The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 07, 1924, Page 10, Image 10

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    Prices on Wheat
Break and Close
Near Low Level
Public Interest Apparently
Has Waned—Corn Also
Is Reactionary, Sus
tained by Wheat.
Bv fllARI.BS 4. T.EYDEN'.
I Service Staff Correspondent.
Chicago. Aug. 6.—Support failed the
wheat market on the flurries today and
after several erratic swings prices broke
sharply, closing near bottom levels. Weak
ness at Liverpool caused a lower opening.
Export sales of 2.000,000 bushels wheat,
largely domestic, brought about a rapid
recovery, after which buying power let up.
Wheat closed to 1 He lower; corn
was unchanged to H4c off; oats was
'*c lower to »ic higher, and rye ruled
l ‘t to 2c down.
Hedging pressure and steady liquida
tion was apparent throughout. Action of
the market reflected the idea that public
interest has waned, for the present at
least. Houses with New York connec
tions were the best buyers of wheat of
the initial setback. It was a tough day
for the locals who got short on the break
and long on the bulge that followed.
Corn again displayed a reactionary
trend. Only the early strength in wheat
seems to r us tain this grain. Profit tak
ing sales have come out persistently the
last few days, and buyers have backed
away. The ..situation has changed but
little. Crop reports coming show a spot
ted condition over wide areas of the belt,
and the country offerings of old corn do
not Increase.
OSts gave a good account of Itself.
The opening was lower, but good buying
through commission houses rallied the
market sharply.
Rye showed an easy undertone through
out the day. and closed sharply off with
wheat. Outside trade in this grain has
slackened considerably.
Provisions were lower at the last, i!,ard
was 5 to 7HtC lower and ribs were 10 to
15c lower.
Pit Notes.
Many trader* held aloof from the mar
ker. pending the publication of the gov
ernment report, to be Issued at 2:15 to
day. The trade still has plenty of faith
in the world situation, hut apparently
the rapid advance of the past two months
has made buyers hesitant. A local ex
pert estimated the world wheat supply,
exclusive of Russia, at S.080.000.000 bush
els, or 850.00ft.000 bushels short of 1923.
With the new crop of winter wheat
moving to market, and the spring wheat
crop progressing nicely, and with the
Canadian outlook showing stJme improve
ment. speculators have pnid little atten
tion to the persistent rust messages that
filter in from the nert Invest. They pre
sumably want something more concrete
to base bullish ideas on at present levels.
Foreign buyers of American wheat have
been more active lately, but their takings
have not sufficed to counteract the heavy
flow of grain to market. Primary re
ceipt* today were 3.941.00ft bushels,
against 2.865.0ft0 bushel* last year. This
bij run of grain, it is likely, has reached
its zenith, and when it starts to ebb
prices will probably steady.
The domestic cash demand for wheat is
good Local millers reported today the
sale of wheat and rye flour of fairly
large amounts. Premiums on good wheat
in the Kansas City markets were up H
to lc. Good wheat In this market met
with active demand although the off
grades were heavy. Stocks of wheat at
Minneapolis for four day* decreased 326.
000 bushels The supply of wheat at
terminal points has not proven to be
burdensome, and it is questionable as to
whether it will be or not. There have
been charters made for the shipment out
of 4.0'*ft.000 bushels wheat via the Gulf.
Charters from this market to Montreal
have been in excess of 5,000,000 bushels j
the past two weeks.
By Ujallke Grain co!i.uany._ At1antlr_ 6312.
Art. I Open. I High. I ! I Tea
SVht. I I i I
g.p I 1 29 1 ! 3#%' 1.3#% 1.27 V 1.29
I 1.27 V. 1 27* 1 26 V*
Deo. Mia.! 1.34V 1.30% 1.31 I 1.32
I 1.30 VI. 1 31V 132*
.May I 1.36 1, 1.39V* 1 35* 1 3# ! 1.37%
I 1.35*1. .! 1.36141 1 37*
Rye I I I I I
Sep. .94 .95*' 929.1 .93941 94*
' .93* . . . .
Dee .97 *1 99 I .96% .97 1 .99*
I .97*1.I.I .96*1 .99 1 *
Mae I 1 02 .1 03 I 1.00* 1.00% 1.02*
Corn I I f I 1
Sep. '112 I 1 1491 1.12 I 112* 1.13
I 1.12%!.I.' 1.13 I 12%
• I 1.03 1 04% 1 01% 1.1*2'., I "5%
I 1.02*4!.I. 1.02'. I.«3%
I 1.03 1 1.04%' 1.021* 1 .'27,* i 04
1.0 3 94!.!.1 1 03 1.04*
,1 ill
I!, I 50 1 49», 49 19
i < *; I . .49*
52*1 51%’ 7.2 .31%
.1 61*1 .51%
1% 5 4% 54 %
12 ''.TO 13 60 13.63 113.70
13.62 13.75 13.77 113.92
I : , i l I
"0 12.30 1 2 20 12-0 12,25
L Jore Asthma
and Hay Fever!
"I want every Asthma sufferer in
this city to try my treatment entire
ly at my risk," Dr. Schiffinann an
nounces. "Go to your druggist and
get a package of my Asthmador and,
should It fail to give Instant relief,
the druggist will cheerfully refund
your money without any question
whatever." The Doctor says, fur
ther: "No matter how violent the at
tack, how obstinate the case, or what
else lias failed, my Asthmador or
Asthmador Cigarettes will give In
stant relief, usually in TO seconds, but
always within To minutes. Hundreds
of unsolicited testimonials abundant
ly prove what my remedy has done,
and I know it will do the same for
others. I am so positively certain
that It will produce instant relief and
will be found the best remedy ever
used that I have no fears of authoris
ing these druggists to give this guar
antee, or of their being called upon
for the refunding of money."
No risk whatever is run In buying
this remedy under this positive
guarantee, and such a personal trial
will' prove more conclusively than a
'free sample" could possibly prove.
R. pchlffmann Co., Props., 1734 N.
Alalrt, Los Angeles, Calif.
Wile Said She Would. Resalt,
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound Made Her Well
and Strong
East Hardwick, Vermont.—“Last
V winter I was not able to do any work
at all. I had back
ache, headache,
sideache, and was
sick all the time
| for six months.
We read about
Lydia E. Pink
ham'a Vegetable
Compound in the
newspapers, and
my husband said
to me,‘Why don't
you try itr So I
j __ said I would, and
he went and got me a dozen bottles.
It has done me more good than I can
ever tell, and my friends say. ‘ What
have you done to yourself? You look
so well. ’ I tell them it is the Vegetable
Compound that makes me so well and
strong. There is no use to suffer with
backache and pains. I will tell every
one what it has done for me. Mrs.
Fkeiv Primo, Route No. 2, E. Hard
wick, Vermont.
Housewives make a great mistake
fn allowing themaelves to become so
ill that it is well-nigh impossible for
them to attend to their household
flip ipS. !>S out of everv 100 report
thcv were benefited by it* u*e. For
sale l»y druggists everywhere.
r < .
Omaha Grain
- mJ
Omaha. Aug. «.
Cash wheat sold on tha tables today
from lc higher to lc lower, the off
grades sailing at the decline. Receipii
were 404 cars and trading got tinder way
early. Futures broke sharply during th*
last few minutes of tha aession and lat«
sales were made at tha declines or car
ried over.
Corn was In good demand at prlcei
ranging unchanged to He higher. Re
ceipts wers 18 cars.
Oats were quoted at about unchanged
prices. Receipts were 9 cars.
Rye and barley nominally unchanged.
t'aah Kales.
No. 1 hard winter: 2 cars. $1.28; 1 car,
$1.27: 2 cars. $1.23H; 1 car. $1.23; 1 car,
$1.21H; 17 cars, $1.20- 2 cars, $1.18%; 25
cars. $1.19H; 1 car, $1.19%; 9 cars, $1.19;
13 cars, $1.18H: 1 car. $1.18%.
No. 2 hard winter: car, $1.26; 5 cars,
$1.20; 6 cars, $1.19H; 1 car. $1.19*4; 52
cars, $1.19; 20 cars. $1.18H; 1$ cars,
$1.18; 1 car, $1.17; 3 cars, $1.16; 1 car,
No. 2 yellow hard winter: 2 car, $1.19;
1 car, $1.18H.
No. 2 spring: 1 car. $1.24.
No. 2 mixed: 1 car. $1.18H>
No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, $1.26; 1 car,
$1.24; 1 car. $1.19; 5 tars. $1.18H: 1 car,
$1.18*4; 7 cars. $118; 6 cars. $1.17*4: «
cars. $1.17; 1 car, $1.16*4; 2 cars, $1.16; 1
car, $1.15.
No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.18; 1 car,
$1.17H; 1 car. $1.17*4: 13 cars. $1.17; 14
cars, $1.16*4; 1 car, $1.16*4; 4 cars, $1.16;
2 cars, $1.15*4; l car. $1.16.
No 4 yellow hard winter: 1 car. $1 16H
Sample hard winter: 1 car, $1.16*4; 3
cars. $1.16; 3 cars, $1.15H: 5 cars, $1.15.
Sample mixed: 1 car. $1.16.
No. 4 white: 1 car. $J.05.
No. 2 yellow:' 4 cars, $1.09.
No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.08.
No. 4 yellow’: l car, $1.07.
No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.05*4.
No. 2 mixed: 2 3-5 cars, I1-07H
No. 3 mixed: 2 cars. $1.06*4.
Sample mixed: 1 car. $1.02; 1 car. $1.00.
No. 2 W’hlte: 1 car. 50He.
No. 3 white: 1 car, 60 *4^; 4 cars. 50c.
No. 4 w hite; 2 cars. 49 He.
No. 2 rye: 1 car, 92c.
No. 3 barley: 1 car. SOr.
No. 4 barley: 1 car, 79c.
2-5 car| not oats. 48c.
Dally Inspection of Grain Received.
Hard winter: No. 1 290 cars: No. 2.
232 cars; No. 3. 72 cars: No. 4, 82 cars;
No. 6. 2 cars; sample, 37 cars.
Total. 715 cars.
Mixed: No. 2. 1 car; No. 8, 1 car.
Total. 2 egrs.
Spring: No. 2. 1 car; No. 3. 2 cars.
Total, 3 cars.
Yellow: No. 2, 6 cars; No 3. 7 cars;
No. 4. 7 cars; No. 6, 1 car; No. 6,
3 cars: sample 1 car.
Total. 25 cars.
White: No. 3, 2 cars; No. 9, 2 cars
Total 4 cars.
Mixed: No. 2. 7 cars; No. 3. 1 car; No.
4. 1 car; No. 5. 1 car; sample, 2 cars
Total, 12 cars.
White: No. 3, 9 cars; No. 4. 4 cars;
sample, 1 car. Total, 14 cars.
No. 2, 3 cars; No. 3. 1 car. Total. 4 cats.
No. 4, 1 car. Total. 1 car.
(Carlots )
Receipts— Today Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago
Wheat . 404 176 72
Corn . 18 16 19
Oats . 9 15 42
Rve . 1 1 l
Barley . 3 14
Wheat .. 174 47 18
Corn . 20 23 13
<>ats . 8 IS
Rye . 2
Carlots'- Todav W'k Ago. Y'r Ago
Wheat . 864 236 1039
Corn .106 147 107
Oats . 29 49 90
»’fcrlot* : Todav W'k Ago. Y’r Ago
Wheat . 376 ... 364
Corn . 11 ••• 2*
Oats . 2 ... 351
Garlots Toda v W'k Ago. Y'r Ago
Wheat .717 394 274 !
Com . 60 180 62
Oats . 66 66 1311
Carlots: Today W'k Ago. Y’r Ago
Minneapolis .111 128 115 I
Duluth . 49 73 45,
Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin.
For the 24 hours ending at 8 a. pa.
Stations High. Low. Rain
Ashland, rloudy .*1 ''8 o.OO
Auburn, cloudy . 91 »'9 0.74
Broken Bow cloudy ....84 02 0.00
Columbus, cloudy . ..... .82 0.02
Culbertson, part cloudy... 89 60 n.OS
Fairbury. clear .90 70 o.OO
Fairmont. cloudy .“5 *<7 0 00
Grand Island, cloudy . .. .SO *>4 0.04
Harttngton. cloudy .85 *9 0.00
Hastings, cloudy .8 5 .5 O.03
Holdrege. cloudy .80 6 2 o.t8
Lincoln, cloudy . '9 0.00
North Loup cloudv .74 6 4 ®.®0
North Platte, cloudy.86 62 o 00
»»akdale, cloudy .35 65 000
Omaha, cloudy .fi4 ».8 0 00
■ > r: 1»u 1 v *7 61 ft 00
Red Cloud, cloudy . 87 67 0 00
Tekamah, < loudy .68 0 00
Valentine, part cloudy. ...6* 60 0.00
Chicago Cash Grain.
Chicago. Aur 8—Wheat—No 2 red.
$1.10; No. 2 hard. $1.2901 SOH
Corn—No. 2 mixed. $1 15 0! 16; No
2 *>llov. 11.16U 1 16H
«>sts—No 2 white, 65061c; No. S
w h •*. 51 0 54 He.
Rye—No. 2. 91 He,
Barley—310 8 4c.
Seed — Timothy, $5 2508 25; clover
$1 \76« 21 *0.
Provisions—Lard, $1 3 62, ribs. $12.37;
bellies, $11.50.
Minneapolis 4'aeh Grain.
Minneapolis. Aug 6.—Wheat—-Cash: No.
1 northern $1 3001.36; No. 1 dark north
ern spring Choice to fancy. }1 4601 53:
good to choice. $1 3701 45; o/dlnsrv to
good. $1,320 I 38; new September. 1130.
old. September. 11.30; new. December.
$131%. old December. $132; new. May.
$1 37; old. Mav. 31 37.
Corn—No. 3 yellow. $1 0801.09
Oats—No 3 white. 48**0 0 48He.
Barley—68 0 82c.
Flax—No l $2 6102 62*4.
Rye—No. 2. »7087Hc.
Kansas City Cash Grain.
Ksnsaa City. Mo.. Aug 6 -Wheat—No
2 hard. $1 19 01 34: No 2 red. $1.3101 34
September. $t.l$H; December. $12lH
**Corn—No 8 white $1.07 H 01 ••: No.
3 vellow $1 1001.11; No * yellow. $1 09
01.10; No. 2 mixed. $107. September.
$1 07*4 bid. December. 97% asked; May.
97 He spilt asked.
Minneapolis Flour.
Mlnnsspolls. Aug. 6—Flour—Unchang
ed to 30c lower; family patents. $7.7»
0 7 8.6
Bran—$21 00._
East M. Louis Livestock,
East St Louis. Ill . Aug 0 —Hogs-Rs
relpts. 10.800 head: early sales. *5c low
er; later market and bulk of sales. 2$ to
SRc lower- top $10 60; hulk good hogs 170
pounds and up, $10.16010 50; late top.
lift 35. big packers took large part at
$10 35; light lights and pigs. 2R to 50c
lower: good 130 to 110 pounds tnugtlv
$9 *009.76; gr.od 150 to 160 pounds, $10.00
010.26: packer sows 1*75.
Cat tie- —Receipts. 4.000 head; very slow
on all grade* steers; natives. 15 to .5c
lower; native graeeers not moving, west
ern steers. 26c lower; fat light yearlings
and heifers, canners and bologna bulls
steady, beef rows, grass heifers 25c low
er, few native steers $8,40010.18; some
westerns. $8 1507 00* best light yearlings.
$9 0009 86; most cows. $4 0005 25; cgn
rers. 12 0003 36; bulls. $4.3604 7$; salves.
$9 000 1ft 00.
Sheep «nd Lamba-'-Racelpts. 2.600 heed;
fst lambs ?noet|y 2Rc lower; spots, R0r
lower, bulk 112 260 12 6ft; practical top,
$12.60; part load $1 2 76 to outsiders:
culls. 60c lower; bulk $6 50; sheep strong.
$:>.f.O for hast light killing ew*s.
New York Cotton Exchange.
New York Cotton exchange quotations,
furnished by J. R. Berhe A C'n . 224
Omaha National Bank building. Phones
■Tarkson, 6187. 6188, 6189.
Art. | Open | High | Low. I Closs I Teg,
OeT 28.87 28 7 3 27 92 28 20 28.36
1 i*c. 27 20 28.05 27.20 26 56 37.42
Jan. 27.77 27 97 27.20 27 47 27 60
Mar 27.90 2* 14 27.40 27.69 37.70
May 24 00 28 26 27.60 27 63 27 82
New York Sugar Quotations.
Furnished by J. P. Bach* A Co . 224
Omaha National Bank building. Phones,
JA. 6187-84-89:
II I I J Tea
1 Open I High I Low I Close I Close
sept. 3 32 3 35 3 30 3 35 1 27
hf". 3.42 3 4* 3.41 3 *4 1.3*
Mar, 3.23 3 3* 3 33 3 36 3 80
Oils and Roaln.
Savannah. ‘la . Aug 6 -Turpentine
firm. 71 He; ■“!** 112 bbls. receipts, 784
bbls ; shipments, 914 bbls . stock. I 700
Rosin—Firm: sales. 2.029 casks x*
celpls. 1.91.1 »a*ks: ehipmetus 1,080 cask";
stork, 102,630 tasks
Quote B $4 50, D. $4 65 K $4 76; ?■
in I. *4 82*4; K. M $4,13«, 0 4 86; N.
$4 400 4 91., *W(1. $5 9"H '• 9 - WWX,
$*., 4006.4*»
New York Produce.
New York, Aug 6. Hutter firm, re
, npti. 20.674 »ub« greamery higher than
extras. 38 W 029c, creamery extia* (92
mi ore t 37 \ 38c reamery firsts < *% to
91 *• or*. 2 r. 4* 0.97 Hi
Eggs Stead) to firm receipt* 21 <16
cas* ■
l -g'irtw rsaslnl* lit 24* loe.
t ;- '
Omaha Livestock
- ■ ■■ - >
August ti.
Receipts were' Csttle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Mor.dav . . l«.483 7.199 14.199
Official Tuesday . 9,256 K.0H2 16.14;:
Estimate Wednesday 5,500 14,000 13,000
Three daya this wk. 31.238 29.261 43.341
Same days last wk. lft.400 ,12,489 44,038
Same 2 wks ago .21,665 36,037 37.897
Same 3 wks ago. ..25,296 65,093 34,188
Same year ago .. .21,818 36.469 21,605
Receipts and disposition of livestock
at the Union stockyards. Omaha. Neb.,
for 24 hours, ending at 8 p. ni. August
6. 1924.
Cattle Hogs Sheep
C M ft St R Ry .... 7 4 .
Wabash R R . ♦» I f.
Mo Pac Ry . 8 3
U P R R . 41 52 33
C & \ W cast . I 1 *
C &. N W west. 52 78 1
c st P MAO ... 18 i
c B & Q east . 33 4 1
C B & Q west . 32 23 3
C R I & P east ... 2 2 2
C R I & P west... I :i
I C R R . 1 2
CGWRR'. 1 1
Total receipts .202 143 42
Cattle Hogs Sheep
Armour & Co . 675 2333 839
Cudahy Pack Co . 1419 238» 2392
Dcdd Pack Co . 122 1881 -
Morris Pafck Co . 654 1 1 69 680
Swift & Co . 1089 2056 2108
Hoffman Bros .. 6 .
Mayerowich & Vail 22 .. .
Midwest Pack Co ... II .
Omaha Pack Co . 34 .
John Roth fit Sons .. 39
8 Omaha Pack Co . . 32 .... ....
Murphy J W . 174 8 ....
Nagle Pack Co . 67 .. ....
Sinclair Pack Co .... 64 .
Wilson Pack Co .... 56 ....
Doud-Keeper . "8 .
Ken nett-JMurrav . 1514 ....
Anderson A Son . .. 57 .
Benton VS A. Hughes . 45 .
Bulla J H . 3J .
Dennis A- Francis ... 6 .
Hnrvev John . -19 .
Inghram T J . 41 .
Kellogg Ft* . 122 .
Kirkpatrick Bros ... 5 .
Longman Bros . 86 .
Luberger H .s . 1*8 .
Mo-Kan O A-. C Co ... 2 8 .
Root J B A Co . 89 .
! Rosenstock Bros 36 .
Sargent A- Finnegan 104 .
Smiley Bros . 70 .
Sullivan Bros . 1 ... ....
Van Sant W P A Co 28 .
Wertheimer ft Degen 73
Other buyers . "98 . 59 49
Total . 6443 13090 1 1958
Cattle: Receipts. 6,Son head. Although
• attle receipts were very moderate for
Wednesday the market was very dull and
bids and Vales again I5fc 25.- lower. Best
yearlings sold around $10.25_ and prune
handy weight steers at $10.75. t ows and
heifers were also badly demoralized and
sharply lower. the common canning
grades selling down around $1.2501.75
or the lowest for many months. Decline
of beef steers and butcher stork for the
three days amounts tn fully Soy,” 7 5c and
in some cases more. The trade In Stock
ers and feeders continues quiet with prices
steady to strong.
Quotations on Cattle—Choice to prime
beeves. $10.36 011.16: good to choice
beeves. $9.60© 10.26: fair to good beeves,
$8 9009 50; common to fair beexes. $7.75(0
8.76; choice to prime yearlings. $10,000
10.75; good to choice yearlings. $9 25©
10.00; fair to good yearlings, $8.3609.15;
common to fair yearlings. $7.2508.26;
choice to prime fed heifers, $8.6o&9.40;
good to choice fed heifers. $7.35 08 35;
fair to good fed heifers. 86.25 07.26; com
mon to fair fed heifers. 15.26 0 6 25; choice
to prime fed cowa, $7.6008.50; good to
choice fed cows. $6.60 0 7.50; good to
choice grass coxxs. $3.600 4 65; common
to fair cow*. $2.0001 76; good to choice
feeders, $7,000 7 9ft; fair to good feeders.
$6.0008.85; common to fair feeders. $5 on
0 6.00; good to choice stockers. $6 25 0
7 00; fair to good stockers. $5,604*6.00;
common to frir stockers. $4 5005.50;
trashy atockers. $1.5004.50. stock heifers.
$3.5006.50, stock cows $2.3003 75;
stock calves. $ 5007.25; veal calves. $3.60
0 8.75. bulls, stags, etc. 84 2507.00.
No. Av Pr. No Av Pr
14 . 949 I 7 75 27 1337 $10 10
21 . 843 ft «" 23 984 10 23
18._ 1432 10 75 19 .1269 10 73
13 731 8 6ft
4. 880 2 Oft 9. *90 2 35
14 . 800 3 10 6..#... 980 4 75
4 . 1122 3 50
10 . 563 7 36 6 . 1051 9 00
38_ 716 7 25
1.1620 8 76 1 . 1090 7 00
Hogs—Receipts. 14,000 head A moder
ate Increase in supplies and slightly lower
trend at other market center* tended to
weaken values localiy this morning and
movement to shippers was on a 25c to
tn extremes. 40c lower basis, while the
packer trade was rather slow at mostly
25c decline* Bulk of the sales was at
$7.7609.50. with practrlal top. $•»«:.
No. Av. Sh. Pr No. Av. Bit ! r
27.. .323 4" $7 85 29 247 $7 90
46.. 34m 70 42. .129 140 ft 00
45.. . 285 310 49. . .144 .
30.. .304 ft 10 46 .347
42. ..280 110 ft 25 83. . .21 8 80 -
77 ... 194 40 9 on 59. . .296 .
62.. .230 9 26 35...283 .
4m...217 9 50 67. . .224 .
38. .210 40 9 60 43. . .331 • 70
Sheep and I^ambs—Receipts. 1 1 000 bead.
General sentiment was again a trifle bear
ish in the fat lamb division and first
sales were on s steady to a littla lower
basis, while feeder* ruled strong under
moderate offerings and a broad inquiry.
Aged sheep were around steady.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Spring
lambs. goo.1 to choice, $13.00013.25;
spring lambs, fair to good. $ t I 25 0 1 2 7 5.
i feeding lambs. $1 1 500 12 60: wethers
$6.600 8 50; clipped lambs, fed. $12 000
*1 2 50. yearlings, fed $9 690116 5; year
lings range. $8 000 9 00; fat ewes. $4 00
\i 8.78.
No. Av. Pr
261 South Dakota. 5 4 812 00
227 Idaho. 66 12 10
47 natives 77 1125
249 Idaho 81 13 00
734 fed . 76 1- 76
25 fed. 11° " eft
I 45 Idaho.125 8 75
C hicago Livestock
Chit ago Aug 6 — (U. « Dept of Agi •
culture) Hog# -Receipt*. 19.00'' bead.
market alow, uneven, mostly 10015c low
er than Tuesday’* average, light lights
and slaughter pigs. 16025c off. shipping
orders limited; few sales to yard trader*.
$10 60. extreme top: hulk desirable 160 to
240-lb. weight $10 000 10.35; good to
choice 260 to 350-lb butchers. $9 760
10 00; better 140 to ISO 1b averages $9.50
09.70; packing lows, $■» 50tfft so. strong
weight killing pig* $9 00 b 9 26; heax -
welghts. $9.$0 0 1 0.20 ; medium-weight *.
$10 00010 50; light-weights. $9.60010.40.
light lights. $8.75010.10. pa- king hog*,
smooth. 18.6609 00, packing hog* rough.
$8.1008.16: slaughter pigs. 88 2509 25
Cattle- .Receipts. 11.*00 lead. largely
steer run; market practically at stand
still; fat offering* predominating run In
elude# several sprinkling* good and choke
handy and weighty long f»»d bullock*; few
saves 26c lower numerous hid* 25 050c
off. best matured steer* early. $10 76.
some held above $11.5'*. several strings
choice yearlings held around $lt 00. bid*,
however, considerably below that m»rk
in most Instance*. shipping demand nar
row in sympathy with sluggish dressed
beef market especially on Atlantic *•*
board; fat cos* and heifer* * arc*, firm:
bulla fully ateady. beef weighty sausage
bulla. $4 7806i»O mostly. few $5 10. vest
era acarce fairly active to pa- Kara at
$10 60; mostly for choice kind; little doing
In atockers and feeders
Sheep- Receipt* Iftoftft head market
alow, early aale* fat native Iambs around
ateady; bulk $12 76013 25; sorting mod
erst*; western* late m arriving, no early
action; looks around steady, wet fleeceva
considered, sheen ateady. odd lots fnl
ewes. $6 0006 50; feeding lambs tin -
changed, few early sales. $1 2 76.
Kansas 0’Itjr I.Destock
Ksnasa (’By. Aug * (United Rtstea
Department of Agriculture )-fettle Re
ceipt* 11,0f»o head, calve*. 7 ono head,
vary sloxr; few early eales grain fedateeis.
|9 ''0 010.60; 10 to 16c lower; moat bids
on beef ateei* and \es-ling* 16 to
off. ah* atock dull, weak to low-r; rslvrs
mostly stead/; practical top veals. $8"".
few up to $8 60. mediums and heavier
$30006 76. alockera and fenders eb»t<
xxsak to lower; fleshy feeders off moat ;
early bulla. $5 0007 00
Hogs Receipts 7.500 head. shipper
mark*' 16 to 25« lower, mostly 26c lower,
• op. $10 10; bulk of s s lea. $9 75010,0"
bulk desirable 180 tn 250 pounds $9 *" (
lft Oft. packers bidding 2:,- lower: *9 26
bid on choice atrongwelght butchers;
light-light*, ground steed' mostly $9 260
9 6ft; stock nlas atendx |8 2609 "0
Sheep end Lamb#—Receipts. 2.300 head.
early sales native lambs around 23c htgh
er sariv top $18.16; better grade* mostly
$ 1 ? 8ft and above, sheep steady, fed Texas
w#th*r», $8.35.
Minus ntjr livestock.
Bleu* City. Aug 6 Cattle Receipts,
3.000 head; market alnxx , killers 25c low
er; stockers weak, fat starts and year
ling* $7 500 1 1 00 bulk. 18 26 010 26; fat
cows and halters $6.6009 60; fanners and
cutters 82 000360; grass cow* and heif
ers, $8 0005 00 veal* $6 00010 00; bull*
81.8005 00; feeders 16 5007 00. *to< kers
$4 1008.60: stock yearling* and calve*
85 6008 26 feeding cowa and heifers, $2 50
(ft A 60
Hog* Receipt*. 12,000 head market 16
©40c lower: top $9 76; bulk. $8 0009 86.
light* $9 0009 75; hut chare. $9 2609 86.
mixed $8,250*76; heavy pecker# $7 750
8 18; stags. Ift.oo, native pigs. $9 0"
Sheep Receipts 300 head market was
at. Joseph Livestock
St Joseph Mo. Aug 8 (*att|e Rr ,
• elpta 1200 head, sloxx unevenly lowr. |
lull* of steers $9 00010 26. top. $!0',t> (
ox* and helfere, |:tOO09OO; calve*
• 4 0009 0" stockers and feeder# $8 000
8 5ft
Bogs Reieipl* g.ftftft head \fost|v ?6c
lower; tup *10" bulk $9 $0010 0ft
.Mlwep and I amb* Receipts I 00ft head
steady, lamb*. $13.|»011.1$. MOO0
I 7.00. I
Failure of Stock
Exchange House
Brings No Flurry
Trading Falls Below Mark of
Million, but Prices Hold
Well — Few Stocks
Stand Out.
I ni versa I Her vice Financial Editor
New York, Aug. 6.—Trading fell below
the million share mark today but prices
held well In view of the recent pace and
the announcement of the failure of a
stock exchange house which had been car
rying notes of the Southern States Oil
episode. The street knew last week that
the announcement would be made and
was therefore prepared for it. It made
little impression on the market.
Only a few stocks stood out In the
trading, notably Pittsburg & West Vir
ginia. National Lead. Delaware. Lacka
wanna A.- Western, and Congoleum. On
the other hand. Fisher body dropped
nearly I- points on a few sales.
Buying of Pittsburg & West Virginia
led to further discussion of the Van
Swearingen combination, and the street,
heard for the first time a new story re
garding the amalgamation. Chesapeake
and Ohio. It was said, will go Into the
new combination on the basis of $100 a
"bare. Pare Marquette $75 a share. Erie
$50 a share, but no price was given ns
to Pittsburg & West Virginia.
The Interesting part of the story was
that William C. Durant, the auto wizard,
has an interest In the new combination.
(ieneral Motors sold at 15 again and
the new stock on the curb re-established
Its high of l?0.
United State* Steel appeared to hold
ba.k during the day. Bethlehem sold
at 44 „
National Lead lumped 5 points
Oil stocks remained quiet despite the
bullish talk heard concerning them. Oil
companies are making money but there
is too much oil in storage to warrant a
bull campaign to these stocks yet.
Cotton was lower at time* on more
favorable crop new* Wheat and corn
closed at i radically unchanged price*
Sterling and franc* showed little change.
I New York Quotations
New York stock exchange quotations
furnished by .1. 8. Ra»‘he A- Co., 224 Oma
ha National Bank building:
l uea.
High. Low Close Close.
Agrl Chemical .... 151% i2% 1 3 J
Ajax Rubber . 9% K '* 9 _“ *
Allied Chemical ..7* ‘ ‘ *
Allla-Chalmera ••• •»*% '»a i,a ,
Amer Beet Sugar. 41 41 *
Amer Brake Shoe •• •• »*
Amer ‘ an .1-6T4 1-5 1-5 l.o a
Amer Car Fdry. 1<n 1'i'
Amer Hide A I. D*% 1°%
Amer HA L pfd. *:% 61% 61% 6®%
Amer Int Corp ... 26 25% -5% 25%
Amer Linseed .... • 20% 20%
Amer T^oco . SO 79% .9% *9%
Amer S A Com .. 12% 12
Amer Smelt . 69% 69% 69% *9%
Amer Smelt pfd..l(,3% 103% ln3% 1^3%
Amer St Fdr* ... 26% 35% 35% "6%
Airier Sugar ..... 44% 44% 44% 44%
Amer Sumatra ... 9 H% * % *%
Amer TAT .125% H® 125% 125
Amer Tub .153% 153 153 152%
Am W W A El ..110% 109% 110% 104%
Amer Woolen .. .76% 74 74% 76%
Anaconda .36% 36% 36% 36%
A*so Dry Goods.115% 113% 113% 114
Aeso Oil . 2»% 29% j
Atchison .105% 104% 104% 1M%
At Coast Line....135 133 1 34 % 133%
At G A W 1. 15% 15% 15% 16%
Arias Tack . s %
At Ref Co .*4% 4 2% 43 «6%
Auetln-N Ichols ... 25% 24% 24% 24%
Auto Knitter . 3
Baldwin .121 % 119% 1.0% 120%
Balt A Ohio ..... * .r % * - % 62% 63
Beth Steel . 4 4 43 % 4 4 4 4
Bnx*h Mag . 2* %
Brook - Man Ry .. 27% 26% 26% 2 7
ftkyn-Man pfd .. .. 69% *9%
Jalif Parking . .... 45%
I'al Petroleum ... 22% 22% 22% 22%
i 'aI A- Arl* Mining. 52%
Canadian Pacific .. 1 49 % 14«% 14*% 149%
'ent Leather . .14% 14% 14% 14%
Cent Leather pfd. 49% 44% 4«% 44
I'erro de Pasco... 45% 45 % 45% 4r>%
Chandler Motors.. 49% 44% 43% 59
Che* A Ohio. 9i 90-% 90% 91%
Chi Gt Western. 6% 6%
C A N W . 6 2% 61 % 62 42%
C M A StP . . . 15% 15% 15% 15%
Chi Gt West pfd.. 17 16% 16% 16%
C M A. StP pfd... 26% 25% 25% 25%
C H I At P. 34 33 23 31%
l! StP M 4 O Ry. 43%
Chile Copper . 31% 31% .21% : 1 %
Chino . 21 21%
Cluett-Peabody . . Cl 60 60 61
Cluett - Peabody pfd ..102%
Coca-Cola. . .. 74% 74% 7 1% 74%
Colo Fuel A Iron.. 53% 52% 52% 6.1
Col Carbon .*44% 43 43 4 4 %
Columbia Gaa . .. 41% 40% 4<*% 40%
Congoleum . 54% 62% 52% M
Consol Cigars . 19%
Continental Can .. 51% »6% 67% 66%
font Motors .... 6% 6% 6% 6%
Corn Products ... 3.3% 32% 33 32%
Coeden . 24% 27 % 27% 24%
Crucible .... 66 54% 64% 66
Cuba Cane Sugar. 14%
Cuba ‘ ane Sug pfd 61% 61% 61% *2
Cuba-Am S'jmr .. "1 " % 3f'% 21
Cuyarnet Fruit ... 55 44 f,3 55 *’4
Daniel Boone .13 12% 13 1'-%
Davidson <’h#m 69% 67% '7% 54%
D**la A Hudson.124% 123%'
Dorn* Mi nmg 15% 15%
Dupont de ^ 121% 1 9 1* U0 121
1. < st man Kodak .110 1"<% j|fi iof%
Erie . 54 22% 32% 3.%
Kle<- Storage Bat . H% 6.%
Fhiiiou# Player* M% *<% *4% *•»%
Fifth 4ve hue 11% 11%
Flak Rubber * % * %
Flelschinan Yeast. 66% 6 , tiS% 6>
Freeport I’ex 9% •% 9% 9%
On AvphHli . . <~ % C % «-*% 4 . *
lien Electric ..... 27* 27 4 2 < » 27 * %
Gen .Motors . .15% 15 1 14%
Gold Dust. ..39
Goodrich . 7* if
tit Nor Ore . . 31 30 3° 31
Gt Nor K\ pfd *• • % *> 4 % 4 4 % •* %
Gulf States Sll 74% 73% 7 4 74
Hartmann Trunk. 37 !6% 34% 26%
Have# Wheal . . 34% 24% 24% •
Hudsrn Motor# 27% 24% 2.% 7<
HomestakM Min . 4*
Houston oil -72% #0% 79% *" %
Hupp Motors 14 12b 13% 13 %
Ililrois Central ]!21%
III • >ntral pfd . . • ■ ■ 1
Inspiration . . . . . ■ • • ■ ;* %
fn Eng Com 2* .*% 2*% * iv
Int'l Harvester 94'* 94% 94% 94%
TnO| M. Marine ... .
Int'l M Mar pfd. 39% 3* % 33% 3*%
Int'l Tel AT. 76 . ■ «
Int'l Nickel. 1*% 1* 14%
Int'l Paper... 5" •■* 63% 63% 64 #
Invincible Oil . 12% l?% »2% 13
Jones Tea . • %
Jordan Motor . ... 34% 30% 30% 31
K c Southern . 21% 1’. 21% 21%
Kelly-Springfield . 1 *> % 14% 14% 16%
Kennerott 46% 46 44 % 4*.%
Keystone Tire.. •
T.r- Rubber ...... J
Lehigh Caller 49% B« 6«
T.lma Locomotive. 42 *
Loos* Wilea ••• *'4
l.oulevllle A N 97% 97 47 % 97%
Mark Truck 96% 94% M% •*%
May Dept Store 91 90%
Maxwell Motor A 67% 51% 61% >-%
Maxwell Motor H 12% 12% 12% 12%
Marla r»d 32% 71% ";*%
Me* 8-a board 21% .1*% 1 - %
Miami Copper. . 2 3**
Middle state# Oil. 1** 1% 1%
M K AT .15% 14% 1 14%
Missouri Pacific .19 14 1* 0%
Mo Par pf.l 44% 44 44 4H%
Montgomer> 'Yard 34% ‘7% 23% 37%
Mother l.ode 4% 4 *% *
Na*h Motor#
National Biscuit. *'% * 1 *1% ^Jr1*
National Enamel. % 'l?' . 1 ■
Natlonsl lead 1*1 146% 153 147
N V Air Brake. 42% 41% 4!% 42%
N V ‘'antral. . In“% l"4% 1"6% lft*%
V Y C A St 1/ 194 lrt7% 16 7% 197
N Y N H AH 24’* 27% .'7% J;%
North American 26% *
Northern Pacific *4% 64 •> 4 * 4%
N\ A W Hv 17'.% 17 3% 12*% l-i
orpheum ■ • ^ *»
■ »# ens Bottle <3% 44
Pacific 011 4 9 '6 44% 44 % 4 4%
Packard Motor 11% 1 1 % 11% U %
Pan American . 67% .'»% 4 '5%
Pan American B 56% 64% 55 f.4%
I’enn HR. 45% 4» 45 4*
Peoples (laa . . 10|‘^ l*1l
Pete Marquette *2 61% 61% 63
Phil Co ...... Rh% f.n% 56% f.0%
Phillips Pet 24'* 25% 35‘* * '* %
Pierre Arrow 10 % 1 1 *a
Postutn Cereal 56% 55 4* 55% 56%
Pr eased H» Car 41 39% 4 1 41%
Pro A Ref 31% 3«t% 11V* -<1
Pullman . 124% 1.4% 127% 127%
Punt* A leg Hug . 61% 5<»% 69% f-1%
Pure Oil . -4% .:% 23% "4
It v Hte#| Spilng .119% 114% 114% 119
Key Con .. 12% 12% 12% 12 4*
Reading.62 60% 60% tit%
Replogle . 12% 11% 12% 12%
Rep I A steel 44 47 % 47% 44%
Roval Dutch N Y 4* 42% 42% 42%
It L A H F . . 25% 24% 25 2 4 %
Ht I. A H W 4 % 41% 43% 42%
Schulte Cigar ...129% 12*% 124% 124%
Heat# Roebuck .1t>3 44 10* 101 102%
Shell I’nlon oil . 17 16% 14% 17
Slmtnone Co ... .. 23% 26%
Sinclair Oil .... 17\ 17% 17% 17%
Alose Mberrisld 95% 66% 46% 66
Skelly OH . 19% 19%
Houth Pan . 96 *4% 94% 94<*
South Ry .64% »..:% «.4 «:;%
Stand Oil Cal *9% f.» (>9 59
Standard Oil N J 36% 26 .6% |%
Stewert -Warner 4,4 64 »*
Strom berg rarb 62 % 62% ♦: :* % 63
Htudebaker 1.4 % « % ,14% 3» %
Hubmartn* Boat 9% • a 9%
■I rtiae Co 41 % 41 41 4I k
' xea A Pacific 1% .9 2% I’% 1%
Timken Rearing 35% r- 4
Mil* Products 44 6 3 S’- i ! % 63%
lob Products A 9'% ft 6| ft
Tran* nil % 6 f % 6%
Union Pacific 141% 141% 141% 141%
I'nlted Fruit . 221% 2‘i 21« 214
|i s «• Iron Pipe |fig% jfto% inn% |n*
H M | nd Alcohol 7 5% 73% 77% 14%
IT H Bubbet 1|»* 30% 20% *0 %
D H Rubber pfd *.< 44 v 4 % 46%
L ■ Steel .109 101% 1C»% lo|%
U 8 Steel pfd.121% 1214 121 Ml ill 4
Utah Copper . 80 79% 80 80
Vanadium ........ 24** 244 244* 244
Vivaudou . * •
Wabash . 16** 1&4
Wabash A . 434 424 424 43
Western Union ..112 4 111 112 4 HOlfc
West Air Brake... 934 934 *34
West Electric . ... «4% ti44 t>4%
White Eagle Oil. 24 24 l*
White Motors _ 68** 58 4 r*8 4 514
Wool worth Co ...112 4 1114 1118* 1114
Wlllya-Overland #4 84 *4 84
Willya-Over pfd... 69 674 68 684
Wilson . 8 4 * 8
Wilson pfd. 28 4
Worth Pump .... 27 4 27 27 27
Wrlgley Co . *0 4 40%
Yellow Mfg Co. 52 4
Yellow Cab Taxi. 48 46%
Tuesday's total sales, 990,.100 shares.
Tuesday’s total bonds, $13,656,000.
Total stocks, 878,600.
r ' " 1
New York Bonds
New York, Aug. 6.—Prospects for ne
gotiation this week at a European settle
ment on reparations today lifted French.
Belgian and Austrian bonds to the highest
prices of the year. The upward move
ment in these issues ran counter to the
trend of other bonds and of the foreign
exchanges, which heretofore have reflect*
ed the progress of the London conf#rence.
Accumulation of the foreign obligations
was sufficient to carry total bond sales
up to about $18,000,000, the largest vol
ume In several weeks. The French gov
ernment’s 7%s and 8s, selling about 1%
points higher, established new high levels
at 103 4 and 106%. respectively.
Other 1924 records included Belgian
7 4s and 8s, Austrian 7a, Czecho Slovakia
8s. and the Seine, Bordeaux, Lyons. Mar
seilles. Solssons and Paria-Lyons-Medl -
terranean isaueg all up 14 to 24 polnta.
Trading whs dull In the domestic list
and prices failed to establish a definite
trend. Advances of Western Pacific 5s,
Norfolk & Western 6s and Erie prior lien
4a were offset by the heaviness of Atchi
son adjustment 4s, stamped, and the Wil
son issues.
Negotiations were reported to be pend
ing for another loan to the Dominican
republic, probably totaling between $i".
000,000 and $15,000,000. Within the next
fortnight sales of about $40,000,000 In
state and municipal bonds are expected.
United Natea Honda.
(Sales In $1,000) High Low CJoae
255 Liberty $%s . ..101.12 101.9 101.1®
98 Liberty 1st 4 4§ . 102.18 102 1 1 102.14
643 Liberty 2d 4%a .101.30 101.24 101.26
710 Llbertv 3d 44a.. 102.22 10:18 102.19
5 4 12 Llbertv 4th 4%a..l«2.23 102.17 102.71
28C U S Govt 4'4a .105.26 106 19 105.21
Foreign Honda.
33 Ant .Tur M W 6s.. 80% 804 *0**
( 8 get Got1 7s_102% 1024 1024
102 \rgent Govt 6s .94 934 94
163 Aust Gov gt lo 7s. 96 4 95 4 96 %
308 C of Bordeaux 6« *9 87 4 *9
12 f of Copen hag 6 4a 9 5 94 4 95
59 C of Gr Prag 7 4s 914 90% 91%
158 City of Lyons 6s 89 87 '* *9
172 Cl of Marseilles 6s 89 874 89
14 C of U de Ju 8s ’47 744 74 4 744
115 Csecho Slov He 8*100% 964 1004
131 Depart of Heine 7a 944 924 944
10 Dofc &%a r, '29. 1034 103 4 1034
22 D of Can 5a *52 102 4 10) 4 102%
2 l»ut East Ind 6s ’62 954 954 954
29 Du Ka Ind 6 4a *53 90 89 4 90
::8 Framerhan 74s... 95% 0§*r
215 Frent h C* .106 4 1":*
203 French 7 4" .103 4 102 103 4
2®3 Japanese 6%e .... 92% 52 92 4
24 Belgium 6s .1®8 4 107'* 1084
104 Belgium 74s .110 1®8 110
10| Denmark 6a ....100% 994 1®°U
23 Netherlands 6s '72. 9* 9*4 99
63 Norway 6s ’43. . .. 97 % 974 974
85 Herbs Cr Hlov 8a... 85% 95 85%
”2 oriental I>ev 6a... 864 854 **
285 Paria-Ly-Med 6a .. 824 “04 824
14 Bolivia 8a . 934 93 93
15 Chile *a ’41.10*4 108% 10*%
9 Colombia $%• 93% 93% $2 %
137 Cube $%a. 97 4 96% 97 %
2 Elaalvador ■( 9b... 1018* 101% 101%
15 Finland 6s . *34 88 8?.
25 Queensland 6a ...1024 1®?% 1024
3 Han Paula af *■ - 99% *9** 99 4
2 Swiss 8s . .114% 1H‘i 11B4
229 Swiss 54* ’45 . 97 96% 97
lit; BA I 64" *2f. .110 110 110
. 6 G B A I 5 4* ’37. 105 104% 104%
J 2 Brasil ■« 9*4 964 $64
23 Braxil-Cent R E 7a 84 83% 84
23 Am A Them 7 4s . 91% 91% 9)4
5 Am C a f deb 6« . 96 95 to
I Amer Smelt tn . 1064 1054 105%
29 Amer .Smelt 6a ... 94% 95% 96 4
.35 Atner Sugar 6s ...1014 101 101
56 A T A T 14a .1024 10% 1624
.0 Am T A T r tr • 1014 DCS lft14
18 Am TAT col tr 4e 97% 97 4 9«4
9 Am W W b E bs . 92 91 91
75 Ana Cop 7a ’38 .. 99% 97% »* 4
"7 Ana Cop 6a '63 *7 4 * <’* *•%
11 Ar b Co of Del 6%e 92 91 % *2
6 Asao on 6a .101 101 101
23 At T A M Fe gen 4a to 8*4 *94
4 At T A K F a 4a a *4% 83% *3%
1 At C Line lat 4s. 91 91 *1
6 A11 Ref deb 5a 98% 98% 95%
33 Haiti A n 6a .1034 1»2% 103%
24 Halt! A O cv 4%e 894 8*4 “9%
2 Haiti A O gold 4a *6 86 86
12 B T Pa lat A r 5a 1®0% 100% lrt®%
3 3 Beth St 1 con 6a A 96 4 96 96 4
12 Beth St I 54a. 89 81 % *9
23 Brier H<!1 Stl 5%a 97 96 % 9,
8 Bk!vn Ed; g Sa A.100% 10»% 1®0%
22 4 Bklyn-M T s f 6a .82% 81% 82%
1! Calif Pet 6%» • 99% 99% 99%
13 Can N d"b 6%a ..116 4 H*%
30 Can Pac deb 4s ... 81% 80% 81%
1 <’ C A Ohio 6a ..1024 1024 1024
54 Cen nf Ga .' 4a - 99% 99% *9%
21 Cen'l Leather os .. 99% 99% 99%
1 Cen'l Pa'- gtd 4s . 8*4 *6% *‘*4
134 Che* A Ohio cv 6a.. 103 102 % 103
25 C A Ohio rv 4 % a. . 96 95% 96
18 «*hl I- Alton 34a 414 41% 414
10 C B A U rfg 6a A..101% 10®% 101**.
16 Chi A Eaat III 6a.. 724 72% 724
20 f’hicago G W 4s .. 56% 654 66%
46 C M A Ht P cv 4 4l «"% 6® 6ft 4
1 C M A St P rfg 4%e 63% 53% 53%
S3 O MA St P 4s 26. 79% 79 ,9
7 Chi A N W rfg 5a.. 96% *6% *6%
lit Chicago Rys Sa . . 78% 74%
2 C It I A V gen 4a.. *3% 83% *3%
41 C R I A P rfg 4s . *1% 91% *1%
t i'hl T H A S E 6a.. 79% 79% 79%
It fhl A West Ind 4a 77% 77% •*%.
10 Phils Copper 6a .105% 1®5%
h CtC A St I^ r g 6 a A 10.3% 103 4 1' “4
24 Cleve U Ter 5- .loo 99% 190
12 Colo A S rfg 4 % • **% "% *9
4 Col G A E a atpd 1 "0 lft" l"®
J| Toni Fow *» 9 4 9 r» I’
« Con foal of Md Ss. tt% 88 «» %
24 Con Power 6s *o% *o% 90%
I* Cube t S db 8a apd. 1*104 1®®4 1 - 0 4
4 Del A Hud rfg 4s . *9% *9% *9%
7 DA D G con 4s 79 '«% 71
?J Detroit Ed rfg 6a..10$4 106 lr'6
14 DuP de N 7 % a . .ltl% 109% 1*84
3 Duquesne Light 6s ins % 103% 1®6%
24 East I'uht Sur 7%a 1®4 1®4% lt'*%
44 Empire il A I 7%a 94% **% 94%
16 Erie pr lien 4a . “1% ** • - 4
119 Erls gsn Hen 4a. . 64% *4% * » «
3 Fisk Rubber t* .102% 10:4 1* %
9 Gen 1 Elec deb la .103% 1®3% 103%
11 Goodrich 6%a ft ft 9*
1ft Godvear T *a ’31 .104% P'4% 1044
t Goodyear T *a ’41 .117% 117% 117%
11 G Tk Rv of Can 7a 115% 116 IE.
4 O Tk Hr of Can 9s.l®ft% 1®«% 1®*%
65 G Northern 7a A . 1«*4 10* 109%
6ft G Northern 6%aB.101 100% 1®1
9 Her ahoy Choc 6a. lft3% 1®3% I034
6 2 Huil A Man rfg 5a A 87% **% *6%
.35 Hud A Man a1 in 6a 66% 66 «*>4
16 Humble <• A R r*%a 9s 97*4 9 %
t Illinois l>n 6 % • .103% 1034 101%
16 H* C St LAN t > r f 6s 96% 96% 86%
1 III Steel deb 4 % a *4% 94% 94%
V Ind Urn St eel 5s . ,1"1% 101% 1®1%
9 Inter Rp Tr 7a- 93 91% 92
5 !nter Rp Tr . 69% 69% 69%
4'1 Inter A Q ^ »*1J *"• I % 54 64 %
6ft Inter A O N st 6a. t* 57% 8 T %
25 Int Pap rv 6a A 87% IT »7%
11 K O Ft P A M 4a 80% 80 4 *"%
34 Ken City P A I. 3a 93% 9$** * %
2 K C South 5a 89% $9%
6 K C Terminal 4s t4% 94% *4%
4 K G A El**r 6« 08% 98% 91 %
KelK Spring T *a 46% *6% 46%
5 Ear G of St L I % a 95% *5 •»»%
2 I. S A M 9 de 4a Ml 46 46 a*
1 Liggett A M \ er a 5s *i% 48% vs %
10 % A Nash fs H 01 1034 10$«s 103%
U L A Nash un 4s 92% 91 % ML
14 Eoula O * El 5a 91% 9®% M%
14 Magma Copper 7a 11? 11 •> % 11 4 %
1. \tnnafl Supg 7%a 99% 99 99
1 Manhat R* « on 4a 61% 6iL «IL
10 Mark St Rv 7a 94% *4 4t%
1 Marl OH 74a w w 1 % !".•% in? 4
71 Mid v a la St rv 6« it*. ««% '«»«
1 MKA T pr 11 6a C 1«1% 101% 101%
4 M K A T ne nr II 5s A 8.»% 8 % «8%
■, 7 MKA T ne ad 5a A <1*, r.l 61%
Mo Pan 1st vs 94% tt 44
4' Mo Par gen 4a * ' % fft% 60%
6 Mont Pow 5a A *t 47% 47%
\ E T A T lat 6a 1«1 ]ftft% J0J
: 2 N <» T A M Inn 6a *’-% t r. m
I N Y Cent deb 6a 108% lftt l®t
»•» N V 4>r,t r fA Int 5s 91% 94% 9*
13 N V C A 8 I. *• A. 103% 102% 10 %
15 N T Elia if 6 %a . 112 4 1124 1154
70 NT Nil A 1! 7a 85 46% »^
16 NY Nil A M 6s ‘44 7 4 77 4 7 %
54 NY Rye 6- 4% 4% 4%
7 NY Tel % a ’41 .106% 106%
11 NT Tel gen 4%a 97 «696%
' NT W A II 4%a 56% 55% 56 4
HE. N A W 6a . 124 4 123 113%
11 No Am Edtann <« 97% 4 7 *7’*
* No Ohio TAL 6a 9® % *0% 90%
10 No Par fs lft? 106 % J0*%
Jl No Par new 5a. *6% 46 46
No Pa- 4# 4 % 46 9
No S| Power 1st 6a 9 4 91 % 9 4
6 N W Bell Tel 7a 10* 101% 109
4 Ore A < a1 lat ti .1*1 1014 1014*
18 Or* Short Line 4a 91% 9.%
9 o-w R R * X 8a.. 83% 82% 83 a
1 Otis Steal 7%e »»% 86% 88%
28 Pac >i*K 6*. 94% 94% »4%
8 Pac T&T 6* 62. 93% 93% 93%
48 Penn R R 6%«.110% 11°'* U® >
23 Penn R R gen 4%e 94% 93% 93%
66 Pele Marq rfg 6«.. 97 9B% 97
2 Phil * Rea.iC*! 6« 99% 99% 99»j
82 Pierce Arrow 8e... 84% 64% 84%
6 P Y A A gen 5*. 101% 101% 101%
'2 Port HUP let 0a.. 93% 93% 93%
81 Public Service 8e..l03% 1*12% 1®3l*
20 Punta Aleg Sug 7*.108% 108 1°?™
129 Reading 4 %« 13% 13% 13%
1 Reading gen 4e 95 9» 9a
0 Rep 1 A St 6 % a 91 90% 91
18 R O W 4e 19 JO 70
7 R I A&l. 4%s. 8J% 82% 82%
59 St 1. I.M*S rf 4e 91% 91% 91%
21 St I, I MAS 4* HlJ. 83% 83% 83%
66 SI 1, A S F ill 4* A 70% 70% 70%
42 St L A S F ad fie 79% 78% .9%
68 St 1. A S F Inc 6a 72% 72% 72%
3 St L SW con 4a... 84% 84% 84%
1 St PAKC 8 h 4%s 798, 79% ,9%
22 Seaboard A I, cn 6* 83% 83 83
31 Seaboard A L ad 6» 63% 62% 63
10 Sinclair Con 7a ... 91% 91% 91%
7 Sirclalr Con 6%a . 84% 84% 84%
6 Sinclair Crude 4%1.10O 99% 100,
8 Sinclair Pipe 5a ... 84% 84% 84%
21 South Pac cv 4a... 97% 97% 97%
12 South Pac rf 4a... 888, 88% 88%
11 South Pac col tr 4a 86% 85% 85%
16 South Ry gn 6%*.106% 106% 106%
80 South Ry gn 6a_102% 102% 102%
31 South Ry con 6a...101% 101% 101%
39 South Rp gn 4a ... 74 73 % 74
106 S W Bell Tel rf 5a 96% 96 96
26 Tenn Elec rf 6a.. 97% 97% *7%
3 Third Ave ad 5a... 54% 54% 54%
15 Third Ave rf 4a 59a; 59 69
16 Toledo Ed 7a . 109 108% 108%
5 Cn Pac rf 5s .105% 105% 105%
18 Cn Pac 1st 4a . 93 92% 92%
30 Cn Pac. cv 4a . 99a; 99% 99%
6 U S Rub 7%s .1038, 103% 103%
13 C S Rubber 5a _ 84% 84 84%
50 C S Steel af 5a...104% 104% 1"4%
8 Ctah PA I, 5a . 92 92 92
1 Va-Car Cham 7a . 62% 62*; 628,
23 Va Ity 6a . 96% 95% 95%
1 Wabash |»t 5a . ..100% 10u% 10o%
5 Warner Sg Ref 7e.!02% 1"2% 102%
68 West Klee 5s . ... 98% 98% 98%
14 West Md 1st 4s . . «J% 63% 63%
33 West Pac 6a.. 91% 90% 91%
U West Cn 6 % a ...111% 111% 111%
18 Wealing Elec 7e .108% 108% 108%
1 Weal Shore 4a . . . . 83% 83% 83%
16 Wick Span St 7». .. 69% 68% 69'-,
4 Willy.-Over let 6%s 97% 97% 978,
'1 Wilson Co af 7 %a. . 63*, 62% 62%
16 Wilson Co let 6a 90% 90 96
22 Wllaon Co cv 6a . 868, 36% 66%
21 Young SAT «a . . 96% 96 96%
Total bonda, 119,880,000.
| N. Y. Curb Bonds
Now York f'urli Bond*.
New York, Aug h.— Following If th»
official lift • »f transactions on the New
Vork Curb Exchange, giving all bonds
traded In:
Domestic Bonds.
Hale* High Low Clone
2 Allied Parker f,s . . 70', 70 4 704
3 Aluminum 7* 1925 I*»1"1 103
42 Am Gas*Elec i;* .. 9f*% §5 95
l Am Roll Mills ®;H 100 4 106'4 100 4
1 Am Thread Co 105 4 10:1*4 103 4
5 Ana<-on«la f'ojj M K>;;% 103 *4 1ft3'**
2 Anglo Am oil 7 4s 102 4 162’* 102 4
1 .\ *s Him Hdw 6'4» 79'* 79 4 7 9 4
3 At I OAW 15* »r.»4 53 4 53',
0 Reaver Roat<t 9* 794 794 794
f. Helgo Cana Pa *e 94 4 *4 4 944
1 Beth Sleet 7s I #:% r. in.tS 10.. 4 103 4
23 Can Nat Ry cn 7» II04 IP", 110',
1 Can Nat Hv H 1r* 1 f#I 161
1 Child* Co 6« 104 1 f 4 1*4
1 Oit I** .Her 7c “C ' 9*4 96 4 96 4
3 Cities Her 7* "D” 954 944 944
12 Con Gas Balt 54*101*4 101 101 4
It Con Ga* Rat* 1004 1*54
4 Con Textile *s 794 794
20 Con Pap A 14 «4*. 94 934 94
5 Cudahy Park 5 4s **4
0 De*re A Co 7 4" 1«3 102 4 1024
12 Detroit Edison 6*.. 104 4 10*4 10*4
* Dunlap TAR 7s.. 93 924 93
4 Fell Hugs r 0s 1933.1004 1004 1004
1 Fish Body *■ 1927.102 4 1*2 4 102 4
12 Fish Body *s 1928.102 102 102
2 Gair. Robert 7s 9*4 9‘>*
2 tlenera I Pet 0s. . . .Iona* 1004 1004
2 Gulf Oil 5a. ... . . »«4 914 9»4
1 Hood Rubber 7* 1014 101 4 1014
25 Intern Match t>4« 99 9« 99V.
22 Kennerott Cop DC4 1064
1 Lehigh V Harb 5s. 1"0% C"’4 1004
4 I. M N Ac L 7s loo 10« 100
9 Manitoba 79 .... 99 4 994 99 4
14 Mo Pacific 5s .. 1004 inn fooi.
4 Morris A Co 7 4s. 9- 97 4 97 4
* Nat* Leather »*... 9*4 994 9*4
5 N O Pub Her £«... 474 *7 4 97*.
10 N H Bow <4* • ■ 97 97
4 N H P evt 4s. . .101 101 101 |
11 Penn P A Lt 5- « \ 92 4 92 4
2®. P H C of N J 7s.. I0.4 10*4 10*4
14 Pure Oil *i4* . . 9' 944 944
5 Sloes Sheffield «s.,10|4 101 4 101 4
S Ht < *il N r 7s 1925 1014 1014 1014
1 8t Oil X Y 7* 1924 . 104 10* ir>«
1 St Oil N V 7s 1929 10<«4 l^* '* 1 0« 4
1 .St Oil N Y 7 9 19 30. in« 4 10*4
1 Ht Oil N Y 7s 1921 ?■ '% 1024 L 4
9 Hun Oil «• 1004 1004 100 4
3 Swift Ac Co 5a 95 95 95
1 Tidal Osage 7* 1«4 1«* 104
1 I* E L v P 5 4- *7 4 97 4 97\
1 UR Oil Prod *s 3«», 16 4 30 4
1 Vacuum 011 7s.1*7 4 1*7 4 P*7 4
1 Volvo line 7* P»J4 1*134 1024
1 Virginia Ry fta . . . 95 4 954 954
1 Web Mills 6 4» ..103 103 103
11 K NetherPda «* *72 *‘4 9%.. 994
7 Rep Peru *•_ 99 S 994 99 4
102 Ku**lan «4» . 19 154 14
P*« R ian <4" *«f* N C. 1*4 1 54 Is 4
22 Russian 54* .. IH| 1« l*u
14 Russian 54* rtf*. 194 19 1«4
21 Rolvay A* Co 5s ...1»*4 1004 If. 4
12 Swiss 54» .1 ft 1 10*4 ln>
5 Swiss 5s.1004 1004 1C0S
( hirago Storks.
Quotations furnished by .T S Rsrhe A.,
Co. 224 Omaha National Rank building
phone JA 5117-55*9.
Rid Asked
Armour A Co 111 pfd ...9*4 II4
Armour Co pel pfd .90 t;
Albert Pick . 174 1*4
Raaalck Alemlte . 3ft 7<>4
< "er bide .««4 ** 4
Edison Com ... 1294 llft i
Continental Motor* . *4
Cudahy . *14
Daniel Ro«>ne .. . 1- 4
Diamond Match ..... .115 ID'*
Deere pfd . 7 3
Libby . . . 6 4 ' 4
National l.eather . 3 14
Quaker f*ats .29*
R eo Motor* .. Is 154
Swift A Co . 1#«4
Swift Inti . 23 23 4
Thompson .. <*«
Wahl . 27 4 :•
U rlgley P» «n4
Y ellow Mfg Co .... 52
Y'ellow Cab 41 4
Foreign Exchange Rates.
Following are today * rate* of et< hange
*1 compared with the par valuation Fur
nished by the Peters National bank:
Austria . 20 000015
Belgium . 19* 0509
Canada .1 o» 1 00
I ‘rerho-Slovakia . ..02994
Denmark .. 27 .1530
England .t** 5 4<2S
France . 1*3 *554
(Ircec# . 19*
Italy .195 M4A
Jli|o*llirlft ........... 2° .013"
Norway . 27 1??:
S w ed e n .2 7
Swltierland . 195 1192
New York Metnla.
New York, Aug •' « oppei 'larket
firm •lectroljrtlc. spot and futures. 134
0 1 3 4 r
Tm — Market firm, spot and future*.
II *7r
Iron Market easy, \" 1 northern.
919 00019 25: N. 7 »' 'rthern 919 500
If ofl. >•' 2 sout hern 91» on 0 1«
l ead Market stead' spot 97 5o#7 75
Zinc- Market firm. Last Ht Louis, spot
and future*. * 1 f* 0 * *o<'
Antimony—Spot. 9 «0c
Dry Goods.
New York. Aug * Cotton g.'od* mif
kata we*e quieter today with price* fair
ly .lead' raw silk advanced alight!)
Burlaps shipments from Calcutta for the
month of lulv v ere reported at 74.200.000
yard*. The burlap markets were ea»!*r
\\ ool good* nere In mo»lsrate demand
With ti»e atrike among sUk workers *'
Paterson N .1 tlueatened next week
the demand for silk* Improved sllghtD
Mixed materials of Rs\**n ami »’allane»c
. .-re m demand for next spnng
4 It it itg o Butter
Chicago Aug •* The butter m»tk» 1
'oday rul*d steady and firm, with a
trifle mo»e activity noted Rereipta were
light ami supplies were falt’> -xell - lean®-.I
up Prl •* were well mainteine<1 The
cent rail led car market was steady, with
trading quiet
f-*i e*h butter 9? score 35 4 if *5* 91
ecore. 3I< 9n acore *44«': *9 ■« >*re. 914
s* score. 33c. *7 s^ <*ie 32 4*'• *5 wore
31 c
centralised Cgrlntg—ft senra. (94c. 93
sc<»re. 34 0 34 4«*. ** score. 33c.
New York Cotton.
New Tork. \ug Of The gent s! cottm
market closed steady, net «mt point high
*r to * points lower
mmmmrn——■ i i s n. . .
Updike Grain Corporation
(Frivata Wira Dapartmaal)
( Cbicaf o Board af Tra4a
MF.MHr.R5 •; a n<1
I I All Othar 1 fading Kirbanfaa
Order* for grain for future delivery in the prin
opal market* given careful and prompt attention.
■ .. -
Phone AT lantio A312 724-25 Terminal Building
AIR-25 Omaha Grain Phone B-1S33
Exchange long Pixtann 120
Omaha. Aug I.
Creamery— Local Jobbing price* to ra
1 taller*: Extra*. 40c; extra* In 60-lb. tuba.
1 39t ; standard, 89c: firsts. 38c.
- * Dairy—Buyer* are paying 28c for beat
table butter In roll* or tub*; 27028c for
» packing stock For beat aweet, unsalted
k butter. 30c.
For No 1 rreim Omaha buyers art pay
, Ing 26c per ll>. at country atationa. 82c
, delivered at Omaha.
12.00 per cwt. for fresh milk testing l.l
delivered on dairy platform Omaha.
i For eggs delivered Omaha, on loss-off
basis, around $7.11 per cate. For No 1
fresh egg*, graded basis, $7.6007.80; sec
onds. pc*c dozen, 210 22c; cracks. 19020c.
Price.*; above are for eggs received in
new «r No. 1 whJtewood case*; a deduc
tion of 25c will be made for second-hand
cases No 1 eggs must be good average
size. 44 lbs. net No. 2 egg*, seconds,
consist of small, slightly dirty, stained or
washed egg*. irregular shaped, shrunken
or weakened eggs. V.
In some quarters a fair prernlum Is
being paid for aelerted eggs, which must
not be more than (R hours old. uniform in
size and color (meaning all aolld colors—
all chalky white or all brown, and of the
same shade)- The shell must be clean and
sound and th»* egg* weigh 23 ounces per
dozen or over. Producer* must neces
sarily deliver their own eggs to benefit by
this latter classification.
Jobbing prices to retailers: U 8 spe
rials, 310 32c; U. 8. extras, commonly
known a* selects, 28029c; No. 1 small
25 026c; checks, 22023c.
Prise* quotable for No. 1 stork alive;
Broilers. 1 4 (0 2 lbs. 25-; 2® 24 Ibt 23
(n 25c. Lkfchorn broilers, 22ft 23c; spring
24 lbs. and over. 28 0 3Or; hens over 4
lbs.. 16 018c; hens mder 4 lbs. I4015e;|
Leghorn hens 12®13r; rooster*. 80 lie:
capon*. 22025c; ducks f f f.. young. 12c;
old ducks, f.f.f . M®10< ; geese, f.f.f , 8®
10r: pigeons. $1 0ft per dozen
Under grade poultry paid for at market
value. Sick or crippled poultry not want
ed and will not be naid for
Jobbing priced of dressed poultry (to
retailer*,- Spring* soft. 35?, 7*-. broiler*.
35028c* hens. 21025c; roosters. 17 019c; |
ducks, 22® 26*; geese, 15® 20 r.
•Tobbinr price** quotable as follows;
Fancy white fish -p 1^ b ^ trout. 27c;
halibut, 27c; northern bullhead", Jumbo.
20^ 22c; catfish 28$«32c fillet of had
dock. 27c; black cod sable fish, IRr; red
snapper, 27 c; flounders. 20c; -rappps.
26c; black bass. 32-; Spanish mackerel.
14 fo 2 lb*.. 25c; yellow pike. 22c; *»rit<*rl
bass. 20c* White perch, 14c; pickerel, 15c;
cbinook salmon. 30, . silver salmon. 22-;
frozen fish. 2® 4c less than prices* a bo*e .
ling cod. 12c.
American cheese, fancy* grade, jobbing
prices quotable as follows: Single daisies.
24-; double daisies, 234' : square prints.
24- ; young America. 24u; longhorns. 23 4-;
brick. 22«- llmhurger, 1-lb style 13 25
ner dozen; Swiss domestic. 32c; Imported
Roquefort, 62c; New York white. 32c.
Wholesale prh e* quotable; No. 1 ribs
25- . No 2. 23c; No 5. 17c* No. 7 loins i
3&c; No 2 32-: No. 3. 30-; No 1 round*.,
26- : No. 2. 194*; No 3. 134c; No 1
chuck* 144- No 2, 14-; No. 3 94c ‘
No. 1 plates. 84-; No 2. 8c; No. 3. 7c. ’
Jobbing price*
Grape* — Thompson, seed!*** 25-lh
crates |2 00
. K«r’y Hsrv.1!, bushel h*e
»J»o4|.50: C,Ilfornl* °r»ven.te1ns. box,
Lemons-—California. extra fancy, per
box. » 00- fare- per box. $««<»; choir*.
7' 50; limes l-'»0 coun*. carton.
ur?r.—California Bartlett. per box,
IS*5i»,rkb*rr!f*“P*r cra,# boxes.
Pea-he*—CaUf-rnf# ? - box fl
Arkansas bu« •! bask*- f? *F
^ Hum*—Calif - a. per 87 5*®
Banana# P*- |b
®nVffn,,t—F*,nr•'** ex’-s fancy f? *5
, *• ■ -- -
Weshlnxion, yellow. n sacks 4r r*r ,*b ■
horn, grown dozen bun-hes 25c
Jobbing price*
umbers I • "Town extra e. T
*i H P'r hn-hO'i.- duxer.'
^r*»i»*o,*!o'*~AI*b*m*- s,-i,> h,m
V‘:°"*-« «*> 1* >n re,e.:
* *Utlfio»»r— |>*r lb, J5r
Cantaloup#—California "'anda^d* J«S«
Domes 83 75 fl*-* 1 ■ » .... . , . ,
ards | * 71 * % * A rkanaa* stand-1
Cabbage—3c per lb ; cra*e* tK
T^ttj.r Head per t«5i
81.75 leaf. r*r do*en 49/
.n“‘rru" and inrnlp*
market basket 50c
lb.T'’T»-K|M,'*~‘*b‘S ft *b»“< J«|
,,ft,*rv——xssur ijox »!»|ks. I! Tl I,
Michigan, dog. T5<
Pepr-cr#—Green market basket 81 SO 1
Parsley—P*' d*»zen hun-hes 54®75e
Pad is bee—-Home gr-wn. . r^.\ peri
d-zen bunches
Beans—Green wax market b *k*t St
Potatoes—New crop, in iicki. lAc per
Market quotable per ton carload Jots
f <v h Omaha
Wheat Feed* Fra* around 822.5ft
brown shorts #2« 0 2« 5fi. g*ay »hnrt*
189 on four midd;r*r«. 829 00. redder
838 96036 46
Cottonseed Meal—47 p*r ern’ 847 00
Hominy Feeds—Whit* or vellosr 839 00
l»!ge*ter Feeding Tankage—4 per cen;.
8fo 00
Linseed Meal 34 p *r cen*. 84* 14.
Buttermilk—Condensed for feeding In
I bbl lot* x 45< per lh flake butterifilk
640 to 1.500 jba fc lb
Alfalfa Meal—Ch •!< *• rn.mtH. 828.5-;
No 1. prompt. $2b >« No . prompt.
822 59
The mmkrt Is rather Imre of prair e
hay offerings todav especially of the
l etter quality, wh . h i* in fair demand
Re-Otpta have been i.xhf *<» far th s week
Pi it.a* * re xeneraily stead* and unchang
ed Mfaffa rooeipt* continue light but
the demand 1* light al*- Much of the
alfalfa coinin'* In n*»« I* not ;n good
condition. The market ta not strong
although published price* are un
Nomina! quotation* carload lot*
Upland Prairie—Vo 1 812 54018.84 No.
J. 810 40 0 11 44 . No 3 87 440844
Midland Pratrte — N» 1. 811.04012.44:
Coming to Omaha ?
Rooms: $1.50 to $3.50
••Open 24 Hour* Every Day**
Ino. * 99 #0010 09; So » •«
1 Lowland Pralria—No. L 11.90 0 9.99; No,
|« 90 01.99. ___
Pai king Hay— $8.09 07 99.
Alfalfa—Choice, old. 91* .00020.90. No,
1 old. *l«.0i)«19.00. No. I. new. *1* 900
17 00. atandard. old. Ill 00019 09; *,*n'J*
ard new *12 00015.00; No. 2 old. 111.9*
0lin";WNo l new lll.M019.HsjB.Ja
old. 19.0001100 No 3 ** 00
halibut! 2*e; northern bullhaada. Jumbo,
Prices quotable In round lota (lew than
carload lota. f. o b. Omaha =
Flr.l patent. In 98-lb. bars. I. 0007.19
per bbl.; fancy clear. In 41-lb. bage. *5.»»
05 95 per bhl ; while or yellow coromeal,
12.56 per 100 pounds.
Prlrea are quotable aa follows delivered
Omaha, dealers' welghla and selection*:
Hides—Seasonable. No. J. 7e No. 2. 6c*
green. «c and 6c; bulla. «c and 6c:
branded. 8c: glue hide* 4c. calf. 139
ami 11 Hr; kip. tic; dry salted. »c: drv.
8c: dry hides, lie; dry sailer. 9c: dry
glue. Or; deacons. 91.00 each: horse hides,
93 25-and *2 26 each; ponies and slues.
91 15 each; colta. 25c each; hog akina.
15c each.
IV i ■ o!—Pell, *1 on to 91.76 each de
pending on *!r.e and length of wool,
lam be. 50c to 9! 00 each, depending on
aUc and length of wool; shear Inge. 2 On
to 20c each: clips no value: wool. 2684 35c.
Tallow and Grease—No. 1 tallow. 6’4r;
H tallow 5».c, No 2 tallow 6>ic: A
grease. 6 Vi c: B grease. 514c : Yellow
grease. &**r: brown grease, 4,%c; Dot*
crackling*. $40 per ton. beet crack
lings. $20.00 per ton; beeswax. $20.Of per
ton. _ _
New York bog«r.
I New York. Aug * - Ran *ug«r wsa
; firm and un hanged today with a
I inquiry. Sal-- ,f in.oon bags of Cuban
for prompt Hhlptnent were mad* to *•
local ref'm-r at 5.02c, duty paid.
Raw sugar future* were higher on
covering by gcptaftibar fhorta and re
newed demand for outside account*. due
to the better tone *»f the ep°* v\srv*
and report# of an increased d-mand
refined. Final yprice# were about the best
And 3 to S point* net higher. September
cIrme, r. Hoc; December, 3.44c; March.
3.21c; May. 3 35*- . . . r.
While no change# were noted In re
fined price#, ranging from 6 40c to 6
for fin* granulated, a better inquiry was
reported .
Refined future* were nominal.
New York General.
New York Aug g —C’ornme#!—Karfer:
f-ne white and granulated. $-40®
Pv(t Kasj No 2 western. $1 6? f e b.
New York and $1.«f • / export.
Whea* -Spot . No 1 J^rk "®rtb
ern spring .if York lake #r»d
54-I fl MU No 2 hard winter f o b
lake and rail $1 42*, N* 1 Manitoba do
jl iu. , No. 2 mixed durum do $1 4«>
t orn Spot easy No. 2 yellow c. I f.
track New York lake and rail, $MJ,i.
No 2 mixed do $1 31.
Ogt*—Spot, barely ateady; No 2 wb >•
• 'j**aed—Steady: western bran 190-pound
Hfl'ka $13.
Pork— Steady ; family
rd—Steady : mi<$d1«we#t $1 4.30 fl 1 4.49.
! Other articles unchanged.
New York Coffee Futures
New York Aur Th* market for
eoffee futur** opened *♦ a decline or - to
7 point# under a little selling which may
bavt been inf-^nred by report* that the
• ate Of «j.o Paulo fcad declared a mori
torium of 4’ day* Ther* was covering
at the define row eve- and »ft«:
at 13 70r December rallied to lJ.flf- The
to 7 point* lower Sales were estimated
a» 2** OOo bar* r*|o* rg quotation* Sep
tember 14 * ; October 14 26c; Decem
ber 33 6«r 'larch. 13 47c: May. 13 16c.
Spot coffr*e. quiet; Rio 7f, 16He, Santo#
4s. 21 to 22c_
fhlrugo rotate*#.
Chic* ro Aug. « —Potato**—StTonrer;
receipt#. 6 c*r* total United State* sblp
rr.erts *26 ra-*; Kaeaai and M *«ourl
«-fVed Gobbler* $125^1.49: few faaev. j
$1 snfl! *-F Minnesota sacked Early
Ohio# *1 1*. _ _
New York Poultry.
Vew Yn-v Aur 4 —Poultry—Live tr
rr a- b-c »■ « bx f—ei gh*. 2* fl 32'*:
fa-- a hv '■ - t 2*®2?.c roo**er» by
freight 1S- . • '«*' • >»v fr* rht. 29c
*=*.«*. i - ■ ■ . —«• rady to firm, prices
«n*-ha nr*d
Chicago Poultry.
rv r.g-« x ( —f .’try—4 live hlgti
fr, i • - hr *-*. 2fc; springs,
26c; roosters !5c.
Duluth Flax.
TV - •' - t —
N o
• m!sr 9: 27 \ Dsrf-r.T.r, 97 77.
\nita Church Dedicated.
A’ in - Is a - 8.—Amid pomp
ind dicnity -fc<* new St MaryCatholic
ihurrh. th» flr«* «„ be erected at
Anita la. *a« ded -ated Sunday af
ternoon. High Catholic dignitaries,
member- of var. ;s denominations
and civic organisations participated in
thi» ceremonies.
NOW ready! The aaw
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strength of a Goodyear Sold.
It U one of the complete lines
of Goodyear All-Wialhsr
Trend Truck Tires w# sell.
Rusch Tire Service
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10,000 LAKES
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The lake* are full of fighter* end they're hungr
now —be**, pike and muakiea
There’* every vacation »port in the world here
bathing, boating, golf, tennia. ruling, hiking, camp
ing Hotela.campa.rottag*e-ailatreaeonablerat*a.
Reach the 10.000 lakea via the Chicago Great
Weatern. Faat time and good aervice. Send lot
free book. "The 1 and of the Sky Blue Water,*
telling where to go and what it coata.
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Mta»*ii Ar MtnneapoHa 7 45 a.m. Ar Mumeapoftt t 00 p m
Vw. phene m «a0 an i
1414 rw»l National Park Pl.t, . Phone Jackaon 02*0
l Omatia. hahraaka
... .. - <Jhe CHICAGO >