James Marion Eliminates Chick Evans in Western Amateur Golf Tourneys Jimmy Johnston Defeats Held in Third Round Seckel, 1011 .Champion, Al though Off Form, Disposes of Medart on 17th Orem, 2 and 1. Chicago, July 24.—James Manion of St. Louis. Trans-Mississippi cham pion, will play Albert Seckel of Chi 1 ago, formerly western champion, and H. R. Johnston, Minnesota champion, will meet. Burton Mudge of Chicago, former Junior champion, in the semi final rounds of the Western Amateur c.olf association tournament at Hins dale tomorrow as a result of their vic tories today in the third round. I The most not able match today was that between Manion and the defending cham pion, Chick Ev ans, who held the title f,o r the eighth time. Manion played a brand o golf that might read ily have beaten the best hall of any three star play ers. and as Evans was not up to his usual form with his irons, the St. Louis player readily defeated him by the wide margin of. $ and 7. Next to this match most interest centered in the contest between John ston and Eddie Held of St, Louis, and it was only on the last nine holes lhat tile Minnesota champion, dur ing a heavy rainstorm, was able to overhaul his opponent, and win, 3 and 1. Held had been two up at the end of the first nine and three up at the end of the morning round when he shot a 71 to Johnston's 75, and he maintained this advantage until the 27th hole was passed and they turn ed into the home stretch Then the min broke and so did Held, for after halving the 28th hole he won six of the next seven holes finishing with a birdie four on the 500-yard 33th. Seckel, who won the title In 1911, was not playing championship golf most of the time today, hut his youth ful opponent. William Medart of St. Louis, was still less able and finally succumbed on the 17th green, 2 and 1. “TOOTS” MONDT BEATS S. ZBYSZKO Los Angeles, July 24.—"Toots” Mondt, cowboy grappler from Colo rado, won a decision over Stanislaus Zbyszko last night. Zb.vszko had agreed to throw Mondt in 75 minutes and when the time had elapsed with out the latter's shoulders touching the mat the match was awarded to the cowboy. The contest was rough and rapid. Tusslf Huseano was defeated hy Nick Velcoff of Bulgaria, who thr»w him in -18 minutes with a reverse body , and arm lock. CLEVELAND SIGNS COLLEGE PITCHER! Spokane, Wash, July 24.—Bob Fltxke. all around University of Ida ho athlete has l»ecn signed as a pitch er hy the Cleveland Americana and will leave Monday to join the club at Cleveland, according to word received here today frpm Cour d’Alene, Idaho, j where Fitake haa been playing bail ! thin summer. Fltzke wan all-north west halfback, played center on the j universit y's basket ball team and was the school's mainstay of the pitching staff. lie is a right hander. -- 1 diversity of Chicago Team Postpones Trip to Japan Chicago, July 24.—Postponement of the Cniversity of Chicago baseball team's trip to Japan for a series of games with Waseda university, was announced by A. A. Stags, director of athletics at the Midway school, fol lowing the receipt of a letter Tues day and a ratdegram today from Pro fessor Abes of the far east institute. In the latter Professor Alice said ihat in view of the general condition in Japan and due to his illness, it was best to postpone the trip on which the Maroon players were to start tlie latter part of August. The Japanese professor suggested Ihat ar rangements be made to go through with the series next spring or slim mer. C. B. & Q. t« Play Paxtons. The ('., »V Q., leaders of the '.merican league, will lock horns with tiie Paxton Willards at ti tonight at j-'i.rt Omaha. A win for the rail roaders will cinch the American league flag for the Q team, while a loss will gl\e them by a one-game lend ov er the Omaha Sporting floods company. __-___ \ Yesterday’s Ak Results J fir,I rues 2:15 trot: 44 mil*: l’"r» I a on ' .. -I ,, Priam hlk ». hr San kmn ■ In,-a fLartmaret • ■■■■■ t ■• :■* l.»wlr V. hlk ». by Arrhdale „ , Klrannr K, b. in, by Colorado K ? ^ tvan Kf b... b ' e..- bit f»» ’ , , . .i b t. by hook sir IPle.ikl ) .■ ■, B Ma v Void, b ei . by Petar Vnlo I Owen I .. .••••„•.‘ K. i; Si . I, in., by Bva|>*t , \ «. f f J ... , ." * * The Proof, if' by Tha Ifxponani ' —.end rate: S:1J para; 4» mile; piirno si tar it Todd, br r., by l)r. Tnd.1 , i Bmalay) ...-,.1 I- i p., r p in , by Junior Man '' n»vi ” * by MoI♦*I < I4«»< k 4 - * \ , , ha- M il. 1' HI Itv AiroI i A Maori) ^. 4 .. Itiul I'pi t lyrrvv. h k . Bv rlie A* r f*a rh or) .. * * ’ lit 11 v Kail. K K. By I In* Burl .Os ft.) . ,\r. •I 1. 1.4'. I 57 : V. I 3& • , Thu11 I-H *• 2 y«uir-olil Irol . \ lull*’ I;11*T* u i. r. f . By Bln|«n M1IU • < Ml » u I . • • ' 1 1 j,, ••. i, g by JikIro MhM’V ( Dcnnl*) .••••* 2 Ti -it . h - * By rbo til ii tt |>|| 4 Iff* VO*» .• “ * >|.i|,,t .*.1*4. B rn . Bv lUnfcMi Hi Ik , -in. 1 •• i . . 4 4 d Tlmt. J;» • 14* 2 b; 1.44 ^ Raseball feulfs and Standings WESTERN LEAGt'E. Standings. _ W. 7,. Prl. Win I,n«> Omaha ...%• 3S .SSI .SM .SIS St .Taaanh .>s to .679 .6*3 .673 7>u,"a 6S 42 .571 .57 S .566 .** 42 5»7 -57l .661 8ti l,y •••42 47 -610 .516 ,6'i6 JVtrhlta . 49 49 .495 .500 .490 Lincoln .29 61 .322 .330 .319 U»* Moint* .30 64 .319 .326 316 t..i ».V,A',rd.*7'» Rraulta. T«Ua »?; Omaha. 0. J>ea Moines, 2; Oklahoma Cilv, 0. lx-nvar. 5; St. ,To*(.ph. 2. Lincoln, 5; Wichita. 4. Lame* Today. Omaha at Oklahoma 4 (ty. * 1*9 Moines *t TuIsh Lincoln at St. Joseph. Denver *t Wichita. NATIONAL leagce. Standing*. Sr,T»rk .sT .52 37 .694 .599 .676 S^nnklvn . 49 42 .533 .539 .527 ~.y".44 42 -63.7 .639 .627 Pittsburgh .48 41 rii l..* I Cincinnati .47 48 .506 !d11 .’&oo Phil 27 62 411 -4<* 407 Philadelphia . 36 53 .404 .441 400 Boston . . . ...14 65 .392 .39 9 .319 , lealerday’a Pittsburgh. 9; Brooklyn, 1. Only game played. , tinmea Today. SI bold* at New York. 4 Inrlnnati at Brooklyn. Lhlcago at Philadelphia. Pittsburgh at Boelon. AMERICAN LEAL I E. *tn tiding*. . ,, W* L. Pi t. Win. Lose New Vo rl.6,1 19 ■”'1 »M -670 W.*h.» 53 4" •*’" -»74 -6«4 Mashlnglun . 53 40 .670 574 .564 '0,> * *5 *5 .500 .605 40.) PhJcago .44 47 .4X4 ,4«9 .478 Boaton . 41 50 .451 .457 .446 ' -leveland .4 1 *S| . 4 48 4 . 4 441 Philadelphia .:?7 65 402 ^4U9 'l9* «,. , . V*Mrrd*>’« Results. W ashinglnn, 7 ; Chicago 6 Boston. 10; Cleveland. §. Philadelphia. 6; St. Louis 0 Detroit, 6; New York. 4 Games Today. 4No gnmes scheduled. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Standing*. o. -w, . W. u Pet. Win I,oa« ,r*u’ 55 41 .57*1 .677 .567 Loulevllle . 53 40 .570 .674 .664 Indianapolis .;>n 41 .549 Rf4 Kansas City -44 4» .47.1 .47# .488 Columbus . 44 49 .4 71 .479 .488 JV?‘*do .<4 60 .488 .474 .481 Minneapolis . 41 6.1 .448 454 4 4 1 Milwaukee .41 Rl .448 .4 52 4 4 | _ , Yesterday's Result*. St. Paul. 1: Toledo, f* Kansas City, 6; Louisville. 4. Minneapolis. 8; Columbus. 7. Indiana poll*-Milwaukee, ra in. Game* /Today. Minneapolis at Si Paul Milwaukee at Kansas City. Only games scheduled INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Jersey City, B; Buffalo, 6. Newark. 1; Toronto, 0 (Called fourth, wet ground*). Reading. 8; Rochester. 7. Baltimore, 6; Syracuse. 1. MISSISSIPPI-*’ALLEY. Moline. 1; Ottumwa. 0 Waterloo, 3; Rock island, «. Dubinin*-Burlington, wet ground*. Ma r*halltown-Cedar Rapid*, rain. TIIRKE-EVK LEAGUE. Bloomington, 3; Evansville, 9 (first game). Bloomington. 8; Evansville. 10 (second game). Danville. 2; Terre Haute, 0. Peoria. 4; Decatur. 2. TEXAS LEAGUE. Galveston. 5; Dallas. 4. < Beaumont, 6: Fort Worth. 18. Houston. R: Shreveport. 4 Sen Antonio. 7; Wichita Falla. 8. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. New Orleans. 3: Atlanta. 4 (ftrst game). Memphis, 13: Little Rock. 4 (second giime > Mobile. 7: Birmingham 8 Chattanooga. 1. Nashville. 9. I. A. A. F. ACCEPTS TRACK RECORDS By Aft«nriftfrrt Pr*ML Paris. July 13.—The congress of the International Amateur Athletic fed eration today announced its accept ance of five world s records. The ac ceptance Is In addition to the approval recently granted seven records rrtode during the Olympic games. Four of the new marks are credited to Americans. They are 23 1-3 sec onds for the 220-yard low hurdles, made by Charles P.rooklns, Iowa, June 2. 1023. and three relay records, 440 yards by the University of Illi nois, 42 2-5 seconds, made April 28, 1923, two miles made by Boston col lege, 7 minutes, 47 3-5 seconds, April 28, 1924, and four miles by the Illinois Athletic club, 17 minutes, 212-3 sec onds. made June 23, 1923. The fifth record is credited to Albin Stenroos of Finland, the Olympic marathon king, who on September 9. 1923. ran 20,000 meters In Finland In 1 hour, 7 minutes, 314-5 seconds. MORNINGSIDE GRID DATES ANNOUNCED Sioux City, Iowa, July 23.—Out of state schools have been selected for the two Important, football engage ments to he played by the Morning side college team here. The North Dakota Aggies will come here for the homecoming engagement, October 25, and on Thanksgiving day Morning side will play South Dakota univer sity here. The revised football sched ule follows: Oct, <>, Western Union college at Sioux City; Oct. 11, open; Oct. 18, Creighton at Sioux City: Oct. 25, North Dakota Aggies at Sioux City (Homecoming): Nov. 1. Buena Vista ut Siou\ City; Nov. 8. South Pnkoln Stale at Brookings; Nov. 23. Des Moines university at Des Moines; Nov. 27, South Dakota at Sioux City. BENNY LEONARD TO MEET PAL MORAN Cleveland, Ohio, July 24.—Benny I. enuHid, champion lightweight boxer and Pal Moran of New Orleans, have been matched in a 10-round, no-decl »ion bout here on the night of August II, Matchmaker Tommy McOInty an pounced today. S —— Halt Lake City, July 14.—rirat gam.: Oakland . \ >< « j |t l.gke ., , I H Hutlarlro: Kut>* and Haad ; Q'Dotil and P**,*r" a n it v Record Rama: ” *' *V On kin ml ...1 * ” Suit l.aka ... .... * \ Matterir*: Mail* *n«l Hakm ruornaa, Hlnglri on Hfifl fonu. l*e\*n Innings l»y Iiiiku* dirwinim > l.na Ang'l***. Inly ‘.’4 M. If. K. Sf.'ltr . .. « • I oh Anuria* . «,. * 1 I Im h ** i l* * ' (iifkH. l»*-ll * ml IihmIwiii, Tobin, M > r r * ami Hpeft«*.«r. flii era men to, .Inly -'4. It II, K I Vrrnnii . ... I j* * ,Mm» ramrnio ... • , " liHiieiio i'lirlallan and Aiurph) ; * an flald and Korhlar. Hun Framlarn, -f•*Iy 24: II. II. K. Portland .2 * ** n Frannlirn 4 7 0 fin i larla* flm inn, Jicdianl and Dal'. Willlama and Valla. Mackmen Blank Browns: Kolp Batted From Box Baumgartner, After First In ning, Complete Master of \ isiting Batsmen—St. lewis Hurler Retires. Philadelphia, July 24.—Ray Kolp failed to repeat his triumphs of last Monday, and St. Louis today lost the last game of the series In Philadel phia. 5 to n. Baumgartner eased out of three ticklish situations in the opening innings, hut thereafter was complete master of the visiting bats men. Kolp was knocked out of the box in the fourth, when three doubles and a single accounted for four runs. Score: ST. I.oms (At PUTI.AIA (A > ab.hpo.fi*. Rbh.po.fi*. Tobin rf 4 2 4 0 0 Bishop 5b 2 10 5 0 Kvtna If 3 0 2 0 0 Lamar If 4 0 4 0 0 Sisler 1b 4 10 1 0 Millar rf 4 12 0 0 McM’ur 2b 3 2 3 2 1 Ha liner lb 4 0 8 0 0 Jar'son rf 4 0 5 0 OHiiri'nn rf 4 12 0 0 McM’n 3h 4 10 1 0Dyke* 3b 4 1 1 2 » Hevereid d 3 3 3 2 OOal'way hr 2 1 0 2 0 Berber ** 4 0 0 0 0 Perkins * 3 2 4 1 0 Kolp p 2 0 ft 1 II Haiiin r p 2 1 0 1 0 Wlngard p 0 • 1 0 0 -- - xSimona 1 0 0 « 0 ToIrIr 20 8 27 1 1 0 Lyons p 0 0 ft ft 0 Tot a la 3 2 9 27 7 1 x Hatted for Wlngard In seventh. Score by inning*: 8t Louie . 000 000 000--0 Philadelphia . 000 04 1 00x 5 Summary—Rims: Simmons. Dyke, <»al lowiy (2). Perkins. Two-base hits: Sim mon*, Dykes, Perkins. Stolen bases: 'I’obin, miser. Sacrifices: Bishop, Baum Kartner. Double plays: Bishop to Haus er (2); Dykes to Bishop to Hauser. Left on base*: St. Louis, 8: Philadelphia. 4. Bases on balls: Off Kolp. J; off Wln gard. 1 ; off Baumgartner, 3. Struck out: By Kolp, 2; by Lyons. 1- by Baum gartner. 3. Hit*: Off Kolp, 5 In 3 1-3 Innings, off Wlngard. .3 in 2 2-3 innings; off Lyons. 0 in 2 inning*. Losing pitcher: Kolp. Umpire*. Ormaby, Hildebrand and Connolly. Time. 1:44. Timers Again Top American Loop New York July 24 —Detroit left New York in first place today, winning the Isst game of the series by a score of 5 to 4. The victory gave Detroit the fceri**, three game* out of four. The game was called at the end of the eighth inning to permit the A’ew York team to catch s train for the west. Score: DETROIT (A) NEW YORK (A) ab.h.po.a e. ab h.po.a »* Hurke 2h 4 15 2 1 Horan rf 4 2 2 0 9 Ms push If 5 0 li 0 f) Dugan 3b 3 0 0 1 A Cobb cf .2 7 0 OM’N’lly 3h n o 0 2 0 H’niann rf 3 2 1 0 OJohnson 3b 1 1 1 1 0 Blue lb 3 0 5 0 1 Ruth cf 3 12 10 Rlgney ss 3 112 0 Meusel If 4 0 1 o 0 K. Jones 3b ‘12 2 ftl’lpp lb 4 0 8 0] Rassler c 3 2 3 1 Ouoffman c 3 18 0 0 White'll p 3 i o o oMsmaut p 0 0 o 9 9 M'lnvvey p 0 0 0 0 ft Hast on p 9 0 0 0 0 xWtngo 1 1 0 0 0Ward 2b 4 12 2 9 Wells p 0 0 o n o Scot r sa 4 3 2 2 1 — -.Jones p 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 34 1 1 24 7 3*Bu*h 10 0.: a Hoyt p 1 0 0 i n Schsng c ooono a W i it 00900 Total* 32 9 21 11 2 x Rafted for Holloway In eighth. r. Ba tied for S Jones in third, zflatted for Uaston in eighth. Store by inning* Detroit .121 ooi 015 ! New York . 009 0*0 20 4 Summary—Runs: Cobb i2). Rignf'. R. Jones. Bassler. Horan Hoffman Scott (5». Three-base hits: Hoffman. Rlgney, Johnson. Bassler. Stolen has**: Cobh, *lcoft. Sacrifice hit: Burke. Double plays; Rtgney to Burke to Blue <2). Left on b****: New York. 7; Detroit, 9 B«**i on bails Off S. Jones 1; off Hov* 5: off Whitehill. 1. off Holloway. 1: off Wells, 1. Struck out By S. Jones. 3; by Hoyt, 1: by Whitehill, 5. Hit* Off F Jones. 0 in 3 innings: off Hoyt 3 in 4 innings off Mamaux. 5 (none out in *fh): off (Jaston none in 1 ‘nning. off Whitehill. 7 In 8 1-3 innings off Holloway. 2 1n 2-3 [innings: off Well*, non* in I Inning. Passed ball: Hoffman Winning Pitcher: Holloway. Losing pitcher Mamaux. Umpire*: Moriarty and Holmes. Time 2:20. SENATORS TURN BACK CHISOX, 7-5 Washington, July 24.—Washington made ft four nut of five in the home series with Chicago by taking the final game today, 7 to 5. The White Sox forced Johnson to retire after l he fifth inning, hut I,everette was batted for a tie score by the Sena tors, who continued to victory after t'vengros relieved him. Score: CHICAGO FA) WASHINGTON’ FA) ah-h-po-ft.* »h h po * • Archd’n rf b 2 5 ft 0 R|r* rf F» 2 1 ft 1 Klah rf 4 1 2 ft t. f,*tbold rf & 4 3 ft ft Collin* 2b 3 2 4 2ft RJuegr 3b 4 1 ft ft ft Hh*gly lb 13 M «Goalin If 1 ft 2 o ft Kftlk If 4 2 t « • .fudge lb 3 1 h b ft Kumni 3b 2 ft ft 2 o ritie 1 c 4 ft fi 3 ft MrC'lan *« ’ ft 3 3 ft Karri* ?b 2 M 1 " i ron** r 1 ft 2 ft tlp'p'gh ** 3 1 2 3 ft S' ha Ik c 2 111ft ,|ohn«on p 2 ft ft * ft Deverfttt p • ft 0 ft ft Runsell p 1 ft ft ft ft Cvgrea p n a a ft ft -— I,von* p o ft ft 1 ft Total* 32 • 27 13 1 x Moat 11 1 ft ft ft ft x Hoop*r ft 0 ft ft ft xThur«ton ft ft ft M rt xBurrrtt. 1 0 ft F» ft Total* 3ft 1ft 24 3 ft TRutted for T,*v*r*tf* In »i*th xBatted for McClellan Ip ninth. xRhh for Hooper In ninth. x Hatted for f.yon* In ninth. Score by Inning*: Chicago .ftll ft"ft ftO®~5 Washington .nU2 032 00x -7 Summary—Rut.* Archdeacon, Kl*n. Collin*. Shnely. T.evcrette. file# (b. T, *4 bold <2). Ooftlln Peck. Tere-bn** hit* Klah. Collin* Stolen baa* Bluegr, Gorlin Sacrifice hit*: Kamnt. Mr cieilan. Grudin Double playa: Hurl to Karri*. P*clilni»augh to llwrri* to .lurlge: .luilg* In Per-klnpaugh to .lurlge. I,*ft on ha***: Ghlraeo u Washing!on. *. H«*** on » Hi* off Deverett*. 3; off Cv »ngro*, :j off I,von*. 1. r*ff Johnson. C off Hua *•11 2 Struck out: llv I,ev#mfte. 3; bv lohneon. by KuMell. I. Illl*: off I.evarette x In five Inning*- off Cxengro*. 1 In two third* inning; off l.vom. non* In • wo and one third Inning*, off Johnson 7 In five Inning*; off Hunaall. 3 In four inning* Wild pitch Cvengio* Winning nlo her: Cvangro* ITmpire*. Nallln and Dlneen. Tim*: 2:15. Caliiiilirrli Wins Olympic Weight Lifting (hmtest He Aimh luted l*rr«a. Paris, July 23.--Gallmbertl of Italy today won the Olympic nflddlewclaht wcijjht llftlnc competition with 9s® points. Neuland. Ksthonla, was sec ond; Klkkns. Ksthonla. third; Aeach man, Hwltxerlnnd. {ptnth Francois of Kranc, fifth, and Sarny of KkYP*. sixth. Neuland broke the world's record for the one hand snatch with a lift of 82.2 kilos while Sarny and (iallmhcrfl mada a new world’s mark In the two hand military presa at 97.5 kilos. KlX kaa and Gallmbertl added two kilos and a half to the former world's record for the two hand clean and Jerk by IlftliiK 127.5 kilos. FIGHT FANS-Better Hurry Last Day to See DEMPSEY-FIRPO FIGHT PICTURES IwMdvM Itfl’i'lil TONIGHT ■■■■■■■HEP' l WESTERN LEAGUE. Name. G. AB. R. H. Pei.) Idimh, Tulsa .98 416 88 165 .389 l/elivelt, Tulsa _89 359 71 127 .386 Osborn, Omaha ...58 221 62 84 .380 Ih.nninc. Wielilta .97 423 89 1»7 .370 Miller, St. Joseph .83 308 61 113 .366 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Player and Club— G. AB. R. H. PC. Ruth. New York . 93 310 92 118 .380 Arrlidearon, Chi. ..50 151 34 57 .377 i Falk. Chiragn .76 235 47 104 .3651 Goslin, Wash. . 94 354 69 126 .356 1 Cobb, Detroit .92 370 68 128 .346 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Hornsby. St. L. .. 87 334 64 139 .416 Wheat, Brooklyn . 83 326 52 124 .380 Cuyler, P|tts. ......57 222 43 80.360 Wilson, New Y'ork 45 148 29 53 .358 Fournier, Brkly. K9 338 63 119 .352 Firpo to Inspect Training Sites NVw York, July 23.—Luis Angel Firpo, Argentine heavyweight, will Inspert the training ramp sites rug gesled to him before he derides where he will get in trim for his coming matrh with Harry Wills, negro chal lenger. Firpo railed on Tex Ttirkard today, hut no derieion as to a date for tho match was derided on. Ttirkard in timated that he would deride soon, however, after talking with members of the New Jersey commission. Firpo went shopping today. He bought an American straw hat to re place his velour derby, and he negotiated for the purchase of an automobile for his use while in this country. The concern which manu factures the automobile for which he holds the agency In Argentina, will make up a special bright red model for him with a picture of a wild bull on the side. Wherever he appeared on the streets today rrowds gathered and his handlers found trouble getting him around. Firpo next week will look over the camp site at White Sulphur Springs, where Dempsey got In trim for him last year. This site, suggested by Rlckmd, appears to be favored by Firpo more than any other. Red Sox Win Series Final. Boston, July 24.—Boston made it three out of four from Cleveland to day by winning. 10 to in Ihe 10th inning. Clark** single off Chi* to. fight, with the base* full, scored two runs. With two out in the fifth and ninth, Boston scored four run* and two run*, respectively. Score: CLEVELAND (At BOSTON fA3 .... •*’ h DO.* 4* *b h r>n * r M N«lty If 6 2 4 A 0 Kazetl 3b 1 l ft 1 ft Kumma rf « 1 4 ft ft Clark 8b : 1 \ n 0 H*‘k*r cf * - 4 1 « Wf’nt* 2b S t 3 2 • •r Sew’J t* & 2 1 3 0 V«*rh If ft } ft ft ft Mv*tf c * 3 2 ft ft H* rr\m >b R 2 11 4 ft Hum* lb 4 1 * ft ft Boon# rf R 2 4 1 ft * phVn 2b 4 3 2 3 ft Fi rm'd rf 4 ft 1 ft ft b’Hzk* 3b 4 1 1 2 ft O Neill r 4 1 ft l ft t.Um'ron ft ft ft ft 0 Shank* *9 4 2 3 3 1 F*w*ter 3b ft ft 1 0 0 Pi«*pcy p 2 1 f 3 ft Hbaute d 3 2 ft 1 ft Murray p ft ft ft ft 0 Uhlft D . 2 1 ft ft 0 zTnrlt ft ft ft ft ft -— rl.ee ft ft ft ft ft Total* 4» 19x28 1ft 0 Bo«* p ft ft ft ft ft wColltn* ! 0 ft n ft Ful ton p ft ft ft o ft EPIclmch ft ft ft ft 0 Total* 40 12 2ft IS 1 xHMlted fo- T.utftko in tenth. \«>nr out when win tin* run *cor«-d. z Untie.| for Murray In *ixth. • f.an for To.1t in *lxth xU.itted for Ho** in ninth. xHattcd for Fullerton fn tenth. Sf ore bv inninn*: t’leveinnd.010 fttft ftftfl 1 t Motion .0U0 0 42 002 ! 10 Miimma'v Hun* McNulty. Summit. Speaker J. Hewrll. Myntt. Burn* (*t. Stephenson (2». Kxiili. Clark Wambft iran*.* V«*oh. KlftRatead (21. O'Neill U). Shank* 12). Two-bane hit*: Hhnbte. Myatt. Sneaker, Sirph^nwin. \Vn nibs Run**, Hhank*. Pterry. Boone Hu • rifle# hit*: McNulty. Burn*. Double play*: Wunihu R*n** to Karri*. T,#ft on baaea: Cleveland, 17. Hoaton. ft. I !**•.•* on ball*: Off Shaute. 2 off I hie. 4: off nierey. 5; off Rn*a. 1: off Fullerton. 2. .Struck out Bv Shuttle. 1: by Piercy. 1. Hits: Off HhaUte. ft in '• 1*3 Imlnp . off I'hle 4 In 4 tnnieir*: off Plerry. IS In S C-3 Inninya; off Ror*. 3 In 3 Innlnrr off Murray none In 1-1 Innlntr: off Fullerton. 1 in 1 tnnfna Hit bv nit. bed ball: Bv Plerry. Mtftphenenn. j [Wtnnlnir pitcher: Fullerton, t.o*tnic pitch er: Uhl*. Umpire*: Evan*. Owen and ! Rowland Time; 2:43. alkcr breaks World'a Two-Mile Bike Record ] N>w York. July 24 —Cyril Walksr of Australia broke the world * record for the two mile distance at the New ark# velodrome last Sunday night. Frank Kramer, chairman of the Na tional Cycling asRoclatlon announced Walker rode the distance In three minutes. .17 4-5 second*. The former world record of three minute*. 38 1-5 *econd*. established by Jackie Clark, also of Australia, at Salt l.akw C|fv, had stood since T010. _ _ I HARNESSRACES Friday and Saturday Only Ak-Sar-Ben Field Friday Ladies’ Day Ladies Admitted Free General Admission $1, plus tax—Autos free Bns Seals on Sale at Unit! - Dorekal Co., I'nnlrnelle Hotel and Beaton Drug Co. I 7 Emil Yde Hurls Pirates to 8-1 Win Over Brooklvn Former Western League Mound Artigt Turns Bark Brooklyn Team With Quartet of Hits. -lITTSBl RfiH, July It. I Sharp infielding by I both clubs featured the ' last game of the series with Brooklyn today hut the Pirates kept their hats barking . and won handily. 8 to — -"**7 I- Yde let the visitors down with four hits. Six double plays were made, Pitts burgh having four of them. Score: BHOOKT.YN (N) PITTS HI’IM1H (N) ab.h.po.i.e. ah b.po a e High xn 4 12 4 0 M nv'|» 2b 5 14 4 0 Srot-k 3b 4 2 0 2 1 Carey ct 2 1 2 0 n Wheat If 2 0 0 0 0 Guyler . f ft 2 o 0 n N>l« If into o Wright mb 5 2 1 7 « K’nl#r Ih 2 0 11 0 0 B'nhart rf 3 2 3 0 o Hrown rf » 0 3 0 o Trayn r 3b 4 1 1 ft 0 Griffith rf 2 1 3 0 0 Grimm lb 4 1 14 0 o Taylor r 3 0 2 0 0 Smith c 4 12 10 K’grn'n 2b v 2 4 *>Y<1* n 4 10 4 0 Roberta p 0 0 0 0 0 - Khrh’t p 3 0 0 1 0 Totals 3« 12 27 21 0 Totals 27 4 24 1 1 1 ftore bv inning?: Brook lyn .000 1 00 000 - 1 Pittsburgh .330 JOO «0x H Nummary—Run?; Stork. Garey f3». Cuv ier (3). Wyjght <21. Two-base hits: Gny l*r. Wright. Barnhart. Rouble plays: High to Kingman to Fournffr: Kingman to High to Fournier: Maranvilie to Smith to Traynor to Maranvilie; Traynor to Maranvilie to Grimrn <2): Maranvilie to I Wright to Grimm I.aft on base*: Brook lyn. 4; Pittsburgh. * Hagen on balls «»ff Roberts. 1,: off Khrhardt. 2: off Td**, 1 Struck out: By Roberta. I; bv Yde. 2. Hits; Off Roberta. 0 in 1 2-3 innings. off Khrharflt. 7 In 4 1-3 Inning* Hit by pitched ball: By Roberts. Barnhart Pos ing pitcher; Roberts. Umpires: Hart. M'-Pormirk and I’flrman. Time 1:2ft. r _ ' Outfielder Plays Tuo Months With Fractured Wrist 1st* Angeles, .Inly *4.—llabe Twombly, right fielder on the I,os Angeles Pacific Coast league team, has played the last two months with a fractured left wrist, it was revealed here yesterday by an X-ray of the joint. Twotnbly hurt his wrist early in the season In a collision with Cedric Iluyst, and when the injury failed to respond to treatment an X-ray was or dered, resulting in the discovery of a fractured small hone. SISLER SEEKS SERVICES OF DURST St. Louis. July 23.—With both Ken neth Williams, slugging Brown left fielder and llerschel Bennett, his sub stitute, out of the game because of Injuries, Manager George Sisler may exercise his option on Cedric Durst, former Brown outfielder, now with the Los Angeles Pacific '"oast league club, it was reported here today. Williams probably will be on the sideline for 1 wo weeks, lie has been attending the <"ordinals’ games here sinee Sunday, hobbling on crutches as the result of breaking two small hones In his left foot in sliding into a base In a game at New York last week. Bennett received a broken right arm when struck by a pitched hall at Philadelphia yesterday and left for his home at Springfield, Mo. Dietz After (iatne. The Dietz M. K. Sunday School, champions of the Southern Sunday School loop, wants a game for Sat urday affernoo “Summertime Is Laughing Time” | The Public Demands a Return Engagement I Thousands were turned away I each day at the first showing I ~^u'’.lire bookings prohibited ■ us from extending the run at II that time—to we offer again I f°r.y°ur laughing approval I HAROLD LLOYD jra in His Greatest Seven-Reel Comedy I “ GIRL - SHY ” I STARTING | TOMORROW ---- - \ 18th WEEK of Success Bert Smith Players ^**••***1 tha hilarious rural play with music, “The Village Postmaster” IT’S A RIOT O’ FUN Picture attractions include JOHN GILBERT in “The Lone Chance” end another new story of the most popular series ever shown, “Telephone Girl” AMATEURS—TONITE fD.W. GRIFFITH; MADE AMERICA FOR AMERICANS J | Today’s Ak Entries j vJ Flrat Race—2:12 trot Pan*. $&0t; three heata, every heat a rart; three quarters of a mile. J. Rax** (Owen) 2. Kleanor K (Reealey). 3. Tavist on (Hall). 4. Tip Frisco (Larlmora). r*. Noble Aubrey (Conley). Second Race—2:24 lint: Purse, IfiftO. three heats, every heal a race; seven eights of a mile. 1. Or. T. K. (Halley). !. Rattle Hale (Negus). 3. Marvin Palo (Reeve). 4. Maxey Beau* (Owen). I*. Marla Pale (Oennia). K Trllee (Steele). Third Raca— 2:20 pare: Purse f»«n; three heats, every heat a race; seven* eights of a mile 1 Fancy Wood (Owen). 2. Wm. T. C. (Shravei. 3. Pride Hell (Crawford). 4. I.ltfle Bonnie (Penn's) h. t’onstapnn, .Tr. (K Morimnre). a. Democrat Boy (Douglas). 7: Russia Silk (McNally). 5. T.arMpue (Reeve). f) Teddy, Jr. (McDonald). 10. Silver Hal (Beealey). Yates Reinstated. Durr Yates, outfielder for the Mur phy-Didlts, who was ejected from the Tuesday evening game between the Murphys and the (tarter Cakes by I'mpire Twin, was reinstated by John Dennison, secretary of the Mu nicipal Baseball aseociation last eve ning. Australian Net : : Stars Victors New York, July 23.—Gerald Patter son. Richard K. Schlesslnger and Pat O'Hara Wood of the Australian Davis rup team were victorious in the Metropolitan turf court championship at the Crescent A. C . Brooklyn, to day. Patterson and Hchlessingei reached the round before the semi iir.al and O'Hara Wood the fifth round. All three nf the foreign stars, now . ever, were extended to the limit to prevent defeat. Patterson, after an erratic start, triumphed over XJr. George King, o-7, 81. 6-4. Sc hies, i Singer eliminated K. Howard Voshell of New York after being within » ■ point of defeat in the third set by scores of 5-7, 6-4, 9-7. Wood was hard pressed by Fred Baggs, hot brought all his skill into play, ami won at 7-3, 6-4. Harvey Snodgrass of lx>* Angeles overwhelmed Jetlso Shimizu of thc ! Japanese Davis cup team at 6 3. fi-c. - - ——" ——- w _ __ Tomorrow I Seven Days I Would You Sell| Love For Riches?! CLYDE COOK I Matt Severn, Baritone l I In . hi, liuih ! Frank Strawn, 1 S "THE ORPHAN1’ I Pianiat I * ORCHESTRA - HODGE PODGE - ORGAN 1 Like a Million Yankee Doodles Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom Aflame with Abl ate with the Spirit the Sweet of Faith of Washington Betsy Rosa N n| W W I GLORIA SWANSON I “Manhandled "I H«r Mml (««r|»Auily Uwntel Picture ^ NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS l OTNROP • • • J4th mr>4 | utkiop GASTON GLASS In "DiiHlIUti* nl tkv RkkM Anof'i i*y*» •OUI I ' ARO Mil *n«l l*« i'*4» in •r "BUkri B*i»nm" GRAM).Ktfc *nd R.nnny R All > PI GG> MONTt.OM* RN In Dftiltni of N*n Y**k" H lit V IN NM |» Ol III I P TK\ 'MAH \ RIA M \VT Aim , «