r wom™™ 1 The < >maha Sunday Dee > — . . /-__ — .. j VOL. 64—NO. 7. PARTTHREE OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1924. 1—C FIVE CENTS Omahaivs arvd Guests Mrs. Louis Vollintine of Chicago and her two winsome daughters, Jean and Suzanne, have been guests of Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hall at the* Blackstone hotel this week. Mrs. Vollintine, sister of Mrs. Hull, Is en route to Lincoln to visit her parents, Judge and Mrs. E. P. Holmes. Both Mr. and Mrs. Vollintine are alumni of the University of Nebraska, where Mrs. Vol lintine (Miss Ruth Holmes) was a member of Chi Omega sorority. Following her school days she traveled extensively abroad. During her stay in Omaha, Mrs. Vollintine has been the motif for a number of affairs. Miss Kitty Frohne of Grand Rapids, Mich., is the guest of her cousin, Miss Katherine Doorly, and of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorly. On Thursday Miss Dahpne Peters will give a picnic for Miss Doorly and her guest at the M. C. Peters farm, south of the city. Miss Doorly, who will graduate next year from National Cathedral school in Washington, D. C., will leave early in September to attend a house party given in Providence, R. I., by her roommate, Miss Katrina Sturges, tefore classes open. Summering at home are Dr. and Mrs. R. Russell Best and their S-month old son, Robert Aliyn, who is seen above in his first picture taken with his mother. Next year Mrs. Best and Robert Allyn will go to Ogunquit, Me., where the baby's grandparents, the F. B. Johnsons, have their summer home. In spite of her own baby’s extreme youth, Mrs. Best will share the time devoted to his rare this winter witii the babies brought to the Junior League Baby station. Mrs. Best has been prominently identified for the past two years witii that branch of Junior league work. Mrs. James R. Johnson arlrved a week ago from her home in Columbus, O., to visit Mrs. Karl W. Jones, a former classmate at Ohio university, with whom she had been a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority. Mrs. Stewart Nice of Richmond, Ind., sister of Mrs. Jones, is also her guest. She is spending the summer in Omaha. Both visitors are being widely entertained. Mrs. Jones is herself a popu lar young matron, who has been cordially welcomed since her arrival here with Mr. Jones four years ago. Mrs. Jones has two charming little daughters, fudith and eJan. A welcome newcomer who has become quite definitely identified witii educational and, social circles, is Mrs. ‘John W. Yeager, who came here ss a bride about two years ago. Member of Delta Delta Delta sorority at the University of Arkansas, she is president of the local alliance and la also actively Interested in the Omaha College club. Mrs. Yeager was an Indiana girl but attended school in the south and was a high school teacher in the Pacific northwest. DEWELL PHOTO —_■— ' c#tss Katherine Dootly , Jtiss Kitiie Trohne, Summer Style in Ghosts By GABBY. THOSE Who believe In ghosts should avoid the vicinity of the Country club after a rainy after noon. Gabby heare that residents along the highway Into Happy Hol low boulevard had a shock the other evening, for what they assumed t« be the first motor ghost blew by, rwathed in fluttering wrappings of white, which they concluded must be ill the go this summer among the more fashionable shades. The ghost, however, turned out to be real enough—Louis Metz, in fact, who, caught out In the rain, had Ingeniously swathed himself from top to toe In the club towels for the run home In his open car. A FAD for collecting rare fish, sent here by dealers In denizens of tropical waters, Is causing Loring Elliott a great deal of trouble these dHys during the absence.of his fiancee, Miss Helen Hoagland, In St. Louis. Their purchases have been so elab orate, and the fish so rare, that they require constant care, care Mr. Elliott found to his discomfiture devolved on him. Each day, It le eald. he make* a pH - grlmage to the home of his love, ss to a shrine—not to lay flowers before her picture according to the old Vic torian precedent, but to keep thing* attractive and homelike for the flriny progeny. Undoubtedly the old world charm of Aqulla Court has en ticement for all of ue hundred per cent American*. For some of us, more recently come to these shores, these charm* have a deeper meaning, a more poignant claim on our emo tion*. Gabby taw a group of Italian women sitting In one of the shaded -- w corners the other day, each with a picnic lunch on her broad lap. They were gazing about them as they ate and chattered 'tween bites, with the satisfaction of those seeing the things they had known and loved. To them the gracious curves of the archways, the white sunlight on ths rough stones of the courtyard, the cool passages before the broad windows, where bright waree caught the eye, meant more than eurface beauty: they meant a glimpse of the old life In the midst of the new. Mr. Hanighen Meets Former Omalian in London. Frank Hanlgen, who ts spending several months abroad will sail for home early In September. In I.ondnn recently, fie met Rex Barton of Bos ton. formerly of Omaha, who had Just returned from a hunting trip In Africa. Mr. Hanlghen had the distinction of being entertained at Oxford col lege. In Ireland, this traveler vlsttetd his father's birthplace at Westport. Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland are on his Itlnery. While In Cologne, Mr Hanlghen was a guest in the home of a German friend whom he had met on his tour. For the Cooleys. Mrs. George Palmer gave an Infor mal luncheon at her home Saturday for a few of Mrs. Arthur J. Cooley's friends, honoring Mrs. Cooley, who leaves Tuesday with Mr. Cooley for their home In Seattle The A. H. Rich ardsons gave a dinner last evening In their honor, end Mrs. Preston en tertained Friday In compliment to Mrs. Cooley. Army Sot Nrwromers. Among the new arrivals In the army set are l.leutenant and Mrs. Elmer ilostetter, who recently cam# from Philadelphia, where l.leutenant Hostetler was on duty with the Q. M school They are residing tempo rarily at the home of Colonel end Mrs. Alvin K. Bsskstts. 5)-T For Miss McMillan. Mlaa Elizabeth McMillan, cousin and guest of Mrs. Samuel Rees, was entertained at a luncheon at Happy Hollow club on Friday by Mrs. Charles Harding. Mrs. C. W. Pollard was hostess at her home on Saturday honoring Miss McMillan. Devah Clark and Marie "Wilson have returned from two weeks at Okobojl. S)-— Miss Baxter Visits in Flagstaff, Ariz. M3ss Katherine Baxter leaves Wed nesday to visit Miss I.iuella Campbell, a former classmate at the Walnut Hill school, In Massachusetts, at her home In Flagstaff, Ariz. Miss Baxter will remain for a month and on her return will go east to continue her studies at Vassar. Visits the Cudahys. Dr. Earl Sage will return this week —-$ from a week epent In Dubuque with Mr. and Mra. Frederick Dattner (Martha Morton of Nebraska City). The early part of the week Dr. Sage and the Lattners visited the Joy Mor tons at Thornhill Farms. They spent two days with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cudahy at their French chateau in T^ake Forest, then nt Hinsdale on *Fri day and Saturday they saw the siml flr.als and finals of the western golf championship while they were guests of the Wirt Mortons. —.. ..© yy ' cACcs. Kail U). Sones^. i ScJCrs James cToftrcs-onN otfxs. SieuJart Jxice DiWELU PHOTO dCrs £ouis VoUinlinz n i AND DAUGHTERS c/(?aa I and S’liganne. | ' HEYN PHOTO cACts.'jZ. Bussell Best *ho Robert ufllyn Best m _ __ _ The Sihhernsens Hosts to Mrs. Allison's Guest. Mr. and Mrs. I. Slbbgrnnen will en tertain at dinner Monday evening at tlielr home for Mra. C. C. Alllaon nnd her guest, Mlaa Norah Brown, of New York. Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mra. C. H. Hhnmea will celebrate their 2nd wedding anniver sary this evening at a dinner for 10 guesta. Mra. Hhnmea, who waa formerly Mlaa Corrlne Meaner of Chicago, has Junt returned from a 6 week's visit with her parents. Athletic Tilth Roof. Parties worn given on the Athletic club roof Inst night by R. Pollard for 8 guents; W, I.. Hidsman, 4; C. R Field. 8; W. K. Tyson, 8; A TV An nla, 4; I, Hklnner, 4, nnd P. Rosen thll, U. a Midsummer Bridge la Open to Public Many reservation* hnva been made fur the midsummer bridge, to be giv en Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Omaha Field club, by th* house and horn# committee. Omaha Wo man's club, Mr*. Georg* J. Hender ■on. chairman Benutlfiil prize* have been provld *d, according to Mr*. Hendercon. Th* public I* Invited to attend, mak Ing reservation* In advance with Mr*. J M. l-owe, Mr*. John 8. Hurd or Mr*. J P. Sinter. M i*a Worley (Jivra Tea. M1s» Harriet Frahm. of Lincoln, will be guest of honor at a lea given today by Mine Katherine Worley, at "F.dgownod", Mis* Worley's summer home near Italston Ml** Frahm was a resident of Omaha for a number of veara, and I* pant president of the Hualn*** and Professional Woman • Olub- aixteen guests will be present MffvN Photo uKtsJohn U) ycager Rushing Parties Sorority rushing )>artles are taking place as events of midsummer Many of the Greek letter girls have beien uuletly entertaining all through the summer for fall rushees Delta Gam ms girle gave s tea dan annte at Happy Hollow Saturday afternoon for 10 rushees and 15 active nnd alumnae memhere. They plan a party later to be given at the home of Mrs. A I.. Ruahton. Mrs. Will Itam*oy Is local alumnae president. Tri Dolt Guest Ann Hopkins, of lies Moines, la a week guest Of Miss Catherine Davelle. Friday Mis* Margaret Shaw gave a luncheon at the Brnndele and that evening Mrs. John I-avelle gave a swimming picnic st Krug park and Saturday Mrs. C. E Miller gave a dlnnsr dance. Mis* Hopkins and Miss Lavelle are members of Delta Delta Delta st Iowa university For Mis* Woodworth. Miss Ellanore Haxter will entertain at the Country club Wednesday for Miss Mary Carolyn Woodworth of Kansas City, guest of Mrs N. H. Loomis. For Mr*. Kitchen. Mrs II. (1. Hawk will entertain at luncheon at Carter laike club on Thursday, honoring Mrs. Roberta Kitchen, who will leave In September for Callforntla. Mr*. Parson* Honored. Mrs. Earl Allen will entertain It guests st luncheon and bridge at the Field club Tuesday, honoring her • nest. Mrs 1 lurry Parsons of Chicago. Dinner Tarty. Mr and Mre. Heme Hopkins of Council Rluffs entertained at dinner | at thetr horns last night for Mr. and I Mr*. E A. Creighton and son*. 1 r— ■■ - ■ | Personals Miss Ruth Grlmmel 1* spending the week end In Lincoln. Mrs Arthur F. Smith is spending six weeks in Los Angeies. Mrs. James H. Morton returned this week from Glenwood, Minn. Mrs Sanford Gifford, who has been seriously 111, is greatly improved. Mr a. Charles E. Black's alstar. Mrs Cotton of Chicago. Is her guest Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowe are ; spending the week end at Perry, la. Mr and Mrs. M. J. Kelllher left | this morning for Minnesota and points east. Mrs. Ann Roberta, who ia spending the summer abroad, ia now In Eng land. Mr and Mrs. Waiter A. Hlxen haugh leave shortly for Evergreen, i Colo. Dr. and Mrs William L. Shearer have gone to the northern lake* for | a month's trip. Mr and Mra. Henry Hart of Council Bluffs, announce the birth of a »on Saturday. Dr. Wlihelmina Christensen has re turned from a post graduate course at Klrksvllle, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Alperson and Mrs. I. Knhn leave Tueeday for Oko hojl for several weeks. John H Hayes of New Tork City la the guest of hla parents, Mr and1 Mrs Robert C. Hayes. Dr and Mrs. Edwin Davis will move Wednesday into their new home at MIS California street. Mree. George Shackleford of Chi cago la the guest of her sister. Mrs J. E Tike, and Mr Tike. Dr and Mra. A. R. Knode and daughter, Norma, have returned from three weeks at Idike Okoboji. Mra 0. Hansen and small ton. Idiw ranee, left Saturday for Chicago to visit Mrs. Frit a K Miller. Mra Howard R. Peterson of Har lan, la. (MIMred Othmer). Is guest of her parents, the F. O. Othmers Jotdan Peters, eon of Mr. and Mrs A. D Peters, will come from Detroit August SS for two weeks' vistt. Mr and Mra. Willis Crosby will move Into I heir new home at Seven ty third and Douglas on Monday. Mr. ami Mrs, D 8. Finkenatein and family left Thursday for 1-os Angeles where they will mske their home Mr amt Mrs Ibm! Shirley who are In Waterloo, la this summer will re lurn In August for a short visit here Mr and Mrs A K. Nygreen and Miss Anne Johnson have recently returned from a five-months' auto trip through the ecuth, west and r Early Bird Captures the — Lecturer for the Winter Season. The early bird, capture* the !ec turer*. And so. societies which pre sent speakers, are assiduously en gaged during tha summer canvassing the field and drawing up contracts for desirable talent to be presented In the fall and winter. Both the Drama league and the So clety of Fine Arts make announce ment today of program attractions for the coming season. On Nov. «, the Society of Fine Arts will present Norman Angell, well known Englishman, whose political writings have made him famous; on December 12. Richard Halleburton. the brilliant Princeton graduate and world traveler, will give what he term* an adventurelog, and on Feb ruary 3. Captain B Macmillan will appear at the Brandela theater to give an Illustrated lecture on 'My Winter In North Greenland in 1S28 1924." Lectures for the later win ter months will be announced short ly Membership under chairmanship of Mrs. Ed I’ndeland. are being taken by all members of the board. Ruth Hale, feminist, and founder of the Lucy Stone league, will open •h« season for the Omaha Drama league on October *1 at the Brandels heater. Although she Is the wife of a very devoted and admiring hus band. Heywood, Broun, well known New York writer and dramatic critic. Kuth Hale prefers to be known as M3ss Hale is a dramatic and motion ■•inced that women should not lose their own names through marriage that she organized the Stone league of which she is also head Among the society's members are Doris Ste 'cns (Mrs Dudley Field Malone), whose former home was Omaha and who frequently visits her parents here Mr and Mrs H. H Stevens Miss Hale is a dramatic and motion picture critic. For five years she has '•een associated with Arthur Hopkins nd Robert IMmond Jones of the Plymouth theater. New York Hei lecture subject will be "From Author to Audience." This is the second number of the Drama league coursw that has already been definitely con traded. Other speakers are now un der consideration Major Vivian Gil berts speaks to the league on March 17. his subject. "Both Sides of the Footlights." north. They traveled through II dtf forent state* and Into Mexico and Canada, a trip of 10.000 miles. Mr and Mra. O. H Oatler and daughters. Pearl, and B, leave Sat urday for a motor trip to the Mlnne sota lakes. Mr and Mr*. Floyd Watherston. their daughter. Evedesia, and son, Jack, leave for Duluth and a tour of the Minnesota lake regions Miss Dorothy Weller is ths guest of her sister. Mrs. Francis Murphy, and Mr. Murphy, in St. Louts. She will he gone a month. Miss Jane Harvey, who haa been a guest st the O. H. Barmettler snd A. P. Condon home* for the past month, returned to her home Saturday, Mra A J Miller and two daughters of Dodg* Neb., who sre moving to Dos Moines, will spend Thursday In Omaha aa guests of Mrs. A. J. Ha* Mil. Dr and Mrs O. Bindewald and daughter. Will* Be# Bindewald. will Vend two weeks In August with Dr Bindewald* mother. Mrs. T. P Orteff. Mr and Mr*. A. 8 Billings Jr., sre In Lucs*, la, today They motored over yesterday to take Mr* Billing*' mother, Mrs. F J Brown home after a visit her*. Mr snd Mr* Harry Sorenson and Mrs. Walter B Carlson of Mlnneap oil* who has# been th* guests of Mi and Mr* B B Dixon hart returned to their home, -j Howard Cray. who has been at the Oray summer home tn Main* for the past month. I* now at Cape Cod with his fiancee. Mis* De Weent* Conrad, and Mrs. Conrad, i _ Mr. snd Mr*. Charles 1. Trimble and daughter. Mis* Virginia Trimble, will go to Chicago and eastern Can ada on an extended trip during Au gust Th* coming week Mis* Tumble will go to Lake Okobojl, la., to be th# guest of Mis* Elizabeth Trimble, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles G. Trimble. Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Gendall plan to leave by motor for Colorado late in August. Mr. Gendall will attend a biennial Boy Scout convention in Estes park early in September. Rev. John Q Go roll of Leeds. S. D , formerly connected with St. Peter* parish here, spent a few days thin r*»t week with old friends In Omaha. He 1* on his way home to visit hi* parent* in Baltimore Mr* M P. Joyce «nd grand.laugh ier. Billie Joyce Chambers, hare re turned to Hollywood. Cal. Mr and Mrs. TV. T. Chambers will remain here for some time with Mr* TV. T. I-owe Mrs. J L. Gideon of Chicago is -pending several day* at the Welling ton inn. a* she travels to Lo# An geles Mrs Gideon left Omaha eight 'ear* ago. Mra Gideon t* visiting wtih Mi** Corlnn* Hiatt. Ml** Louise Molynesus of Minne apolis. MTnn.. will arrive early tn August to be the guest of Mis* Elinor Lowman for several weeks Mia* Lotr man arrived home Tuesday from Minneapolis, where she spent the pet iwo week*. Mr and Mr*. Berne Hopkins of Council Bluff* who returned last week from a ata weeks tour In the west, including Yellowstone Park. Colorado, and a atop at th* Broad moor In Colorado Spring* hare a* ih*lr guest* from Kansa* City. Mrs Hopkins’ mother. Mrs J. C Dowd and son. Ilean. Mr* A TV l^ver and daughter. Ml** Doris Lever, of TVatertown, TV is . who have been guests of Mr*, Layer's sister. Mr* Arthur C. Pan. coast and Mr Panooast. left Friday for their home. These guests oame ' In May to visit several relative* end to attend the wedding of Mra layer's nephew TV E H*m»berg*r. and li» Maryloula* Bryan. a