funeral notice later. COLOAN—.James, npe 76, died Wednesday morning at a local hospital. Remains will be sent from Heafey ft Henfey’a chapel at 9 p. m. tonight to Corning. Ia. Vaults and Monuments. 2 •'Automatic Sealing” concrete burial vault* recommended by all leading undertakers. M'f’d. by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co. Funeral Directors. 3 HEAFEY ft HEAFEY Undertakers and Kmbilmer* Phone HA 0266 Office 2611 Farnam J ESTABLISHED SINCE 18S2) Hl'LSK A RIEPEN. At Your Service. 2222-24 Cuming St.JA. 1226. HOFFMAN-CROSBY ambulance. Dodge and 24th .St Funeral directors. JA. 3901. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam St. N. p. SWANSON. 17TH AND CUMING Quiet. Tngnifb'd Supervision I4KAILKY ft DORRANCE, lS2i CUMING ST. JA. 0626. DUFFY ft JOHNSTON. 311 9 33d. new funeral homo. HA. 0417. C. C HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. 3920 N. 24th StKB. 0267 LESLIE O. MOORE. 2 4th and Wirt. WE. 0047. Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN. Purchase a family lot in Omaha’s most beautiful cemetery. Offices at ths ceme tery. (west of Florence; and 720 Brandeis theater. I Card of Thank*. 6 WE WISH to thank our many friends and neighbors who were so kind to ajb In the sad b>.«s of <»ur dear wife, mother and sister; also for the beautiful floral trib utes.—J. F. Chase and Family, Brothers and Slater*. Concessions. 8-A CONCESSIONS wanted for fifth annual meet of Bon Homme County Ex-Servicwi Men. August 21. 1924 Address M. F. Schmitt, Tyndall, S, D.' WANTED—-Street attractions and conces sions for a celebration at Bereaford. • D . Aug. 18. Address W. E. Lane. Beret 'ord. S D._ I Pergonals. 9 THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-lllt-lll4 Ledge street_ Ijnst and Found. 10 , LOST--on Central High school stepa. August 4. two public library books. A. L. A. list of subject heading'*, and a Cutter’s tablaa. Reward, Central High School Library. AT 6084. WILL the gentleman that found kodak on Albright ear Sunday morning please ill IA. Off), or evenings WA. 7164. Reward. ____ SUITCASE lost between Rosemere Lodge ard Nashville Finder will please call WB. 0246 and get reward. BULLDOG—Lost White face, one black ear AT 0688. 623 8, 26th Av RewaiH KEYS -Lost. n Hutchinson candy Co’a key ring Reward. WA. 8321 m roMOBfusaT_ Automobiles for Sat*. 11 IT PAYS TO BE HONEST IN SELLING USED CARS THE LARGE VOLUME OF BUSINESS WE ARE DOING PROVES IT. OUR STOCK IS LOW, BUT WHAT WE HAVE IS WORTH YOUR INSPECTION. StudeLaker Light Six. Buirk Hix Touring Nash Four Touring. Nash Six Touring. Ford Sedan. Chalmers Touring, cheap F H Chevrolet Touring, cheap. All of these care are in guaranteed con dition and are j-rlc-d as |«»w as anything you can find of like quality. CASH. TERMS. TRAD*. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS NASH UPTOWN STORE 2064 Farnam. AT. 4292. COME TO MURPHY DID IT’S USED CAR DEPT. HERE F1FTT FOUH TEARS. 1X22 Ford Ho.d.t.r. »1«» ;»?« Ford Coup.. XIX 1922 Ford Coup.. »}« 1X21 Ford Tnurlnr, at.rt.r. II* 1917 Du ton Tour In,. *1 1X29 Oakland Touring. 199 1921 Star Touring. *90 1921 Durant Tourln,. «00 Talk to U» About Our Eaay Parm.nt Plan. NO RED TATE. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, INC. AT 4411. 14th and Jackson Used Cars That Satisfy. 1920 Buirk Touring car..... 1260 00 1921 Ford Sedan . 326 00 192.1 Oakland lf-psea Coupe . . 760 00 If.'!’ Gardner Touring. .... 276.00 1923 Oakland Sport Touring. 660 oo 1934 Ford CoUpe. lots of extras. . 460 00 1923 Oakland Touring. 696 00 192 2 Chandler Sport Touring...... 176 00 34 II onkland Sedan . 260 00 1 992 Oldemoblie 4 touring.. . 676 00 14 c Oakland Touring . 296.00 84 Jl Oakland .. 76,on Ford Touting .... 26.00 Other cars at attrsrtive prices. Oakland Motor Car Co. 30ih end Harney S». Omaha, Neb UOOP \ M |.J 11 CAMS BUY YOUItS AT GUY 1. SMITH. A) I lil’HY DID IT Pnwnlnwn Used Car Store. AT 4411 ' nil 11 ' • I USED CAR STORK 3064 Farnam A 1 4 ~ USED OARS O. N. BONNET MOTOR CO.. 1664 lTaruam. At'TOMOHILKS. Automobile* for Sale. 11 LATE 1923 Ford coup© for sal© by owner. Call HA. 2969 FORD Coup©, $250. A-l condition. Phone WE. <1.113 morning*. AT 5481 afternoon*. Truck* for Sale. 12 FORD TRUCK. Ton truck, good an new. Four cord tlr*H. large box for hauling. ■ tarter. etc. Price $250. No trade*. Call AT. 3024. ank for Mr. Roger*. MKK INTERNATIONAL for good used trucks. Douglas 3-ton. all American 3-ton. International 3-ton and several ton In ternational*. Good shape mechanically. Terms can b© arranged, titer national Harvester Co. AT 0705. Auto Accessories, Carts. ifi GUARANTEED new and used auto parts at a special cut price Nebraska Auto Hurt*. 1018-18 Harney Ht JA. 4931. and 2205 Cuming Ht. AT. 1970. HIGH grade guaranteed vulcanizing. 3tt In. fabrics. $2: 4 In cord*. $3. Hart Tire and Huh Co., 718% S 16th. FORD tire* $5.00 and up. Kaplan Auto Parts Co., 2111 ..Nicholas St. __L- _"-."fSlLJ!." Service Stations, llepairing. 1* IN r)T STRIAL AUTO M ACH1NISTS Rayfleld carburetor and Eltemann mag neto Bprvlce. AT. 2550. V MELCHOIRH A HON. 417 B. 1ITH. _BUSINKW jiBRVIC _ Business Services Offereil. 21 SINGER Hewing machine Co north office moved from 2412 Ann* to 24th and Fort •St*. Ready for business .Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered button*, all styles; hemstitching; buttonhole* Write Ideal Button snd Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Block, Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1920, NEli. PLEATING C'Z Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1804 Farnam. Second Floor JA. 5670. DRESSMAKING snd Plain sewing. 40c an h' nr. 512 N. 25th St. JA. 4926. Moving—Trucking—Storage 26 BEK INS OMAHA VAN A F TRORAGE. 16fh and Leavenworth St*. Packing, mov ing. storage, ahlpnlng. JA. 4163 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING, MOVING. SHIPPING. STORING Estimates furnished AT. 0230 <>r JA. 4338 GORDON'S FIREPROOF WHSE. A VAN 249 North 11th St Phone JA. $032: mov Urrg^jTafdc^ng^stori^ge^slUDtdnK^^^^^^^ ncsiNj;:s:s sEityice. Painting and Paperlue. 17 WAI.I.I’AT’Hrt WHOI.l-mn!. Paperhanging, palntlr.g. Fged Parks. 4708 S. 24th St MA, 0101 AT. 7404. PAPER hanging, by the roll or hour; clean, fresh stock, put on right; estimate free. <’all HA. 2640. PLAFT ERIN* brick and Cement work done. WE 1431. PAPER furnished ani hung. $5 a room, painting Hawley. HA. 6006 Patent Attorney*. 28 J W MARTIN, r26 Peters''Trust Bldg”. Omaha; also Washington. Double service, bingl© fee. Also help sell patents. Printing—Stationery. 29 COM MERCIA T, PRINTING. Eddy Printing Co.. 212 South 13th Ht. Phon© JA 6058. Professional Service. 30 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS t>R& NIEMANN A MERRITT Adjuativs osteopathy, Electro-Therapy op tometry. 821 Woodman Bldg. AT. 2874 Repairing. 31 USED and new sewing machines. Sew ing machines and Vlctrolas repaired Rent machines. $1 per week. $t per mo M’CKEL MUSIC HOUSE. 15th snd Harney AT. 4381 ELEC R E PAIRING flit urea * wRe he#, wall plugs, iron hells, lamps snd supplies. \VA 2 8 58. EMPLnVMKNT Help Wanted—f emale. 36 LADIES—BEAUTY CULTURE PAYS. Our system of steady practice and expert Instructions qualiflna you in short tune. Good positions waiting. Day or evening. Inquire. MOLEK COLLEGE. 109 S. 15lb St. WANTED—Permanent snd temporary stenographers. Positions paying from $65 to $120. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS N. 1 '39 First National Bank Jtldg WANTED—Women to paint lamp shades for us st home. Easy, pleasant work. Whole or part time Address Nilesrt Compan), 2406 Fort Wayne, Ind. _ ENROLL st th© largest comptometer school 100 Courtney Bids JA 1493 Help Want G—Mate. 37 MEN learn barber trade and doubls your earning power. Cur a>*!em qualifies for beet Job# st top wages. Day or eve ning. Our course mean* Independence. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 109 S 16th Btreet. ALL MEN. women boy#, girls, 17 to 45. willing to accept government positions 1117-1250 (trawling or stationary). Write Mr. Oxment, 1*8. Ht. Louis. Mo. COATMAKER at once. Guarantee steady work year round. Writ# Bert Swenson, Ottumwa. Ia. FIRST class cement finish#!1 wanted. HA 4t62 Help Wan tent—-Mala and Female. 38 MEN and women. 18 to 60 and over, desiring to prepare for government ex amlnatlone, call snd Interview Mr. Henry I*r |ftoo, need reply. Address Y-2711, Omaha B©e Sltuntlon* WnntHI—Female. 40 WUNPLK w».hln« and day work; r» llaM. WR »«n. I IMM I M _ Inveatment—Stocks—Bond*. 43 M A ANDirnSON CO. JA. M«t. Res! es*st»* *♦«••©♦▼ bonds snd kindred Tn* Roil r*t*lr f-o*n*. 44 MONEY TO LOAN On list sod secund mortgagee We buy outright for rash Existing m x lgsges and land »ontracta l'rompi Action i» S AND o i t.ii CENT M' »N E Y Loans on Omaha improved property a( lowest rates. 1 RANK H. BINDER. 12 3 City NsUoi.ol JA. 2941. OMAHA llOMEH — FAHT Nfctt. FAR MB UKKI.1 L REAL EHTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat I Hank Bldg J A. Il&l. FIX p*r cent loans on Omaha residences, l ash on hand Prompt set vies. K. H. Lougee, Inc . t»i* Keeline Bldg. HEt’i »ND mortgages or contrasts ni chased by Tukey Cmnpany, fc.u First Na Ilona! Bank. JA. 4213 _ LOW RATE on city property, quickly closed; no monthly payments. J A. 1683 \s T Graham ft.tfuo to llu.uuu loanad, pioitipl service. F. D. Wsad li Hoi 1 WILL buy mi.oigates and rontiacta Cor kin. 94* om Nai I Bldg . Omaha, Neb Farm Loans mi West. Neb and N K Colo Lima Klok© investment Co. Omaha “|U AN I' 8 R ‘ 1 NT NiTIghTy GARVIN BIH»S < 4 ■■ Omaha Natl Hid* Money lo I .min. 4.'» MAM"N'b I-. • i..Im bnameee etrlctly conffdsntlal The Dtamaiid Loaa Co.. 1614 Dodge 81. Established U94. FINANTIAI,._ Money to I.oan. 45 THIS COMPANY is ORGANIZED To supply your money want* In the same way that banka supply the money wants I of the business community. Any amount loaned up to 1600 and you i ran repay It in monthly payments Our equal payment plan repays the loan iind all charge*. We have hern in business In Omaha over 30 years and can assure you of a «ulck confidential and square deal. OMAHA I.OAN COMPANY. 608 Knrbach Block. Tel. JA. 2296 Southeast Corner 15th and Douglas Sta ————————1, E DUCAT ION Aid. Local Instruction Classes. 48 DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In all commercial branches Shorthand, typewriting, tales-! raphy, nalesmanahlp, civil service. Phone j JA. 1685. Complete catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Ste. Omaha, Neb EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American college. Itlt Farnam. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge St. 1308 Douglas Bt. Call or write for Information. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Stenography and Bookkeeping. V.esd Hldg , 15th and AT. 7418 VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Day and Evening 8rhoc*ls. 204 8 19th St. _ JA. 6390 LIVESTOCK. Doffs, Cats and Pets. 53 TALL French poodle, 10 month* old; good for rhlld’e pet. AT. 9249. MERC II WDISE._ Buainena Equipments. 58 WE BUY. sell infer, make desks, show < asee, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. S W. Cor 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724 Fuel and Feed. 81 P.A.I.ED shavings, carload or truck. Brad ford-Kennedy Co JA. 5740. Household Goods. 64 YOU ARK LOSING. every day that you fill to take ad/antage of the furnltur* bargains at Ht-johenson’a. 15 o s Capitol Ave Private saleg and auction. I,FT Whlteley fur your fruit 1ara and glasses 320 S. 14th 8t AT. 6603. Swap Column. 65 GOOD u*e large connecting rooms for 3 or 4 gentlemen Private family, walking dla tance. AT. 1430. PEAU 15 ULLY furnished room with eleep ng por< h On* block from Blackatone. H-\. 2370. STEAM heat, privato bath, well locatad f r g*n-f»rT„.n. HA 7124 or HA <>>4 CLEAN*, rur.y rooms in private family. B ard f HA 4383. HA 394' Room f°r gentleman; prlvata ■h * • v Riftrti hi Booing for llouarkr^pmi;. 70 NINETEENTH ST.. 1551 N — 3 roorr.i. modem; private bath and entrance. A .1 nits f- 10 per week. WE. 08 20. 2 .rk DOUGLAS ST—Light housekeeping r nrni on first ard second floors, walking d.stance HA. <316 _41*J HR!«T» L ST —2 large, peasant c'’rmi private home WE. 3084 KRUG PARK—Cool sleeping hsko rooms. Rhone, piano. Ice box. garage. KE. 5526. •r™l?1 ™ j Booms, rntnmiahfd. 77 j Modern unfurnished rooms for two. JA. Where to Stop m Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD—lith and Farnam. HOTEL HEN SHAW—-16th and Farnam. Vpe ;a| rates to permanent pueetr Apartments—Furnished. 80 - - ■■ ■ —■ - ■ . - -140 3. toTH AVE.—Newly decoratfcl 2 : oni apt . completely modern, nicely fair n .i.'.- d. every convenience. 15 60. AT. 1551 No. 13th St.—Three room• furnished, modern at>t. with private bath end en trance. Adulta only, fl 50 per week. WE. 0630. _ KE 16*5—Three-room apt.; prlvata bath, kitchenette, gae, light, telephone 650 per month _ HUNTER INN HOME for the travllng n an and wife. AT 6380 14th and Dodge ; NEWLY dec rood elry I-nn. apt 3137, . . rd St Heat, light, water free. Apartments—L'nliimUlied. 81 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. 5 rcomi Meritroen 2206 N. lith St 127.00 Two rooms. No. 20 Consmore. 2743 California St . 13.00 Thr»« hooma. No. 10 Klngeborouih .iv I>odge St. . . 10.00 Four rooms. No. I Tro>. 3033 liar ney St ... • * 6® Fi\>* riH :ns. No 2 Georgia. 1040 8 23th . 00*00 Fi ur rootrta. No 11 Joyce. 27th Ave and Californ a St . . 72:30 Kuui rooms. No. 6 Pottsr. 13d and I irnmn Sts. ... 73.00 Four rooms. No. 17 Conamore, 1733 California St . 35 00 Five rooms. No 3. Mildred. 4303. Dodge St. . 30 00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Where Omaha Renta" AT. 0544 17th and Farnam Sta UNDINE COURT 2852 Dewey Avenue. Three rooms and bath with five-room ai < on.modattona, ISO eummer and 360 w Inter. TRAVEH PROS. INC. AT. 6896. 113 Flret Nat. Bank Bldg FoK RENT—Six rooms, all modern, brlrk flat, located close to school, car line; r* armi*hie rent, references required Tel. J A M7l' After 6 o clock. \V A 1300. 1 i:rV KS TRUST COMPANY "WHERE OMAHA RENTS" \T 0544 17th and Farnam Sts FOR ONE OF Dn.AKP * l.on.i APARTMENTS Call JArkeon 2305__ A PA 111 M ENTH end flats for rent. \\ .1 PALMER CO. AT 3310 U. nl ) .state Managment Specialists n apta I a«0 uj .! ■*.« in G P Hirbbina. 1413 Chicago Hi . 1\ moms, modern, fine condition, choice - :Q'■ >n H 9 12 4. or HA 4»34 BKAl KSTATB—rOB KENT. lhiaiiirwa line* for Brut. 85 FAUNA M sr. 1 v 0 7 J .09* eq ft. Thomaa I Hall. 1304 Harney St AT TI03 TWO stores. 16th 81. and Cnicago, lew rent o P Stebblne 1610 Chicago. II mi MW ft»r IU*nt. 8S t|U"dP apt 7*13 N. 14th. 116.00. J -room apt , 1413 N 16th. i 16-00. J room apt. 2613 N 14th. 312 00. “ i,ioni m<> l ; garage lit N 43rd 149 00. j i >ma ha Ren U* , JA >613. HA >403. I FOR RENT I room modern house good i . indlt in in exclusive Dundee section. J v.ii'2 Daiiforu a Phone J A. 1252 _ I 48D VND M API K T toome modern, in I WA I ’ 4 2 ' t •,h« > liTH 8T t room furnished j house adulta AT >534 I w A V90 »Tel 1 se\ on room modern s with » lota fruit. t\ ROOMS modern S10 South lith 8t. In* uulrellf South 33tk 8t. v _ 1 *ii? t'owiiY ST—Cottage. 6 reohas aa« bath. 311. Phone WE. loll. KRAI FST ATF-FOM HAj.jt.__ (HHcca am) Orsli Kooiii. Hii SEVERAL rteelrnhle office, ,n<2 on. nicely .rranRed .ulto In (Jwrdjior block. FIRST TKl ST CO AT. 0?2«. KFAI, KSTATK—FOR SALE. Real KstaU*—Investments. 92 APARTMENT BARGAIN $16,500—PART CASH Close to Farnam, four apartment* of four room* and bath **h h, separate porches; hot water heat; four garage*; Income of over $2.*"0 yearly *m a low rental Here j* a peach of an Income proportion. Let u* ahow you. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. f>10 Pater* Trust Bldg. Jarkron 21*2* SOUTH OMAHA BUSINESS CORNER. Brick store with 6-rro. • flat above an«l brick cottage adjoining. First mortage of f.’i.OOO Will exchange equitv of IS.000 for goot lot west aide or 1n Dundee. Will bring in 1115 per month J. L. HIATT COMPANY. AT. t»00. Farais and Land** for Sale. 93 FOR BALE— 320 acre* well improved land with two good s**t* of building*. 1 ml. from pavement on Center street. Ad qrenw Henry Biel. Orettia. Nab. R. 3. WE HAVE several Shelby county. Iowa, farm*, highly Improved, *150 to *176. FRANK C. BEST. 310 PETERS TRUST BLDCL. OMAHA. Ifouftpft for Sale. 95 SEE T. B Campbell for new modern home* at right price and eaay terms. 339 KEELINE. AT. *048. IIotMfH—North. 96 No 57 BEAUTIFUL HOME TWO LARGE LOTS DOUBLE GARAGE Paved atreet. nice hedge, pretty iawn, three big cherry tree* and shrubbery, a real home, in perfect condition: five large tunny room* and bath with extra quality floor* end woodwork, many built-in fea tures: full cement basement, solid cement driveway; extra large garage A gem of a home, with auperb surroundings. Price only *6.760. Reasonable term* Phone D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors 742 Omaha Nat l. . JA. 2JM. Saleamen: Box. WE «272; Lovaren, Kfc. 0804; Baker, WA 8E?8; Buck. WE. 2124 $500 Cash A Bargain Brand new 5-room bungalow, very beautifully decorated and all mod ern, on g>aved lUMt, close to Arne* Ave. car and near new North Side High •'•hool; fine neighborhood; fine lawn with shrubbery planted, a real home-like atmosphere; furnace and plumbing giarante#*d, ful! cemented basement; fruit cellar and coal bin and full set of acreen*. For further Information call H. E. Rasp. KE. 4727 or Mr Carnaby. KE *373. RASP BROS . Realtor*. >12 Keeline BldgAT. 0731. HERE IS A REAL BUT. 4*0* Amti Ave. South front overlooking FonteneUe park lake and golf links, modern 6-room aemi-bungalow with ga rage 3 years old; large, airy room*: newly decorated throughout; o»k and enamel finish. Price and terms ire at fell ELD INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor* J A. 4214 Evening*. WA. *1**. Ames Ave. Bungalow Fiv# r om*. all mod nicely decorat ed. bullt-lna In the dining room ar.d kitchen, two corner bedroom* with bath between. Living room across house, sleeping porch glassed and * reened In, reading porch fla**°d and screened In. full basement Fur nac# in good condition. Paving ail paid. Sidewalk*, shade trees, shrub ' cry *6.500 buy* thi* *pler.dtd home, •'all H E Rid'. KE 4727. or Mr. Carnaby, KE. *371 RASP BROS. Realtor*. | 211 Keeline Bldg _AT 0711. i 5 ROOMS $250 DOWN Price $3,500. Small and titnlv* cottage located near Fonteneiie park East front lot. House has city water, electric light, furnace, newly decorated and new fix ture# Excellent buy at the price and tsrmi offered Owner. JA. 6074. “NORTH “SIDE BARGAIN i Six-room semi-bungalow. finished In oak i and btr h throughout, water heat. | t ’«>ss rick foundation, large lot ^$th ; fine alI* tra * gar act c mn to car. A snap at M.nob OSBORNE REALTY CO. Sin Peter* Tru»t BldgJA. 22>? LESS THAN COST. I*.Of * HOME FOR IT.*50. Brand n**, full t« -•* cry equare type home; til* bath, built-tn tub. beat oak finish and floor*. Extra larg* living room; three fine bed roc-, me with five large closets Corner lot. Term* *ult buyer Open for inspection Immediate p-^eses * | Phone owner. KE. ft**. BUY FROM OWNER Look at SI 61 Mason Bt. and you will find a comfortable and practical t*® •to’jr home of *ix room* and sleeping porch; full basement, furnace heat, lot 45x111, with fine ahrubbery and fruit tree*. ('all evenings HA *5*2. for price and term#. A Real Good Bungalow Five excellent rooms on one floor. Wei! arranged, well built ar.d finely finished in oak and enamel Pur chaser will have choice of lighting fixtures, lr.ter;or decorations window shades, etc. Price complete **,••*. Call owner. Walnut 16*0. Sure Worth the Money Only ft 0'0 te asked for a large i room home clo«e *o car Modern but furnace Extra fine condition No ro;*irs needed for long time Cistern. Garage at rear Cindered alley Close to car *600 down and *25 mo. WA. 67M NEARLY new strictly modem home en Ames avenue, facing To ntenel'e Blvd Five room* and hath Special tax raid. Ka»r tern * I k into tht* at once Call HA. 6 4**. T> r RUCK C CO buv and sell home* llouavw—-Spilth. 97 HANSCOM PARK A well built six-room bungalow. Oak finish and floor* Fireplace, breakfaet nook, built-in caaee in kitchen Every room good *!*e Tou will like thla home *7.100—one-third ca*h. balance monthly. C. D. ARMSTRONG, realtor. ! JA. lll<> 821 ••FOiittn Rl«, DON’T MISS THIS If you want an tip to date bungalow look at 1007 B lid St This 1* of brick and stucco, six rooms, tiled bath extra lava torv. oak floor* and ftnieh, fireplace and bookcase*; lot fSxll* wuh two car gar hi This la a dandy Bee me for price and terms C A Grtmmel. Omaha Nall Hank JA 1*16 MH. RAILROAD MAN 7 room* three bedroom a, oak floors and finish Near Ifth and William At* MAURICE D QRirFIN CO Real Ke*ate Ineuranrr Personal Service That prole le 1104 e Fire! Nat 1 Rk. Bldg. AT **17 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Hmises—West. M Clairmont Bungalow Strl< ily modern bunmlow ef a room* <»" room and hath Many built-in feature* Kant front lot. paved atreet. clone to car Un*. A buy at C. D. ARMSTRONG, realtor. JA. 1240 828 Securities Bldg. New and Nifty Bungalow, 635 North 4 nth Bt., 5 dandy rooms on one floor. Large attic. Be* of con struction and finish, purchaser will have choice of shades, interior decora tion* and lighting futures. Pile* complete. $*>100 For appointment r*li Grant Benson WA. 1580, ev* "'"'’uBNSON & CARMICHAEL. *4! Paxton Blk AT I5«#. A Good Name in the Bnildinx Gams. Build Your House Now. My many years of experience in build ing homes h»s enabled me to give ysu rhe bent and moat for your money, am In a position to build and f inane* your home on your lot or mine with a small down payment, bal. by month, buy my materia! fn large Quantities and get lower prices. In that way 1 can save you mon-v Call »nd get my prices. LICKTT. KK 1429_ NEW RT'NGALOW—ONE BLOCK TO CLIFTON IIILL SCHOOL. New 5 - room all modem bungalow, close to car and srhool. rsady to occupy with oak throughout and built-in feature* Only 14.400. Easy terms. Evenings call Mr. Pitkin. HA. 7540. METCALFE COMPANY. Ground Floor. 2»3 B. 19th St- AT. 1411. 46th and Douglas Special Substantia! 6 room*, modem, oak fin ish full basement. 1-car garage, big uth front lot ff.*£Q. Will take In good building lot to apply on first payment. „ . If02 City National Bank. AT 9641; HA. 5051: WA. 7865.______ GO TO STANDARD PLACE New 5-room bungalow with evsrr built-in feature do*- to car. south front lot- only If,760, term* Eva nings call Mr. Pitkin HA 7649. METCALFE COMPANY. Ground Floor. -03 S I3tn St. AT. 1416. 4206 BINNEY—5-room modern bouse, full basement: 2 room* finished upstairs, garage; shade and fruit trees; on paved *tree»: 2 Mock* 'o parochial and public schools. WA 1227. FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy home*. List v ur property with us for result*. TA 14 2® BCRT C. FOWLER CO., Realtor* WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lot* n Edge wood: very easy terms. Phone AT »£40 3611 JONES ST—7 rooms, all modem, convenient location. Maks au offer. JA. 4f57 For Sale—Hmidfe. 18* .FIVE well arraneed room* on one floor, newly decorated and In excellent into*, lino ea■ h. 150 per month. Ton ean live In Dundee lust as cheat) aa elsewhere. Carae. JA. 1014 daye. FOR SALE—8-roora modern house, aood condition, in exclusive Dundee eectlon. •wo lota. 4102 California. Phone JA. 1253. For Sale—Florence. HI NETHAWAY telle to whttee only. Bead Caucaalon, a ^Clu Kluxer for alL KE. 140 I Alta for Sale. 10J 24 LOTS—14.00#—1740 CASH. Five scree platted facinr Omaha Country Chi!* JA 2440 GLOVER A SPAIN Realtors DUNDEE BUILDING SITES GEORGE A CO. REALTORS. 8th Fir, r City Nat Bk Bldg AT. 2024, Lot 40x157, oa 124 Arenue, facln* Hane com Park, for tale at an attractiva price, c, A. Grlmrnel. JA 1414 FOR IMMEDIATE eale. 1 of cfcc'ceet lota In beau-lful Lockwood. 12,605. by owner. WE. 1444 Real Estate lor Exchance. 105 FARMS. Gibbcne Steel. 410 Peters Trust. Wanted—Real Estate. 105 IF we can't sell your home In 14 dsvs. we will tell you whr. w. J. Palmer Co. ! AT 1110 _ WE NEED HOMES FOR SALE. ORUEN'IO REALTT CO, Realtors Jsckson 1444. USS First Ntt’i Benk. LIST > c ur property with ue or, if yoe ere In the market for acreeee. call Lculs I Cohn for qui-k talet MA C 3 4 3 MA 8 74. CHAS W. TOUNO A SN Ri al Ea*ate Rmtala Insurance. 1401 Cl'y Nu‘ Park AT 2445 SEE ue first Need Leticia any location 4 to 4 rooms Sh^p-en A Co, Reeltora JA 48S* ;34 Keeline Bide O T. HAMER. Investment Acretre. j 1405 FinuraAT. 4440. 1 NEW HOMES-VOrK TERMS. GROVE-H1BBARD CO. 722 Banker Reserve RideAT 1542. WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US. HAMILTON A CO. . 805-5 Neville BlockJA. 5417. c. r HUTCHINSON CO, Reel Estate Ins. lit! Farnatn. JA. t«l» LI8T your property with Chris Borer. retry public. 2ld and CunaJna_8tA__ WORLD REALTT CO Realtem. AT MM WANTED Harvest Hands In Minnesota and North Dakota along the Great Northern Ry. to -« harvest enormous crop*. Special rate of $6 50 each for parties of five or more from Sioux City, la. Parties made up In Sioux City. Individual tickets from all points to Sioux City. This fare in effect until Aug. 15. For Information, Wm. Blonder, Afr. Development Aft. G N. Ry. ,e 622 Paxton Block, Omaha. Nab. j sv2% II —6% ■ We Have Money to Loan on Omaha dwelling houses, apartments or business property at 5*2 40 6% Frank H. Binder 823 City National Bank Phone JA 2561 6% i —5‘AS Straight 5-Year I Loans on Omaha ! Real Estate I Promptly Made I Peters Trust Co. I