Nehfis Homers * Aid Giants to Defeat Cards All-Around Playing of New ^ ork Hurler Features Mc Graw Crew’s 3-to-2 A ictory. KW YORK, .Inly 2(1.— Arthur Nehf* a||. aroiiml play featured New York’s victory over St. l/ouis here today, tlie seore being a to 2. The seore: ST. 1,011(9 CN) XKW YORK (N"| aI' ui, u y.., - - *J4n‘.Hh 3 1 4 0 0 S’th'th rf 41210 i'i.'rr* rf. 1 1 0 0 0 Frisch 2b 216(0 “I"* * C (0100 Wi|.„n ,.f 3 0 2 0 0 . ,ls>v - b 3 0 2 1 0 Mousel If (0100 i ,! ?' v b 3 0 K 1 0 Kellv lb (110 10 IU.hIph If ( 4 0 0 0 Jackson as 4 0 1 1 0 nnney ,a 4 1 4 3 0 flroU 3b 4 1110 (binziilc, c 4 I 3 1 0 dowdy c 4 2 3 4 0 krelKHll Jb 4 2 1 3 0 Nehf p 2 2 1 •> I) St inert p 2 0 1 0 0 _ M’lemonu loooo Totals 31 8 27 1 4 0 1 uwlrr noooio Total* S3 10 24 10 0 y Matted for .Stuart In seventh, Score by inninRs: v .mo 000 not 2 ‘N’" > ork . 001 1 12 00X Summary—Rurs: Hlfcdes <2). Frl«ch J-). Gowd v. Nehf (2). Two-base hits: KHh bfiwdy. Mvers. Three-baae hit: , rls« h. Home runs: Nelif (21. Stolen b;i*-,. Blades. I.eft on bases: New York. Mo uis. Buses on balls: (iff V*. , * : Stuart. 4. Struck out: By Nebr. n; by Stuart. 2. Hits: (iff Stuart. a n' ’* InnlnRs: off Fowler, none in 2 in n in rf. llit* by pitched ball: Bv Nehf. Botiomlev. Losing pitcher: Stuart. I'm puts: Klein am! Wilson. Time; 3 41 ’ REDS COP SERIES WITH DODGERS Brooklyn, July 29.-- ''incinnafl won three of five in h series with Brooklyn bv tak ing the l*Pt came iod«v. 12 to 2. Score: CINCINNATI rf t * - 0 0 Ford 2b 2 114 1 Vogel If 4 ii :: ft 0 zlfen'ne ft ft ft ft ft Barf tt 1b 4 2 12" 0 Par* son ss 3 15 7ft K - ii min |» 4 ft o ft 0 Wilson «■ 3 0 2 1 © -■ -r- -- - Oese'er 'p 2 ft 0 1 © Totals 31 9 27 1 4 OxMltVll I ftftft ft Coush p ft ft o 1 ft Totals 29 6 27 14 1 y Balled for Ford in 9lh /Batted for oesrhger In 7th. Score by Innings; Chicijirn . ftftl ft"3 ftftft- -4 1’hiladelphia . ftftft 21ft OftO -3 Summary Run*: Hollocher. Adams. II. rtn^tt. Barrett. F* hulls. Wrlghtstone. F. rkinson. Two base hit: Hollocher. Home ror - Barrett. Wrlghtstone. Parkinson. S;.i,l .< ; Friherg. (Irlgsby. Double plays: • Print* t*» Barren. Ford to Parkinson to lloi ' : Adams to Hollocher to Barrett. I a IT on bases Chicago. 6; Philadelphia. ( B.i on halls: off Kaufmann. 4 <*ff i i.a.liger, - Struck out:: Bv Kaufmann.! h\ oe?-( hgcr. 1. lilts: uff (Jeschgef., In 7 innings off Couch. 1 in 2 Innings. Hit i»y pitched ball: By K.utfmann. Ilar i p\ * >c.«< hgej Hrlsh> Balk: Oeschger. I « -int pitcher: tteschger I'm pile*: Rif 11*i and Moran. Time: 14" (Irctna Team Wins. Gretna, Neb. July ‘JS.--The Gretna ball D-tin defeated the World-Herald team of Omaha Sunday by the score of 10 to L*. Itatterles: Gretna, Kipp ami Jelen: W orld Herald, Kreyman and lludkins. Large r*ed Pimples On Face And Body Cuticura Healed “ My face »nd almost my entire body broke out with pimples. They were large and red and after fester ing. scaled over. They itched and • burned and my clothing aggravated the breaking out on my body. It was almost Impossible to sleep st night due to the intense irritation. " I tried several remedies but to no avail. A friend advised meto try Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I purchased some. After a week’s treatment my akin showed signs of clearing, and the itching and burning were relieved. I continued the treatment and in about a month I was healed, after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Miss Alice C. Kalozi, 18406 Neff Kd.. Cleveland. Ohio. , For every purpose of the toilet and bath, Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum are excellent. I»apl„ Fr„ bT Will A.i.ire,, "CiUrvr. Life., .toriM, H. Mild,, 41 Mu, Hoidav.rr p^i^^Kaap26c. ointment 25«r*l .fnjra *t. Try our Btw Sh«.,ni Stick. yilgl A Vegetable Relief K&]| For Constipation ^f/', Nature’* Remedy (ffjTab ■ IyyaM^ let*) * vegetable laxative with a pleasant, near-to nature action. Relieves | and prevents biliouiniit, V V jM conitipation and lick htadachei. Tones and strengthens the digestion L Old Block r §7^1 ** JUA.Oli.—Utt,. N7» V ^ SjB Tha flanriA — In r»n»-th»rd ■ ^' r "II d o • n •, r«ndy-ro«trd. For WM' children and ndultt, UL^mI SOLD BY YOU* DftUQBIBT 4 WESTERN LEAGUE. Player and Club. G. AB. R. II. Pci. Lamb. Tulsa.... .103 435 93 170.391 I/Cliveu, Tulsa .. 94 318 7 8 133 .382 Dunning,Wicliita. 103 451 98 168 .373 Waaliburn, Tulsa. 103 389 117 145 .373 Osborn, Omaha.. .. 240 66 89 .371 Miller, SI. Joe_ 89 329 65 121 .36R AMERICAN. Player ami Club— G. AB. R. H. PC. Archdeacon, Chi. 55 178 43 70 .393 Rut'll, New York . 98 382 97 127 .383 Falk. Chicago .81 306 50 114 .373 Goal in, Wasli 98 36’ 71 128 .340 Ja mies-in, Cleve. 89 361 56 124 .343 NATIONAL. Hornsby, St. lauds 91 317 71 144 .415 Wheal, Brooklyn . 88 344 52 129 .375 Cuyler, Pittsburgh 61 240 4 8 87 .363 Wilson, New York 49 163 31 57 .350 Roush, Cinrinnati 79 302 93 105 .348 Kremer’s Hurling Wins for Pirates Boston, .Tilly 29.—Kremer held Boston to three hit* today and Pittsburgh tie feated ih* lipnves 8 to 1. The score: PITTSBURGH (N) BOSTON hU first. When thl* Made I* at right angles rli>fhtu demand* more then in any other shot Gim» H be kept in Ion, and this motion begins with Hie vibratory inovviuent i lia\« spoken of ms sandpapering • (Copyright, 1474 > ri*v*lai»il— 1 'u ^ MOSEMEMT.W^ S).DN'T40 udoTc (, I AKi v'Do^2 ^-| Sv4ow Zj— ^ 7 ... PW* •_C-inl Bnumnthl.mtftrt _ I t-"-s Macks Break Record for Infield Assists Detroit, .lul.r *9.—The Philadel phia Antrriran* in an 11-inning game this atemoon broke the rec ord for infield assists, making 3S in tile II innings. v_/ BOHNE MAY PILOT PORTLAND CLUB By Initfrinl Her vice. Han Francisco. July 28.—A rumor was current in baseball circles here today that Sammy Bohne, Cincinnati shortstop, may succeed William Ken worthy as manager of the Portland baseball club. Jt whs said this move depended upon.his securing a release from the Beds. Bohne. according to baseball men, owns an interest in the Portland club, having gone in with Kenworthy when the latter bought an Interest. Roush Leaves Team to Have Arm Dortoretl Cincinnati, o.. July 28.—Kddle Roush, center fielder of the Cincin nati Metis, left the team in Brooklyn today and went to Rochester, N. Y . to consult a specialist about his left arm, which ha.«* been bothering him. according to a New York special dis patch. Roush will rejoin the team in Bos ton Wednesday in time for the don trie-header. Compiler Win* Knglidi Rare. By Amim lulrtl I*rest. Goodwood, Kngbind, July 29.—T. Hi*haverein’s Compiler today won the Steward's cup of £1.000 and extras over six furlongs. Rath Duth was second and S. Joel's Pondorland, third. Twenty-four horses ran. Compiler won by a neck and a half length separated second ami third. The betting was 9 to 1 against Com piler, 100 to 8 against Hath Duth and St to 1 au.tinat Pondorland. ICiilwav ( l«-rk* Lose Came. North Platte. Neb, July 28.—The Brotherhood of Kailway Clerks of Omaha lost to tlie home team here yesterday by the score of 6 to 3. Next Sunday afternoon the Railway Clerks will play at Afton, la. Bout Postponed. New York, July 28.—The 10 round bout between Hid Terrlse of this city and Ray Mitchell of Philadelphia, schedufed for tonight, was postponed Indefinitely when Mitchell said he had a broken hand. At Nr«**rk. >. 4.—“w«r\ 12 rout ft* Colli* Pienei*. N*w ||*\pn. outpointed Soldier Jack1 Rlt* hit* N>w York eight round". I STARTING SATURDAY WITH Adolphe Menjou Anna Q. Nilsson Carmel Myers Where Moth Like Youth and Beauty Scorch Their Win*. A Startling Story of America’* Babylon Gene Tunneys Victory Over Georges Puts Yank in Line (or Big Scraps EW YORK, July 29.—Gen* Tun ney, conqueror of George* ('arpen tier, today ap pears to be on the road to fame and large gate re ceipts. The for mer A. E. F. slugger has be come a strong box office attrac tion and his serv ices are being sought by leading promoters who see a chance to leap a golden harvest on the strength of Gene's popularity, now st Its height, as a result of his knockout of the dashing Frenchman. Tunney Is in the strategic position of a man living with hi* wife’s par ents—lie lias his choice of a fight between three leading opponents. Toni Gibbon*, Mike McTigtie and (arpentier himself. A return match witli ( arpentier looks to hr the best bet of (he three. Dlsetission still waxes strong over Carpentier’a rlairn of foul in last Thursday's bout. That tieorges enuld make a creditable showing against Tunney in a second meeting is improbable blit the woods of Manhattan and surrounding com munities are full of fight fans who are laboring under that delusion. The concensus of opinion Is that a second Tunney i'nrpentler fight must lie arranged quickly or not at all. Firpo and Mills are scheduled to meet on September 31. and Mickey Walker and Henny Heonard on Au gust 21, unless the New York Imxlng commission gets desperate and locks Henny in a dark closet. Promoter Jimmy Johnston today was busv figuring tjie feasibility of rematching the pair for some date between the Willn-Firpo and M’alker I.eonard affair. Francois Descamps. Carpentier's manager, was reported to be opposed to a return bout but the Frenc hman leas exhibited surh coyness before, only to change his mjnd as the rattle of shekels was heard*in the distance. jjrnningft Selected to Referee Davi» Clip Match Philadelphia. July —Joseph M. Jenninsrs of this city, former treasur er of the 1'nited Klatea Pawn Tennis association has been selected sa ref eree of the Davfa Cup matches he tween Mexico and the winner of the AustraliaChina "tie'' to he played at the Biltmore Country dub August 7. * and 9. This is the second round of the American r.mie day the eventual win ner of which will meet the winner of lhe European zone. Romero Shades A&einert. Newark, N. J., July -S—Quinton Romero, Chilean heavyweight, had a shade on Charles Welnert of Newark In n llround bout here tonight. [Special for Wednesday I Horn* Baked Virginia Ham, . 30c | HOTEl RCUdr* fafeteria W Open M Hour* Every Day Vaudeville—Photoplay* ^ ^ J ^M W\ Mat*.. 10c-35c. Eve*., 10c-50c v O v V^'** * ^ ^ W^VUrV^VWw^g Double Screen Feeturee ||Hj Man of Mystery— “Loving Lie»” ft ROLAND TAVERS — Thi G— 5,»" | Other Vaudeville Act. -EAST STEPPERS" ■ Returning UVMMIftUT PHI I |t«”. Back Again by fl Tomorrow RIUnlQn I lULLICw Popular Demand I" “ 3S Boy* and Girl* , _ . . „ i ■ n . Miniature RF^B _ Muiical Comedy I IN ADDITION I ■ ^=|====== Tonight it 8:10 “Country Store” Fun and Profit for All HI T SMITH PLAYERS offar 'VILLAGE POSTMASTER' Rural Musical Success Frl. Eva.—Amateurs I HER W \\T AIM MRIMJ 1(1 Sills N 0 w A BIG DOUBLE PROGRAM : The Madeline Brandeis PRODUCTION “Not One to Spare” \ —and—» DOROTHY DEVORE | Tha I arfiala Harold Lloyd i ! In “Hold Your Breath" j Frank Patarann Singing i ] ‘ How Do You Do” | | STARTING SUNDAY ___ NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS BOULEVARD - Ltd and Loo van worth CLAIRE WINDSOR and LEW CODY In “Nallia tha Baautiful Cloak Modal** LOTHROP . . . 24lh and l olh.op CARA KIMBAI.I. YOUNG In **A Wlfa**g Rotnama** GRAND .... | nth and Bmurjr John Gilkat t In "I ha W'alf Man” I or Hath Dn«»i Chap. 4 seeis W I “THE SPIRIT OF I THE U. S. A.” J I Vinton Merchants Start Play \ for Inter-City Championship Woodmen of ^ orld to Meet Standard Laundry in Second Lame at League Park Sunday—Two Contests on Tap) at Fort Omaha—Omaha Coppers to Play Sioux Qjty j “Bine Coats.” •_„ * Large Entry 27. Arthur I#. Doom Is. Atlantic 3024. against Harold Payne. Jackaon 1014. Third llirht. Clarke Tlmin* Atlantic 37n0. aga n«t Edward Hoagland. Jackaon 2765 Tom Dugdale. Atlantic 3700, agalnat I>*| Evierr Atlantic ftinn. I'harle* Woodworth. AMan'lr 1*11 againat I>onard Winterton, Walnut ilf,n flte\e Wirt*. Atlantic 6100 againal Bruce Cunningham. Atlantic 3 27*. f—----— s C.hnrley Schmidt Turns to Umpiring . Tnpeks, Kan.. July 29.—Charley Schmidt, former catcher of the Detroit Tigers and until Saturday manager of the Springfield team of the Western association. Is the assoeiat ion's newest umpire, ac cording to word received here. He will umpire his first game toriaj. V■> 1TK all the Sun day amateur leagues except i he Metropoli tan loop closed, only six sandlot contests will lie played this week-end. Out of this number one game will lie the start of the city noriea t o determine the amateur champs of the senior division when the Vin ton Merchants, victors of the Gate City league, meet the West leaven worth Improvers. Southern league title winners. These teams play the first game at .League park. In the second game at the Western League park the Woodmen of the World, conquerors of the Murphv-Did Its last Sunday, meet the Standard Laundry, who are tied for the tall end of the first divfsion of the Metro league. Fort Omaha will he the scene of two good games when the South Omaha .luniors and the Itrown Park Merchants fight it out for first place in the Intercity league, at 1:30 p. in. These teams tied for first place in the Junior loop when the schedule closed last week. In the second game the Murph.v-I)id-Its, champs of the Metro loop, will mix with the Schneider Fleetrlcs. At Fontenelle park, at 3:30 p. m. Stinday, the Knights of Columbus play the U. P. Knglnemen, virtors over the Omaha Police team last Sun day. The Carter Fake club, leader* of the second division of the Metro loop, will do battle with Frank Crawford's heavyweight Police team at the Carter Fake club at 3:30 p. m. The North Presbyterians of the Sat urday Church league will play a double header on Saturday. At 2 o'clock the North Siders will meet the First Christians and at 4 p. in. they tangle with the First M. F. Both games will he played at Fontenelle park. AMATEUR PLAYERS DRAW SUSPENSIONS Tnny Benanito of the 1 larding Creamery nine of the Industrial league and Eddie Minicus of the K. R. Printing team drew three-year suspensions yeslerday from the Muni riba! baseball association for playing out-of-town hall. Evidence was pie sented. that showed Benanito played at Gretna, Xeh. several weeks ago while tinder contract to an amateur team. Minicus has been playing Sun day baseball with Oakland, Neb., while under contract to thp K. B. Printers of the Commercial league. The Hards' 7 to 1 win over the Cudahy Packers last Saturday has been protested by the meat men on account of Benanito, This protest will lie taken up at a meeting of the board of directors of the Municipal Base ball association next Thursday eve ning. KNIGHTS WITH DRAW PROTEST The Knights of,Columbu«* of the Metropolitan league, through Mana ger Frank tlreene. have withdrawn their protect of the Woodmen of the Workl-K. iplayed last Thursday. The protect hinged on Left Fielder Krajicek who played at Council Bluff* on the Fourth of July with out the perming inn «>f the sc< retary of the Municipal Baseball association. The withdrawal of the protect does not wtvp Krajiceks amateur stand ing as the board of directors of the amateur association will probably dish out a three year *usj>cnsion to the W'nodmen * left fielder. Mi** Helen Will* will defend her title in the national Women's t^nhi* championship at the Meat Side Ten nis club. Forest Hills. L. I., August 11. BILL TILDEN WINS IN CALIFORNIA lais Angeles, July T9.—Although the opening day's play In the south ern California tennis tournament did not end as many dopesters wpuld have it, William T, Tilden, II, na tionnl singles champion, and two of his party from the east, Sandy Wein er ami Alfred Chapin, jr., were vic torious in their matches yesterday. Donald Straehan did not come tip to expectations and was defeated in both the open and junior singles. Today, Tilden will meet Bradshaw Harrison, San Francisco, in the Sin gles and paired with his partner, Sandy Weiner, Philadelphia, will play Dixon and Green in the doubles. Weiner will play F. Nelson, while Chapin meets A. Barker. MOT11KR :-Fletcher’s Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substi tute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Svrtips, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid irritations, always look for the signature of IVoven direction* on each package. Physician* everywhere recommend it. Wm/’iml J to put your want I Aol in the Oma* ■^p|yiw| tia. Bee first «© ^ I ATUnliclOOO/jj {JnjAhcl reacts BeeY/antAfk i~ i