Transfers InWeekAre $283,885 $ Business Properties Notice able by Their Absence in List of Deals on File in Register’s Office. Threatened Slump Ends Thirty-four transfers of real estate, each one $4,000 or more, were filed in the office of Register of Deeds Pearce last week, totaling $28S,S85. Approximately all 0f these deals represented the purchase of homes. Following is a list of these tran sactions separated by districts: _ . _ , West Furnam. i'• Balr<* John Beshtlas. north «r.«S,0m%sori,irty'*,*,h anrt Farnam Otilia F. Baum to C. W. Hull. Dawrv Jlx*Htrb.Vu.e|4.0DS.,rty-fl,th and Th,r,y _ . „ Central. nu’Dous.r.'^trsVl. t'A. rredmr"kv' . N.jth“Tw,XnatVd0 .fe m-lT comP"ny to Peter Klewlt's eons, 1423 Davenport street, II BOO „ .. Dundee. Mattaon A Smalls to K. M. Barn *07 Fifteenth avenue. $13,360. -I®11®" p- Sco*V° °*c®r Johnson, south «re.tsOr»6.000Flfty',eCOnd *nd Jack'on Cnfornti’^et10 RWoo* B‘ DaV"' «» ^V* ,SheblIakv to Gustav Heltmann. 47i)5 Cumin* street. $6,350. bi.r«rtii7 to H*nn»h Black hurn, 117 South Fifteenth avenue. $12,000 ... _ South. Alice Quade to J. L. Jonee. 1016 Vinton street. $5,500. _ Northwest. i x, AG,«an to C. E. Melsner. 1616 ; North Forty-fifth avenue. $7,000. H. J. Grove to R. H. Peterson. 4218 Fowler evenue. $4,600. CauE« Jon®8 to Ann A. Gnrdela. 2130 North Forty-ninth street. 85.26U. Mollle C. Clary to Alvenia C. Benk 6305 North Thirty-third avenue. 15. 650, Frank Panel. to Marianna F, Circo, 4029 Ames avenue. $16,750. Cathedral. Minnie P. Epeneter to Annie E. Rush. 512 North Fortieth street. $10,500. J. W. Hastings to Edmond Norgard. 915 South Thirty-eighth avenue, 15.600. C. L. Hence to Helen P. Fitzsimmons, Chicago street between Forty-fourth and (Forty-fifth streets. $5,500. __ Southwest. N. A. Nebleen to Norma Morford. 4*24 Williams street. $7,000. South Omaha. Frank Hnendowskl to Thomas Bednarc, 4109 South Thirty-third street. $4,700. West Leavenworth. T. W. Metcalfe to W. L. Graves, jr., 4619 Pacific street. $6,500. Otto Schneiderwlnd to O. T* Llljegren, Mayberry, between Fifty-fifth and Fifty Sixth streets. $6,250. C. B. Young to May H. Young, north east corner Forty-third and Mayberry streets. $7,000. Southeast. Anna Morrison to Minnie Lossch, 1113 Hickory street. It.000. North Side. W S. Holden to A. F. Durkee. $806 Florence boulevard. $11,100. ■ P. A. Cochran to D. E. Collins. $403 Boyd street. $4,000. Philomena Dugdale to C. C. Harbaugh. -j 2810-14-16 North Eighteenth atreet. $7,800. Benson. Michael Massara to Evelyn Evans, Burdette, between Fifty-eighth and Six tieth streets. $4,300. 1W R Zfnk to Fred Ruhe. IS44 Ersklns street. $4 850. Bern Is Park. Hattie E. Baber to Jennie Wllken, 1104 North Thirtv-fourth street. $4,000. Ellenore Read to D. W. Miller. 1220 North Thirty-fourth street. $4,875. 1 Florence. Maria Anderson to Helen Bolker. Thir tieth between Tucker and Willlt streets. $6,250. Hanscom Park. C. J Casskly to Emily Swinghohn. 3029 Haskell atreet $4,160. Roekbrook, New Addition, Ready for Inspection Suburban Home District Ad joins Happy Hollow Club on South—Quarter Mile West of Ninetieth. "Roekbrook," the suburban homo district near the new Happy Hollow rlub, la now ready for Inspection, Shuler & Cary announce. Roekbrook adjoins the golf club on the south and liea along the north side of the Center street highway. It is a quarter of a mile west of Nine tieth street. Arrangements have been made for a road from Center to Pacific streeta, parking along the west aide of Rock brook and the new club grounds. The new addition is comprised of 120 acres of rolling land, divided into 223 building sites, varying in size from one-third to three quarters of an acre. Landscape artists have set out 1,300 trees, 2,500 shrubs and 500 evergreens in the addition. A semi-formal sunk en garden has been constructed on the west side of the addition while informal landscaping has been done near Rock Glen, a wooded creek which extends up into Roekbrook. The addition boasts a bridle path, a mile and a half long. Shady foot paths sdd to the park effect of the section. APARTMENT SOLD AS INVESTMENT The St. Louis flat, located at 2703 03 Jackson street and consisting of 5 rooms up and 5 rooma down, was pur chased by Boris Pred for a considera tion of $10,000. S. B. Johnston, of the Johnston Realty company, repre sented the seller and Jake Murphy, manager of the real estate depart ment of the C. D. Hutchinson com pany. the buyer. These two firms In collaboration during tha month of July sold $125, 000 of investments, the largest deal being the FWrview apartments at Fiftieth and Webster streets, the pur chase price being $30,000. They re port a steady demand for good invest ment property. STORE BUILT IN 18% PURCHASED Fred J. Schollmnn purchased the Benkhardt property, with 180 foot frontage on North Thirtieth street, Including the store building at 4!*04 North Thirtieth street, through n. T Clary company this week. The structure la one of the oldest More buildings on Thirtieth street, having been erected In 1*114 In anti cipation of the Omaha exposition. Arrangements for the opening of Thirtieth street south from take gtraet and the location of the new North High school have crested a >1c. tnand for property on Thirtieth street. It !• said. Pastor Joins Staff * of Business Firm M. Andreason, former pastor and welfare worker, who insists that busi ness and religion should go hahd in hand, has joined the staff of Hamilton & Co., real estate and insurance agents, 207 Neville block. Andreason has been engaged in prison and near east relief work in addition to occupying many of the pulpits of Omaha and other cities. He came to Omaha from Denmark when 15 years of age. He has lived in this city more than 40 years. Crestwood to Be One of Prettiest Omaha Additions New Addition East of Elm wood Park Will Be Ready for Building Early in September. “Crestwood'’ Is the name chosen for Metcalfe company'* new addition, di rectly east of Elmwood park. Crest wood Is bounded by Pacific street on the north, Woolworth avenue on the south, Fifty-sixth street on the. cast and Sixtieth street on the west. Crestwood is not an outlying tract of land. It is all within the city limit* of Omaha. Those who have Inspected the plans and who have obtained a glimpse of the addition itself agree that it will be one of the prettiest additions to the city of Omaha. It Is high and lightly, fits on to the ,*3dgcwooJ ad dition south of It in such a way as to contribute to the beauty of that entire section of Omaha. Fifty-eighth street and fifty-sixth street will both be extended south to Center street. No lot in Crestwood will,have less than 50 feet frontage. Crestwood will be ready for building early in September. Lots tnay be re served now at the Metcalfe company office*. 203 South Nineteenth street. The engineering work far the addi tion was done by Towle, Nelson ft Schwartz. 15,000 ACRES OF SWAMP RECLAIMED One of the greatest reclamation projects engineered by private capital in this country has been completed by an Omaha firm, the Albert Lea, Minn., enterprise of the Payne In vestment company, which has changed 15,000 acres of swamp land into the finest of farm property. Already 8,000 acres have been sold at 3200 to $500 an aer# without im provements and about 10,000 acres are under cultivation. One of the record crops last year on this land was 784 bushel* of onions from an acre. These were aoid at $1.87 a bushel. Many immigrants from Holland have taken up land in this great re claimed section. ALHAMBRA SOLD; BRINGS $165,000 Fred L. Heyn, Omaha realtor, last week purchased for a client the AI harnbra apartment house at Forty ninth and t'apltol avenue. The property was purchaaed from the Drake Realty and Construction company. The price will not be made a matter of official record until next week but it Is known to have been In the neighborhood of $186,000. The Alhambra is about three years old, consists of 39 apertmenls of three, four and five rooms each, and Is In the form of a malteae cross. l irst Home to Be Started in Ridgewood Addition 3. M. Shotip, commercial artist, let a contract last week for building a new 312,000 home at Seventy elghth and Woolworth streets, in the West Pacific street district. Mr. Shoup's house will be the first to be erected In this district since real estate development was begun there two years ago by Shuler ft Cary. Delay In building was occasioned by ths fact that water main ex tension* were not marie in this dis trict. until s few weeks sgn. The developers, Shuler A Cary, ex pect more homes to be started In this district, known officially Ridge wood and Loveland, before fall. Sev eral owners of building sites in the district have been holding up their building plans until the water mains were in. The Shoup house leans toward the Italian style of architecture. The exterior walla will be of cream col ored stucco; the roof will he orange stained altlngies. There will be wrought Iron exterior trimming for the entrance of the sun porch. Plans for the house were drawn by Archi tect Ernest F. Hchrelber. The house will be set back shout 60 fast from ths street front, and the ground, almost an acr*, will he landscaped. misincM Properly I* Sold for Investment Th# tno story brick building «t 1*21 Douglas strest, occupied by th* Oma ha Mat factory, was sold last week by Hamusl Kaplan to I.ewl* Pred msstky for IlS.nno, Mr. Predmeatky formerly lived In Plalnvlew, Wb., and bought th# property as an In vestment. » ____________ Union Outfitting Co. Union Outfitting Co. Union Outfitting Co. Genuine Hoouer 1 — ■ 11 Cabinet Bate Exchange Special in the August Sale—This Complete *17= Department An exceptional any- r„r f oonTpn,. VV « ing ia offered In hla w* „n ; large, convenient _ ' * H OO.ST Fin Cahlnet Exchange Department ^ Raae. finished and where any uaed piece. hg* d • , ,r. the added beauty thla beaut ’ . xo-e Minor and af • r ■, COr* ,.!? of you ar® chrome Krldgs Lamp will bring to your ton, and • nk the bouV V'' • Vl d?aweV W readr°«d “rH of c*n b* ”,rnr'1 plc*v;le and entertainment thia handsome Console Phonograph built in mattrr cake box and large ln nt * f*lr T*lu* ,n'1 'enccr will gire you and your loved ones year after year. sanitary porcelain th, amount applied on Thla la the moat remarkable phonograph offer we ever made Only a apeclal working top. tb, purrhaee of any purchase could make such an outfit po---ible_ Graceful Mirror, Rcauttful r cc At thla price, while new furniture or rug* " .... wehRHunrKels1rKP.arriky you may a.isct. Just $1.00 Brings This Entire Outfit to You. choosing. *“““' *" " 11 * — ■» ■ ■ 1 11 " 1 . —$ 1—| —* 1—i s5 for Your 0| Brings You a Brings You an Hoosier Electric Cabinet Washer Saa Modal at— Saa Modal at— $5450 *5950 \