The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 25, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    Chicago Wheat
Hits New Highs,
Then Drops Back
Immense Profit Taking Causes
Slump — Corn Under
Steady Pressure
Universal Service Staff Correspondent.
v Chicago. July 2*.—Wheat hit naw
highs on the crop today as wild trading
Was resumed, but Immense profit taking.
for the account of leading longs,
earns out on the bulge and finally dropped
*“• market to lower levels for the day.
A feverish condition prevailed in the pit
during the last hour and price changes
•rare rapidly hiade.
, closed 1®1Hc lower, corn was
Jv'vc down, oats were H<8>lc off and
rye ruled higher.
Further confirmation of black ruet In
festation In Canada was received, while
the presence of rust in the American
northwest was reported from various sec
tions of North Dakota and Minnesota,
but it seemed as though the trade here
and apparently at Winnipeg figured that
the sharp advances of the last two days
discounted much of the damage to the
• Corn was under steady pressure
throughout the session. December corn
met good selling at times. Weather con
ditions over the belt were regarded as
favorable for the growth of the crop.
’ ash corn locally was in only moderate
demand, with premiums reactionary. De
mand for cash corn at outside points was
better than at Chicago.
Oats were reactionary throughout the
day, although frequent rallies occurred
owing to the rapid advances in wheat.
Rye closed higher for the day. Rus
sian crop news was bullish and reports
from the seaboard that Gennanv had
taken some rye helped to sustain this
Provisions anoved higher during the
first hour and then broke sharply with
grains. Lard was 124 @22 Vic lower and
ribs were 6@25e lower.
Pit Notes.
Crop news regarding the progress of
Canadian wheat was rather conflicting
today. It tended to unsettle confidence
at times and probably accounted for the
Jess urgent speculative support. Cana
dian messages in many instances, but
nearly all of private nature, were skepti
cal about the material damage reported
over the Canadian country by American
Trade leaders paid little attention to
these contradictions, however. The Cana
dian Pacific crop report confirmed great
damage. It said that in northern and
central Saskatchewan wheat deteriorated
35 to 50 per cent and that in southern
Alberta wheat yields will he barely one
third of last year. Winnipeg today was
relatively higher than Chicago and closed
iO%c over our July—the highest premium
so far.
The country has sold large amounts of
new wheat the last two days and hedg
ing pressure has likewise accumulated in
the pit. Increased receipts are looked
for early next week and barring addi
tional damage to northwest crops chances
are that the trade will shun the buying
side and await the development of a live
lier export* business.
Demand for cash wheat in all of the
principal markets of the country has been
exceptionally good so far. Millers have
been taking the offerings of new crop
consistently for the last few weeks. Still,
it is said, that requirements are not ob
tained as yet. Northwest millers have
been taking the southwest wheat with
unusual alacrity. The poor outlook for
Canadian wheat apparently convinced
them that the source of supply would be
eliminated this year. Stocks of wheat
at Minneapolis for five days this week
decreased 275.000 bushels.
By Updike Grain company, Atlantic 8212.
Art._I Open. I High. 1 Low. Close. Yes.
Rrbt. I ,
July 1.32%l 1.33% 1.80% . 131 1.32%
Sept. 1.29% [ 1.31%) 1.28 % 1,28% 1.30
.. 1.28%). . 1.28% 1.30%
Dee. 1.32%) 1.34%! 1.31 1.31% 1.32%
„ j 1 31%j..1- 1.31% 1.82%
Stay 1.87% 1 39% 1.3# 1.36% 1.37%
„ I 1 37% . 1.36% 1.37%
Rye I
July I .85 .85 .88% .84% .8*
Sept. | .87^ ,87% .85% .86% .86%
Dec. I .91 * '.91% ".89% ".90% ".90%
!.orn i
July | 1.08 % I 1.09 1.07% 1.07 % | 1.03%
Sept, i 1.05 i 1.05 % I 1.03% 1.03% 1.06%
104% .I. 1.03% 1.054*
Dee. | .92%! .92% .91 .91 .92%
• .. ! -92%!.91% .92%
‘Uy 93S 9314 93 93 93%
„ '-‘SS .93<
Oste I
July I .65 .66% .53% .53% .54%
1.56% . ..
| -47% I 47%j .46% .46% .47%
Dec. i %9% -49% i *. 48 % ".48% "«»%
.49% .. 1_ _„ 79
M,y ! ffj4 •53*j -81 % .62%
J-ard i j
July 12.70 12 70 |l0.70 12 70 112 37
Sept. 13 10 13.10 112 82 112 85 |13 01
Ribs I
July linflS 10 95 |10 95 |to.96 [1110
3»pt 11 ill 30 11115 in 15 111 26
New York General.
New York. July L’4—Rye—Barely
steady. No. 1 western. 96%c f o b New
York and 96 %c c. 1. f. export'.
Barley—Firm: malting. 99%e®$!.t)31A.
c. i. f. New York.
Wheat—Spot irregular. No. 1 dark
northern spring. <■ l f. New York lake
and rail. $1.55%; No. 2 hard winter, f. o
b. lake and rail. $1.44% No. 1 Manitoba,
f o b. lake and rail. $155 and No. 2
mixed durum, f. o. b. lake and rail.
$141 %,
Corn—Spot easy: No. 2 yellow, r. 1 f
track New York lake and rail. $1.25 and
No. 2 mixed. i. f. track. New York
lake and rail. $1.22.
Oats—snot easy; No. 2 white. 65%o.
Lard—Easy, middle west. $13 25® 13.35.
Flour—Firmer, spring patents. $7.40®
8900: soft winter straights. $5.8506.35;
hard winter straights. $6.50®$7.00.
Rye Fleur- Firm: fair to good. $5.36©
$.60; choice to fancy. $5.6506.00
Cornmeal—Firm: fine white granulated.
13.20®3.30: do yellow. $3.1503 25.
Tallow LFirm; special loose. 7 He;
extra. 7% c.
Feed—Steady; city bran. 100-pound
Back. $31.00; western bran. 100-pound
•Arks. $30.50031.00.
Hay—Steady No. 1. $31.32: No* 2.
$28.00029.00; No. 3. $2* 00025.00; ship
ping. $19.00020.00.
Fork—Qul?t; mese. $26 00027.00: fam
ily. $28.00. _
Chicago rash Grain.
Chicago. July 24.—Wheat—No. 3 red.
1132; No 2 hard, fl.31%®1.86.
. Corn—No 2 mixed. $1.09% 01.10% ; No.
^ yellow, $1.10 01.11%.
Oat£—No 2 white, 55%©66%c; No. 3
White, 63% 055c.
Rye—No. 1. 8%e.
Barley—75% 085%c
Timothy Reed—$6.75©8 76.
Clover Seed—$12.00® 26. 50
Ribs— $11.25.
Rail lea—$12.37® 12 50.
Minneapolis Cash Grain.
Minneapolis. Julv 24—Wheat—Cash.
No. 1 northern. $132%® 1.37% No 1
dark northern springs, choice to fancy,
$1.47% 01.66% ; good to choice. $13*%®
148%; ordinary to good, $134%©! 37%,
July, $1.31%; September, $1.31%; Decem
ber $133%.
Corn—No. * yellow. $1 04% ® 1.06%.
Oat*—No. 8 white, 49®49%c.
Barley—620 79c.
Rye—No. 2. *l®81%c.
Flax—No. 1, $2.4502.47.
Kama* City Cash Grain.
Kansas City, July 24—Wheat—No 2
ard. $1.1901.39. No 2 red. $1.38; July,
*118% asked; September, $1.19 hid; De
cember, i $1.22.
Corn—No. 3 white, $1.05 offered; No
2 yellow. $1.0701.08; No. 2 mixed, $1.03
®1.04; July, $1.04 ssked; September,
97 %e spilt asked; December. M% split
Hay—Unchanged to $1 higher; No. 1
clover. $14.50© 15.50.
St. Louis Grain.
8t. Louie, July 24.—Wheat—Close, Jul/f
$126%; September, $127%.
Corn—July, $1.10; September. $104%.
oate—July, 55%o.
Minneapolis Flonr.
Minneapolis. July 24—Flour—20e to 30c
higher; family patents, $7.8607 90.
New York Cotton.
New York Cotton exchange quotations,
fufnlahed by J. S. Bache & Co., 224
• >maha National Bank building. Phones
Jickaon, 6187, 6188, 6189
I ,* < I Y*i'v
Open I High I Low ! Close | Close
July 135.10 135 40 134.10 134 28 |34 79
Oct. <29 40 29 55 12* 40 12* 40 128 95
Dec. 12* 25 128 65 127 40 27.44 28 00
Jan. '28.101 28 50 (97.43 *27 45 127.90
Mtr. 128 30 128 75 127.50 127 65 '28 15
Miy 128 40 128 73 127 70 (27 73 12*27
, Boston Wool.
Boston. July 24. Business on the wool
market is still confined principally to do
meatlc lines. Prices are very firm on
4he level established during the last two
weeks. Wools from three eighths up con
tinue In demand However good one
fourth blood stock, which wse neglected,
is beginning to show some actlv^y. The
short wool* seems to be showing a little
iHiluth Flax.
Duluth Minn July 24 —Fla* -Close
July 12 52%; September. $2.37. October.
I? 32%
New York Cotton Spot.
New York. July 24—Cotton—Spot
.quiet. middling. 34 76o
Omaha. July 24.
Caah wheat sold from lc to 2c higher
■ nd was in fairly good demand at the
advance. Receipts were 33 cars snd
tables were well cleared of samples.
Corn was Jn only fair demand at un
changed prices. Receipts were 44 cam.
Oats sold generally (is lower. Receipts
were 14 cars.
Rye and barley quoted nominally un
Omaha Carlo* Sales.
No. 1 hard: 1 car (new), $1 20.
No. 2 hard: 1 car, $1.26; 3 cars <B. H.),
$1 20; 1 car. $1.21; 1 car, $1.19.
No. 3 hard: 1 car, $1 29; 2 cars, $1.20.
No. 4 hard: 1 car, $1.24; 1 car, $1.18.
Sample hard: 1 car, $1.17; 1 car, $1.20.
Sample dark hard: 1 car, $1 16.
No. 2 yellow hard: 1 car, $1.19.
Sample yellow hard: 1 car, $1.16.
No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.16.
No. 6 mixed: 3 cars, $1.13.
No. 2 white: 1 car. $1 05; 1 car, $1.04.
No. 3 white: 6 cars, $1.03.
No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.03.
No. 6 white: 1 car. $1.01.
No. 2 yellow: 6 cars, $1.05.
No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.05; 9 cars, $1.04.
No. 4 yellow: 4 2-3 cars, $1.03.
Sample yellow: 1 car. 88c. $
No. 2 mixed: 12-3 cars, $1.02.
No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.01.
No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 96c.
No. 6 mixed: 1-3 car, 98c.
Sample mixed: 1 car, 90c.
No. 2 white: 1 car, 61 *4 e.
No. 3 white: 3 cars (H). 50c; 6 cars,
60 He.
Sample: 1 car, 49c.
Daily Inspection of Grain Received.
Hard: 3 cars. No. 1; 13 cars. No. 2; 4
‘cars. No. 3; 4 cars. No. 4; 2 cars. No. 5;
4 cars, special.
Mixed: 1 car. special.
Spring: 1 car. No. 2.
Total; 32 cars.
Yellow: 4 cars. No. 2; 10 cars. No. 3;
6 cars, No. 4; 3 cars. No. 5. 1 car. No. 6;
1 rar, special. „
White: 4 cars. No. 2; 6 cars. No. 3; 3
cars. No. 4; 1 car. No. 6; l car. No. 6.
Mixed: 2 cars. No. 3; 2 cars. No. 4; 2
cars. No 5; 1 car, special.
Total: 47 cars.
White: 2 cars. No. 2. 9 cars, No. 3; 1
car. special; 2 cars. No. 4.
Total: 14 cars.
1 car No. 1; 2 cars, No. 2; 1 ear. No. 3.
Total:#4 cars.
Week Tear
Receipts— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat . 33 35 60
Corn . 44 26 38
Oats . 14 32
Rys . 1 2
Wheat . U ?! 20
Corn . 1* 29
Oat. . I? 21 9
Rye .. 1 11 ••
Week Year
Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat .129 46 475
Corn ..128 «s I30
o!t? .. 61 « 126
Week Year
Carlots— Tndty. Ago. Ago.
Wheat .6*6 ... 346
Corn . 68 ... 16
Oats .. 8 • • •
Week Year
Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago
Wheat . 134 ... 245
Corn .11* ... \\
Oats . 26 ... 14
Week Year
Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago.
Minneapolis .101 171 109
Duluth .135 182 7
Winnipeg .240 346 62o
Corn snd Wheat region bulletin for the
24 hours ending at 8 a. m. Thursday.
High Low Rain
Ashland, cloudy .-.. 92 64 0 04
Auburn, cloudy . 97 66 0 00
Broken Bow. cloudy ...*4 55 0.19
Columbus, clear .94 61 0.06
Culberstaon. clear ..95 60 0.00
Fairbufy. part cloudy ..101 66 o.oo
Fairmont, partly cloudy . 98 64 0.00
Grand Island, cloudy . 97 61 0.00
Hartington. cloudy . 88 59 0.18
Hastings, cloudy ...... 90 6$ JJ 00
Holdrege. partly cloudy 101 60 0 00
Lincoln, raining.96 6 6 0.00
North Loup, cloudy ....93 58 0.39
North Platte, cloudy.. .88 68 0.00
Oakdale, cloudy .86 58 J 42
Omaha, raining .96 65 0 01
Red Cloud nt. cldy . ...100 *4 0 10
Tckamah. cloudy .92 *3 0 05
Valentine, cloudy .76 66 0 02
ttoux City Livestock
Sioux City. la., July 24—Cattle—re
ceipts. 1.500 head; market fairly active;
killers steady to 15c higher, stackers
steady; fat steers and vearltngs. $7.on®
10.75: bulk $7.7509 50; fat cows and
heifers $6.0009.00: canners and cutters.
$2 0003.50: grass cows and heifers. $3 50
06 00 veals. $6 00011.00; bulls $3 50®
5.25: feeders. $6.0007 *0; Stockers. $5 00
0 7.50; Stork yearlings snd calves
® 7 25 feeding cows snd heifers. $3 00®
Hogs—Receipts 10,000 head; market
steady to 10r higher; top. $9.00; bulk flf
sales. $8.4009.00; lights. $8 7509.00;
butchers $8 9009 00: mixed. $8 5O0*.85:
heavy- packers. $8 2608 50; stags. $5 25
0 6 00. _ .
Sheep and Lambs—Receipts 300 head;
market 25c lower: lambs, receipts 1300
head ewes, receipts 645 head
firsts 35^®36Hs; firsts 340 35c; sec
onds. 33®34c.
New York Rugar.
New York. July 24— Further advances
of 1 - 18c to the basis of 5.15c for Cuba
duty paid were recorded In the raw augar
market today. A fair Inquiry waa re
ported resulting in sales of about 35.000
.hag* of Porto Rican and 6.000 bags
Cuban, all for early August shipment.
Reflecting the higher spot market and
continued good Inquiry for refined, raw
augar futures advanced 8 1o 12 points on
support from Wall street and European
interests The upturn met realising and
final prices were off from the beat,
but still 3 to * points above the previous
close September closed 3 47c; December,
3.43c; March, 3 23c. May. 3 Sir.
Refined augar was firmer In sym
pathy with raws, and prices were un
changed to 10 points higher, the list now
ranging from 8 40c to 8.80c for fine
Refined futures were nominal.
Fast R4. 1>oiiU IJ restock. _
East Ft. Louis. Ill . July 24 —Cattle-—
Receipts, 2 000 head; beef cows. 2Rc
lower; canners, 10015c lower; top veal
era. $9 25; bulk. 1*500*75; other
classes steady; four loads native steers,
17.750* 45; western steers. $5 4008 25;
few good to choice mixed yearlings. $* 25
09.25; most cows. $4 0005 50; canners,
$2 1002.50; bulls $4 0004 50.
Fheep snd lambs—Receipts. 2.500 bead
fat lambs, 25c lower; practical top. $12;
part load. $12.75. out of line; hulk. $12.00
012 25; culls. 50c lower, at $8 00; sheep
unchanged; fnt ewes $3 5005 00.
Hogs—Receipts. 9.000 head; opened
s’eady; later tone steady to 10c higher;
light hogs showing advance; some light
lights snd pigs. 26c higher: hulk 170
pounds and up. $9 4009 66. few best loads
$9 8009,05; good 140 to 180-pound kinds
at $* 500925; best killing pigs. $7 750
*25; packer sows, mostly $7.8007.90.
Coffee Futures.
New York July 24—The feature In
the coffee market today was an advance
of 83 points in July contracts to 18 4*c.
representing a covering movement influ
enced by the strength of the spot mar
ket *nd in th» fact that trading in July
contracts will end tomorrow Later
months, after a little early steadiness,
eased off sharply. September declining
from 15.46c to 15 38c in response tf>
liquidation and easier Brasilian rabies
At th* closs July w;»* 65 points net
higher snd other months 3 to 7 net lower
Pale* were estimated at 27,000 bags Cine
ing quotations: Julv, 18 40c; September
1 5 38c; October. 15 07r; December, 14 4*c;
March, 1 3 96c, May. 1 9 85c
Rpot mffe firm: Rio 7s. 17*^0 t*c;
Ran to* 4 s. 21^0228fcr v
New York I>ry Gootla.
New York. July 24 Cotton *hoda ac
tivity In the gray goods markets con
tinued st advancing prices today. Rheet
ings sold freely and the fins combed
goods were bought liberally Finished
goods were bought mors freely. Branded
bleached cottons were advanced c a
yard to a basis of 17c for Lonsdale four
four goods Burlaps markets have been
more active and are moving higher. Raw
silk waa firmer, Rilke sold more freely,
ao did some lines of fine dress goods end
cloakings Yarns have been marked
higher, hut trading waa still quiet.
New York Rucnr Huotntlnns.
Furnished by J 8. Ba> be A Co.. 224
Omaha National Rank building. Jackaon
• I I I I Tea-v
I Open I High 1 Low 4 Clogs 1 Close
Pep I 350 ! 3 60 ' 3 4« I 3 47 I 939
Dec I 3 4* I 3 4* I 3 42 I 3 43 13 38
Mar 1 3 26 | 3 24 f 3.23 ) 3 23 | 3 1*
Turpentine end Rosin
Ravannnh, rj* July 24—Turpentine
firm. 77 ’4c• sales. 19* barrels repelcts.
784 barrels; shipments. 170 barrel*. atock,
11**3 barrels
Rosin Firm; «ales 1.432 casks: receipts
2.120 casks, shipments 825 cask*, stock.
107,1*9 cask*
Quote n $4 60: n. $4 88; F. $4 85; F,
n IT I K M. 1 4 70. N. $4 *6; IV, O. $5 *5;
W. W. X. I* 36 ,
Dried Fruits.
New Yotk, Julv 24 Apples, evapor
ated. nominal Prunes, firm Apricots
snd pesche*. quiet Raisins, steady.
New York Cotton.
New York July 24 — The gen*ial cot
ton market closed barely stsady si 0 net
decline of 46 to 16 point*
Receipt* wer*;—
Cattle Hog* Sheep!
Official Monday ,...6.669 12.705 13.146
Official Tuesday _ 7.957 10.792 10,202!
Official Wednesday.. 7.020 12.530 14.53b
Estimate Thursday.. 2,400 9.500 10,000
Four days this week. 24.0*6 45,527 47,983
Same day last week.30,428 71.401 42,349
Same dy* 2 wka ago.28.578 85.364 23,902
Same dy* 3 wka ago.22,989 76.739 39,040
Same dy* year ago. 23,020 62,388 47,463
Cattle—Receipt*. 2.400 head. With very
moderate receipts Thursday the market
showed further improvement under the
influence of a, broad demand from all
quarters and prices ranged from *teady
to 10® 15c higher than Wednesday. Best
beeves sold around $10.26® 10.60. Com
pared with a week ago the fat cattle
market was laregly 50®75n higher, al
though some of tha* plain, unfinished
steers are possibly not more than 25®60c
higher than the close of last week. Corn
fed cows have shown fully as much 1m
provement as the beef steers, but grass
cows are slow sellers at unimproved fig
ures. Stockers and feeder* have been
steady *11 week.
Quotations On Cattle—Choice to prime
beeves, $10.25® 10.76; 6ood to choice
beeves. $9 60® 10.00; fair to good beeves,
$8.50®9.35; common to fuir beeves, $7.75
©8.26; choice to prime yearlings, $9.75©
10 25; good to choice yearlings. $9.00©
9.75; fair to good yeanlings, $7.75©8.76;
common to fair yearlings. |7.90®7.75;
choice to prime fed heifers, $8.25©9.10;
good to choice fed heifers, $7.50®8.25;
fair to go id fed heifer*. $6.50® 7.25; com
mon to fair fed heifers, $6.25®6.25; choice
to prime fed cows. $7.26®8.25; good to
choice fed cows, $5.75® 7.00; fair to good
fed cows, $3.75 © 5.50; common to fair
fed cows, $2.50®4.25; good to choice |
feeders. $7.00®7.75; fail; to good feeders, j
$6.00®;6.86; common to fair feeders. $6.00 j
©6.00; good to choice sfnckers, $6.50©
7.25; fair to good stockers, $5.50©6.50;
common to fair stockers, $4.60® 5.50;
trashy stockerH. $3.50®4 50; stock heifers.
$3.5O®5.50; stock cows, $2.50@3.75; stock
calves. $3.60©7.25; veal calves, $4.00©
9.00; bulls, stags, etc.. $4 25®7.25.
No. Av. Fr. No. Av. Pr.
11 .681 $8 25 21 1013 $H 25
15. 684 8 35 34. 667 8 40
14 . 834 8 50 56. 764 8 60 |
25.1108 8 75 21 950 8 75 j
36. 740 8 90 40.1046 9 00
40.1173 9 10 28. 897 9 26
61 . 837 9 35 13.1056 9 40
25 . 862 9 50 26.-.1061 9 60
19.1052 9 75 2*.1235 9 75
19 .1192 9 85 6 951 10 00
12 .1168 10 00 27 992 10 10
20 . 1320 10 20 6.1178 10 25
42.1331 10 30 24.1165 10 35
34.1129 10 50 35.1132 10 60
26 . 770 8 25 12. *26 8 65
8 . 832 8 85 17. 731 9 00
17 . 687 9 00 1 2 . 792 9 10
12 . 880 9 25 45. 817 9 25
53. 830 9 36 12. 878 9 40
21 . 905 9 75 17. 931 9 76
12 . 865 9 85
t«. 730 3 25 6.1038 3 Rf
7.1102 5 00 7.1085 5 40
5.1032 5 75 18.1181 6 36
12.1031 6 50 16.1248 7 50
4 .1360 7 60 20.1370 8 60
5 .1028 8 75 2.1330 8 86
10 . 3 53 5 40 28 *97 8 05
20 . 943 8 76 3 968 9 00
10. 548 4 25 6 486 5 90
4 . 705 6 40 14. 607 6 75
1 .1240 4 75 1 1R60 6 25
1 . 700 7 00
10. 226 8 00 2.. W. . 135 3 50
1 . 190 8 75.
Hogs—Receipts. 9.500 head. Local sup
plies showed further decreases this morn
ing snd with general demand continuing
broad trade was of an active character
at prices fully I0©15c. mostly 15c higher
than Wednesday to both shippers and
packers with butcher grades reaching the
highest levels since lsst September Bulk
of the ssles was at $8.25©9 00 with top
for the day. $9.00
No. Av. 8h Pr No. Av. 8h Pr
72..237 110 $8 26' 50 .320 ... 4't
66. 230 200 8 45 60..203 8 50
45. 214 . 3 55 80. .271 70 8 60
50 .198 ... 3 65 67. .246 200 8 70
65. 198 . . 3 75 70 .132 ... 8 80
45. 373 40 8 85 41 .261 ... 8 95
38 .356 ... 9 00
Sheep and Lambs—Receipts, 10.000
head. A weak tone again dominated the
lamb trade owing mainly to continued
liberal offerings and initial trantactions
were at prices sharply lower than Wed
nesday. Feeder* were of Just fair num
ber and ruled close to steady, with the
same holding true in the aged sheep di
Quotation* on sheep and lambs: Spring
lambs, good to choice. $12 25® 12.75;
spring lambs, fair to good. $11.00©12 0O;
feeding lambs $10.60© 11.25; wether*,
dipped. $6.50®8 75; yearlings, cl'pped,
$10.00© 12 00: ewe*, clipped. $3.76©6.25.
No Av. Pr
14 native ... 85 $12 50
Receipt* and disposition of livestock
«t the Union 8tock Yards, Omaha. Neb.
for 24 hours ending at 3 p in . July 24.
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
C . M A 8t P. Ry . 1 -
Mo Par Ry. 8 3 ...
U. P R R . 23 31 36
C. A N. W . east.... a 4
C A N W west .22 42 1
r . St. P M. AO.. 9
C. B A Q. east_ 6 3 -
C. B A Q . west 11 12
C . R 1 A P east 2
C R T A P . west 6 1 ...
I r R R. 2 3 ....
Total receipts .1 1 1 1 10 36 i
Cuttle. Hogs Sheep
Armour A Co . 821 1.873 2 671 j
Cudahy Packing Co . *66 1,030 2,134
Bold Parking Co . 1«9 1.599
Morris Packing Co . . 509 1.090 ?6?
Swift A Co. 74 * 1.140 2.74 3
Hoffman Bros. 3 j
Maverow’lrh A Vail.. 13 .... ....
Midwest Parking Co. 22 .
Omaha Packing Co . 4 .
Tohn Roth A Son*... 7 ... ....
Murphy. .1 W. 971 ....
Lincoln Parking Co. * ...
Nagle Parking Co . . 35 .
Sinclair Parking Co,. »;2 .... ....
IVIlsnn Parking t**o . 36 .... ....
Kenneth A Murray.. 257 .... ....
Anderaon A Ron . 48 .... ....
Bulla. J. H. 1 .
Harvey. John . 186 .... ....
ilnghram. T. J. 4 .... ....
Kellogg. F 0. 4 .
iLongman Bros ... 79 .
Lubergar. Hi nrv i. 28 .
I Root. J. B A Co. . . 4 .... ....
Rosen*tock Bros .. . 19 .... ....
Sargent A Finnegan. 13 .
Sullivan Bros . . . 39 .
Van Sant. W B A Co. 29 .
Wertheimer A Degen 36 .... ...
Other buyer* . 249 .... 6,126
Total .. 3 762 8.660 13,936
Chicago Livestock.
chlrago. July 24 -(United States De
partment of Agriculture ) —»Cattle Re
relpt*. 12,000 head; lea* desirable killing
quality considered, better grades fed steers
and vearlings strong to 16c higher: no
strictly choice kind here: graaay oferings
dull; demand good; best long yearlings
snd weighty steers, $11 00; some ma
lured bullork* held higher; bulk fed
steer* and yearlings. $8 06© 10 25. grassv
cow’s numerous dull; unevenly lower In
spots; meager supply grain fed fat cow-s
and heifer* full steady. Bulls weak to
16* lower. Bulk bolognaa, $4 50©4 75
later price practically top; vealera In
line with Wednesday’s decline hulk to
packers, $9 00©9f.0; fevr $9 75 and above,
stockers and feeders In narrow country
demand, bulk. $5 50©7 on.
Hog*—Receipts, 24.000 head; uneven,
desirable weighty butcher* steady to ic
higher than Wednesday'* best prices,
others weak to 10c lower; killing pigs
steady; scarcity of choir* kinds; too
weighty butcher*. $9 30; hulk hetter lf»0
♦ o 325 pound averages. $9 00©t?6; pa< k
Ing sows. $7 90®8 20; good and choir*
strong weight slaughter pigs. $8 00©H:\t..
heavyweight $8 96®9$0; medlumwelght.
*9 no®9 2f> lightweight $8 60®9 26; light
light* $7 76© 9.1 5; packing hog*, amnoth.
$7 90©8 $5, packing hogs, rough. S7 66&
7.90; slaughter pigs. $7 25©8 25
fiheep and Lambs-- Receipt*. 15 000
head alow; e*rlv sales fat lamb* around
J5r lower; sorting similar to Wednesday’s ;
undertone weak few early sale* fat
native*, $12 50©12 76; two cars choice
fdahoa, $18.50; culls steady at
sheep firm: odd lota fat ewe* $6 oo<M 25.
choir* feeders $12 26. steady.
Kanawa City I.lywwtorfc.
K a naan Cllv. Mo. July 24.—United
States Department of Agriculture > —
Cattle—recelpta, 4,000 head; calvaa. *00;
native fnf ataara and yearlings ataady.
Texaa rake fa da and graaaara dull; few
e»rlv an lea ataadv; Oklahoma graaaara 15c
to 2Rc lower at 96.159* 00; knnaaa graaa
era. |7 60 about afeady; top yearling".
DO 26 bulk fad ateara and yearling*.
I" 25910 00; aha atork ararra, ataady lo
atrong; baaf rows moatly |3 509'* 75. can •
nera. $2 2592 60; calve* ataady to atrong.
vaaler*. to |>acka*a. |7 7597 *0; few to
outsiders at 9*00; medium* and hewvle*.
93 0094.00; atockera and feedara acarra.
around ataadv
Hnga—Receipt*. 4 000 head, daalrahta
171* to 250-pound hoga. suitable for ahlp
para, atrong to 10c higher. lot*. 99.10;
bulk of aalaa. 9" 6094 00. bulk good and
- hole# 170 in 220 pound*. 9* 7699 Of,
packers bidding around ataady on mixed
hnga, light lighta and plga atrong to
higher; daalrahla 140 tn 140 pounds. 9* 76
<0*40 brat atrong weight snipping plga,
94 0094.25; baat stork pig* around 97 60.
pa- klng aowa atrong, inuatly 9* 00/ffa <o
Aheap- Recelpta. 2 600 head killing
Haases generally ataady. odd bunch** n*
five lamb* up to 912 75; load lot* 912.50;
better grade* moatly at 91** 00912*0
■ heap ataadv. Texaa wathara. 17 *0
HI. .lo-apli IJiratork
At Joseph, Mo , July 74 flnga Re
relptg 4 00O head; market ataady to 5c
lower, top. $9 00; hulk |4 7099 00
t’attle Rare |pt a, 7.500 head- market
ataadv;'1 bulk of aalaa 9* 0099 70; tot*
||0 00. cowa and halfar*. 14 269* 00.
• alvea. 94 0099 60. atockara and frailer*
14 75 97 60
Aheap Rer#|pt* 9.000 hand tuaiket
steady to 26c lower, lamba, 91 S.0U 9 14.2* .
clipped awaa, 96 6094.79,
Bethlehem Steel
Advances After
Dividend Rumor
Rails Again Strong Feature of
Market—Union Paeific,
at 143 7-8, Sets New
Universal Service Financial Kdltor.
New York, July 24.—It was understood
a week ago Bethlehem Steel would not
be justified In paying a dividend for the
June quarter. The earnings didn’t war
rant anything like a dividend Despite
this fact, there were persistent reports
that the dividend was a certainty, and
today there was a display of buying of
Bethlehem such as that Issue hss not
known In a long time. The price rose
to 45. Tt didn’t stav there, but the
close was at 44, which was % up for
the day
Immediately after the market closed
the announcement came of ''no divi
Ralls were again the strong feature of
the market, hut various groups showed
lots of energy. Union Pacific at 143%,
made a new high. New Haven, once de
spised hut now quite a favorite, was In
grent demand. Tt went to 30%. closing
at 29%. D. 1j. & W was up a counle of
nofnts. St Paul. Illinois Central, Atlan
tic Coast T.lne. and Atchison did well
The mall order stocks were active.
Sears Roebuck wrent to 97%, hut couldn’t
hold and slid back to 96%. Montgomery
Ward went to 32% and held nearly all
the gain.
The coppers didn’t act friendly. Some
were Intent on going up and others on
sliding down. Kennecott was fairly ac
tive again on Guggenheim buying. It was
reported, and made a fair advance. An
aconda also waa active but acored a
fractional decline.
Oils were strong early 1n the session
and Inclined to sag later In the day
Sugars all showed signs of strength.
Nearly all the refiners are advancing
prices nnd at last ser a chance for profit.
Atlantic Gulf and West Indies was
down three points but came back frac
Again the market had a "more than a
million” day. Brokers are more cheer
fill. Transactions aggregated >.994,000
Ralls sdvanced on sn aversge of one
half a point.
Tndustrlala were off one-half of a
Foreign exchange, ateady.
Money, steady.
Cotton In the first half hour of trad
ing rose about 60 points
With October around 29 50c and July
well above 35c. profit taking In consider
able volume was evident. The close was
54 down for July and from 45 to 61
down on newr crop months.
A denial that wasn’t really a denial
of a report of black rust in two of the
Canadian provinces came from the agri
cultural departmenta of the provinces.
There wss some black rust, it was ad
mitted. but It would only be very serious*
if it spread.
The grain market didn't pay much at
tention to the denials for further reports
of black rust came from northern Minne
sota and North Dakota.
Further, after the tremendous market
of Wednesday and the remarkable ad
vance. a hit of a letdown and Incidentally
profit taking were natural. The opening
was better than expected Borne of the
early buying was for British account The
gossip of the trade Is that various of the
Britishers and some American flour peo
ple deferred buying on the theory that
wheat had been advancing too rapidly.
Startled by the big advance of Wednes
day they were In the market early today.
The opening was better than expected,
hut after moderate activity In the fore
noon. prices eased off and the close waa
at a decline of from 1®1%c for wh*at,
ltf?1%c ror corn and %^lc for oata. Rye,
or the contrary, was up %r.
Pork products followed the example of
Coffee on the July position waa up 69
points, while lster options were from 2
up to 10 down.
Sugar was up S to 6 points.
New York Quotations |
New York stock exchange quotations
furnished by J. 8. Bache A Co., ‘Ui
Omaha National Bank building.
High Low. Close, Close
Agrl Chem . 11% 11% 11% 11%
Ajax Rubber .... 9% x% '•* % * 5 %
Allied Chemical 76% 7%% 7s % ^7%
Allia-Chalmer#. 65% 66,
A Beet Sug .... 41% 41 41 41%
A B Shoe F . 62
Am Can .116% 117% 115% llx%
Amer Car A F .. .. .. ., 173
A Hide A L. 6%
A Hide A L pfd ..67% 66% 66% 63%
A Inter Corp. 23% 23%
American Lin Oil .. 21 21
Amer Locomotive 59 79% 79% 60%
A Ship A Com.. 13% 13% 13% 13%
Amer Smelting . 69% *9 69% 69%
A Smelt pfd. 102% 102%
A Steel* Found .. .. 27 27%
Amer Sugar 46% 44% 45 44%
American Sumatra 6% 6% 6% 6%
Amer T A Tel ..123% 123 153% 121%
Am Tobacco ....147% 146 147 % 146
A Wat A KTlec ..106 9s 106 96
Amer Woolen .... 71% 70% ;i 71
Anaconda ... |6 % 3? % 36% "4
A Dry Goods . 97
Associated Oil .. 29 26% ?g% 29
Atchiion .106% 106 106% 104%
At Coast Line . 127 137 127 127
At Oulf A \S I . . 14% 17 17% 20
Atlas Tack . 9% 9 9 9%
At Refin Co .... 97 12% 54% 9t>%
Austin Nichols 32% 21 22% 21%
Auto Knitter . 2%
Baldwin .114 117 117% 117%
Balt A Ohio .... 62% 62% 62% 61%
Beth Steel ...... 4S 43% 46 43 %
Bosch Magneto. 29
Bkyn-Man Ry ... 25% 27% 24% 24%
Bkyn -Man pfd . 70% 64% 69% 70
Calif Packing .... 55 54 % 95 54
Calif Petroleum . . 23 22% 22% 22%
Cal A Arlx Mining ... 62 62%
Canadian Pacific.. 149 % 145% 1 49 1 49 %
Cent Leather .. . 13% 17% 1.1% 11
Cent Leather pfd. 47 45% 47 45 %
Cerro da Pasco ..44% 47% 45 4 - %
Chandler Motors... 46% 47% 47% 47%
Chea A Ohio. 57% 96% 57 96%
Chi Qt Western... 7 6% 7 f. %
Chicago A N W... 62% 62 63 62%
C M A StP ....... 17 16 16% 16%
Chi Ot West pfd.. 17% 17% 17% 17%
C M A StP pfd... 24% 27% 25% 24
C R I A P. 15% 34% 34% .74%
f' StP M A O Ry. 43
Chile Copper . 11% in% 31 30%
Chino . 19% 19%
Cluett- Teahody . 62% *3
Chiett-Peabody pfd. . . 1^1
Coca cola .. 73% 72% 72% 73%
Colo Fuel A Iron.. 46 46% 45% 45%
Col Carbon .. *41 4 4
Columbian (lai ... 41% 40% 41 41%
Congoleum . 47% 46% 46% 45%
Consol Cigars _ 17% 17% 17% 17%
Continental Can .. 66% 64% 66 64 %
font Motors . 6% «% 6% «%
Corn Products ... 35% 34% 34% 15%
Coedsn . 29% 2*% 24% 24%
Crucible.54% 62% 54% 61%
Cuba Cane Sugar.. 13% 1.1% 13% 11%
Cuba C Sug pfd... 6 3 62% 62% 61%
Cuba Am Sugar .. 71% 1"% 71 30%
Cuyame) Fruit.... 66% 56% 66 56%
Daniel Boone. 16% 16% 16% 17
Davidson Chem. . 69% *7% 64 % 67%
Delaware A H 111% 114% 1 1 9 % 119%
Dome Mining. 14 14
Dupont De N .124% H7% 127% 127%
Kastman Kodak ... 104
Kri# . 35 *:% 35 32%
Kief Storage Bat 67% 57% 67% 67%
Famous Tlsyere... 43 42% *2% 52
Fifth Ave Bus L 11 11% 12 11%
Fisk Rubber. 7% 5
Flelscbman'a Yeast 60% 6ft 6ft% 6ft%
Freeport. Tex. ... 10 ft % 9% 10%
Gen’l Asphslt. 44% 43% 44 41 %
Oen l F.lectrle . . 247 % 246 % 246% 247 %
Grnl Motors. 14% 14% 14% 14%
Gold DUS?. 40% 40 40 % 40
Godrlch . 22% 21% 22 22
Of Nor. Ore. 30% 30% 30% 30%
G. V Ry pfd . 44% 44 64 % 64%
Gulf State, Steel . 72% 71% 72 71 %
Hartmann Trunk . 34 37% 34 37 %
Haves Wheel. *7% 17% 37% 37%
Hudson Motors... 24% 2644 24 % 26%
Homestske M^Co 4 2%
Houston OI1.T7. 71% 71%
Hupp Motors. 13% 13
Illinois Central.. 112% 110% ]11U ill
Til Ten pfd.112% 112% 112% 112
Inspiration .26% 26% 26% 26%
fnt Kng C Cp.. ?6 26% 26% 26%
Inter Harvester ... 97 91%
Int Merc Marin# 9% 1% ft % 9%
Int M M Pfd .35% 37% 37 % 37 V
Int T A Tel - 77% 77 77 77
Interna Nickel 14% 17% 17% it
Jnternaf Pspsr . . 66 69% 54% 65%
Invincible Oil .. 13% 13 11 13
•Tone# Tea . 24% 24% 24% 2 4
.Iordan Motor# .. 72% 27 27 27 %
K C Southern . .. 23% 23% '‘1% n4
Kelly-Sprlnfleld 16% |4% 15 % 1 %
Kennecott 44% 4^% 4 4 5, 41%
Keystone Tlrs . 2% 2%
1 ,ee Rubber . 1 I % 11
Lehigh Vgltey 4»% 41% 4ft % 44%
l.lm# Loromotlva 4.i% 63 63 * t %
I,oose W'ltee 61%
Louis A Nash 9# 96% 96% 94
Mark Truck .. 93% 93 a? n%
May Dept Stor# .. 9ft • 90%
M«« Motor A n«i MH4 SO1*
M»« Motor n ... US 1; <4 us US
M.rt.ntl .. A'i* it US Jls
Mexl Seaboard 21% 2144 2 | % 21%
Miami Copper . 3 1 21%
Middle Slstes OH * 1%
Mis Kan A Tex 15% 14% 14% 1SU
Mis Pee . . 20% 19% 14% ?0
Mis Par pfd .. S«»% 49% 49% 60%
Montgomery VV 3? % 31% 33% 31%
Mother Lode . ... 9% 9 5 # %
Nash Motors 109% 110
Nat Biscuit 6?% 61% «J 62 *
National Knamet. 24 24
National Lead 146% 146% 146% 146
N V Air 14 IS 4.1%
N T Cent ...109% 109U 104% lux
NT C A S| L 99 94 94% l>«
N T N H A H 30% ;#% ?9% 23%
North American . 26% 36% ti% 96%
North r»e ...... «7S •/ JJ'« til,
N A W Ry .123% 122% 122% 123%
Orpneum .. 20% 19% 19% 19%
Ow-ens Bottle . 45 45
Pacific Oil . 49 48% 49% 48%
Packard Motor .*11% 11% 11% 11%
Pan-American ... ff8% 67% 57% 67%
Pan-American B.. 57% 56 66% 56%
Penn R R. 45% 45% 45% 45%
Peoples Oas .100% 100 100 100%
Pare Marquette ... 56% 65% 66% .55%
Phil Co . 50% 49% 49% f.0%
Philips Petrol .... 36 36% 36% 35%
Pierce-Arrow .... 10% 10 10 10%
Postum Cereal ... 61% 51 61 51%
Pressed 8teel Car.. .... 62
Producer* At Ref.. 27% 2T 27 27%
Pullman .125% 126
Punta Sugar . 52% 61% 62% 61%
Pure Oil . 24% 22% 24% 22%
Ry Steel Spring.120% 121
Ray Consol . 11% 11% 11% Jl%
Reading . 61% 60 61 % 69%
Replogle . 12% 12 12 12%
Rep Iron A Steel.. 47 46% 46% 47
Royal Dutch NY.. 52% 51 62% 61
St Jj At S F .26% 26% 26 26
StI, A S W. 44 43% 43% 43%
8chulte Stores ...126% 124% 126% 125
Sears-Roebuck ... 97% 96% 97 96%
Shell Union Oil... 17% 17% 17% 17%
Simmons Co . 27 26 26% 26
Sinclair Oil . 17% 17% 17% 17%
Slosa-Sheffteld ... 61 60% 6t 60%
Skelly Oil . 19% 19% 19% 19%
Southern Pacific.. 95% 94% 95% 96
Southern Railway. 65% 86% 85% 65%
Standard Oil Cal.. 59 68% 68% 51%
Standard Oil N J. 36% 36 36 36
Stewart-Warner . . 54?* 54 64% 63%
Stromberg Carb. 63
Studbkr .38 37 % 37% 37%
Submarine Boat ..10 9% 10 10%
Texas Co .40% 40% 40% 40%
Texas A Par .. .34% 33% 33% 33%
Tmkn Rlr Brng . 34 33% 34 34
Tobacco Product* 63% 63% 63% 63%
Tob Prdcts A. 92
Trnscntl OH .... 5% 5 5% 6
Union Par .143% 141% 143% 141%
United Fruit . . 204 204
U S Cast lm Pipe 100% 99 Vi 99% 100
U S Ind Alcohol.. 71% 69% 71 71%
TT S Rubber ..31% 30% 30% 31
U S Rubber pfd.. 81% 81 81 81
IT S Steel .101% 101 101% 101%
U S. Steel, pfd.122% 123
[ Utah Copper .77% 76% 77 76%
Vanadium .23% 22% 23 22%
Vivaudou . 6%
Wabash .15% 15% 16% 15%
Wabar.h ‘A* .45% 44% 45 44%
Western Union.109%
West Air Brake. 94
Westng Electric .64% 63% 63% 64%
White Fagle Oil . 24 24%
White Motor* _ 57 56% 57 56
Wool worth Co .115% 113% 114% 114%
Willy* Overland .. 9% 9 9% 9
Willvs-Ovrlnd. pfd 71% 70% 7! 69%
Wilson .9% 9% 9% 9%
Wilson, pfd .. 27 27
Worthngn Pump ..28% 27 28 26%
W rigley Co. . ...40% 40 40% 40%
Vellow Mfg Co .54% 53% 54% 54%
yellow rah Co . 50% 50%
Total sales Wednesday. 1.316.000 shares.
Total bonda Wednesday. 118.485.000.
Thursday. 2 p. m. sales. 933.400.
New York Bonds I
New York, July 24.—Under the leader
ship of the railroad issues. bond prices
today moved into new high ground for
the year. Except in the rai! group where
gnins ranged from 1 tA 6 points, however,
the advance was lacking In vigor and
pronounced reactionary tendencies marked
dealings in the local traction liens.
Some disai>pointment over the failure
of the federal reserve bank to lower its
rediscount rate was manifested at the
opening of the market, but the setback
was only temporary. Renewed ac
cumulation of the rails mas a stimulating
influence ahd steadied prices in spots
where lagging tendencies cropped out.
Erie railroad bonds I4d in popularity
today on reports that the merger of the
road with the Van Hweringen’s enlarged
“Nickel Plate” system would he ex
pedited upon the return of George F.
Baker. Erie's largest Individual stock
holder. from Europe next week. The
road's consolidated. general and con
vertible 4s mounted to 1*4 to 1 points
Ge ns of 1 to 2 '4 points were regstered
by New Haven. Denver A Rio Grande,
Seaboard. Louisville A Nashville. Frisco
A Southern Pacific Issues Ulster A
Delaware 4s normally inactive, jumped
5 points traction issues reacted sharply
following the warning of state transit
commission officials tha? recent price
movements of Interbornugh securities ha*
been based on unauthori f>\ reports of
high earnings
Bankers today announced an offering
of $5,000 000 8t Louis. Iron Mountain
and Southern railway. River end Gulf
divisions, 4 per cent bond issue at a price
of *5 to yield about 5 25 per cent. A
portion of the offering is believed to
i “present recently liquidated holdings of
the Gould estate
r. I. Bonds.
Sales fin $1,000) High Low Close
24 Liberty 3Ss _101 14 101 13 101.13
20 Liberty 1st 4<4« .102 10 102 9 102 10
541 Liberty 2d 4V*s 101 24 101.15 101.23
1975 Liberty 3d 4>«a 102 14 102 13 102.13
i30 Liberty 4th 454s.102 19 102 * 102 12
251 U S Gov 414s_ 105 4 104 30 105 3 j
20 An Ju Mar Wks 0s 4Q 79\ *0
29 Argen Gov Ta.103% 103% 103%
219 Argentine Gov 6*.. 04 93% 94
29 Aus Gov g I 7s. 93% 92% 93
11 City of Bordeaux 6a 85% 85% 85%
57 City of Copen 5%a. 95 94% 94%
61 City of G Pra 7%a. 89% 88% 89%
8 City of Lyons 6s.. 85% 85% 85%
6 City of Mar 6s. 85% 85% 85%
16 City of RdeJ 8a 47. 93% 92% 93%
62 Czech Rep 8s . 99% 99 99 %
46 Dept of Seine 7s... 90 89% 89%
34 DofC 6% pet n 29 103% 103% 103%
19 DofCan 6s 1952... 102% 102% 102%
17 Du E In 6s 1962... 95% 95 95%
66 Du E In 5 % s 1963. 90 89 % 89%
It Framerlcan 7%a . 93% 93% 93%
75 French 7s . 103 102% 103
116 French 7%s .100% 100 10Q%
106 Japanese 6%s . 92 91 % 91%
3 Japanese 4s . 90 79% 80
6 Belgium ... 106% 106%
19 Belgium 7 %s .106% 106% 1C«%
18 Denmark 6a . 99 98% 98%
11 Italy 6 %a .100% 100% 100%
16 Netherlands 6a *72. 97 % 96% 97%
18 Norway 6s '43.,... 97% 97% 97%
232 Serha Cr Slov 8a... 86% 85% 86%
5 Oriental Dev fa. . . 86% 85% 86%
63 Parla-Ly-Med 6s... 79% 78% 79
7 Bolivia 8a . 90% 90% 90%
5 Chile 8a *41.106% 106% 106%
26 Chile 7a . 98% 97% 98%
13 Colombia 6%a .... 98 97% 98
135 Cuba 6%g . 97 96% 96%
7 El Salvador 8a_102 1d*% 102
16 Finland 6s . 87% 87% 87%
9 Queensland 6a ....102% 102 102%
3 Rio Grande 8a _ 94% 94 94
15 Pan Paulo 8s . 97% 96% 96%
3 Swiss 8s .114% 114% 114%
59 Swiss 5%s *46 . 96% 96% 96%
19 G B A I 5%■ ’37 .104 % 104 104%
32 Brazil 8a . 94 93 % 93%
25 Brasil-Cent R E 7s 80% 80% 80%
31 Am Agr Shem 7%s 8t 88% 88%
2 Am Chain 6s. 95 94% 94%
8 Am Smelting 6s ..105% 105% 105%
25 Am Smelting 6a... 95 94 % 94%
19 Ani Sugar 6a.100% 100% 100%
60 Am TAT 5%a.102% 102% 102%
115 Am TAT 5s.102 101% 102
73 Am TAT 4s. 97% 97% 97%
25 Am W W A E 5s.. 91% 91 91
88 Ana Cop 7a ’38_100% 99% 100
127 Ana Cop 6s *53_97% 97% 97%
61 Armour Del 6%s.. 91% 91% 91%
12 Assd Oil 6s.101% 101 101
41 A T A S F 4s. 90% 90% 90%
24 A T A 8 F adj 4s. 84% 84% 84%
11 At Coast Line 4a . 92% 91% 91%
2 Atl Ref deb 6a_ 98% 98% 98%
22 B A O 6s - 102% 102% 102%
50 B A O 4 %n. 90% 90 90
12 R A O gold 4s. 88% 87% 88%
14 Bell Tel Pa 5a_140% 100 100
76 Beth Steel 6a. 96% 06 96%
11 Beth Steel fi%g_ f#% fig 88%
10 Brier Hill St 6%s.. 97 §6% 97
251 Bkyn-Man Tr 6s. 81 80% 81
5 ran No 6%s.115 115 1\5
60 Can Par 4s. 81 % 81 91
14 C C ft O 6s.102% 102% D'2%
17 C of G 6%s. 100 99% 99%
113 cen I, 5a . 99% 99% 99%
13 Cent P gtd 4a *9 88% 89
301 rhea ft O cv 5a..loo 99% 99%
26 Ches A O cv 4%s. 96 95% 96
86 Chic A Alton 3%s 41% 41% 41%
5 C B A Q rfg 5s A 100% 100% 100%
33 Chic A E I 6a .. 73% 73 73
20 Chic Gt West 4s. 57 56% 57
38 C M A 8tPev4%s 62 61 % 62
32 C M A St P rfg4 % a 56% 55% 56%
175 C M A St P4s’26 81 80% 81
28 C A N rfg 5e _ 97 96% 97
124 Chi Rail 5s . 90 79 % 79%
96 C R T A P rfg 4s »2% *2% 82%
9 C T H A S E 5a 80% 80 90%
23 Chic A W Ind 4s. 77% 77 77
44 rhile Cop 6* .. .104% 104% 104%
1 C C C A StLrfg6«A 103% 103% 1*3%
59 C Un T 5s .100% 99% 100%
21 Colo A S rfg 4 %s 89 8B% 8»
36 Com Pow 4s . ... 94% 94 94%
13 C Coal of M 5s... 88% 86
9 Consum Pow 5s 90% 90% 90%
1CCS deb 8s stpd 99 99 59
1 Cub A Sag Bp. .107% 107% 1 7%
3 Dels A H rfg 4s 90% 90% 90%
23 D A Rio G rfg 5s 44% 44% 43%
70 p A Rio G con 4s 78% 78 . 78 %
17 Detroit Ed rfg 6s.. 106% 105% 106%
19 Detroit U Ry 5% . a 91 90% 91
5 Dupont de N 7%s 108% 10*% in«%
12 Duqueane Light 61.105% 105% 105%
34 East Cub S 7%s .106% 105% 105%
63 Empire G A W 7%s 84 *2% 84
95 Erie pr lien 4s 73 71 % 73
448 Kri- gen lien 4s 64% 62% 64%
17 Fisk Rubber 8a.... 101% 101 101
6 Goodrich 6 %s 96% 96% 96%
15 Godyear T *s ’31 .104 103% 103%
15 Goodyear T *s 41 .117 116% 116%
8 G Trk Ry of C 6s 104% 106 106%
16 Gt Nor 7s A .110 109% 109%
24 Gt Nor 5%s H . . .101% 101% 10T%
1 Hershey Choc 6s 101 103 103
94 Hud At M rfg 5s A 87% 87% *7%
10 H A M adj inc 5s.. 48 67 % 67%
• 2 Humble O A R 5%s 99% 98% 99 %
18 III Bell Tel rfg 5a. 98% 98 98 %
14 111 rentral 5%s .103% 103 103
147 1C r SLANG rfg 5a. 97% 97% 97%
1 III SteH de b 4 % s . 94% 94% **4%
8 Indiana Steel 5a. .101% inj 101%*
161 Inter R T 7a. . 92 9’ % 9^
53 Inter Rap Tr 6s . 70% 69 69%
•r' In R T rfg 5s stpd 68 67 67 %
1 ’4 Inter A G N adj 6s 54% .’ 4 54 %
73 Inter A G N at <» 99% 99% 99%
72 In M Marine * f 6s 56% »6% *5%
10 Int Paper cv, 5s A 87% «6% 86%
l'*o k C Ft S M 4s 17% 87% 8j%
32 Kas Cltv P A L &s 4 97 % 94
25 Kan C S 5» 90% 90 90%
v4 Kan O T 4s . 85% 85% 85%
19 Kan G A E 6* 98% 98 9*%'
7 Kelly 3 Tire «s .. 95% 95% 95%
36' Lac G of St L 5 %a 95 94% 95
I L R A M R d 4s 31 95% 9 % 9' %
9 Llg A Meyerg 5s 91 96 If
1 l t Nh b mu mu
IS LoulB A G A E 6a »1% »lli «1U
33 MaKnm Cop 7b ...116% 115 HSU
3 Manat) S 7Ub . »»% »» 99%
13 Stan Ky con 4b ... 62% S3 e2
41 Market St Ry 7b... 99U »» ?9%
5 Midvale Stl cv Se. 96% B»% 18%
* M 8 I* A S S M 6%a 87 87 87
8 MK A T pr II SB C.101% 101% 101%
40 MKATnplSaA 8S% *6% 88%
139 SP K A T n a Sb A 82% 62% «2%
31 Mo Pac lat 8a... 99% 98% 98%
97 Mo Pac gen 4a ... 82 81% 81%
2 Mont Pow Sr A... 97% 97% 97%
6 N E T A T lat Sa 101 101 101
39 N O T A M Inc SB 92% 92% .92%
78 N T C deb 8r... 10914 108% lot
71 N T C rlr 4 im So 99% 99% 99%
14 n r c 4 it i. <a a 102%
4 N Y Edl rf* 8 % a. 11 2 % 112% 112%
289 N Y N H A H ,.»8% 85% 88
200 N Y NH A H 8r 48 80 77% 7IU
.9 N Y Tel. ref 8r 41 106% 106% '“S'4
3 .V Y Tel Ken 4%» 97 97 97
103 N Y Weat A B 4%aS8% 64% S6%
1 Nor A Weat cv 6a 123 123 123
27 N. A. Edlartie 8* ..96% 98 96%
8 N Ohio T A I. Sa A 90 90 90
15 Uor Pac ref 8» B 106% 106% 106%
14 Nor Pac new Ss D 96% 96 96%
12 Pen R R «« llji4
10 Nor S Pwr let Sa 94 93% 94
11 Nor Bell Tel 7a ....10? |?*?4 |®*>
28 Ore k Cal lat Fa..,101% 104% 104%
16 O S L rfK 4a ... 97% 97% 17%
37 O IV R R A N 4a-83% 83% 83%
7 Otla Steel 7%a -87% 87% 87%
32 Pac Gne A E 5a 94% 94 94
15 Pac Tel A T Se. 'S3 93% 93 93
1* Pen R R <iUl . . 0% H©4 11© 4
6 Pen R R g*n bn.. 104 1J*4 12J
b Pen R R gen 44* . 944 94 944
69 P*re Mqt. rfg 6« 97 4 97 4 JJJJ
I Phlla Co., rfg 6a. 1034 1£J4
3 Phlla Co 5 4*.934 93 4 *3J4
40 Pierre Arw 8s .604 ‘94 794
17 Pub Serv 8a . 984 99 9*4
17 P A Sug 7a .1064 lf®54 $£*4
1 Read gen 44* .. »J4 J34 JJ4
3 Rep I A S 54* »14 *1 914
22 Rio G W col tr 4s 71 ‘1 71
44 StLIMAS rfg 4« 924 924 924
102 StLTM ASo4sRAGdlv 854 *5 JJ4
131 St I.ASF pr I 4* A 714 J14 71S
20 St L A S F adj 6» 7*4 7*4 78 4
230 8t L ft 8 F inc 6a 704 704 704
54 St L P con 4* .. 864 84 864
10 St P AKCSL4 4* *J}4 *22
13 St P U Dep 5* 1004 1004 1004
81 Seab Air L con 6a. 834 £2% 55^
114 Seab Air L adj 5a. 67% 664 67
105 Peab Air L rfg 4* . 6« 66% 57 4
16 Pine Con Oil col 7a 91% 914 914
16 Sine Con 011 6 4*. •*4 J* JJ
7 Sine Crude 011 5 4* 99% 99% 99%
16 Pine Pipe L Si.... HJ JJ * Ji,,
67 S Pac cv 4* .... 97 % 97% »<4
25 South Pac rfg 4*. 90% 904 J04
21 8 Pac col tr 4« 56% 854 J«4
4 South R gen 6 4*. 1074 107 4 JJ7 4
15 S Rail j?*n 6s.102 4 102 102 4
10 8 Rail con 5a -1014 1£1 *21
91 S Tail gen 4* - 75 74 % 75
152 S B T rfg 6* 96% 05 4 96 4
1 Steel Tube 7* .1054 1054 -£JJ»
5 Tenn Elec rfe 6a.. 97% 9*4 9.4
• 4 Third Ave adj 5a.. 68 674 57%
8 Third Ave rfg 4a 61 4 60% 60%
«o Tol Edison 7a. .. 18% 184 1*4
5 Tol St LA Weat 4a.. 83% 834 **4
3 Un ELAP rfg 5a .. 98 98 9«
1 Union Pac rfg M..19SH 105% 1054
52 Union Pac lat 4«.. 934 93% 93%
1 Un Pacific cv 4b . 99% 99% 99 4
9 U R Rub 74*.103% 1034 1024
21 U S Rub 5b . *3 4 82% 82%
38 U S Steel a f 5s ..1*4% 104% 1044
3 Utah P A L Ss... 92% 924 »34
34 V-C C 74b w war. 34 34 34
60 Vi.rar Chem 7a.. *4 634 634
26 Virginian Ry Ea. .. 97 964 94%
3 Wabash 1st 5a-101 1004 lftl
1 Warner Rug Ref 7a 102 102 102
224 West Electric 6s . 984 9«% 9*4
46 Weat Mary lat 4a 63% 63 4 63%
39 Western Pacific 5a. fo *9 4 *9%
20 Western Union 64sll2 112 112
27 Westing Elec 7a...108% 108% 1^8%
6 West Shore 4a . 84% *3% 84%
12 Wiok-Spe Steel 7a 70 69 70
5 w-over lat 6 4* 9* 97 4 98
13 Wil A Co * f 74* 614 604 61
23 Wil A Co lat 6a. 89 *1% 88%
4 Wil A Co cv 61 . 56% 66 56
28 Young SATu 6*‘ 95% 05% 95%
Total sale* of bond* today were $17.
236.000. compared with $19,060.00© pre
vious day and $5,945,000 a year ago
Chicago Storks.
Furniehed by J P Bache A Co. 224
Omaha National Bank building, phones
Jackson 5187. 6188. 51«9 Bid A#k*d
Armour A Co.. 111., pfd. 75 "5%
Armour Co. Del. pfd. 87% 87%
Albert Pick . 174 18
Bansirk Alemite . 3* 31
t’arbide .. 59% 60
Edison. Com 12* 12*4
Continental Motors . 6 64
Cudahy . 60 61
Daniel Bon* .. 14 4 1*
Diamond Match ...115 116
Deere, pfd ... 65 7*
Eddy Paper .u. 16 !■
Libby . 6 6%
National Leather.. 24 2%
Quaker Oats ..280 :90, Motor# . 16% 16%
Swift A Co.103 103%
Swift Int'l . 21 21 %
Thompson ....... as. 46 47
Wahl . 25% 26%
Wrigley . 40 *4
Yetlow Mfg Co. 54 4 55
Yellow Cab . 41 (■%
London silver.
London. Julv 24—Bar Silver*— $4 7-16
pence per ounce; money. 3% n*r cent
Discount rate#—Short b 11s £%<$!% peri
cent; three months bills. 3% 0 3 1-1 per
cant. I
f N. Y. Curb Bonds
New York. July *4—Following !• the
official Hat of transaction* on the New
York Curb exchange, giving all bond#
traded in;
High. Low Close.
1 Allied Packer «le-57 «7 «7
41 Allied Pecker
1 Aluminum 7e. ■26..t03 J0» 1**
t Aluminum 7*. 'J3 ..107V« 1®7J4
2 Am Cotton 011 6a 100'/, 10»1* 100>4
14 Am O * El 6a ... *6% »6’« »‘S
2 Am R Mills 6a-10014 10014 1*01*
1 Am Sum Tob 7V4». 7JJ4 76 7*
I Anaconda Cop 5...10314 103J4
10 Anglo Am OH 7<4al02J4 102*4 IJ2*»
7 Asao 8 Hdwe 014*- 79 >i 74% 74%
*5 At] <1 A W I 5a. . 57 % 61 55
3 Beaver Bonrd *».. 79 JJ **
6 Bethl Stl 7a. '25.. 102% 102% 1»J*4
1 Canad N Ry e-f7a.ll0V, 110% 110%
2 Cities 8v 7s "C". . 94% ®«14
1 Cities 8v 7a "D". 94% 94 94
I Con Oaa Balt 5%a. .X01 101 1»1
34 Con Gaa Balt «%»..107% 107% 1074f
7 Con Textile 4» -»0% 79% 79%
6 Cudahy Pack 5%*.. *8% 86% 84%
1 Deere A Co 7%»..103 102 102
10 Detroit City Gas 6a. 102% 102% 102%
8 Detroit Edlaon 4g .1*7% 107% lJJJb
6 Dunlap Tire A R 7a 92% 92% JJH
2 Fed Sugar 6a ’33 . . .100% 100% 100%
5 Fiaher Body 4a '23.102 102 1J*
4 Genera! Pet 6a .... 99% 99% tj%
2 Gulf Oil f.a . 98% 98 % tJ %
5 Int Match 6%a- 96% 96 % JJ %
6 K C Term i;2% JJfl*
29 Ken Copper .a ...104 1*6% 106%
2 Leh Pow Hec 4a. 100% 1*0% 100%
3 Leh Va! Harb 6a .16% 16% 186^
2 Lib McN A Lib 7a. 1*0 *9% 99%
2 Manitoba 7a . 99 99 99
7 Morris A Co 7%a.. 97% 97% 9.%
3 Nat Leather 8a.... 9<% 97% • * %
20 N O Pub Ser 8a... 87% 87% 87%
6 Nor St Pow 6 %» 97% 97 97
9 N S P evt 6%a. . 1*1% 101% 101%
2 Ohio Pow 5s "B”. . *>9 % 89% 89%
9 Park A Tllford 6a.. 96 96 96
16 Penn P A L 5a... . 92% 92% 92%
1 Phil El 5%a. 1953 103 103 101
9 P Pet 7 % a w w.#.l§3 103 1*3
29 P 8v Cp N J 7a ..107% 1*7% 107%
15 Pure Oil 8%i. 96% *5%
7 S Cal Edlaon f.a. . . 93% 93 93%
3 St Oil N Y 7a. '25.101% 101% 101%
1 St Oil N Y 7a. ’29 10C% 106% J0r %
2 St Oil N Y 7a. *30.104% 1*8% 106%
5 St Oil N Y 7b '31.107% 107% 107%
5 S’ Oil N v 6%a.. 107% 107% 107%
5 Sun Oil 7a. 102% 1*2 1*2%
2 Sun Oil 6a.100% 100% 100%
46 Swift A Co 5- . .. 92% 93% 93%
26 Tidal Osage 7s_104% 1*4 1*4
12 IT El L A P 5 %a . 97% 97% 97%
1 U Oil Prod 8a ',4% 4 4% 44%
3 U Rv« H’vana 7%a.109 1*9 16f
9 Vacuum Oil 7f ...107% 1*7 107%
10 Webster Mills 4%a. 103 1*2% 102%
10 King N#th 6s. 1972 96% 96% 96 %
53 Rua 6%g rtfa N C 13% 13 13%
2 Ruaalan 5%s rtfs 13% 13% 1S%
8 Solvay A Co 6a....l00% 100% 100%
1 Swiss 6 % a ....-1*1% 101% 101%
1 SwiM 5a .100% 100% 100%
Chicago Batter.
Chicago. July 24—The butter market
today waa steady, with trading quiet.
Buyer* were not expressing murh corfi
denee In the situation and. therefore,
operated close to Immediate requirements
Dealer* were free aeilera in an effort to
keep good at a minimum. The central
iaed -ar market waa eaay with an un
settled undertone Buyers showed little
interest and trade waa dull.
Fresh butter 92 acore. 37%e; 91
score 36 %c: 90 score. 84c; *9 score. 35-;
*8 score 34%c; 87 acore. 34c; 84 acore.
Centralised -arlota: 9* score. 37c; If
•core. 35%c; *8 score. 3#%c. ,
Chicago Produce.
Chicago. July 24—Butter. steady:
-rsamery extra* 37% a*andard* 17; extra
first*. 35 % ® 34% . first* 34%®I5 *e
oi da 33B 34
Eggs—Receipts 11.511 cases; aetady.
first* 26% ®2€%; atorag# pack firsts
Poultry—Alive se’idy: fowl# 1*014%
broiler*. 2* 0 32c; r-oatera. 14c.
Chicago Potato**
Chf-aro July 24—Potatoes: tradinr on
barrels fairly good, market s’rong: rather
slow on sacked: mark*’ weak re-eipt*
1*2 -*r«: on track. 254: total United
States shipments. 744 Missouri and Kar -
mi sacked Irish cobbler* 111601 3*
poorer anywhere from 60 rent* up sacked
•*riv Ohi-s II 160 1 35 Virginia barreled
I"ish cobbler*. 12.750*90 North Caroira
barreled Iriah cobbler*. 12 000 2 4ft.
New York Cotton Future*.
New York. July 14 —C-tton future*
opened firm: July. 36 10025.30-: October.
29 20029 6<V De-ember. 28.25c; January-.
28 10c. Marrh. *• 3*c.
New York Julr 24 —Cotton future*
closed easy*; July. 34 25-. October ?« 4ft®
2# 4 5-: Pectmb*' 27 47 ® 27 S**c. January,
27 6«; Nfarcb 27.16c.
New York Poultry.
New York July 24 —Poultry—Live
steady; broiler# by freight. 3C0I4c.
rooster* by freight. 16c.
Poultry—Dressed. Irregular; chicken*
330 44c
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