The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 27, 1924, PART THREE, Page 3-C, Image 19

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    Council Bluffs
Travel In Its every form fills the
minds of many these days since sum
mer has swung into place, and during
August when the season reaches Us
peak those who have not had their
holiday will be seeking the various
pleasure grounds.
Miss Ann Dodge, accompanied by
Miss Ruth Klttredge and Miss
Blanche Mayo left last W'eek for a
sojourn in Colorado and from there
may journey to California.
The Frank Binders, J. A. Clarks,
Frank Everests, James W. Mitchells
and Mrs. Roy DeVol who made on
overland trip to Yellowstone, return
Kl a few days ago and the Norman Fil
, Berts, Joe Smiths and Misses Meyers
are expected home today from their
motor trip through Colorado.
, Mrs. Mac Hanchett, who went to
‘ Colorado Springs early in the summer
has remained on to visit one of her
sisters and others from here who are
enjoying Colorado are Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Rohling and family, Edith and
Margaret Flickinger and Mary Eliza
beth Innes. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McGee
\rlll return from there this week but
their daughter Mrs. Grace Blanchard
will remain on with her children for
some time.
At the Minnesouri club, Lake Mll
tona, Minnesota, are the George
Maynes and others from here who
have been attracted to that climate
are the George Van Brunt and Charles
R. Hannan families who are at
Mrs. Sydney Smith Is summering
»» in ihe east and the BYank Garrets
* have just returned from there, hav
ing attended the democratic conven
tion while in New York.
Lake Okoboji has its quota of Coun
cil Bluffs vacationists this year, many
society folk having accepted the hos
pitality of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maur
er at their attractive summer home.
Arr hg those who have already been
to this haven of rest are Messers and
Mesdames J. J. Hess, John Mehlhop,
jr., Charles Test Stewart, John P.
Davlg, H. A. Quinn. W. S. Stillman
and Dr. and Mrs. Donald Macrae, Jr.
The Will Maurers go up August 1
and Mrs. Drayffon W. Bushnell will
be there later in the month.
Mrs. Mable Louie and her daughter,
Miss .Leontine, are now with friends
at this popular resort and last week
Miss Sarah Clark, Miss Nancy Still
man and Reed Peregoy motored up
with Miss Sibyl Tubbs, to spend a
Yrtnight at the Tubbs’ summer home
’The Elms.”
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Searles spend
the greater part of their summers
each year at Okoboji, with numerous
fiientfc from here their guests.
Mrs. W. P. Hombaeh left last Sun
lay for San Francisco and Mrs. John
P. Organ will start for California in
lie very near future. The Leon Laf
.’ertya leave Friday for the coast and
are planing to make the trip via
i he Canadian Rockies.
The Louis Squires recently return
ed from a delightful motor trip
hrough New Hampshire and Vermont
and on August 5th Mrs. Donald Ma
crae, Jr., accompanied by her grand
son, Donald Macrae IV, will start east
to visit her daughter and son ln-law
Mr. anti Mrs. Clifford Wolfe of Rock
anti. Me.
Sailing from New York on Satur
i-iy for a trip to Central America were
tlr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Oard, Dr. and
Mrs. A. V. Hennessy, their son Junior
ind nephew Donald Hennessy who ex
ect to be away until some time in Sep
tnber and Miss Frances Earenfight
is still in South America, having
made the trip with the Pavley
Oukrainsky Ballet organization, of
v. hleh she is one of the soloists.
Although Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Annis.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lougeo and Miss
lane Schoentgen had interesting for
•ign til, ? -: r|- jn tile season, the on
y ones from u . il Bluffs whom
■lurope L now claiming are Miss Anna
L I toss, Mrs. K. R. Werndorff ami
\lr. and Mrs. John M. Galvin and
lack Peacock. Miss Ross, who an
nually conducts tourists over is now
in Italy with her party of 16, many of
w horn are from Omaha and Mrs.
Werndorff is with her mother in Vien
na. The Galvins who sailed June 7th
were In London last week attending
he Bar Association meeting. Writing
“arly in July from Ireland where they
•pent about six weeks Mrs. Galvin
i. id “Killarney is so beautiful. Light
blowers nearly every day and then
he sunshine. Just like Ireland smilin’
111 rough her tears."
Mr. Peacock is studying in Europe
a id will not return until winter.
The marriage of Miss Clair Me
Innerney, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs.
-,Benjamin Mclnnerney, and Edward
M. Heflin of Spokane, Wash., was
tolemnized last Wednesday morning
In St. Francis Xavier church, and fob
owed by a wedding breakfast served
it the bride's home.
The young couple plighted their
roth before the assistant pastor. Rev.
I’. A. Doyle, who afterwards read the
nuptial mass.
The wedding marches were played
py Miss Rodna Hughes, who also ac
companied Mra. Donald Annis and
Miss Marjorie Power* when they
(ling during the ceremony. Miss Em
ily Cleve played a violin obligato.
The bride was modishly gowned In
a soft crepe of sea green with a
picture hat of tulle, and carried roses
ind valley lilies.
She was attended by her sister,
Florence, who wore rose meteor
• lepe combined with silver, with
imall hat to match. Her arm bouquet
was of Ophelia roses.
t Mr. and Mrs. Heflin are on an east
in honeymoon and before returning
to Spokane, where they expect to re
tide, will spend a few days In Coun
cil Bluffs.
Affairs for Miss McComb.
Miss Lola McComb who, on August
16, Is to marry Charles C. Bock, Jr.,
a as honored on Friday evening at a
dinner given In Omaha by Mr. and
Mrs J. 8. McComb.
Miss Myrtle Peterson gave a lunch
eon at the Brandela tea room Satur
day for Miss McComb. and this morn
Ing Miss Esther Hardy Is honoring
Her with s breakfast.
Mrs. Mehlhop Entertains.
Mrs. Walker Corbin of Worcester.
Mass and Mrs. Jack Grlebel of Pat
erson, N, J., shared honors on Friday
fct a small luncheon over which Mrs
llohn Mehlhop, Jr., presided at her
* Entertain at Club.
Entertaining Jointly at the Coun
try club on Thursday were Mrs Frll
fcaVtU'iMM ttfl- 1*9
-— —
Summer Visitor From the East
V .. . ' -. - - -
Numbered among the interesting
summer visitors is Mrs. Jack Griebel
who came from her home in Pater
son, N. J., last week with her 5-year
old daughter, Mary, to visit >fr. and
Mrs. Robert Turner.
Before her marriage, Mrs. Griebel
was Miss Harriett Barnes and several
—Photo by Knicoly.
years ago visited in Omaha with her
room-mate, Miss Helen Pearce, who Is
now Mrs. Turner.
Miss Marian Turner gave a lunch
eon at the Country club last Tues
day for this visitor who will be hon
ored on Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week when her hostess entertains
at luncheons.
who invited 54 guests to a breakfast,
followed by bridge.
Prize winners were Mrs. Elmer
Shugart, Mrs. A. D. Annis and Mrs.
John Shugart.
Mrs. Bowles a Hostess.
Ten guests lunched with Mrs Elsie
Bowles at the Brandeis tea room last
Mrs. Bowles leaves this week for
Duluth and will later go to New York
for a visit before accompanying her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Butts,
to California, where they expect to
Affairs for the Younger Set.
Visiting girls and brides to-be
shared honors at a round of festivi
ties last week and a series of affairs
are scheduled for the days to come.
Last Monday Mrs. Eugene Porter
had a luncheon of 27 covers honoring
her house guest. Miss Helen Qriess
of Lincoln. On Tuesday and again on
Thursday Mrs. Harold Hughes gave
bridge-teas for Miss Rosemary Han
lon of Pittsburgh, who has been vis
iting Miss Mary Louise Tinley. Miss
Hanlon W’as honored with a dinner in
Omaha that evening over which Miss
Marie Kennebeck presided.
Mftss Dorothy Hurd had a luncheon
Wednesday for Miss Hanlon, Miss
Lillian Johnson of Detroit, who is
visiting Miss Elizabeth Woodbury,
and. Miss Louise Harned, a guest at
the E. P. Schoentgen home.
Friday Miss Caroline Theinhardt
had eight guests for luncheon and
bridge in compliment to Miss Han
lon, that afternoon Miss Louise Voss
had a bridge-tea for Miss Harned and
in the evening a dinner of 10 covers
was given by Herbert Woodbury for
Miss Johnston.
Eight tallies were filled with bridge
players, wt^en Misses Constance and
Faltb McManus entertained Saturday
afternoon honoring Miss Harned.
Miss Johnston, Miss Jeannette Shep
ard of Evanston, 111., who is visiting
relatives here, and Miss Beatrice
Hughes of Des Moines, who arrived
Wednesday to spend a week with her
sister, Mrs. Jack Wilcox, and Mr.
Harry Voss had 14 guests for din
ner Saturday night at the Brandeis
restaurant, followed l>y a theater
party planned for Miss Harned and
Miss Johnston.
On Monday Miss Rosanna Reed will
entertain for Miss Shepard, Tuesday
Miss Norma Taylor is planning a
breakfast-bridge for . Miss Nell
Roecker, fiancee of John Wadsworth,
and Wednesday this hostess will en
tertaln In a similar way.
Mrs. Abbott Dean of Boston, who
fs summering In Council Bluffs with
her husband's parents. Dr. and Mrs.
F. W. Dean, has arranged r luncheon
at the Country club for Wednesd iy
honoring Miss Johnston and Thurs
day Mrs. John G. Wadsworth will
have 36 luncheon guests in compli
ment to Miss Roecker, who Is to be
an August bride, and Miss Berdlna
Snyder, who will be married early In
the autumn.
Miss Margaret Group wag Is plan
ning a bridge luncheon for Friday,
honoring Miss Roecker and Miss
Plans of Miss Douglas.
Miss Elizabeth Douglas expect* to
leave during August for Sioux City,
la., where she will visit Miss Mary
Ellen McLaughlin, who has fre
quently visited here, and Miss Dor
othy Toy, who was a recent guest at
the Douglas home.
On her return she will he accom
panied hy Miss McLaughlin.
Bridge Tea.
Mrs. Lon Ffaff and Miss Louise
Lynch of Monmouth, III., were the
complimented guests st a four table
bridge party given Friday by Mrs.
William Pf-iff.
Mr*. Clayton Honored.
Mrs. B. F. Clayton, formerly of
Macedonia, la., but now of Indlanola,
visited several days last week at the
uome of Mr. and Mrs. Edson Damon
and In her honor a luncheon wa*
given Monday by Mrs. Roma r.lseer
and the Misses Alresta snd Dora
Lyon, for tlielr mother, Mr*. W. F.
Lyon, who has been confined to her
room by Illness, hut who has known
Mrs. Clayton for several years.
Additional guests at this informal
affair were Mrs. Cook, her daughter,
Mrs. O. N. Rose, and granddaughter.
Miss Dorothy Rose, all of Omaha;
Mrs. Willoughby Dye, Mrs. Robert
Wallace and Mrs. Damon.
Harold Slmbert’s Work Praised.
Harold Shubert of this city, who
has been scoring in New York in
"Abie's Irish Rose,” comes in for a
great deal of praise in an article
which appeared recently in Colliers.
Gifts From Paris.
When Mrs. A. D. Annis entertained
her bridge-club at luncheon last Wed
nesday. she presented each of the
members, who number eight, with
a lovely bead bag which she selected
while in Paris on her recent honey
Miss Kathleen Peacock has re
turned from Boulder, Colo.
Dr. and Mrs. IJoyd G. Howard an
nounce the birth of a daughter.
A daughter was born last Wednes
day to Mr. and Mrs. McDonnell.
Miss Florence Baker, fiancee of Dr.
Jack Treynor, has arrived to visit at
the Dr. V. L. Treynor home for sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. 'J. F. Skillen, sister of Mrs.
Adam K. Hess, arrived Wednesday
from Boise, Idaho, with her two chil
dren. Billie and Helen, for a month's
Bruce Wallace, Elbert Oruver,
Harold McComb and Clarence Jenkins
are spending the' week-end In Des
Moines having motored over on Sat
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams, who
are delegates to tjje republican state
judiciary convention which convenes
in Des Moines on Tuesday, will motor
over there today.
Miss Annie L. Beardsley of Cham
paign. 111., is visiting at the home of brother and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Beardsley. She will be
joined here early in the week by her
brother, Hon. H. M. Beardsley, of
Kansas City, and together they will
take a trip to Minnesota.
Fremont Society |
Fremont. Neb.,1 July 26.—Nearly
200 women took advantage of the
open day program at the Fremont
Country club Tuesday, at one of the
most successful luncheons and card
parties of the season.
One hundred and forty reservations
were made for luncheon and addition
al guests arrived in time for the
bridge and kensington. Mr*. Ralph
Van Orsdel, Omaha, won first honors
at bridge with Mrs. Otto Schllcker
Fremont, taking second. Consolation
went to Mrs. Lute Gage, Fremont.
Mrs. Phillip Rine, Fremont, captured
the kensington honors.
Itfany of the members entertained
large parties.
The committee in charge of the
ladles' program at the Country club
next Tuesday is made up of the fol
lowing members: Mrs. Herman Peter
son, chairman; Mesdames C. D. Marr,
C. J. Malmsten, Nels Johnson, C. J
Marr, Eva Miller. John Melick and
the Misses Maude May and Bertha
Shepard. Mrs. Melick is the kensing
ton hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shepard, Dr.
and Mrs. H. D. Muir, Miss Emily
Hansen and Mrs. Merle Rathbun,
Lincoln, leave Monday for a week’s
camping at the Muir-Chappell-Marr
camp on the Platte river near Ames.
Miss Lura Pratt will entertain the
Frega club next Friday afternoon.
The Misses Phyllis and Hortense
Schurman, of Omaha, and Mildred
Weber, Arlington, will attend as spe
cial guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jennings arc
hosts to a house party of relatives.
The guest list Includes: Mrs. Annie
Keye, Mr*. Inlln* Morris, Miss Beryl
Morris, Miss Margaret Morris, all of
Jacksonville, Florida: L. S. Fritz,
Cleveland, Okl , P. R. Frits, Wichita
and Mr*. W. P. Fritz, Oklahoma
Miss Mildred Weber. Arlington, was
the guest of honor at a party given
hy Miss Dorothy Wehner, Wednesday.
The event wa* in the furni of a one
o'clock luncheon followed by bridge.
Miss Weber won the honors In bridge
as well as receiving a guest prize.
Miss Ruth Sanders, Denver, daugh
ter of the late W. M. Sanders, former
Dodge county surveyor, Is visiting at
the home of friends in Fremont. Dur
ing the week she was the guest at
many gatherings in her honor, one
of these being given by Ruth Cain.
Miss Mildred Weber, Arlington, was
also a guest at the same affair.
Mrs. George T. Kddy left Thursday
for Mifflington, Penn., for an extend
ed visit with her parents. With her
parents, Mrs. Eddy expects to drive
to Virginia for a several weeks stay
at the sea shore.
Mr. and Mrs. John Goff, will leave
the first week in August for Spring
field, Mo., for an extended visit with
their daughter Mrs. Fayette Heard
and Mrs. Frank Brown.
Mrs. E. C. Morgan of Hastings and
children, , Edward. Jr., and Betty
Elaine, are visiting Mrs. Morgen's
parents, the Jamgg Wilsons.
Popular Guest
Exceedingly popular whs Miss Rose
mary Hanlon, who spent several days
here last week as the guest of Miss
Mary Louise Tlnley with whom she
was graduated In June from Trinity
college, Washington, D. C.
Miss Hanlon departed Friday eve
ning for her home In Pittsburgh, Pa.
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Place your reservation for AUGUBl
Afternoon and Evening
Moderate Tuition Phone WA 4Sir>
Write Prof. Pete Wendell, Nichola*
The Druggists listed below
are Registered by Law to
serve you. Buy all of your
drug store needs of these
druggists and know that you
are getting the benefit of
recognized training, exper*
* ience and service.
*201 Military Ava. WA. 0508.
3024 S. 32d Ava. HA. 5807
18th and Farnam. JA. 0081
6108 Military Ava. WA. 4300
1402 S. 16th St. JA. 8350
101 S. ISth St. AT. 3289
*616 Cuming St. HA. 0418
3227 California St. HA. 0498
4138 Grand Ava.. KE *244. ;
4737 Military Ava. WA. *150
2*13 Military Ava. WA 2858
524 N. 24th St. JA. 124S
* 1223 S. 24th St. AT. 0402
|j'i 4923 Undrewood Ava. WA. 0483
3924 Amaa Ava. KE. 5990
40th and Farnam. HA 3216
40th and Farnam Sta. HA. 1676
60th and Military Ava. WA. 3411
16th and Howard Sta. JA 0145
4967 Dodf a St. WA. 1130
3819 N 24th St. WE. 0942
| 4806 N. 30th St. KE. 8300
j 2628 N. 16th St. WE. 0422
! 3002 N. 24th St. WE. 0877
117 S. 15th St. JA. 1914
5203 Laavanworth St. WA. 2470
2001 Laha St. WE. 0269
6716 N. 30th St. KE. 8177
101 N. 40th St. HA. 0821
2601 N. 48th St. WA. 1125
1848 N. 16th St. WE. 5833
4430 Floranca Blvd. KE. 1754
24th and Laha Sta. WE. 0609
62d and Mapla Sta. WA 4704
16th and Cumlnf. JA. 0841
! 3608 N. 16th St. WE. 2626
1401 Farnam St. JA. 4813
33d and Cuming
424 N. 20th St. AT 5144
811 3. 48th St. WA 2087
South Omaha Druggists
4802 S. 24th St. MA. 0173
4826 S. 24th St. MA 0807
i 4104 S. 24th St. MA. 0110
Buy yomrVicatoon^
Meeds Irom your druggist
Glorious vacation days! Green fields, idling brooks and
all nature invites you to enjoy the great outdoors. This is the
time of health building—a time to fortify the body against the
“shut-in” days of winter to come.
Right now your druggist is a veritable store house of
vacation needs. His knowledge and wide experience enables him
to select the things you will need to make your outing more en
joyable and to safeguard the health of your family against the
little ills and discomforts incidental to vacation pleasures.
Here are listed a few of the necessary vacation needs.
Your druggist offers large assortments and unusual values right
now. And because of his wide knowledge and the high standard
of his profession he selects each article with the greatest care.
You may patronize him with the complete assurance that you
are getting the highest quality of merchandise at a fair price
Your Druggist recommends and guarantees these vacation needs
Thermos Bottles
Lunch Sets
Paper Napkins
Bathing Caps
Tooth Pastes
and Powders.
Cold Creams
Talcum Powder
Toilet Water
Tooth Brushes
Shaving Soaps
Shaving Outfits
Drinking Cups
First Aid Kits
Absorbent Cotton
Cotton Bandages
Absorbent Gauze
Absorbent Lint
Adhesive Plaster
Antiseptic Powder