Action Smooths Path of Inter Allied Meet at London. By DAVID M. CHURCH. International New* Service Staff Oar. reepondent. London, July *9.—French experts ittendlng the Interallied reparations •(inference were engaged today In Irafting a compromise proposal for the protection of the owners of bonds which will be Issued to cover the proposed $200,000,000 German loan. It Is understood the proposal will provide that any Interested nation 'may ask for arbitration In the event t believes that sanctions (penalties) ■vhlch may be Imposed upon Germany (re Injuring the rights of th* bond nolders. The international bankers met at noon to consider the propositions which had been put forward Monday. Chief of these was the suggestion of Col. J. A. Logan, official observer of the United States, that the question of German default and penalties be put over until the proposed German loan Is ready for flotation. With both the Americans and French offering "compromise pro posals." hope was high that the con ference would be able to reach a definite agreement before the end of the week. Paris, July 29.—“The French dele gation is working with a firm desire for agreement among the allies and for peace," said Premier Edouard Herriot In a report upon the London reparation conference which was read In both the senate and chamber of deputies this afternoon. The statement added: "While seeking to give legitimate security to the subscribers to the proposed German loan, the French delegation Is taking precautions against attacks upon the Versailles treaty and the rights of France.” HANLEY PLEADS FOR HARMONY J. H. Hanley, democratic county chairman, urged candidates of his party Monday In Paxton hotel to pro mote harmony within the party which contemplates support of J. N. Norton for governor. Other speakers also said some nice things about Norton. H. B. Fleharty, R. J. Abbott, James English and J. M. Tanner were named to serve on a committee to formulate a comprehensive program lor the candidate*. Another commit ee will be named within a few days o assist at the notification of Gov rnor C. W. Bryan August IB. ’ "Pat Harrison will deliver the notl ication address," said Mr. Fleharty. le urged democrats to get John W. Javis Into the west as early as pos ible, explaining that "Davis Is a omparative stranger to the average aan of the west.” TRIAL DEFERRED FOR OPERATION The case of the government against Lester Burrell on the charge of Im personating a federal .officer, which was to have been tried Monday after noon, was postponed until he can have an operation. He Is to be sl owed to go to the hospital In Des Moines, where arrangements have jcen made for the operation. Mrs. Mary Chase Dies. Mrs. Mary E. Chase, 64, for 37 years a resident of Omaha, died last night at her' residence, 4232 South Twenty-seventh street. Besides her husband, John, she is survived by four sons, David, John, Clarence and Charles. She Is also survived by eight grandchildren and three daughters, Mrs. Fred Frosler, Mrs. B. C. Joyce, both of Omaha, and Mrs. E. Morgan of San Anselino, Cal. t-———-. Out of the Records. V j Births and Deaths. Birth*. Andrew and Lina Varley. 3319 Miami street, boy. Martin and Anna Kusek. 4414 South Twenty-eighth atreet. girl. John and Anna Hosprodka. 6641 South Twenty-second street, rirl. Harry and Elisabeth Emmett. 2224 Vin ton etreet. boy. 7 Howard and Mary Heae. hospital. boy. Walter and Pauline Arnold. 201S Pierce *tragt. boy. H«y and Lillian Wooda. 4602 North Fifty-eecond atreet. boy. Willis and Lottie Fisher. 1211 Cali fornia atreet. hoy. TolMe and Orie Stearns. 6619 Railroad avenue, boy. John and Marie Newel. 2113 O street, tin. Arthur and Marian Toy. 2916 Vinton street, girl. Carl and Marg Rupp. 2003 South Ninth I street. boy. Harry end Flossie McDowell. 4915 North Nineteenth, girl. Wllmot Hill and Helen Feetherstlon. hospital, girl. Deaths. Harry Weinstein. 63. hospital. Harvey Wolf. 36, Harney hotel. Temple Harrison. 44. 4089 Decatur street. Electa Ann Wright. 84. 2924 North Fortv-first etreet. Washington Cook. 74. hospital. Mrs. Margaret Wolf. 79. 2217 Capitol avenue. Margaret Elvina Speck. 28. hoapltal. Edward Swain. 80. 6231 South Twen tieth street John Henry Donald. 19. hospital. Charles Lew!* Walker. 61. hospital. Building Permits. Joe Pacha 2461 South Fifteenth etreet. frame dwelling. 14,000. E. A. Sowerwlne. 4911 Erekine street, frame dwelling. 86.000. K A Sowerwlne. 4921 Erekine street, frame dwelling. 15,000. Real Estate Transfers. I A Wolf Co to Anton M Lund gard et al. 2td street. 100 feet north of Webster etreet, w. side. 3 2x66 . » 6.264 Maude D. Morris and husband to Charlea F Ha use. Florence hlvd , 170 feet north of Laird atreet. a. side. 40x120 . . 3.360 Vawell Burton to John A. Burton. S W corner 2tth end Clay street. 66x183 1,000 V. E Pack to Albert J Worthing. 60th avenue. 100 feat north of Izard street, e. aid**. 60*126 . .. 6.100 *farv K. Mllota to Harry N**al and wlfa, O-and avenue. 97*4 feet east of 46th etreet n aide, B0 x 126 710 'heodor* W. M**»calfe and wlfa to Ella O. Palmar. 68th atreat. 376% feat south of Pacific street. ** side. 106x232 . 4,000 >reaton A. Clark and wlfa to flank of Raneon, H K. corner 41st and Maple atreet. 60*120 . 1.760 4 Anton M Lundgard and wife to Ruth Kennedy 23d atreet ion feet north of Webeter street, w Hide. 32*46 7.760 fhistlngs A Heydan to Catherln r Waleh. Spencer street. 181 4 feet east of 72d street, n. side. 60x138 141 William H Wlnton and wife to Liberia Ter**!, 22d street, 42 fast south of Sahler street a aide, 42*124 9.800 Creator of Spark Plug Is Off for Famous Old World Race Courses 1 I Ascot, Epsonrn Auteui!, Chantilly, , Longchamps and various others of j the famous race courses of the old world are in the itinerary of Billy DeBeck, creator of "Barney Google and Spark Plug," who has Just sailed for Europe to study the foreign rac ing game at close range and store up impressions whereby Barney and his mettlesome steed will be the gainers when Billy returns to America again early in September. Admirers of De Beck's creation have advised him that the race courses of old Europe have “atmos phere” and that no race fan knows the game from end to end till he has rubbed elbows w-ith the prince of Wales and King Alfonso in the pad docks of England and the continent, seen the dress parade at tho great french, Italian and Spanish courses and "in pounds sterling at the fam ous meets where the classics of the English turf are run to thunderous applause from the stands. In due course what De Beck learns from foreign race day contact* will be reflected In the doings of Barney and Sparky. You will begin to notice It yourself as soon as De Beck comes back. As a matter of fact he plans putting Sparky In the derby next year. The picture of De Beck on hie sailing day disclose* him peering through a life ring from the hur ricane deck of the ship that is taking him over. A host of his friends who had come to bid him bon voyage stood around while the camera clicked. William H. Smalls et al to Carl C. Johnson, Hamilton street, 160 feet west of 61st street, ». side, 60x 10o >4 1,575 Marks Levy to Evelyn Levy. 23d street 150 feet north of L street, w. side, 30x150 . 315 Arah E. McLain to John M. Johnson, Scott street, 306 hi feet west of 30th street, s. side, 6Ox 305 3 Oto C. Blankershlp to HArlAn IC. Tracy and wife, 45th street. 456 feet north of Bedford avenue, w side, 40x118.2 . 450 Standard Development Co. to Frank A. Sucha et al. N. E. corner 48th street and Poppleton avenue, 60x 138 .'. 1.150 Edwin C. Dahlqulst et al. 8. W. comer 45th and' Pierce street, 68.90x138 1.625 Margaret Mullin to Anna Relchen berg And husband, 48th street, 200 feet north of Miami street, w side. 40x108.4 . 6,760 Paul F. Stsinwender and wife to William Williams. Olenn street, 225 feet west of 69th street, n. aide. 75x121 150 William Williams to Frank E Graves et al, Glenn street, 226 feet west of 61th street, n. side, 75x121 500 Oscar Manger and wife to Investors Syndicate, Inc., Sprague street, 60 feet west of 26th avenue s. side. 60x50 . 3,760 Clement L*. Waldron and wlfa to Harris Levey, S. E. corner Sher man avenue and Sherwood ave nue. 120x1 41 13,000 M. L. Erdres, sheriff. to E K. Beckman, S. E comer Sherman avenue and 8herwood avenue, 120 1 xl41 . 12,750 ! E. K. Beckman to Clement L» Waldron, 8. E. corner Sherman avenue and Sherwood avenue, 120x141 1 Martha T McDonald and husband to Sterling B. Berkley and wife, S.'th avenue, 327 feet north of Pa cific street, w. aide. 40x124 .... 7.600 James L. Campbell and wife to Glenn H. Cave et al, 59th street 200 feet south of Pinkney street, w side 40x148 . 5,000 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. That part of Lola 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10 J1 and 12. Mid City Addition, lying East of a lino 60 feet West of, measured at right angles from and parallel to the East lino of said Mid City Addition. Lots 1, 2, 3. 4 and 6, Block 143, Original City of South Omaha. Lots 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 and that part of Lota 2, 4 and 6 lying Weet of a line de scribed as follows. Beginning at Northwest corner of Lot 3; thence Southeasterly to point 70 feet East of Southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 1. Lota 8, I, 10, 11 and that part of Lota 6 and 7 lying East of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 6. thence in a Southwesterly direction to point on south line of said Lot 7, 50 fee,. West of the Southeast corner of sa:d Lot 7. Block 4; Lots 1. 2 and 8 and the West 60 feet of Lot 3 Block 6, Maxwells Second Addition. Subdivision Lots 1. 2 and 3 of Subdivi sion Lot 3 of Tax Lot 1. Section 3-14-13 All that par: of Subdivision Lot i of Tax Lot 1, Section 3-14-13, except parts taken for Subdivision Lots 1. 2 and Z. The East 125 feet of Subdivision Lot 8 of Tax Lot 1. Section 3-14-13. Subdivision Lots 2 and 7 of lax Lot 1. Section 3-14-13. South 76 feet of Subdivision Lot 9. Tax Lot 1. Section 3-14-13. That part of Tax Lot 4. Section 3-14-13, described as follows, to-wit; Beginning at the Northeast corner of Hot 10, Bio, k I, Maxwelle Second Addition; thence In a Northwesterly direction to point on North line of said 'lax Lot 4. 400 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof; thence West 400 feed; thence in « South easterly direction 935 8 feet to Southwest corner of said Tax Lot 4. thence Last to point of beginning Subdivision Lots 1 and 2 of Tax Lot 5, Section 3-14-13 That part of Tax Lot 6. Section 3-14-13. described as follows. Beginning at the Southwest corner of Subdivision Lot 1 of Tax Lot 6. Section 3-14-13. then* e North 61 degrees West to a point on the East line of Lot 8 Block 8, Hoctor Terrace; thence North along said East line of Lot 8 to the South Jl'ie of "F" Street, thence Last along the South line of “F" Street to the Northeast corner of Tax Lot 6; thence South 291 32 feet to place of be ginning. The Eaet 60 feet of Subdivision Lot® I, 4 and 6 of Subdivision Let 2 of Tax Lot II. 8ectl»n 2-14-13. That part of Subdivision Lot 2 of Tax Lot 11. Section 3-14-11, except parte taken for Subdivision Lots 3, 4 and 5 ana Mis souri Avenue. That part of Lot* 17. 1*. 19, 20. 21 and 22. Block 7. Hoctor Terrace, lying ; South and Weet of a line described as ! follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 17, theme In a North westerly direction to the intersection of the East line of Pauline Avenue and the North line of said Lot 22 Lots 1 2. 1-1. 14, 16 and 16. Block 8; all of Block 10 and tha’ part of Block 11 not taken for railway right of way, Vancsmpe Addition Lois 9. 10, 14. 16, 16. 17. 18, 19 and that part of Lots 8, 11. 12, 13 and 20 not taken for park purposes. Block 8. Kiver View Park Addition. All that part of Block 276/ Original City of Florence, lying South and Weet of C., St. P, M. A O. railway right of way. All that pert of Block 274. Original City of Florence, lying between Twenty third Street and Twenty-fourth Street and between the South and West right of way line of the C. St. I*. M. A •). railway and a line 100 f«*et South and Weet of, measured at right angles from and parallel to said South and West right of way line. 'i hat part of Block 274. Original City nf Florence, lying West of Twenty-fourth Street end lying Lest of & line 200 feet Weet of. measured w right angles from and parallel to the West line of the C. St p.. M A O. railway right nf way. That part of Block 273. Original City of Florence, lying East **f a lln*? 2«'0 feet West of. measured at right angles from and parallel to the Weet line of <*, at. P M. A O. railway right of way. That part of Block 272. original City of Florence, lying West *.f the C. Ht. p. M A O. railway right of way The Weal 60 feet of that part of Block 272, Original City of Florence, lying North of the C, Ht P., M A O. railway right of way. The West 60 fee: of Block 268 Original City of Florence. That part of Lot* 1. |. I and 4 lying North and Enet of the C. Ht P. M i O. railway right of way. Block 249; Lots 1 2, 2 and 4, except part* taken for C.. Ht p. M. A O railway right of way. Block 260; Lots J. 2. 3 and 4. Block 158: Lota 1, 2. 3 and 4. Block 264. Original City of Florence. The East 64 feet of Lota 1. 2 I. 4 and the F.aat m4 feet of the North 32 2 feet of Lot 5. Florence Heights Addition All that part of North half of North west quartsr of flection 21 -If. 13 lying be tween County Hoad 74-D and the Missouri river. All that pert of the floutheast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 16 16-13, except part taken by County Boad 74-D and the Missouri river. All that part of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 16 16-12, except part Included In Mubdivlelon I«otg 16 and It of (Jovernnteul Lot i and County R *•* d 74 -1» All of Subdivision Lots 16 end 18 ex cept parts taken for County Hoad *4 -1». and the Last *4 feet of Hubdivlelon Lots 14 and 17. In (internment Lot 3, flection 16-16-12. That part of the floutheast quarter Her tlon 16-16-13 lying West of the Missouri river That part of Subdivision Lot 9 Govern ment Lot 1. In He. tlon 16-16-11, lying be tween County Roads 74-D and 111-1) and between the East line qf County lload 74 I) and a line 100 feet F.»at of. measured at right angles from and parallel thereto. That part of Subdivision Lot 13. Gov ernment Lot 2. In Section 16-16-13. lying of a line ion feat East of the halt line of County Hoar! 74 D, measured at right angles from and parallel thereto *»<*.pt part taken for eald County R.»nd That part of the Southeast quntirt of the Northwest quarter of Hectlon 16-11 11 lying Weet of n line loo feet Fast of measured at right angles from and parallel to the East line of Cmintv Road ?4 D except part Included in Subdivision Lota I and 17 All of Subdivision Lots 3 and 6. Qov ernment l*ot 1, Section 16-16-19. eioept parte taken for County Roede 74 D and lii-D That pen of the Northeast quarter of the North*set quarter ef Hectlon II 11-11 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 12249. An Ordinance declaring the necessity of appropriating certain private property and lands for the uee of the City of Omaha for the purpose of making an addition to the system of parks, park ways and boulevards and providing for the appointment of three disinterested freeholders of said city to assess the damages to the owners, respectlveXy. of the property taken by such appropria tion. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OK THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section 1. That It Is propsr and neces sary. and it la hereby declared proper end nec<*Bsury, to appropriate certain private property and lands for the use of the City of Omaha for the purpoae of making an addition to the system of parka, park v. a>a and boulevards, such property and lands necessary for such purpose being situated in and adjoining the City of Omaha, and described as follows, to-wlt: Lots 1 8. 7 and 18, Hoctcr Terrace Addition In Northeast quarter Section 15 14-13 Lots 1, 2, 2, 17 and 18. Block 1; Lots1 1. 8 and that part of Lot 9 not taken for Harrison Street, Block 2, Burton’s Sub division Addition. Subdivision Lots 8. 4, 6, 7, 8. 9 and that part of Subdivision Lots 1 and 2 not taken for Harrison Street In Tax Lot 20. Section 10-14-13. I. 2| and 26. Westsrflslds Addition That part of Lota 1, 2. 2. 4, 8. 6. 7 and 8. Far View Addition, lying East of a Ilns dearrlbsd as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 34. Wesfsr flelda Addition; thence In s Southwester ly direction to a point on the South line of Ix>t 8, Far View Addition, 100 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 8. That part ef Tax Lot 16. Sertlon I 14 13. described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West lln« of P A Q railway right of way 74 .42 feet East of the Nortjheaat corner of Lot i, Block 1, Maxwells Addition; thence West 69.42 feet to East line of alley In Block 1. Maxwells Addition, thence M>uth 613 fret. theme Weal 16 feet to HouGienst corner Lot 4. Block 2. Maxwells Addition; thenre Mouth 40 fee t. theme West 120 feet then.*' Mouth along the East Ilns of Thirteenth Mtreet to the North line of "P" Street; t hence East 136 feel, thence South alona East alley Ilns to Mouth Hus of Section 2 14-13. thence Fuat 116 fast to tbs West line of r it g. q railway right of way, thence North along the West line of CL B A Q. railway right of way to placs of beginning, except part taksn for "O" ■tree* Lots I. «, 6 and 4. Block 16; Lots 1. I. I. 4 and I. Block 17, Park Forest Addi tion. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. lying West of a line 100 feet East of. measured at right angles from and parallel to the East line of County Hoad 74-D, except parts Included in Subdivision Lots 3 and 6. All of Southeast quarter of the South west quarter of Section 9-16-13, except part lying South and East of a line 100 feet East of, measured at right angles from and parallel to the East line of County Road 74-D, and ‘ part taken for said County Road 74-D. Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter and the Southeast quarter of the North west quarter of Section 9-16-13. That part of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9-16-13 lying West of a line 100 feet East of, measured at right angle* from and paral lel to the East line of County Hoad 74-D, except part taken for said County Hoad 74-D. That part of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9-16-13 lying West of a lino 100 feet East of, measured at right angle* from and paral lel to the East line of County Hoad 74-D, except part taken for County Road 74-D. That part of the West half of the Northeast quarter of Section 9-16-13 lying South of County Hoad 66-B and West of a line 3 00 feet East of. measured at right angles from and parallel to the East line of County Road 74-D. except part taken for County Hoad 74-D. North half of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Section 9-16-13. That part of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Sec tion 9-16-13 lying South or County Hoad 55-B. Section 2. That the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, appoint three disinterested freeholders of the City of Omaha to asses* the damages, to the owner*, respectively of said property and lands taken by such appropriation. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force after fifteen days from and after its passage. Passed: July 22. 1924. JAMES C. DAHLMAN. Mayor and President of City Council. Attest: JAMES P. DOCTOR. (SEAL) City Clerk. BEE CLASSIFIED' AD RATES 19o per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 17c per line each day, 3 or 6 days. 16c per line each day. 7 days. i5c per l^ne each day. 30 days. CLOSING HOUR’S FOR CLASSIFIED! ADS. Morning Edition ...8 p.m. livening Edition .....11:00 a.m. Sunday Edition.9:00 p. m. Saturday either charge or cash orders. Classified Ada accepted at the following offices: Main Office.17th and Fatnam fits South Omaha. .N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts Council Bluffs.15 Scott St Telephone ATlantic 1000. THE EVENING BEE. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. j__ Funeral Notice* . 1 Vault- und Monuments . 2 Funeral Directum .. 8 Cemeteries . 4 florist* ..... 6 1 anl of Thanks . ft fudge Notices .. 7 Coming Events . ft Personal* . ft lust and Found ... 10 Al TO MOBILES. Automobiles for Sale . 11 'lYuck* for Sale . J2 .Automobile Agencies ...13 Motorcycles and Bicycle* ... 14 Automobile* for Exchange . 1ft Auto Accessories, Part* .... 16 ftervlce Stations—Repairing ..|17 Auto Livery. Garage* . lft Wanted—Automobile* . 19 Oarages for Kent .. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE. Busin*** Service* Offered 21 Building Contractors .. 22 Heating and Plumbing ... 23 Insurance ....24 Millinery—Dressmaking .. 21 Moving—Trucking—Storage .2ft Painting ami Papering . 27 Patent Attorney* ... 2ft Printing Stationery .. 29 ProfensTonal Service ...90 Repairing . ..81 Renovating and Dyeing ....82 Laundries .. 83 Tailoring and Pressing .. 84 Wanted—Business Service . 8ft EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female ... 8ft Help Wanted—Male . 17 Help Wanted—Mule and Female .... 34 Salesmen und Agent* . 88 Situations Wanted—Female . 40 Situation* Wanted—Male .. 41 FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities .. 42 Investment—Stock*—Bonds . 43 Real Estate l ean* ...44 I Money to I.oai . 4ft Wanted to Borrow .. 4ft EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Course* .’. 47 I-oral Instruction Classes . 44 Musical—Dramatic .. 49 Dancing Academies . 60 Private Instruction ....81 Wauled Instruction . 62 j LIVESTOCK. Dor* Cats am* Pet* ... 83 Horses. « util*. A'eh Idea . 64 1 Poultry and Supplies .66 Wanted—Livestock . 6ft 1 MERCHANDISE. Article* for Halo .. 67 Iluslnes* J uulnment . ftH Building Materials . 59 Farm and Dairy Product* . ftO Feel and Feed ... 61 hi»od Things to Eat .. 69 j Home-Modi Tiling* . 63, Household fir ml* ... 61 Swap Column ... *,’» ■fewclr- uni. Watches .. 66 Machinery nod Tmd* . «7 Heeds. F.ant*. and Flower* ..64 H verfal* at the Htorc* . 69 Musical Instrument* ... 7«» Radio Frjulprmnt .. 71 Wearing Apparel . 7ft Wanted to Buy . 73 ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With Board ... . 74 Furnished Rooms 7.7 Room* for Housekeeping . 76 Room*. T nfurnfshid .7? W here to Htoti In Iow n . . .. 76 W anted—Ro« m* and Board . 79 . REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT Apartment*—Furnished . MO Apartment*—l nftirnUh*d . Hi lliisinys* Places for Rent . 82 IIim*e* for Rent . .. S.1 House*—Furnished . M Office* and Desk Romu . 87 Ont-of-Tcwn l*ropertv . 86 suburban for Kent . 87 Farm IjiimU for Kent . ftH Hummer Place for Rent .. . Ill* Wanted to Hint . 9C HE A I ESTATE—FOR HALF. Business Property ... . §1 Real Estate—Investment* . . ft I firm* and Ijiml* for hole . 93 € ttv Acreage for Hale .. . 91 Mouse* for Hale .. 9ft House*— North . 9ft House*—South .. 97 Mouse*—W <-*t VM House*—Benson ... M For H»le—Dnnilfs .100 For Hale—Florence . 10| lor Sale—Cornell Bluff* .. in? I ot* for Hale .|03 Real Estate for F.irhang* .104 W noted—Krai Eatatc ..103 AUCTION*. Auction ‘•ale* 10ft Keiil Estate for Auction. 107 ANNO! N( KMFNTS. Funrral Notices. I FUHHKsTTn Mm Iff ' f: .1!fd Sup day afternoon at rwi'lon* »• Deceased la •urvlved by on* daughter, Mtv Pan Rel ford of Omaha Funeral service Tuesday «• f p m from family r* ■idonc*. 417o Mason Interment at W#*t I.awn cemetery Direction of Heafey A Heafay Vaults and Monuments. 2 “Automatic H«aMng" concrete burial vaulta recommended by all leading undertakers. MTd bv Omaha Ooncrei*. Hurlal Vault On. Funprnl nira^fnra. 3 MKAFFIT * HFAFF1T Undertakers and Kmbnlmiri Phone HA ojar. Office >«li Farnam (KHTAIWIHIIFP 3INCK 14*11 HUhHW A TUEPEN. At Tour Set vice 133? 14 fhimlnir Ht JA. 1114 o. P. HAYNI’J FUN Kit Ah If OM F 1920 N 14 th Ht _ KK n:»7 I KShIB O MOORE, 24th and Wirt WK 0047. HOFFMAN OROflBT ambulanoa. Dodge and 14th Ht b unernl directors. JA. 1901 JOHN A MKNTI.FMAN 2411 Fainmn Ht. N. P. HWANR<»N 17TH AND (TUMINO. _Quiet. Dignified Hunervtslo" Hit All BY a" pOHRANUE 1411 Ol’MINQ HT . JA. 0624. DfIFFT A JOHNHTON 1P H I n • f ■ M nl he me HA 0417 Omeierlnn. 4 V1 ■ I l I .»ur I LAWN West of Florence Omaha-* M at lleautlfui Pamttery 220 Aries Perpetual ('are, office* at !h«> Peine*, tv *nd 720 Htandete Theater Hide T iVrsonnl*. 9 TIIK RAhVATtON Army Induafrtal horns soiirlte votir old clothing, furniture, mega slnaa We « nlleet We distribute Phone JA. *ll» and our **gun will call tall and Inspect our new home. 1110111? 1114 budge tlieeL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Lost and Found. 10 STRAYKD OH BTOl.EN. l'leuin or while horses from Bennington about 2 o'clock Saturday. Weight 1,350 pounds apiece. Manes bobbed. $200 reward for arrest and conviction. Call Bennington 332. LOST—2 fraternity pins with name. M. E. Whelpley on back of each. Reward Call WA. 44t)t>.__ _ACTOMOmUKS. Automobiles for Hale. 11 THE NASH UP TOWN STORE HAS SOME REAL VALUES TO OFFER IN USED ‘CARS Our Windows Are Tainted Blue This Week—But the Door Is Open. SUECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK. NASH FOURS AND SIXES BL'ICKS FORDS CHANDLERS 8TUDEBAKERS CASH TERMS TRADE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. NASH UP TOWN STORE 2054 FARNAM. AT. 42*2. JULY CLEARANCE SALE Special prices on all model? and types for balance of this month. Sedans. Coupes, Tourings, Roadsters Light Deliveries, Model T Chant-i* and ton truck at greatly reduced prices Tourings $25,00 and up Roadsters $50.00 ami up. A 21 and 2.’l Ford Speedster, brand new Classy bodies. Chassis have been completely uverhauied. Will consider Ford Roadster or Tourings In exchange. Good ligut Six Touring at $65.00. 12.3 Studebakcr special six Road ster, five Kelly cords, runs like new. Will consider Ford in exchange. HANNAN VAN BRUNT, 30TH AND FARNAM. HA. 056S. USED CARS THAT SATISFY 1924 Ford Coups .f 150 1922 Buick 6 Roadster ...‘*50 1921 Gardner Touring . 275 <'hand'ei Sport Touring . 575 192*» Buick Touring . 250 1920 Oakland Sedan ... .. ?' '• 1919 Oakland Sedan .. IT9 3 921 Oakland Sport Touring . 7C0 1920 Oakland Touring Car . •• *125 Ford Sedan .250 OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 23TIf AND HARNEY. AT 21-29 NASH-VRIES EM A AUTO CO. USED CAR STORE 2054 Farnam AT. 4292 USED CARS~ O. N. BONNET MOTOR CO.. 2554 Farnam. GOOD USED CARS BUY YOURS AT GUY L. SMITH. MURPHY DID IT. Downtown Used Car Store. 1419 Ja< kion. AT 4411. seven PASSENGER ('halmera, model 35- B. good condition. Cu*h KE. 3517. 2369 Bauman St. PODGE, late 1119 touring, first clae# condition, cheap. AT. 2293. 1011 Pop ple ton ___ CHEVROLET Sedan and Ford Coupe, good mechanical c r !jti n. AT 4f ft 1 'Trucks fur S ilr. 1J SEE International f r good u*ed trucks. International Harves'er ‘’o . AT. 97 0 6. Auto Acce8Horie«, Farts. ~* J6 GUARANTEED new and uaed auto parta at a apeciti cut prt e Nebraska Auto Parta, 1016-13 Harney st J A. 4931, and 2205 Cuming St AT. 1979. SPECIAL f *r this week only. Dodge tour ing top cover complete f 10 Kaplan uto Parts C> 2111 N. holes S* Sfrvlre Stations, Kepairing. 1« INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS Rayfleld carburetor »»nd Klaemann mag neto eervlce. AT. 25 50. P. MULCH* *1RS .t- S* »N_417 S 13TT1 \\ .•tnt',*i— \utomobll«9. NEED A CAR. Have * eorn-r !ot« end 4 rooms, rear new 8'h"ol and Elmwood park. Will take good car m part payment. KE. 17 32 AT 4063. _IM SISKS881 _ Ilii3inf83 Sgr\ic*** Offered. 21 DUPONT Wet wash—4 cent a a pound. All work guarantor: HA 1 —IhtssBMtkin :. SS N EH PLEATING C‘» . Hemstitching Covered Button*. 13 04 Farnam, Second Floor.J A. 3179. ACCORDION, aide. kn'f«*. boa pleating, covered button* all st>l*a; hems'Itching; buttonhole* Write ideal Button and Pleating Co. 30* Brown Block. Omaha. N««t. Teleplmr.g JA 1926 Moving—Trucking—Storage 26 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING. MOVINO. HUPPING. STORING Estimates furnished. AT. 0230 or JA 4J3S. IIKKINH OMAHA VAN sT STi'UAii E 14th end Leavenworth 8«s Parking, mov Ing, storage, shipping. JA 4142 (MRDON8 KIR EpRtV>V WHSE A VAN 249 North 11th St Phone JA 1032: mov ifiK t Arkiin shu»rlng Painting and Papering. 27 WALLPAPER. WHOLESALE Paperhnnglng painting. Ered Parka. 470S * ?4th Ht MA 0J01. AT 7404 PAPER furnished and hung. 15 a room Painting Hawley, HA. *00*. PLASTERING, brick and cement work done WE 14> > Patent Attorneys. ?3 J. W MARTIN 5 24 peters" Trust Bldg . •maha also Washington Poubl* service, -ingle fee Also he p tell patents Printing—Stationery. 29 rOM Ml ltd A l , PHI NT! NO KA> tyVt In ting ■ ;; j sniih 1 :■ ? h m Phone JA ProfcsMlonal Service. 30 "HTICuPATHU’ PHYSICIANS OKS. NIEMANN A MERRITT Adluetlve osteopathy. f leetr«--Thet apy op >■ 1 \\ lnm n Hldg AT 2' 4 Repairing. 31 PSEl* and new lowing machine*. Hew ing machines and vlstrolaa repaired Kent mithiiiii. |l per week. |1 per mo MR KE1. M 1*810 HOt'HE. Ilth and Harn^r AT. 43*! -- ■■ ■■■■—■■ — _f.Mii,o\Mi:vr llclp \Vmill'd—Pentnl*». .16 WaNTEH- l.adlrs to l*arn halrdraeslng •barrel, permanent wave. shingle bob. manicuring, facial mneenae l»,»u1 le ' -nr earning |>.>wer Bb--rt «mit*e « ompletr* I»ay or evening < h«n •» to m«k.' i.-ur life work easier and heltci | n\ ms »'a!l or write M l.>r folUg.- Iff H I'th Si hits must have referi>n<'e* c I’ K >\:nt*r, S».*.V l>eWay Ave Tr| HA U 4 NI - at 1,1 1 < ’nil i iwy R dir JA 14*1 Help WnntC4l—Male. 37 MEN learn barber trade and double vnur rernlng pow rr Our evstein uualtflaa * «»u for h**t jir «r writ* Mol.I li.u.i Coll.*.. U‘* 1 IklM Sooe*. EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Male. 3? AM. MEN, women boys, girls, 17 to 65, willing to accept government positions 1117-1250 (traveling or stationary). Write !r. Ozment, 186. St. Louis. Mu. GROCERY driver wanted. Call at 2626 Sherman Ave. Help Wanted—Male and Female. 38 HE a detective. Men and women needed. Make expenses while learning. Box C 1411, Omaha Bee. Salasnipn and Agents. 39 SAI.ES REPRESENTATIVES An exceptional opening for a salesman who Is capable of presenting a high grade ad vertising service to banks and merchants; our clients are composed of the leaders in all lines of business in the medium sized cities throughout the United States, our unusual advantages are evidenced by our rapid growth. The work appeals to the better salesman who Is ambitious and able to earn from $5,000 to $10,000 commission yearly. <'all A. N. Lockwood. Hotel Fon tcnelle, evcplngg between 7 and 8. morn Inga, 6:80 until 12. POSITIONS open for five high grade re tail automobile salesmen. Ask for W. R. Llppold, retail sales manager. OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 20th and Harney Sts. Omaha. SituutlonH Wanted—Female. 40 COOK or maid desires position In private family. WE. ,4804. Situations Wanted—Male. 41 JANITOR, chauffeur or houseman desires position. WE. 4804. FINANCIAL. * Business Opportunities. 42 ICE CREAM parlor and confectionery, also luncheonette. Must be sold accourt poor health Live town 2.200. N. E. Nebraska. Corner location. First reason able offer takes it. Cash. Y-2695, Omaha lie,-, GOOD established grocery and meat busl nCentrally located for residential and transient business, on one of Omaha's main thornughbaros; stock to invoice |ab-.ut 11,200; all fixtures, equipment in cluded in lease of store, with five living rooms Phone WA. >1841. im.Ai KSM1TH shop. Central low. plenty lif work but poor health. Write Y-2705 < -inaha Bee. Investment—Stocks—Bonds. 43 M. A. ANDEKBON CO.. JA. 6107. Real estate. Surety bonds and kindred Ins. Real Estate Ixjans. 44 MONET TO LOAN On first and second mortgage*. We buy outright for cash Existing mortgagee and land contracts. Prompt Action. If. A. WOLFE CO.. 5°2 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. AT. 2160 514 AND « PER CENT MONET Loan* on Omaha improved property at lowest rates. FRANK II. BINDER, *•23 City National.JA._2561 OMAHA HOMES—'EAST NEB. FARMS. <> KEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO . 1015 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. JA 2715. -IX per eenl loans on Omaha residences. < -h on hand Prompt servlet. E. H l. topee. In , 538 Keehne Bldg. SECOND mortgages or contracts pur c h a - * d by Tukev Company. 626 First Na tional Bank. JA. 4^23. I.ow HATE on city property, quickly no monthly payment!. JA- 1633 W. T. Graham. ill.< ■ to 110.000 loaned, prompt service. F 1) Wea l l) H Bowman. Wead Bldg. r WILL buy mortgagee and contract*. Corkln, 94v Om. Nat11 Bldg , Omaha. Neb. Farm Loans on West. Neb. and N. E. Colo. farms Kloke Investment Co, Omaha. AND <* PER CENT—NO DELAY. OARVIN BROS . 645 Omaha Nat i Bldg. Mmiey to Loan. 45 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply your m noy want* In the same wa> *hat banka su; ply the money want* of th« business community. Anv an int loaned up to 1500 and you can re; ly it in ea*F monthly payment# Our equal payment plan repay a the loan and ail charge#. Wa have be. n in buslneaa In Omaha over 30 ' ars and can assure you of a quick confidential and square deal. VAUA LOAN COMPANY. 506 Kart-arh Block. Tel. JA 2211 Southeast Corner 15th and Douglas Fta. DIAMOND lean# at lowest rates, business strictly confidential Th* Diamond Loan C<» . 1514 1 dge St Established 1*14 EDUCATION A3L»_ Local Instruction Classes. 48 I AY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL mplete course■ tn all commercial bran hef Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raph: *a!c«~ nshlp, civil aervict. Phone JA. 1 565. 'ompl-te catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. l*th and Harr v Sts.Omaha Neb EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a f'r» ■ ft » position Call AT 7774 or sr.'i A meric *tn college. 1112 Fa-nam. TR1 CITY BARBER COLLEGE 14*11 Dodge St 13h« Douglas St Call or w-ite for information. 11 WOP.AK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Str - .gra’'hy and H-vok keeping. Wead B U- llth and Farr am AT 741* Musical—Dramatic. 4t 924 NO. 10TH ST—Upright piano for >a'e, chea; JA 4379, LIVESTOCK. Docs. Cate and Pete. 53 ANGORA CAT male, 1-year-old Call. ■IA 7*^9 or AT 97 6 7 _ Business FquTpments. 58 BUY, aell ssfe«. make desks, show -aaea etc Omaha Future A Supply Co . - V. C - llth and I '■•iflas JA 2724 Fuel and Fred. • ! KINDLING - $:. t nick load delivered; i«v. dust, shavings Phone JA 5740 Onod Thine* to Eat. tt 4112 N HD ST wood eating apple* for '•vie (’all KE 3741 __ Household Goods. 94 YOU AHE I * 'SiNO. every day that you fall to take r 'vantage of the furniture arcain* at Stephen- «'» llOi Cacltol \\n Private *»!••* and auction HFI RCM'M » i te 4 ; le-e tareetry daven port 2 ruge WE 4CSI. 2431 Kmmet. Swap Column. 95 Tf’ \DE e'-* tr! ’ washer for car or truck. AUdreae Ho* C 1 4 T 4. Omaha Bee Mnohlnrrj and TooU. 97 NEW and rd hand motor*, dynamos. I dtron Electrical Works 31* 510 A 12th Musical Instrument*. 79 NEW oak ath<> Ira! phonograph, retail* f my prtc* ft • a eh Harnev. 1471 Wanted to Buy. 71 DESKS DESKS DESKS \.n- de*t«. need deek* hovght. *old and tf 1. -1 C Hr-d 1207 Pa mam At AT 4144, ROOMS » OH HI N r Room* \\ itti Hoard. 74 t < ta*..J large welt furnl*h*d rooms H «rd tf desired ( •>»>!, room* good hoard, cloae In. rna e-mabl He 7"? 4 ' A1 1 1. A\ I f«33 Nice room, eirtl t’d . in, homa privilege# AT., 1411 IIo(|eekeej Ing room. •= room and board If dea'.red \lt\ AM s i 3411 l arge pt«*»ant room rest »b!e HA <'4** r'lirnUlii'd lliiunu T5 ND’KI d fuiniehgd cool, airy front room HA ?J7f>, -- ■ -- -—. Kootll* for Hotlftf keeping. "9 AT. 14 A BY AYK ; *• * A Wwiy deco tilted. ean hneekeepng room' reneon able AT. IIM. _ IlSKP room* newly decorated nice!* ’ d a*i and light paid .1A lift T'Vtt « lean room#, deelrnhl* fw working couple, reasonable tent AT •I'll TWO lovaly rooms on ftr*t floor, modem, running Mlu, 1U4 ChUago, ROOMS FOR RENT. Where io Stop in Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Fa man*. HOTEL HRN8HAW—16th and Farnam Special rate* to permanent gueats. REALKSTATK—FOK KK.N’T. Apartment!.—Furnished. 80 382? AMK8 AVK.—Thr.e-room apart ment with private bath, kitchenette, gas, lights and phone. $50 per mo. KE 1666. 3632 S. 23D ST.—Nicely furnished two room apartment, 1-room accommodations, private bath, garage. MA. 4<92. 100 S. 32D AVK. — Nicely furnished Apt., close In: reasonable, near car. (Tel.) HA. 1616. HUNTER INN HOME for the travllng man and wife. AT. 6960 24th and Dodge. JA 4351— 2 or 4-room apt., first floor, close in; sleeping rooms; reasonable. NEWLY dec. mod. airy 2-rm. apt. SI 17 8. 33rd St Heat, lfght. water free. 2201 Cass—Large room and kitchenette, well furnished. 17.00 per week. Apartment!—Unfurnished. 81 KNICKERBOCKER APTS. 38th and Junes Sts. Strictly exclusive and high class l-room Apt. and garage. See janitor or call AT. 6960. W. J. Palmer Co, MELROSE Apt., 33d and California. Dan dy 4-room Apt. with bedroom. Available August 1. Rent $67.60. AT 696 0. W. J. PALMER CO, PETERS TRUST COMPANY '•WHERE OMAHA RENTS’* AT 0644.17th and Farnam Bta NEWTON Apts. 725 S. 16th St.. 2-room Apt, 2-room accommodation, $29; 1 room Apt. with bedroom, $60. AT 8980 W J PALMER CO. FOR ONE OF DRAKES 1.000 APARTMENTS Call JAckaon 2805. DEWEY APT NO. 16—33D & DEWEY Very choice, south front, 3-room Apt. $66. No higher for winter. Call AT. 8980. W. J Palmer Co. APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W. J. PALMER CO. AT 8910. Real Estate Manegment Specialists. 1-ROOM, all modern Apt.. $60, Look at No. 3 Apt. 1910 Blnney St AT. 8980. W, J Palmer Co. HA 2147—Apt. n Hanseom Park district, private home. 2106 S. 34th St MILTON Apt . lfth and Jones Rt. 2-room Apt., $60. No. 7 No higher for winter. Call AT 8980. W j. palmer Co. STEAM HEAT, 6-room spta., $20 and up; close In G P Stebblns, 1610 Chicago 8t. 614 8. 18TH ST—1 and 2-room apart ments. $30 and $40 per month Business Places for Rent. 82 BAKER and lunch man wanted for new store at 60th and Leavenworth. Con venient for tojrlat and park trade beside* being an excellent home owning neighbor hood. BURT C FOWLER CO. Realtor*. JAckton 1426 1120 City Nat*! Bank Bldg Call KL 425S. HA. 6440. TWO ator*»s. l«th St. and Chicago, low •ent. Q. P. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago. House* for Rent. 83 CLAIRMONT Hl'NQALOW-i room*. 272« North 4S>th St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, ' "Where Omaha Rente." AT. 0544 1 7th and Kamim Ste 5- ROOM FLAT. 217 g 30th SL In best condition. JA. 3664. $45 6- ROOM HOUSE. 6604 Minna Luna Bl^T Call WA 4 2 >4 Houses, Furnished. 84 724 NO. 1STH 8T Modern, cool. 6-room cottage, alertrlc 1 ighta. steam heat._ Offices and Desk Room. 83 OFFICE In front of elevator and desira ble office suite In First Nat. Bank Bldg Call AT. 072t. F. H. Grossman. RELAL ESTATE—FOR SALK. Farms and Lands for Sale. 93 WE HAVE several Shelby count/, Iowa, farm*, highly improved, $166 to $1TI. FRANK C. BEST. 310 PETERS TRUST ii LOG.. OMAHA Houses for Sala. 95 HAVE some new borralovi from $1,260 up to $7 250 Modern in every respect. If they are not what you want we ha\e dome choice lot* on which we w;ll build to jour order For Information regarding aame call Mr Sloan, WA Jill. BRAND new modern S-room bungalow at 4221 Grand. Paving all raid. Right price and terms Campbell. WA. 6704. Houses—North. 96 THE BEST BUY ON THE PAGE Two new 6-room modern bungalows; well located near Fontenelle park They have many bu.:t-tn feature*, including kitchen cabineta. refrigerator apace place for fruit; full cemented basement, steel coal chute, dust-proof coal b n; oak finish in main roomi; select oak floors throughout; purchaser may have choice of electric light fixtures and window shades; could u*e a good vacant lot aa part of down payment The price is less than $5.0.0 *nd on Oral to suit. Call Lewia. WA. 1423. R. F. Clary Co., REALTORS 50» Omaha Nat Bank B.dg_AT !«?• CROWN“POINT “ BUNGALOW Five extra large room* bungslow. all on one floor, with large living room clear acr60 Ofbsr. KK 3227 Newion. KR 114* FKUIT. FLOWERS, GARDEN A DANDY HOME l#9-foot south front lot, % raa’. house with four rooms finished downstairs and two partially finished upstairs, lots of fruit bernee etc ontlv ere Mock to pax ed atrset four to street car and high tchocl. A real h. me for a beginner and at a Price that ta right, and on eaay te^me ould u»* a good vacant lot for part of down payment Cell me and let me take you out and show one real bargain Lewi*. WA 14 22 R. F. Clary Co., Realtors H?» N'»t'l Hflrk PM» AT l«T* $6,000 Special Roomy si* r. . m, *e~ unggiow hat wa tsf h*at. oak and birch finish through out garage extra la ce lot. fln* trees and shrubbery; one half block to car A real bargain ILL'S «ash down Call Osborne Realty Co., I»« Plltr, Tru,l H!.1« * JA. Jl«l ha wa nr we no? wa «>t« Fontenelle Park KART TKRMS New $ room strictlv modern bungs low nice south front lot. 1 block north of perk close to car end school oak floor* throughout, built in cabinets, full cemented basement ffl4f only 9a 9Sh on te-ms of t bb ‘ cash Call Mr Miller. HA 4»SA or AT MM $200 CASH A neat $ room east front horn# nsvsr been occupied sewer wate* gas eleo trie light bath furnace floor drati— in '* * eaer'thing that make* a hovtae modern Tt if A black* t.' the car but i* under 14 iff cates J\* A llth 9t JA 1014 New Minne Lusa Bungalow It $AC KART TKHMt Ready to occupy New $ room all modem bangs lew With furnace other built-in fea (urea \$ as $? She. now- $« $0O Krenmn phone Mr R wrle' K K 020* MKTfAl.FK COMTANT ilround K or 101 g llth Ml AT $41$ »T 0T N't 4 ATM *T aved street and alley. >1.250 cash will handle this Call Mr. Carnaby evenings. KE. 6373 or Mf Hasp. KE. 4727 RAHP BROS, 212 Keellne H!dgAT 0711. Charming New Bungalow, HANfiC'OM PARK DISTRICT Five bright, sunshiny rooms—extra well built—extra fine plumbing and lighting fixture*. Bookcases, kitchen cabinets, breakfast nook. $1,000 will handle. W FARNAM SMITH 4k CO. JA. 0564 HA 2297. HA. 1544. House*—\Ve*t. 98 Right in Clairmont SNAP FOR $7,300—11,000 CASH Beautiful two-story, ilx-roorn home. Jong living room, f replace, oak finish; choir# east front. 60x142. with garage Best value in this choice district. Osborne Realty Co. 630 Peters Trust Bldg JA. Hit. HA. 0622; WA 0465; WE 1101; WA. 4166. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. SIX ROOMS AND BREAKFAST NOOK. Newly decorated new floors; Itgh'tng fixtures; n*w painted exterior; in fact like new throughout; fine cam front lot with raving paid Price $7,760 terms J L. HIATT COMPANY AT Real Bungalow Home On large *outh front Jot In Edge wood. Five fine rooms, attic and basement Complete in every detail Price $Y.354.0 Shown by appointment. Sunday call Grant Benson. WA 1614. BENSON A CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxton Block.AT 3543 REAL BUNGALOW HOME On large east front lot. 53x315. House is brand new and up to minute In every respect. Has fink large rooms and attic. Best of con struction and finish Price $€.4*0. For foil Information call owner. WA 15 60.' 3611 JONES ST.—7 rooms, all modem, convenient location. Make an offer. JA 4S57. WILL build to your order on our beautl* ful lots in Edgewood: very easy term#. Phone AT. 3*40. FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who bitv homes. List your property with u# for results. JA. 14 26 BI'RT C. FOWLER CO.. Realtor# House*—B?n*on. 99 BENSON BARGAIN. A new w#ll built home that will at and inspection. Owner wants some cash and will make price attractive. Has five wall arranged rooms. strictly modern oak floors kitchen cabinet, stairway to at tic. full cemented basement, etc. Large lot. eloee to schools and car line It will par you to look this over today. Call HA 6468. For Salb-Dtindee. 100 Here is a real bar gain for someone. 6 room# and bath, with sleeping rooms TliinnDO and bath */tSl) ment, south front ndid lot with cement sidewalk. Close to paved street and street car. Shedd Investmeat Co JA 43M 2€ LOTS— I4.0C0— $716 CASH Five acree platted, facing Omaha Country Club. JA 2*50 GLOVER A SPAIN Reader# DUNDEE BUILDING SITES GEORGE A CO-, REALTORS. *th Floor City Nat Bk. Bldg AT jjj* TWO SPLENDID LOTS adjoining For ‘enello Para at «5th and Ruggiea lit) •■ah. Shedd Investment Co. JA 4264. Sunday HA. 4457. IaOt 6txl57, on t?d Avenue facing Hsr.a 1 com Fark. for aale at an attract;v# price. ‘ A Grimms! JA 2616. : :0x123 West front all modem on Hat. and Curtis Ate. KE 3 ■-•27. Rml KM* to lor Fichange. 104 F ARMS, Gibbons Steel. 416 Feter# Tram*. W anted—Krai Estate. 105 IF me can t **11 your homo in $• days, we will tell you why. W. J. Palme* u>. AT FMfr WE NEED HOMES FOR SALE. ORLENIG REALTY CO-. Rea.torn. Jackecn i»6« 1463 Firet Nati Bank. LIST your property with ua or. if ye# are in the market for a reage. call Lou.# “ohr f 'r quick ea se MA 614$ MA MS* OH AS Vt TOT NO A SON. Rea! Estat# Reniaia Insurance. | 1662 C tv Natl HankAT 144$. SEE ue first. Need Rating# any location. to A room# Shopen a Co- Realtcnt | J A 4X2« 226 P Mf O T HAMER Investment Acreage. | Ilf 6 Farr amAT MM. NEW HOMES—YOUR TERM* GR VK-HIBRARD CO i ?22 Bankers Reserve BldgAT. lt$2. WE SKI ! H 'V1D 1 1ST WITH UK HAMILTON A CO S01 -4 XevILe Pl.vckJA 6617. 0 D HUTCHINSON CO Real K**ate Ine 1411 JA Mlt LIST your property with Chris Rov#r. notary public, lid and Cumin# Sta. WORLD RF.ALTT CO. Realtors. AT «•«! WANTED Harvest Hands In Minnesota and North Dakota along the Great Northern Railway to Harvest Enormous Crop*. Special Rate of $6.50 Each from Sioux City. Ia., for par ties of five or more, to point* in W estern Minnesota and ail 1 point* in North Dakota on the Great Northern. Two daily trains leaving Sioux City— 6:00 A. M. and 6 10 P. M For information, WM BLONDER. j Agricultural Agent, CL N Ry ; 622 Poles Bloch. Omsk*. Nek *———a——