The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 03, 1924, PART TWO, Page 8-B, Image 20

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    Maxwell’s Club
Sedans Gaining
Much Popularity
Baggage Can Be Easily
Stored in Rear Compart
ment—Good Car for
Seldom, If aver, has a motor eat
In Its firat year of production
achieved tha popularity of tha Max
well club sedan. Sinea lt« Introduc
tion Into tha Maxwell Una of models
last October tha percentage of club
Redan production to total production
has steadily risen and now represents
an extremely high figure, the car hav
ing become on# of the largest selling
dosed models In the Industry.
The club sedan la of unusual con
struction,! because of which it makes
an Ideal type utility vehicle. The
bridge type construction of body
framlng produces unusual strength
without adding undue weight. It will
actually withstand more hard knocks
than most touring cars.
The same design that has produced
good looks has likewise given p*tir
’ ttcal answer to the particular busi
ness or social needs of its owners,
points out H. E. Rose of the Mul
lard-Rose Motors, Maxwell-CJhrysler
dealer. Its doors are extremely wide.
The seating arrangement Is conven
ient and the seats are comfortable.
A tonneau passenger may easily leave
the car without disturbing those In
the forward compartment. The rear
compartment provides generous bag
gage space capable of receiving large,
bulky objects—even a trunk or baby
carriage—because the doorway is so
wide and the seats In front Up for
ward to clear the entrance entirely.
Using the club sedan, salesmen can
travel with all their sample cases;
commission merchants can carry their
produce; the neighborhood tailor can
deliver clothes; campers not only en
joy comfortable transportation but by
a few simple changes of cushions and
back seats have a snug bed and shel
ter for the night without hotel ex
New Nw* Ad*need Six
All model* In the new Nash line disc wheels, and have force-feed en
have new body lines, are equipped gtne lubrication.
with full balloon tires, 4-wheel brakes, The leader in the new Nash Rpe
Here Is the new Pierre-Arrow series
80 seven-passenger sedan. The de
signers have followed closely the
graceful lines of its larger companion,
the famous Dual-Valve Six.
The new car is powered by a six
cylinder engine which is said to he
the most efficient mechanism ever
produced by Pierce-Arrow engineers.
The new car is produced in seven
body styles. The standard chassis
Sioux Falls. S. D.—The Western Spe
cialty company of this city announce*
the perfection of an amazing device
which I* enabling car owner* all over
the country to more than double their
mileage from each gallon of gasoline
used, and at the same time remove
every particle of carbon from their mo
tors When the device is attached, auto
mobiles have made over 40 miles on a
gallon of gasoline—increasing their power
and pep tremendously and eliminated all
• park plug difficulties.
This Inexpensive little device Is en
telv automatic and aelf-regulatlng and
ran he easily attached by anyone In a
tew minutes without tapping or drilling
The management of the company
ate* that, in order to introduce this
.artling new invention they are willing
o tend a sample at their own risk to
ine car owner 1n each town who can
ihow it to neighbors and handle the big
volume of business which will be built
up wherever it is shown.
.lust send your name and address to
the Western Specialty Co.. 1326 Lacotan
Bldg.. Sioux Falls, S. D»., and get their
fre*- sample offer.
Veteran Driver
to Pilot Reo Bus
Dave Fassett Will Have
Charge of Cross-Country
Old timer* In th* automobile Indus
try are doing a good deal of reminisc
ing these days, the occasion being the
first transcontinental motor bua trip
| which is now being mad* by a new
Reo Sedan type cross-country bus
which Is being piloted from coast to
coast bv Dave Fassett, veteran Reo
driver, who bears the distinction of
having driven in the first double
trans continental auto tour away back
in 1905-08.
"It is Interesting to compare the
present day conditions with those
which were encountered by the driv
ers in those early days and the ac
counts of the Journey made by the
famous Reo "Mountaineer" teem
more like those of the Journevs of
the old ■Forty-niners',” says R. r.
Rueahaw, sales manager of the Reo
Motor Oar company.
"The fact that Fassett Is now driv
ing the new Reo hue from New York
The Improved COACH
on the HUDSON Super-Six
For the First Time in History
Closed Car Comforts Thi" Hud*on Co*cH make* history. It is the first closed car
at EXACTLY « e»«ly open or co«.
a~- . Ana Hudson, alone, can build it. As the largest producer
wpen Vaar VaOSt of 6-cylinder closed cars in the world, Hudson exclusively
- holds the advantages to create this car and this price.
PXTniv Greatest of All Hudson Achievements
CjE.N UlNE ^nd novr fu*l ,l7e balloon tire* are most romfortable and iteadiett riding
y-j . y y /-V/-V-V.T atandardequipment. Do not confute Hudion ever built. And braking
n I a 1 at H P [\ Wl,b *emi-balloon”type*.Hud*on’» efficiency n ilmoit doubled
are genuine full lize balloon tire*— ...
tires 33'x 6.20V Compare the difference. More than ever, Clo.ed Car Com
_ „ fort* at Open Car Cott” it the
Hudson ha* not limply added uppermost buying luue. Note how
The Easiest Steering and *««Zr,J,e ,he CoIlh » di‘P>«c»ng open
Riding Hudson Ever Built deigned focompen.ate for the‘rad.* ‘ar’ At,he'"a'’,r.d,ype ,h' Co*lh
^ ^ ^ cal *»•«"€« balloon tire, bring '"•"""'""he highest resale value
$ -O g\ against the warning denrahilily of
1 I I I I l'he reiult i* the eatiett steering, the open tar.
Jr eight and Tax Exit a So Why Buy An Open Car?
Harney at 26th St. Tel. AT Untie 5065
___________________________ _ ,
- J^ijly Motor Co., Faraatq St.,
Nash Puts Out New Line of Cars
^t> Noah Special Six
rial Six aeries, the five passenger land disc wheels, is priced "way
sedan, equipped like alt other models down.’’ ,
with four-wheel brakes, balloon tiresj
Brisk Fall Auto
Trade Predicted:
President of Oakland Com
pany Points to Improved
Farm Situation.
A brisk fall business is looked for
by George H. Hannura, president and
general manager of the Oakland
Motor Car company, Pontiac, Mich.
The presidential nomination and
political party ieeuee are pretty well
settled, he states, so that any un
certainty in business caused by presi
dential elections may be eliminated
from consideration.
“With 33,500,000 passenger cars In
service, the replacement market, alone
amounts to 2.000,000 cars this year,
which is sufficient to kill tile old
bugaboo regarding the saturation
point," Mr. Hannutn points out.
“The agricultural situation Is very
niu' li improved and there Is prospect
of tlie farmer getting hack into the
market, something which we have
tieen expecting for a long time.
“Rates on loans are exceptionally
low and there seems to lie plenty of
money available for legitimate enter
prises. You will also note that tlie
stock market has been a rising one
“A number of companies has an
nounced their new models or are
about to announce them, which will
clarify the situation by removing the
reason for many motorists deferring
the purchase of a car.
"In addition, there is a marked
tendency towards higher prices for
motor cars, which is always a favor
able factor for the Yetail trade."
Continental Motor? Hike?
Prodnetion Itv 33 Per (lent
An increase in the manufacturing
schedule for August of 33 3-3 per
cent over the July schedule is an
nounced by W. R. Angel!, vice presl
dent of the Continental Motors cor
poration. "A general stiffening up in
business is noticed," said Mr. An
gell today, “Our August production
will he approximately a third more
than July."
hast a 130-lnch wheel base. Balloon
tires and Pierce-Arrow four wheel
safety brake* are standard equip
The prlc* of the tourina model la
I2.S9R at Buffalo, N. Y.
to the western coast carries particu
lar significance and that long period
which has elapsed since Fassett's first
and most famous trip down tT> the
present time has been a period of as
tounding development and equally as
tounding experience* by this Indom
itable ntotories," say* Rueschnw.
"It will he of particular Interest to
compare the trip of the Ren bus with
its luxurious equipment and complete
appointment* with that early voyage
made by Fassett which started from
Herald Square on August 19, 1905.
"Surety, the present trip will lack
many of the hazardous experiences
and daring feat* which were man
fully borne in those early days but it
Is of no less Interest for all that."
One nf the most completely equip
ped laboratories in the west is heincr
nstalled this week in the new
Monarch Manufacturing company
aiilding at Council Bluffs.
*‘The selling of motor oils and
grease* has become so competitive
that careful analysis is necessary,”
according to Harry Scarle, jr., gen
eral manager of the MonaMobib oil
plant.The new laboratories will contain
everything known to scienco In lho
analysis work of oils and greases.
Viscosity testing machine designed to
heat motor oil to temperatures com
paring with cylinder walls of auto
mobiles running at high speed are
part of the equipment.
Motor oil may look good In a bottle
but many prove to be nothing more
than a light liquid when subject to
intense heat, according to Mona
Mobilc officials. These viscosity test
Ing machines will prove the ahlllty
Of Mona Mobile oil to stand under
high temperature.
Balloon Tires Increase
Inbuilt Comfort Qualities
T3 EO promotes Coupe comfort by
balloon tires, gently flexible
springs and liberal body roominess
for four occupants,—
Tb Re I * Driving ease, by the simple dual foot
i e -eo me control, steering smoothness, easy«to*
/ . . 1985 reach instruments and short turning
Brougham - 2235 I*adlUS»
Safety, by oversized brakes (both pedal oper
T-6 Special ated), balanced distribution of weight and '
Touring Reo • 1595 remarkable engine flexibility.
With balloon Tim
Standard Mechanical goodness, by a high-powered
Touring Reo-1335 tix-cylinder engine, low-bung chassis and the
r"r'°7°>iHd 7r.m* double-framed cradling of power units.
and powered with tha faatooa
Reo 50 h. p. 6-cyhnder re cine
REO MOTOR" CAR COMPANY, Lansing, Michigan
J. M. Opper Motor Co.
2558 Farnam Street
WaUer~P. Chrysler Sayst
Maxwell Now Excels Previous
* w
Four-Cylinder Possibilities
Before you have driven the good Maxwell
30 minutes, you will be revising allyour pre
vious ideas of four-cylinder possibilities.
For Maxwell—thanks to the rapid prog
ress of the last year and the Chrysler Six
engineering staff — now goes far bevond
four-cylinder limitations as you have
known them.
It goes so far bevond them that we have
no hesitancy in saving that it is the best
four-cylinder car in America today, at any
thing near its price.
There are specific results to back up our be
lief, and we invite you to experience them
for yourself at the first opportunity.
If you have always thought that there must
be vibration with a four, you will be delight
fully surprised in the good Maxwell.
For here vibration is gone, so far as riding
and driving comfort are concerned —a re
sult of Maxwell’s floating spring suspension
of the motor which you will concede to
be revolutionary.
You'll step on the throttle and feel the
speed shoot from 3 to 25 miles an hour
in a flat 8 seconds, with an ease and
smoothness entirely nc\l in your four
cylinder experience.
You’ll ride the bumps as though you were
in a car twice as heavy as Maxwell. You
will steer and handle the car with delight
ful new ease.
Most people want such results In their
cars today; and many still think thev must
pay much more than the Maxwell price
to get them.
That might have been true up to a few'
months ago; but Maxwell's new develop
ments have reversed the case entirely.
On the side of economy, Maxwell stands
equally to the fore.
Engine bearings, for example, are built to
run for the life of the car without need
for replacement; owners average 24 miles
per gallon; valves and carbon require
attention only at long intervals.
These are but a-few of the things that lead
us to call Maxw ell the best four in America
at anywhere near our price.
For the Maxwell of today is more than the
good Maxwell —it has been developed to
a plane of unprecedented superiority
among four-cylinder cars.
Tourin* Car. *<!9S| Sport Touring, *IPSIt
Knuditcr, INNSi Cluh Cnuf>e, *1025) Club _J—k —
.Sedan,* I095;Sedan,* IJJS. All prurtf.o.b. V« rub/erl to current government t,». ■ VIA (W lVr.ident .n4 Chairman of the Board
n-, are M.a.r.l i. »««.* iH. canvantenee a/ nma- MaiaaO Motor talar Conv.radon. FUtrott. Mm*.
fxivtn#fWa Aah about>4 am til a altra* f»«*# (*ian.
Farnam at 28th
W. S. PETF.RSON, South Omaha. JEWELL AUTOMOBILE CO.. Ill Rr*adw*y, Council Bluff*
> i