Yankees Put Stop to Hollis Thurston’s Winning Streak of Ten Straight Games Chicago Hurler Touched for 12 Safe Hits ‘’Babe** Ruth Connects for Two-Bagger, Home Run; Schang, Barrett Also Hit Circuit Drives. □H1CAGO, July W.— The winning streak of Pitcher Hollis Thurston, which had run for 10 consecu tive games, was broken today when Npw York defeated Chicago, 9 to 4. in the Anal game of the scries. The score: NEW YORK (A). CHICAGO fA>. gb.h.bo.n.e. gb.h.bo.a.e. Wilt cf 4 2 4 0 0 Arc'rnn cf 4 1 3 (1 0 Dugan 2b 0 1 0 2 0 Mnatil rf S 1 1 0 I) Rntli If 1 2 2 0 0 Colllna 2b 4 2 2 2 0 Menaet rf ill! n Sheely lb 4 n « i n Pipp lb 4 0 7 0 0 Falk If 4 2 fl 1 1 Schang n 2 l fl 0 0 Kainm 3b 4 2 111 Ward 2h 1112 0 Harr'tt sa 4 2 S 4 0 Scott u 4 14 10 Grs'akl c 10 12 0 Pan'ock n 4 o 0 1 0 Thu’tnn n 2 1110 ■ Rnb'aon p 10 0 10 Totals 24 12 27 8 0 xKIsh 110 0 0 Totals 1« 12 27 15 2 sRattfd for Robsrlson In ninth. Score by Innings: New York .mo 112 ton—» Chicago .ooi oho 100—4 Summary—Runs: Wilt, Dugan (2), Ruth t2). Meussl. npp, Schang. Ward. Arch deacon. Rarrett. Grabnw-ki. Two bass hita: Mfuarl. Kainm. Archdeacon. Ituth. Homo runs: Schang, lluth, Barrett. Stolen base: Meusel. Sacrifices: Ruth. Archdeacon. Schang. Pipp. Ward. Double nlavs: Dugan to Ward to Pipp: Scott to Ward. Left on hnses: New York, fl; Chi cago. 7. Hanes on halls: Off Robertson. ?; off Pennork. 1; nff Thurston. 1. Struck nut: Bv Pennook. fl: by Robertson, 1. Hits- Off Thurston. 10 in * Innings; off Robertson. 2 In 1 Innings Losing pitcher: Thurston. Umpires: Holmes. Hildbrand, end Evans. Time: 1:47. Davis’ Hurl in" Wins for Browns SI. Louis. July 20—Davis outpltrhed Murray today and the Browns defeated the Boston Red Stgt. 3 to 0. thus evening the count 11» the four-game siwiee. Score: BOSTON (A> ST. LOUIS, (A) ab.h.pn a.*. ah.h.po.a.e. ru-irk 3b 4 fl ft 3 ft Tobin rf 3 1 2 1 n Warn by 2 b 4 0 5 1 1 Evan* if 1 " 1 ? " Vearh If 4 1 2 0 0 Slsler lb 110 10 Berrls 1h 4 0 7 2 " MeM'us 2h 1 0 1 5 0 Boone rf 1110 oj'baon cf 3 o 1 o 0 F'g.td cf 1 7 4 0 ortnh'fn 1h 1 1 0 0 0 rv Will c 2 ft 2 ft ft Sev'eid c 2 ft 4 ft ft Shanks ss "114 n Gerber sa 2 » » J “ Murray p 2 ft ft 1 Dnvl* p 2 ft 1 2 ft t\ 'u'.'in d ft ft ft ft ft — xTodf l ft o ft ft Total* 23 2 27 13 ft Total# Fft R 24 13 1 xRH'tffl for Murray In eighth. Score by innings: Boston .. ftftft ftftft— ft Louis ."oo 20t no,-I Summary—Runs- F.vons, Slsler. Davis. Two-bare hits: Robertson Tobin Home run- Slsler Sacrifice hita: Pevereid. Evans Slsler. Shanks Double plsys: Gerber to McManus to Slsler; Wain by to Harris. Left on bases Boston._4: SI l.nui. 4 Bases on balls: Off Murray. 4; nff Davis. 1. Struck nut: By Work man 2: bv Ilavts 1. Hits: Off Murray. 1 In' seven innings; off Workman, none in one Inning Hit hy pltrhed ball: Hv Murray. Huber. Umpires Mnrlsriy. Rowland sod Owens. Losing pitcher: Murray. Time: 1:30. PRATT STARS AS TIGERS TRIM MACKS D*tro1t. Julv 25 —After tying the ftonr* in the ninth inning. Detroit won from Philadelph a here today in the 11th in ning 4 to 3 Pratt batted in both the tying and th* winning rune^Srore. PHILA (A) DETROIT (A). ah h po * * ab.h.po *.e Bishop 2b 3 ft 6 3 ft Haney 3b 3 2 J 7 ft 1 a mar If 4 0 12ft Manuih If 3 ft ft ft ft Millie rf 5 2 ! ft 0 Cobh cf 4 1 3 ft 1 Hauler lh 5 2 15 1 ft HeB'nn rf 5 3 3 ft ft Sim ons cf 4 ft » ft ft Bln* lb 3 2 20 0 ft Dvkes 3b 5 t 3 7 1 Rlgney s* 4 0 13 0 rial's v a* 4 1 4 3 2 Burke 2b 2 10 2 0 Perkins r 4 ft 1 1 ft Woo'all r 3 0 3 ft ft Bau'ner p 4 1 ft 3 0 Hol'way P 4 1 0 4 0 -Fot'gill If 2 0 10 0 Total* 33 7 32 25 3 Pratt 2b 2 2 0 0 0 Tot« I* 35 12 33 16 1 xTwo out when winning run Reared Soar* 3iv innings: _ m. Philadelphia . 1ftn 010 JJ—* Detroit .*—002 000 »<>1 «»1 i Summary—Run' MUIer. Simmon', Baumgar ner. Haney. Hellmann. Blue, Baumgartner. Two base hits: Dykes. Blue, Baumgartner. Hauser. Three base hit a: Holloway. Stolen base: Blue Sacrifices: • obb. Woodall. Bishop. Lamar. Kinney. Blue. Double play*: Dykes to Bishop to Hauser; Lamar to Bishop: Perkins to Hauser to (lalloway lo Perkins; Bishop' to tialloway to Hauser. Left on bases: I bi ladelphla. 6: Detroit. 7. Base* on balls. «iff Baumgartner, 4 ; off Holloway. 1. Struck out: By Holloway 3. Hit by P Jfh »d ball: By Holloway. Bishop Wild pitch: Holloway. Umpires: Orrnaby and Dlneen Time: 2:13. __ Indians Defeat Senators. I "levela rd. July 2»—Joe Shaute held Washington to nix hit* today sud tty Indian, took the fourth game of the • erics ♦ to 2. Score WASHINGTON f A > CLEVELAND fA> ah h po a e ab h po a * Rice rf 41400 M'N'ty If 5 2 2 0 0 L'bold cf 2 ft 1 ft ft Sum in a rf 4 ft 2 ft ft Harris 2b 3 2 4 5 • Speaker cf 3 13 1ft If 4 ft 2 ft *• Sewell s* 3 2 5 6ft .fudge lb 3 1 H 2 0 Myatt r 4 211 « Ru*l c 4 ft 2 2 ft Burn* lb 3 * 12 £ ft Ttvior 3b 4 112ft Steadn 2b 3 ft ft 2 ft Perk ■» 4 1 2 1 ft Lutzke 3b 1 ft 2 3 1 M’berry p 1 ft ft ft ft Shaute p .3 ft n ft o Sotece p 2 ft ft ft ft sHargr'vt 1 ft ft ft ft Totals 25 9 27 1 4 1 Totals 32 5 24 12 ft x Ba11*d for Speer# In ninth. Score hy innings: Washington .JfJ ; Cleveland . 00? oin m.x 4 Summary—Runa: Llebold <2>. Snmma. Speaker (2). Lutzke. Two-base hit: Har ris Three-base hit* Taylor, peek Ftolen has*: Burns. Sacrifice* Shaute, Lutzke Double play*: Burns to Sewell t« Burn*. Perk to Harris to Judge. Judge to Ruel to Harris- Left on bases Wash ington 7: Cleveland. 9 Bases on balls: riff Shaute. 4. off Marberry. 2: off Spee*e, 2. Struck out: By Shaute 1. jflta; Off Marberry. 4 in two lnd iwo i hii d* innings: off Spear#. 5 In five and one-third innings Hit by pit* bed ball: Bv Marberry. Sewell, by flpaer*. Lutzke. Losing piteber: Marberry. Pmplres; Nallin and Connolly. Time; 1:3ft Amateur Games This Week-End v -' •AnUDAT Thirty Mfnn»1 ami Dewey Areniie. 4 p m . Central Park against First Map tlav Miller Park. 4 p. m. Hanarom Park against Fear! M F Fontenelle Park. J p rn . North Presbyterian* aralnat Flrat Christiana. 4 p in.. North Presbyterians aralnat Flrat M K Wr»l Kim wood. 4 p. m . Olivet against Parkvala. Many llearlt. 4 p. m , Bethany against Cavalry. Rlvmlrw Park. 4 p. m., Diet* M. K. against South Side Christ lan ’ fragile I'iirl*. t p. m . First M K, aralnat Clifton PHI 4 p. m . Omaha Police again** Slou* City Police si M»AT. Fontenelle Park 31 30 pm K C against Knginemen Carter l ake flub. S:30 p m. Police against Carter l.ake Club Fort Omaha. 1.30 p m. Vinton Merchants against • gatngf South Omaha Junior*. I 10 p m , Murphys against Srhneider* League Park. J 10 p. m . Infon Merchants against West l, Improvement I *o p m . W. O. TV. agalnat Standard Laundry. rticM. V V.— finally kinhsm. I lira. Iroooked out Sarnmv 'fable. ,'i * Vert, fa i ha fourth round of Iheir scheduled JO.round bout. Baseball ltbnljs and Standings WESTERN LEAGUE. W. i*. Pet. Win I.ose Omaha Ml 3ft .MIS .H40 .MtO Tulsa .#0 43 .583 .5*7 .577 Denver .69 43 .67* 5*3 .513 Si. Joseph .5ft 44 .5*0 .564 .664 Wichita . 51 61 .500 .505 496 Oklahoma city 62 .485 .490 .4*0 Lincoln .33 63 .344 .361 .340 Daa Moines .to 69 .303 .310 .300 Veaterday's Results. Wichita. 7; Deg Moines. 3. Denver, f; Oklahoma City, 4. * Tulaa, 9: Lincoln, ft. t>maha-st. Joseph, postponed. Lame* Today. Omaha at St. Joseph. Des Moines at Wichita Denver at Oklahoma City. Lincoln at Tulsa. AMERICAN LKAGI K Htunrilngs W. L. Pet. Win T.oaa New York . 57 41 .582 .6X6 .676 Detroit .55 41 .673 .677 .567 Washington . 64 43 .557 .561 .561 St. Louis .47 47 .600 .606 .495 Chicago .45 61 .469 .474 .4«4 Cleveland . 44 62 .468 .46* .464 Boston . 4 3 62 .453 .458 .44* Philadelphia .39 57 .406 .4 12 .402 Yesterday’s Results: New York. 9? Chicago. 4. Cleveland. 4; Washington. 2 St. Louis. 3: Boston. 0. Detroit. 4; Philadelphia. 3. Game* Today : New York at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Cleveland. Washington at Detroit. Boston at Chicago. NATIONAL LEAH E. Ktlndlnt*. \V. L. Pel. Win. Lose. New York .41 32 .666 ,6M> 449 dhlCflftO .64 39 .581 .585 .574 F*H .ibur*h .50 4 1 .549 .5:.4 54:: Brooklyn .60 46 .526 .531 .521 Cincinnati .6o 48 ,t»io .515 .505 St Louis .30 66 .411 .417 .406 Philadelphia .38 65 .409 .416 4«4 Boston .34 69 366 .372 .362 Yesterday’a ReanHa. Chicago. 4 Philadelphia. 3. New York, 6; St. Louis. 2. Pittsburgh, 8; Boston. 1 Cincinnati, 12; Brooklyn. 2. Gnmes Today. Ft. Louis at Philadelphia. Cincinnati at Boston. Chlnfn st Brooklyn. Pittsburgh at New York. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Standing*. W. 1a Pet. Win Lose Ft. Tsui . 59 41 .590 .594 .584 1 nd tana polls . 53 42 .668 .563 .66'..’ Louisville . 63 44 .646 .651 .54^ Toledo . 48 51 .485 .490 .480 Kantas City . 46 51 .474 .480 .469 Columbus . 46 62 ,469 .476 .466 Milwaukee .45 63 .469 .4 65 .4 50 Minneapolis ....43 69 .422 .417 .417 Yesterday’s Results: ColumbUF. 7: Indianapolis. 3. Toledo. 22’ Louisville. 1. Milwaukee. 9-9; Minneapolis. 7-2. Ft. Paul-Kansas Cltv. postponed. Gama* Today: Louisville at Toledo. Indiananolla at Columbus. Minneapolis at Milwaukee. Ft. F’aul at Kansas «C*it.V. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. Mobile. 10-6: Little Rock. 5-3. Birmingham. 2: Memphis. 6. Atlanta. 14: Nashville. 0 New Orleans. 17: Chattanooga. 11 Berminehsm. 4; Memphis. S (continued from yesterday when game was called THREE-EYE LEAGUE. Evansville. .1; Danville. 2. De. . • b.h.pn.e.e. ah.h.pn.a e \foors cf 4 2 0 0 0 Austin If 6 13 0 0 t'olem'n If 1 1)1 0 0 Stuart 3b fi 1 1 R 0 Gtm'her ?b 6 1 2 4 1 Dftvi* rf 1! ft" « Skln’r rf 40320 1, Lamb of l I i II Lasa'rl Tlh 4 2 *2 1 0 Lel'elL 1b R 2 13 1 0 McD’lel lb 4 3 7 0 lesh’rn 2b R 1 5 « 1 f). Lamb c 3 0 6 « 0* Casey r R 2 2 0 0 Snyder c 0 0 n 0 0 Fllp’n ** 3 2 0 R 0 Chaves ** 3 ft 2 3 0 Rlsrk p 2 1 1 0 ft Beck, p 3 2 0 1 ft Teaar p ft ft ft 1 ft Anri'ann p 0 0 ft 2 ft tim er 1 0 o 0 ft Totsls 3< 1 4 37 ll 1 xPurdy 1 ft ft ft ft Totsls 34 10 24 13 2 x Hated for D. Lamb In 3th x Matte.i for Anderson in Ith. Score bv innings: Lincoln . ft I ft 131 ftftft * Tulsa. ftftft 206 01 x—9 Summsrv Kuna: Moots. Guntharf. Lax sari (2). McDaniel Beck. Austin. Davis Oil. L. lamb. I^ellvelf (2». Washburn. Flippln 2) Two bass hits: Moore. Stuart. Lelfvett (2). Rlack. T,. Lamb Washburn Home run*: M* Daniel. La'/.xerl (2). Gun ther. Stolen has* T/ellvelt. Sacrifices Coleman. Moore. Teaar. I,. J.inib. Double plav; Flippln t* Washburn to T*ellvelt. T.aft on base*: Lincoln •; Tulsa. 1ft Baa* on balls: Off Black, l; off Beck. .3. off Anderson. 1. off Teaar. 2. Struck out: By Heck. 4: bx' Teaar. 1 Hits and runs: Off HlacU 9 until in R innings (one out in • ixlhl; off Beck. 11 and ■ in R 2-3 In nlngs. Hit by pitched ball: Lamb, by He. I, Winning pitcher Teaar. Losing pitcher: Re< k Umpires: Collins and Donohua. Time: 1.56 GREGORY HURI.S IZZIES TO VICTORY Wichita. Kan.. July It.— Steady pitch ng by Howard Gregory, manager of the Wichita teem, and the ability of hi* • eamrnataa lo hit ar opportune tlrneg ir . ..unfed for Wichita’s 7 to 3 victory her# I 1 nda v Score • liKF MOINES (W) WICHITA (W) ab b pn a e ab h po a • Fltal.'r sa 4 0 11 ft Smith cf 4 1 2 0 u c„r’den If 5 3 3 0 * llutler 2fT 2 • 2 4 «• D’f’ntr rf 6 i 1 1 » D’nlng rf 4 l 1 t» t* Bodl# cf 6 ft 2 ft ft Heck lb 3 1 1J ft ft kna p 2b 4 3 13ft Haley a* 2 2 0 61 • ’.ir’ht lb 4 2 11 1 3 Gil’aple If 4 1 l 0 1 1 iatn’n 3b 2 « 2 1 « Hott 2b 2 16 4ft | Wheat v 4 0 3 1ft M'M'len c 4 0 4 0ft f.dson p 2 ft ft 4 ft Grtg’ry p 3 1 ft 2 " Khiupe p 1 ft 0 t 11 — x Kirk 1 ft ft tt a Totals 21 12716* Total* 37 1ft 24 13 * Batted for Edmondson in seventh. Score bv inning*. He* Moines .««« 20* Old—1 Wf. hits _ 400 1 1 1 ftft* — 1 Hummaiy Runs: Knuupp t2). Cart wright. Butler. Heck (2). Halev. Gille* pie. Boll, Gregor >. Two-baa# bits: Gregory, Cartwright. Thre«.base hit: Dunning Horne tuna Reck. Gillespie. Cartwright Sacrifice hlta: Smith But ler Hit by pitched hail Butlar bv Ed mondson, Hamilton by Gregory. Double nlays: OTonnsr to Cartwright to Knaupp. Hatay to Bott to Beck Stolen liases Smith. Butler Wild pitch Ed mondson. Ra*e» on bails: Off Edmond son. 4; off Shaun*. 2: off Gregory. 2. Struck out: By Gregory, 4. by Edmond - *on, I: by Shaupe, 7 lltt* and mips: Off Edmondson, * and 7 In six inninu«: off Shaupe non* and non# in two in king* Left on ha sea: Wl.-blta. 7. T*e* Metna*. 10 Tim* 1 3*. Umpires: O'Brien and Shannon In.linns Drop Sixth Straight. Oklahoma C|f> Ok!.. July 29 Den ' er hung the slx'h conae« ut|v* defeat on ; ••klahoma City today, winning. 9 to 4 The scora: DENVER OKLAHOMA PITT ab h po a e a t> h.pn a.*. Gorm'n lb 3 ft 2 1 ft Hock rf 6 3 3 ft 1 H*rg#r •* 4 7 4 4 0 Manx* If 4 1 7 ft • G'lsrdl If 4 * 3 ft • Felber rf 4 I 2 ft • Rnrhe r 4 3 ! ft ft » ud*r a 1b 6 1 I t 1 0 " Hr n rf * HIM Vl|v 2h 4 l .7 7 9 Falk rf ?. 7 n ft ft Tate 3b 6 1 t : ft Knight 1 h 4 1 t T 1 •Khadot -13 3 110 Bariev ?b R ft I 3 IKrn'g’r >• t ft ft 1 ft Hall n 3 111ft Hale r 1 ft 1 ft ft Cream’n p 2 ft ft ft ft Max' p ft ft o 1 ft Mien n 1 ft ft i ft Tot a la 31 1 3 27 1 1 1 llag'm’n p 3 1 1 J | Total* 34 1 2 27 1 3 1 Score bv innings: |i*>nv»r #?ft ton 13ft 9 oklshoma c.ty ftlft fttl ton 4 Summary--Run* Gorman Berger, Glnglerdl (1>. Ho. ha 4 3» Falk. llock. ’dense. McNally Tata Two ha e hits: Merger. Roche Knight Tate. Three-baa* bits: lf»vk, Roche. Home runs*. Mr 'ally, Glntlardl. Sacrifice* Gorman, Merger Ktftlftn bftftea 'I Veil. . I'Alible plav Berger to ft*H*v to Knight Hears on ball* off Mav J ..ff Alien t. . ff Hall 3. off Freeman 1 Struck out: fly Allen f, by If all 1 Kuna and hit*: 1 »ff Max. 2 and ’’ in t xx o thirds Inning: off Allen. 3 and R In four and one third lo tting*, off Hall, 4 and 1ft in *tx and mm third rping* Loving pit. her May. Winning pitcher: llall Left »m b*e»*. Denver *. Oklahoma « Itv 11 Time ftft Umpire* Have# and Gaffnex Marly Shay Joins Braves. Poston. Inly 29. -Tits Poston N« tionwls, disrupted by Illness end ln jtiriee, todM.v took over Mnrtv Hhay of I he Worcester Knstein lcAgu* te;»ni to play abort stop. t--- -— ■ . .. ' ■ — .. ■ ■ - ■■ --N How the Buffaloes Are Hitting Name. AB. R. H. TB. IB. SB. HR. SH. KB. Are. Osborn, If.140 66 MS 146 10 .3 14 I I .371 Co Hop, 1b.Ill 83 133 143 30 5 37 IS 1 .361 Robinson, rf. 384 HI 133 304 37 4 IS 15 4 .345 Wilcox. 3b....374 33 88 114 17 3 1 « 3 .331 Rnnowltx. rf.403 68 131 3I» 30 7 16 19 13 -136 Thompson. Ib.431 97 1JJ 173 II 5 5 13 30 .311 Briggs, lb. 163 33 48 6$ 15 0 I 5 0 .387 l,enahan. n. 198 34 55 64 14 8 6 5 1 .378 O’Neil, so.376 56 104 137 MS 1 18 4 .381 Wilder, r.313 48 81 111 18 1 6 9 3 .366 Bailey, p. 81 7 18 3 1 0 9 6 0 .33* l.orhbe, e.11 t 7 6 1 1 1 o o .183 Buffaloes' balling average .313. Buffaloes' halting average against Saints 365. Saints' hatting average against Buffaloes .365. Buffaloes' percentage against Kainta I.UIM). >__ J t-s Quin tin Romero Boosts IIis StOi k Newark, N. ,1., .Inly 19.—tluintin Kuinero of ( liile toil.i.v enjoys nil diminished prestige in lirnv v uright circle* in view of Ills victory by derision of newspapermen over (Harley Weiuert of this city in their ll-Cound bout. Romero piled up an impressive total of points in the early rounds, which Wrin ert, in spite nf his marked improve ment toward the rinse, was un able to surpass. i- > FTajjcn Plays Guilford. Newton. Mass. July 19.—"Waller lagen. winner of th» British open folf rhamplonshlp a few weeks ago. md Jesse Oullford. former national imntrnr golf rhnmuinn, who won the itats title again recently met In a IS hols matrh at ths Woodland liolf dub today. ’—----\ More Politeness Urged of Golfers Throughout Country New York, July 18.—More polite ties* is urgently called for on many of I lie golf links of this country. On the Pacific roast the golf of ficials at some of Hie clubs have found It necessary to call the at tention nf the members to tile lari that the etii|iirtte and rules of the game are not rereivlng the con alderatlon to which they have horn acruatomod. The ranks of the golfers have grown so rapidly all over the country that many have taken up (lie game who have absolutely no regnrd fur accurate scoring and less for the consider ation nf the other folks on Ihr links. The slow plsyer who will not Id any one go through and the fast player who la always crowding Ihr match In front nf him are as numerous as ever (his year, and eliihs In aeveral pads of Ihr coun try have been forced to lake the same arllon as the rlnha on the const and check the plavrrn up mi their drportnu nt. One club has sent nut the follow log rrtnlmler lo Its members "One of the greatest accomplish mi nts as a goiter, aside from mak ing • good score, Is lo pla> Ihr game according lo I lie loirs and lo observe the delicate i ualoni ol politeness on the links. There Is a growing feeling among many en thusiasts that standards nt golf rthiuetle are for below what they •Imuld he lie faithful to Hie spirit of Hie game." S'- - - > |/-----N Tennis Questionnaire i V i Question The server toaaea the halt up preparatory to serving, then Instead «. f •e -ing catches It In his hand aa H falls Does It count a* a fault? Answer. No. The fa< t that th# aerr. er did not attempt to strike at the hall, hut • aught It, snowed that he had on intention of deliver ng a service Question When nu the clav court cha mplonahip Instituted, and who f-r#i won It? Answer. In lfl*. First won by XI. >1 Long Question f'm n a player jump over the net to avoid touching It? Anawer. No By Jumping the net he invades hi a opponents court and loses • he point, for the rules state tha? players shall b» op opposite aldea of the n»t Question When and where will ?he v e* crane' rhampionahlp be played thta year ? Anawer. The double* at the T,one* nod Cricket club, Boston, beginning August ?• The atnglee at th* West Side Tennis club. Forest Jlills, N. T . beginning August JR. Question When d'd Franc# first play for the Davis flip* \nswer. In 1 tft4 when th# t*atn was defeated by Belgium three match** te two. The Dosha Bee haa arranged with th# I'n ted fttatea l.awn Tennis association te answer direct any questions regarding interpretation of the playing rules. Bead er» may have their quest ton* answered replv officially hr addressing the aaaori* Mon, • a»e of th*s paper Fficlnw# a aelf ad d? eased J 0 from the 23 yard mark, and Frank ] Middauith, another Fremont gunner, look the preliminary handicap on the same score. 9*. from ihe 19 yard mark. BnU Beckrr Krl«*a»**tl. Kciiieae t'lty. July J|) Henle Beck er. veteran outfielder of the Knniuie t’ltv American ax«n< latlon team, hae heen given hie utirnndlt lonel rele«ee It Ie underetocxl he plane to go to lila home In J’ortervllle, t’al. | Pacific Coast League Portland. iii# .1 tilv * H m. F 'm • unionln • | I'm I land Til 1 Italian## • anfiald and Huahiat Win l#r# and I > a 11 > l.na Anaal## .lull SI ft it r 4ntPlo# a ? i V#in<»n ,, ..in \ n«n*rlo# 1‘iattdall, W»tn*rt. Itamaa* and .lankltta; t'hrtailan and Hannah Manilla. Julv Ran i-aka ftaattta ■ »n*o f>nalD<«n*d. taama nawllna Oakland .luh It ft M K *an Fran* iara . . t s 1 O# k I and T 11 * Mi* i lari## »lra*v Urlffla and Yalla, K>ma and Hoad | American Association | Krna»a f*Hv. Mn July *t. Paul Kanaa* City, n**»f|inn<|i|, rain Tol-dn. n .Inly 2* It If W. I .nulavtlla i « • I’rdado jj ft | I ’ 1 i «(«'han* a# and Wirta: fiiirhard and Hhmault. Feathers to Box in Title Bout at Jersey City Challenger Likely to Surprise “Scotch-Wop" Tomorrow Night When Veteran ami Youth Meet. HE pugilistic star of Joseph (,'ar rora, known to the fistic frater nity as Johnny Dundee, the "Scotch-Wop," In setting. Alter 13 yea rs of Inten sive campaigning in American tings, this little swarthy sklnnea Dalian, who first saw the light of day back in the little city of Skar kai, Italy. November 22. 1893, has reached the stage in Ids brilliant ca reer with the padded mittens when some boxer fired with that unbeatable quality known as youth, will (lit the featherweight championship crown from his brow. Just who the fortu nate boxer will lie Is s matter of doubt, but it may be Irish Johnny Curtin, who will answer the call of opportunity in Jersey City Wednes day night, when they are scheduled to battle 12 rounds. This is the out standing feature of a boxing program this week that is one of the best of the season. Johnny took the crown from Eu sene Criqul, after 13 hard rounds in a New York ring a vear ago. r 1 n July Ifl—Jim k Malone against Jolinny Wilson, III rounds, in Itos Ion, July 30—Johnny Dundee against Irish Jolinny Curtin, I? rounds, in Jersey City . July 30—I'aneliii A ilia against liiling Hem n, 10 rounds, in W a*h ington, II. July 31—Jeff Smith against Al lentown Joe t>ans, III rounds, in Willtesbarrr, l*a. July 31—Jahez While against Kid lewis, II rounds, in Albany. August I—Bryan Downey against lining Mnrulln, lit rounds, in New Orleans. s _ J shortly after I Tlqul had (latieneil Johnny Kilbane. who at that lime was through as a fighter, having been virtually In retirement for sev eral years. Dundee never has been a hard hit ler. He has registered few knock outs, but his peculiar jumping-jack style, his gameness, ring generalship and cleverness have carried him through IS campaigns against boxers of all weights from IIS to 141 pounds. No other boxer has ever had so many battle*. He ha* fought as often as four times a week and It ian be truthfully said of him that he never refused to meet anyone, no matter how tough or how good. The challenger is not a newcomer In the game exactly. He ia IT yearn of age an.) started boxing in J 91 fi. after Dundee had been in the gdftie six year*. In the last three years he has fought most of the good ones, including Carl Tremaine, Young Montreal. Joe Btirntait, Dele XIvie, Jack Sbatkey anil Babe Herman, lie was knocked out hv Ttentaine and Herman ami flattened Xivic, showing that lie has a |Uim h hut also can la put down liy one. I odays Entries H \W TIUIRNK. r '*t me* I'ure# ft.***. gllog.rv*. J- t *jtf f'l4*. it, filflriBft A».*»r«ct . ’17 ial ... . il»7 F.dmon 117 Tflk* D? *’U«rh «- I !•>> rgd It* t ony 11* Brtli V* f Rnfi.l .11? .%>*( tJlrl I #4 .*•■•411 of John . 11 r Second riri Pui#c II ftftft; elilmihf. ’J-Hnr-oltl*. 4 furlnnt* xl.tef# . ...Ihf Hfmniit . .. Ill x\‘o l,ady . .. MM Clmiiv H4 Ann M 1#* ■*’11 Trump 1"# xRondeli* H* t Km i 1<*4 x Whiff ..1^4 4’t#\#r Sr t h . .114 xMuitlrauxht .. 11* Hcih* Alibi HI F.l*on> Brl*# . 111 Mrl«r S«*rf ] ft* Tltr.l Klim*, SlOftO; cWnmiDf. hun.1t. «p l ym-oMi and up; mil#; Kautla ...lft# Kin* Tut . H* «.ti#|ph . .t«7 J * w r J| \ |i .jo* FtlPt# Til T11..HM I*".1 Jpr. 4 nl*l» j* * 1 up i 1 t * v it hi xMtrg t V- 11 99 l*#l#r .1 11* *11A A An I'len . 1 I 1 H*t k*Ui 10* %* anteen HIM *•? Tableau Mlirutlo* 1'mibtftil . .. IP? xBrll# Ami# . ,l#a WeFwoo.l It* \ M i## Flap# 101 Sixth !•«*■: ll.Pi't* .(HiiBini 1 * - unit u; 1 mil# 1*n»l To vImI* Mluftlv* ,.lft* x Ooriu# Hi I>#> t.f !>■«#. 1)4 « > pri nt# in4 * A t Mil# ........ 1ft# xT.krh ..1ft? At ll« n mor# ...,1ft* iWuiif link j <13 \ !‘*»lly Mm »7 xApttrrniiit allowance claimed. Finally • fart. KMMKK. Flrai ra»a Pur**; t-yaar old*. : »■* fur las.** Spurt .US Uonaalc* ta* Kill Mali .US tSaoi** IV Mar Hi Ml'f'l K Hop* 1 •■* Sirhotag 112 JMhar Root .111 Swwi Anna .lot l*oi Roifr II? Wrack l^n*- 112 Lord Viririvi II? MiiManlo* r 111 Sr* ond r*. a ' li ming, 1>aar-olda mnl ut* I 1 It ntdaa: \ irai'l 10.. xPpror-l H4 ttoogro lit Sun Pliant • .. Max Parly ..111 l.tttlr A turn • It; Illff Hini ..III* Juno 11'« xSmaltrr Pop ..10- xl.avoy . io» \Vinayard ..HU Inaulaia . ..IU \Vulcan gmm 10' War Mask IU \V oad I -a k a . . 11 a Kin* \V n x * 1 \ ,t xllr'ia M'ch'ao til xKarM»« Ivors ..if Third raca: l-yaat'Olda and up. ab«»u* 0 furlonr» l*app .... 11* Shartnan tit Ilona part>‘ ... Ilk Nnanfin* HI « *tU Mm ....110 VI. Aullffa H* Haply .II* Va«-I.rmi IU Kirk I’aldx lt« Fourth i »rr I’ll a Float \\ lii| Handicap 1 vaar-nhl* and Ui- (uilxnn Igutano 111 Sot a"an Vila* stm M* T-tm K\p<«a< a Hi* H T Walrr* li« Fifth tax*- T ha i’.tttxalillrtn t'lihntni IUn.1i' an 1 \atf*«d«la *ml up mil iil-tllia lit 111 xi a Hank 111 . avion Prlnca llr« fax atm |0| lllth iTInca 11: ' I a» »• Hi SUih raca Matdana and * innara nf ona mil, t vaat-nhta* o fuilnnt* itudfo no t hink in Kvll Kmtna ..in? Tha Ona ho I’M.ua . n* r**t Mill HO .ltld*a Ful lay 110 Old ■ HO Wia.klana 110 ft tffol.-t t.. Hfc UonHuant* 11? Six# It--, k tU vkppiantp* al i. « *»». a via mud Cloar, fan. n / "III DIM " NAI’IKK SIIOI I.I) ItK 111(1 IIKIJ* TO OMAHA I’lTClONO STAFF. TliK addition of "Buddy" Napier to the Omaha Buffaloes' hurling staff should go a long way Inward winning the pennant for the Herd, providing, of course, Bailey, Hre, Koupal, Dailey and perhapR Mack keep up (heir good work. The latter may not be a member of the Herd after the club returns home, but don't forget that If “Stubby" wants to pitch he ran hurl as good a brand of baseball as lhe next one in this league. Napier was purchased by Rurcli from the St. I’aul American associa tion club. He isn't a whirlwind or he wouldn't be in the association, but we have been given In understand flint “Buddy,” while along life's patii, can still burl the ball. He lias a good change ^if pace, but is said to be short oil the long route, which means lliat lie is a belter Itiiislier than any thing else. The injury to the veteran "Bill" Bailey at Oklahoma t ity Sunday, when the Omaha southpaw was struck in the head with a ball while sliding into home plate, is not e\ pected to keep the ItulT.ilo liurler out nl the game. Bailey has received numerous bumps since starting his career in baseball and thus far lias survived each and all. The signing of Napier means that someone will get the »x». Kar! Cran dall, utility player, who was signed by Burch during Jimmy Wilcox's absence from the dub. is slated to leace i he team. Napier will take Crandall's plare on the roster, and once again the club will lie up to the playing limit of IS men, providing Manager Griggs is listed »s a non playing boss. If Griggs continues as a playing manager, then Burch will have to release anolher man. and that man is likely to Ice Pitcher "Stubby" Mack. GFORGES t \RPFVriKR I I < KY Will N IT ( OMKS TO FIGHTING. When Jt come* to drawing the tight fans In at the gate. George* «'ar|>en* tier, the handsome, is a champion all by himself. Not m» long ago ( arpentier came to America to meet Jack Dempsey, all of which he did Wlial Dempsey did to George* is history. The champ ail hut put HamUoine George* to sleep for keep*. (arpentier went home, restid up, and when the Dempsey affair sort of died a slow death. George* and hi* elever manager, Descaaips returned to Ihe I nited State* to meet Gibbon*. \galn thousand* of fan* saw (arpen tier get heat and hadly. ! Ihsi amps, the elever manager, as sided by a flock of press agents, filled Die wire* with yarn* about Georg* * having an injured ankle when he fought Gibbon*. Then came ihe < '^rpentier-Gene Tunnev affair. The American light | heavyweight champion handed Gar pentier another beating:. He knocked ihe Kif'in iiman down four times in one round and beat George* so hadly That the latter was unable to answer the bell in the 15th. Because of tlte cloud of uncertainty a* to whether Tunney won fairly or unfairly, ( arpentier has asked for a return match. Before the fight he stated that if defeated he would re turn home and i|uit the ring game. Did he return? He did not. \* long as the tight fan* will go see him get beat (arpentier will remain on this side of the creek. The fact that I.. urges is a “ha* Hc‘#*ii,“ c*r. rather, a “never was,’* doesn’t stop him from pulling the fan* in at the gate He will probably show* in Omaha now that h$ ha* played h.s cards a5 a feature attraction in the ea«:. *XXS (.FORGE I.AM>0\ WII DFU MAN TH W “XXII D R( I I. : I IKIM. □KORGK HAM SOX. former Walt hill (Ncb.i Indian heavyweight fighter and well known among Omaha fight fan*, is wilder than the Wild Full of the Pampas.“ Kirpo. according to I-emar Hoover, athletic director of Oklahoma City college, who vv.ie sponsor for lamison during a number of his A K. F bouts. I amsoti is matched to fight Quinton Romero Rojas, the ( Mlf.iit hopeful, in Detroit, Xugu*t 4. Though less than ?(W pound* In weight. l.am*on possesses a wallop second to none, not even th.it of Jack Dempsey, m the opinion of ll«»ovcr. who %*w him knock mure than cue opponent * old with a single punch. In the ting he become* nothing less than a vlid !*« • t. the fu.y »>f his at tack being irresistible of science, however, he hail none, and Hoover doubts whether he ever would l»e able to control his temper long enough to • arry on a strategic ling battle. even should he learn the finer point* of the game. Ifooyer relate* that one night over In Pari*, with a shot or two under lit* belt. I .tttisnn walked info » saloon and up to the bar. Looking down the line, he *aw three burly Xfriran* lined up waiting for service. l etting out a war whoop. I aimon charged litem, swung his right three time*, and each swing stretched an Xfrh an on the floor Fut, like many other* of hi* type. Umson ha* let dissipation he*t him out of ihe »1ng glory that might hove been his Soni* gent* are so lucky that when r\er they have been touted on a lover they have engine trouble and never ieach the truck to bet while wh« n ever the> *t* touted on I I* • m.', t*. l » itm | « qualified fee hiillli in c ntiire Buffaloes Win Five Out of I^ast Eight Game* Those Buffaloes of ours ore rapid lv chalking up another long list ni victories. Monday they wort the fifst game of the St. Joseph aeries on the latter's own lot by the score of 5 to 3. Nick Cullop, who is giving "Mtfle' Washburn of Tulsa a close run for home run honors, got his 27th cir Here's Buffaloes’ Pitching Records Player W. I,. Pi t. R. II. BB. HO Dailey. R I! 4 .75* 69 149 46 Sfi Knupal, IMI 4 .733 72 157 73 77 Mark, R...10 6 .625 (Ml 151 11 74 la-e. 1.15 8 .652 I (Ml 207 51 111 liailey, I...14 9 , -nd the leaders. Herring of Kearney i« leading the league in bitting with i percentage of .*(2. Mlandinr. Won IsOBt P. t Knrn»y .... j K«n»ft*ir ... 4 | .511 otiinla* • Hfsnill*. K*5ti,i#)' 4. Hnrtviil J <;U,bon l, K*n4 K P*™ f’r*#k • A tiHl 5 . Win4#n 1. Fairbury Brave* ^ in. Fairbury. * July 25.—Fairbury I Braves defeated Beatrice Inde pendents Sunday by the score of 6 to 1. Batteries! Fairbury. Wiley and Hans Beatrice, Johannes, Walker iand Mathew*. qjACJD - Results H AWTHORNK. First r« e F v* furlongs W.nnt# u W) cn (W. Povli * 1 2 S-l !-l » l-t Promising 1-fc * a iP kenn.2-1 l.rae 1 4t». Chinook. Acceleration Boot R.ng li *» limiimi, Silent Killian. »j«-hen. Malkt. Hhon*. lie>q Carter and l ngeu | ure *lan i ar Fecund ia e: F v# and one half fur long* Marge K (Cha* moral. ... f-1 S-l I ; San Mangel < Weiner). 2S-1 7-J Fader a hat i McDermott*. 1-2 - Time 1 *7. Stay »*n. Son ne, M s* Kmrnert, Clique. Hsk* Boo. l.tndm Ziada and Try Again a a© ran. Third rut. One mile. I'mn 'P Shot (Ellis) .12-5 4-5 I S Poet ilium » Bogsnowakl).5-4 1-4 Blotter tFiaher) ..f ^ Time 1 IT .-4 Barn Dollar. R > s Mountain, Kr*.»e!l and The Roll CaU also ran Fourth ra«e M e an1 * x’ee-ih E’hei C'ayum ( Anderaor i la-4 e\ rn !-? Bel|»hrt*onia K'halmmt.7-4 1-1 Laxeen (M- Dermogm . .. .1-4 T ine: l ,4i «*4. A’l O'tr and Corr * Song also *an Fifth rare furlong* Be«aln la