_business service. Business Services Offered. 31 WTPONT Wet weih *-4 rente a pound. All «ork »w»rante«d. HA. 1870. Millinery—Dressmaking. 28 ACCORDION, iid«, kill fa, box pleating. covered buttons, all atjrlea; hemetltchlnc; buttonhole. Wrlta Ideal Button and Plea tine Co.. S08 Brown Block. Omaha. Neh, Telephone JA. 1131. NEB. PLEATING CO., Hemstitching Covered Buttona lift Farn.m, Second Floor, JA. UTS. DtlRSiMAKINO and plain sewing. tie an hour til N. 25th St. JA. 4121. _Moving—Trucking—Storage M BEKINS OMAHA VAN * STRORAGE. 11th and Laavanworth Sta. Parkins, mor Ihc. storage, shipping, JA, 4163, GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING, MOVING, SHIPPING, STORING Katlmntea furnished, AT. 0210 or JA. till. GORDON'S FIREPROOF WHSE. A VAN 241 North Uth St Phone JA. 1012: mov ing. parkins, atorase. ahlpnlns. gg-'--- .. - , _ J Painting and Papering. 37 WALLPAPER WHOLESALE. Paperhanslns. paintlns. Fred Parka 4711 S. 34th St. MA. 0101 AT, 7404. PLASTERING, brlrk and cement work done. WE 1411. RELIABLE earnenter. renatrs or new. C. J. Helm. .501 Caas. HA. 2137. Patent Attorneys. 28 J. W MARTIN, 6t* F,t«r« Truit Bldg., Omaha; also Washington. Double service. single fee. Aleo help eell patents. Printing—Siatronery. 29 COMMERCIAL PRINTING, Eddy Printing Co. 21t South 13th St. Phone JA. 50o». ^———— Professional Service. 30 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. NIEMANN ft MERRITT Adjuatlve osteopathy, Electro-Therapy op tometry. 821 Woodman Bldg, AT. 1874. Repairing. 31 USED and new sewing machine*. Sew ing machines and Vlctrolaa repaired Beat machinei. fl per week; S3 per mo. M7CKEL MUSIC HOUSE. 15th ftPd Harney. AT. 4 361. ELEC. REPAIRING, flxturea. swltchea, vail p frigs. iron bella. lamps and supplier. EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female. 30 LADTLV?—BEAUTY CULTURE PAYS. Our system of steady practice and expert instruction a qualifies you in short time. Good povllflons waiting Day or evening. Inquire. JtOLER COLLEGE, inj s. 15th St._ __ WANTED- — Ladles In this locality to em broider lime ns for us at home during their lei*Ui*»! momenta. Write at once. Fashion Embroideries. 680 Llma. O. BE INDEPENDENT; start agency or spare time nnill order business. 13 Beauty Formulas. $ 1 «Vt. or any one $1. Worth In veatigatlng. llbx 153, Sta. C, Los Angeles. PUPIL NURSttS. DIPLOMA—3 years, unl form. board, room, laundry and cash al lowance provided. Chicago Hospital, 811 B. 49th, Chicago ENROLL at the largest comptometer school. 800 Coxthtney Bldg. JA. 1498. Help Wanted—Male. 3? RELIABLE men wanted everywhere to distribute sample;!, booklets, etc., for Na tional Advertisers. No selling. Year around work. N t* experience • v" AN ESTABLISHED EASTERN CORPOK ATION DFFKR8 UWI'SlTAL OPPOHTf MITT TO AN EXPERIENCED SPE CIALTY MALES MAM OF CHARACTER AND SELV'-CONFIDENCE. WHO DOS SESSKS ENERGY AND AMBITION. WHO IS A PRODUCER ACQUAIN TANCE WITH HARDWARE. DRUG AND ELECTRICAL ltBTATL TRADE IN IOWA AND NEB. AN ASSET CALI. ROOM 1033. FONIUCNELLE HOTEL MONDAY AUGU ST 1* 9-11 30 A. M . 1-1 r M FOR APPOINTMENT AGENTS, eele.tmien. distributor* wanted, full or part time, to sell on liberal rout mission Blaorke Thrrpn«t t|<* hur* control for Ford cars and trucka. In creases mileage 50 to ,100 per cent. No holes to drtIL Attaches! in two minutea Does automatically exactly what Ford Manual aaya do by hand. Cadillac now uaing Thermostatic carburetor control URder Blanche license Writ# today for big profit ofter to A. « iiluiM K. .. \ .. . Dept 30. 603 W l,«ke St. Chicago. FREE COURSE TN SALKSMANSHI P " Beautiful 100 page booJ\ and other liters tijre without coat. Teach you how to »*■ apr.-^aaful in direct selling. Stock of good* furnished on credit when ready to start 1f you’re reliable Information on fine locations Stop working for others: go In business for yourself; make $3,000 a year and up Send vour reoueat today. The W T Rawlelirh Company. Dept N. B. 6454, Freeport. HI.__ TAILORING ageusia? $90 weak and ateady Jab raking orders for Longworth ready t«i wear. All wool suits and overcoat*. $$3.7$; boys suits. $11.76. Special offer $45 cash and free suit for three days •pare time work Poatal brings big unit fit fraa— no waiting, no deposit John G Longworth A 'Son*, Dept >19 Ad dress 1301-11 West Congress St.. Chicago. SALESMEN—Fifth Ave. New York. Cub turn tailors want agwnts to sell advertised brand, all wool tailored to measure clothe* direct to wearer Laweat price* Big llnM • watch aatuples free Biggest comm la aiona paid dally. Permanent positions. $100 weekly Auto free to agent* Mon srch Tailoring Co. 100 Fifth Avr, Dept P-22. New York AGENTS—WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES Sell Madison "Better-Made Shirts for large Manufacturer direct to wearer. No capi tal or experience required. Many eern lino weekly and bonus Madison Mills. 440 Broadway. New York. SALESMEN New York manufacturer hea opening for salesmen to carry convenient alda llpe few numbers Infants’ shirts to retail at tl»c. 60c and 76c on |0% commission R# plv stating references and territory cov fred Hot A 22k West 42d Street. New York City. _ SALESMEN—M*n’» neckwear Strong compact, repeating, easily shown llpe Good moneymaker for salesmen ooverln* dry goods, general stores In smell, me dlum-sized towns 10 par cent commls ■ton Leo Seldman. 105 West 40»h R* yew York. AGENTS, canvasser*. m»ll order dealer*, high grade toilet and medicinal prepare tlona Great repeater*. 12 dozen Brim $4 retail Illustrated. Imprint circular* Supplied Write for special offer G (Simonte Specialties Co. 123 Fifth Ave law York City. JALEBMBN covering stationery, panar. rug Jobbara Complete line arhoo! • rayona. Including patented perfumea Write, including credentials and your ex •erlsrcs. Well paying commission beal* Rox 409. 169 East >4fh, New York SALESMEN—Inexperienced or ewperl •need. c|ty or traveling Writ# for fre< hook "Modern SaUa»nan*hlp " Big de in and for men Earn $3,500 to $10,OIK yearly. Address National Saleemen'e Tr Aee’n , Dept 404 Chicago AGENTS New patent fibre house broom •4119 Ilka hot cakee Fre« sample offer NettonaJ Fibre Broom Co. St. Louis, Mo ■U.J-L-l!-.«-■JLl— J . BEE WANT ADS BRING RESU1TI F^MPLfmiEN^_ Salesmen and Agents. 39 SALESMEN wanted, for new automobile Collcv, $2,600 death benefit, $100 hospital enerlt and many other attractive fea tures. Liberal commissions and renew als. Address, Automobile Dept., 711 La clede <*aa Hid* , St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN WANTED— Dlatfitt sales managers, good salesmen, to select and Main men to sell new specialty to retail ers. $50 weekly, expenses, and liberal commission. SALESMANAGBR, Box <82 Cedar Rapids. Ia. SALESMEN—Wonderful opportunity t« earn $50 weekly, selling high grade cus tom made shirts. Factory to wearer. Free samples. Liberal commission. Kx vlusive territory. Apawa Shirt Co., 466 Broome St., New York. WILL give a good live man good terri tory In Nebraska selling the Famous Presto Razor Strop for sharpening safety razor blades; must have some money t« start. Good sellers. W. F. Birmingham, Neville Hotel. EARN $1.25 an hour easily placing 171 different everyday household articles lr neighborhood homes. Wonderful naw plan Outfit free. Experience unnecessary. No triflers. HealthO Products, 4 Duane St., Cincinnati. TAILORING AGENTS—Sell feature value Union made all wool aults, $26.0u. Your profit. $6.0® in advance. Other big sell ers at $32.50 and $37.60 with $7.00 profit. Write R. E. PERRIN. Mgr., Box 1097, Chicago. AGENTS—Attractive sample outfit fur nished. Big demand makes selling easy. Arch support shoes. Popular prices. Comfort plus style. Amazing values. Style-Arch Shoe Co., Cincinnati. LIVE WIRE SALESMEN for fast selling Ford accessory. Exclusive features. 50 per cent Commission. No deposit. Big repeater. Savidge Shock Absorber Co., S. Walnut, Muncie, Ind. AGENTS wanted to advertise our goods and distribute free samples to consumers; 90c an hour; write for full particulars. American Products Co., 2695 American Bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS—$50.00 a week taking orders for Thomas Guaranteed Hosiery—27 different kinds-—latest summer styles and colors. Your sixe in free outfit. THOMAS MFG. CO.. Mill 6428, Dayton. Ohio. SALESMEN to sell our Outside and Inside Electric Signs. Every retail meichant a possible customer. Rome salesmen make $200 and over a week. The McSavaney Co., Springfield, O. AGENTS—Latest novelty sign Ready seller to all stores. Over 300 per rent profit Send for free sample and par ticulars. National Signs, 41 East 2Sth, New York. AGENTS—Earn $50 a month easy. John A Williams made $48 in three hours. Every car owner a prospect. Writs to day to Stransky Co.. Dept. 2672. Pukwana S. D. AGENTS! $16 00 day easy. No experi ence or capital necessary. Every house wife a sure prospect. Steady repeat bus iness. Write Stoner Co , Box $47, Atlanta. Ga. SALESMEN. $20 DAILY—New advertis ing Item. 100 others when you qualify. Experienced calendar advertising man nre ferred. N. M. Stone Co. 2000 N. Viator Ave. Chicago. SALESMEN—Stnte distributor Wonder - ful newly invented pricing system retails $4.90. Tremendous demand! Big re peats! $15,000 yearly. Millen Mfg. Dept. 0-513 100 Boylston, Boston. Mass AGENTS! New wonderful seller—f«c prof it every dollar sales. Deliver on soot. License unnecessary. No competition. Sample free. Mittiol Co.. $19 N. Hal sted, Chicago. Ill ACCESSORY or Tire Salesman can earn upwards $75 weekly as sideline, calling on established trade for manufacturer pop ular priced Ford Tires. Y-2707, Omaha Bee. AGENTS—A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN Make Sparkling Glass Name and Number Dates, Medallions. Checkerboards. Sign*. Big Illustrated Book Free. E. PALMER, 340. Wooster, O. SALESMEN, distributors Amaatng In vention seals 3.500 envelopes hourl No competition I Retafls $4 $t5,0on yearly. Consolidated Co.. Dept. P SIS, 100 Boyl ston, Boston, Vises •SALESMEN—Whole time or JTui« line salesman for specialty sold by most merchants; wonderful seller, good com mission, small sample The Jaxon Co, Memphis, Tenn. AGENTR— Earn $45 to $85 a week extra selling beautiful shirts. Commission in advance. We deliver and collect. Write quick. Fashion Wear Shirts. Dept C, Cincinnati. AGENTS— MAKE A DOLLAR AN HOUR Sell Mendets. A patent natch. Instantly •nenda leaks In all utensils Sample Free Collette Co . Amsterdam. N. Y AGENTS—Potato Chip buslneas pays big profits We furnish manufacturing In structions and sales plan. Alisn. 5945 W Chicago Ave.. Chicago OLD RELIABLE Refining company de sires salesmen to sell lubricating oils and greases on liberal commission basis. Good opportunity Y-2T06, Omaha Bee AGENTS—Wonderful seller; $1.40 profit every $1.50 sale. Monogram automobiles, experience unnecessary. free samples. Worcester Monogram Co , Worcester Mass AGENTS—Bottle Life Tonic Free. Won derful Medicine Big Repeater Big Profit* LAC ASST A CO. Dept 47. St. Louis. Mo. Situation* Wanted—Kuna I*. 40 .STENOGRAPHIC position in out of town bank wanted by young fadv Ten years ‘•xportence. Omaha Bee, Box C-1402. BUNDLE washing and day work, re liable WE. 3*04 FINANCIAL BiuIiimi Opportunities. 42 ll#« t» OR MORE WEEKLY. W# are dividing our territory Into dis trict* and the distributor appointed for each district will have the exclusive aale >f our products which we manufacture. MOO or mora weekly is not only possible iiut a proven fact Our proposition ra lUirea but one minute demonstration and • li» upon eight to practically avery auto ob *e owner Mr Orahsm of Balmont, V C.. a recently appointed distributor, says: “Best proposition I have ever sold Made 910 1n one day, More than 910(. weekly easily mide" Mr. Carlisle ol Henderson, N. C-, writes: ‘‘Your product has merit nnd sales beyond that which anticipated. increase my territory, etc.’ other* ate doing equally as well An .unking tor a proposition where * mall capital secured by goods, will start • nij in a business worth 9100 or more '••ekly? If so. investigate this The Halley Manufacturing rnmpinv. 321 South • ullage Street. Charlotte, N. C. STEP LIVELY! Hfr. BARGAIN! A nlfu little rreemerv and ire cream factory [fade and supply stations established dallv capacity two thousand pound* but ter snd five hundred gallons 1c* cream ownsr retiring Box 1*2 Baxter Springe K a* St’PEIUOK SPECIALTY CO . 411 Broad" way. New York City, desires to represent reliable manufacturers In the east that have articles of merit which need mar Wetlns. GAS plant for sale In good town westerr i t Will exchange for Nebraska land Address Omaha Bee, box FI714. IF awaking capital for any business any where, request fre* particulars of out available plan *Pd financing service Ben n*M Service. Ann Bldg . Los Angeles, Cal WANTED to hear from owner of goor business for sale; state rash pries, ful particulars R. F. Jones. 444 Webstei Bldg . Chicago, III ON New York-Pittaburgh highway. I mile# from city Oarage, store apart in#nt combined, cheap, account ill health Apply r (j Roberts, Bangor, i’a Invratment—Stork.—Bond*. 41 M A ANDERSON rr> . JA. UBI. R»*l Buraty bonBa and klndr.il Ino RphI Kaltto loan., 44 MONET TO LOAN On first and second mortgages. Wa buy outright for rash Existing mortgages and land contracts. Prompt Action. W. A WOLFE CO.. Ml Blunders Kennedy Bldg. AT. 1190 M4 AND e PER "TENT” MO NET Loans on Omaha Improved properly s lowest rates FRANK H BINDER. • 2S City National. JA. 1M1 OMAHA HOMES — EAST NEB.FARIfd O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE C T Graham. II, 000 to 910.000 loaned, prompt, service t 1> Weed At D B Bowmen, Mead Bldg K.rm Loan, on w,.i Nab. and N. B. Cola farm. Kloka inv.atmant Ce.. Omaha. „ '.'ENT—NO DEL AT. OARVIN BROB . Ml Omaha Nat 1 lid* FINANCIAL. Money* to Loan. 44 THIS COMPANY W ORGANISED To supply your money efnti In the tame way that banka supply tk« money went* of the business community. Any amount loaned up to IH# and you can repay It In easy montojy payments. Our equal payment plan repAys the loan end all chargee. , We have been In business In OWihs oyer 30 years snd can assure you oft a gutek confidential and square deal OMAHA LOAN COMP ANTI 508 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 1*88. Southeast Corner llth and Douglas Sts. DIAMOND loan, .t lowot r««.», M»M strictly confidential. Th. Dlatnead lawa Co.. 1(14 Dodg. St. EatablLlud 1444. 7 KIHJCATIONAI.._^ Local Instruction Classes. S DAT SCHOOL NIOHT SCHOOL Complete courses In all commercial branches. Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy. salesmanship, civil service. Phone JA. 1885. Complete catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Sta. Omaha, Neb, EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American college. 1812 Farnnm, TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge St. 1308 Dougina St. _Call or write for Information. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Stenography and Bookkeeping. Weed Bldg.. 18th end F.irt.am. AT. 7418 VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Day snd Evening Schools. 204 S. 19th St. JA. 8280 Musical—Dramatic. 49 SUMMER classes In popular music. E. M. Kahn, piano. Mlckal Bldg. AT. 4361. ~ _ LIVESTOCK. Do**, Cats and Pets. S3 I’URKBRBD CHICKS. Pontpalrf, D«r 100. Reds. Rocks. Ancons a. 19; Orpington*. Wyandotte*. $11; Leghorns. $8: Assorted. $♦*.60. Prompt delivery, live arrival guar anteed. Order from ad. Cape Hatchery, (■ape Girardeau. Mo. QUALITY CHICKS—Postpaid. 100. Leg horns. Anconas. large assorted. $8. Rocks. Red*. $9; Orpingtons. Wyandottea. $10; Lt. Brahmas. $15; Assorted. $6. Catalog free. Missouri Poultry Farm*. Columbia. Mo. BEAUTIFUL tall Fiench poodle. Call AT. 4995. Homes, Cattle, Vehicle*. 54 SPRING WAGON. new. double seated, been in storage; cushions. 2523 N. 66th Ave. Call WA. 4643._ 2767 S. 9TH ST—Good work team for hale cheap. MERCHANDISE. Articles for Sale. 37 WINTER COAT trimmed in Hudson seal, price $25.00. Omaha Bee, Box C-1403. LUMBER AND KINDLING. 64th and Center. See Stlenberg. Business Equipments. M WE are closing our Omaha office and all our office furniture, constating of desks of all descriptions, files, etc., are for sale. Call Monday morning. August 4 Rosenbaum Grain Corporation. 219 Grain Exchange Bldg. AT. 6611. WE BUY, eell safes, make desks, show cases, ate. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 5 W. Cor. 11th and Ponging. JA. 2724. FI,AT TOP office desk and clothing floor case Victor Rooe Co., 27th and Leaven worth St. Fuel and Feed. df BALED shavings, carload or truck. Brad ford-Kenn*dy Co. JA. 6746 Household Goods. #4 YOU ARE LOSING every day that you fall to take advantage of the furniture bargains at Stephenson's. lbo§ Capitol Ave. Private sales and auction. Swap Column. 96 OVERLAND chummy roadster for Ford touring with atarter. 3589 HlmebaugU Ave . KR 2214. SALE or trade. Ranch and Lang electric car. good condition. Omaha Bee. fix. A 1233 WILL TRADE 5 passenger Liberty tour Ing car, value $500 fur Ford HA 6946 TWO good houses clear. On paved street Will trad* for acreage JA. 6017 Mithinrrj and Tools. 47 NEW and second-hand motor*, dynamo*. LeBron Electrical Works. 313-30 8 12th. -!■■.!.. . ._ ■■ .■" ..■■! - Musical Instruments. 74 PHONOGRAPHS Priced to suit the moat economical buy er Our stock of slightly used machines Includes n*arl* every high grade mak of phonograph all in A-l condition and fullv guaranteed RF.AD THIS 1.1ST. Camp Types *10 00. $12 00. $15 00. $26 00. $27.50. $35.60. etc. UPRIGHTS. Path# oak ...$14 00 Federal mahogany . . .. 21 00 Mandel. mahoganv .. 48 00 Pathe. oak .. 42 00 Puritan, oak . 40 00 Edison Disc, mahoganv . 68.00 Schmoller A Mueller, walnut . 70 00 Brunswick . 78 00 Columbia alectric 89.00 CONSOLES. $7100. $19 00. $90 00, $110 00. $12100. etc. You can save bv purchasing now Term* as low as II down 9CHMOLLKR * MUELLER PIANO CO. 1614-16-1* Dodge St Telephone AT 1$*< PLATER piano in good condition Rea sonabia. (fall KE 4*3$. PIANO tn A-l condition, for aala. CaJl Red 3721, Co. Bluffs. ... . -■-■■J Wanted to Buy. 71 DESKS, DESKS DESKS N.w 4.*k.. ,>■•4QQ BEAUTIFULLY fnrniBhad room with aleop Ing porch Ona block from Blackaiona. HA 2170 THIRTIETH, 111 South—Naatly furnlah ad room, board If daalrad Call HA 7744 NICE ROOM for gantlamon prlvata faw. 11 y on Turnar Biyd. and carllna HA. 1771 TWENTY FOURTH. 114 South, atnrla or doubla rooma. twin had»; cool houaa STEAM haat, prlvafa bath, wall locatad. for gentlemen HA. 7124 or 1IA 4M4. WEST FARNAM Heaaont room In at t fact I vo iiaw bdma Call MA |#M, Honing for llotiarltreping. 76 SINGLE houaakaaplng room* llfhta ond if an. 14 50. | rooma $<*, I room* $1 1701 I I.»o«!ge fit. FA RNA M 8T 7 3llV^ Nl7e|y furnlahed hniiR«kaaplna rtoitlt RlUOttbll. HA itna _ __ 265* DOUGLAS FT Light hnuaakaaplng room* on first and aacnnd flonra. walking Mutant.• HA. 131*. 'iNK alngla. ona with kllchanatta fnr »m Ployad couple 2427 Ifarnay. AT 1714 EMMET ST. 2401-Two or four tontna. furnlahad, on rlrat floor. WB, M4f. AT. M74 Nt< a 2 and I rooma Oaa and ala^trlctly ftirnlahad 1114 F 10th Where to Stop m Town. 76 HOTEL 8ANFMHD • llth and Farnam HOTEL HENSHAW—Uth and Farnam Spec la I ratca to parmanant guaata. ' L ■■■ ■, .il-JLiHgiL UJiaB-ll,-1. JL* J. MLgg-. ■ Apartments—Furnlehed. SO 1111 No. ifth St. Thraa rooma furntabad, ■todarn an* with private b**h and an tran-a. Adult* onlv M 50 par waak W|1 °*3° HA IIIX — J- room apt. private homa. kllchanatta. bath, light, gae; front and back antranca : 100 5 DIi'avK — Nicaty" furnlahedAp* cloaa fn. raaaonabla; naar car (Tai » ha mi HUNTER INN HUME for t ha travTmg mao and wife AT. IM0. 2|tb aod Dodge Apartments—Furnished. 90 FURNISH RD APARTMENT. The moet reaeonable rental In the city In a modern fireproof apartment. One of Drake's one-room apartment with l-room accommodation, private bath. Meal service If desired. Choice of location. 22d and Jones, or 2ith and St. Mary, 147.10 to ««2.S0. 207 THE AUSTIN. 21th and Davenjbrt. 4-room apartment with l-room ac commodation In a modern fireproof apartment building, furnished as you would furnish your own home. 1100 per month. ,!•* THE CARBERRT. 40th and Cass. living room. dining nook, kitchenette, dressing room, bedroom and bath, two beds If deetred. Three outside exposures. |10S per month. Call us—we will take you out. Drake Rental Agency JA- 3*°* llth and Howard. room" furnished com sdujt's p tt b*th; Ptr,ct,y modern; ref.; « EJVyrJmod* *,ry *‘rm. apt. 1127 HoaLIUrht. water free, | Apirtments—Unfurnished. 81 UNFURNISHED APTS. A cosy one-room apartment In easy walk ng distance, twivate bath, rooking and aundry facllltias. Housekeeping 1. eas? in one of these modern fire proof aoart ments. meal eeirice at cost, choice of location. 22d ancf Jones, or 25th and St. Mary avenue, 135100 per month. NO 23 DRAKE QOURT—124 and Jones. Large living room, dining nook, kitchen ette. dressing room and bath. 167 60. NO. 203 TERRACE COURT—Park Ave nue .'4 Mason. Large living room, dining room, kitchen ette. dressing room and bath Two Mur phy beda if deslned. modern fireproof apartment building. $57 50. NO. 111. AUSTIN APARTMENT—3Sth end Davenport. Four-rocm apartment with five-room ac commodation in the beautiful Austin apartments. A real apartment houso. $72.50. NO. 310 CARBERRY—40th and Cass. Large living room, dining nook, kitchen ette. bedroom dressing room ajid bath, lots of air and light. 3 outside exposures $10.00. Call ue, we will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. JA. 2105. Corner 17th and Howard. ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS FOR YO?TR SELECTION. One of Omaha a finest I room apt#. Ne. 7. Klwood. 49th A vc. and Dodge St. Another Dundee Apt. No. 3. Mildred 4»0$ Dodge Ht . 5 room*. 2 story. At 33d and Farnam Hta . No. C, Potter, 4 comfortable roomy rooms. Especially attractive 4 rooms with l-room aerommodatlona. No. 15. Commore, 1743 California Hi. Conveniently arranged and pleasantly sit uated No. 11. Joyce. Lincoln Blvd and California St . 4 rooms (5-room accommo dations. A very comfortable 5-room apt. No 2. Georgia, homelike aurroundtags, pleasant ly located at 1040 So. 29th St. Four room#—conveniently located—south and east exposure. No. 6. Troy, 300t Har ney St. Living room, dining alcove, kitchen, dreaa Ing room and bath. No. 14, Kingaborough, 753* Dodge St. A 2-room ipt. No. 24, Conamore, 2713 I California St. only $35. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Renta* AT 4844. 17th and Farnam Sts THE MORLEY APARTMENTS Two room# and bath. $41 26 sum mer and $51 28 winter TRAYKR BROS TNC. AT 49*4 Hit First Nat. Bank Bldg 5-ROOM apt with private bath. 224$ N 19th St summer $28. ateam heated in winter at $35 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Where Omaha Renta.** AT 484417th and Farnam Ste. FOUR room*. ba»h. 1 774 S 24th S». : sum mer $74. winter h**at»d ■' $<5 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rente” AT 064417th and Famem Ste PETERS TRUST COMPANY "WHERE OMAHA RENTS* AT 0844. 17th and Farnam S*e APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W J PALMER CO. AT *t$4 Real Estate Managment Specialists. LONGFELLOW. 2718 HOWARD—New. all modern. 3-room apts None better in Omaha $54 summer See unitor FOR ONE Or DRAKE'S 1.044 APARTMENTS Call JAckion *80* 3714 S. 14TH ST-1-room apartment, modern except heat. newly decorated $35 04 ja 3294 _____ STEAM HEAT. 6-reom apt#. |$4 sad un; close in. O P. Stebblnt. 1610 Chicago nt 5-ROOM apt in ' hula Vista. $4th A Pop pleton avenitr. $78 on |TA 1711 8 rooms modern, fine condition, rholre location HA 7124 nr 1IA 4994 Iluninra* I’lnrrn for Knit. K | nBAUTIFUIi naw atora room for rent.; ftna neighborhood HA 0*4» or HA *03* KARNAM NT. 1t®7—I.OSA aq ft. Thomai K Hall, 1*0* Harnev St. AT. 74**3 TWO atorea. l*th Ht. aad Ore* go. low ran». O P Stabblna. Ill® Chicago Hmm for K#nt. U HOUSES ANti PUPI.EXM. TARTLY MOfKHN. I room.—til C.A.r St.. 111.So « room. (1st—lilt N l«t*l St.:».»« « room.. fl»(—21J« N l«th St.St on 5 room.—411 N l"th St . an no 7 rooma—3337 Fowler St ...... 40 on U roorna. flat —114 0 N 14th SI.4® 00 NORTH Minna f,u*a bungalow. A room#—9937 N .'4th Bt . |«A 00 A room bungalow—1*23 N. Itth St. 34*00 WKBT. <’lalrm*>nt bungalow^ A room*—-2724 N 49fb 8» . fir. no. 7-room duple* 111* S 32*1 St 9*0 00 I rooma. dupiax—114* S. 12d 8t . $40 on 4 room ■ hntiaa, Leavenworth Height* 4110 Mayberry Avi . $*A.®0. h rcorn duplex, \A *«t Karnurn Platrlct -j *14 H |4th Nt . $7A 00 4-room, duplex, Pundee |0| N 3*th St , $*n no rBNTRALI.T LOCATRP. * -room «1uple> in* N J4th S* $3* on b room duplex—31J Pgxtnn «*ourt.. &2 AO A-rnorn iuplax—Jill llaruay 81. • A on 7-room duplex 11$ N. 3flth St. . 4$ oo PET ICRS TRUST COMPANY. ‘ Where Omaha Manta." AT 0144. 17th and K*rnam Sta 2916 S. 24TH ST. 7 rooma eeat half of duplex Rental $(>S per tv All modern, and conveniently located FIRST TRUST CO., <*>o la* Nat I Bk HMg A A-ROOM apt. 1*13 N. 14th, $J3 0 3-room apt , 3413 N l*th, 41* on 3-room apt. 1*13 N 1*th. $1.1 on 7 room mod , garage 333 N 4lr<1. $43 nn Omaha Men K* . .1* 131®, HA 3*01 FOR itrNT * room modars hovoa ft if rondlt'en. in axrlualva Pundee aecdon. *103 Californio. Phone .1A 11*3 « ROOM Rouao for rant 41 m lorn oak floor*, garage Reaannable 290* No }Mh St . Wg. ITIT. ■O 1ITH I 1*4 ’ '»a In. < ant *eaeonaHe t A *<’*7 Ml 4() 11ST si rm tent loom Utn how MA '’141 A R*mMR niodat n * 'A 33th S' In quire *1* South 33th St SIX room h*u*a modern K*»untia Plae* Pnfy 4*0 wk i|o« lin7 COR BT—• loom oottTga' 91100 WE 1019. REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Houses for Rent. 83 FOUR rooms and private bath. 1523 S. 25th 8tv summer |25. winter heated at PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rents." 17th and Fa main 8ts. Houses, Furnished. 84 6 ROOMS, completely furnished, 2300 S. Ith St., On. muffs. «*Hll Red 2731 after 7. 1611 LAKE ST.—Modern furnished JLroom house; no objection to children. Offices and fink Room. 85 SEVERAL desirable offlrea and on. nicely arranged ault. In Oardner block. FIRST TRUST CO.AT, »«9. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Krai Estate—Investment!.. 93 APARTMENT BARGAIN $16,500—PART CASH Close to Fnrnam, four apartments of four rooms and bath each, separate porches; hot water heat; four carafes; birorm* of over $2,600 yearly on a low rental. Here ia a peach of on Income proposition. Let us show you. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 530 Peters Trust RMk Jackeon 22*2. 87-YEAR LEASE On lot 64*132 feet. Joining Union Outfitting company seven-story furniture building on the west. Leasehold rental $1,200 per year for the full term. $26,000 for equity in lease. George & Co., CITY NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, AT-lantic 3»»24. FOR SALE—Good income property; loca tlon best In town; personal reasons for selling. Write Immediately. M. D., 2500 Cypjesa St., Sioux City, fw. Farms and Lands for Sale. 93 FOR SALE. We control over 30 Improved farms and ranches in northern Nebraska and south ern South Dakota, including grain farms, combination stock and grain farms and ranches, ull acquired through foreclosure during the depression, and can he cold to actual farmers at attractive prices on exceptional terms at low rates of interest. We offer you the very best values for your money. No sales to speculators. WESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY. AT. 6027. _ 1*03 Douglas St. OREGON: 326 acres. deep rich soil, Wil lamette valley, Linn county, within 60 miles Portland, Ore.; 200 acres cultivation; balance timber and pasture, fair buildings; orchard; springs and creek; fenced; good roads, ideal dairy, stock or grain farm; $60 acre, one-third rash, balance terms, owner, Gatxmyer. Henry Bldg. Portland. Ore.s' A SOUTHERN ESTATE In the hills of Mississippi: picture a mansion on a knoll: spread at its feet 2,600 broad level acres: a lake of 200 acres fed bv artesian wells, beyond is the primeval trees on a river. Addreaa Scuna Valley Store; Bryant. Mist 240 ACRES. *0 plowed. 30 cleared, 30 meadow, nice creek croaaing, 7-room stucco house, 32x«o Stucco ham. garage, rattle and machine ahed. >4 mile school and rhurch. 4 miles town 30 rattle 3 horses, harness. wagons. Implements. $4,000 cash handles. L. J. Thompson. Spooner, Wi* 125 ACRES Fremont county, Iowa, for sale at pre war prices M. F GOOD RO DY, 32# Brandeis Theater Building. Omaha JA. 1*71. FOR sale or exchange; 320 a4 32 ACRES Dandy dairy farm, Improved 1*4 miles west of Benson car l)n* on line of pro posed new pivtm. most of It Is alfalfa and clover, bnlam e « <>rr some frul* every foot run be cultivated. |6 one mortgage due 4 year*. ♦» per cent OKEEFE REAL ESTATE. CO., Rea Itors 1016 Omaha Nat. Hank P.blg JA 1711 IlmiM'* for Sale. 95 ABB T B Campbell for new modern hornet at right prtc# and eaav terms. S3I K RELINK AT >f'4i Hontm—North. 9« COLORED WORKING MAN’S OPPORTUNITY Here la a chance to ge» an all modern ■ room houa# ai a amall down payment »nd »h# balan-e cm term* that you can band!#. Thia home is on raved street. Ussy neighborhood, nice big lot with grape arbor in the rear and a good larags. chw'ken bouse with chicken fen- e screened porch good screens on house and storm windows. c*ment block base ment with shelves for storage Sundeva »rd even*ngs cell Hailgran. WE ?4T7 OWNER MUSTSELL" BRAND NEW From $500 to $750 Cash Beautiful large 4 r end breakfast nook R room er«'o»nmodatlons. well huiif, line every convenient and uyto-date feature One bir all of flfst pay ment I.at me ehow * mi this today Evening* and Sunday* call W'A Itl2 THREE NEW 5-ROOM ALL MODERN BUNGALOWS Wall built, with all up to data faaturas Nlralv located Price right and terms to suit. A good vacant lot will he accepted aama as ra«h on first payment For *p polntment call evening* and Sunday a W'A 12SJ week days, AT 2* 7A A*k fo Hchmlta NORTH SIDE BARGAIN Sit room semi-bungalow, finished In oak and birch throughout h«t water heat, nress bilck foundation large lot with fine shade tree* garage rinse to car A span at $R,A0n OSBORNE REALTY CO. fin peters Ti na* Bldg _ t A 3>i? Build Now Locate By Fall. Let tr# ftguie lour home and firanca it for viiu Small down payment bal hv month 1 have a la-re number of aatia fled home owners that I have built for and »on help von gal started on a home of vour own _l.h KTT _ KE_ 14M. FOUR roams ttrlctly modern neg*- Millet Park s< hool. Only f 7fto on *mv terms HA *044 FIVE rooms nearly modern. Tlen ty fruit •' ibe \t :;m m HA 4,.r»n GARAGES, $100 0®r tfp.clal prtc.® *®m(»1®t® Harlnn .'ulr «n-1 Arna n first floor with big living room, two bedrooms and hath up: choice *Mt fnnt lot with garage. SI 00ft •ash an«l SSS a month. Let ua show you i hi* Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. &3ft Peters Truwt Bldg JA 23*2 NO PROFIT SALE Mouth of JUrjicom Park. Widow leaving for California of fers her rharrulrg €-ron?n home at actual Mat Ijifite living room with fireplace and book* a«ea. sunny dining room, model kitchen with cabinet*, breakfast nook and hood for gas stove. 2 corner bed room*. latest t|]ed» bat hroorr. W FARNAM SMITH & CO, ?A r SM_Mur H A 2297 HA. £St6 Hnuw*—iVttl. 98 A Good Investment 14 ro«m house divided Into small apart ment*. Well located Big return on Vour money Evening* rail HA 3ft7;'. or C. D. Hutchinson Co. 1*!3 Farnarn St JA «414 " CLAIREMONT New 4-room colon.al bungalow large living room and dining room with French doora kitchen with all built in feature* all oak. weather strips - casement window* shutters paved Street; close to car line fSOft .ash balance like rent Call KF 4*34, or AT »»[>• rwo n*w Ke'.iaatnr.e bungalows in Clalr nont district P*\ed street All modern »ak floor- n* *nd »r»m»] fm*eh Eve * ngs call 14 A 194* or II A SAT2 C. D HUTrHINSON CO. Established 1**5 JA *4it. 1411 Finum 8t CLAIREMONT. large * room Vellaatone bungalow all 451 * DUNDEE home of * nice large rooms tied bath and kitchen floors Built-in '•'atures All in excailert shsoe Rea! lorn# in the best of r» ghbothoods Onlv iJftft cash down WA 7*44 Sur. AT T412 ! Monde) B E MI S_PA RK~H0 ME~ Hew S-roem bungalow, built by owner las very good grade of oak finish, baee ►ath Fren< h doors double garage Aik eg 11 acc make offer WA 79>* ''’EAR! T few a'rirtlv modern heme re Sines avenue faring Fontenelle R|vd rlve rsfimi an-l bath Spe* »1 tax paid tetm* Look into tht* at once Pall HA Mat. IF TOU want a real bargain In a new rive room etr etiv modern bungalow in R*n*on call WA 5t72 KUW1.KR FINDS POLKS w tin buy hew re L»at your pn perty with ua for results TA 14 2 4 tb’HT c, FOWLER CO. Realtor* WILL build to > our otBer on our beauti ful lots In f.dgewood: vary ‘easy term* Phone AT _ SM l JONM sT—T rooms, all modern convenient location. Make an offer. JA 4*fcT. LOANS on Omaha Real Estate SV2 to 6 Per Cent Fire end Fifteen-Year Maturities United States. Trust Co. 1612 Fernam St. JA. 29U SWT~ 1.1—6% We Have Money to Loan | on Omaha dwelling houses, apartments or business property at 51/2 to 6% Frank H. Binder 823 City national Rank Phone JA 2561 6’°. 5W’ L _REAL ESTATE—FOR BALE. Houses—West. 98 For Exchange or Sale Home in Benson Large home of seven room*, atl mod edn. In good condition, to trad* for a smaller house or large one cloa# 1n Might consider stock of furniture In rooming house. Sunday cal! Mr Larson .TA. *7*4. A. P. Tukey & Son, *2* First Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 422S. Look at 4812 Harney St. Open Sunday Afternoon A very pleasing hnma In a new and original design. Two-story, si* rooms. Entrance hall, open porch and break fast room Fireplace. Completely dec orated. shades, screens, polychrome light fixtures, yard sodded and seed ed. One-car garage. House Is complete in every particular and ready for oc cupancy. Reasonably priced with t**'ma. Tome out today. Owner, JA. 5074. “bemjtiful clair MONT HOME $1,000 CASH—$7.300—$1,000 CASH Beautiful full two-atorv six-room home with long living room across front with fireplace, oak finish, bedrooms lust like sleeping porches, so manv windows. East front lot 60x142 with garage, paving all p*$d If vou want a real bargain be sure OSBORNE REALTY CO. S3* Peters Trust Bldg.JA. 22«2. 8 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. "86$ California fnear cathedral). An old er house with large rooms; garage, oil burner: oak floors down; newly decorate! throughout; ideal for large family or rent ing rooms: beautiful south front lot Priced to sell SHKPD INVESTMENT CO. Realtors JA. 4254. Sunday WA. 61 f«. CLOSE-IN HOME 8-r. oak downstairs, canvassed walls and oil paint decoration 3 bedrooms, large hegtpd sleeping porrh. floored attic; oil burner furnace garage plastered. Near Crglghton. St Cecilia. Dus^hesne college. Tech and Central high. Call owner. HA 7335 of WA 0316 O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, Realtors. 1016 Omaha Nat l Hk. Bldg. JA. 271$ Close to Edgewood Have a brand new large 5-room bungalow; extra large living room, heavy oak floors throughout, oak and Ivory enamel trim, back-band mould ing hall to hath, attic, full base ment; east front lot on paving is 48 X 134: located at 14*4 S 55th. Dire< t from owner at only $4 900. WA 57M. BEMIS PARK *-rrom home, 4 down. 2 and bath or full baaament. paving paid, near Harney 'nr Pri cash, rest like rent FRED A BAILET, | »*U Military Ai * WA. 4304 BENSON I 5m»l! house. porrfr water, lights, fa*, two beautiful lots, close to schools. 1.7**, $€** rash FRET* A BAILET, 4*15 Military Ave WA 43*4 ■ - For Sal*1—Dundee. 106 ; DUNDEE BUNGALOW $1,000 CASH BALANCE LIKE RENT Five nice lar*» roomi and bath all on one floor, oak fiMah. full basement, good storage s'tic f:na lot paved street, Lat u« show vnu e real hone OSBORNE REALTY CO. [ 5"* Pe*ers Truat BldgJA. 2212. NEAR DUNDEE 8^HOOU $7 i** Modern 4-room home with 4 ro*ma down 5 bedrooms and bath up cak floors and finish downstairs, beautiful south front, lot. close to car line. Ownar has left city and aaya sell 8HEPD INVESTMENT FO Realtors JA 4364 Sunday. HA 4467. FOR SALE—$-r« modern house ao<*d rendition in exclusive Dundee section. •wo lots M63 California. Phone JA, 1112 dundee 3^ These Today dundee 103 So. 51st St.—8-room brick colonial; two-car gar age and driveway; large living room, sun room, din ing room, large kitchen with breakfast nook; 4 bed rooms and tile bath. Priced to sell at once—pea session can be given immediately. 315 So. 52d St.—6-room brick colonial, two-car garage and driveway; large living room, terrace porch in rear, large dining room, kitchen with breakfast nook. Three bedrooms and tiled bath. Priced to sell at once. We will be glad to show you the above houses at any time. For an inspection or appointment call JOHN R. McCARVILLE REALTOR 1002 City Nat’l Rank Rldg. At. 5025 Sundav Phone Wal. 3996 ------ - Straight 5-Year Loans on Omaha Real Estate Promptly Made Peters Trust Co. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALB.^ For Sale—Ounce*. UK* FIvk room bungalow', oak and animal flni»h. If you want a raal bungalow tn Dundee don’t miaa anting thla Everything about It la right, even to price and terma. Can give immediate t onaeeelon Call Walnut __ For Sale—Florence.U>t NKT1UWAT nlla ro whlt«« only. Rod Caucaaion, a Klu Kluxer for all. KE. HQI. ^ Lota for Bale. J03 :« LOTS— *4.000— *7*0 CASH Flv. arrrs platt.d, fat tn* Omaha Country Club. TA Z«50 CLOVER * SPAIN Realtors DUNDKE BUILDING SITUS OKOltOE a CO. REALTORS. »ih Floor Clly Nat, Bk. Rida AT, *n>4. Lot f,«jrlS7. on 3fd Avenue. faring Hana '.om Bark, for sale at an attractive brie*. C. A. Oriwmil. JA. 1816. SPLENDID went front lot. 60th Ave and Ixaru: paving paid. ll.lhQ WA 418* _ I. inr.K BOMih front lot. 68th and Emile. II, 800. WA 6196. Real I'ialato for exchange. 10* WANTED -Good ranch or farm for my Chicago Building Ha* 5f> apartment* and four store*. Best location Income $45,000 year, price $300.00'« Will carry mortgage difference* or deliver clear. STEWART. 866 .National Life Building. Chicago. _ FARMS Gibbon* St*»»!. 41U Peter* Trust. Wanted—Heal Estate. 105 WANTED—To he** from owner of farm for nale, for fall delivery. O K Haw ley, Baldwin, Wia. IK we can't »el! your home In 30 4av*. we will tell you why. W. J. Palmer Co. AT 6880_ WE NEED HOMES FOR SALE. GRUEXIO REALTY CO. Realtor*. ■Tackwon 1866. 140* First Nat’i Bank, LIST your property with us or. if yog are is the market for acreege. call Louie Cohn for quick aaies. MA. 0143. MA. 3Q2». UH AS W. YOUNG * SON. Real Eat ale Rentals. Imuran •. 1402 «;itv Natl. Bank.AT. 1848. SEB ua firat. Need listings, any location. 6 to 6 rooms. Shopen A Co.. Realtors. ' 422* 33*, Keeijpe Ridg O. T HAMER. In\estment Acreage. 1 506 Farnam. AT. ffM. NEW HOMES—YOUR TERMS. GROVE-H1BBARD CO.. i*?? Banker* Reserve Bide AT. 18*1. WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US. HAMILTON A CO 3Q3-4 Neville BlockJA. 888T. (V D HUTCHINSON CO.. Real EaiMt** Ina. 1823 Farnam. JA. 041S LIST your property with Chris Bover. notary public. 2 A and Cuming Bis. WORLD REALTY CO.. Restore. AT 3461 WANTED! j Harvest Hands fi In Minneiota and North Dakota f Along the Great Northern Railway to * Harve.t Enormoui Crops Special rat* of $*.50 each I from Sioux City, la., for par- H tie. of five or more, to point. ■ in Minnesota and North Da B kota on tha Great Northern fl Railroad. ;§ Above rates in effect until M August 15th y Two Daily Trains Leaving Sioux City L 5:00 A. M —6:30 P. M. § For Information WILLIAM BLONDER Agricultural Agt. G. N. Ry. R 622 Paxton Block !' Omaha, Nab. ■■■■■■ j THREE DUNDEE HOMES YOU WILL LIKE SFFTVO TS FFI HIVING h-r* bv. *»»e them up and >' inter*** arrange w»*h u« for ar ip. *p*etl«n. Ml? ins'DFRWOOn AVf C «ttr«e»iv* re or two lots high, sightly location, low *a»e« just outside rltr limits. Call Ke 4259 Ha *44$ k# 3111 Ja 1 41 • . Wa *35* BURT C FOWLER CO . REALTORS 1110 CltT Ntfl Buk J. 1UF